Colonies of the USSR in the 20th century. The most exotic colonies of the Russian Empire

Colonies of the USSR in the 20th century. The most exotic colonies of the Russian Empire

As you know, all the empires sometime occur, expand, but then inevitably fall apart. In 1991, the USSR collapsed, in the same bed there is a modern Russian Federation. In 1917, the Russian Empire collapsed. As a result of the revolution, 1917 Russia lost Finland, Poland, the Kars area (now Turkey), lost the first world war. As a result of 1991, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Estonia were departed from Russia. Even earlier, as everyone knows, King Alexander II sold America Alaska. However, few people know, attempts to create Russian colonies took both Africa, in America, in the Pacific Ocean. This is not written about this and know, many, for example, will surprise the fact that the Russian colonies were in the Hawaiian Islands and in California ...

Used colonies in America:

1. Tobago Island (now part of the state Trinidad and Tobago). Total area of \u200b\u200b300 square meters. km.

Russian colony offshore South America Could be the island of Tobago, who was the colony of Kurlenia, who became part of Russian Empire. In 1652 Kullynd Duke Yakov seated about. Tobago off the coast of South America. Within 30 years, 400 Kurlyandans moved here, and more than 900 black slaves were purchased in Africa. In Africa, Kuryndans acquired the island of St. Andrew (James Island, now part of the Gambia). However, in 1661, these territories were transferred to the use of England in two hemispheres: Kullyndsky Duke actually made them as a deposit for loans. When Kurland joined the Russian Empire, Catherine II to 1795 tried to sue these two islands from the Britons, but unsuccessfully.
Value: Trinidad is rich in oil, gas, asphalt. Developed by agricultural, tourism, metallurgy and chemical industry. Being relatively near the United States and the Panaman Canal, the island has important strategic importance.

2. Russian America: Alaska, West Coast of North America, California

Alaska is a huge (1,481 347 square meters. Km Sushi) state of the United States, the former colony of Russia. The so-called Russian America was not limited to Alaska only. Baranov and other leaders of the Russian-American company clearly understood the need to colonize the West Coast of America, up to California (and including it). An attempt to create settle at the mouth of the Columbia River (now the state of Washington, the USA) was impossible due to the fact that the Americans went there first. However, not far from San Francisco, the Russians still founded the famous Fort Ross in California, but then sold it. Alaska is rich in marine resources, oil, gas, gold, has important strategic importance. Alaska for sale is the most idiotic act of Russian rulers until 1917.

Used colonies in Asia

1. Straits Dardanelles and Bosphorus

Could become Russian if it were not for the 1917 revolution, as in agreement with the allies, Russia would receive these straits. It was possible to capture them during the Second World War, but this chance was missed.

2. Siam (Thailand)

Thailand - big country In South Asia, between the Indian and the Safety Ocean, 514,000 square meters. km. Spring between British and French colonies, the kings of Thailand were looking for the patronage of Russia. The King of Rama V in 1880 declared his desire to conclude a friendly consumer with Russia. In 1897, the King Chulalongcorn's king with a secret plan for the entry of Siam is coming to the capital of Russia as a dominion. However, the British managed to inspire the Thailand king that the Russians will complain him to Siberia, and Thailand will not become a dominion, but the colony of Russia. Obviously, Russian diplomacy lost due to his passivity and inability to neutralize the influence of the enemy.
Value: The country occupies an important strategic position, the economy is based on tourism, gas production, rice cultivation, etc.

3. Mongolia.

Mongolia, disconnected from China, became actually the ownership of Russia, however, the Bolsheviks preferred to impose the Soviet power to the Mongols to see the fact that, they say, the USSR is not the only "socialist" country.

4. Northern Iran.

North Iran could become Russian (South British) if Russia did not lose the first world War Due to the 1917 Revolution and the Bolshevik policies, who canceled all the "colonial" treaties of the Russian Empire with Iran.

5. Western Armenia

Western Armenia could move away from Turkey to Russia if they did not lose the first world war.

6. Manchzhiya

Manchuria (Northeast China) could become Russian if not the defeat of Russia in the Russian-Japanese war.

7. Bolsheviks in exchange for recognition by Afghanistan of their regime, presented him with some adjacent areas.

8. Some principalities in Indonesia, struggling with the Dutch, offered to join the Russian citizenship.

The first and last full-time consul of Russia in Indonesia Mikhail Bakunin for five years (1895-1899) has repeatedly made proposals for the establishment of direct trade relations between Russia and the island state. And also informed Petersburg about the possibility of joint with the Dutch colonization of Java and Sumatra (Dutch, so they wanted to make an ally in the fight against the British in this region). He offered to make a marine base here, which would control the approach to the Russian Far East. Nicholas II answered Bakunin: "Friendship with England is more important for me than these wild places."

Missed colonies in Europe

The islands in the Mediterranean Malta and Ionian Islands, attached Russia during the wars with Napoleon, were, however, were inflicted by the British.

Used colonies in the Pacific Ocean

1. Hawaiian Islands

To join Russia, the Hawaiian Islands tried an employee of the Russian-American company Georg Schaff (1779-1836). In November 1815, Schaffer reached Hawaii, after a successful course of treatment of Cameochha and his wife, won the "friendship and confidence of the Grand King", which gave the chaffin several dozen heads of livestock, fishing grounds, land and buildings under the factor.
However, the negotiations were still upset and in May 1816 on the "Opening" and "Ilman" Schaeffer sailed on Kauai on the opening of Russian ships. Kaumali was pleased to be able to get a strong ally and to return independence with it. On May 21 (June 2), he asked Alexander I to take his possessions to the patronage, swore into loyalty to the Russian scepter, promised to return the "Bering" and his cargo, gave the company a monopoly on the Sandalla Tree and the right of a unhindered institution in its factories.

On June 1 (13), Kaumali in a secret agreement allocated 500 people to conquer Oahu, Lanai Islands, Maui, Malokai and others, and also promised all kinds of assistance in the construction of Russian fortresses on all islands. Schaeffer bought Schuuna "Lydia" for Kaumuali and agreed to buy an Alfa Armed Forces from Americans. Finally issue and pay the transaction was the rams. The cost of Kaumali ships pledged to compensate the company by Sandalla tree.

Schaffer and his people king were granted several Hawaiian villages and a number of territories where Shefficient produced a series of renaming: the valley of Hanalery called Sheffal (Schaeffer Valley), the Khanapepep River - Don. He gave Russian surnames (payments, Vorontsov) and local leaders.

In the possessions of Kaumali, Schaeffer forces provided to him by the king of several hundred workers defeated the gardens, built buildings for the future factory and three fortresses, calling them in honor of Alexander I, his wife Empress Elizabeth and Barclay de Toll.

The message of Scheffer's Russian-American company, directed to the main board of the Russian-American company, reached the addressee only 14 (26) August 1817. Although being confident, in the need to join the islands, but not deciding to act independently, the director of the company V. V. Kramer and A. I. Severin They sent the report to the Emperor and the Minister of Foreign Affairs K. V. Nesselrode. In February, 1818 Nesselrod outlined the final decision:

"The sovereign of the emperor makes it necessary to believe that the acquisition of this islands and their voluntary receipt in his patronage not only can not bring Russia any significant benefit, but, on the contrary, in many ways it is associated with very important inconveniences. And therefore, His Majesty is pleased to King Tomari, exposing all possible friendliness and the desire to preserve with him pleasant intercourse, not to take a memorable act from him, but only restrict ourselves to the resolution with him the aforementioned favorable intercourse and act to spread with the Sandwich Islands of the American Companies with the Sandwich Islands, Chooms are in appearance will be the order of affairs "

Such a solution was in accordance with the general direction of Russia's policy of that time. Refusing acquisitions in the Pacific, Alexander I expected to keep the UK from the seizures of the disintegrating Spanish colonial empire. In addition, the Government did not want to worsen relations with the United States before the start of negotiations on the inclusion of them in the Holy Union. In general, as always, our rulers do not feel sorry for friends.

Thus, the king refused to accept the Hawaiian Islands into citizenship, and soon the Russians were kicked out from the islands.

2. Papua New Guinea.

To join Russia, the great Russian traveler and scientist Nikolai Nikolayevich Miklukho-Maclay (1846-1888) tried to join Russia. In 1883, he met with Emperor Alexander III, who expressed his long-standing thought. He wanted Russia to establish a protectorate over the free part of New Guinea earlier than England or Germany. In fact, he offered to attach his shore (Maclay Coast in the north of New Guinea) to Russia. He hoped to protect the natives from the barbarism of the colonialists. The king remained indifferent to his proposal. Although the shore of Maclay and was owned by Miklukho-Maclay, Russia did not respond in any way when the Germans seized the Germans.

3. Islands

Russian navigators opened about 400 islands in the quiet and Atlantic oceans, but for some reason they own France and England. Many Islands of Polynesia (Island of the Company, Tuamot, Marquis, Tubuai) were opened by Russian navigators. Even the whole archipelago exists - the islands of Russians (however, they were not needed by the Russian kings, and France needed). The names of the islands are talking for themselves: Arakcheev, Volkonsky, Kruzenshtern, Spiridov, Barclay de Tolly, Chichagov, Kutuzov, Wittgenstein, Bellinshausen.

Used colonies in Africa.

Oddly enough, but the Russian kings for a rich black continent of interest almost did not show. Peter I was thinking about the colonization of Madagascar, for which he sent there an expedition at the head of the Swedish Admiral Daniel Wilster. Peter Great was the king smart, and perfectly understood that for reports with the possessions of Russia in the Pacific Ocean, we need a colony in Africa for the parking of ships. However, due to the death of the king, the case stood. However, the kings did not make any specific actions until the wonderful moment when all Africa was already divided by European powers. That's right only for the slow Russian rulers, it became clear that the base in Africa needs - on the way from European Rossi to the Pacific Ocean, to Vladivostok. And even, not that it is understood by the kings (that such a base needs it will be clear only in Russian-Japanese WarWhen our squadron refused to sell coal in the ports of our future allies on Antante).

There was only a timid attempt to colonize Ethiopia, which Nikolai Ivanovich Ashinov (1856 - 1902). To begin with, it was necessary to convince Ethiiios that we had one faith with them (this is far from that). In 1883, Ashinov went to Abyssinia (Ethiopia), setting the plan to promote the political and church convergence of Abyssinia with Russia, and entered into intercourse with Neuus John. Returning to Russia, he, if herself, "free Cossack,", started an expedition to Abyssinia in 1889. At the head of the detachment of 150 Tershi Cossacks founded Sagallo on the coast of the shore of French Somalia (now Djibouti) The "New Moscow" colony. However, our friends were claimed on this territory (and on Ethiopia itself - Italians). The French were in a difficult position, but to their happiness Petersburg hurried to disgregate Ashinov. On February 5, 1889, Cossacks noticed the French squadron as part of the cruiser and three gunboats. Ashinov received a letter from the messenger with an ultimatum. But Ashinov, who did not know French, greeted the general, since he did not expect an attack by the friendly Russian Empire of the country. The artillery shelling of Sagallo began, as a result of which six Russians were injured, several died. French shells destroyed all planting. Above sagaro as a white flag raised a shirt. Soon on the ships "Zabiyak" and "Chikhachev" they were taken to Russia. In 1894, retired ESAUL KUBAN Cossack troops N.S. Leontyev together with the prominent Russian traveler A.V. Eliseev, retired headquarters of equestrian artillery k.s. Zvggin and Archimandrite Ephraim organized an expedition to Ethiopia. In the old capital of Ethiopia - Entoto - Expedition was met by Emperor Menelik II. Leontyev managed to convince the Russian government to send 30 thousand rifles to Meallica, 5 million cartridges and 6 thousand sabers decorated as sold across the French mediator L. Shephen. In Massawa, all materials were confiscated by the Italians and only after the conclusion in 1896 peace between Italy and Ethiopia were transferred to the latter. In the period of the Italian-Ethiopian war, 1895-96 Leontyev was in Ethiopia as a military adviser to the emperor Menelik. On May 9, 1896 Nehus complained Leontyev Honorary Shield, Sable and Title Count, for the first time for this established in Ethiopia. Leontyev also participated in the peace negotiations of Ethiopia with Italy. On August 12, 1896, he arrived in Rome, where he reported on the latest conditions of the world proposed by Menelik. In 1897, Menelik appointed Leontyeva Governor General of Uba and Bako in the south of the country. Leontyev tried to attract the Russian government to the operation of these territories, but received a refusal. However, he managed to achieve Russia's transfer to Ethiopia another 30 thousand guns with ammunition, but this party was arrested in London on the grounds that the commodity testimony did not mention the belonging to the Russian government. In 1897, Russia sent his diplomatic mission to Ethiopia headed by P.M. Vlasov. By this time Leontiev, together with English, French and Belgian industrialists, founded the Society for the Use of Equatorial Provincial Ethiopia, as Vlasov also told in St. Petersburg. The Russian government refused to further support Leontiev. The last milestone in his activity was to participate in the military campaign of Ethiopian troops under the leadership of Wald-Georgis Race to Lake Rudolf (1898-1899). Leontyev was injured and left Ethiopia forever. More lucky one of his assistants, N.N. A masterpiece that was licked by the Ethiopian flag on the southwest shore of Lake Rudolf, thereby establishing the southern border of Ethiopia. Thus, due to the indecision of the Russian kings, to get a colony in Africa failed.

The USSR also could well seize some territory in Africa, in exchange for supplied assistance and weapons, but the Soviet leadership preferred to give. Secretary General (their partly justifies the fact that they were in Mazzon) preferred to "be friends." So the USSR, for example, built a deep-water port in Berbert (Somalia), in the hope that there will be a Soviet base. But after we built a port there, we were drinking from there, and the base placed the Base. Then the USSR began to create a military base in Eritrea (then parts of Ethiopia), on the islands of Dahlak, but the Eritreers won the war with Ethiopses, and we were let off again. If the Primeckers did not believe in words, and in exchange for weapons and assistance they demanded the territory, the bases would still be Russian.

2) Libya: Churchill in World War II claims that it is he at the Yalta conference tried to give Stalin Libya in return for the reduction of Soviet dominions in Eastern Europe.

Arctic and Antarctica.

1. Antarctica was opened by Russian navigators, but Russia has never made claims in the territory of this mainland (rich in resources), unlike many other countries. For example, Australia, New Zealand, Argentina, Norway, the United Kingdom and France claim to be part of Antarctica, and we who discovered it - do not pretend to.
Value: Huge marine bioresources in coastal waters, gas, oil.

2. The northern polar possessions of Russia / USSR are lost due to the lack of stiffness and sequence foreign Policy Russia. Therefore, now polar possessions are disputed by other countries, not only the sea, but also the islands (the land of Franz Joseph - Norway, the Island of Wrangel is the USA, which does not prevent us from disarmament and further).
Value: Sea Bioresources, Gas, Oil.

3. Svalbard Archipelago (Grumant) could be Russian / Soviet, but because of the indecision of Molotov (previously - kings), Norway was inflicted.
Value: Coal, Sea Bioresources, Gas, Oil, 90% of all freshwater.

Despite the fact that the USSR first launched spacecraft to the moon, Venus and Mars, for some reason he did not raise the question of the spread of sovereignty for these space objects (or at least part of them). By analogy, the USA and the EU could claim titanium (Saturna satellite) and Jupiter, which they were the first to launch space probes.
Value: Hasive natural resources (Metals, thermonuclear fuel in the form of deuterium, etc.), a promising possibility of terraforming (creating conditions for them suitable for human life), that is, the settlement.

Despite this, Russia (and USSR) do not even try to spread their sovereignty Solar system. Although directly say, having a voice at the UN Security Council, and a certain number of not yet rusty nuclear missiles, it was possible to divide space with the Americans. In any case, after 30-50 years, the problem will become relevant, but by that time whether we have arguments?
Conclusion - idiocy and pofigigism of the authorities causes that despite the fact that we were in space the first, the owners there in the future there will be Americans, the Chinese, Europeans, the Japanese, but not we.

And what would happen if?

Suppose we would not miss the colonies, we would have for 1904 Ethiopia, Hawaiian Islands, Alaska, Northeast of New Guinea, Thailand. What would change?

Well, firstly, Japan could not win us if our fleet would not be locked in Vladivostok and in Port Arthur, and was located in the center of the Pacific Ocean in Hawaii. From there he could strike the Japanese islands. The fleet under the leadership of the Rodnyensky, first, better supplied, whether we had a colony in Africa, secondly, entering the Pacific Ocean, he would not disappear meaningless through the Tsushimsky Strait, but would stand in the databases - in Hawaii or in Thailand, Already from there by raid against Japan. Yes, and the lack of swimming experience in the southern seas in this war led to the fact that the shells of the Rodrali actually deteriorated due to moisture.

In short, we would not lose the Japanese war, which means the revolution 1905 would be weaker, the power of Nicholas II is more popular, and therefore would not lose and I would not lose the world war. Therefore, there would be no revolution 1917. Explain what Russia would not be distinguished to 70 years old, "Soviet power", do not Civil War, Cossack genocide, holodomor, delaping, etc. etc. I think normal people Do not. The Russian Empire did not break, in World War I walked, firstly, with a large population, secondly, we would have Finland, and therefore there would be no Finnish front, and there would be no blockade of Leningrad ...

I must say that so far there are personalities that all justify the sale of Alaska and other concessions. Their arguments are reduced to 2 points:
1) These distant territories are difficult to supply, expensive, they are far away.
2) We would still have selected all the way. It is better to give or sell themselves.

Essentially, paragraph 1 contradicts item 2, because item 1 suggests that these territories are not needed, and 2 - what they need not only to us, but also to other countries. In fact, they are really needed, in any case, Americans provide Alaska independence do not hurry (in Alaska, the topic of disconnection is popular).

So that?

1. Support Alaska is nothing more difficult than Kamchatka or Chukotka - also by sea and aviation. If we do not need Alaska, then why do we need Kamchatka and Chukotka? What is the difference between them?
2. Nevertheless, no one was going to fight against Alaska with Russia, and agreements with the United States and the Great Britain on the distinction of the borders of Russian America confirm.

By the way, even during the Crimean War, the Allies did not even try to capture Alaska, and the landing, who tried to capture Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky was defeated.

What does Russian business live, with a monarchist bias?

Happened. It seems that the many years of effort Anton Bakova was crowned with success. Tomorrow in Yekaterinburg a memorandum between the Gambia government and ... the state of the imperial throne will be presented, the Russian Newsmeaker Alexander Ustinov writes, for "".

Comment OT« Gulyi field»: This article, as nothing else, demonstrates an understanding of the modern Russian elite, which still lives by the ideas of the XIX century. The idea nominated by the imperial throne in the degree of its absurdity is not much different from to save the capital of the Russian elite in the conditions of sanctions. However, we offer readers to familiarize yourself and make your own conclusions:

Leader Monarchic Party, Polittechnologist, Politician, Businessman and Erzkantzler Imperial Throne Anton Tanks Presents Tomorrow Agreement, which he managed to sign with the Gambia government on behalf of the government of the Imperial throne.

According to preliminary information, the empire will be located on the artificial islands in the territorial waters of the Gambia.

In June 2013, the monarchical party announced the foundation of the heir to the Imperial All-Russian throne - they became a descendant of Alexander II Prince of Imperial Blood Nikolay Kirillovich (Prince Karl-Eich-Nicolas Leningensky), who adopted the Russian name after the transition from Lutherancy in Orthodoxy. This gave him the right to inherit the throne in accordance with the basic state laws of the Russian Empire.

Nikolai Kirillovich was appointed regent "Russian Empire" and a member of the Supervisory Board of the Imperial Palace Fund, and his birthday was June 12, coincided with the Russian Day in the Russian Federation. Subsequently, this day was declared the imperial day.

In early 2015, Bakov made an initiative to create an offshore zone based on the Chernogorsk section, designed to serve the interests of Russian business in the conditions of anti-Russian sanctions. Other international projects of Erzkantzler are also sent to this possibility of using this territory. For example, Anton Bakov reported on the cooperation negotiations with the authorities of neighboring Macedonia - in particular, he met with the Prime Minister of this country by Nikola Pogoravsky. In the course of a constructive dialogue held on high level The two leaders of the states were signed a framework agreement on the expansion of the investment of the imperial throne into the economy of the Republic of Macedonia. In addition, meetings with Macedonian and Chernogorsk clergy are held.

Bakov also announced the negotiations with the authorities on recognition and plans for joining the UN, and indicated that the acquisition of Montenegro independence in 1878 was associated with the actions of Alexander II, Praprapraded Karl-Emich. Planned meetings of the Government of the Imperial Throne are held. Thus, on April 3 and 7, 2015, a draft law on the nobility was considered, amendments were made to the government, as well as the imperial protocol and the content of the imperial yard.

However, the Power of Montenegro took a pause in the negotiations, but the tanks did not stop and drew attention to other states, ready to accept investments.

At the end of 2015, Anton Bakov drew attention to Central America, where he also conducted a number of negotiations with the management of such countries as, for example, Antigua and Barbuda. It was at that time that Anton Bakov led negotiations with representatives of the UN, which reacted quite loyally to the Anton Bakov project.

Previously, Anton Bakov told our publication that negotiations in Gambia became the result of many years of effort and the painstaking diplomatic work of the apparatus of the imperial throne.

In 2016 Anton Bakov developed active activities in the territory of the island state of Kiribati. There, Bakova took place a number of relatively successful negotiations, and a significant part of the political estbelishment agreed to support the recognition of the imperial throne. However, ultimately the negotiations also had to take a pause in connection with political permutations in the local government.

In conditions, when Gambia recognized the imperial throne negotiations with other recognition countries can be significantly advanced. Since the imperial throne, as a partially recognized state, does not have conflicts with other states, serious barriers to the recognition of this country are not viewed, and therefore one can expect a series of further recognition of the imperial throne from other countries.

Russian colonies were once in America, and in Africa, and in the current territory of Germany. There was a new Moscow in Somalia, and the Don River flowed in California. However, the initiatives of Russian colonists prevented a large policy ...


In 1815, the Russian-American company (cancer), the "head of" Alaska and Kamchatka, made an agreement with the leader of the Hawaiian Island of Kauai. According to the contract, he followed the patronage of Russia with the population subject to him. He ordered the arrangement of a new colony German in the Russian service Georg Anton Schaffer.

In 1816-1817, three fortresses were built by the local residents, named after Alexander I, his wife Empress Elizabeth and Barclay de Tolly (only the remains of the stone foundation of the Elizavtian fortress were preserved to this day).

River Khanapephe was renamed Don. Local leaders received Russian surnames (fees, Vorontsov).
Unfortunately, the Central Government did not appreciate the importance of the new acquisition. From St. Petersburg, the next verdict came:

"The sovereign of the emperor makes it to believe that the purchase of this islands and their voluntary receipt in his patronage not only can not bring Russia any significant benefit, but, on the contrary, in many ways it is associated with very important inconveniences."

Thus, the Russian colony created in record deadlines turned out to be actually abandoned on the arbitrary of fate.

Unlike the Tsar Alexander I, the Americans very much appreciated the importance of the islands, and began to actively survive from the Russians. In the village of Vaima, American sailors attempted to pull the Russian flag, but the banner defended Hawaiian warriors.

17 (29) June 1817 after an armed clash, in which three Russians and several Hawaiians were killed, the Russian colonists were forced to leave Hawaii and return to Alaska.

Fort Ross

Russian colonies in Alaska - territory with a harsh climate - suffered from lack of food. To improve the situation, in 1808-1812, expeditions were organized in California to search for fertile lands. Finally, in the spring of 1812, the appropriate place was found.

On August 30 (September 11), 25 Russian colonists and 90 Aleuts founded a fortified settlement, named Ross.
At that time, California owned the Spaniards, but the territories were practically not colonated by them. So, San Francisco, which was 80 km south of the Russian colony, was just a small Catholic mission.

The real owners of the territory on which the Russians settled were Indians. They had land for three pairs of pants, two axes, three hoes and a few bead threads.
Ross's fortress was the most southern Russian settlement in North America.

Russian names began to appear in the vicinity: Slavyanka River (Sovian River), Rumyantsev Bay (Sov. Bajdha Bay). In all the time of existence, the fortress has never been attacked by: Spaniards, and since 1821, Mexicans have not been almost not near nearby, and more or less peaceful relations were supported with Indians.

All the time of its existence, the colony was unprofitable for the Russian-American company, and in 1841 she was sold to a citizen of Mexico Swiss origin John Satter.

Russian Somalia

On December 10, 1888, a steamer was saved from Odessa with 150 tersk Cossacks-volunteers on board. He headed the detachment of adventurer Nikolay Ashinov. The purpose of the expedition was stated by the accompaniment of a spiritual mission to Christian Abyssinia (Ethiopia).

In 1883, Ashinov had already visited Abyssinia: Having himself for the representative of the Russian emperor, he led negotiations with Ethiopian Negub (emperor) regarding the political and church convergence of the two countries.

On January 6, 1889, Ashinova squared landed on the shore of the French Somalia (Sovr. Djibouti). The French believed that the goal of the Russian expedition is indeed an abissination, and did not interfere with the Russian detachment. But, to their surprise, Ashinov found in the vicinity of Abandoned Egyptian Fort Sagallo and began to be equipped there. The Fort was renamed New Moscow or the village of Moscow, and the land at fifty-wool along the shore and the one hundred lugust is declared Russian territory.

Arriving in the fortress, the French officer demanded in the shortest possible time to leave Sagallo. Ashinov refused. France was then in allied relations with Russia, and local authorities did not solve themselves for independent actions on expulsion from their territory, let the uninvited, but representatives of the friendly power.

The correspondence between Paris and St. Petersburg began.
The emperor Alexander responded to Ashinov's adventure rather sharply: "We certainly need to quickly remove this cattle Ashinov from there ... He only compromises us, and ashamed of us for his activity."

Ashinova's adventure could prevent the successfully developed process of Russian-French rapprochement. The French government was reported that Russia would not be against if France takes measures to express the Russian detachment from its territory.

Having received a map-blanche from the Russian government, the French sent to Sagadro the squadron as part of the cruiser and three gunners. After Ashinov, obviously, not understanding the seriousness of the situation, again refused to submit to the requirements of the French, they began the shelling of the fortress.

Several Russians were killed and injured. Finally, Sagallo as a white flag was raised by Ashinov. The settlers were transferred to the "Zabijaka" who had arrived behind them, walked them to their homeland.


On the shores of the North Sea there is a small German town Yever, in which the tart beer Jever Pilsener is boiled. On this beer could well be the inscription "Made in Russia" - the fact is that once this city belonged to the Russian Empire.

Since the XVII century, the city was in possession of Anhalt-Crembed Princes. The Sofia of Augustur Friediga belonged to the same race, more famous for us as the Empress Russian Catherine II. Therefore, when in 1793 the last prince of Angalt-Crebstsky died, Yevern inherited His only sister, Queen Catherine. The city became part of the Russian Empire.

The city remained under the Russian crown until 1807, when Napoleon occupied him. In 1813, the French troops from the city were expelled, and he again became Russian. But not for long: in the 1818, Alexander I lost it to his relatives - the Dukes of the neighboring Oldenburg.


The colonization of Russian Alaska began in 1732, when Mikhail Rvozhev on the bot "Saint Gabriel" made swimming towards the shores of North-West America, and in 1772. When on the island of Unlashka, the Aleuta Islands, the first commercial Russian settlement was founded.

So the history of Russian America began - the colonies of Russia on the American continent, which included not only the modern state of Alaska, but also some of the parts of California.

In 1792, the Russians founded the city on the island of Kodiak, where in 1793 the Orthodox mission arrived in the 5th Monks of the Valaam Monastery, which was headed by Archimandrite Ioasaf. The appeal of local tribes in Orthodox Christianity began

The founding and colonization of Russian America at first merchants were engaged in Shelikhov, Lebedev Lastochka and others. The latter founded in 1791 by the Nikolaevsky Reduce, now the city of Kenai.

In 1799, a Russian-American company (cancer) was founded, whose managers became Alexander Andreevich Baranov. In the same year, the Mikhailovsky fortress was founded, which was then received by Novoarhangelsk, now this is the city of Sitka. By 1819, more than 200 Russians and 1 thousand natives lived here. Appeared primary School, shipyard, church, Tsehghaus, Arsenal, workshops. The company led the hunt for Kalanov and trade in their fur, founded its settlements and the facts.

In the spring of 1802, the Turkit Indians captured and burned the Mikhailovsky fortress. In September-October 1804, the siege of Novoarhangelsk, who ended with the victory of Russian colonists took place. But in 1805, the fortress of Yakutat fell, as a result of which 14 Russians were killed and there were many natives from them in the service. Younger son The commandant of the Larionov Fortress spent in captivity of the Tlinkitis for 15 years.

Since 1808, Novoarhahangelsk becomes the capital of Russian America.

In 1824, the Russian-American Convention was signed, which recorded the southern border of the possessions of the Russian Empire in Alaska on a latitude of 54 ° 40'n. In the same year, the Anglo-Russian Convention on the delimitation of their possessions in North America was signed. Under the terms of the Convention, a border line was established, separating the ownership of Britain from Russian possessions on the West Coast of North America, adjacent to the Alaska Peninsula so that the border was held throughout coastal stripowned by Russia, from 54 ° C.Sh. Up to 60 ° C.Sh., at a distance of 10 miles from the ocean edge, considering all the bends of the coast /

Despite the natural wealth of Alaska, this territory was sold in 1867. Perhaps the royal authorities hoped that the United States would want to conquer and Canada, which would cause a blow to the British Empire. These calculations were not justified. Modern historians are trying to justify this deal by the fact that Russia was not able to protect Alaska, and she would still have force from her.

As you know, all the empires sometime occur, expand, but then inevitably fall apart. In 1917, the Russian Empire collapsed. In 1991, the USSR collapsed, in the same bed there is a modern Russian Federation.

As a result of the revolution, 1917 Russia lost Finland, Poland, the Kars area (now Turkey), lost the first world war.

As a result of 1991, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Estonia were departed from Russia.

Even earlier, as everyone knows, King Alexander II sold America Alaska.

However, few people know, attempts to create Russian colonies took both Africa and in America, and in the Pacific Ocean, and even in Papua New Guinea. This is not written about this and know, many, for example, will surprise the fact that the Russian colonies were in the Hawaiian Islands and in California ...

Missed colonies in America

1. Tobago Island (now part of the state). Total area of \u200b\u200b300 square meters. km.

The Russian colony from the coast of South America could be the island of Tobago, who was the colony of Kurlendia, who was part of the Russian Empire.

In 1652 Kurland Duke Yakov Separated about. Tobago off the coast of South America. Within 30 years, 400 Kurlyandans moved here, and more than 900 black slaves were purchased in Africa. In Africa, Kuryndans acquired the island of St. Andrew (James Island, now part of the Gambia).

However, in 1661, these territories were transferred to the use of England in two hemispheres: Kullyndsky Duke actually made them as a deposit for loans. When Kurland joined the Russian Empire, Catherine II to 1795 tried to sue these two islands from the Britons, but unsuccessfully.

Value: Trinidad is rich in oil, gas, asphalt. Developed by agricultural, tourism, metallurgy and chemical industry. Being relatively near the United States and the Panaman Canal, the island has important strategic importance.

2. "Russian America": Alaska, West Coast of North America, California

Alaska is a huge (1,481 347 square meters. Km Sushi) state of the United States, the former colony of Russia.

The so-called Russian America was not limited to Alaska only.

Baranov And other leaders of the Russian-American company clearly understood the need to colonize the western coast of America, right up to California (and including it). An attempt to create settle at the mouth of the Columbia River (now the state of Washington, the USA) was impossible due to the fact that the Americans went there first.

However, not far from San Francisco, the Russians still founded the famous Fort Ross in California, but then sold it.

Alaska is rich in marine resources, oil, gas, gold, has important strategic importance.

Alaska for sale is the most idiotic act of Russian rulers until 1917.

Used colonies in Asia

1. Straits Dardanelles and Bosphorus

Could become Russian if it were not for the 1917 revolution, as in agreement with the allies, Russia would receive these straits.

It was possible to capture them during the Second World War, but this chance was missed.

2. Siam (Thailand)

Thailand is a large country in South Asia, between the Indian and the Pacific Ocean, 514,000 square meters. km.

Spring between British and French colonies, the kings of Thailand were looking for the patronage of Russia. King Rama V. In 1880, he stated his desire to conclude a friendly alliance with Russia. In 1897, the king arrives in the capital of Russia Chulalongcorn With a secret plan for the entry of Siam to Russia as a dominion.

However, the British managed to inspire the Thailand king that the Russians will complain him to Siberia, and Thailand will not become a dominion, but the colony of Russia. Obviously, Russian diplomacy lost due to his passivity and inability to neutralize the influence of the enemy.

Value: The country occupies an important strategic position, the economy is based on tourism, gas production, rice cultivation, etc.

3. Mongolia.

Mongolia, disconnected from China, became actually the ownership of Russia, however, the Bolsheviks preferred to impose the Soviet power to the Mongols to see the fact that, they say, the USSR is not the only "socialist" country.

4. Northern Iran.

Northern Iran could be Russian (South-British) if Russia had not lost the first world war because of the 1917 Revolution and the Bolshevik policies, who canceled all the "colonial" treaties of the Russian Empire with Iran.

5. Western Armenia

Western Armenia could move away from Turkey to Russia if they did not lose the first world war.

6. Manchzhiya

Manchuria (Northeast China) could become Russian if not the defeat of Russia in the Russian-Japanese war.

7. Bolsheviks in exchange for recognition Afghanistan His regime, gave him some adjacent areas.

8. Some principalities in Indonesia, struggling with the Dutch, offered to join the Russian citizenship. The first and last regular consul of Russia in Indonesia Mikhail Bakunin For five years (1895-1899), more than once made proposals for the establishment of direct trade relations between Russia and the island state. And also informed Petersburg about the possibility of joint with the Dutch colonization of Java and Sumatra (Dutch, so they wanted to make an ally in the fight against the British in this region). He offered to make a marine base here, which would control the approach to the Russian Far East. Nicholas II. answered Bakunin: " Friendship with England is more important for me than these wild places ».

Missed colonies in Europe

Islands in the Mediterranean Malta and Ionian IslandsRussia attached during wars with Napoleon was, however, were inflicted by the British.

Used colonies in the Pacific Ocean

1. Hawaiian Islands

To join Russia, the Hawaiian Islands tried an employee of a Russian-American company Georg Sheffer (1779—1836).

In November 1815, Schaffer reached Hawaii, after a successful course of treatment of Cameochha and his wife, won the "friendship and confidence of the Grand King", which gave the chaffin several dozen heads of livestock, fishing grounds, land and buildings under the factor.

However, the negotiations were still upset and in May 1816 on the "Opening" and "Ilman" Schaeffer sailed on Kauai on the opening of Russian ships. Kaumali was pleased to be able to get a strong ally and to return independence with it. May 21 (June 2) he asked in a solemn atmosphere Alexander I. Take their possessions to the patronage, swear in loyalty to the Russian scepter, promised to return "Bering" and his cargo, gave the company a monopoly to trade in Sandalla Tree and the right of a unhindered institution in its factories.

On June 1 (13), Kaumali in a secret agreement allocated 500 people to conquer Oahu, Lanai Islands, Maui, Malokai and others, and also promised all kinds of assistance in the construction of Russian fortresses on all islands. Schaeffer bought Schuuna "Lydia" for Kaumuali and agreed to buy an Alfa Armed Forces from Americans. Finally issue and pay the transaction was the rams. The cost of Kaumali ships pledged to compensate the company by Sandalla tree.

Schaffer and his people king were granted several Hawaiian villages and a number of territories where Shefficient produced a series of renaming: the valley of Hanalery called Sheffal (Schaeffer Valley), the Khanapepep River - Don. He gave Russian surnames (payments, Vorontsov) and local leaders.

In the possessions of Kaumali Schefer, the forces of the king of several hundred workers defeated the gardens, built buildings for the future factory and three fortresses, calling them in honor of Alexander I, his wife Empress Elizabeth And Barclay de Tolly.

The elevation of the Russian-American company, directed to the main board of the Russian-American company, the message of Scheffer reached the addressee only 14 (26) August 1817. Although he is confident, in the need to join the islands, but not deciding to act independently, the company's director V. V. Kramer and A. I. Severin sent the report to the Emperor and the Minister of Foreign Affairs K. V. Nesselrode. In February, 1818 Nesselrod outlined the final decision:

« The sovereign of the emperor makes it necessary to believe that the purchase of this islands and their voluntary receipt in his patronage not only can not bring Russia any significant benefit, but, on the contrary, in many respects it is associated with very important inconveniences. And therefore, His Majesty is pleased to King Tomari, exposing all possible friendliness and the desire to preserve with him pleasant intercourse, not to take a memorable act from him, but only restrict ourselves to the resolution with him the aforementioned favorable intercourse and act to spread with the Sandwich Islands of the American Companies with the Sandwich Islands, blowing in appearance will be the order of affairs».

Such a solution was in accordance with the general direction of Russia's policy of that time. Refusing acquisitions in the Pacific, Alexander I expected to keep the UK from the seizures of the disintegrating Spanish colonial empire. In addition, the Government did not want to worsen relations with the United States before the start of negotiations on the inclusion of them in the Holy Union. In general, as always, our rulers do not feel sorry for friends.

Thus, the king refused to accept the Hawaiian Islands into citizenship, and soon the Russians were kicked out from the islands.

2. Papua New Guinea

Join Russia New Guinea tried a great Russian traveler and scientist Nikolai Nikolaevich Miklukho-Maclay (1846-1888).

In 1883 he met with the emperor Alexander IIIwhich expressed his long-standing thought. He wanted Russia to establish a protectorate over the free part of New Guinea earlier than England or Germany. In fact, he offered to attach his shore (Maclay Coast in the north of New Guinea) to Russia. He hoped to protect the natives from the barbarism of the colonialists. The king remained indifferent to his proposal.

Although the shore of Maclay and was owned by Miklukho-Maclay, Russia did not respond in any way when the Germans seized the Germans.

3. Islands

Russian navigators opened about 400 islands in the quiet and Atlantic oceans, but for some reason they own France and England.

Many Islands of Polynesia ( Society Islands, Tuamot, Marquis, Stub) were opened by Russian navigators. Even the whole archipelago exists - Islands of Russians (However, they were not needed by the Russian kings, and France needed). The names of the islands speak for themselves: Arakcheev, Volkonsky, Kruzenshtern, Spiridov, Barclay de Toll, Chichagov, Kutuzov, Wittgenstein, Bellinshausen.

Used colonies in Africa

Oddly enough, but the Russian kings for a rich black continent of interest almost did not show.

Peter I. I thought about the colonization of Madagascar, for which I sent there an expedition at the head of the Swedish Admiral Daniel Wilster. Peter Great was the king smart, and perfectly understood that for reports with the possessions of Russia in the Pacific Ocean, we need a colony in Africa for the parking of ships. However, due to the death of the king, the case stood.

However, the kings did not make any specific actions until the wonderful moment when all Africa was already divided by European powers.

That's right only for the slow Russian rulers, it became clear that the base in Africa needs - on the way from European Rossi to the Pacific Ocean, to Vladivostok.

And even, not that this is understood by the kings (that such a base need it becomes clear only in the Russian-Japanese war, when our squadron refused to sell coal in the ports of our future allies on Antante).

There was only a timid attempt to colonize Ethiopiawhich has taken Nikolai Ivanovich Ashinov (1856 — 1902).

To begin with, it was necessary to convince Ethiiios that we had one faith with them (this is far from that). In 1883, Ashinov went to Abyssinia (Ethiopia), putting the plan to promote the political and church rapprochement of Abyssinia with Russia, and entered into intercourse with Neub John.

Returning to Russia, he, if herself, "free Cossack,", started an expedition to Abyssinia in 1889. At the head of the detachment of 150 Tershi Cossacks founded Sagallo on the coast of the shore of French Somalia (now Djibouti) The "New Moscow" colony.

However, our friends were claimed on this territory (and on Ethiopia itself - Italians).

The French were in a difficult position, but to their happiness Petersburg hurried to disgregate Ashinov.

On February 5, 1889, Cossacks noticed the French squadron as part of the cruiser and three gunboats. Ashinov received a letter from the messenger with an ultimatum. But Ashinov, who did not know French, greeted the general, since he did not expect an attack by the friendly Russian Empire of the country. The artillery shelling of Sagallo began, as a result of which six Russians were injured, several died. French shells destroyed all planting. Above sagaro as a white flag raised a shirt. Soon on the ships "Zabiyak" and "Chikhachev" they were taken to Russia.

In 1894, retired ESAUL Kuban Cossack troops N.S. Leontyev together with a prominent Russian traveler A.V. Eliseev, retired headquarten of equestrian artillery K.S. Zvioginand archimandritis Ephraim Organized an expedition to Ethiopia.

In the old capital of Ethiopia - Entoto - Expedition was met by the emperor Menelik II.. Leontyev managed to convince the Russian government to send 30 thousand rifles as a gift, 5 million cartridges and 6 thousand sabers, decorated as sold across the French mediator L. Shefne. In Massawa, all materials were confiscated by the Italians and only after the conclusion in 1896 peace between Italy and Ethiopia were transferred to the latter. In the period of the Italian-Ethiopian war, 1895-96 Leontyev was in Ethiopia as a military adviser to the emperor Menelik. On May 9, 1896 Nehus complained Leontyev Honorary Shield, Sable and Title Count, for the first time for this established in Ethiopia. Leontyev also participated in the peace negotiations of Ethiopia with Italy. On August 12, 1896, he arrived in Rome, where he reported on the latest conditions of the world proposed by Menelik.

In 1897, Menelik appointed Leontyeva Governor General of Uba and Bako in the south of the country. Leontyev tried to attract the Russian government to the operation of these territories, but received a refusal. However, he managed to achieve Russia's transfer of Ethiopia another 30 thousand rifles with ammunition, but this party was arrested in London on the grounds that the commodity testimony did not mention the belonging to weapons to the Russian government.

In 1897, Russia sent his diplomatic mission to Ethiopia headed by P.M. Vlasov. By this time Leontiev, together with English, French and Belgian industrialists, founded the Society for the Use of Equatorial Provincial Ethiopia, as Vlasov also told in St. Petersburg. The Russian government refused to further support Leontiev. The last milestone in his activity was to participate in the military campaign of Ethiopian troops under the leadership of Wald-Georgis Race to Lake Rudolf (1898-1899). Leontyev was injured and left Ethiopia forever. More lucky one of his assistants, N.N. Masterpiecewhich was licked by the Ethiopian flag on the southwest shore of Lake Rudolf, thereby establishing the southern border of Ethiopia.

Thus, due to the indecision of the Russian kings, to get a colony in Africa failed.

The USSR also could well seize some territory in Africa, in exchange for supplied assistance and weapons, but the Soviet leadership preferred to give.

Secretary General (their partly justifies the fact that they were in Mazzon) preferred to "be friends."

So the USSR, for example, built a deep-water port in Berbert (Somalia), in the hope that there will be a Soviet base. But after we built a port there, we were drinking from there, and the base placed the Base.

Then the USSR began to create a military base in Eritrea (then parts of Ethiopia), on the islands of Dahlak, but the Eritreers won the war with Ethiopses, and we were let off again.

If the Primeckers did not believe in words, and in exchange for weapons and assistance they demanded the territory, the bases would still be Russian.

2. Libya.: Churchill in World War II claims that it is he at the Yalta conference tried to give Stalin Libya in return for the reduction of Soviet Dominions in Eastern Europe.

Arctic and Antarctica

1. Antarctica It was opened by Russian navigators, but Russia has never made claims in the territory of this mainland (rich in resources), unlike many other countries. For example, Australia, New Zealand, Argentina, Norway, the United Kingdom and France claim to be part of Antarctica, and we who discovered it - do not pretend to.

Value: Huge marine bioresources in coastal waters, gas, oil.

2. Northern polar possessions Russia / USSR is lost due to the lack of rigidity and consistency of Russia's foreign policy. Therefore, now polar possessions are disputed by other countries, not only the sea, but also the islands (the land of Franz Joseph - Norway, the Island of Wrangel is the USA, which does not prevent us from disarmament and further).

Value: Sea Bioresources, Gas, Oil.

3. Svalbergen Archipelago. (Grumman) could be Russian / Soviet, but because of the indecision of the Molotov (previously - kings), was inflicted by Norway.

Value: Coal, Sea Bioresources, Gas, Oil, 90% of all freshwater.


Despite the fact that the USSR first launched spacecraft to the moon, Venus and Mars, for some reason he did not raise the question of the spread of sovereignty for these space objects (or at least part of them). By analogy, the USA and the EU could claim titanium (Saturna satellite) and Jupiter, which they were the first to launch space probes.

Value: Huge natural resources (metals, thermonuclear fuel in the form of deuterium, etc.), a promising possibility of terraforming (creating conditions for them suitable for human life), that is, the settlement.

Despite this, Russia (and the USSR) do not even try to spread their sovereignty on the part of the solar system.

Although directly say, having a voice at the UN Security Council, and a certain number of not yet rusty nuclear missiles, it was possible to divide space with the Americans. In any case, after 30-50 years, the problem will become relevant, but by that time whether we have arguments?

Conclusion - idiocy and pofigigism of the authorities causes that despite the fact that we were in space the first, the owners there in the future there will be Americans, the Chinese, Europeans, the Japanese, but not we.

And what would happen if?

Suppose we would not miss the colonies, we would have for 1904 Ethiopia, Hawaiian Islands, Alaska, Northeast of New Guinea, Thailand.

What would change?

Well, firstly, Japan could not win us if our fleet would not be locked in Vladivostok and in Port Arthur, and was located in the center of the Pacific Ocean in Hawaii. From there he could strike the Japanese islands.

The fleet under the leadership of the Rodnyensky, first, better supplied, whether we had a colony in Africa, secondly, entering the Pacific Ocean, he would not disappear meaningless through the Tsushimsky Strait, but would stand in the databases - in Hawaii or in Thailand, Already from there by raid against Japan.

Yes, and the lack of swimming experience in the southern seas in this war led to the fact that the shells of the Rodrali actually deteriorated due to moisture.

In short, we would not lose the Japanese war, which means the revolution 1905 would be weaker, the power of Nicholas II is more popular, and therefore would not lose and I would not lose the world war.

Consequently, there would be no revolution 1917.

Explain what Russia would not be distinguished if it would not be 70 years old, "Soviet power", do not be a civil war, the genocide of the Cossacks, the Holodomor, the decking, etc. etc. I think it's not worth normal people. We would end up with Stolypin reforms.

The Russian Empire did not break, in World War I walked, firstly, with a large population, secondly, we would have Finland, and therefore there would be no Finnish front, and there would be no blockade of Leningrad ...

Russian colonies were once in America, and in Africa, and in the current territory of Germany. There was a new Moscow in Somalia, and the Don River flowed in California. However, the initiatives of Russian colonists prevented a large policy.


In 1815, the Russian-American company (cancer), the "head of" Alaska and Kamchatka, made an agreement with the leader of the Hawaiian Island of Kauai. According to the contract, he followed the patronage of Russia with the population subject to him.
He ordered the arrangement of a new colony German in the Russian service Georg Anton Schaffer.

In 1816-1817, three fortresses were built by the local residents, named after Alexander I, his wife Empress Elizabeth and Barclay de Tolly (only the remains of the stone foundation of the Elizavtian fortress were preserved to this day).

River Khanapephe was renamed Don. Local leaders received Russian surnames (fees, Vorontsov).
Unfortunately, the Central Government did not appreciate the importance of the new acquisition. From St. Petersburg, the next verdict came from St. Petersburg: "The sovereign of the emperor makes it necessary to believe that the acquisition of this islands and their voluntary receipt in his patronage not only can not bring Russia any significant benefit, but, on the contrary, in many ways it is associated with very important inconveniences."

Thus, the Russian colony created in record deadlines turned out to be actually abandoned on the arbitrary of fate.
Unlike the Tsar Alexander I, the Americans very much appreciated the importance of the islands, and began to actively survive from the Russians. In the village of Vaima, American sailors attempted to pull the Russian flag, but the banner defended Hawaiian warriors. 17 (29) June 1817 after an armed clash, in which three Russians and several Hawaiians were killed, the Russian colonists were forced to leave Hawaii and return to Alaska.

Fort Ross

Russian colonies in Alaska - territory with a harsh climate - suffered from lack of food. To improve the situation, in 1808-1812, expeditions were organized in California to search for fertile lands. Finally, in the spring of 1812, the appropriate place was found.

On August 30 (September 11), 25 Russian colonists and 90 Aleuts founded a fortified settlement, named Ross.
At that time, California owned the Spaniards, but the territories were practically not colonated by them. So, San Francisco, which was 80 km south of the Russian colony, was just a small Catholic mission.

The real owners of the territory on which the Russians settled were Indians. They had land for three pairs of pants, two axes, three hoes and a few bead threads.
Ross's fortress was the most southern Russian settlement in North America. Russian names began to appear in the vicinity: Slavyanka River (Sovian River), Rumyantsev Bay (Sov. Bajdha Bay). In all the time of existence, the fortress has never been attacked by: Spaniards, and since 1821, Mexicans have not been almost not near nearby, and more or less peaceful relations were supported with Indians.
All the time of its existence, the colony was unprofitable for the Russian-American company, and in 1841 she was sold to a citizen of Mexico Swiss origin John Satter.

Russian Somalia

On December 10, 1888, a steamer was saved from Odessa with 150 tersk Cossacks-volunteers on board. He headed the detachment of adventurer Nikolay Ashinov. The purpose of the expedition was stated by the accompaniment of a spiritual mission to Christian Abyssinia (Ethiopia).

In 1883, Ashinov had already visited Abyssinia: Having himself for the representative of the Russian emperor, he led negotiations with Ethiopian Negub (emperor) regarding the political and church convergence of the two countries.

On January 6, 1889, Ashinova squared landed on the shore of the French Somalia (Sovr. Djibouti). The French believed that the goal of the Russian expedition is indeed an abissination, and did not interfere with the Russian detachment. But, to their surprise, Ashinov found in the vicinity of Abandoned Egyptian Fort Sagallo and began to be equipped there. The Fort was renamed New Moscow or the village of Moscow, and the land at fifty-wool along the shore and the one hundred lugust is declared Russian territory.

Arriving in the fortress, the French officer demanded in the shortest possible time to leave Sagallo. Ashinov refused. France was then in allied relations with Russia, and local authorities did not solve themselves for independent actions on expulsion from their territory, let the uninvited, but representatives of the friendly power.

The correspondence between Paris and St. Petersburg began.
The emperor Alexander responded to Ashinov's adventure rather sharply: "We certainly need to quickly remove this cattle Ashinov from there ... He only compromises us, and ashamed of us for his activity." Ashinova's adventure could prevent the successfully developed process of Russian-French rapprochement. The French government was reported that Russia would not be against if France takes measures to express the Russian detachment from its territory.

Having received a map-blanche from the Russian government, the French sent to Sagadro the squadron as part of the cruiser and three gunners. After Ashinov, obviously, not understanding the seriousness of the situation, again refused to submit to the requirements of the French, they began the shelling of the fortress. Several Russians were killed and injured. Finally, Sagallo as a white flag was raised by Ashinov. The settlers were transferred to the "Zabijaka" who had arrived behind them, walked them to their homeland.


On the shores of the North Sea there is a small German town Yever, in which the tart beer Jever Pilsener is boiled. On this beer could well be the inscription "Made in Russia" - the fact is that once this city belonged to the Russian Empire.
Since the XVII century, the city was in possession of Anhalt-Crembed Princes. The Sofia of Augustur Friediga belonged to the same race, more famous for us as the Empress Russian Catherine II. Therefore, when in 1793 the last prince of Angalt-Crebstsky died, Yevern inherited His only sister, Queen Catherine. The city became part of the Russian Empire.
The city remained under the Russian crown until 1807, when Napoleon occupied him. In 1813, the French troops from the city were expelled, and he again became Russian. But not for long: in the 1818, Alexander I lost it to his relatives - the Dukes of the neighboring Oldenburg.

August 26, 2013, 11:09

As you know, all empires sometime occur, expand, but then inevitably fall apart for various reasons. In 1917, the Russian Empire collapsed, and in 1991 the USSR.

As a result of the revolution, 1917 Russia lost Finland, Poland, the Kars area (now Turkey), lost the first world war.

As a result of 1991, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Estonia were departed from Russia.

Even earlier, as everyone knows, King Alexander II sold America Alaska.

However, few people know, attempts to create Russian colonies took both Africa, in America, in the Pacific Ocean. This is not written about this and know, many, for example, will surprise the fact that the Russian colonies were in the Hawaiian Islands and in California ...

Tobago Island (now part of the state of Trinidad and Tobago). Total area of \u200b\u200b300 square meters. km.

The Russian colony from the coast of South America could be the island of Tobago, who was the colony of Kurlendia, who was part of the Russian Empire.

In 1652 Kullynd Duke Yakov seated about. Tobago off the coast of South America. Within 30 years, 400 Kurlyandans moved here, and more than 900 black slaves were purchased in Africa. In Africa, Kuryndans acquired the island of St. Andrew (James Island, now part of the Gambia).

However, in 1661, these territories were transferred to the use of England in two hemispheres: Kullyndsky Duke actually made them as a deposit for loans. When Kurland joined the Russian Empire, Catherine II to 1795 tried to sue these two islands from the Britons, but unsuccessfully.

Trinidad is rich in oil and gas. Being relatively near the United States and the Panaman Canal, the island has important strategic importance.

Russian America: Alaska, West Coast of North America, California

Alaska is a huge (1,481 347 square meters. Km Sushi) state of the United States, the former colony of Russia. The so-called Russian America was not limited to Alaska only. Alexander Baranov, Nikolai Rezanov and other leaders of the Russian-American company clearly understood the need to colonize the Western coast of America, up to California (and including it).

As well known, the Russian "Opening of America" \u200b\u200boccurred in the process of mastering the Far East in the first half of the XVIII century. So, in 1741, during the Kamchatka expedition, the officer of the Russian fleet, Commander Ivan (Vitos), Bering discovered his name later than his name and opened the coast of Alaska, actually, and called Russian America. In the second half of the XVIII century. The Russians began to settle the Aleuta Islands and the North American coast. In 1784, an Expedition of the Russian Columbus "Russian Columbus" was landed at the Aleutian Islands and industrialist Grigory Shelikhov (Shelekhov), who in the same year founded the first Russian settlement in America on the island of Kadiak. And in the first half of the XIX century, the companion of Shelikhova, the merchant Alexander Baranov founded on the island of Sitka Novo Arkhangelsk, who became the capital of Russian America, and even more than twenty Russian settlements intended for fishing and trading activities.

At one time, the ruler of the Russian-American company was also appointed Count Nikolay Rezanov. He received an order to conduct an inspection of Russian settlements in Alaska and upon arrival in Novo-Arkhangelsk discovered the terrible state of the Russian colony: in Russian America reigned a constant hunger, associated with the complexity of the delivery of the necessary food through the Far East.

Nikolay Rezanov

Count Rezanov decided to establish trade relations and buy food in Spanish California. And for this purpose, I arrived in San Francisco on two ships "Juno" and "Avos" - the story, which was created by which no work was created, from the text of the American Prose Francis shaves Garth "Concepcion de Argelo" - before the poem Andrei Voznesensky and Rock Opera Alexey Rybnikova "Juno and Avos" ...

The storehouse of the material and spiritual culture of Slavs, so inappropriately mastered the lands of the North-West America, is now the subject of studying Americans. Russian America, thus, has become part of American history.

Russian Old Believers in Alaska

It is not surprising that Russian on Alaska is more than the American, and Russian names of cities, islands and other toponyms - their almost one and a half hundreds - do not cease to amaze. On the current map of Alaska "registered" not only all fourteen rulers of Russian America, but also many sailors, researchers, pioneers and priests ...

If the history of the Russian navigators of Alaska and the Aleutian islands are well known, about the existence of the Russian colony and fortress Fort Ross in California Many still recognize with great surprise.

It was this California fortress that became the southernmost point in America, where Russian colonists settled, and was directly related to "Russian America", and to the "Russian-American company", and to the count of N.P. Rezanov.

This unique item of Russian California existed from 1812 to 1841, becoming the most important intermediate basis, which provided the necessary food all the territory of Russian America. By 1814, all major facilities of the fort were built, many of which turned out to be really innovative for the territory of California! According to the preserved information, the Russian settlers, equipped their California colonia, were distinguished by incredible hardworking and were very skilled in various crafts; What gives all the grounds for which it is surprised to be distorted, but unfortunately the image of the Russian way established in the modern consciousness ...

Fort Ross in 1828

In Fort Ross, the first windmills were built in California, as well as the objects necessary for a full settlement: a brick factory, a leather plant, forge, stables, carpentry, plumbing and shoe workshops, a dairy farm and others. In addition, in the surroundings adjacent to Fort Ross, the Russian settlers broke large breadfields, gardens, as well as fruit Gardens and vineyards, and most of these fruit trees And the vineyards were divorced on this territory again for the first time in its history.

In addition to all of the above, according to the preserved information, the Russian colonists had no clashes with local Indian tribes, unlike Spanish practice. So, Grigory Shelikhov, in 1784 he founded the first Russian settlement in America, unlike the column of the local population arranged at one time, not only established peaceful relations with him, but also organized several schools for Indians. This unique practice directly referred from the official policy of a Russian-American company, whose charter simply simply prohibited the operation of the local population and prescribed the organization of frequent inspections of compliance with this requirement. Moreover, Russian colonists not only peacefully got along with the Indian tribes, but they gave them an elementary education, including those trained literacy, as well as various professional skills. As a result, receiving education in Russian schools, many Indians became carpenters, blacksmiths, shipbuilders, paramedics.

As is known, in the middle of the XIX century, despite the work, plans and projects, Russian America ceased to exist. In 1841, Fort Ross was sold to a major Mexican landowner John Satter for almost 43 thousand rubles with silver, of which he, by the way, was underponing about 37 thousand. In 1850, Fort Ross, together with all California, was attached to the United States.

The sale of Ross Colony has not passed without a trace for Russia. The difficulties in the supply of Russian America food supplemented the list of reasons that ultimately led to its sale. In 1867, one and a half million square kilometers of the Russian land, Alaska and 150 islands of the Aleutian ridges were sold to the United States for 7,200,000 US dollars (about 11 million rubles) - two cents per acre. In the same year, the Russian-American company was abolished.

In 45 settlements of Russian America, there were already more than twelve thousand Russian nationals, the truth, the Russians were only about 800 people among them, most of whom returned to their homeland. Those who remained in America were united around the parishes of the Russian Orthodox Church, which, under the terms of the contract for the sale of Alaska, retained the construction, land, property and the right to continue their activities.

The Russian government with ease sold Alaska, ignoring and its strategically important position, allowing to dominate the Pacific, and information about the gold deposits, which have repeatedly arrived in St. Petersburg.

The reasons for the refusal of such, it would seem, a very important and promising project, you need to speak separately. In any case, it can be stated that by the middle of the XIX century a Russian-American company failed to attract the number of Russian settlers to the Russian colony. And above all, due to the territorial difficulties: it is not necessary to forget that the path from St. Petersburg or the European part of Russia to Russian America occupied about a year. And besides, it was associated with the real risk for life, the most hopeless evidence of what the biographies of her first figures - and Grigory Shelikhov, and Alexander Baranova, and Nicholas Rezanov, who died just in this hard way ...

Inside a fortress chapel

Nowadays, Fort Ross exists as one of the national parks of California, while preserving the memory of its history, primarily by the forces and desire of the Russian American community. For several years, there are a number of organizations for several years - such as the "Congress of Russian Americans", which unites Russian emigrants, as well as the Historical and Education Association "Fort Ross", studying the cultural heritage of the first Russian settlers.

Children from the Russian community

Its forces on the territory of the fortress were created by a small museum dedicated to the history of the founding of the Russian colony, its main figures and by them Russian customs and traditions. But besides museum exhibits, the main monument of history is the fortress, a number of buildings of which have been preserved since the most time.

To be continued.


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