Insurance of your civil liability. The cost of insurance of the apartment

Insurance of your civil liability. The cost of insurance of the apartment

Insurance of civil liability to neighbors is the best option to preserve good relations with people living nearby. Insurance ensures compliance with obligations with respect to third parties, if it harms health or property with improper use of housing and technician by the insured person. Obviously, insurance has many advantages, although in the Russian Federation it is not very confidential. According to statistics, only about 3% of Russians, in the United States and Europe, in the United States and Europe, insure their housing, is about 90%.

In what cases is civil liability comes?

The property of neighbors may suffer if a fire or another incident occurred in an apartment or house. The fire can spread to neighboring housing, causing considerable damage to other people. Fire extinguishing products are also able to cause damage not only to the chapter, but also those whose housing is located next to the hearth ignition. Mass of trouble can deliver and torn the tap on the pipe or faulty sewage.

After such a precedent, a person needs to restore not only his property, but also to compensate the losses to the neighbors. At this point, civil liability comes to a third party. In the event that such risks are insured, in the event of a risky situation, there will be an insurance company to all affected persons.

Rules for registration of the contract

The insurance policy ensures that when an accident occurs, the SC all costs for reimbursement will take over. In the policy, the risks of property insurance are always prescribed, the list of which is determined by the insured person on their own. This concerns the degree of damage to housing, namely damage, partial loss, complete loss or death. The contract also may be spelled out the risks of the threat of life and the health of third parties. The document signs two sides: Insurance company and client. The contract determines the relationship between its compilers, stipulates the rights and obligations. Mandatory is to indicate full information about each of the participants, its details and contact data.

At the conclusion of the contract, it is necessary to make sure that the insurance company has all the permit documentation that allows this type of activity.

The contract can be concluded with the client who achieved majority and recognized as possible. The document necessarily prescribes the amount of liability insurance, within this amount and payments are made to repay damage to third parties caused by the insured. All situations in which the insured case comes should be described in the contract. If some circumstance was not spelled out in a policy, then when it was offensive, the Insurer can refuse compensation. Most often, the contract is for one year, but at the request of the insured, the period can be three months, six months or even a few years.

Features of civil liability insurance

This is a voluntary type of property insurance, so insurance companies offer simple rules and comfortable conditions for attracting customers. The client must provide for insurance for insurance such documents as a passport of a citizen, documents for property ownership, lease agreements or other documents allowing to accommodate at this address. Insurance companies require a minimum set of documents, because it is insured not by the property of the person, but its responsibility. Requirements may vary depending on the selected insurer, but in general they are similar:

  • The insured has the right to choose the amount of liability insurance in the areas that the company offers. The cost of the policy depends on the insurance fee, which is paid by the citizen;
  • Insurance fee can be made in various ways, including in installments;
  • Drawing up the contract does not require a mandatory statement from a citizen;
  • Insurance can be issued not only the owner of the apartment, but also persons temporarily living under the lease agreement;
  • Policy can be purchased in any city of the Russian Federation;
  • Inspection of the apartment for drawing up the contract is not required.

After the conclusion of the Agreement, the Insured receives the policy and the insurance rules in which the procedure for handling when an accident occurred and the conditions of legal relations with this company are specified. If the insured event occurred, the insured person is obliged to contact the competent authorities and in its insurance company in strictly allotted for this time. To obtain compensation, it is necessary to provide such documents:

  • Insurance contract;
  • Document on payment of the insurance premium;
  • Confirmation that the insured event occurred;
  • Conclusions of the Commission on the reasons of what happened;
  • List of victim property.

A feature of property insurance is the behavior of the insured person when an insured event occurs. About what happened must be declared within 3-4 days. The statement indicates the circumstances and the time of what happened, the damaged property is listed. The facts provided by the insured are rechecked by an emergency specialist and records the availability of an insured event. After checking the compliance of the resulting contract with the terms of the contract, the act is drawn up, the amount of damage is calculated and the amount of compensation.

The cost of the insurance policy

In confirming the occurrence of the insured event, the applicant pays funds to restore their own property and third parties. In each individual case, the compensation size is calculated individually. This amount directly depends on the value of the object and limits of insurance. But compensation cannot be greater than the insurance cost of the object. IN otherwise The insurance contract may be invalid. Therefore, to properly assess the value of the insured facility, they resort to the help of experts. You can buy a civil liability insurance policy today at any insurer. Prices depend on the number of risks and the sum insured. The table below presents the proposals of insurance companies in 2018.

Civil liability is understood as the obligation to compensate the damage caused by negligence or by virtue of unforeseen circumstances to third parties, in our case, the neighbors.

There are a lot of situations in which this position is applicable.

Flooding, fire, breakthrough of central heating batteries - all these troubles can damage not only your, but also neighboring apartments, and put you before the reasonable requirement to compensate for the damages.

Insurance of civil liability of the apartment is voluntary, but in some cases it becomes a mandatory procedure, for example, when redeveloping housing.

The insurance payment is made after statement by the Insurer Investigation Incursory.

Important! To appoint insurance payments, it is necessary to establish causal relationships between the use of housing appearing in the insurance contract, and negative consequences for third parties.

Features of insurance GO

Life, health, property of third parties can be the objects of insurance of liability of the apartment. Risks choose the insured itself. The most common risks in descending order are:

  • fire;
  • flooding;
  • explosion;
  • communication faults;
  • natural disasters;
  • falling foreign objects.

You can purchase a separate insurance policy, but more often this item is made in a package of insurance services for the entire apartment.

It is necessary to take into account the following nuances when insuring an apartment from civil liability:

  1. The legislation does not provide any preliminary assessment of neighboring housing, which often serves as the cause of long disputes and determine the actual damage when the insured event occurs. The amount of possible losses determine the insured itself.
  2. It is possible to form a policy on actually living in the apartment, for example, tenants.
  3. Restrictions that are the grounds for refusing the execution of the policy:
    • the building in which the apartment is located has wooden structures;
    • the house is subject to demolition or is in disrepair;
    • housing communal or is a room in a hostel. The same refers to the objects of temporary settlement;
    • the house was erected until 1970. The limitation in this case acts in the absence of overhaul.

Attention. If the likelihood of contacting the neighbors to court is great, it makes sense to insure judicial costs to insure. This will provide a representation of your interests in court by the insurance company.

Causes for insurance

All these reasons can be divided into two large groups - property and non-property.

The first is the savings money The insured in the event of harm to third parties, including probable judicial and medical expenses - if the health of a third party suffered.

Non-property can be denoted as secondary, derivative benefits and attribute to them the reputation of the policyholder, the calm of his own and members of his family, etc.

Agreement conditions

To purchase an insurance policy, enough passport owner or tenant apartments. Many major insurance companies provide the possibility of issuing a contract on the Internet, followed by receiving an email policy.

Almost all conditions of the insurance contract are reflected in the company's insurance rules. In most cases typical treaties Contain:

  1. Information about the owner of housing is the policyholder.
  2. Designation of borders of the area of \u200b\u200binsurance protection. Obviously, it is pointless to insure the basement, where no one lives, the owners of the apartments on the first floor.
  3. List of risks involving an insured event.
  4. The period of action of the contract.
  5. Situations in which the insurance payment is not produced. Most often these are intentional actions of the insured.
  6. The size of insurance payments and calculation of insurance premiums.
  7. Algorithm of the Action of the Insured and the Insurer on the Insurance Case. Terms and procedure for transferring the sum insured.

The parties to the contract are the insured - the owner of the housing, and the Insurer - a company providing insurance services. The third person who receives the insurance amount in case of harm is applied, is referred to in the contract of the beneficiary.

Important! The insurance company will not be compensated for the cost of damaged property taken by the beneficiary for rent.

Sometimes a contract provides for a franchise - a fixed minimum amount of damage that the insured itself pays.


Determined by the insurance company and ranges from 0.3 to 1.7% of the insurance payment.

Significantly affects the cost of this kind of insurance. The date of construction and the general technical condition of the house, as well as the materials used in the construction of the building.

Housing insurance in a new building, built using modern high-tech materials, will cost much cheaper.

The following factor - coverage of possible risks and insurance protection.

Also increase the size of insurance premiums produced in the apartment repairs, providing it for rent, the size of the city in which housing is located. Everything is simple here - the larger the city, the more expensive insurance.

Attention. It will significantly reduce the cost of acquiring a standardized insurance policy, where in addition to the insurance of the apartment.

The insured is entitled to pay contributions both annually and monthly, and the order of payment does not affect the cost of insurance.


Timely civil liability insurance will not save you from all possible troubles, but guaranteed to minimize the problems in the cases described above and maintaining good-neighborly relations.

Today there are many types of insurance. With it, people get financial protection at various cases. The insurance of civil liability of the owners of the apartment in Rosgosstrakh allows you to postpone responsibility for damages on the insurance company. Restoring personal justice will have to do on their own, but the company compensates for neighbors.

Advantages of "Rosgosstrakh"

Insurance of civil liability of apartment owners in Rosgosstrakh has the following advantages:

  1. Registration online in 5 minutes.
  2. Protection against various risks.
  3. 24-hour help customers.
  4. Minimum documents.
  5. Timely payments.


Insurance firms offer simple rules for obtaining policy:

  1. Optional compilation of application.
  2. Customers can independently choose a suitable type of program.
  3. Independent decision on the magnitude of the sum insured.
  4. Various payment options, including installments of payments.
  5. No dwelling is required, since insurance is valid for damages to neighbors.
  6. You can enter into an agreement in any city.
  7. The service is provided to owners and tenants.

Typically, customers do not need to go to the office, since the service is connected from partners. These can be branches of banks, communication salons. Only then needs to be saved, testifying about payment. Insurance of the apartment in Rosgosstrakh allows you to protect yourself from various spending if the neighbors are damaged.

It is important to determine the transmission of information about the filled insurer. There are 3 ways: via the Internet, by phone and personally. With any option, the policy number is needed that is considered unique.

When need insurance?

In which cases it is preferable to contact Rosgosstrakh? The reviews of the insurance company show that the service will be needed in different situations. It is usually needed when renting a property for rent or with a long lack. In this case, a person will not be losses from unforeseen situations.


In Rosgosstrakh, it is possible to issue expanded civil liability. It all depends on the desire. The general risk list is as follows:

  1. Harm to the health of third parties.
  2. Damage to the property near the residence of citizens.
  3. Threat to third-party lives.
  4. Unforeseen events: fire, breakdowns in water supply networks, closing electrical wiring, explosion.

Other situations may also be included in the document. Many customers choose a specific list of risks, such as bays, fires to save personal funds. Fires, though they may not be too often, but with them people lose all the property. Fights are not rare, since the communications in many houses are old.

Many choose the civil liability insurance of apartment owners in Rosgosstrakh before redefining. Due to such works, losses for neighbors may be followed. This service is indispensable for residents of dilapidated buildings.

What does not apply to insured events?

The company offers transparent programs, so on all the nuances of customers learn before the execution of the contract. Insurance cases do not include:

  1. Impact of nuclear explosion, radiation.
  2. Military actions, excitement, strikes.
  3. Seating, confiscation, requisition.
  4. Violation of the deadlines of the property.
  5. Wear objects, materials, equipment.
  6. Storage of explosive components on the insurance area.
  7. Rotation, property corrosion.
  8. Penetration into the insured areas of precipitation.
  9. Sightling through loggias, balconies, terraces.
  10. Circumstances covered by warranty obligations.

Choice of coating amount

It is necessary to determine the price of finishing, property and the amount for which civil liability needs to be insured. The insurance amount should include the value of the property, otherwise, with the insurance case, there are not enough funds for repair, and everyone will have to acquire for a personal account.

Under the law, the owner of the housing, the fault of which the property was injured in the following place, should compensate damage. The amount should cover all possible costs. It is necessarily indicated in the contract.


Insurance of civil liability of apartment owners in Rosgosstrakh is issued with the conclusion of the contract. To make the transaction, it is necessary to prepare some documents:

  1. Passport.
  2. Paper at housing.
  3. Lease contract.

How to insure responsibility for an apartment in Rosgosstrakh? It is necessary to contact the nearest office of the company. After the application, the policy is drawn up. The face is issued by the rules of insurance in which additional conditions are indicated. In many companies, the apartment is so carried out. Sberbank, VTB, Rosgosstrakh provide services on such conditions.

Contract time

The term of insurance is determined by mutual agreement. If this period is 1 year and more, then the term is calculated in years. But the document can be terminated for several reasons:

  1. Elimination of the insurance facility.
  2. The refusal of the heir to assume the rights and obligations of insurance.
  3. Housing is passed to another person.

What to do with the insured event?

If civil liability insurance in Rosgosstrakh is issued, then the person does not have to bear financial losses in many cases. With the onset of one of them you need to perform several simple actions:

  1. Take everything possible to reduce the damage caused.
  2. Report an incident of the relevant service - MES, ambulance or the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  3. Three days are provided to alert employees of the insurance company about the incident.
  4. Perform the instructions necessary to clarify the circumstances of the occurrence of the insured event and the amount of damages.
  5. Provide information related to the insured event.
  6. Notify persons affected by unexpected situations, give them contacts of an insurance company that will compensate compensation.
  7. Before visiting experts, it is necessary to maintain the initial picture of damaged property.
  8. Persons who have suffered damage must provide consent to the inspection of damaged housing.
  9. You can not start repair before approving the insurer.

What is needed when an insured event occurs?

At the occurrence of the insured event, you need to prepare a list of documents:

  1. Policy.
  2. Passport.
  3. Statement.
  4. Paper indicating the causes of the insured event describing.
  5. Help from medical institutions in the presence of victims.
  6. Paper on the apartment.
  7. Restoration cost estimates.

Options for obtaining compensation

Whatever the insurance program of the apartment in Rosgosstrakh was not, the payment is accrued after the causes of the occurrence of the insured event, the calculation of damages, the execution of the act. To receive compensation requires:

  1. Create an application for compensation. It can write a victim or insured person. The latter has the right to do this if legal costs are reimbursed, damages affected.
  2. Provide documents to the insurance company.
  3. Employees for a week undertake to provide an answer. If it is positive, then the act is drawn up.
  4. Then compensation is listed.

The payment includes the cost of covering the harm caused to third parties to the court. The coating size is determined in the national currency. It is equal:

  1. The cost of the apartment, if it is not subject to repair, minus the surviving objects.
  2. The cost of restoration of property during its damage.

Is it possible to enter into an agreement in one city if the property is located in another? It will do it. But then the calculation is performed on the basis of those local tariffs where the object is located.


In each insurance company, there may be a different value of the policy. It is usually 0.3-1.7% of insurance payments. The price is affected by the date of construction, the condition of the house, the materials used to build. Insurance of housing, built using high-tech materials, will be cheaper.

An important factor is the coverage of risks and protection areas. The size of the contributions will increase with the repair being performed in the room, renting an object. The amount affects the size of the city where the accommodation is located. Those who wish to save better acquire collective insurance decorated with several tenants of one entrance.

Reduces the amount of purchase of an ordinary policy, where a housing insurance is included with the civil liability. The policyholder can provide contributions every year, a month, and the payment order does not affect the price of insurance.

Thus, insurance is considered important in modern life. In order not to carry large financial losses, you need to use such services, especially if you have long been absent in your real estate.

Cost of the Polis

Insurance facilities Insurance and Insurance Options
№1 №2 №3 №4 №5
Interior decoration, Plumbing equipment Apartments 420 000 350 000 280 000 160 000 80 000
Household property * 380 000 250 000 170 000 90 000 70 000
400 000 300 000 200 000 100 000 80 000
Civil responsibility 400 000 300 000 200 000 100 000 80 000
Insurance Prize (Cost of Polis), rub. 6 000 4 500 3 250 1 750 1 150
* Furniture, lighting, textile products (except clothing and shoes), carpets; Appliances; Audio, video, radio, electronic, computing and office equipment, communications (except mobile phones)

Insurance and risks

In just a few minutes you can insure your apartment, including:

  • interior decoration;
  • plumbing equipment;
  • household property located indoors;
  • civil liability to neighbors for damage to their property as a result of a fire or bay.
We offer you protection from the basic set of insurance risks:

For insurance of your property:

  • Fire - death or damage to property as a result of a fire, explosion, lightning strike, the use of fire extinguishing measures.
  • Water - Bay of the room due to sudden accidents of engineering systems, as well as leaks from neighboring premises.
  • The unlawful actions of third parties - theft, robbery, robbery, hooliganism, vandalism.
For insurance of your civil liability to neighbors:
  • Fire, explosion - causing harm to third-party property as a result of a fire, gas explosion, steam appliances.
  • Bay - causing harm to the property of third parties as a result of accidents of water supply, heating and other engineering systems, the use of fire extinguishing measures, unforeseen breakdowns household applianceswhich led to the bay.

How to make a policy

1. Mind to the office of the bank. Take with you a certifying personality.

2.Select one of the insurance options.

3. Welcome insurance premium by translation or deposit in cash bank. Save the payment document.

4. In the course of 14 days, make your data in the policy and activate it in one way:

  • through a personal account on the site;
  • in the nearest sales office of Sogaz JSC.

How to get paid

1. Eye into the competent authorities and ensure the documentary design of the event.

2. Along the 3 days later, notify the insurance company about the events on the phone 8 800 333 0 888 , In the sales office of Sogaz JSC or for facsimile.

3. For a written application (if there is such an opportunity).

4. Subscribe access to the place of an event that has occurred to conduct an employee of an employee of the nearest branch of Sogaz JSC or an independent expert.

5. Prepare the necessary documents for receiving payment.

List of necessary documents for receiving insurance payments
  1. Statement of insurance payment.
  2. Original Polis-Offer.
  3. A document certifying the right of the beneficiary to receive insurance payments.
  4. Documents on the object of real estate:
Regarding privatized apartments:
  • a copy of the certificate of ownership of the property of real estate;
  • in the absence of a certificate of ownership - a copy of the contract for the acquisition of a real estate object with a stamp of the institution of justice on the registration of the contract and the stamp on the issuance of a certificate of ownership of the right.
With respect to the apartments received by inheritance:
  • a copy of the certificate of ownership of real estate object or a copy of the certificate of inheritance with a stamp of the Justice institution.
For apartments of the HSK:
  • a copy of the help of the hop of the paid pane;
  • a copy of the certificate of ownership of real estate.
With respect to apartments received in the social hiring:
  • social hiring agreement (or order).
Insurance company has the right to also request additional documents for the payment of insurance compensation.

About insurance of property and civil liability

  • Easy and speed purchase policy.
  • Basic insurance protection against major risks.
  • Selection of 5 insurance options depending on the sum insured.
  • Insurance without inspection, drawing up inventory and presentation of documents for property.
  • The payment of insurance compensation is carried out on the basis of the size of the real damage within the sum insured.

The insurer under the program is Sogaz JSC. Bank GPB (AO) acts as an agent of this insurance company.

The client has the right to acquire protection in any insurance company.

The insurance of the apartment is a useful process, as it allows you to reimburse significant damage from any damage or compensate for the loss of theft. Useful insurance will be in many cases.

Features and the benefits of insurance are to receive payments without additional rates (if damage is rated less than fifteen thousand rubles), quite acceptable prices, a contract for absolutely any time (about a month to one year), the ability to acquire both a complex policy and Insure only individual elements (structural elements, finish, responsibility for neighbors, etc.), compensation for cleaning costs in the event of any vandalism or adverse actions of third parties, the possibility of concluding a contract without an inventive property.

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How much insurance is insurance

In general, the integrated insurance of the apartment from 1,000 rubles. It is impossible to say an accurate figure, since the amount of parameters affects the cost.

Usually the owner of the apartment is self-defining all the conditions and nuances of the insurance contract. Alternatively, in the contract, it may include various risks: for example, battle fight and mirrors, damage land plot or network fluctuations. It can also provide for additional costs: on a quick return home from another country, wanted list of lost or stolen luxury goods, cleaning in the house, restoration of documents, keys and locks.

In general, the cost of insurance of finishing and property is 0.4% -0.8% of the sum insured. As for the house insurance, from 0.3% to 0.9%.

The following parameters affect the cost

Cost cannot be determined initially. If we are talking about individual insurance, the company arrives in the apartment and conducts an appropriate inspection, after which it gives a certain estimate from which the final price of insurance will depend on. The tariff itself is determined by several criteria: the material, as is the old apartment, is there in the house guard, the floor of the apartment and many others.

In general, the price depends on the risk of damage. For example, what is the difference in the insurance of an apartment from insurance wooden house? The fact that the risk of damage to the wooden structure is much higher. As a result, payment for it will be much more.

If someone is rented by someone, the price will also be higher, because the owner of the apartment is less interested in its integrity. The price is reduced in the presence of various kinds of alarms, iron entrance doors, the presence of protection and reliable entrance to the entrance. Insurers are called "risks" all the nuances from which the apartment should be protected.

The most common risks:

  • Natural disasters.
  • Fire.
  • Gas problems.
  • Penetration with theft and damage of property.
  • Flooding.

Insurance, including all these parameters, is called comprehensive. It usually provides for both civil liability in front of neighbors.

If you summarize, when determining the cost of insurance there are separate criteria:

  • Design of the room (doors, walls, balconies, windows, ceiling, etc.).
  • Engineering communications (heating, electrician, plumbing, etc.).
  • Interior of the room (repair, floor, wall design, interior, etc.).
  • Furniture and appliances.
  • Term of insurance.

Price Policy Insurance Policy

The cost of insurance of this kind depends on the activities of the one who should insure, the amounts, the availability of protection, the level of security, and other criteria on which the risk depends on. This option takes into account the individualization and features of the use of the apartment.

Insure the following cases:

  • Causing harm to health.
  • Damage to property.
  • Attempt on life.

Insurance covers:

  • She satisfies the requirements for compensation for damage to anything.
  • Restores costs in litigation.
  • Pays health restoration.
  • Pays for the restoration of damaged property.

What is "boxable" insurance

Such insurance is called "boxes" subject to the presence of certain criteria, risks and prices. It includes different types Insurance: In general, they depend on your requirements and needs. In addition, the "box" insurance is much less than you will acquire each insurance policy separately.

Such insurance is one of the most affordable and makes it possible for a small price to insure his apartment and the property that is located in it. This is a fairly convenient feature, allowing the client to keep profitability and not to hit finance.

Usually companies offer their customers to insure from more significant risks, such as fire, buckling and damage, natural disasters, illegal actions of third parties, physical harm to health and so on.

In addition, this insurance has a lot of advantages:

  • It is quite simple and quickly. Usually this process takes only 15 minutes and has very few documents, which provides convenience and understandable content.
  • A company representative may not leave for inspection and assessment of the apartment. That is why this procedure is called "Express Insurance".

At this stage of time, such insurance is popular, as there are a lot of proven and compiled insurance options and have a fairly large price of the price that you can carry out insurance. In addition, it includes insurance of civil liability for staying in the apartment.

If there are luxury objects in the apartment, whether a special agreement is needed

All valuable items that are in the apartment can be insured and together with the apartment, and individually depending on the desire and preferences of the owner. Moreover, in different rooms, the criteria set may vary. For example, it is possible to include in the contract only jewels that are located in an apartment or an antique service standing in the living room.

Are there any discounts

Discounts are made depending on the insurance company itself and their features. This or that company can provide discounts to regular customers. And some can build cooperation and without discounts at all.

Mostly discounts are provided in the presence of special policies at the insured. These policies are called "OSAGO" or "CASCO" from Ingosstrakh.

Example of calculating the cost of the policy

Each insurance company has a different price, so we will provide exemplary figures and methods that are very close to the facts.

Suppose you have acquired a fixed box insurance package with certain risks (theft with damage, fire, gas explosion, flooding, terrorism, damage to the glass, damage to electrical equipment, natural disasters, action of intruders), and this package already has a certain tariff. In general, the tariff depends on the number of risks and the most insurance company, and it is depicted in percent.

  • The price of insurance of the apartment (structural elements) at the rate is 0.11% per year from its value. That is, if the price of an apartment is 2 million, then insurance will cost 2,200 per year (0.11% of these 2 million).
  • The price of insurance of the interior decoration is 0.4% per year of its value revealed during inspection. Suppose its value is 600 thousand rubles. Consequently, the insurance price will be 2400 rubles.
  • The price of insurance techniques, furniture - from 0.5% in the year of their value identified during inspection. Suppose 250 thousand rubles. The resulting insurance price is 1250 p.
  • The price of civil liability insurance is 0.5% per year from the desired amount of insurance. Suppose 200 thousand rubles. Consequently 1000 p.

As a result, it turns out 6850 rubles per year (2200 + 2400 + 1250 + 1000).



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