Belarus declassified the archives of the KGB on the atrocities of the UPA. Stepan Bandera

Belarus declassified the archives of the KGB on the atrocities of the UPA. Stepan Bandera

The declassified archive of state security on the atrocities of Ukrainian nationalists and the punitive police battalions formed from them.

From January 43 to July 51, it is even after the victory - hundreds of terror facts, political dissection and murders of civilians.

In total, underground formations of the OUN / UPA on the territory of Belarus, by the summer of the 44th, there were 14 thousand people.

The most inhuman grants - on the conscience of punishers of the 118th, and a little later - the 63rd police battalion formed by the Nazis in Kiev.

The commander is a former petluroveman Syvsky. Scale - Vasiara.

Here are the interrogation protocols of some Stepan Sakhno, Kievlyanin. He tells in detail about the punitive operation in Khatyn. About how people pushed in the barn. About how zhgli. Alive. ... shot and burned alive 149 people, of which 43 women and 79 children.

Look everything else here:

The original is taken by W. Arctus. Bandera destroyed the civilian population

Very remarkable document "ELECTRON ARHIVA UKRAINSKY PRECUTY RUCH" from the archive of Deputy Stephen Bandera during his stay in Cerlenbau, one of the creators of the UPA, a staff member of the CIA and the Creator of Her "Pressurry" organization "Prolog" - Mikola Swan.

Here, the myth of disguised and Encoveshniki is documented. Everything was, as the Bandera document testifies, exactly the opposite. UPA members, disguised into the Soviet military or police form terrorized the peaceful population in order to intimidate the Soviet power


I also remember about Soviet archival documents confirming these terrible facts:

With the promotion of the front of deep into the territory of Ukraine, reports from the commanders and units of the Red Army that nationalist gangs operating in the areas of Western regions of the Ukrainian SSR often resort to disguise, and make attacks on the village under the guise of Soviet partisan detachments.

(CGAOO, F.1, OP.23, D.930, L.11-22.)

The same information was confirmed by the partisans themselves. Moreover, as reported by the commander of the Rivne partisan compound No. 1 V. BEGMA, there are a number of cases when the nationalists under the guidance of guerrilla in the order of help are obtained in parts of the Red Army, weapons and ammunition. "The Red Army pretty hard helps partisan detachments, "he wrote in the report on February 5, 1944," but some commander of parts have not yet understood this provocation conducted by nationalists. "

(CGAOO, F.62, OP.1, D.1517, L.127.)

Such provocations were introduced into deception not only by the Red Army, who took Bandera for their own, but also that the main thing is the local population.

For example, in February 1943, the squad of Bandera, disguised by the Soviet partisans, thus introduced to the delusion of residents of the village of Sarnensky district of the Rivne region, who had merged with a gang all day, and in the evening the Bandera arranged a massacre. A total of 173 people were destroyed, i managed to escape only to two seliners, which were littered with corpses, and 6 summer boy. The later inspection showed the exceptional cruelty with which a slaughter was made. From several people removed the skin, women raped, and after cut off his chest, the noses, the ears, shouted their eyes and cut off the heads. Then " fighters for Nazalezhna»They arranged a drink in the house of local heads. After leaving the gang, among the bottles scattered on the table, a 12-month-old baby was found, nailed with a knife to the table, whose mouth broke the abdicted grizzling of the sauced cucumber.


These data of Polish historians are confirmed by the Soviet parties. As reported on February 13, 1944, the commander of the troops of the 13th Army, Lieutenant General N.Pukhov, "the population of almost everyone was very frightened by the actions of the" Bandera ", which are creating their crimes often under the guards of Soviet partisans. Therefore, in a conversation, it is reluctant to testify, often mixed with partisans, stating that those and other robes. "

(CGAOOU, F.1, OP.23, D.930, L.32-38.)

However, provocative "dressing" in the Soviet partisans did not limit itself.

With the arrival of the Red Army on the territory of Western Ukraine in the consensions of the Army Command, there were increasingly cases when Bandera is not only attacking the small detachments of redarmeys and single fighters who have retired on the march from their parts, but also remove with the killed clothes, take orders and medals. In his memories, the Commander of the 1st Guards Tank Army, Colonel-General M. Katukov, was written in his memoirs: "They wandered in the gang of Bandera. They wandered under the guise of ordinary peasants, so it was difficult to solve who they are. Attacked individual fighters. Killed, took the weapons, uniforms, documents. "

(Catukov M.E. on the edge of the main strike. - M.: Milivdat, 1974, p. 312)

It is worth adding that this trend was preserved and after the end of the war. He reported on December 28, 1945. Major General L.I. Brezhnev, at that time the head of the political management of the Carpathian military District,

"Most cases of attacks of bandits are committed precisely on single servicemen during their veils on villages, deserted roads or at night in villages on apartments. Many of the cases of attacks are committed by gangsters in November. Using an element of suddenness and superiority in the forces - the attack of several on one - the gangsters achieved success. The purpose of many such attacks is to produce weapons, uniforms, documents, orders, etc.

At 24.00 on November 29, a group of bandits suddenly attacked Peprechin from 88 Odeb in the village of Zaleytsky district. Bandits of fire from 3 cars hardly wounded Kreukhin, removed the gymnaster from him, selected the medal "for military merit", the Guards icon and automatic. Heavy wounded Kuprikhin could not resist ...

November 13 in the center with. Popping Lieutenant Kozyrev, ordinary nikitin and carpunin of 223-angry artillery regiment were shelled because of the hedges with automatic fire. Bandits killed Lieutenant Kozyrev and Private Nikitin. ... It turned out that with the lieutenant of Kozyrev, the gangsters removed the outfit, took a gun and documents, and from the Red Army Nikitin removed the chinel and shoes ...

Lieutenant Fateev and Starin Karev protected the utility farm 295 SP in the village of Visionez. The commander of the company sent them to the neighboring village of Maidan Middle aged 1.5 km from the village of Visneze at Kuznets. Returning back, fateev and karev were suddenly fired on the outskirts of the village. Bandits killed Fateeva and hardly wounded Karev. Something she got to the company. 2 mobile groups left the scene. It was established that the gangsters brutally dispersed Lieutenant Fateeva, removed uniforms from him, took the machine and revolver ...

Private scholars and bouyagin of 565 SP on November 7 were returned from a service business trip and for the orders of Lieutenant Belyaeva went to the village of Dlyutin at the Saint for Horses. Both went to the house of a local resident of a walk, who promised to sell the hay. A group of bandits up to 15 people attacked this house and killed both ordinary, hostess at home and her 14-year-old daughter. The rest of the second 17-year-old daughter of the citizen of the walk told that one of the ordinary was first injured, and then shot by the gangsters. Bandits have taken away from the dead documents, 3 medals "for courage" and 2 carbine ...

Near the village of Dobromysl on November 21 at 16.00 Banda attacked a group of fighters of 142 separate cable sixth communication battalion. The bandits killed the ordinary Ulyanovsky and wounded the Efreitor Mochhanov, took the wagon, carabiner with 90 cartridges, orders and the documents of the killed and took his corpse. "

And then Leonid Ilyich drew attention to one pretty characteristic detail: "In the liquidated gangs, part of the bandits turned out to be in the form of the Military Army soldiers, with orders and medals ... Among the killed 1, the gangster was in the form of Major of the Red Army with the Order of the Glory of the 3rd degree. Another gangster is in the form of a senior lieutenant of the Red Army, dressed in a degradation and with orders belonging to the missing November 7 p. G. Battery Commander 465 SP Lieutenant Philippov ... "

(CGAOOU, F.1, OP.23, D.2958, L.1-20.)

A month later, in another his report, Brezhnev returned to the issue of theft of uniforms and awards:

"A number of new attacks on solitary fighters, officers, the Soviet and party asset are registered. In the village of Homcin - 18 km south of Kolomyia - January 10, the bandits killed the Kosovo Railoinskom Captain Zakharov and the head of the 3rd part of this RVK Akulov. Bandits robbed killed officers, carrying their weapons, documents and clothing.

The garrison of the village of Sadnecks under the command of the head of Captain Chethtenkov, producing the silence of the village entered into battle with a gang. Three gangsters were killed in battle. Among them, the gangster stage Mikhail Dmitrievich is the district leader on the nickname "Yura". According to the documents found from him, it was established that he at one time killed the deputy chief of the political waste of the 38 armies of Colonel Golubev. Party ticket was found in the name of Irina Dmitrievna Titarchuk, the candidate card in the name of Surik Oganesyan, 12 Komsomol tickets, more than 100 Red Army books, Order Patriotic War 2nd degrees, 2 orders of the glory of the 3rd degree, the medal "for courage", 2 medals "for military merit" and the medal "For the victory over Germany".

(CGAOO, F.1, OP.23, D.2958, L.21-30.)

For its part, the management of counterintelligence of the 1st Ukrainian Front and the Office of the NKVD of Western OSSR regions reported that when conducting operations to eliminate nationalist bandforms, their employees are also found in large quantities of Soviet orders, medals, form in large quantities of bunkeepers and Red Army books. For example, when eliminating the conductor of the OUN Karpathian region, I. Melnik - "Robert" on November 1, 1946, in its Skron on Mount Javarine Berekhovsky district Stanislav region, Chekists discovered 28 orders and medals of the USSR, 11 partbillets, 9 candidate cards, 30 Komsomol tickets , 180 military tickets, 55 Red Army books, 78 Soviet passports, etc. Documents.

(CGAOOU, F.1, OP.23, D.2961, L.139-143.)

Why were you needed by Bandera in such a number of Soviet military uniforms and orders? The answer came very soon.

February 15, 1944 in the village of Seall Mikulino, 16 km from the mountains. Exactly, a valid BandGroup was established, dressed in the form of military personnel, which kidnapped the fighter of the SAPER battalion 121 GGsd of the Kofutun and carried it in an unknown direction.

(CGAOOU, F.1, OP.23, D.930, L.56.)

From the message of the Volyn Compact KP (b) y (March 1944).

A gang appeared in the village of Holy Tsumansky district in the amount of 30 people. In the form of Soviet military workers, who left the order in the village Council on behalf of the "revolutionary tribunal", prohibiting to be pressed and threatening the violence of "as a traitor to the Motherland." Also, the orders they were opened on the buildings of the village.

(CGAOO, F.1, OP.23, D.930, L.133-137.)

From the report of the Rovna Command KP (b) y (April 1944).

On the night of April 10, a group of persons in military uniform armed with automata, grenades and rifles, made a raid on the village council of the village of the Rivne region. There are lists and species of property of farms, monetary documents and receipts for calculating the peasants for statements, as well as 1753 rubles for calculating the bread and other products for statements and other products for settlement.

(CGAOO, F.1, OP.23, D.890, L.41-46.)

From the message of the Ternopol Regional Committee KP (b) y (April 1944).

On April 13, 1944, the BDGUP in the number of 15 people, armed with rifles and machine gun, dressed in the form of the Red Army, was in the village of Snegirevka Vishnevetsky district of the Ternopil region, killed Chairman of the village council and cut off his whole family. And on April 26, the Bangrup "Morozenko" arrived in the village of Kotlyarovskaya Pederkalsky district, took the chairman and secretary of the village council and hung them in the forest for the fact that they did not fulfill the order of the Morozenko gangsters about the mobilization of the residents of the village of Kotlyarevskoye in the UPA.

(CGAOOU, F.1, OP.23, D.930, L.190-198.)

From the management of the Contrase Dock "Serer" of the 1st Ukrainian Front.

10.11.1944 in p. A rover of the Rivne region was killed by the Deputy Chairman of the village council Veltemko Vasily Nikolayevich under the following circumstances. At night, the apartment was entered at the apartment, two unknown, dressed in the form of the soldiers of the Red Army; Considering him the documents that they are employees of the Division of the Counterintelligence "Serer", demanded that it allocate in their disposal two parkon systems. In the process of conversation, the bandits offered to help them in identifying Bandera. Having received consent from him, they brought Vermako to the outskirts of the village and there it was killed there, leaving a note of the following content: "Attention! Such a punishment will comprehend each senior service, the baseman and the NKVD agent, who will harm the Ukrainian nationalist revolution.

(CGAOO, F.1, OP.23, D.930, L.166-170.)

Also, several photographs of disguised in the Soviet form of the films from the photobase

Here I have in the post about the Lesya of the Republic of Svidomitsky trolls already that day broadcast about the "immortal express army of the UPA", incl. Tale about how to discredit the White and Fluffy UPA, the NKVD rags were changed in the form of the UPA (aha!) And from her behalf they committed crimes, intimidating neither the Spirit who did not suspect the bloody and criminal essential population.

There are no such examples. But the opposite - the car and the little trolley! Including from the OUN-UPA archives. Here is a document from the "Elektron Archiva of the Ukrainian Removal Ruhu" created by Vyatrovich. This is a very remarkable document from the archive of the Deputy Stephen Bandera during his stay in Cerlenbau, one of the creators of the UPA, a staff member of the CIA and the Creator of Her "Pressurry" organization "Prolog" - Mikola Swan.

This time, the myth of disguised ENKuvankhniki is documented. Everything was, as evidenced by the document, exactly the opposite. Members of the UPA, disguised into the Soviet military or police form terrorized the peaceful population in order to intimidate the Soviet Population:

Here are photos of Bandera, disguised into the Soviet form - from the archives of both MGB and the UPA.

It consotes the only thing that most photos are numbered, i.e. Those who saw people like firewood received by merit ...



Now I explain - where does this flight form on some on some. Here is the dataon that pilot From whose caps, today's "heroes" of Ukraine, or rather, the Anti-Ukrainian Ukrainian authorities are bangible:

Hero Soviet Union Guard Senior Lieutenant Lykhovid Mikhail Stepanovich, 1922, ukrainian, deputy Commander of the Squadron of the 104th Guards Krakow Order of Alexander Nevsky Fighter Aviation Regiment (9th Guards Mariupol Oden Bogdan Khmelnitsky Fighter Aviation Division, 7th Fighter Aviation Corps, 8th Air Army, 1st Ukrainian Front): Made 208 combat Railways, in 44 air battles personally hit 16 and in the group of 11 opponent aircraft. Big damage caused enemy assault actions.
I freed Ukraine from the German-fascist invaders, took part in the Lviv-Sandomir operation, which built the Brodovsky "boiler" from the air, covered Lviv's liberators from the air.

The air battle in one of the days of August 1944 in Rava - Russian in the Lviv region for the 22-year-old Mikhail Likhovida, by the time the Guard of Senior Lieutenant, became the last. The eight of the fighters, led by a Lykhovide, whom Tashkin himself called the "Knight of the sky", having squeezed the squadron of the enemy, returned to the airfield without one of the comrades, who was forced to plant his swoven car on a viscous field. It was necessary to save the battle twin. But raise the plane on the wing from that felting place, almost the swamps, only a very experienced pilot could only. Make it decided Lykhovid himself. Having captiously with me mechanics for repairing a fever of a comrade, he drove to the landing site, where, according to intelligence data, there were no enemies.

Who at that time could have thought that the most merciless enemies could be the "Ukrainian partisans", how young Bandera gave themselves. When the repair of a beaten aircraft approached an end, the whole equestrian detachment escaped them from behind shrubs and, shooting on the go, with a militant gibe rushed to the aircraft. Three brave aviator laid more than a dozen Bandera, but they were still still with fifty.

The heroes wounded the nationalists grabbed, for a long time, brutally beat, andthen the fire was burned and, tieding their victims and obsolence with gasoline, threw them into the flame, enjoying the death flips of "Schidnyakov-Communists".

Buried in the city of Rava-Russian. Reburied on the Hill of Fame in Lviv, where he has a monument. It is on the approach to this place on May 9 in 2011 in 2011, the descendants of Bandera beat the veterans of the Great Patriotic War, who launched flowers and to this grave, and today they want to demolish as the grave of the occupiers of Ukraine

I also remember about Soviet archival documents telling about these terrible facts:

With the promotion of the front of deep into the territory of Ukraine, reports from the commanders and units of the Red Army that nationalist gangs operating in the areas of Western regions of the Ukrainian SSR often resort to disguise, and make attacks on the village under the guise of Soviet partisan detachments.
(CGAOO, F.1, OP.23, D.930, L.11-22.)
The same information was confirmed by the partisans themselves. Moreover, as reported by the commander of the Rivne partisan compound No. 1 V. BEGMA, there are a number of cases when the nationalists under the guidance of guerrilla in the order of help are obtained in parts of the Red Army, weapons and ammunition. "The Red Army pretty willingly help the partisan detachments," he wrote in the report on February 5, 1944, "but some communities of parts have not yet understood this provocation conducted by nationalists."
(CGAOO, F.62, OP.1, D.1517, L.127.)

Such provocations were introduced into deception not only by the Red Army, who took Bandera for their own, but also that the main thing is the local population. For example, in February 1943, the squad of Bandera, disguised by the Soviet partisans, thus introduced to the delusion of residents of the village of Sarnensky district of the Rivne region, who had merged with a gang all day, and in the evening the Bandera arranged a massacre. In total, 173 people were destroyed, they managed to escape only to two seliners, which turned out to be littered with corpses, and a 6-year-old boy. The later inspection showed the exceptional cruelty with which a slaughter was made. From several people removed the skin, women raped, and after cut off his chest, the noses, the ears, shouted their eyes and cut off the heads. Then "Fighters for Nazalazhna" staged a boiled in the house of local heads. After leaving the gang, among the bottles scattered on the table, a 12-month-old baby was found, nailed with a knife to the table, whose mouth broke the abdicted grizzling of the sauced cucumber.

These data of Polish historians are confirmed by the Soviet parties. As reported on February 3, 1944, the commander of the troops of the 13th Army Lieutenant General N.P. Pukhov, "the population of almost everyone went strongly by the actions of the" Bandera "who create their crimes often under the guards of Soviet partisans. Therefore, in a conversation, it is reluctant to testify, often mixed with partisans, stating that those and other robes. "
(CGAOOU, F.1, OP.23, D.930, L.32-38.)

However, provocative "dressing" in the Soviet partisans did not limit itself.

With the arrival of the Red Army on the territory of Western Ukraine in the consensions of the Army Command, there were increasingly cases when Bandera is not only attacking the small detachments of redarmeys and single fighters who have retired on the march from their parts, but also remove with the killed clothes, take orders and medals. In his memories, the Commander of the 1st Guards Tank Army, Colonel-General M. Katukov, was written in his memoirs: "They wandered in the gang of Bandera. They wandered under the guise of ordinary peasants, so it was difficult to solve who they are. Attacked individual fighters. Killed, took the weapons, uniforms, documents. "
(Catukov M.E. on the edge of the main strike. - M.: Milivdat, 1974, p. 312)

It is worth adding that this trend was preserved and after the end of the war. He reported on December 28, 1945. Major General L.I. Brezhnev, at that time the head of political management of the Carpathian Military District, "Most cases of gangsters are committed precisely on solitary servicemen during their Movement in villages, deserted roads or at night in villages on apartments. Many of the cases of attacks are committed by gangsters in November. Using an element of suddenness and superiority in the forces - the attack of several on one - the gangsters achieved success. The purpose of many such attacks is to produce weapons, uniforms, documents, orders, etc.
At 24.00 on November 29, a group of bandits suddenly attacked Peprechin from 88 Odeb in the village of Zaleytsky district. Bandits of fire from 3 cars hardly wounded Kreukhin, removed the gymnaster from him, selected the medal "for military merit", the Guards icon and automatic. Heavy wounded Kuprikhin could not resist ...
November 13 in the center with. Popping Lieutenant Kozyrev, ordinary nikitin and carpunin of 223-angry artillery regiment were shelled because of the hedges with automatic fire. Bandits killed Lieutenant Kozyrev and Private Nikitin. ... It turned out that with the lieutenant of Kozyrev, the gangsters removed the outfit, took a gun and documents, and from the Red Army Nikitin removed the chinel and shoes ...
Lieutenant Fateev and Starin Karev protected the utility farm 295 SP in the village of Visionez. The commander of the company sent them to the neighboring village of Maidan Middle aged 1.5 km from the village of Visneze at Kuznets. Returning back, fateev and karev were suddenly fired on the outskirts of the village. Bandits killed Fateeva and hardly wounded Karev. Something she got to the company. 2 mobile groups left the scene. It was established that the gangsters brutally dispersed Lieutenant Fateeva, removed uniforms from him, took the machine and revolver ...
Private scholars and bouyagin of 565 SP on November 7 were returned from a service business trip and for the orders of Lieutenant Belyaeva went to the village of Dlyutin at the Saint for Horses. Both went to the house of a local resident of a walk, who promised to sell the hay. A group of bandits up to 15 people attacked this house and killed both ordinary, hostess at home and her 14-year-old daughter. The rest of the second 17-year-old daughter of the citizen of the walk told that one of the ordinary was first injured, and then shot by the gangsters. Bandits have taken away from the dead documents, 3 medals "for courage" and 2 carbine ...
Near the village of Dobromysl on November 21 at 16.00 Banda attacked a group of fighters of 142 separate cable sixth communication battalion. The bandits killed the ordinary Ulyanovsky and wounded the Efreitor Mochhanov, took the wagon, carabiner with 90 cartridges, orders and the documents of the killed and took his corpse. "
And then Leonid Ilyich drew attention to one pretty characteristic detail: "In the liquidated gangs, part of the bandits turned out to be in the form of the Military Army soldiers, with orders and medals ... Among the killed 1, the gangster was in the form of Major of the Red Army with the Order of the Glory of the 3rd degree. Another gangster is in the form of a senior lieutenant of the Red Army, dressed in a degradation and with orders belonging to the missing November 7 p. G. Battery Commander 465 SP Lieutenant Philippov ... "
(CGAOOU, F.1, OP.23, D.2958, L.1-20.)

A month later, in another his report, Brezhnev returned to the issue of theft of uniforms and awards: "A number of new attacks on solitary fighters, officers, the Soviet and party asset registered. In the village of Homcin - 18 km south of Kolomyia - January 10, the bandits killed the Kosovo Railoinskom Captain Zakharov and the head of the 3rd part of this RVK Akulov. Bandits robbed killed officers, carrying their weapons, documents and clothing.
The garrison of the village of Sadnecks under the command of the head of Captain Chethtenkov, producing the silence of the village entered into battle with a gang. Three gangsters were killed in battle. Among them, the gangster stage Mikhail Dmitrievich is the district leader on the nickname "Yura". According to the documents found from him, it was established that he at one time killed the deputy chief of the political waste of the 38 armies of Colonel Golubev. Party ticket was found in the name of Irina Dmitrievna Titarchuk, the candidate card in the name of Surik Oganesyan, 12 Komsomol tickets, more than 100 Red Army books, the Order of the Patriotic War of the 2nd degree, 2 orders of the Glory of the 3rd degree, the medal "for courage", 2 medals "for military merit" and medal "for victory over Germany". "
(CGAOO, F.1, OP.23, D.2958, L.21-30.)

For its part, the management of counterintelligence of the 1st Ukrainian Front and the Office of the NKVD of Western OSSR regions reported that when conducting operations to eliminate nationalist bandforms, their employees are also found in large quantities of Soviet orders, medals, form in large quantities of bunkeepers and Red Army books. For example, when eliminating the conductor of the OUN Karpathian region, I. Melnik - "Robert" on November 1, 1946, in its Skron on Mount Javarine Berekhovsky district Stanislav region, Chekists discovered 28 orders and medals of the USSR, 11 partbillets, 9 candidate cards, 30 Komsomol tickets , 180 military tickets, 55 Red Army books, 78 Soviet passports, etc. Documents.
(CGAOOU, F.1, OP.23, D.2961, L.139-143.)

Why were you needed by Bandera in such a number of Soviet military uniforms and orders? The answer came very soon.

February 15, 1944 in the village of Seall Mikulino, 16 km from the mountains. Exactly, a valid BandGroup was established, dressed in the form of military personnel, which kidnapped the fighter of the SAPER battalion 121 GGsd of the Kofutun and carried it in an unknown direction.
(CGAOOU, F.1, OP.23, D.930, L.56.)

From the message of the Volyn Compact KP (b) y (March 1944).
A gang appeared in the village of Holy Tsumansky district in the amount of 30 people. In the form of Soviet military workers, who left the order in the village Council on behalf of the "revolutionary tribunal", prohibiting to be pressed and threatening the violence of "as a traitor to the Motherland." Also, the orders they were opened on the buildings of the village.
(CGAOO, F.1, OP.23, D.930, L.133-137.)

From the report of the Rovna Command KP (b) y (April 1944).
On the night of April 10, a group of persons in military uniform armed with automata, grenades and rifles, made a raid on the village council of the village of the Rivne region. There are lists and species of property of farms, monetary documents and receipts for calculating the peasants for statements, as well as 1753 rubles for calculating the bread and other products for statements and other products for settlement.
(CGAOO, F.1, OP.23, D.890, L.41-46.)

From the message of the Ternopol Regional Committee KP (b) y (April 1944).
On April 13, 1944, the BDGUP in the number of 15 people, armed with rifles and machine gun, dressed in the form of the Red Army, was in the village of Snegirevka Vishnevetsky district of the Ternopil region, killed Chairman of the village council and cut off his whole family. And on April 26, the Bangrup "Morozenko" arrived in the village of Kotlyarovskaya Pederkalsky district, took the chairman and secretary of the village council and hung them in the forest for the fact that they did not fulfill the order of the Morozenko gangsters about the mobilization of the residents of the village of Kotlyarevskoye in the UPA.
(CGAOOU, F.1, OP.23, D.930, L.190-198.)

From the management of the Contrase Dock "Serer" of the 1st Ukrainian Front.
10.11.1944 in p. A rover of the Rivne region was killed by the Deputy Chairman of the village council Veltemko Vasily Nikolayevich under the following circumstances. At night, the apartment was entered at the apartment, two unknown, dressed in the form of the soldiers of the Red Army; Considering him the documents that they are employees of the Division of the Counterintelligence "Serer", demanded that it allocate in their disposal two parkon systems. In the process of conversation, the bandits offered to help them in identifying Bandera. Having received consent from him, they brought Vermako to the outskirts of the village and there it was killed there, leaving a note of the following content: "Attention! Such a punishment will comprehend each senior service, the baseman and the NKVD agent, who will harm the Ukrainian nationalist revolution.
(CGAOO, F.1, OP.23, D.930, L.166-170.)

I continue to publish documents from the "Elektron Archiva of the Ukrainian Democracy Roach" (wishing to familiarize themselves with the "OUN-UPA" published in Tag). This time, a very remarkable document from the archive of the Deputy Stephen Bandera during his stay in Cerlenbau, one of the creators of the UPA, a staff member of the CIA and the Creator of its "pierced" organization "Prolog" - Mikola Swan.

This time, the myth of disguised ENKuvankhniki is documented. Everything was, as evidenced by the document, exactly the opposite. Members of the UPA, disguised into the Soviet military or police form terrorized the peaceful population in order to intimidate the Soviet Population:

I also remember about Soviet archival documents confirming these terrible facts:

With the promotion of the front of deep into the territory of Ukraine, reports from the commanders and units of the Red Army that nationalist gangs operating in the areas of Western regions of the Ukrainian SSR often resort to disguise, and make attacks on the village under the guise of Soviet partisan detachments.
(CGAOO, F.1, OP.23, D.930, L.11-22.)
The same information was confirmed by the partisans themselves. Moreover, as reported by the commander of the Rivne partisan compound No. 1 V. BEGMA, there are a number of cases when the nationalists under the guidance of guerrilla in the order of help are obtained in parts of the Red Army, weapons and ammunition. "The Red Army pretty willingly help the partisan detachments," he wrote in the report on February 5, 1944, "but some communities of parts have not yet understood this provocation conducted by nationalists."
(CGAOO, F.62, OP.1, D.1517, L.127.)

Such provocations were introduced into deception not only by the Red Army, who took Bandera for their own, but also that the main thing is the local population. For example, in February 1943, the squad of Bandera, disguised by the Soviet partisans, thus introduced to the delusion of residents of the village of Sarnensky district of the Rivne region, who had merged with a gang all day, and in the evening the Bandera arranged a massacre. In total, 173 people were destroyed, they managed to escape only to two seliners, which turned out to be littered with corpses, and a 6-year-old boy. The later inspection showed the exceptional cruelty with which a slaughter was made. From several people removed the skin, women raped, and after cut off his chest, the noses, the ears, shouted their eyes and cut off the heads. Then "Fighters for Nazalazhna" staged a boiled in the house of local heads. After leaving the gang, among the bottles scattered on the table, a 12-month-old baby was found, nailed with a knife to the table, whose mouth broke the abdicted grizzling of the sauced cucumber.

These data of Polish historians are confirmed by the Soviet parties. As reported on February 3, 1944, the commander of the troops of the 13th Army Lieutenant General N.P. Pukhov, "the population of almost everyone went strongly by the actions of the" Bandera "who create their crimes often under the guards of Soviet partisans. Therefore, in a conversation, it is reluctant to testify, often mixed with partisans, stating that those and other robes. "
(CGAOOU, F.1, OP.23, D.930, L.32-38.)

However, provocative "dressing" in the Soviet partisans did not limit itself.

With the arrival of the Red Army on the territory of Western Ukraine in the consensions of the Army Command, there were increasingly cases when Bandera is not only attacking the small detachments of redarmeys and single fighters who have retired on the march from their parts, but also remove with the killed clothes, take orders and medals. In his memories, the Commander of the 1st Guards Tank Army, Colonel-General M. Katukov, was written in his memoirs: "They wandered in the gang of Bandera. They wandered under the guise of ordinary peasants, so it was difficult to solve who they are. Attacked individual fighters. Killed, took the weapons, uniforms, documents. "
(Catukov M.E. on the edge of the main strike. - M.: Milivdat, 1974, p. 312)

It is worth adding that this trend was preserved and after the end of the war. He reported on December 28, 1945. Major General L.I. Brezhnev, at that time the head of political management of the Carpathian Military District, "Most cases of gangsters are committed precisely on solitary servicemen during their Movement in villages, deserted roads or at night in villages on apartments. Many of the cases of attacks are committed by gangsters in November. Using an element of suddenness and superiority in the forces - the attack of several on one - the gangsters achieved success. The purpose of many such attacks is to produce weapons, uniforms, documents, orders, etc.
At 24.00 on November 29, a group of bandits suddenly attacked Peprechin from 88 Odeb in the village of Zaleytsky district. Bandits of fire from 3 cars hardly wounded Kreukhin, removed the gymnaster from him, selected the medal "for military merit", the Guards icon and automatic. Heavy wounded Kuprikhin could not resist ...
November 13 in the center with. Popping Lieutenant Kozyrev, ordinary nikitin and carpunin of 223-angry artillery regiment were shelled because of the hedges with automatic fire. Bandits killed Lieutenant Kozyrev and Private Nikitin. ... It turned out that with the lieutenant of Kozyrev, the gangsters removed the outfit, took a gun and documents, and from the Red Army Nikitin removed the chinel and shoes ...
Lieutenant Fateev and Starin Karev protected the utility farm 295 SP in the village of Visionez. The commander of the company sent them to the neighboring village of Maidan Middle aged 1.5 km from the village of Visneze at Kuznets. Returning back, fateev and karev were suddenly fired on the outskirts of the village. Bandits killed Fateeva and hardly wounded Karev. Something she got to the company. 2 mobile groups left the scene. It was established that the gangsters brutally dispersed Lieutenant Fateeva, removed uniforms from him, took the machine and revolver ...
Private scholars and bouyagin of 565 SP on November 7 were returned from a service business trip and for the orders of Lieutenant Belyaeva went to the village of Dlyutin at the Saint for Horses. Both went to the house of a local resident of a walk, who promised to sell the hay. A group of bandits up to 15 people attacked this house and killed both ordinary, hostess at home and her 14-year-old daughter. The rest of the second 17-year-old daughter of the citizen of the walk told that one of the ordinary was first injured, and then shot by the gangsters. Bandits have taken away from the dead documents, 3 medals "for courage" and 2 carbine ...
Near the village of Dobromysl on November 21 at 16.00 Banda attacked a group of fighters of 142 separate cable sixth communication battalion. The bandits killed the ordinary Ulyanovsky and wounded the Efreitor Mochhanov, took the wagon, carabiner with 90 cartridges, orders and the documents of the killed and took his corpse. "
And then Leonid Ilyich drew attention to one pretty characteristic detail: "In the liquidated gangs, part of the bandits turned out to be in the form of the Military Army soldiers, with orders and medals ... Among the killed 1, the gangster was in the form of Major of the Red Army with the Order of the Glory of the 3rd degree. Another gangster is in the form of a senior lieutenant of the Red Army, dressed in a degradation and with orders belonging to the missing November 7 p. G. Battery Commander 465 SP Lieutenant Philippov ... "
(CGAOOU, F.1, OP.23, D.2958, L.1-20.)

A month later, in another his report, Brezhnev returned to the issue of theft of uniforms and awards: "A number of new attacks on solitary fighters, officers, the Soviet and party asset registered. In the village of Homcin - 18 km south of Kolomyia - January 10, the bandits killed the Kosovo Railoinskom Captain Zakharov and the head of the 3rd part of this RVK Akulov. Bandits robbed killed officers, carrying their weapons, documents and clothing.
The garrison of the village of Sadnecks under the command of the head of Captain Chethtenkov, producing the silence of the village entered into battle with a gang. Three gangsters were killed in battle. Among them, the gangster stage Mikhail Dmitrievich is the district leader on the nickname "Yura". According to the documents found from him, it was established that he at one time killed the deputy chief of the political waste of the 38 armies of Colonel Golubev. Party ticket was found in the name of Irina Dmitrievna Titarchuk, the candidate card in the name of Surik Oganesyan, 12 Komsomol tickets, more than 100 Red Army books, the Order of the Patriotic War of the 2nd degree, 2 orders of the Glory of the 3rd degree, the medal "for courage", 2 medals "for military merit" and medal "for victory over Germany". "
(CGAOO, F.1, OP.23, D.2958, L.21-30.)

For its part, the management of counterintelligence of the 1st Ukrainian Front and the Office of the NKVD of Western OSSR regions reported that when conducting operations to eliminate nationalist bandforms, their employees are also found in large quantities of Soviet orders, medals, form in large quantities of bunkeepers and Red Army books. For example, when eliminating the conductor of the OUN Karpathian region, I. Melnik - "Robert" on November 1, 1946, in its Skron on Mount Javarine Berekhovsky district Stanislav region, Chekists discovered 28 orders and medals of the USSR, 11 partbillets, 9 candidate cards, 30 Komsomol tickets , 180 military tickets, 55 Red Army books, 78 Soviet passports, etc. Documents.
(CGAOOU, F.1, OP.23, D.2961, L.139-143.)

Why were you needed by Bandera in such a number of Soviet military uniforms and orders? The answer came very soon.

February 15, 1944 in the village of Seall Mikulino, 16 km from the mountains. Exactly, a valid BandGroup was established, dressed in the form of military personnel, which kidnapped the fighter of the SAPER battalion 121 GGsd of the Kofutun and carried it in an unknown direction.
(CGAOOU, F.1, OP.23, D.930, L.56.)

From the message of the Volyn Compact KP (b) y (March 1944).
A gang appeared in the village of Holy Tsumansky district in the amount of 30 people. In the form of Soviet military workers, who left the order in the village Council on behalf of the "revolutionary tribunal", prohibiting to be pressed and threatening the violence of "as a traitor to the Motherland." Also, the orders they were opened on the buildings of the village.
(CGAOO, F.1, OP.23, D.930, L.133-137.)

From the report of the Rovna Command KP (b) y (April 1944).
On the night of April 10, a group of persons in military uniform armed with automata, grenades and rifles, made a raid on the village council of the village of the Rivne region. There are lists and species of property of farms, monetary documents and receipts for calculating the peasants for statements, as well as 1753 rubles for calculating the bread and other products for statements and other products for settlement.
(CGAOO, F.1, OP.23, D.890, L.41-46.)

From the message of the Ternopol Regional Committee KP (b) y (April 1944).
On April 13, 1944, the BDGUP in the number of 15 people, armed with rifles and machine gun, dressed in the form of the Red Army, was in the village of Snegirevka Vishnevetsky district of the Ternopil region, killed Chairman of the village council and cut off his whole family. And on April 26, the Bangrup "Morozenko" arrived in the village of Kotlyarovskaya Pederkalsky district, took the chairman and secretary of the village council and hung them in the forest for the fact that they did not fulfill the order of the Morozenko gangsters about the mobilization of the residents of the village of Kotlyarevskoye in the UPA.
(CGAOOU, F.1, OP.23, D.930, L.190-198.)

From the management of the Contrase Dock "Serer" of the 1st Ukrainian Front.
10.11.1944 in p. A rover of the Rivne region was killed by the Deputy Chairman of the village council Veltemko Vasily Nikolayevich under the following circumstances. At night, the apartment was entered at the apartment, two unknown, dressed in the form of the soldiers of the Red Army; Considering him the documents that they are employees of the Division of the Counterintelligence "Serer", demanded that it allocate in their disposal two parkon systems. In the process of conversation, the bandits offered to help them in identifying Bandera. Having received consent from him, they brought Vermako to the outskirts of the village and there it was killed there, leaving a note of the following content: "Attention! Such a punishment will comprehend each senior service, the baseman and the NKVD agent, who will harm the Ukrainian nationalist revolution.
(CGAOO, F.1, OP.23, D.930, L.166-170.)

Very remarkable document "ELECTRON ARHIVA UKRAINSKY PRECUTY RUCH" from the archive of Deputy Stephen Bandera during his stay in Cerlenbau, one of the creators of the UPA, a staff member of the CIA and the Creator of Her "Pressurry" organization "Prolog" - Mikola Swan.

Here, the myth of disguised and Encoveshniki is documented. Everything was, as the Bandera document testifies, exactly the opposite. UPA members, disguised into the Soviet military or police form terrorized the peaceful population in order to intimidate the Soviet power


I also remember about Soviet archival documents confirming these terrible facts:

With the promotion of the front of deep into the territory of Ukraine, reports from the commanders and units of the Red Army that nationalist gangs operating in the areas of Western regions of the Ukrainian SSR often resort to disguise, and make attacks on the village under the guise of Soviet partisan detachments.
(CGAOO, F.1, OP.23, D.930, L.11-22.)

The same information was confirmed by the partisans themselves. Moreover, as reported by the commander of the Rivne partisan compound No. 1 V. BEGMA, there are a number of cases when the nationalists under the guidance of guerrilla in the order of help are obtained in parts of the Red Army, weapons and ammunition. " The Red Army pretty willingly helps the partisan detachments, he wrote in the report on February 5, 1944, -but some commanders of parts have not yet understood this provocation conducted by nationalists.».
(CGAOO, F.62, OP.1, D.1517, L.127.)

Such provocations were introduced into deception not only by the Red Army, who took Bandera for their own, but also that the main thing is the local population.
For example, in February 1943, the squad of Bandera, disguised by the Soviet partisans, thus introduced to the delusion of residents of the village of Sarnensky district of the Rivne region, who had merged with a gang all day, and in the evening the Bandera arranged a massacre. In total, it was destroyed 173 people, we managed to escape only to two seliners, which turned out to be littered with corpses, and 6-year-old boys. The later inspection showed the exceptional cruelty with which a slaughter was made. From several people removed the skin, women raped, and after cut off his chest, the noses, the ears, shouted their eyes and cut off the heads. Then " fighters for Nazalezhna»They arranged a drink in the house of local heads. After leaving the gang, among the bottles scattered on the table, a 12-month-old baby was found, nailed with a knife to the table, whose mouth broke the abdicted grizzling of the sauced cucumber.

These data of Polish historians are confirmed by the Soviet parties. As reported on February 13, 1944, the commander of the troops of the 13th Army Lieutenant General N.Pukhov, "The population of almost everyone got very frightened by the actions of the" Bandera "who create their crimes often under the guards of Soviet partisans. Therefore, in a conversation, it is reluctant to testify, often mixed with partisans, stating that those and other robes. "
(CGAOOU, F.1, OP.23, D.930, L.32-38.)

However, provocative "dressing" in the Soviet partisans did not limit itself.

With the arrival of the Red Army on the territory of Western Ukraine in the consensions of the Army Command, there were increasingly cases when Bandera is not only attacking the small detachments of redarmeys and single fighters who have retired on the march from their parts, but also remove with the killed clothes, take orders and medals. In his memories, the Commander of the 1st Guards Tank Army, Colonel-General M. Katukov, was written in his memoirs: "They wandered in the gang of Bandera. They wandered under the guise of ordinary peasants, so it was difficult to solve who they are. Attacked individual fighters. Killed, took the weapons, uniforms, documents. "
(Catukov M.E. on the edge of the main strike. - M.: Milivdat, 1974, p. 312)

It is worth adding that this tendency remained after the end of the war. Cax reported on December 28, 1945, Major General L.I.Bezhnev, at the time the head of the political management of the Carpathian Military District,
« most cases of attacks of bandits are committed precisely on single servicemen during their movements in the villages, deserted roads or at night in villages on apartments. Many of the cases of attacks are committed by gangsters in November. Using an element of suddenness and superiority in the forces - the attack of several on one - the gangsters achieved success. The purpose of many such attacks is to produce weapons, uniforms, documents, orders, etc.

At 24.00 on November 29, a group of bandits suddenly attacked Peprechin from 88 Odeb in the village of Zaleytsky district. Bandits of fire from 3 cars hardly wounded Kreukhin, removed the gymnaster from him, selected the medal "for military merit", the Guards icon and automatic. Heavy wounded Kuprikhin could not resist ...

November 13 in the center with. Popping Lieutenant Kozyrev, ordinary nikitin and carpunin of 223-angry artillery regiment were shelled because of the hedges with automatic fire. Bandits killed Lieutenant Kozyrev and Private Nikitin. ... It turned out that with the lieutenant of Kozyrev, the gangsters removed the outfit, took a gun and documents, and from the Red Army Nikitin removed the chinel and shoes ...

Lieutenant Fateev and Starin Karev protected the utility farm 295 SP in the village of Visionez. The commander of the company sent them to the neighboring village of Maidan Middle aged 1.5 km from the village of Visneze at Kuznets. Returning back, fateev and karev were suddenly fired on the outskirts of the village. Bandits killed Fateeva and hardly wounded Karev. Something she got to the company. 2 mobile groups left the scene. It was established that the gangsters brutally dispersed Lieutenant Fateeva, removed uniforms from him, took the machine and revolver ...

Private scholars and bouyagin of 565 SP on November 7 were returned from a service business trip and for the orders of Lieutenant Belyaeva went to the village of Dlyutin at the Saint for Horses. Both went to the house of a local resident of a walk, who promised to sell the hay. A group of bandits up to 15 people attacked this house and killed both ordinary, hostess at home and her 14-year-old daughter. The rest of the second 17-year-old daughter of the citizen of the walk told that one of the ordinary was first injured, and then shot by the gangsters. Bandits have taken away from the dead documents, 3 medals "for courage" and 2 carbine ...

Near the village of Dobromysl on November 21 at 16.00 Banda attacked a group of fighters of 142 separate cable sixth communication battalion. The bandits killed the ordinary Ulyanovsky and wounded the Efreitor Mochhanov, took the wagon, carabiner with 90 cartridges, orders and the documents of the killed and took his corpse. "

And then Leonid Ilyich drew attention to one pretty characteristic detail: "In liquidated gangs, part of the bandits turned out to be in the form of the Military Army soldiers, with orders and medals ... Among the killed 1, the gangster was in the form of Major of the Red Army with the Order of the Glory of the 3rd degree. Another gangster is in the form of a senior lieutenant of the Red Army, dressed in a degradation and with orders belonging to the missing November 7 p. Mr. Battery Commander 465 SP Lieutenant Philippov .. . »
(CGAOOU, F.1, OP.23, D.2958, L.1-20.)

A month later, in another his report, Brezhnev returned to the issue of theft of uniforms and awards:
« A number of new attacks on single fighters, officers, the Soviet and party asset are registered. In the village of Homcin - 18 km south of Kolomyia - January 10, the bandits killed the Kosovo Railoinskom Captain Zakharov and the head of the 3rd part of this RVK Akulov. Bandits robbed killed officers, carrying their weapons, documents and clothing.
The garrison of the village of Sadnecks under the command of the head of Captain Chethtenkov, producing the silence of the village entered into battle with a gang. Three gangsters were killed in battle. Among them, the gangster stage Mikhail Dmitrievich is the district leader on the nickname "Yura". According to the documents found from him, it was established that he at one time killed the deputy chief of the political waste of the 38 armies of Colonel Golubev. Party ticket was found in the name of Irina Dmitrievna Titarchuk, the candidate card in the name of Surik Oganesyan, 12 Komsomol tickets, more than 100 Red Army books, the Order of the Patriotic War of the 2nd degree, 2 orders of the Glory of the 3rd degree, the medal "for courage", 2 medals "for military merit" and medal "For victory over Germany"
(CGAOO, F.1, OP.23, D.2958, L.21-30.)

For its part, the management of counterintelligence of the 1st Ukrainian Front and the Office of the NKVD of Western OSSR regions reported that when conducting operations to eliminate nationalist bandforms, their employees are also found in large quantities of Soviet orders, medals, form in large quantities of bunkeepers and Red Army books. For example, when eliminating the conductor of the OUN Karpathian region, I. Melnik - "Robert" on November 1, 1946, in its Skron on Mount Javarine Berekhovsky district Stanislav region, Chekists discovered 28 orders and medals of the USSR, 11 partbillets, 9 candidate cards, 30 Komsomol tickets , 180 military tickets, 55 Red Army books, 78 Soviet passports, etc. Documents.
(CGAOOU, F.1, OP.23, D.2961, L.139-143.)

Why were you needed by Bandera in such a number of Soviet military uniforms and orders? The answer came very soon.

February 15, 1944 in the village of Seall Mikulino, 16 km from the mountains. Exactly, a valid BandGroup was established, dressed in the form of military personnel, which kidnapped the fighter of the SAPER battalion 121 GGsd of the Kofutun and carried it in an unknown direction.
(CGAOOU, F.1, OP.23, D.930, L.56.)

From the message of the Volyn Compact KP (b) y (March 1944).
A gang appeared in the village of Holy Tsumansky district in the amount of 30 people. In the form of Soviet military workers, who left the order in the village Council on behalf of the "revolutionary tribunal", prohibiting to be pressed and threatening the violence of "as a traitor to the Motherland." Also, the orders they were opened on the buildings of the village.
(CGAOO, F.1, OP.23, D.930, L.133-137.)

From the report of the Rovna Command KP (b) y (April 1944).
On the night of April 10, a group of persons in military uniform armed with automata, grenades and rifles, made a raid on the village council of the village of the Rivne region. There are lists and species of property of farms, monetary documents and receipts for calculating the peasants for statements, as well as 1753 rubles for calculating the bread and other products for statements and other products for settlement.
(CGAOO, F.1, OP.23, D.890, L.41-46.)

From the message of the Ternopol Regional Committee KP (b) y (April 1944).
On April 13, 1944, the BDGUP in the number of 15 people, armed with rifles and machine gun, dressed in the form of the Red Army, was in the village of Snegirevka Vishnevetsky district of the Ternopil region, killed Chairman of the village council and cut off his whole family. And on April 26, the Bangrup "Morozenko" arrived in the village of Kotlyarovskaya Pederkalsky district, took the chairman and secretary of the village council and hung them in the forest for the fact that they did not fulfill the order of the Morozenko gangsters about the mobilization of the residents of the village of Kotlyarevskoye in the UPA.
(CGAOOU, F.1, OP.23, D.930, L.190-198.)

From the management of the Contrase Dock "Serer" of the 1st Ukrainian Front.
10.11.1944 in p. A rover of the Rivne region was killed by the Deputy Chairman of the village council Veltemko Vasily Nikolayevich under the following circumstances. At night, the apartment was entered at the apartment, two unknown, dressed in the form of the soldiers of the Red Army; Considering him the documents that they are employees of the Division of the Counterintelligence "Serer", demanded that it allocate in their disposal two parkon systems. In the process of conversation, the bandits offered to help them in identifying Bandera. Having received consent from him, they brought Vermako to the outskirts of the village and there it was killed there, leaving a note of the following content: "Attention! Such a punishment will comprehend each senior service, the baseman and the NKVD agent, who will harm the Ukrainian nationalist revolution.
(CGAOO, F.1, OP.23, D.930, L.166-170.)

I continue to publish documents from the "Elektron Archiva of the Ukrainian Democracy Roach" (wishing to familiarize themselves with the "OUN-UPA" published in Tag).

This time, a very remarkable document from the archive of the Deputy Stephen Bandera during his stay in Cerlenbau, one of the creators of the UPA, a staff member of the CIA and the Creator of its "pierced" organization "Prolog" - Mikola Swan.

This time, the myth of disguised ENKuvankhniki is documented. Everything was, as evidenced by the document, exactly the opposite. Members of the UPA, disguised into the Soviet military or police form terrorized the peaceful population in order to intimidate the Soviet Population:

I also remember about Soviet archival documents confirming these terrible facts:

With the promotion of the front of deep into the territory of Ukraine, reports from the commanders and units of the Red Army that nationalist gangs operating in the areas of Western regions of the Ukrainian SSR often resort to disguise, and make attacks on the village under the guise of Soviet partisan detachments.

(CGAOO, F.1, OP.23, D.930, L.11-22.)

The same information was confirmed by the partisans themselves. Moreover, as reported by the commander of the Rivne partisan compound No. 1 V. BEGMA, there are a number of cases when the nationalists under the guidance of guerrilla in the order of help are obtained in parts of the Red Army, weapons and ammunition. "The Red Army pretty willingly help the partisan detachments," he wrote in the report on February 5, 1944, "but some communities of parts have not yet understood this provocation conducted by nationalists."

(CGAOO, F.62, OP.1, D.1517, L.127.)

Such provocations were introduced into deception not only by the Red Army, who took Bandera for their own, but also that the main thing is the local population. For example, in February 1943, the squad of Bandera, disguised by the Soviet partisans, thus introduced to the delusion of residents of the village of Sarnensky district of the Rivne region, who had merged with a gang all day, and in the evening the Bandera arranged a massacre.

In total, 173 people were destroyed, they managed to escape only to two seliners, which turned out to be littered with corpses, and a 6-year-old boy.

The later inspection showed the exceptional cruelty with which a slaughter was made. From several people removed the skin, women raped, and after cut off his chest, the noses, the ears, shouted their eyes and cut off the heads.

Then "Fighters for Nazalazhna" staged a boiled in the house of local heads. After leaving the gang, among the bottles scattered on the table, a 12-month-old baby was found, nailed with a knife to the table, whose mouth broke the abdicted grizzling of the sauced cucumber.


These data of Polish historians are confirmed by the Soviet parties. As reported on February 3, 1944, the commander of the troops of the 13th Army Lieutenant General N.P. Pukhov, "the population of almost everyone was very frightened by the actions of the" Bandera ", which make their crimes often under the guards of Soviet partisans. Therefore, in a conversation reluctant to testify, They are often mixed with partisans, stating that those and other robes. "

(CGAOOU, F.1, OP.23, D.930, L.32-38.)

However, provocative "dressing" in the Soviet partisans did not limit itself.

With the arrival of the Red Army on the territory of Western Ukraine in the consensions of the Army Command, there were increasingly cases when Bandera is not only attacking the small detachments of redarmeys and single fighters who have retired on the march from their parts, but also remove with the killed clothes, take orders and medals.

The Commander of the 1st Guards Tank Army, the Commander of the 1st Guards Tank Army, Colonel M. Katukov, was written about this: "They wandered in the gang of Bandera. They wandered under the guise of ordinary peasants, so it was difficult to solve who they are. Attacked individual fighters . Killed, taken weapons, outfit, documents. "

(Catukov M.E. on the edge of the main strike. - M.: Milivdat, 1974, p. 312)

It is worth adding that this trend remained after the end of the war. He reported on December 28, 1945. Major General L.I.Bezhnev, at that time the head of the political management of the Carpathian Military District, "Most cases of gangsters are committed precisely on solitary servicemen during their Movement in villages, deserted roads or at night in villages on apartments.

Many of the cases of attacks are committed by gangsters in November. Using an element of suddenness and superiority in the forces - the attack of several on one - the gangsters achieved success. The purpose of many such attacks is to produce weapons, uniforms, documents, orders, etc.

At 24.00 on November 29, a group of bandits suddenly attacked Peprechin from 88 Odeb in the village of Zaleytsky district. Bandits of fire from 3 cars hardly wounded Kreukhin, removed the gymnaster from him, selected the medal "for military merit", the Guards icon and automatic. Heavy wounded Kuprikhin could not resist ...

November 13 in the center with. Popping Lieutenant Kozyrev, ordinary nikitin and carpunin of 223-angry artillery regiment were shelled because of the hedges with automatic fire. Bandits killed Lieutenant Kozyrev and Private Nikitin. ... It turned out that with the lieutenant of Kozyrev, the gangsters removed the outfit, took a gun and documents, and from the Red Army Nikitin removed the chinel and shoes ...

Lieutenant Fateev and Starin Karev protected the utility farm 295 SP in the village of Visionez. The commander of the company sent them to the neighboring village of Maidan Middle aged 1.5 km from the village of Visneze at Kuznets. Returning back, fateev and karev were suddenly fired on the outskirts of the village. Bandits killed Fateeva and hardly wounded Karev. Something she got to the company. 2 mobile groups left the scene. It was established that the gangsters brutally dispersed Lieutenant Fateeva, removed uniforms from him, took the machine and revolver ...

Private scholars and bouyagin of 565 SP on November 7 were returned from a service business trip and for the orders of Lieutenant Belyaeva went to the village of Dlyutin at the Saint for Horses. Both went to the house of a local resident of a walk, who promised to sell the hay. A group of bandits up to 15 people attacked this house and killed both ordinary, hostess at home and her 14-year-old daughter. The rest of the second 17-year-old daughter of the citizen of the walk told that one of the ordinary was first injured, and then shot by the gangsters. Bandits have taken away from the dead documents, 3 medals "for courage" and 2 carbine ...

Near the village of Dobromysl on November 21 at 16.00 Banda attacked a group of fighters of 142 separate cable sixth communication battalion. The gangsters killed the ordinary Ulyanovsky and wounded the Efreitor Mochhanov, took the wagon, carabiner with 90 cartridges, orders and the documents of the killed and took his corpse. "

And then Leonid Ilyich drew attention to one pretty characteristic detail: "In the liquidated gangs, part of the bandits turned out to be in the form of the Red Army soldiers, with orders and medals ... Among the killed 1 gangster was in the form of Major of the Red Army with the Order of Glory of the 3rd degree. Another gangster - In the form of Senior Lieutenant of the Red Army, dressed in a degradation and with orders belonging to the missing November 7 p. Mr. Battery Commander 465 SP Lieutenant Philippov ... "

(CGAOOU, F.1, OP.23, D.2958, L.1-20.)

A month later, in another his report, Brezhnev returned to the issue of uniforms and awards: "A number of new attacks on single fighters, officers, the Soviet and party asset were registered. In the village of Homchin - 18 km south of Kolomyia - January 10, bandits killed Kosovo Railoin Captain Zakharov and the head of the 3rd part of this RVK Akulov. Bandits robbed killed officers, carrying their weapons, documents and clothing.

The garrison of the village of Sadnecks under the command of the head of Captain Chethtenkov, producing the silence of the village entered into battle with a gang. Three gangsters were killed in battle. Among them, the gangster stage Mikhail Dmitrievich is the district leader on the nickname "Yura". According to the documents found from him, it was established that he at one time killed the deputy chief of the political waste of the 38 armies of Colonel Golubev. Party ticket was found in the name of Irina Dmitrievna Titarchuk, the candidate card in the name of Surik Oganesyan, 12 Komsomol tickets, more than 100 Red Army books, the Order of the Patriotic War of the 2nd degree, 2 orders of the Glory of the 3rd degree, the medal "for courage", 2 medals "for military merit" and medal "for victory over Germany".

(CGAOO, F.1, OP.23, D.2958, L.21-30.)

For its part, the management of the Counterintelligence of the 1st Ukrainian Front and the Office of the NKVD of the Western regions of the Ukrainian SSR reported that during operations to eliminate nationalist bandforms, their employees also find the Soviet orders, medals in large quantities of Soviet orders, medals, shape in large quantities and Red Army books. For example, when eliminating the conductor of the OUN of the Carpathian region, I. Melnik - "Robert" on November 1, 1946, in its Skron on the mountain of Jaworina of the Berekhovsky district of Stanislav region, Chekists discovered 28 orders and medals of the USSR, 11 partbillets, 9 candidate cards, 30 Komsomol tickets , 180 military tickets, 55 Red Army books, 78 Soviet passports, etc. Documents.

(CGAOOU, F.1, OP.23, D.2961, L.139-143.)

Why were you needed by Bandera in such a number of Soviet military uniforms and orders? The answer came very soon.

February 15, 1944 in the village of Seall Mikulino, 16 km from the mountains. Exactly, a valid BandGroup was established, dressed in the form of military personnel, which kidnapped the fighter of the SAPER battalion 121 GGsd of the Kofutun and carried it in an unknown direction.

(CGAOOU, F.1, OP.23, D.930, L.56.)

From the message of the Volyn Compact KP (b) y (March 1944).

A gang appeared in the village of Holy Tsumansky district in the amount of 30 people. In the form of Soviet military workers, who left the order in the village Council on behalf of the "revolutionary tribunal", prohibiting to be pressed and threatening the violence of "as a traitor to the Motherland." Also, the orders they were opened on the buildings of the village.

(CGAOO, F.1, OP.23, D.930, L.133-137.)

From the report of the Rovna Command KP (b) y (April 1944).

On the night of April 10, a group of persons in military uniform armed with automata, grenades and rifles, made a raid on the village council of the village of the Rivne region. There are lists and species of property of farms, monetary documents and receipts for calculating the peasants for statements, as well as 1753 rubles for calculating the bread and other products for statements and other products for settlement.

(CGAOO, F.1, OP.23, D.890, L.41-46.)

From the message of the Ternopol Regional Committee KP (b) y (April 1944).

On April 13, 1944, the BDGUP in the number of 15 people, armed with rifles and machine gun, dressed in the form of the Red Army, was in the village of Snegirevka Vishnevetsky district of the Ternopil region, killed Chairman of the village council and cut off his whole family. And on April 26, the Bangrup "Morozenko" arrived in the village of Kotlyarovskaya Pederkalsky district, took the chairman and secretary of the village council and hung them in the forest for the fact that they did not fulfill the order of the Morozenko gangsters about the mobilization of the residents of the village of Kotlyarevskoye in the UPA.

(CGAOOU, F.1, OP.23, D.930, L.190-198.)

From the management of the Contrast Docking "Serer" of the 1st Ukrainian Front.

10.11.1944 in p. A rover of the Rivne region was killed by the Deputy Chairman of the village council Veltemko Vasily Nikolayevich under the following circumstances. At night, the apartment was entered at the apartment, two unknown, dressed in the form of the soldiers of the Red Army; Considering him the documents that they are employees of the Division of the Counterintelligence "Serer", demanded that it allocate in their disposal two parkon systems. In the process of conversation, the bandits offered to help them in identifying Bandera. Having received consent from him, they brought Vermako to the outskirts of the village and there it was killed there, leaving a note of the following content: "Attention! Such a punishment will comprehend each senior service, the baseman and the NKVD agent, who will harm the Ukrainian nationalist revolution.


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