Definition Coastline. Determination of the concepts of "coastline", "Coast". The development of the high marine coast

Definition Coastline. Determination of the concepts of "coastline", "Coast". The development of the high marine coast

Coastline - the border between the land and water around the reservoir (sea, lake, reservoir).

The shore is a narrow band of interaction between land and water (by sea, lake, reservoir) or between land and watercourse (river, temporary channel stream).

The shore is also called land strip adjacent to the coastline.

To determine the exact line of intersection of the surface of the sea or lake with the surface of the sushi, which is the boundary of the reservoir, due to the constant changes in the water level, it seems impossible. therefore coastline It is determined conventionally relative to the average perennial position of the reservoir level.

The total length of the coastline of the World Ocean is 777 thousand km.

Highland - Part of the Swedish coast of the Botnik Bay. It is a remarkable example of the territory continuing after the departure of glaciers and on which a visual study of isostasis is possible. Since glacial period The level of the surface rose 800 meters, this phenomenon was first discovered and studied here.
46. \u200b\u200bTextic processes and structures as a relief factor.

Endogenous -\u003e (tectonic (raising, lowering, dislocation (plikal, disjunctive)

The fields of tectonic raising and lowering are experiencing opposite on the morphological direction of exposure to external processes: The sublime and rising areas of the earth's crust are dismembered, cut off from above and from the sides, i.e. they are subject to denudation, and the lowered and falls are filled with products of destruction and demolition, i.e. are areas of accumulation.

Convergence - convergence

Divergence - discrepancy

Subduction - ocean dive under continent

Spreading - Spreading.

EPEIROGENESE OF EPEYROGENIC MOVEMENTS, Slowing age-old raising and (or) lowering of the extensive areas of the earth's crust that do not cause changes in their structure.

Orogenesis is very intense short-term (unlike epeyrogenesis) irreversible tectonic movements of geosyncline zones, leading to the folding formation and, consequently, to significant changes in the tectonic structure of the regions in which they manifest themselves.
47. Morphological types of coastline formation (ricasic, limitary, lagoon, etc.).

coast of tectonic dismemberment (Dalmatian, discharge, bay);

erosion dismemberment shores (ricasic, liman);

shores of glacial dismemberment (fiorda);

coast of volcanic dismemberment;

the shores of eolo-dismemberment

As a result of the flooding by the sea of \u200b\u200ba young folded sushi, the folds of which almost parallel to the general line of the shore stretch, the Dalmatian shore is formed, characterized by the abundance of the islands and peninsulas (the eastern shore of the Adriatic Sea).

Where there is a vertical displacement of the layers of durable crystalline rocks, there are discharge shores. Usually they are smooth, steep and rotten (sections of the coast of the Kola Peninsula).

With a strong dismemberment of the coast with a large number of deep bays, peninsulas and islands, bay shores (the shores of P-ov Peloponones) are distinguished.

ricas coast - coast with erosion dismemberment, resulting from the flooding of river valleys of the coastal high sushi. Ricas shores are developed on the north-west coast of the Pyrenean Peninsula, on the southwest coast of Ireland, etc. These shores are characterized by the presence of winding bays (Sevastopol bay).

The variety of shores with erosion dismemberment are the laminated shores resulting from the flooding of valleys, dismembering the low coastal plain. The classic example of the Liman Shore is the north-west coast of the Black Sea.

The shores with the ice dismembrance of the coastline include the fiiorow shores formed as a result of flooding of glacial trigs.

Skhanthore - shore, strongly cut, with narrow bays, bounded by numerous small islands, separated non-strokes.

Comparatively rare coast with eolochy. These include the coast of the Aral Sea, formed by sandy ridges and vegans, creating a labyrinth of peninsulas and islands.

In the Water Code, everything is cleverly written, but it is important for us to understand the territory of the territory in the water. All counts from the coastline now.

(?) How to determine the coastline.

It depends on whether fresh or not.

Freshwater coastline: by medium long-term water level, in the period when they are not covered with ice. And how to determine the average water level? - Expensive procedure. There is information in the water registry. If a water object Available in the use of water user - it can determine. Now they are identified only the largest (for example, the boundaries of the R.neva, Finnish bay). For land users, it is beneficial if not defined (the width of the coastline - 20 meters. Brooks and Careers Flooded - Width of 5 meters). Coastline - common useThe land plot cannot close the entrance, you can not put a fence to water.

Here they come inspectors - and fence to water. The land user says that prove that there is no 20 meters. After all, the average perennial wine level (many lakes on the Karelian Isthmus). So you can get clinging, although Zharkova believes that the definition is unsuccessful.

Lot water objectswhose border is defined in the 1930-50s yet. And many borders have already changed. Sometimes it turns out that the registry border is still in the middle of the water source in fact, these places are quite often built up to the water (realtors will find out, sell quickly. Water registry data is open in the internet). Making a new expertise is expensive. Therefore, there was a tendency that "the coastline is an integral part of the water object", but it is incorrect! We have the definition of the coastline. However, the officials are convenient to say that, rarely who engages.

Sea coastline: Determined on the maximum low. But the greatest cast is only for determining the territorial sea in international law! And for domestic law - always at the maximum tide. Made specifically: to lend all the buildings (dulls) on the shores of the sea, such a tricky move.

Another 1 situation is when the plots are all redeemed around the water object, it is still not to pass freely, although 20 meters are not busy.

For such cases, a public servitude is installed.

art. 23 - on public servits - in order to access the coastal strip. The regulatory act is installed servitude. However, municipal authorities rarely go to such. Because If any difficulties in the use of the land of the plot are a fee for serving at the expense of the body that issued a servitude. Or buy out a plot. Zharkova does not know when Publ serve would be installed.

And still there coastlinewhere cliffs, rocks. And only 1 plot whose access to the coastal strip (Volga, Crimea is now, etc.), but he abroad is the coastline. Such a situation in the water code is not provided.

Coastline - coastal protective strip - water protection zone. However, now the PZP and WHO are attracted almost everywhere on each other. So Zharkova will say in general about them.

Before the introduction of the water code, the presence of WHO was not everywhere. Post of the Russian Federation of the Russian Federation 1996, where maximum water protection zone size In the head of the water site. Everyone subject of dB. take the accommodation installed a specific amount of. If this resolution was not accepted, then WHO was legally absent.

Finland has a WHO in Finland.

Article 65 VK-2006: I installed the specific sizes of WHO around all water bodies.

Post-blog-va - the procedure for marking WHO boundaries, but No labeling - does not affect WHO status.

The size of the extended: for a Volga from 500 m to 200m. Lakes and reservoirs - from 50 m to 20 meters decreased for the lakes and an EHCR less than 1 km in general.

The mode and the procedure for using WHO has changed.

previously, to the lands, which within the WHO could only be leased (and if the site is half of WHO, Half is not - then the entire area in the rental, in the property is impossible).

Since 1989 - any objects could be in WHO. Water Code 1995 and post-wageing-BA 1996: Any structure in the VTI MB is granted only by agreement with the Russian authorities.

Now there is such a phenomenon as a country amnesty.

In 2002, ZK came out. You can in the property, only if I have left for a long time.

The Supreme Court said that if until 1995 received on legal grounds in WHO - then you can.

Today WHO is not part of the Fund's Land Water Foundation - Determined by what category Lands applies. Land of the settlement - in any form of ownership of MB. Neva, the Finnish Bay - since 2007 it is possible.

WHO can be built up. Restriction General: DB buildings are equipped with treatment facilities. And it is impossible production and TP .. gas station, for example, you can not in the water protection zone.

Outcome: There are many low-rise buildings - not needed examination of project documentation. Therefore, no one can check that they built there, what treatment facilities. You can check only in large manufacturers (they have project documentation in email)

The question arose: if the object was built (which was). (Municipalities - before they had everything, did not look at the water code. They were actively built up. Illegally, because unauthorized construction, no guidelines)

art. 220 GK of the Russian Federation - changed. Ownership of dB. In 2007 allowed to build up

But the water code of the inverse force does not have. So everything that has built until 2007 is no reason for recognizing property. But the borders changed - MB, in general, not in WHO.

K-1995 The year introduced the concept of "separate water object". In the first year, there is a strange concept: "Flooded careers and ponds". They are artificially created.

Current bypass careers and ponds - MB by any area + not to have a connection with other water bodies.

K-1995: spread to superficial and underground water bodies. The procedure for the use of an underground water object: VK and the law on the depths of various grounds in the laws.

VK 2007. - About the "use" (underground -?) Water object - all regulation by the law on the depths.

Animal world - for the general provision, to natural objects only those that in the free world or in a semi-invalid (NC Parks). But to nature and those in captivity (zoo), if not for the goal of the spectacle, but for recreation (when the endangered species), to release it later.

Fisheries - from the point of view of the law on the animal world (there is hunting and fishing), but from the point of view of the law on fisheries - as separately. So it is incomprehensible, entering the animal world or separately (Zharkova - as an animal considers the animal). But this problem is rather theoretical.

Natural facilities and natural resources ratio:

Natural substance that is part of natural objects and intended to meet the needs of man, Yavl-Xia natural resource. Example: at the water site (not fish! Fish Independent resource, not aqueous) - drinking resource, energy, transport.

Protection - natural objects;

Use - Natural Resources.

Classification of natural resources :

    exhausted and inexhaustible. There are practically no inexhaustible, exotic character (wind, sun, tides).

    renewable (plants, animal world) and non-renewable (minerals).

The ozone layer - in the 1970s began to speak, the United States had a hindrance - began the implementation of programs for the replacement of gases of ozone-depleting gases, but no one has proven so far. Only the USSR money spent.

Atmospheric air - can only be protected, it is impossible to use. Bans emissions into the atmosphere.

The near-earth outer space is strange, why in natural objects is incomprehensible.

Atmospheric air is not MB object ownership. But it spreads sovereignty. (Ukraine and Israel are laws that air on their territory is owned by these countries).

By virtue of the specifics of the physical condition - it is difficult to limit.

Comprehensive natural objects

Complex - especially protected natural areas. 2 of the Law: "The Law on Species of Oochr Natural Territories", "On resorts and therapeutic resources".

Reserves, reserves, NC Parks, Natural Parks, Medical and Improvements and Resorts, Dendrological Parks and Botanical Gardens (it is not clear why botanical gardens.)

Very serious limitations of economic activity. Around the START-RF RF, which National Park is not going anywhere.

But in the law on POP - "and other specified in the FZ". The Land Code contained: accommodation places of small indigenous peoples. And when the raw material industry went to the north, the problem arose. Now canceled.

SUBJECT. Ownership of Natural Resources

art. 9 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation - in all forms of ownership of MB.

In the 1990s, economic reform began. Trends are characterized for the decentralization of power. This entailed the fact that natural resources began to be crushed between various palabin subjects. Codes indicated a corporate list of resources, which in federal property (not included in the list - to the ownership of subjects).

In 2000 - the situation has changed, a sharp centralization of power at the level of the Federation. Federation - In the early 2000s, exclusively federal property on resources (except Earth). But the Russian Federation has arisen about the fields. In the second half of the 2000s - the transfer of authority on the subject of joint management of the subjects of the Russian Federation.

So, individual powers on the management of federal and natural resources were transferred to the level of subjects.

Subjects - both at the expense of own funds and at the expense of subventions from the federal budget. Transferred authority - at the expense of subventions.

The most difficult situation with our land is developing. In the pool and private property may be, but in a private minor part.


Land Zak-B is based on the principle of distinguishing "state" ownership of land for the ownership of the Russian Federation, the property of the subjects of the Russian Federation and the property of municipalities. (Such an article is! Mun property is not state-owned state, but there are no changes in the land code about this. In the summer of 2014, many lamps are fixed, but this is not). It is better to highlight " public property "On the Zharkaya.

In 2001, the FZ was adopted on the delimitation of state property to Earth. FZ proceeded from the fact that in relation to each region of a landlocked area, dB has a specific public owner.

Those. For the unit, the municipality takes. PS - only citizens register under the general rule. Previously, it was not fixed for a particular poker of subjects, and from 2001 the law said that each Earth distribute the plot. A very complex mechanism was provided, which is no longer (the Ministry of Development Ministry of Development, agrees with all ...). Principle presumption of state land all that is not private. But this plan stalled at the coordination stage. Thought that in 2008 it will be completed. But in 2006 it is clear that it will be very long.

Therefore B. 2006oDU FZ on the distinction of state ownership of land canceled. Changes have been made to ZK: a different mechanism of distinguishing state property to land.

Was introduced the principle of dualism of public ownership of land.

Credit: Pavel Kirillov

In the Leningrad Region, St. Petersburg, in the Moscow region and in other regions there is no regulatory document, which would record the location of the coastal lines of water bodies. Chairman of the Committee of Property Relations of Smolny Yulia Ludinov honestly admits to the Deputy Request "On the territory of St. Petersburg there are no water bodies whose boundaries are established in accordance with applicable law."

That is, no one knows about, where exactly (from the point of view of geographical coordinates) is the late water of the lake of such something and the river such. In this case, the coastal strip (20m or 5m) environmental departments somehow count. But from what is counting? As a rule, from visually observed riva. This border, to put it mildly, is inaccurate. After all, the water level changes - both seasonally and from year to year. The coastline, which is visible today above the water, tomorrow hits the flood. And it turns out that land plot, which, according to the Land Code, is allocated outside the coastline, in fact, it will be close to the water and blocks access to citizens. And such examples are hundreds of St. Petersburg and the region.

How to measure?

In the Nevsky-Ladoga pool water control (NLBW) understanding this problem seems to be. In any case, there used to use the term "mid-year water level". But the problem is that regular monitoring of water bodies has not been conducted for a long time, and where is this average year level - no one knows. The memories of the monitoring times remained so-called. "Passports of water bodies", once stored in NLBS. Perhaps they are still stored, but attempts to get them failed.

So, in 2010, activists from Roshchino tried to extract the passport of Lake Nakhimovsky. An official from NLVBU confirmed that the passport was, but ... lost. However, even if the passports are not lost and dust somewhere in management, their data has already lost relevance.

The data could actualize the same inventory of water objects, by analogy with land cadastrom. Unfortunately, it did not create it on time. In 2007, a state water register (GVR) was created, which caused data on the title, volume water reserves, Square (for lakes) and length (for rivers). But neither the geographical coordinates of the coast, nor even graphic outlines of objects there. What, of course, gives a brilliant possibility for the void interpretation of the location of the coastline. As a rule, in favor of the customer of the survey of the coastal site. It is extremely beneficial to him that the coastal strip is marked by the cadastral engineer at all under water. Indeed, in this case, its site (legally!) It will be moved close to the edge of water. And it will be very difficult to prove anything.

In particular, this particular gap in the legislation allowed the administration of the Vyborg district of the Leningrad region to transfer the area to the Property to the Private Plot of water in Roshchino in 2011 (Ostrovnaya St.). At the cost of incredible efforts to activists "Against the capture of lakes" managed to prove that there was an incorrect intertime. In 2012, the Vyborg court satisfied the requirement of the prosecutor's office, and the site "returned" the municipality (which, however, was an active participant in the illegal deal).

Finally, in 2015, changes were made to the Water Code, prescribing the procedure for establishing the boundaries of water bodies, and in the law on state land cadastre - the need to put them on cadastral records. However, further frameworks did not go. The Ministry of Economic Development, which should prepare clarifying regulations, until nothing has done. In any case, at the request of the deputy SPS St. Petersburg Maxim Reznik, Vice-Governor of St. Petersburg, Igor Albin replied that "the order of determining the border of the water object, the cases and frequency of its definition at present the Government of the Russian Federation are not established."

In the suburbs and we

At the same time, the Government of the Moscow Region showed the initiative to put on cadastral records of the aquatic objects of its region, without waiting for solutions of the Ministry of Economic Development. And it is done under the auspices of cessation of the seashore, which is very nice.

As the Russian newspaper recently reported with reference to the Minister of Ecology and Natural Management of the Moscow Region, Alexander Kagan, last year the first object was put on the cadastral record - the river Skhodli in the city district of Khimki. It is now captured by the fences by 80%.

The plans for this year - setting on cadastral records of the Belyan River, which flows through the Odintsovo and Istra regions of the region, as well as the River Lipka in the Krasnogorsk district. These areas also come to the top five municipalities with the most expensive land, so the shores there "disappear" especially quickly. Water cadastre may be able to save them.

However, two questions remain. First - will the cadastral events in the Moscow region be legal force if the order has not yet been determined at the government level? And the second - will the money for the intertime and the inventory of all water bodies?

For example, all over the country are waiting for cadastral records of the forest fund. In the Leningrad region, according to our information, until no forestry (that is, with the definition of borders on the ground), did not fall into account, although the law also prescribes. Cause Banalna - no money.

The work is to be very voluminous and, accordingly, dear. Most likely, the idea of \u200b\u200bcadasthering water (in any case, in our region) is waiting for the same fate. The length of the coastline of all water objects of the Leningrad region - 56 thousand km, St. Petersburg - approximately 3.8 thousand. It is easy to imagine how much only tool dimension will cost in the coordinates of all these shores. It is possible that several particularly valuable facilities that are sorry for losing in the suburbs will be able to refuse to lose. But it is doubtful that money has money from the Leningrad region and even St. Petersburg.

According to Yulia Ludinova, information about the shores of water bodies in the RGIS (regional information system) is reference. Moreover, there is no body specifically responsible for the correctness of the "coastal" information in RGIS. However, according to this "decorative", the documents are unknown to the drawn lines, and land plots are distinguished.

However, this someone, arbitrarily drawing the outlines of the shores in RGIS, knows what it does. And he does not hurt himself. So, the Peninsula Horn on the Neva in the targeted street "on paper" is increasing all the time in size: at first he grew up in the general plan, then in PZZ (land use and development rules). In reality, he, of course, remained the same. However, what resource is now available for the appointment of a non-existent coastline! And to sell in the property now you can have the entire peninsula on the cutting water. The River Small Necko opposite the Lopukhin Garden on paper narrowed on a quarter: it was necessary to squeeze the planned highway on the map. But how will you be squeezed in reality? Fall as a river?

There is no shores or reservoirs

An even deeper immersion in the regulatory framework (more precisely, in its absence) shows that we did not docume not only the shores, but sometimes the actual water bodies. According to the director of the Center Ekom, Alexander Karpova, the fact of the existence of an aquatic object (and therefore belongs to it to the Water Foundation of the Russian Federation) is determined by introducing it to the State Water Register (GVR).

However, the rules that would oblige officials of the same NLB will make all existing water bodies there, no! What it means is understandable. The recognition or non-recognition of the water facility is thus completely given to the conscience of the official. If he is too lazy to enter, or someone very much asked him to do this, - then the water object will not enter the GVR and will be meant .... Susha! And such objects that are water in fact, but for some reason they are not included in the Water Foundation of the Russian Federation - the smallest one, hundreds!

In the settlements of settlements you can see that some rivers are painted with dark blue, and some are light blue. It turns out that the dark blue rivers bidded to write to the Water Foundation and the GVR, and the bright - forgotten. And they mean as land (!) Other categories - agricultural and land of settlements. "Federal Agency water resources (FAVR) Confident that the land of the Water Fund can not be within the boundaries of the settlements, "says Alexander Karpov. - It turns out that Neva, washing, Slav and other small rivers are land settlements. "

Accordingly, nothing prevents allocating directly on them (!) Development areas. So, recently, activists from the Moscow region of Barviha turned to the movement "Open Bank" with a similar problem. Since free areas in this truly "gold" place no longer left, the administration decided to sell under construction ... two ancient careers. Taking advantage of the fact that the careers "forgot" to include in the GVR, district authorities cut directly on the water sections under ICC and sold. For loyalty, several lime resale was organized. Now supposedly "bona fide buyers" are trying to fall asleep some of one of the quarries (but not all, for a plot with a reservoir, of course, more interesting) and build a house there. Residents are fighting, but success is not obvious. Make the authorities to include a quarry in the GVR is very difficult. As it has already been said, for some reason they do not have the duties, and the principles on which the object in the GVR is made are very foggy.

Thus, the information about the Kondakopshinsky swamp under the city of Pushkin (Pushkinsky district of St. Petersburg) in the GVR has not yet been made, therefore it is considered as dry. Also considered "land" a canvas swamp in the resort area of \u200b\u200bSt. Petersburg. Investors wish to fall asleep it and build a golf club.

Moreover, the base is completely incomprehensible by which the object can be thrown out of the GVR (to sell together with the site). Namely, the Natural Resource and Environmental Protection Committee of St. Petersburg (Kospos) came with a small lake of the children's tuberculosis sanatorium "Sunny" in the village of Solar (Spa district of St. Petersburg).

In 2007, under the governor of Valentina Matvienko, she was leased by a company owned by her son Sergey Matvienko, 20 hectares of a sanatorium park on the shore of the Gulf of Finland with a lake inside. And so that no one demands the right to access this water site, Kospos simply threw the lake from the registry and declared land. At the request, on what basis it happened, the Committee vaguely explained that "there was a reservoir in the territory under consideration earlier," but now the water system is not part of the water information system, "since he does not have characteristic signs of water regime."

The lake on the territory of the former children's tuberculosis sanatorium "Sunny", which turned into documents in the land plot. Credit: Motion "Open Bank"

And indeed, from the map of the regional geoinformation system (RGIS) the lake disappeared: instead of a blue spot, there was brown, although on all other cards the lake was, as before. Moreover, on the lake, in exact accordance with the outlines of its shores, it was formed ... Land with cadastral number. In the understanding of officials "characteristic signs of water regime," no one knows. But one thing is clear: these characteristic features can be put in turning whenever it is necessary to illegally sell the water object into private hands. All attempts to demand from the authorities to return the lake to the GVR are courageously ignored.

Add: We never managed to find the standard of the area for the water site (that is, information about which minimal area should have a lake, which is to apply for the introduction of the GVR and the right to be called a water object). There is also no length standard for watercourses: from what kilometer the river begins? And at the level of higher timbering officials, there is a practice to attract forest lakes not to water, but to the forest fund! It is already just incompetence, but it arises again due to lack regulatory base.

Faced with all the problems described above, they are unwittingly surprised as the supervisory authorities tend to bring to justice at least some violators. I get to them more or less "advanced" invader, and he will challenge any accusation: "And what is the coastline? And where is she? And from what is measured? And is it made at all in the GVR that water object that I supposedly captured? "

However, today the inaction of supervisory authorities is a more important problem than the presence of legal lacuna. Weakness of the regulatory framework can be compared with the quality of diamonds: it does not matter while we do not have the diamonds themselves. However, if you submit that the prosecutor's office will suddenly begin to "work out" the berererships, and the water cadastre does not appear yet, then it will be the beginning and end of the struggle at the same time.


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