Water transportation and hydrographic support of shipping - undergraduate (26.03.01). Description of specialties 26.03 01 Water transport management where to work

Water transportation and hydrographic support of shipping - undergraduate (26.03.01). Description of specialties 26.03 01 Water transport management where to work


order of the Ministry of Education

and science Russian Federation

Federal State Educational Standard

Higher education in the direction of training

26.03.01 Water transportation and hydrographic

Ensuring shipping

(Undergraduate level)

I. Scope

Real federal state educational standard higher education is a combination of requirements required when implementing the main professional educational programs Higher Education - undergraduate programs in the direction of training 26.03.01 Water transport management and hydrographic support of shipping (hereinafter referred to as the undergraduate program, the direction of preparation).

II. Used abbreviations

In this federal state educational standard, the following reductions are used:

In - higher education;

OK - Communication Competences;

OPK - general professional competencies;

PC - professional competencies;

GEF in the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education;

network form - network form of educational programs.

III. Characteristics of the direction of preparation

3.1. Obtaining education under the program of undergraduate is allowed only in educational organization Higher education (hereinafter - the organization).

3.2. Training in the program of undergraduate in the organization is carried out in full-time, part-time and correspondence forms of training.

The undergraduate program volume is 240 credit units (hereinafter referred to as ZU), regardless of the form of training used by educational technologies, the implementation of the undergraduate program using the network form, the implementation of the undergraduate program on an individual curriculum, including accelerated learning.

3.3. The term of obtaining education under the program of undergraduate:

in full-time education, including the holidays provided after the passage of state final certification, regardless of the educational technologies used is 4 years. The volume of the program of undergraduate in full-time learning, implemented in one academic year, is 60 z.;

in part-internally or correspondence forms of training, regardless of the applied educational technologies, it increases by no less than 6 months and no more than 1 year compared with the period of obtaining education for full-time learning. The volume of the undergraduate program for one academic year in part-time or correspondence forms of training can not be more than 75 z.;

in training on an individual curriculum, regardless of the form of training, is no longer than the time of receipt of the education established for the relevant form of training, and in training on an individual curriculum of persons with disabilities may be increased by their desire for no more than 1 year compared With the date of education for the relevant form of training. The volume of the undergraduate program for one academic year in the individual plan, regardless of the form of training, no longer can be more than 75 Z.E.

The specific period of obtaining education and the volume of the undergraduate program, implemented in one school year, in part or by correspondence for training, as well as the individual plan are determined by the organization independently within the deadlines established by this clause.

3.4. When implementing the undergraduate program, the organization has the right to apply e-learning and remote educational technologies.

In training persons with disabilities, e-learning and remote educational technologies should provide for the possibility of receiving information in the forms available to them.

3.5. The implementation of the undergraduate program is possible using a network form.

3.6. Educational activities According to the undergraduate program, it is carried out in the state language of the Russian Federation, unless otherwise determined by the local regulatory act of the organization.

IV. Professional characteristics

Graduates who have mastered the undergraduate program

4.1. The area of \u200b\u200bprofessional activity of graduates who mastered the undergraduate program includes:

technology, organization, planning and managing technical and commercial operation of elements of the water transport system, navigation and hydrographic support of shipping, the processes of management of organizations of various organizational and legal forms, state and municipal management on water transport, the behavior of economic entities on water transport, their costs and results , functioning markets, financial and information flows, transportation, overload, providing and auxiliary processes;

organization and managing personnel of transport processes, organization of the system of relations to ensure safety in water transport, research and project activities in the field of water transport operation.

4.2. Objects of professional activities of graduates who have mastered the undergraduate program are:

organization of water transport of any organizational and legal form;

state and municipal authorities interacting with water transport;

swimming agents of all types and types;

coastal infrastructure of the transport industry;

navigation and hydrographic equipment water objects Land;

research organizations, organizations carrying out educational activities.

4.3. Types of professional activity, which are preparing graduates who have mastered the program of the undergraduate:

operational and technological and service;

organizational and managerial;


design design;

production and technological.

When developing and implementing the undergraduate program, the organization focuses on a specific type (species) of professional activities to which bachelor is preparing, based on the needs of the labor market, research and material and technical resources of the organization.

The undergraduate program is formed by the organization depending on the species learning activities and requirements for the results of the development of the educational program:

scientific and (or)-oriented pedagogical species (species) of professional activity as the main (main) (hereinafter - the program of the academic undergraduate);

a practical oriented, applied form (species) of professional activity as the main (main) (hereinafter referred to as the application undergraduate program).

4.4. A graduate of undergraduate programs in accordance with the type (species) of professional activities, which (which) is focused by the Bachelor's program, is ready to solve the following professional tasks:

posting posts and execution official duties in accordance with the qualifications;

technical and commercial operation, repair of equipment in accordance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documents;

organization and management of transport processes;

planning the distribution of transport facilities, technical equipment and organization of workplaces, the calculation of production capacity, programs and equipment loading;

testing and determination of the performance of the established, operated and repaired equipment;

organization of safe work;

development of operational documentation;

organization of expertise and audit when conducting certification;

organization and conduct of emergency investigations;

implementation of international and national regulatory requirements for ensuring the safety of human life at sea and the protection of the marine environment;

development and implementation of corporate and competitive strategy of water transport organizations, as well as functional strategies (logistics, marketing, personnel, financial, tax);

organization of entrepreneurial activities, taking into account the characteristics of water transport;

development and implementation of operational activities in accordance with the prospects for the development of the organization of water transport;

planning the activities of the organization of water transport and its structural divisions based on the provisions of their strategic development;

organization of the work of the team with a heterogeneous national, religious and socio-cultural composition;

the formation and organization of the work of the team in difficult and critical conditions, the implementation of the choice, justification, adoption and implementation of management decisions within acceptable risk;

improvement of the organizational and management structure of the enterprise;

organization of making management decisions, justifying their choice on the basis of criteria for socio-economic efficiency, taking into account the risks and possible socio-economic consequences of decisions made;

operational formation and management of teams and groups, taking into account the features of the implementation of the transport process;

organization and improvement of the accounting and document management system;

rationing of operation, maintenance, repair and storage of equipment, vehicles and goods;

formation and assessment of the cost of ensuring the quality and competitiveness of products, works and services;

control and management of product quality, works and services;

improving the wage system;

motivation and stimulation of water transport organization aimed at achieving strategic and operational purposes;

evaluation of the effectiveness of projects and management decisions;

fulfillment of the requirements of the International Code to manage the safe operation of ships and the prevention of pollution (International Code for Security Management (MCUB)) (hereinafter - MCUB);

fulfillment of the requirements of the International Code for the protection of ships and port funds (hereinafter - the Code of OSPS);

participation in fundamental and applied scientific research in the field of water transport;

development of plans, programs and methods for conducting scientific research of occupational objects;

analysis, synthesis and optimization of process quality assurance processes, product certification with the use of problem-oriented methods;

implementation of information search and analysis of information on research objects;

performing pilot design developments in the field of water transport;

development of projects in the field of professional activities;

use of information technologies in design;

development of regulatory and technical documentation;

definition of the production program for repair and services during operation or manufacture of transport equipment, including maintenance, service and repair;

development and improvement of technological processes;

efficient use of materials, equipment, relevant algorithms and programs for calculating the parameters of technological processes on water transport;

introduction of effective engineering solutions to practice;

carrying out standard and certification tests of materials, products and services;

carrying out the metrological calibration of fixed assets with the help of developed procedures;

development of technical and technological documentation.

V. Requirements for the results of the development of the undergraduate program

5.1. As a result of the development of the undergraduate program, a graduate must be formed general cultural, general professional and professional competencies.

5.2. The graduate of the undergraduate program must have the following general cultural competencies:

the ability to use the foundations of philosophical knowledge, analyze the main stages and patterns of historical development for the awareness of the social significance of their activities (OK-1);

the ability to use the basics of economic knowledge when evaluating the effectiveness of the results of activities in various fields (OK-2);

the ability to communicate in oral and written forms in Russian and foreign languages \u200b\u200bto solve interpersonal and intercultural interaction problems (OK-3);

the ability to work in a team, tolerantly perceiving social, ethnic, confessional and cultural differences (OK-4);

ability to self-organization and self-education (OK-5);

the ability to use overall knowledge in their field of activity (OK-6);

the ability to maintain the proper level of physical fitness to ensure full social and professional activities (OK-7);

the ability to use first aid techniques, protection methods in emergency situations (OK-8).

5.3. The graduate of the undergraduate program must have the following general professional competencies:

the ability to solve the standard tasks of professional activities based on information and bibliographic culture using information and communication technologies and taking into account the basic information security requirements (OPK-1);

using the basic laws of natural science disciplines in professional activities, the use of methods of mathematical analysis and experimental research (OPK-2);

awareness of the essence and value of information in the development of modern society and the ability to work with information in global computer networks (OPK-3);

possession of basic methods, methods and means of obtaining, storing, processing information (OPK-4);

the ability to work with a computer as a means of information management (OPK-5);

the main methods of protecting production personnel and the population on the possible consequences of accidents, disasters, natural disasters (OPK-6).

5.4. A graduate who mastered the program of the undergraduate, should have professional competences corresponding to the form (species) of professional activity, which (which) is focused on the undergraduate program:

operational and technological and service activities:

the ability to use technical means to measure the basic parameters of technological processes arising in the processes of water transport management and hydrographic support of shipping (PC-1);

ownership modern information technology, ability to manage information using network computer technologies and databases in its subject area (PC-2);

the ability to use regulatory documents on quality, standardization and certification and elements of economic analysis in practical activities (PC-3);

readiness to justify the adoption of a specific technical solution, as well as the ability to choose technical means and technologies, taking into account the environmental consequences of their application (PC-4);

knowledge of safety regulations, production sanitation, fire safety and labor protection standards, the ability to measure and evaluate the parameters of the production microclimate, the level of dustiness and gas supply, noise, vibration, illumination of workplaces (PC-5);

possession of professional security culture, the ability to identify hazards and assess risks in the field of their professional activities (PC-6);

the ability to operate equipment in accordance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documents (PC-7);

knowledge of the main structural elements of means of transport, navigation and hydrographic equipment (PC-8);

organizational and management activities:

ability to analyze technological processes arising when managing water transport and hydrographic support of shipping, such as control objects (PC-9);

the ability to conduct a value assessment of basic production resources (PC-10);

ability to design an organizational structure, distribute authority and responsibility based on their delegation (PC-11);

the ability to organize the work of performers with a henelenly national, religious and socio-cultural composition, to find and make management decisions in the field of organizing and normalizing the labor of groups (PC-12);

the ability to systematize and summarize information (PC-13);

ability to cooperation with colleagues and work in the team (PC-14);

readiness to participate in the documentary operation of the quality management system (PC-15);

the ability to be based on typical methods to calculate the economic and socio-economic indicators characterizing the activities of the economic entity (PC-16);

the ability to critically evaluate the proposed managerial solutions, develop and substantiate proposals for improving them, taking into account the competitiveness criteria, socio-economic efficiency, risks and possible socio-economic consequences (PC-17);

readiness for developing procedures and water control methods (PC-18);

ability to use effective methods motivation, leadership for solving management tasks (PC-19);

own ways to resolve conflict situations (PC-20);

the ability to evaluate the conditions and consequences of adopted organizational and managerial decisions (PK-21);

the ability to participate in the development of logistics, marketing, personnel, financial, tax strategies for the organization of water transport, plan and implement measures aimed at implementing (PC-22);

the ability to use the basic methods of management for making decisions on financing, forming corporate tax policies (PC-23);

possession of modern technologies for managing staff within professional activities (PC-24);

the ability to participate in the development of the management strategy of human resources of water transport organizations, plan and implement activities aimed at implementing (PC-25);

knowledge modern system management of the quality of the transport process and ensuring the competitiveness of transport services (PC-26);

design work:

readiness to participate in the formation of project objectives (Program), solving problems, developing criteria and indicators of the degree of achievement of goals, constructing the structure of their relationships, identifying priorities for solving problems, taking into account the system of national and international requirements, moral aspects of activities (PC-27);

the ability to develop generalized solutions to the problem, analyze these options, predict consequences, find compromise solutions (PC-28);

readiness to take part in the development of draft regulatory documentation for new objects of professional activities (PC-29);

the ability to develop projects and the introduction of modern transport and logistics systems, intermodal and multimodal transport technologies (PC-30);

production and technological activities:

the ability to identify a production program for maintenance, service, repair and other services during operation or manufacture of navigation, hydrographic and transport equipment for water transport management and hydrographic support (PC-31);

the ability and willingness to carry out the organization and technical control in the management of water transport and hydrographic support of shipping in accordance with the established procedures (PC-32);

research activity:

the ability to perform research on separate sections (stages, tasks) of the scientific topic (PC-33);

readiness to participate in the implementation of the experiment, conducting observations and measurements, compiling their description and formulation of conclusions (PC-34);

readiness to participate in the conduct of fundamental and applied scientific research in the field of water transport (PC-35);

the ability to fulfill information search and analysis of information on research objects, readiness to learn scientific and technical information, domestic and foreign experience on the subject of scientific research (PC-36);

readiness to study the technical data of the transport process, to generalize them and systematize, carry out the necessary calculations using modern funds computer equipment (PC-37);

ability to use mathematical methods processing, analysis and synthesis of professional scientific research results (PC-38);

the ability to report on the task executed, readiness to participate in the implementation of research results and development results (PC-39).

5.5. When developing the undergraduate program, all general cultural and general professional competencies, as well as professional competencies, attributed to the types of professional activities that the undergraduate program is focused on, are included in the set of desired results of the undergraduate program.

5.6. When developing the undergraduate program, the organization is entitled to add a set of competencies of graduates, taking into account the direction of the undergraduate program for specific areas of knowledge and (or) the type (species) of activity.

5.7. When developing the undergraduate program, the requirements for learning outcomes on individual disciplines (modules), the organization has established independently taking into account the requirements of the relevant exemplary basic educational programs.

Vi. Requirements for the structure of the undergraduate program

In the direction of training

6.1. Includes a mandatory part (basic) and a part formed by participants in educational relations (variational). This ensures the possibility of implementing undergraduate programs that have different focus (profile) of education within one direction of preparation (hereinafter referred to as the direction of the program).

6.2. The undergraduate program consists of the following blocks:

Block 1 "discipline (modules)", which includes disciplines (modules) related to the base part of the program, and discipline (modules) related to its variative part.

Block 2 "Practices", which in full refers to the variable part of the program.

Block 3 "State final certification", which is fully refer to the base part of the program and is completed by the assignment of the qualifications specified in the list of specialties and directions for the preparation of higher education approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

Bachelor's structure structure

Bachelor's structure structure

Bachelor's program in test units

program of academic bachelorate

applied undergraduate program

Disciplines (modules)

Basic part

Crab variative


State final certification

Basic part

Bachelor's program

6.3. The disciplines (modules) relating to the base part of the undergraduate program are mandatory for the development of students, regardless of the direction (profile) of the undergraduate program, which he masters. A set of disciplines (modules) belonging to the base part of the undergraduate program, the organization determines independently in the amount established by the real GEF in accordance with the corresponding (relevant) approximate (approximate) main (basic) educational (educational) programs (programs).

6.4. Disciplines (modules) by philosophy, history, foreign languageThe safety of vital activity is implemented within the framework of the base part of the block 1 "discipline (modules)" of the undergraduate programs. The volume, content and procedure for the implementation of these disciplines (modules) are determined by the organization independently.

6.5. Disciplines (modules) by physical culture And sport is implemented within:

the base part of the block 1 "discipline (modules)" of undergraduate programs in the amount of at least 72 academic hours (2 z.e.) in full-time learning form;

elective disciplines (modules) in the amount of at least 328 academic hours. These academic hours are mandatory for development and in Z.E. Not transferred.

The disciplines (modules) in physical culture and sports are implemented in the manner prescribed by the Organization. For disabled people and persons with disabilities, the organization establishes a special procedure for the development of disciplines (modules) in physical culture and sport, taking into account their health.

6.6. The disciplines (modules) relating to the variable part of the undergraduate program, and practice determine the direction (profile) of the undergraduate program. A set of disciplines (modules) related to the variable part of the undergraduate program, and the practice of the organization determines independently in the amount established by this GEF in. After selecting the learning orientation (profile) of the program, a set of relevant disciplines (modules) and practices becomes mandatory for the development of the student.

6.7. The Block 2 "Practices" includes training and production, including pre-diploma, practitioners.

Types of educational practice:

practice for receiving primary professional skills and skills, including primary skills and research skills.

Methods of study practices:



Types of industrial practice:

practice to receive professional skills and experience of professional activities.

Methods for conducting production practices:



Pre-diploma practice is carried out to perform graduation qualifications and is mandatory.

When developing undergraduate programs, the organization chooses the types of practices depending on the type (species) of the activity on which the undergraduate program is oriented. The organization has the right to provide in the undergraduate program other types of practices in addition to the established real GEF in.

Educational and (or) production practices can be carried out in the structural divisions of the organization.

The choice of practices for practices for persons with disabilities is made taking into account the health status of students and availability requirements.

6.8. In block 3 "State final certification" includes protection of final qualifying work, including preparations for the protection procedure and protection procedure, as well as preparing for the delivery and passing of the state exam (if the organization included the State Exam in the composition of the state final certification).

6.9. When developing the undergraduate program, the study provides the possibility of mastering disciplines (modules) on the choice, including special conditions for disabled people and persons with disabilities, in the amount of at least 30 percent of the variative part of the block 1 "discipline (modules)".

6.10. The number of hours allocated to lecture type classes, in general, in block 1 "discipline (modules)" should be no more than 50 percent of the total number of hours of audit classes allocated to implement this block.

VII. Requirements for implementation conditions

Bachelor programs

7.1. System-wide requirements for the implementation of the undergraduate program.

7.1.1. The organization should have a material and technical base that meets the current fireproof rules and standards, and ensuring all types of disciplinary and interdisciplinary training, practical and research work of students stipulated by the curriculum.

7.1.2. Each student during the entire training period should be provided with individual unlimited access to one or more electronic library systems (electronic libraries) and to the electronic information and educational environment of the organization. The electronic library system (electronic library) and the electronic information and educational environment should provide the ability to access a study from anywhere in which access to the Internet information and telecommunications network (hereinafter referred to as the Internet network), as in the organization, And outside it.

The electronic information and educational environment of the organization should provide:

access to curriculum, working programs of disciplines (modules), practitioners, to editions of electronic library systems and electronic educational resources specified in the working programs of disciplines (modules);

fixation of the course of the educational process, the results of intermediate certification and the results of the development of the undergraduate program;

conducting all types of classes, learning outcomes assessment procedures, the implementation of which is provided with the use of e-learning, remote educational technologies;

formation of an electronic portfolio of training, including the preservation of the work of students, reviews and assessments on these works on the part of any participants in the educational process;

the interaction between the participants of the educational process, including synchronous and (or) asynchronous interaction through the Internet network.

The functioning of the electronic information and educational environment is provided by the relevant means of information and communication technologies and the qualifications of workers using and supporting it. The functioning of the electronic information and educational environment must comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

7.1.3. If the undergraduate program has been implemented in the network form, the undergraduate software requirement must be provided with a combination of logistical and educational and methodological resources provided by organizations involved in the implementation of the undergraduate program in the network form.

7.1.4. If the undergraduate program is implemented on established in the established manner in other organizations of departments and (or) other structural divisions of the organization, the requirements for the implementation of the undergraduate program should be ensured by the combination of resources of these organizations.

7.1.5. The qualifications of management and scientific and pedagogical workers of the organization must comply with the qualification characteristics established in the Unified Qualification Directory of the posts of managers, specialists and employees, section "qualifying characteristics of managers and specialists of higher professional and additional professional education", approved by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated January 11, 2011 N 1N (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on March 23, 2011, registration N 20237), and professional standards (in the presence of).

7.1.6. The share of full-time scientific and pedagogical workers (in those given to integer rates) should be at least 50 percent of the total number of scientific and pedagogical workers of the organization.

7.2. Requirements to personnel conditions Implementation of the undergraduate program.

7.2.1. The implementation of the undergraduate program is provided by the management and scientific and pedagogical workers of the organization, as well as persons involved in the implementation of the undergraduate program under the conditions of civil contract.

7.2.2. The share of scientific and pedagogical workers (in those given to integer rates), having an education corresponding to the profile of the discipline (module), in the total number of scientific and pedagogical workers implementing the undergraduate program should be at least 70 percent.

7.2.3. The share of scientific and pedagogical workers (in those given by integer rates), having a degree (including a scientific degree assigned abroad and recognized in the Russian Federation) and (or) a scientific title (including a scientist obtained abroad and recognized in the Russian Federation), in the total number of scientific and pedagogical workers implementing the undergraduate program, should be at least 50 percent.

7.2.4. The share of workers (in the integer values \u200b\u200bof the rates) from the number of managers and employees of organizations whose activities are associated with a focus (profile) of the undergraduate program (having experience in this professional field at least 3 years), in the total number of employees implementing the undergraduate program must be at least 5 percent.

7.3. Requirements for logistical and teaching and methodological support of the undergraduate program.

7.3.1. Special premises must be educational audiences for lecture class training, seminar type classes, course design (implementation term papers), Group and individual consultations, current control and interim certification, as well as premises for independent work and premises for storing and preventive maintenance of training equipment. Special premises must be equipped with specialized furniture and technical means Employed learning to submit a great audience training information.

For conducting lecture type, sets of demonstration equipment and educational and visual manuals are offered, providing thematic illustrations corresponding to approximate programs Disciplines (modules), work programs for disciplines (modules).

The list of logistics needed to implement the undergraduate program includes laboratories equipped with laboratory equipment, depending on the degree of its complexity. Specific requirements for logistical and teaching and methodological support are determined in exemplary basic educational programs.

Premises for independent work of students must be equipped with computer equipment with the ability to connect to the Internet and access to the electronic information and educational environment of the organization.

In the case of e-learning, remote educational technologies is allowed to replace specially equipped rooms by their virtual counterparts, allowing students to explore the skills and skills provided for by professional activities.

In case of non-use in the organization of the electronic library system (electronic library), the library fund must be equipped with print publications at least 50 copies of each of the main literature issues listed in the working programs of disciplines (modules), practices, and at least 25 copies of additional literature per 100 students.

7.3.2. The organization must be provided with the necessary set of licensed software (The composition is determined in the working programs of the disciplines (modules) and is subject to annual update).

7.3.3. Electronic library systems (electronic library) and the electronic information and educational environment should provide simultaneous access of at least 25 percent of students under the undergraduate program.

7.3.4. The student must be provided with access (remote access), including in the case of applying e-learning, remote educational technologies, to modern professional databases and information reference systems, the composition of which is determined in the working programs of disciplines (modules) and is subject to annual update.

7.3.5. Students from among people with disabilities should be provided with printed and (or) electronic educational resources in forms adapted to their health restrictions.

7.4. Requirements for financial conditions for the implementation of the undergraduate program.

7.4.1. Financial support for the implementation of the undergraduate program should be carried out in the amount of the basic regulatory costs established by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for the provision of public services in the field of education for this level of education and the direction of preparation, taking into account corrective coefficients that take into account the specifics of educational programs with the methodology for determining the normative costs for The provision of public services for the implementation of educational programs of higher education in the specialties (areas of preparation) and enlarged groups of specialties (areas of preparation), approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of October 30, 2015 N 1272 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on November 30, 2015 ., Registration N 39898).


After graduating from eleven classes, the applicant can enter full-time, evening, mixed or correspondence form Learning on this profile and start learning:

  • applied and fundamental studies in the field of water transport;
  • principles for the development of programs, plans and techniques, the purpose of which becomes water objects our planet, hydrographic and navigation equipment, infrastructure coastal objects, plaels of all kinds and types;
  • performing pilot design, using information technologies;
  • development of operational, regulatory and technical documentation;
  • efficient use of materials, algorithms, programs and equipment required to calculate parameters;
  • introduction of engineering solutions to the practical area of \u200b\u200bwork;
  • participation in the manufacturing process of equipment;
  • holding standard and certification tests of services, products and materials;
  • operation of floating, hydrographic and navigation equipment;
  • repair of instruments;
  • the requirements of the International Code in the field of port funds and courts;
  • improving the wage system;
  • carrying out the calculations of the production load of equipment, programs and capacities;
  • organizations and investigations of emergency cases.

Whom to work

Graduates can get a job by the dispatcher, a test engineer, a commander, researcher and designer. They participate in the management of transport and logistics projects and determine the optimal methods of loading port warehouses and vehicles. To perform such a work requires an analytical warehouse of the mind, which will allow in the future to take the leading positions of a specialist in this field in the enterprise. For the most part, graduates work in customs authorities, insurance and shipowner companies. Many find applying their knowledge in port organizations and state authorities.

Training is conducted at the expense of federal budget and contractual (number of places - according to the reception plan)
A graduate with a degree in Proveigos should solve the following main tasks:

Operational and technological and service activities;

Development of technical and technological documentation;

Planning the distribution of means of transport, the calculation of production capacity;

Organization of expertise and audit when conducting certification;

Organization and conduct of emergency investigations;

Organizational and managerial activities;

Organization of the work of the team in the complex and critical conditions of the selection, justification, adoption and implementation of management decisions within acceptable risk;

Fulfillment of the requirements of the International Code of Management of Safe Termination of Courts and Pollution Prevention (MCUB);

Fulfillment of the requirements of the International Code for the protection of ships and port funds (Code of OSPS);

Participation in fundamental and applied research in the field of water transport;

The objects of the professional activity of the graduate in the specialty WTW and the state are:

Water objects of the Earth (rivers, lakes, reservoirs, sea and oceans);

Flooders of all kinds and types;

Coastal infrastructure of the transport industry;

Navigation and hydrographic equipment.

Distinctive features of the magistracy of Manufacture:

Training in the magistracy according to the "Water and Multimodal Transportation" Profile of the specialty Proveigos forms in-depth knowledge of the transportation management (for work in stevedoring, freight forwarding, survey, agency companies), the organization of technical and commercial exploitation of the fleet (shipping companies, state maritime administrations and controlling authorities, crewing and mannigovy companies), terrestrial transport and organization of their interaction.
The educational process is carried out as a highly qualified faculty of the university and the current leaders of the enterprises of the transport industry. Intensive study of professional of English language (4 hours of classes per week all the time of learning).
Continuing training in the magistracy after receiving a bachelor's degree, a graduate can choose the most optimal educational trajectory.
Received any other specialty of higher education, adopting in the specialty of Proveigos, can receive a second higher education in the field of organizing and managing the work of transport enterprises in 2-2.5 years, with the acquisition of the knowledge you need in this professional field.
The Department - Systemic Analysis and Management of Water Transport Processes Faculty of Water Transportation Operations and Apparent


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