Why you need to take the water story for children. Family ecological project "Why water should be preserved

Why you need to take the water story for children. Family ecological project "Why water should be preserved

Take care of water.

I. Selection of research topics.

Water is one of the main wealth on earth. It is difficult to imagine that it would be with our planet if fresh water disappeared. And such a threat exists. All living things suffer from polluted water, it is harmful to human life. Therefore, water is our main wealth, you need to take care!

The couple is obvious that with recent droughts in some parts of the world, especially in the African Sachele, and urgency of action to protect water resources Obvious. Freshwater resources are necessary for agricultureTo maintain the population of the world adequate and nutritious food. However, too often, this precious and often limited resource is distributed unevenly between all those who need it, but rather distributed depending on who can afford to pay most of all, "Paul Huang said, Food security activist.

II. Purpose of the study.

Clarify and expand knowledge about water and its meaning for living beings. Reveal the main factors of water pollution and measures to protect its purity.

III. Tasks for research.

Analyze scientific information on the topic;
describe the causes of reservoir contamination;
get acquainted with the measures for the protection of water bodies from pollution;
prove the need for a careful relationship to water;
to identify the attitude of adults and children to this problem.

Water is an integral part of our daily life in many other ways than we understand. In fact, every product we use every day, used water in its production, transportation and packaging before it gets to you.

So how much water is required to get my food? Many crops that we eat receive water from rainwater, but in some areas, and at certain times they are not enough, so water is filled with water from rivers, reservoirs and deep underground. Agricultural crops are also grown for feeding animals that we eat, and this means that in the production of meat and dairy products is used more water than foods such as vegetables and wheat.

IV. Object, subject and research base:

Object of study: ecology;

Subject of study: Water is a source of life;

Research base: Students, their parents.

V. Research hypothesis.

The man is unreasonably belonging to water and pollutes it. Pocal pollution is dangerous for all living things. Everyone must take water!

Since water supply faces increasing pressure from the growing population, climate change and already embarrassed food system, the analysis of "water wealth" and "water-protection" lays the foundation for future cooperation and stability. To meet all agricultural and environmental requirements for water, it is extremely important to develop innovative systems Water saving for future food production.

The leadership is about how much water is being wondered when we spend food. In honor of this important anniversary, we would like to shed light on how much water is being wondering when we spend food. You are probably told your children so that they do things like "turn off the crane when you do not use water to clean the teeth", and not "leave water for the shower for a few minutes before entering."

Vi. Research methods:

- observation;
- Collection of information from books, magazines, newspapers;
- Questioning;
- comparison;
- generalization.

VII. Research results:

Water is a source of life.

Water is part of any living organism. It is enough to remember the plants leaf in the hands and we will find moisture. In the body of animals, water is usually more than half of the mass. Much water and in the human body. Our body is almost 2/3 consists of water. A living organism constantly consumes water and needs to be replenished. Water drinks fields and forests. Without it, no animals nor birds nor people live.

The logic of your requests is simple, save water to save money in the account for utilities. But water saving is important for other reasons you and your children should know. Below we will look at some ideas underlying the importance of preserving water resources that we hope will be transmitted from generation to generation.

All that on Earth requires water to maintain themselves. But water abuse means that we reduce its ability to provide us with this basic necessity. Water is a limited resource, and the land - self-sufficient ecosystem, that is, the earth always has and will always have the same amount of water, the growth of the population puts the load on the water supply, and the clear water decreases by contamination and pollution we create.

With the development of mankind from the most ancient times to the present day, the water was becoming increasingly important. At first she carried the first duck ship. Then she began to irrigate the fields, created the first primitive water pipes. And now it has already rotates the turbine of modern hydraulics, carries a giant ships ...

Water in danger!

In essence, people reduce our own water supply due to contamination. In addition, we pollute water for all earthly creatures, sending chemicals such as oil and fertilizer, through our rivers, which ultimately turn out to be in the ocean. Of course, we can rely on cleaning facilities to send us clean water, but the dolphin child, obviously, cannot build these objects.

What happens if we continue this way of removal of water?

Water makes a lot of energy that we use. Water required to extract common energy sources. Hydropower, energy obtained from falling water uses fresh water. Less fresh water that we have more expensive energy becomes.

In the last century, in addition to the natural contamination of natural sources, soil particles, rocks, mineral salts, etc., arose a problem of municipal, industrial, agricultural pollution of water.

The reservoirs are contaminated by the wastewater of industrial and utilities, during the workpiece, processing and alloy of timber, water of mines, mines, oilfields, emissions of water, rail and road transport.

For the cultivation of crops, a total of 70 percent of the fresh water of humanity is used. In addition, freshwater fish, another important source of our diet and a large food chain sector, needs fresh water to survive. There are several factors that are to blame in reducing the supply of fresh water to Earth. We have already mentioned how pollution from human activity, especially agriculture, penetrates the lake, streams and, ultimately, in our oceans.

One of the other factors is the growth of the population. Although we cannot stimulate the population, we can stimulate our abuse of water so that we can prevent millions of people from death from water-related diseases. These water supply problems are not necessarily approaching us from Canada, but this does not mean that we have to close your eyes.

The wide use of synthetic detergents in the household and industry leads to an increase in their concentration in wastewater. At a concentration of 1 mg / l, small planktonic organisms are dying, such as algae, daphnia, proven carriers. At a concentration of 5 mg / l fishes fish. Synthetic detergents are practically not removed by treatment facilities, so they are quite common to fall into the reservoirs, and from there - in tap water.

Climate change is also guilty and caused by burning fossil fuels. Effects include a decrease in precipitation in some areas, stopping the stream of fresh water into the regions that used to be accustomed to nature that ensures this very necessary resource.

Finally, we have deforestation that it does not allow our forests to collect, store, clean and provide fresh water by populations below the flow. You can start with the preservation of water at home. In Canada, abundant resources of fresh water, but they are unevenly distributed across the country. From the perspective point of view, Brazil, the country with the highest water intake per person per year, provides its citizens with only 40 percent of what is available for a person in Canada.

Water protection.

Special systems of wastewater treatment plants use for cleaning liquid effluents. For the purification of household waste, as well as for each enterprise, their sewage treatment facilities are designed.

Water protection is a system of measures aimed at preventing and eliminating the effects of pollution and water depletion, their rational use. Thanks to special security measures, environmental well-being of water resources is ensured. Water legislation regulates not only water consumption, but also the conditions that must be respected in the territories adjacent to the water bodies. Quality standards drinking water contained in a special document - State Standa "Drinking water".

Participate in non-profit organizations that are engaged in providing clean water to cities and countries where it is not enough, or they have no resources for water purification. At the local level, do our best to participate in local events or meetings, where it is necessary to take into account the factors that affect water pollution, deforestation, bad agricultural methods, etc.

Almost 70 percent of the land consists of water. Nevertheless, there are many areas in the world that suffer from lack of water. There is a well-known quotation that you must have heard: "Water, water everywhere, and not a drop to drink." With increasing pollution and population of the reservoirs become contaminated, and the lack of drinking water grows every day. You should be interested in why there is a lack of water, even when 70 percent of the land consists of water. The reason is that there is a very small amount of fresh water.

Why water should be preserved.

Water on Earth is at the same time a lot, and little. Its a lot in the oceans and seas, but the sea salt water is unsuitable for drinking, as well as for many technical industries of agriculture. Freshwater is significantly less and a third of the population of the Earth is experiencing a sharp disadvantage in it. Limited fresh water reserves are even more reduced due to their pollution.

There are many reasons why we need to save our water resources. Here we mentioned 10 of them. How many hours can you survive without drinking water? What to do if there is no fresh water for drinking. If we continue to spend water on the course that we do right now, the day will come when we strive to survive. Each living organism requires water for survival. Our body consists of cells that require water, and without them we will die in a few days.

No sequin and without sugar coatings, let me say it straight, if you want to live, save water. I wonder how you can save money, saving water? Nowadays, the Government provides us with drinking water. They charge the fee depending on the amount of water we use. If the available water is reduced, the government will start to charge you more money for the same amount of water for which you pay less now. If fresh water is reduced, the day will come when the water prices will be higher than gold prices.

Our research.

Having studied the appropriate literature on this issue by conducting a practical lesson "How to Clean Polluted Water", as well as to learn about the water treatment facilities in our city (waterway treatment facilities and sewering MUP ASTRAKHANI "Vodokanal") We conducted a game interview among relatives. After analyzing the answers of our relatives, we made up forms-questionnaires with similar issues to find out the attitude of other students of our classes and their parents to this problem.

Since we live in a developing country, we will be more affected by a water crisis than developed countries. This is a true fact that in the near future, if drinking water is not available, retarded and developing countries will be those who will face this burden. Therefore, if you do not want to face a water crisis in your country, save water.

The preservation of water and energy savings have some indirect connections. You should know that to provide water in different parts of the world, the government of different countries uses pumps for this. Energy required to work these pumps. If water is not available in nearby areas, more energy will be required to pump water over long distances. Consequently, if we spend water, we also indirectly spend energy.

28 people participated in the survey: 16 children and 12 adults.


Is water pollution dangerous for a person?

Do you know about water treatment facilities in our city?

Do you have your own water purification system in your family?

Should every person take water?




i do not know



It is necessary to ensure the safety of drinking water in fresh water, since we remain with contaminated water, it will create health problems. Preserving water simply not only means its saving, but also means that we should not pollute water objects. You can easily do this by turning to the waste from their homes or industries before producing waste into the environment.

This is another major reasons for which we need to save water. You should already know that water is required in almost all our actions. We demand water not only for drinking, but also for cooking, bathing, washing, to manage our branches, etc. In other words, we demand water for all activities that we spend regularly. If we want water to perform all these activities, we need to keep water.



i do not know



i do not know



From the results of the table we concluded that adults and most students are aware of the danger of water pollution for the human life and the need for a careful attitude towards the main wealth of the Earth. Most families have their own water purification systems. But not all survey participants know about the water treatment facilities of our city.

How do you get fruits and vegetables and other cereals if you do not have water to grow these plants? In the area where there is a lack of water, suffers from drought. Drought is a condition in which the Earth dries up, and it becomes difficult to live. Such areas become useless for growing plants and any vegetation. If you do not want to die from hunger, think about how you can save water.

We need not only in the water in the domestic sector, but also in the commercial sector. Heavy technique that we use in our industries requires water to cool. In addition, for many production processes, water is required at different stages. Our industry industries should come up with water saving plan if they do not want to close.

In addition to the questionnaire, we developed a class hour on the topic: "Why water should be preserved", which conducted in 2 "a" and 3 "a" classes, where we shared with students the results of their research, they told about what measures to protect and water purification are applied In our city than we - children can help in solving this problem.

Class hour "Why do the water need to take care?"

We are not the only look on this earth, which requires water to survive. We, water bodies, evaporate, the whole water life will die. We demand that each organism in the ecosystem supports the food chain. Our ecosystem will be exhausted completely, if you do not save water. The most important reason why we should think about saving water is that fresh water is limited. Of the 70% of the available water, we only have 3% of fresh water. As the population grows every day, this limited water resource decreases.

Therefore, in order to save our future generation, we need to keep this limited resource. That is why food security is inextricably linked with the protection of water resources. Currently, we use about 70 percent of the available global fresh water for the irrigation of crops and food production. One hamburger consumes 660 gallons of water for production, and most of them are used for irrigation feed for livestock.


supplement the ideas of children about the role of water for a person, reveal the main factors of its pollution; expand the general horizon of children; To form a careful and careful attitude towards the surrounding nature.

Move classroom hour

Organizing time.

Message themes and classroom targets.


Summing up design work on the topic "Take care of the water! ", Today we spend a class hour on the topic" Why do the water need to take care? "

Introduction to the topic.

Student. If you look at the globe, most of the blue paint on it. Blue depicting water. Water is one of the most important substances for humans. Without it, it's not to do anyone and never, and I have nothing to replace.


The human body, including blood, brain, more than half consists of water. And in some plants it is contained even more. It is enough to trim and memorize a leaf of the plant in the hands to make sure that.


Water is an important substance for the body: at 1 kg of the body of the cow - 600 g of water, ducks - 700 g of water, in jellyfish per 100 g of body - 99 g of water. Thus, we see that water is part of any body.


Planets rotating around the Sun have their own colors. Venus brightly white. This is the color of enveloping clouds. Mars reddish. This is the color of Martian sands. Neptune bluish, this is the color of its gases. And our land in pictures from space looks blue. This is the color of her oceans and seas. Do you still know any reservoirs? We now check it, guessing the riddles and deciding the crossword "reservoir (artificial and natural)"



6. In the middle of the field lies the mirror - the glass is blue, the frame is green.

Who runs on the mountain slopes,
Himself tarato
And in thick grass green
Hides the tail of blue?

Young rows are staring in it,
Colorful trying on the jacks.
Young birchings look into it,
His hairstyle in front of him.
And a month and stars - everything is reflected in it.
How is this mirror called?

9. Artificial channel filled with water.

10. Part of the water space, coming into the land.


Not water and not dry -
You don't swim on the boat
And you won't pass the legs.

3. Water space ished by mainland or between continents.

4. Circle water, and drinking trouble.

Slightly trembling on the breeze
Ribbon on the square:
Narrow tip - in the spring,
And wide - in the sea.

6. Narrow water space separating land and connect adjacent water pools or parts them.



6. Pond. 7. Creek. 8. Lake. 9. Channel. 10. Bay.


1. Swamp. 3. Ocean. 4. Sea. 5. River. 6. Strait.

In the highlighted cells - the word WATER.


Did you hear about the water?
She says everywhere!
In the pool, in the sea, in the ocean
And water tap.
How icicle freezes,
In the forest fog rinsing,
The glacier in the mountains is called
Silver river goes.
We do not notice her.
We are accustomed to water -
Our companion is always.


Spring is dried, streams weak,
And we are from the crane - Cap, Cap, Cap ...
Melting rivers and sea
Do not waste water in vain, in vain, in vain ...
And it will pass a few years,
And no water - no, no, no ...


All you know Pushkin's fairy tale about how the old man caught the old man in the old man. How does this happen today?

Scene is played.


I went to Denis on the river to catch the fish. Once he threw his fishing rod in the river - caught a bottle from under the juice. The second time he threw the fishing rod - caught a ragged shoe. For the third time I threw a fishing rod, and a little fish came across. It was a pity to Denis fish, he decided to let her go to the river - let him grow up! And suddenly the fish spoke to the voice of man.


Do not let me go back to the river! Better throw in aquarium with clean water. Moine no more live in the river!


Why didn't fish wanted to stay in water? After all, water is her home!


Probably, the water in the river was dirty.


How does water pollution occur? What danger threatens fish and other inhabitants of water bodies? Why?


Clean water on Earth is becoming less and less. Plants and factories, power plants consume a lot of water and simultaneously pollute its waste from production.

Fish, plants, beasts - all living dies in such water. Dirty water poisoned air, cause diseases. But is there a limit of pollution of water? After all, it cannot continue infinitely.

Bear water - this means to take care of life, health, the beauty of the surrounding world.

Research results.


In our city, too, not all safely with the purity of water bodies. In the Volga River, production waste is discharged. The garbage along the banks of the river falls into the water and clogs it. Car wash near the river contributes to pollution.

Acquaintance with the results and output of the survey.

Listening to students on the subject of research.

View environmental signs showing how to preserve water.


Teacher.And now let's summarize our class hour and formulate the rules of respect for water.


    Pay attention, it does not flow in vain water from a water tap of the house, at school. If you notice this, close the crane.

    It happens, we spend a lot of water useless, without noticing it. For example, you wash your hands, wash under a strong jet. Cover a little crane. It does not hurt to wash, and water lears less.

    Learn to brush your teeth so as not to spend in vain water. To do this, do not leave the faucet open while you brush your teeth and put your mouth. Immediately pour water into the cup and close the crane. Ringed mouth from the cup is very convenient. And how much water you saved!

    You want to cool lemonade and hold a bottle under a cold jet. Whether it is not better to put lemonade into the refrigerator, and to care.

    If water flows due to the fault of the crane or column, it is necessary to immediately report adults.

    Do not litter on the banks of the rivers, do not wash the cars in them.


If we know and fulfill the rules of economical spending of water, we will help save water.


During the study, we expanded our knowledge about the water, met with the causes of the pollution of water bodies and the measures of their protection, learned to take care of water and save it.

Water is life. The oldest civilizations originated in the water, in the valleys of the Great Rivers: "Water" water - emptying the city and villages.

We will not need to keep an open plumbing crane, we will not contaminate the reservoirs of the garbage, we will protect and save every drop of water!

Nomination "Water in the house"

1. Introduction

2. Goal

3. Tasks

4. Relevance

5. Conclusion

6. Annex


Freshwater in the world is only 3%. These reserves are depleted, fresh water is becoming less and less. Water is one of the main wealth on earth. It is difficult to imagine that it would be with our planet if fresh water disappeared. And such a threat exists. All living things suffer from polluted water, it is harmful to human life. Therefore, water is our main wealth, you need to take care! We decided to find out how to preserve water, and learn to spend it carefully. Therefore, we chose the topic of research: "Why water should be protected by nature."

Purpose of work:education of a careful attitude to fresh water.


  • Learn about fresh water reserves.
  • Find out where we lose water.
  • Determine how to eliminate water loss.

Hypothesis: If every person will take care of water, then we will lose fresh water less.

Object of study: fresh water.

Subject of study: methods of savings fresh water.

Approximate project duration : 5-6 months

Materials and resources required for the project:

Technologies - Equipment:

1. Photoparat; 2. Computer; 3. Internet; 4. Printer; 5. Video camera; 6. Others: tape recorder for listening to music in nature; Organization of games with a child.

Resources: Excursion to the river, Vodokanal.


  • independent thinking
  • reading books,
  • search for information on the Internet,
  • observation
  • experiment.


Water- colorless liquid, having no taste, no odor, active solvent with large surface tension. During the implementation of the project work, the child is acquainted with the physical properties of water, as well as it is necessary to take water and for what. This project is vaccinated skills of environmentally competent behavior in everyday life, in particular the ability of the child economically use water, understand the need for such an attitude towards water as natural resource. Develops observation, creative abilities, brings care of water. The project's progress is aimed at the implementation of an activity approach in the training of a child of the preschooler; The center of attention is the educational and game needs of the child, the development of self-government skills by training, self-holding and mutual evaluation of success in development and training. Our project we called "why you need to take water." The purpose of the development was the training, but not mechanical memorization and reproduction of the material studied material, but an understanding, understanding, the ability to explain its position and the vision of the harmony of nature with the purity of the water space. Taking the child to simply close the crane, not the idea of \u200b\u200bthe need for him, not to open the whole problem, I bring up a neat, but heartless man. Our work was mainly carried out in vivo, in nature, at home. Why was the topic "Why do you need to take water"? Yes, just because it is interested in the child himself, why should the water be preserved. Water on Earth is at the same time a lot, and little. Its a lot in the oceans and seas, but the sea salt water is unsuitable for drinking, as well as for many technical industries of agriculture. Limited fresh water reserves are even more reduced due to their pollution. Fresh water is suitable for drinking and cooking. It is used for economic needs: watering plants, washing dishes, cars, premises, wash, animal care. Water needs everything alive on Earth.

Information from the Internet.

97% of water on the planet is the salt waters of the seas and oceans.

2% of water are ice.

1% water is fresh water.

3% are suitable for a person. Freshwater stocks are distributed like this: fresh water reserves on Earth (3%).

69-75% - Arctic, Antarctic, Greenland, Mountain glaciers, Icebergs.

24-30% - groundwater.

0.5% - atmospheric moisture.

0.5% - surface water.

Interesting facts about water.

If you use a glass when cleaning the teeth, it saves 5 - 10 liters of water.

Of the fully open crane takes up to 15 liters of water per minute.

Through the unlocked crane, about 1000 liters of water per hour is poured.

Even the smallest leakage takes up to 80 liters of water per day.

At washing the slides of dirty dishes under a strong jet goes about 100 liters of water.

When washing a car from the hose is consumed to 200 liters of water.

When leaking water in the toilet, 40 liters of water takes place per day.

Taking a shower for 5 minutes, you spend about 100 liters of water

Filling a bath only up to half, you spend 150 liters of water

For the adoption of the bath you need three times more water than for the shower.

Themes of observations and search for tasks in the framework of the project implementation.

Preparatory stage.

Selection of material, benefits, literature on the topic.

Conducting a conversation with a child regarding water spending: "Who needs water", "why take care of water", "the meaning of water in our life."

Reading the child Tales of Water: B. Zagider "How people offended the river."

Browsing the cartoon "Kuzya Domenok".

Research Stage.

During the project, the child together with adults:

  • Checks how water is consumed, there is no water leakage at home.
  • Selective checks of the state of water taps for leakage and economical water use.
  • Talking: "How we care of the water of the house", "how it falls into the crane."
  • Getting acquainted with water and its properties.

From this we found out that water enters the crane from the well or river. Only in the crane she does not fall immediately: those droplets that we wash your hands, they did a big way. First, from the river (well), a person sent a man to the pipes where the water was cleared and after that she gets to us. In order for clean water to run from our crane, I had to work hard for many people: some at the factory did pipes, others helped the water to get into the pipes, i.e. Water pipes built, the third purified water, the fourth repairs the taps. And sometimes it seems to us that the water itself flows from the crane and it is very much, you can not save, let yourself be poured! But we now know that water flows into the crane from the river, and if all people will leave the cranes open, what can happen? We began to observe how we use water. It turned out to be unwise: clean the teeth, the crane is open, and the water jet flows into the sewer. Forget to close the crane. My dishes, holding a crane open. We looked closely closed, and the water is slowly dripping. The baby in the dining room washes his hands, opening the crane completely.

I spent with a child watching a crane that is loosely closed and we found out that:


Number of water

360 drops \u003d 35 ml

Experiment "Attitude to Water"

We counted how much money you pay, at home for water for 1 month, calculated how much it will be in 1 year. It turned out - a lot. Therefore, we decided to conduct an experiment. Signed the testimony of the water meter. Two days used water as before. Noted new meter testimony. And then two days tried to take the water. And again looked at the testimony of the water meter. It turned out that in two days you can save 1 cubic meter of water! So, it is reasonable to use water, we not only bear it, but also save money.

Properties of water

During the experiments, we found out what properties of water: transparent, odorless, colorless, solvent, fluid.

While working with the project, experiments and experimentation with water. Created a card file with experiments.Having studied the appropriate literature on this problem, on the saving of water, we interviewed among relatives and neighbors. After analyzing the answers of relatives and neighbors, we made up forms-questionnaires with similar issues to find out the attitude of other people to this problem.

Questions: 1. Is water pollution dangerous for a person? 2. Does each man take care of the water?




i do not know



i do not know



From the results of the table, we concluded that most people are aware of the danger of water pollution for the human life and the need for a careful attitude towards the main wealth of the Earth.


To reduce water loss, it is necessary:

  • do not leave the cranes open;
  • monitor the health of the cranes;
  • adjust the strength of the jet of water;
  • wash dishes in a cup using a minimum of detergent.
  • turn off the water until we clean your teeth;
  • reduce pressure when my dishes;
  • in the toilet to reduce the level of filling;
  • wash dishes in the cup.

Summarizing. Rules of respect for water.

Pay attention whether in vain water from the crane at home does not flow. If you notice this, close the crane. It happens, we spend a lot of water useless, without noticing it. For example, you wash your hands, wash under a strong jet. Cover a little crane. It does not hurt to wash, and water lears less. Learn to brush your teeth so as not to spend in vain water. To do this, do not leave the faucet open while you brush your teeth and put your mouth. Immediately pour water into the cup and close the crane. Ringed mouth from the cup is very convenient. And how much water you saved! If water flows due to the fault of the crane or column, it is necessary to immediately report adults. Do not litter on the banks of the rivers, do not wash the cars in them.


During the study, we expanded our knowledge about the water, met with the causes of the pollution of water bodies and the measures of their protection, learned to take care of water and save it.

Maybe,this in the future will decide global problem mankind. After all, first of all, than to change the world, start changing yourself.


First experience.

Purpose: Find out what happens with water in the freezing process.

Conclusion: the volume of water increases.


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