Shares and contests. WORLD OF TANKS shares: What are the world of tanks in October

Shares and contests. WORLD OF TANKS shares: What are the world of tanks in October

All promotions and discounts for November WOT in our next review of key events of this month. In November, two historical shares prepared, as well as discounts. Let us dwell on each of them below.

November shares WOT 2017

The first event is the action of Mikhail Svinor, which is held in the period from 1 to 7 November 2017 and gives tripoted experience for the first victory a day on every tank every day. Also within the framework of the historical action dedicated to Mikhail Svirin in WOT, special combat missions for the execution of which can be obtained are available:

  • 5 dopykov;
  • 5 fire extinguishers automatic;
  • and other gear.

Second historical event wOT promotions for November 2017 It will take place from November 18 to 21 and is timed to the celebration of the Day of Rocket Forces and Artillery. Promotion to this holiday will bring wORLD players Of Tanks the following features:

  • Combat tasks At the tripled crew experience not only for artillery, but also for other classes of technology;
  • Personal combat operations on equipment - enlightened optics, stereotrub, etc.;

In the remaining two weeks of November, promotions with special combat tasks will be available, which will be available every day. Performing these tasks will give:

  • Double fighting experience;
  • Double crew experience;
  • Private reserves.

Discounts and bonuses on the branches of technology in November

  • From November 1 to November 15, the enlarged crew experience and the discount on the purchase will get a branch of the French Middle Tank Bat. Chatillon 25 t.
  • From November 15 to November 29 there will be a discount on the branch of the development of the Soviet PT-SAU Object 268.

Unfortunately bonus code for November 2017 For not released in the period of November stock. But in December and especially on new Year Gifts will be as always maximal.

Premium Tank 8 level on the action "Tank Assa"

As part of a large-scale gaming event, "Tank Assa", which runs from October 27 to November 27, you can get premium tanks 8 levels for the battles on K., JQ technology from 6 to 10 level, except SAU. Prize tanks:

  • Type 59.
  • Rheinmetall Scorpion G.
  • PZ58 Mutz.
  • Cromwell B,
  • STRV 74 A2.

If any of these tanks you already have, you can get other premium tanks to them for replacement.

Also in November, WOT will pass an action at which you can get a premium tank KV-220-2. Conditions are available only in the WOT MAGAZINE application for mobile devices.

World of Tanks regularly pleases with pleasant bonuses as their loyal admirers, and those who are just going to join the team of tankers. Shares in the game World of Tanks are almost daily. These may be large events that are confined to important eventsAnd - pretty minor. But even such small bonuses can be used with a sense - a trifle, and still nice.

Thus, the developers from wargaming hold the audience in the game. Shares in tanks always attract lovers to get something "on free", so during their holding and online excavation.

Shares in the world of tanks are an interesting and important topic for conversation, and therefore will pay for them due attention.


Why are Shares in the WORLD OF TANKS? The answer is simple. First of all, they help attract new players and hold old. It is on promotional days that players can afford to make more purchases, win a valuable tank or just a few days of the prem account.

Premium products can be free and other way - by purchasing them for real money. But why buy, if you can play "Right Days"?

Where to find out the schedule of actions

Where to learn about the nearest promotions in World of Tanks? There are two ways.

calendar of events

One of them is the "event calendar" on the official website of the game - worldoft It shows all the existing events and those that will begin very soon.

The calendar is a kind of share schedule in World of Tanks and, using them, you can always get on the right days. With the help of the calendar, you can always be able to learn about the upcoming WORLD OF TANKS promotions when it is possible to snatch something valuable, and for free.

Personal Area

You can find out when the coming stock in Wot can also be in the game itself.

How to do it:

  1. Go to the hangar.
  2. A special icon is located in the upper left corner of the screen - "combat missions and stocks".
  3. Click, and here we first pop up the window with all the current and upcoming discounts and promotions in World of Tanks.

You can also see the process of performing a particular combat task in this window, in order to receive a well-deserved prize for it.

Types of shares

Shares in WOT are very diverse, they all differ in each other, and therefore it is reasonable to talk about their varieties.

Special offers Prem Store

They are an opportunity to buy special sets or just tanks prem-store for a good discount. For low levels - this is 50% of the base value, for tanks a little more abruptly - 30%, and for prem-tanks of the VIII-level - 15%.

Similar shares can be confined to special events, like the company's birthday, etc.

Combat tasks

Under combat tasks, one should understand the phased game tasks, for the execution of which the player receives a remuneration.

Combat tasks are usually valid. For their implementation, you can earn loans, experience, equipment, reserves and even prem-technique.


What are discounts, not worth explaining. Thanks to them, tanks, equipment, gold, reserves and other useful gaming content can be purchased at a lower cost, for example, for 50% of the base price.


Events are special promotions, during which all players, for example, is given to "kill" a person from the WG command. For the destruction of such a player, gold and other valuable rewards are earned.

Examples of stocks

To players can better imagine what events are held in the game, we offer examples of shares on tanks in World of Tanks, in which you can participate regularly or periodically.

Seasonal stocks

Seasonal shares are held every year, for example, in the New Year holidays, or by the Victory Day. For participation in such promotions, players receive prem accounts and special offers of Prem store. In promotional days, it is very often possible to catch excellent discounts for technique in WOT.

Invite a friend

"Invite a friend" is a special program to attract new players, which, besides, encourages the mentor of the new player auction tank VIII level.

Combat tasks

About combat actions have already been discussed above. It should only add that in the future the developers promise to significantly expand and diversify them, going towards players. An example of such a task is to fill 250 thousand damage per month on the technique of each of the nation. This share was not so long ago, and the prize of the VIII-level prem-tank was performed.

Random stocks

Random shares are held in honor of the historical events in which tanks participated. This may be, for example, famous tank battles and military operations of the Second World War.

If you are not only a passionate tanker, but also an expert of history, then it will not be difficult for you to even predict future World of Tanks bonus events, dedicated to significant events.

One-time shares

One-time shares are the most generous, as they are confined to special events, like "15 years wargaming companies"Or" 100th anniversary of tanks ".

Such bonuses will delight any participant, even the least active. Discounts in the WORLD OF TANKS during one-time events will allow you to buy even X-level tanks in half of their cost.


Cards with Cacheback feature have already managed to firmly enter our life. For those who are not yet informed: Cashback is a refund of a certain percentage of the amount spent on the purchase of the amount. It is only worth considering that in tanks money is returned not to rubles on your card, but gold on the gaming balance.

On the site you can order a Cashbank card tied to WOT. With it, you can get the "gift" gold in the game, paying for purchases in the following services:

  • Aliexpress;
  • Mediamarkt;
  • Lamoda and others are only more than 50 stores.

Using the cachek, you can not even wait when there are discounts in the World of Tanks, because, making the necessary daily purchases, you will then accumulate gold on your balance in WOT.


You can learn about the cachek-card in more detail from our video.

Stock - Special World of Tanks Event prepared by developers for players aimed at reducing prices for modules, camouflages, consumables and other things that can be purchased in a games store. Also during the action, the crew pumping coefficients obtained by experience and loans increase. Shares are held on a certain period and sometimes for their execution you need to perform certain conditions.

One-time shares

Promotion "Jubilee Marathon"

"Jubilee Marathon" - a series of shares, held in 2013 in honor of the 15-year anniversary of the company Wargaming (in 2014, the action has extended by changing the name from the "Jubilee Marathon" on the "marathon"). Each series of series lasts 15 days, from 1 to 15 and from 16 to 30 Number of each month, and all this time the last 3 cars in one of the branches of the test of tanks (from 8 to 10 level) have a 30% discount for cost and increased by 30 % yield. The purpose of this action is to stimulate players by developers to download exactly the top tank, which is represented in stocks.

Past shares 2013

  • May 1-15 - the action "Jubilee Marathon: IS-7"
  • May 16-30 - Promotion "Jubilee Marathon: T110E5"
  • June 1-15 - the action "Jubilee Marathon: E-100"
  • June 16-30 - Promotion "Jubilee Marathon: AMX 50 FOCH (155)"
  • July 1-15 - Promotion "Jubilee Marathon: FV4202"
  • July 16-30 - Promotion "Jubilee Marathon: T57 Heavy"
  • August 1-15 - Promotion "Jubilee Marathon: Bat.-Châtillon 25 T"
  • August 16-30 - Promotion "Jubilee Marathon: Leopard 1"
  • September 1-15 - Share "Jubilee Marathon: T-62A"
  • September 16-30 - Promotion "Jubilee Marat: MAUS"
  • October 1-15 - Promotion "Jubilee Marathon: Object 268"
  • October 15-30 - Promotion "Jubilee Marathon: AMX 50 B"
  • November 1-15 - Promotion "Jubilee Marathon: M48A1 Patton"
  • November 16-30 - Promotion "Jubilee Marathon: 113"
year 2014
  • February 1-15 - the action "Marathon: FV215B (183)"
  • February 15-28 - the action "Marathon:" Object 261 "
  • March 03-17 - Share "Marathon: T110E4"
  • March 17-31 - Share "Marathon: FV215B"
  • 04-18 April - the action "Marathon: E 50 AUSF. M »
  • April 18 - May 2 - the action "Marathon: IS-4".

Promotion "Marathon Nations"

"Marathon of Nations" - a series of shares allowing tasks for each nation to get a premium account for 3 days. Each share lasts 1 month. Purpose: Playing on any technique of VI-X levels of each nation (including premium machines) to apply in random battles of the enemy's machines for 150,000 units of damage and destroy 150 enemy machines. The exception is the series of shares "Retrospective-2013: Combat Objectives". Purpose: on the technique with the VI level of each nation (excluding premium machine) to take 100,000 units of experience for each nation. Award: 21 Day Premium Account (3 days for every national task) and tank with a slot.

Past shares 2013

  • December 16, 2013 - January 16, 2014 - "Retrospective-2013: combat missions" Soviet heavy tank IC-6 (VIII level).
year 2014
  • December 15, 2014 - January 19, 2015 - the action "Marathon: Chinese heavy premium tank WZ-111 (VIII level)".
2015 year
  • March 1 - April 1 - the action "Marathon: American heavy premium tank T34 (VIII level)".

Promotion "Jubilee Mannevras"

The action "Jubilee maneuvers" is a major campaign by the developers of the game in the celebration of the 15-year anniversary of Wargaming, award for which a special main prize is 15 years of premium account. This action is carried out from the middle of the current until the middle of the next month. The application condition is a set of maximum experience in a specific type of technology and at a certain level. All the technique of a certain type is distributed to 10 groups at their levels, and the purpose of the players is to make money on the tank maximum amount Experience.

Past shares

Share "Battle"

The Asya Sharit campaign is a series of shares that are announced in the release of the "Shares of the Month" with Olga Sergeyevna (previously declared in the transfer "While all in the tank"). Every month in the transmission is played by the lottery in which it becomes known which the branches will be. The action on the chosen branch lasts 2 weeks. At the time of the promotion, there is a discount and accelerated pumping of the level of tanks 1-7. Video of the last release "Asya Sharit" is available on YouTube on the official channel.

In the release of 05/26/2014, it was announced that the action is launched again. Now discounts apply to equipment from 1 to 10 level (from 2 to 5 levels - 50%, from 6 to 10 levels - 30%).

In the news from 03/31/2016 it was announced that the action changes the format. Now every month one branch of promotional tanks will choose users by voting on the portal (at the same time 2 losers are dropped out of further votes), and the second - organizers. In addition, now the first-hour crew experience for everyone The fight is replaced with a similar LBZ. The action has changed the name with "Asya Sharit" on "into battle".

2019 year

  • February 1-15 - American PT-SAU T110E4
  • February 15 - March 1 - French Easy Tank AMX 13 105
  • March 1-16 - Soviet heavy tank Object 277
  • March 16 - April 1 - Polish heavy tank 60tp Lewandowskiego
  • April 1-16 - Soviet PT-SAU Object 268 Option 4
  • April 16 - May 1 - British Middle Tank Centurion Action X
  • May 1-16 - American PT-SAU T110E3
  • May 16 - June 1 - Italian medium Tank Progetto M40 MOD. 65.

"Combat tasks"

The mechanism of combat missions was developed in the first half of 2013 and was introduced into the game in updating 0.8.6. During any promotion, the player is invited to perform certain tasks in order to receive a reward. Conditions can be the most different: from a certain number of victories before making some medals. The award also happens the most varying: additional experience, increased yield, prize sums of silver, premium consumables, premium account for a short time.

Since the summer of 2013, combat missions have become a permanent addition to all other shares, providing popular bonus codes.

Developers promise a rich development of this functional. So, from the update 0.8.8. The current combat missions will be shown directly in the client, and even premium tanks can act as award.

"The combat missions of the month" is a set of combat missions, not dedicated to specific shares, announced at the beginning of each month and ongoing 30 (31) days. The action applies only to random fights. The conditions of the stock on the company and the global card do not apply.

Program "Invite a friend"

Get a unique average tank VIII level T95E2 and many other pleasant bonuses by taking part in the program "Invite a friend". The essence of the program is to invite friends to the game, who either never played in World of Tanks, or stopped playing. And then create a platoon from your recruits and go to the battlefield, making the way to victory together!

  • 2017 year - L-60
  • 2018 - T-29
  • 2019 - MKA
  • Defender of the Defender of the Fatherland Day

    The action goes for several days. During the action, prices for some goods in the store are reduced and there is a slight increase in the accrual and loans accrual coefficients.

    Action for Victory Day

    A large share in World of Tanks, conducted by the developers of the game in honor of the victory of the Soviet people over Nazi Germany. During the promotion, the discount is usually on tanks, the real prototypes of which participated in the combat actions of the Great Patriotic War. Also takes a discount for the cost of premium account and premium tanks, the speed of pumping crew is several times. A premium store appears special packages dedicated to the celebration of the date.

    Random shares are such shares that are held in honor of some historical events. It can be both military operations of the Second World War and ordinary holidays. The conditions of shares can be very different.

    All shares and contests in tanks online can be seen in the event calendar on the official website world Games Of Tanks.

    Today we are posting the current premium bonus code for 2019 on the Soviet Premium Tank 8 level of the KV-5 completely free.

    The first on bonus code recognize the players who subscribe to our email newsletter. Also, all social network subscribers within a minute will be aware of the code laid out.

    Bonus code for 2019 for World of Tanks

    A distinctive feature of bonus codes for wot Premium Class is the absence of the activation date. That is, it is possible to activate and you can not be afraid that it will not be in force .. We do not share bonus codes on expensive and cheap, do not filter them to codes that lay out, and which are not. We do not leave cards, even if it premium Bonus Code on Tank KV-5 Or any other premium tank. All codes are laid out by valid. In addition, the main principle of distribution we have equality of opportunity. That is, every reader has the same opportunity. get free bonus code, like any other.

    The composition of the bonus code on the tank KV-5

    After activating the CODE CODE, lucky will receive the following game advantages on its game account in World of Tanks:

    • Tank KV-5 8 level in the Soviet Development Tree;
    • 2500 gold;
    • 7 days premium account.

    As you can see, nothing unnecessary, for example, "consumables" in premium bonus code is not. Here are only the most popular advantages provided in WOT - gold, tank, premium account.

    Free Bonus Code for 2019 for World Of Tanks

    It's time to post the long-awaited premium bonus code. There he is:

    Pictured in photos with a card bonus code must be activated in your personal account on the World of Tanks website. The code is activated only on the valid account. If you create a new account, you need an invite code for WOT, which we also openly share with you in the Bonus codes section on our website.

    In the past, more than 82355 people took part in our distribution. Such a number of players is explained by the fact that it took place for the New Year, as well as the fact that there were 4 reusable bonus code on the previous hand. Only last year we posted on the site more than 200 bonuses for which our regular readers were able to get top premium tanks for all nations, for which this type of combat vehicle is presented in the game at the moment. There was a lot of gaming gold into the distribution. Several times bonus codes were a par value up to 10,000 gold. We repeatedly laid out bonus Codes for Premium Accounts At 7, 14 and 30 days, and the number of distributed codes for 3 and 1 days a premium account at all is not amenable to calculate. This year we continue to share with you free Bonus Codes for WOT.

    World of Tanks.

    About World Of Tanks

    World of Tanks.Otherwise, Tanks (Tanks online) are one of the most popular online games in Russia and many other countries. Despite the fact that the game appeared relatively recently (in 2009), she quickly won the hearts of users around the world.

    • Firstly, this game should look like lovers of history: after all, the action takes place during the Second World War. All armored vehicles have real prototypes, so the World of Tanks can well be studied by historical cars.
    • Secondly, the game successfully combines historical motives and elements role-playing games With your favorite all generations "shooting". She is realistic enough to enjoy lovers of historical machines, but at the same time there is no violence in it - this is a big plus for impressionable people.
    • The game is free, however, has both paid elements: for example, you can buy "gold", for which you can buy armored vehicles, game loans and get different bonuses.
    • The game is drawn up with modern technology.
    • Excellent graphics will allow you not to just play, but enjoy image quality.
    • World of Tanks For a short time of its existence, many prizes and awards received.
    • World of Tanks game lovers often spend online meetings. Perhaps a virtual game will help you find real friends.

    What can I buy in the "Premium Store"?

    Before the players in "Tanks", who have enough currency, that is, "gold", the opportunity to use a special store on the official website of the game. What can I buy here? First of all, additional armored vehicles. And, of course, the most "gold".

    Is it possible to get a discount?


    An invite codes from bonus codes should be distinguished. The invite code used when registering a new account and provides some benefits for a new user, for example, a premium account within a certain period of registration, or additional tanks. The invite code must be specified in a special field when creating a new account. For existing accounts, the use of an invite code is not possible.

    If you do not have an invite code, you can skip this item when registering.

    WORLD OF TANKS BONUS Code Activation

    Bonus code can activate registered players. To do this, you need to bring in the upper right corner on the name of your profile and in the dropping menu click on the inscription "Enter Bonus Code".

    A page will open on which you want to specify your bonus code.

    If you know the working code, write to us.

    Where else can I find invite codes and wot bonus codes?

    Some companies arrange joint shares with the game WORLD OF TANKS. For example, when buying a tankurger in Burger King, you can get a bonus code. Some bookstores also distribute bonus codes for the purchase.!


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