Best Premium Tank for Silver Pharma. Best Premium Tank in WOT

Best Premium Tank for Silver Pharma. Best Premium Tank in WOT

Newbies are difficult to earn silver. But the tanks level 10 are standing (just to think!) 6 million! Receiving for a victorious battle about 5k silver to accumulate on such a car in here the blitz will be very difficult. Good news: not all the equipment is equally unprofitable. On some pumpable tanks, it is not bad to earn quite well with 40% statistics, low FPS, without premium account and loan boosters!

Any statist knows what this fierce kid is capable of. Despite the cardboard case with almost no armor, Leo is able to take rickests from time to time even from heavy tanks of the enemy. Speed \u200b\u200bnear 60 km / h and turn up to 70 degrees per second make it one of the most maneuverable tanks in the game. The main instrument is a punching machine gun for 4 queues, which easily breaks the modules by enemy technique and it is often setting it on.


  • In the presence of direct hands, the tank statistics will be 75% +
  • Good (and not boring) Farmith silver, if you shoot a lot of damage
  • Speed, maneuverability, high review
  • Publishing machine gun - damage to modules, fire, almost every turn
  • One of the best tanks for lifting statics


  • Not the most effective on touch devices with a small screen
  • Difficult for beginner gameplay
  • Cardboard armor.

PZ. IV (average tank V rank, Germany)

PZ. IV or "Pazik", as its players nicknamed - a powerful tank for earning silver and raising statistics. This station shoots from the gun with a damage of 300-400 when recharging about 7 seconds, Karl! Of course, the scatter is big, it is left to desire to desire the best, but on medium and close distances "Pazik" for 20-30 seconds disassembles any LT of its level. Many are trying to sit on it in the bushes, targeting the enemies on the other end of the card - this is a mistake. PZ. IV - tank for active rush and melee.


  • Brings tons of silver
  • Shots tons of damage
  • The rapid fugas disassembles LT and ST in seconds
  • Good tank for active attack in straight hands
  • Easy and fun raises statistics


  • Weak armor - game "On the hands"
  • For the beginner is composed in mastering, ineffective with incorrect tactics

PZ. III / IV (average tank V rank, Germany)

PZ. III / IV has already been mentioned in our. It possesses one of the best (if not the best) pharmacy coefficient in Wot Blitz and is able to bring to 35-40 thousand silver for the fight even without premium account. Of course, for this you will have to shoot quite a lot of damage, but for a skilled player it will not be a problem. The "Pazika" 3 on 4 excellent punching gun with an average damage 160, beautiful armor, which often catches ricoes, and speed almost like a leopard. Like previous cars, the tank is perfect for lifting the statta, and in straight hands and is able to work wonders!


  • The best pharmacy coefficient among pumped tanks
  • Good DPM, Middle Damage ~ 160, Recharge 6-7 sec.
  • High mobility and maneuverability
  • Excellent for STR, which often catches ricoes


  • In the hands of a 40% "statist" to bend hardly
  • Typical for St Games from Shelter
  • Sophisticated for beginner

Do you know more efficient pharmacles tanks in this blitz? Share them in the comments 😉

18.3.2017 11377 views

In this article we will look at the most suitable in the game WOT tanks for Pharma Silver.

Silver in World of Tanks

The main in-game currency in World of Tanks is the so-called silver. For it, you can buy pumped tanks, equipment, re-over the crew. Also, with the help of silver you can buy first aid kits, Rem. Kits and other useful equipment, which helps the player to be more useful on the battlefield.

In addition, most shells players buy only for silver coins. This currency players can earn in battles and depending on their use in the process of a tank battle, the number of earned silver can vary in one direction or another. Mechanics of the game provides for a decrease in the yield of tanks depending on their level. And after 6 level, some tanks can leave in minus for silver, even in case of victory.

Prem Pharma Tanks in WOT

Playing in the tenths, almost all tanks go into minus, so all the players need to replenish this currency. For this wargaming Company Releases premium tanks that in most cases are sold for real money. Players who bought WOT tanks for silver pharmacies, in addition to other bonuses, receive an increased yield of machines. This technique is ideal for making silver coins and is able to cover the needs of the player in this currency.
Prem Tanks for Pharma in WOT are presented almost at all levels, but the most profitable are the tanks of the eighth level. These machines are often the most expensive in the store of premium products, but at the same time they bring a lot of silver. In combination with premium account and reserves, such a tank can be brought from one battle at 150,000 silver coins, and in the case of a great battle, the award can increase and up to 200 thousand. Playing on such machines, you can earn up to 1,000,000 coins in one hour, which is more than covering all the needs of players.

Pharmacy Coefficient Prem WOT Tanks

Pharma coefficient tanks WOT. Compared with similar pumpable machines, 50 percent is increased. In the complex with an understated cost of repairing such cars, players prefer to buy these cars despite their fairly high cost. The pharmacy ratio of WOT tanks usually depends on the level of machines. So, a level 6 machine usually earns significantly less than a level 8.

Solly the most popular levels of level 8 remains, it will be advisable to consider them in more detail. The machines of this level differ from others in that they are often found in the battle of the tenth enemy machine. And if for ordinary tanks it is quite significant minus, then for premium technology it is a plus. Since shooting on high-level machines, the player gets more silver than leading firing on low-level opponents.

The perfect premium tank for silver pharmacy in Wot concept is very tensile, since the earnings of loans are directly related to the beneficial actions of the player in battle. The player who is accustomed to play slow and heavier techniques will not be able to keep high rates of damage on fast cars, such as AMX CDC.

This will lead to the fact that the player will receive very few loans and the tank itself will be very bad, although in the hands of a player accustomed to such a technique, AMX CDC. May earn mountains of silver coins. Therefore, WOT Top Prem Pharma Tanks is a purely subjective top of this or that author and many players who purchased a premium tank, relying only on such tops, eventually got the car that is absolutely not suitable for their gameplay.

This article will describe the best premium cars in different categories. Such sorting will help you better choose a premium machine for a player. It is worth noting that Pharmacy Coefficient Prem WOT 8 TanksAs however, and other levels are kept secret and never published. Many players tried experimentally to find out these coefficients. As a result, they found that these indicators are almost the same for all machines and player earnings varies exclusively at the cost of projectiles that have spent during the battle process.

For players who love hard armored cars, perfectly fit premium tank 8 Panzer Vii Löwe. This car after the recent "APA" received a decent frontal armor and a practically impenetrable gun mask. The gun of this tank has excellent accuracy and armored vehicles, which often contributes to the battle of alone armor-piercing shells, which are much cheaper than plotted. In contrast to another excellent heavy tank T34.The lion lost a minus in the form of a weak armored corps, and in the realities of modern random shows higher rates in battle.

Players who like universal techniques give preference french Heavy FCM 50 T Tank. This tank is heavy only on paper, it has a significantly smaller booking than most of the TT of the same level. But together with a minus of a weak booking, this tank has excellent mobility in its class, a good weapon and a preferential level of battles. His running quality gives to use this car and as an average tank. Finding at the top of the list, the ego oblique armor can keep the blow of low-level opponents.

For st-water ideal M4A1 Revalorisé.. After his recent improvement, this tank has played new paints. And although he has a chassis from Sherman, with all the ensuing consequences (low booking, mediocre speed), the weapon of this tank is capable of compensating for these shortcomings. It has excellent one-time damage, accuracy and high shell flight speed, which significantly increases the chance of the projectile in the distant distances.

For players who prefer the game on light tanks, the ideal option will be lEKPZ M 41 90 MM GF. This is the same Bulldog of the American Branch of the study only with a cyclical 90 millimeter gun. The advantage of this tank is also the presence of a fugas with an excellent break in 102 mm. It helps him leaving the winner in a duel with light tanks enemy. Since the use of Fugasov has a big chance to eliminate internal modules in the enemy tank.

Along with this excellent offer for such players can be the average tank AMX CDC.. Although this machine refers to the middle tanks, its gameplay is almost identical to the Gameplay on LT. The complete absence of armor, bad stabilization and with this excellent mobility and damage per minute causes players to use this tank as a lung.

Among the players preferring PT-SAU perfect premium tank is Rheinmetall Skorpion G.. This machine has several advantages that brightly distinguish it against classmates. A huge advantage is the presence of a tower. This significantly improves the accuracy of fire on moving targets, a tool with a huge alpha allows you to easily destroy the enemy's technique. Also, this tank has good mobility. By the minuses of this car should include the absence of armor and relatively low disguise indicators.

Before choosing a premium technique, the player should decide on its gameplay and choose the tank most for him close. This article provides only a few premium tankswho are best in its class, but some players can give preference to other combat vehicles, which they get better to farm.

As novice World of Tanks. Spells approximately up to eighth level, it begins to notice that tanks after the fight sometimes go into a serious minus. And then, everyone has a question: how does the next tank be selected for silver? Not the minor levels to drive and export some 5-10 thousand?

For those who want a really big silver growth after the battle, then there is no better option than putting real money in the game and buy a prem-tank, which is earned significantly more than ordinary pumpable equipment.

List of prem tanks that are convenient to farm loans


Among the tanks of this level, the most appropriate tanks for Pharma will perform the following cars:

- T26E4 SuperPershing is a pretty good choice of a medium player who requires very little money in the ruining and is able to incredibly farm at its level. However, when hitting the bottom of the list, it is necessary to shoot gold, and even then the tank goes into a small one, but all plus;

- FCM 50T - Surely, the most convenient for Pharma tank, which is also nice to play, however, already having the game skills; Farmith he is somewhat worse than the "lion", but due to its speed, it is more versatile;

- T34 - Thanks to its most powerful tool, this tank does not need prem-projectiles, and its profitability is only somewhat inferior to the same record holder - "Lion";

- Löwe - Tank, bringing the largest number of silver moment, however, because of its slowness and sizes, on the "Lion" to play quite boring and besides - you are a very vulnerable target, especially alone;

- AMX CDC is very complex in the development of the tank, exclusively for experienced players who can cope with the complete absence of armor, and Farmith is not worse than T26E4 SuperPershing, and even better.

On average, the above-listed tanks bring about 50-80 thousand without a prem account, and with it the yield of some reaches 100 thousand clean.


- SU-122-44 - PT-SAU with excellent dynamics and good armor, a serious damage per minute - almost imba at its level, capable of farming about 50 thousand silver.

Alas, but the SU-122-44 is the only worthy prem-tank, which is on a permanent sale. But there are also cars that are fully in the Random and which appear during stocks. For example, E-25 is one of the strongest tanks at the level and farm is not worse than SU-122-44. Also during the shares, you can grab an IS-2 (Berlin) or a new kV-122. You can not only be farm, but also nice to bend.


- Skodat-40 - a good Czech tank with good alpha and dynamics will be an excellent choice of middle player and is able to bring about 20-30 thousand silver in good fighting;

- Dickermax - PT-SAU without armor, but with a worthy tool, thanks to which she is a better than all of his classmates.

- STRV M / 42-57 ALT A.2 - The first Swedish prem-tank with a good drum, has indicators of farm, which is about and its Czech collected.

The rest of the tanks are not very convenient for the game, so we will not consider them.


- KV-220 - a very rare guest in the Random, which is difficult to buy - only on a very rare shares on it, but the armor tank decides the outcome of almost any fight;

- SU-85I - mediocre PT-SAU with average characteristics for all indicators at the level;

- T25 - a quick German with a good gun and a lack of armor;

- Churchill III- very rapid advice, with a small one-time dam, large dimensions, mediocre armor and rather slow.

The rest of the tanks of the V-level and below we will not consider, so they are either difficult to play, or they pharmacete too little in order to pay their attention to them.

Passionable Tanks for Pharma

Nobody, of course, does not argue as ordinary pumpable cars, you can go into a normal plus, among these you can allocate:




But tanks already VIII-level and above Require a large number of silver for repair and to buy shells, equipment - so farm on them is probably the last thing.

After reading this article, you will now know what tanks worth buying for earning silver, as well as which of the pumpable cars can approach this lesson.

It should also be noted that with a prem account, sometimes you can farm and tanks of high levels, if you can save their strength to the end of the battle.

Choosing the best non-premium tanks for silver pharmacies in World of Tanks Today we will look at the best tanks for silver earnings, premium tanks will be excluded! Heavy tanks. 5th place - kV-2. KV-2 - Soviet Tank 6 level. Main advantages: a good booking, a choice between two powerful guns. Being at the KV-2 in the top, you can be quite well to be taken, and being at the bottom of the list, it is possible to pump 8 levels with the shatchiki. Puting an instrument 7 level (damage 300, breaking down 167) can be nice to launch with 6-7 levels (from 8 hard). Putting a chaitancan, you can get a lot of fans from a variety of penzets and a good damage to 8 levels. Of course, the first gun (300, 167mm) is more suitable for Pharma, and for fan more dampers. Therefore, I would advise you yet to put 107 mm tools (7 levels) if you are going to farm. Middle Farm 10-15 to loans. 4th place - Churchill I (Briton). British heavy tank 5 level. It has a pretty good booking for its level and a good weapon. Being at the top of the list, this machine can tear everything in a row without much effort, it is enough to use it correctly. Trying on Churchill as a cup to become a rhombus and a tank on board from buildings. Blowings 145mm, quite enough for 5-6 levels, with 7 levels will be harder. Thanks to good accuracy, you can focus with various vulnerable places and piercing enemies. The average farm is also 10-15K loans. 3 place - T1 Heavy. American heavy tank level 5. It has excellent front desk, good mobility and a very medium tool. The problem of Havi is that it is useless with tanks level 7, the only salvation is Gold shells, and using them, you will go into minus (about Farma in general). Excellent front armor and good mobility allow us to often solve short flanks, and our gun can attack weakly armored opponents on the go. Other heavyings are already to focus well, or try to bypass from other flanks and go into board or stern. The average farm is still the same 10-15 to loans. 2nd place - BDR G1 B. French heavy tank 5 level. It has medium mobility and a very powerful tool for its level, but very bad booking. The average damage of the top gun in 240 units allows you to laugh even with 7 levels. Blowings at 135 mm are quite enough for 5-6 levels, with 7 levels the same story as with Churchill. Basically, the BDD needs to be attacked from the average distance, because From close it sew everything. The average farm finally rose a little, it varies around 12-17k loans. 1 place - kV-1. So we came to the leader in this group! KV-1 - Soviet heavy tank 5 level. Our kV-1 has excellent armor (similar to Churchill), a good weapon, average mobility. At the KV-1, many tactics operate: Rush, Def, Flange bypass, etc. He is universal. And in the plan of the Damaga, which we need so much for Pharma, the KV-1 does not lose. On average, good fighting kV-1 causes about 1200-1600 Damaga, which for 5 levels is too much. As a result, the average farm reaches 14-20K loans. Medium tanks. 5th place - Chi Nu. Japanese average tank level 5. It has medium mobility and a very powerful, but oblique tool. Middle Farm 12-17K loans. 4th place - PZ IV. German average level tank level 5. The main advantages are the same as the chi well, in addition, there is still a good booking and ricoce of armor to forehead. The average farm is the same 12-17k loans. 3 place - Type T-34. Chinese medium level 5 tank. It has excellent mobility and middle tool. Sometimes you can even shine level 7 tanks. Middle Farm 14-19 to loans. 2nd place - T-34. Soviet average level tank 5. In essence, it and the T-34 type is the same, there are only small differences. There is all the same, including Farm. 1st place - M4 Sherman. American average tank level 5. It has excellent mobility, a good weapon, and sometimes ricochet armor. It can be flexing everywhere and from 5, and from 6, and even with 7 levels! Middle Farm 16-22K loans. PT-SAU. 5th place - SU-85. Soviet PT 5 level. It has an excellent top gun with good breakdown and good mobility. Middle Farm 12-16K loans. 4th place - Stug III. German Fri 5 level. The advantages are the same as SU-85. For this farm the same 12-16k loans. 3 place - S35 CA. French PT 5 level. It has a very powerful tool (damage 300, breaking down 165mm), which even disassembles even armored tanks 7 levels, not to mention classmates. Middle Farm 15-20K loans. 2nd place - T67. American PT level 5. It has a small silhouette, excellent dynamics, high speed and excellent weapons. However, the reservation of the car is practically absent, and the tower rotates slowly. The average farm is the same 15-20K loans. 1st place - M18 Hellcat. American PT 6 level. The advantages are the same as T67, but in addition, an instrument is much more powerful and punching. Middle Farm 17-23K loans. As for the remaining types of tanks (LT and Art), it is hard to identify the best. Some tanks are better, some worse, besides on arts and LT, it is difficult to farmly farm, because Thanks to the light, few loans give, and on art after global nerfic nerves, it is hard to launch.

In this article we will look at 10 most profitable machines for silver farm in World of Tanks. After all, in WOT, each technique brings a different amount of silver and experience, some tanks have a repair much more than others. For those who have a premium, it is possible not a significant difference, but for those who have an ordinary account is very noticeable. Sometimes, to play for your favorite 10-TKA, you have to earn money on 5-ke ...

Do not forget, for a good pharmacy it is desirable to choose that technique where you can play, you know all the subtleties and often win. If such a car is in the list - wonderful! We advise you to install all the necessary modules to it, pump the crew to the maximum - then you will receive not only silver, but also a bonus in the form of a pleasant game on the pumped tank! Playing on this technique, you can raise your efficiency and the percentage of victories in World of Tanks - improve statistics. And if you play a platoon on the same type, this will happen much faster.

10 most pharmaceutical tanks:

1. Pzkpfwiii.
This tank is good because in its fourth level it has pretty good review To detect the enemy, as well as the caliber of the gun (75 mm) makes it possible to often pierce and destroy the enemy. PZKPFWIII is welcomed in rhott battles if you like the battles of such a plan - this is a great option for you!

2. Grille
Art 5 level takes the second position, it is also in demand in the company. Its rival is SU5, which has too little supply of shells.

3. Su26.
This artillery throws the maximum of 5 level tanks, and due to high rapidity and accuracy due to the rotating tower, causing a good damage, art brings good profits.

4. KV2.
The tank was nicknamed by a shauyan because of 152 mm gun, which can be written from one breakdown. With an instrument, the caliber of which is 107 mm, damage is not so big, but it has a more breakage, and recharge faster.

5. Su85
This PT has a 107 mm tool that has good piercing and causes good damage. Su85 Farmite on average 5000 silver thanks to cheap equipment and repair.

6. Stugiii.
Stugiii is another German tank Farmer. PT-SAU which has a similarity with Su85 by farm. The instrument of this tank has high accuracy and fast recharge.

7. K3
This level 6 level exceeds even M6 and ARL 44. Q3 best heavy tank among the sixth levels! Playing in the rhott battles will well go to the gun 122 mm caliber. Since one projectile costs about a thousand, then the profit naturally depends on the hits. Therefore, for random fights, it is better to install 100 mm or 107 mm tools.

8. Su8.
There are no distinctive features, but on this art can be farm at higher levels.

9. T-34-85
This tank with top modules brings a good profit and is very good in rotary battles, thanks to 100 mm tools that can break the tanks up to 9 lvl.

10. A-20
Many will think, and why not T-50, why this is this tank? Because the A-20 exceeds the T-50, because T-50 is only a fireless, which is no longer highlighted, and the A-20 is well fountaining silver, but only with the right game. It is because of this that he stands on 10th place.

This information on tanks is subjective. Indeed, in different hands, the same tank can win, bringing a bunch of silver and experience, or to lose in the first minute, either by making a single shot. If you know good tank For silver pharmacy, you can bring a couple of examples from successful fighting - write in the comments!
If you are still newcomer, do not know how and what you need to do we advise you to read the article - how to become excellent players in World of Tanks. Rooms will help you get acquainted with the intricacies of the game faster.


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