Wargaming is deceiving World Of Tanks players. World of Tanks and System System Balancer Balancer in World Of Tanks

Wargaming is deceiving World Of Tanks players. World of Tanks and System System Balancer Balancer in World Of Tanks


The name of this article is intentionally carrying a slightly provocative character. Although, for many unclear, causing many questions, shadow algorithms in the game, it would be possible to attach a much stronger, however, for the absence of direct evidence, it is necessary to walk around and about, without claiming anything for sure, but only having some uncomfortable questions in the air, Concepting some uncomfortable, for the guys from wargaming "a, facts. So, let's immediately decide that we will not accuse anyone here, but we will give a few pair of article pages, not the facts, but speculation, assumptions and hypotheses. The general meaning of them will be that the game processes in the popular MMO-game are not at all such obvious and honest. In other words, World of Tanks - Arena for fraud from developers. But, let's in order. Maybe everything is at all not this way.

Bank for the question.

Perhaps it is necessary to remember, this is this tank action from Belarus, where the steep morals of the Taby Batki are deservedly, they were partly transmitted to some of its citizens. In general, the fact remains a fact: for the slightest hint of a dishonest game or the "uncomfortable" question asked on the official game forum, which in the shortest durations are banging, and they do it, sometimes at all. Ban, with this, applies not only to the forum, but also on the game. What is the hidden meaning of such a hard handling of tanker fans? Is it possible that the saying comes into force here: - once it is afraid, then he hears the truth. It is clear that the forum provocateurs and Grubians need to roam mercilessly, but when the forumchanin opens the topic where the enemy's strange income is asked, or, on the contrary, about a strange breakdown of her beloved, then this topic is immediately removed, but the player can forgive The first time, but more often the stories are heard about unparalleled banans for such questions. A little strange, right?

Red general.

I personally had the opportunity to hear the legend from a person who heard from another person who heard from a friend who knows one of the Wargaming programmers who participated in the development of World of Tanks, which, allegedly, told that often and dense in the form of "red" The teams are moving at all are not real players, but the most real and official gaming bots. Allegedly, several players there still can be real, but the tone will be asked exactly the bots led by the Red General. According to all this sarafined radio, the Red General is easy to identify. It is always a heavy tank, always in camouflage, always shoots gold, always pierces everyone and everything, and it, in turn, almost not to break. But the most important thing is that such a general strikingly suffer from almost polics. Partial proof of this is that it is impossible to draw in a conversation for such a simple reason that this is a robot controlled by a system from under a lime account. The presence of a red general and bots from the enemy, you can prove a little bit in such a way: to take and negotiate the entire team to arrange a "Rush" on the flank card. If bots are played for the red, then on that "unexpected" flank, you will be taken and will be met, almost the whole team. They will meet and will be separated into sins.

The classic version of the participation of the Red General is a drain with a score around 2:11 in the first 2-3 minutes of battle. In this case, such battles can be repeated 5-10 times in a row. A player who fell into a similar jet, nothing remains, how to just disconnect from the game and change the game server, in the hope of the best attitude towards it. Actually, all other claims are not only paranoids, but also quite imputed tank workers are reduced to the fact that something is very often, especially with the release of the last patches, they began to happen extremely strange incures, ricochers and suspicious "Vanzoty" from very sickly opponents. But, about it a little later.

World of Tanks: scandals, intrigues, investigations.

If you follow the tendency, which the developers are promoted with the release of each new patch in World of Tanks is an increase in accidents in the form of strange trajectories of shells, allegedly for the benefit of physics, as well as a gradual decrease in the accuracy. Working on new models of technology and new cards, the developers specifically increased the scatter when conducting a sighting fire. And the accuracy of the SAU completely cut to the impossibility. Now even the most accurate guns with pumped naughty, can not normally get along the enemy tank. More precisely, it is possible that it is possible, but the situation with hit / did not get off, completely and completely on the shoulders of the hidden gaming mechanism of "random numbers". Intrachnaya mechanics, which, as it were, takes on the right to determine the accuracy of the shell flight. The situation is strongly reminded similar to how UEFA does not want to introduce video repetitions, due to the allegedly what the audience, seeing the wrong decision of the judge, we will wake up, and in reality, citizens from UEFA, and FIFA, just do not want to lose Another game lever in the form of a decision of the judiciary. So here: so that there are no extra questions like: - "And what it was, I got out exactly, and the shell flew to the distant gave?". Therefore, the players expanded the sight. If earlier the enemy technician completely climbed into the circle of sight, now, not at the most distance, in the "point" of the sight you can put 3-4 such tanks. Here you also think about you.

Strange impures and litwords.

To begin with the litters. Even if you leake a half-natured red general, the problem with incomprehensible litters continues to heat up for more than one month. The most typical situation looks like this: it is worth, for example, "cost" with full optics, crew, brillina, etc. All died, he is alone. Here, as a team (none of the dead suggested), one of the tanks falls toward "Stuga". And the "funny" himself, I must say, stands in a pit that does not shoot in any way. Art in the game is not. In general, at first, the tank turns out the T-34-85, although he does not see him himself, although it must, and immediately the deadly dwarf flew from the KV-2 with a gun on 152-mm (which has no accuracy at all), which is worth Through polics. But this is not enough: the shell got along the "so" a canopy, for a different explanation, as a projectile could get along the tank standing at the bottom of the Pit - no. Ask questions on the game forum - for evil. And such examples mass. A whole book can be written.

Now for breakage. Example: BET CHAT is in the bushes, IS-8 goes sideways. Chat puts from drum 6 shots from side. 5 of them - punches. Recharges. Waiting. Leaves the same IS-8 (the same cardboard, you need to say). The chat begins to beat also in the side. As a result, 0 breaks from 6. Chat is drained. The conclusion suggests one: the limit of the breakdown issued by the system, "exhausted". Naturally, the team flies 3:15.

And if you even remember the mass of incomprehensible incidents taking place with beaten tanks, which in the surveillance mode quite really highlighted their remaining allies. You can remember much, but the main complexity is that evidence that the developers of the World of Tanks are not universities in hand - no, and it is unlikely that it will be unlikely to tell the story in the spirit "I was fired from MTS, So I'll tell you now ... ". In the meantime, it remains only to build hypotheses and wait for the WOT fans run and explain to you that you are a deer.

If you do not know what the point is, know: the point is in the money.

After conducting simple conclusions on the type of journalists with Rentv, it is possible to tell that all of the cases described may well pursue one single goal - to roll out more money from the players. With the outdates of the last patches, which clearly demonstrated that so much you earned now, but so much you could earn, if I played in the "Prema", many of them were going on. Many players began to complain that if earlier according to statistics on a specific tank, for example, there were about 53% of victories, then over the past few months, victory has rolled to 42% on the same tank. Wild cases of 10-13 terrible plots in a row, etc.

All these difficulties with aiming, difficulties with a break and so on may be directly related to force the player to open a wallet and pay real money for premium tank, Or more often acquire a premium account. After all, the games are made in order to make money on them, so why developers cannot slightly "stimulate" purchasing power. It is no secret that in the process of playing "Prema" the number of plots decreases radically decreases, statistics are improved, and the player is more often in the top. And without a premium, a player, throw on the fun "premium" tankers, as we threw a boar for drunk shots before the boar. But, the kaban of choice was not at all, but the player has.

So think now. On the one hand, it seems to be faith in pure, eternal and kind. It is supported by the lack of material evidence. The developers are not so easy. On the other hand, the understanding of the fact that almost everything in this world is done because of the money. So why not twist a couple of options to a little hurry the embittered and dissatisfied player, quickly begin the cash infusion in the project in order to improve comfort. Although premium, of course, is not a complete panacea from the game arbitrar, when T 34-85 can not break through the top gun in the side of T-50, when you are with optics, walkie-talkie and pumped "Lapmochka" you see the enemy light, and you are killed on it, without any tracers. Moreover, the characteristic black particularly zealine is mighty is that such symptoms are manifested when the team clearly goes to drain. The system is not beneficial for the team for a long time resisting. Servers are filled with, you should soon die and give way to another, and not cling to life from the last strength. At the same time, when you see similar symptoms with impeusements, strange light, etc., immediately comes to the realization that you "merge". As a rule, this thought is true for all 100%.

Not a malicious afterword.

In general, comrades, this article does not claim the truth of the last instance. Moreover, the author in no way pursued the goal of someone to blame or slander. You can even say that in this article there are some of the bright examples of the incompact ambiguity gaming processes In World of Tanks, game physics and other things like that.

Play and win, and if you suddenly start playing, then bring a little money to your account and immediately see that it will be better to live, it will be fun. On the cabins!

Wargaming management is increasingly deceiving players. The company increasingly uses its capabilities not to improve their games, but solely with the purpose of lining money from the players. Stunning success online game World of Tanks attracted tremendous interest. Today, it is an unequivocal leader in its segment and the most popular game on the territory of the CIS. Every day, hundreds of thousands of people go to virtual battlefields and take part in tank battles. Although access to the game is absolutely free, Wargaming offers fans of tank battles quite a lot of different "buns" for real money. At the same time, many players willingly pay for paid products, including premium accounts, inscriptions and camouflages for machines, gaming currency, as well as special techniques. It is premium paid tanks that are more often upset by the admirers of the game.

Latest news from the world World of Tanks

Wargaming hidden nerfit premium tanks

The developers do not cease to tell us that the premium technical school is never in nerfs, because you paid real money for it, we can apply and nervy only pumpable equipment. Recently, it turned out that premium technique is secretive from pouching players, (reduced TTX techniques worsened its hidden characteristics, scatter, rotation speed, minimize ...). It always seemed to us that they were nerifying her but could not prove, here one of the English-speaking users "Still" found that premium PT SAU STRV S1 was hidden downstream in the siege mode now there is a message from Anton Pankov "Hi PS1 Check most likely it is a bug Display, thanks for the signal "What, of course, what we could still expect from the developers" of course bug ", as if it seemed that the premium tank was lowered, but there are proofs. Already many users were able to check that update 09 17 before the update 0.9.19 tTH Tanka The speed of rotation of Ponerflen 2 was changed at least times, the time of transition to hikes The mode was 1.25 hundredths. It was 1.3 The difference of 0.05, and also drove this potential. Now it became interesting how the developers will turn out with this situation as far as it became known to open the WOT site Express to many of you are already known and what we see here very many players began to demand a refund money For previously spent money on the purchase of a Swedish Swedish tank in this case, premium tanks 8 level STRV S1. Interesting how it will end, I feel sorry to those who bought Strv S1 know you will write in the comments that the developers are over and you will be completely right.

How wargaming get out in this case from the situation with the fact that they were finally caught with a large proof, all the data are discharged, many will require a refund of funds, follow the course of events.

New WORLD OF TANKS Balancing

New information about Balancing in World of Tanks, as shown by the latest tests The new Balancer 0.9.18 WORLD OF TANKS does not work correctly. We will test the test for a series of 20 battles on different accounts, the test showed that the players fall into the top much less often on the level of level equipment, and it was also found that for 20 battles on different equipment players fall down the list or middle of more than 80% of cases .

Also, the ranking of cards showed an incorrect distribution of repeated cards, although the situation has changed, as it was in the previous patch 0.9.17, from which it can be concluded that the balancingman works very peculiar and chaotic. In addition to the fact that the new balancer will throw you into the unprofitable commands on the internal statistics of the server you will also enjoy the non-breaking and not in the goal.

The balancingman works in such a way that out of 100% of the battle and it is possible that you will get into the top no more than 15-20 %%, all other battles you will carry out at the bottom or in the middle of the list, it is clearly traced for technology 6 and 8 levels. For the technique of the sixth level, most often hitting the top is when the whole team will consist of one six-level level for 8 levels approximately a similar situation. If you start winning the balancing of this "problem" solves very just timefully throws into the team where the statistics of the players of your team below the opponent's team. You can observe it elementary by installing XVM modes.

Personal reserves

Use of personal reserves as another deception.

It is noted that the use of personal military reserves WORLD OF TANKS lowers the possibility of players to fully participate in hostilities, each inclusion of combat reserves leads to a decrease in the dynamic characteristics of any tank in battle, which was established by a special mod, which determines the characteristics of military equipment directly when entering the player in battle . As the test showed on average, the percentage of a change of 10% of accuracy characteristics and information, spreading on the go, as well as accuracy of getting into full attention and some other parameters decreased when using reserves.

As soon as you think that Wargaming has gave the next opportunity to earn a combat experience or silver you are very mistaken, since each use of a personal reserve reduce the characteristics of your equipment in battle.

You will use combat reserves and statistics of your victories will begin to shrink, if you build an elementary schedule and analyze the statistics of victories in a few days with the included combat reserves and without combat reserves, you will see the statistics for tanks to tanks while using combat reserves than without ones. As a conclusion, it means only one thing that when using personal combat reserves in World of Tanks you create an artificial problem so that you cannot create for yourself conditions at which your tank will pick up maximum amount Experience or earn a large number of Silver, as it is primarily unprofitable for the company Vargeiming, where the main goal is to make money on players.

In order to create a visible antines of sports interest and the competing moment in the game, the methods of advertising and paid bloggers who lead the streams on Youtube are used. Attracting sports teams that create a certain illusion of equality of all players and the possibility of using tanks in the game, but as the practice has shown all this deception, which is only another evidence of Wargaming's wicked company in relation to all players.

In the results of the foregoing, it clearly shows that Wargaming is disinterested in honest battles, the sole purpose of Wargaming is to repurchase money from players by any ways.

Conscious Afra

With recent Pro Comuniti, World of Tanks, the rumors of Wargaming Net fraud were established to circulate on programming battles. The essence of the claim lies in the impaired balance of the game, carrying out intentional and systematic plums of combat, regardless of the level of skill of players.

On our site we decided to make an article about framing in the game World of Tanks. In the famous patent of Victor Success, of course, nothing is said about the player's hit in a deliberately losing fight, as well as about the nerving of equipment that constantly wins. The patent is mentioned only by the table of levels of combat techniques and conditions under which the player falls on any level of fighting on a specific tank.

One of the bloggers who makes rollers in the game and puts them on YouTube dedicated to this problem a whole series of video. The bee channel buzzes and his creator urge everyone to refuse to buy a premium technology and generally refrain from any cash investment in the game. The reason for his displeasure was regular "NEFES" of premium techniques. The essence of the claims is reduced to the fact that the World of Tanks developers regularly deceive players who invest their own money, reducing specifications Not only simple tanks, but also those that can be obtained only for money.

Changing the parameters of all machines in the game was constantly. This is due to the constant addition of new nations, development branches and individual machines. However, very long premium paid tanks were inviolable. Now the creators of the game took and for them. In almost every patch, several new samples of exclusive techniques come out. And to force the players to buy it, the developers gradually make those tanks that players already have, less competitive. They decrease the speed, the reservation is worse, maneuverability disappears. Accustomed to pierce all opponents, the player suddenly discovers that he was "hit the sight", and the released shells are increasingly and more often "in milk". Moreover, all these troubles instantly disappear when buying fresh "Prema". But he also begins to "be sick" to exit one or two fresh updates. Blogger sees the unscrupulousness of the company and calls for all fans of the game to ignore all paid offers wargaming until the developers pay attention to the problem and will not offer a solution that would arrange all.

World of tanks or how Wargaming fighting players earning them millions

To make money on the game, it should be popular. And to become such any game can be only in one case: players must believe that something depends on them. If for some reason the opposite will occur, any game is practically doomed. After a series of publications in the Western gaming press of exposure publications regarding the technologies on which World of Tanks is based, its popularity has decreased significantly. For the CIS countries, this scandal passed almost unnoticed. Everyone used to believe that the serious difference between the number of players on European, American and Russian servers is only explained by the fact that they do not understand anything there in real tanks and genuine armored valor. But it is not so. Causes are different.

Patent Victor Acoe

Shortly after the launch, a number of publications posted on their sites detailed description the so-called "patent of sour". His author Victor sour is one of the founders of the company. It was he who developed the technology of "maintaining interest in the game", which the company is successfully used so far. The essence of "acid patent" is quite simple. All players must regularly both win, and play so that a common interest was holding at the desired high level. For this, a special technology has been created. The system automatically assigns a special coefficient from 0 to 2. The size of this coefficient depends on the number of victories obsessed in battles. If you find yourself too successful and begin to constantly win, the system will automatically start lowering the characteristics of your technique.

The Random World of Tanks rules provide that a number of important playing indicators can vary significantly. Among them:

Scatter during shooting;

Size of one-time damage;

Probability of the ricochet;

The possibility of applying critical damage;

Damage to the internal modules;

The possibility of breaking the opponent's armor and so on.

Balancerfights in World of Tanks

However, the fans of the "WORLD OF TANCC" increasingly began to notice that a number of victories necessarily replaces a series of plots. Many have a natural question: if the outcome of random fights is predetermined by 99%, how can you merge it? How is the team collection, which will lose with a probability of 99%? Even despite the VBR plus-minus 25%. How then will wargaming can program drain?

Wot attentive players note the two most obvious ways.

The first method of plum in the "WORLD OF TANKS" refers to cards, respaunts and modes chosen by the player. The patent says that for each battle level of technology and for each tank is stored a certain percentage of victories. Balancing supposedly is only responsible for the formation of commands and choosing a map, after which it sends both teams into battle. They also manage the game server, i.e. The same VBR plus-minus 25%. Therefore, if the weak team, for all forecasts, the obligation is obliged to merge the battle, suddenly begins to actively resist and win, the notorious WPB begins to prevent her in achieving the victory.

The second of them concerns directly the balance of the teams. It is not in mind not the total difference in the points of the strength of the teams, but the ratio of types of technology. For example, two teams are fighting in the counter fight. One team is equipped mainly by middle-level tanks, PT and a couple heavy tanks. The opponent team also has mainly heavy weapons. If, with this situation, it occupies a common base, the team with medium tanks will be very difficult to fight with such an opponent. Accordingly, the probability of coordinated actions of the random team and the subsequent victory tends to zero.

Main rules of Balancer World of Tanks

Everyone who connects to the World of Tanks server is assigned a certain status, not only to his account, but also to the whole of your technique in the hangar, naive think that they are distributed balancing only when entering the battle is not so! As soon as you entered the game Balancingman knows what the range of cards and which will determine your any tank in the entrance to battle on the weight and statistics.

World of Tanks Fight Rule

As you know on different cards on the same tank, a different percentage of victories. All maps are divided into two groups for each of your and only your tank in the hangar, the first group is a group of cards on which you have more percentage of victories on this tank, in the second where the percentage is less. At the entrance to the first battle you, the balancing is determined by the card where your influence on the game will be below the average in this form.

Did you think that Wargaming will give you to free to earn two, three or fivefold experience?

Rule victories on one tank

Rule victories as a whole on account


Skile balancing rule

Rule of influence on the fight in terms of technology

It is believed that all this is regulated by omnipotent VBR or the Grand Belarusian random. However, in fact, everything is not quite accidental. So, if some players won too often, while others lose too often, the system independently begins to adjust all the indicators of their technique. The level of one-time damage, for example, may differ by +/- 25%. All other significant indicators oscillate in about the same range. For "too" successful players, all "suddenly" becomes unhappy and now the PT-SAU of the tenth level will not be unthinkable or to break through the obviously weaker enemy. Shells go into milk or just knock off the caterpillars even with the easiest and defenseless tanks, without applying a damage. The crucial opponents, on the contrary, begin "from the vertuchi" to fall into the desired pixel. And necessarily producing devastating fires and destroying the internal modules of your tank. We add to this that the system also independently distributes the participants by placing them in the top or the bottom of the list in battle. It turns out that from the skills or skills of World of Tanks players depends quite a bit. Everyone will get their share of victories from good developers. The main thing is not to forget to pinch and pay premium techniques, preferential accounts and other buns stipulated by the "acid patent".

Using the popularity of the game World of Tanks and the desire of players to get unique content, scammers seek to lure money from users. Learn about all the possible tricks of attackers. One of the most popular fraudes related to wORLD game Of Tanks, are suggestions to buy bonuses and invite codes necessary to obtain game property, including the one that is impossible to buy for gaming gold.

Invite code

An invite code is entered only when creating an account.

Bonus code - can be entered at any time of the game.

Methods for obtaining official bonus codes:

1) at events organized by Wargaming;

2) along with the official goods of the company and its partners;

3) on the official website during the shares.

Any other method of acquiring bonus codes is one of the variants of fraud.

Versions of fraudulent proposals:

Bonus code

1) Proposals to buy bonus codes, giving the opportunity to acquire a technique that is impossible to buy for gaming gold.

Such codes can be distributed exclusively by Warganing and its official partners, and the number of these bonus codes is negligible, so it is unlikely that you will be offered a real code. It is worth buying such codes only if it is possible to activate it immediately, with the seller.

2) Sites selling bonus codes.

In order for the activity of the site to look convincing, it publishes comments confirming that all codes are workers. Naturally, they are left by the attackers themselves.

3) Fraudsters are represented by partners or Wargaming employees, or convince.

First of all, it is worth thinking if the seller is really one of the representatives of wargaming, why it sells codes, and does not distribute them as a bonus for the acquisition of their products or for taking participation in the event organized by them.

Not all tanks in free game Free, not all tanks can be obtained by your work. For some of them are offered to pay a round sum, right and work will not have to do.

The title of the article is a little exaggerating its importance, but the reader is desirable to immediately interest the material. Especially since the information of the article will allow you to make one's own more subtle and private conclusions about premium tanks. They are impossible to earn in the game, they will have to buy for real money, but is it necessary to do it? Here on the website www .. because on official resources it is difficult to expect an alternative description of premium tanks.

In general, World of Tanks a lot of paid tanks, but we will mostly consider premium tanks of the eighth level, since they are the most popular with players and developers. It is their high level that allows you to participate in serious battles, showing high efficiency, earning a lot of experience and loans.

The first meeting

Usually ordinary players who do not plan to buy a premium account, meet special tanks in battle. These Machina are often at the top of the list of commands, your tools do not break them away, and they themselves disassemble your tractor for a couple of shots. After that, the young Padavan, or rather the player, begins to convulsely browse the branches of nations in search of the desired tanks. After all, it would be nice to develop to such a monster. But no hope, these tanks are not in the line of development.

They stand a little bit, they do not need to develop. They can simply buy them. Buy and chop enemies. But do not hurry to make such a mistake, since the acquisition of a gaming tank for 1500 rubles is unlikely to be called a wise decision .. And so that something understands something in this matter, it is not so much the possession of tank technology in World of Tanks, how much understanding of the model monetization model. Remember that in wargaming work free will not be for free, so for free tanks will have to pay anyway.

How much are

Without loading you with extra numbers, I will say that the best conquer tanks in the World of Tanks are about 1,500 rubles or $ 50 for each.

What gives - short

If short, then the conquer tanks are the most convenient in the game. No, they are not the strongest, they are simply very comfortable. And now in detail we describe why this happens, why at our first meeting and there was an opinion about their invincibility.


Considering the characteristics of the tank, you come to surprise - the tank is weaker than his classmates. In fact, it is almost equal to them, so in the duel of two tanks of one level will be determining the skill of the players themselves. What then is his power, what is the raisin?

Boom levels

Characteristics of tanks in the game interface are not so much. We go to the official encyclopedia of the World of Tanks and see the "level of battle" parameter. It depends on it where one or another tank can take. Paid tanks throw in battles not so high as their free fellow. That is, to be at the bottom of the team list will be more difficult, which means to play will be more comfortable.

Yes, you can show the real class and in the last places of the command list, but if you do not plan to give a game too much time and strength, it is unlikely. Not everyone is planning to become cyberportsmen, this profession in Russia is loss in itself. So on paid tanks is less likely to get into the real zoze, where your strengths of the tank will be an empty place.


So the tankists are already on the sixth seventh level of tanks notice that the fighting vehicles not only ceased to generate income, but also begin to finish even victorious battles in a loss. You do not need to worry, you need to understand that the developers want to eat and relax in the south, they need your money. So with all the forces you will push to thoughts to throw gold in World of Tanks. We persistently drive out this crash idea, or uncover the WEBMONEY wallet or a plastic card.

In fact, tanks that are interested in playing, tanks of high levels do not bring money. They are unprofitable, even if the battle spent well, and the team won. Do not greatly believe the stories that it is possible to enter the tenth level on the tank in plus. It is possible, but this may not all, and the income will be modest. But the cost of high-level equipment will be calculated by millions of loans.

But paid tanks are not like that - they bring a stable income, and very high. Even if you lost or in battle did not really show themselves - nothing terrible, developers remember your investment of real money - the tank will bring loans and experience. So all this pushes us to the acquisition of a premium account and premium tank.

Free alternative looks like this: we are literally thousands of battles on the tanks of medium levels (from the fifth in the seventh), which will bring 5-15 thousand loans for the fight, while paid cars will give 50-100 thousand for the fight , and for the fight in more comfortable conditions.

Training tankers

Tank with tankers-recruits, and even in the basic state - a pathetic sight, it is even at best. For gaming money, you can develop the crew only up to 75% of the main specialty. It is much better than free 50%, but also very far to an acceptable level. Plus, do not forget that any tank need at least a developed repair skill in the entire crew. Transplanting the crew from the tank on a tank can not, there will be serious fines. As a result - you need to retrain, and without gold (that is, real money) it is possible only with the loss of part of the experience.

But the salvation - the paid tanks have no fine on the crew skills. You can plant a crew from any tank of the same type. It is paired on paid technique, and then in the form of experienced veterans will go to the main place of service. The older the level of technology - the more critical is the notice of your crew in battle. Free alternative - 100-150 battles with a weak crew, which means that the tank will ride and shoot worse all this time.

Which is better?

To root the most frequent question about premium tanks, I will answer that it is better to buy that tank whose nation you are going to develop. Since in this case, your paid tank will also be a great place to train crews. You can transplant him here from any tank of your type (that is, with a hard on heavy) without fines to skills and skills. The least of all negative reviews are about the Lion of the Germans. In any case, if you are fundamentally played, a paid tank will not help to play better, but it will become more convenient to play.


Formally, I can not name the paid world of tanks tanks - the immes that violate the game balance. Formally - everything is honest, but only formally. In practice, develop branches of tanks without premium machine is very hard and long, you will constantly miss the game loans, literally thousands of battles you will have to just earn them on low level tanks. I recommend that you always remember that it is just computer game And relate to it, respectively.

Her free status is worse than the classic charge. You can pay constantly, it is for this forcing us the developers (this is their dream). They want to put on periodic payments, all paid services make the game much more convenient, give advantages before ordinary players. No, this advantage is not clear, it is impossible to poke your finger, which is called. Ready to contain developers to their blood, calling it support - please. And you can either find another online game, where, by paying once, you get equal opportunities with all.

In tanks, you can simply go to my pleasure for free and understand that the development of the tenth tank will take you a lot of time. The main thing is to know about it, because we pay, including our free time for the game.

Experimental data

Account - Arbsedotnet, without the use of paid services. Exact numbers personal experience Games: Development of a heavy German tank Tiger (seventh level) took three months. Pure playing time was about 70-80 hours, a thousand battle was held. Buying modules and tanks themselves during the festive shares. I wish you pleasure from the game and a wise decision regarding the refusal of the WORLD OF TANKS.

In contact with


Aries are often considered to be egoists, but they simply know how to live for themselves. They are not at all arrogant - they simply do not consider it necessary to smile to everyone at all. They do not bother, but also do not climb the word in his pocket. They are not jealous, but wish to be the only.

Some believe that there is no stubborn tanks, Capricors and scorpions. Ha! They simply did not try to redo the Aries! Woman Aries - a real book written for one man. If he did not understand her, it means that it is not written for him! If Aries does not smile - hug it; if slow down - kiss; If the hysteria rolled up - feed! It is strange that the Aries have not yet become extinct, given their limitless confidence in people and rare straightness.

Many of the whole week live the expectations of Friday, the whole month - the expectation of the holiday, the whole year - the expectation of the summer, all his life - the expectation of happiness ... Aries can also be happy to rejoice every day and enjoy every minute.

The trust of the Aries resembles the cells of the brain: losing it, it is impossible to restore it. Do not hurry to speak the Aries that he is bad. Think: What did you forced it not to be good to you? Do not deceive the Aries: He will prefer the bitter truth of the sweet lies. And he will not forgive deception to anyone! Aries are not perfect - neither externally or in nature. But they are best able to be all right.


Paradise for Tales is any place on earth where there are no alarm clocks, Mondays and bosses. Mosses believe that women need steep guys with money ... But 90% of the tanks would have chosen a bear from the cartoon about Masha. In the women who can surprisingly combine With which it is impossible to live, and that with which it is impossible to live ...

Well, you can not shove your tales in the ass! There is already awl, and a diploma about higher education, And the dreams of a chocolate-curly future, and the prince with the horse!

If the carts want chocolate, they go and eat chocolate. Because if they eat fruits, vegetables, salad, fish, and so on, then they will still eat chocolate! Even if in the life of the ass, calves will find beautiful lace panties for it.

With the girls' girls is not difficult: hugged, made a compliment. If nothing is climbing in the head, ask: "Want to eat?" And all: you are the perfect man!

Happiness for the Taurus is a lot of travel, there is a tasty and sleep with your loved one. Yes, Tales are terrible owners. If something belongs to them, it means that it is only them and more drawn. No matter, man is or thing. But the fact that the calves consider "their own," they love most about the lights so faithful that even when they turn the road, they do not look left.


Gemini love all who applies well to them well. Even if the twins do not often talk to you, do not think that they do not appreciate you. Closers - not a sweetie to be all to taste. They are a nut, who is not all on the teeth! Gemini motto: If you can not, but I really want, you need to be sure!

Do you know what the twins want? They want to blew summer, warm, intercepting breath wind change, and frightened fucking from their life is all too much!

If the twins decide to make someone happy, then a person will not save anything! You will never be able to find out that the twins do not want if they wanted themselves. But if they trusted you, know: You are for them - one of the closest friends!

Twins can be surprised only by love. This, sincere, without deception and betrayal. All the rest of the twins have already seen. The clips do not like to be imposed. When they feel that a person belongs to them not as before, they begin to distance.

Twin women love confident men. Bold, endowed with brains that do not have cotton. Men who decide, take responsibility, quickly think, and do not doubt, create, and do not destroy, think and lead them for themselves. The twins can not be repaired. They can only like waves, crashing about the rock called "Real Man" and calm down.


Cancer does not have time to hate those who hate them because they are too busy, loving those who love them. The pains do not take to heart that criticism from the mouth of a person who did not achieve anything in life. If you ask you What you want more - cancer or a million euros, answer: cancer. Because you will not give you money anyway, but with cancer cozy!

Sometimes a 90-year-old grandma is instilled in cancers. She brings and hates everyone. There is a great memory of cancer, so when the crayfish say "I do not remember," they simply do not want to talk about it. The best for the light of raks can live in a family. They put all the souls in it. And in general, it seems that the family came up with raks!

When raks are happy, they do not stuck. But when they are sad, they do not pull out the words. The seeds are preserved until the crayfish wants. How much they can suffer, pull out, hang out, "the family exists so much. The marriage is bursting when their patience is bursting.

One of the most important problems of crayfish is that they are very strongly tied to people. When the limit is behind the patience of cancers, the fullest chaos begin.

A lion.

Hugs - probably one of the most passionate forms of manifestation of love for Lviv, because you feel safe and close to the person. It is a feeling that all sorrows left, and this is one of the most amazing feelings in the world. Many women take care of the question: "How to keep a man?" But the lions know that if you want to be really happy, then you should not live with a man you need to hold.

Surprisingly, how little time is required for the lions to move from the stage "How I worry and worry" to "oh, yes, it's all the forest!" For someone Lions - Sun, for someone - sunshine! And someone does not shine at all ... Lev never happens one. To him constantly come that inspiration, then appetite, then laziness, then pipets!

A strong character of lions, as a rule, is built of bricks, which threw him into it. We would like God to give them the guardian angel not with wings, but with a club. To at the right moment - varn! "And the lion immediately understood his mistake and managed to do differently. Read more than playing with Lvom, make sure if the lion is played with you.

Lions hate flattering, lies and gossip behind his back. Do not like something? Tell me about it lion. What was said behind his back, and remains there - along with those who said it. Halva do not want life to be striped, like Zebra; They want her to be bright, like a parrot!


Virgo is not a ratio of weight and growth, this is the ratio of intelligence, taste and self-confidence. Doves quickly get tired of being strong women, getting tired of "understanding", "enter the situation" and "forgive". Theise of Virgin just hate yourself for the fact that Take everything close to heart.

When Virgo asks something - it is better to answer the truth, because it is most likely already knowing the answer. The virgins of the virgins with cunning gives such an effect that no higher education gives it, which give you a second chance. This means that their love is so strong that he has enough strength to give you a new attempt.

Virgo is never particularly experiencing that there are many difficulties in her fate. She, as in general, everything in their lives, uses for advancement forward. The best end of the dispute with the Virgin is to pretend to be dead.

Sophisticated and meticulous maiden knows how to provide a serious impact on those who are clothened by the right to make responsible decisions. And with success, it is used. To preserve relations, the devans should use their innate stubbornness in limited quantities.


All the scales have two lives: one see all those who surround them, the other they live alone. We would really like to at least sometimes press the button "Do not think" and just enjoy life. What scales say, and what they feel are often different things.

Weighs should learn not to hide from their problems, but to choose some decision and immediately follow him. We need sincere and beautiful feelings, because scales are still romance. It is important for them that everything is beautiful. There are amazing people: can find something good in any person.

Weighs, like anyone else, need absolute confidence that they love them. Confidence, more than once supported by the thing. No matter what the story of the owls, which the will of fate has to live like a lark. Every time is very rarely trying to tear up with people masks - they understand perfectly that often it is not a mask, but muzzles ...

Weighs should periodically try to look at their relationship with people from the point of view of these people: to represent themselves for a second them, and they are.


Scorpions are people who are extremely necessary to find a balance between tranquility and energetic. For example, 98% of the scorpion problems would be solved if they calmed down and stopped too deeply about these issues to think about their character scorpions are obliged to those who at a difficult moment set them Stepping instead of stretching your hand.

Two people live in every scorpion: one calm and silent, and the second appears when they offend the first. And this meeting promises offenders. All the most terrible! Scorpions can pretend that they did not notice the spit into the soul, but this does not mean that they forgot about it: the chipsee of scorpions is indestructible.

Scorpion like people simple in communication, infertility, sincere and non-melting feelings. Signs are not worth building fantastic theories explaining the incomprehensible behavior of people, it is better to learn how to ask direct questions. Scoop pions rarely show aggression immediately - they warn, hint, give signs. Do not wait to wait when they end patience!

It seems that scorpions love difficult life situations, because in their nature to strive to save someone, get out of a difficult situation and generally turn their lives from gray in bright and colorful, filled with emotions and movement. You can say that they can be said that they are still "Black cats": if the road proceeds - no "pah-pah" will not help.


99% of the shooters were born in order for the meaning of their existence one way or another the road. Sometimes friendship simply ends. Without a betrayal, without quarrels, and no reason - you just become different, and everyone goes to her way. Over the years, the circle of friends is becoming everything already. But those who remain, for the Sagittarius are no longer just friends, but native people.

When meeting, Sagittar, it is desirable (even be sure if the Sagittarius becomes your loved ones) find out exactly how this shooter understands justice. And never hurt this justice, one is more expensive, believe me! Sagittarius loved hands. They need to touch you, stroke, suck, poke your finger in the side or tickle. Does not touch - does not like.

If Sagittarius with friends-girlfriends (also for shooters, ravines or scorpions) to collect together and drink, then they can be sent to war as psychological weapons so that the enemy lost orientation in time and space - and at the same time and combat capability!

Sagittari women learned a lot useful in men: donate wedge wedge, leave the answer, not call, choose the best and enjoy, - however, they often reproach all the same men. Stories are not so weak to endure insults, not so strong To forgive them, but not so angry to revenge. Therefore, most often they simply turn to the offender with their backs. Forever and ever.

Very often, the Archers have a circumstance in such a way that it is necessary to hope for anything, but really count on themselves. The ladder loves cozy people, without hidden spikes and deep pools in character. He loves when you can talk to a person about anything without disputes and clarification, who is more rights, - when exactly sincere conversations and lively, sincere heat in a relationship for both are most important. Such people become part of the life of the Sagittarius, and he is experiencing for them just as for himself.

Sagittarius are not afraid of anything to admit. They are afraid that their recognition will be misunderstood, because most often it happens.


Capricors know that everything is their time. There are events whose running no one can change; There is fate, thanks to which they sooner or later find their place in life. Duty Capricors will never smile to people who are unpleasant. But they will behave politely in relation to all - their upbringing will not allow to go down to rudeness.

By the way, to insult the Capricorn, an unfamiliar or random person will not work: Capricors cannot seriously hurt the people who they do not value.

Most of the Capricarps believe that there are age discrimination: the older Capricorn, the more he is a child. Camerors love strange people. Cosers do not like when they touch them just like this: or there is something there is something, or you are a cat, or "don't touch Me, please. "

If you want to like Capricorn, then be sincere, do not joke, now and do not lead in words: just, clearly and reasonably said it comes to Capricorn faster and like it most of all. Know why Capricors are sometimes called strange and on their mind? Because they seek to live as they want, and not how familiar to many.

If there is Capricorn among your loved ones, then no enemies and problems are terrible to you. Coser is not afraid of either time or distance, nor difficulties. After all, it is they who help the Capricorn to realize their strength, become themselves and respect themselves as a person!


Sometimes people think that they have some special power over the aquarius. This is not the case. Of all people are offended by the Aquarius for the fact that they cannot and do not want to meet their personal expectations. If the Aquarius behaves like a child, it means he is happy.

A true aquer is peculiar to some kind of unearthly intelligence. Increes are not surprised by someone's oddities ... They don't always explain their own! The reality of women-aquaries is that not so much the presence of a man is near, how much lack of idiot, which pulls you all vitality.

When all their plans are rushing, they smile aqueries, look great and know that if it didn't work out as they needed, it means that it will be even better! For Aquarius very often everything solves the aftertaste. In everything. It all depends on what you will feel after - after communication, after a kiss, after a quarrel, after coffee, after sight.

If you meet Aquarius, which is absolutely devoid of energy and forces, who does not have desires and who stopped dreaming - this is not because he is a dull weak. And because this Aquarius was very long to be very strong. When the aquaries want to get away from reality, they go to themselves.


Fish has excellent memory: they never forget a good attitude towards themselves. Poor can be forgiven and throw out, and the good will warm the soul and after a year. Fish will never forget someone who was with them in difficult moments.

It's good that no one can read the thoughts of fish, and then the image of shy and shy people would fly to hell. In the still waters, the devils are found - it's about fish. Theirs are not afraid to feel, they are afraid to drown in feelings.

If you have to choose, instead of fashionable and eloquent fish, they will choose economic and silently doing. For fish, one person can really become a whole world. I often want to talk to someone in souls. Look together for the night sky, discuss something, dream together, remember beautiful and funny moments from the past, meaningfully silent ...

Only a female fish is able to seriously wonder: why do I need this man in the house, if all my problems I solve myself? Suddenness - the second name of the fish! Suddenly lit up, suddenly laughed, suddenly offended ... Fish - perhaps the most unobtrusive sign of the zodiac, but if something really needed them, they will definitely achieve it. And what characteristics would you add?


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