How to win a fight in World of Tanks. Tips on tactics

How to win a fight in World of Tanks. Tips on tactics

Hello everyone, today we begin a new cycle of the series of manuals on the secrets WOT: how to win in random battles.

Many players B. game WOT. Assist in the same question, how to win in battles on random? Why do I play so bad? Maybe I do not go there? Therefore, now you will learn in detail about what needs to be done in order to always win in random battles. What thoughts should have an ordinary tanker, which it should initially perform actions. General Recommendations (but this is not a benchmark) so that you always win the victory in the random WOT:

Each player in the game World of Tanks has a major goal, the essence of which is that during the battle on random it should only win, nothing more. One of the reasons for the fact that players are very negligent to random fights on random is what they have absolutely not to do with what the battle will be. As they believe, the main thing is to ride on the tank-held tank, make a couple of shots past from the guns, in general, to do everything until you are killed. They are not interested in what you need to do some tactics in the game or a strategy of further promotion, because they believe that it is superfluous, and that money can be obtained just so, just to ride. But often such players do not take into account the fact that, if they just ride and shoot in everything that will move, it will not lead to a good thing. And if they help their team, and the instructions of the commander will obey, the final amount of money together with experience will increase by as many as 80-85%, and, maybe at 100%. Alas, such good "strategists" in the game a huge amount, and there are not only simple schoolchildren.

For example, if we are in the role of "Svellika", then it makes no sense to go, quickly and forward at all, even if you want to quickly negotiate the enemy. The team that loses is simply physically able to lead the attack by fire, and you just need it in vain. You must make competent light, and not just so, that is, to do it so that you make a good light, but I could stay alive. Another error of young players in the game is what they wish for one fight into their karma to give up as much as possible fragments as possible. It will be better if you support your team on one of the flanks that will definitely need support. And if you try to endure guns that are more than three, two levels for yours, or just to simultane at the database and do nothing, standing with TT, etc. - are actions that exactly should not perform a soldier who considers yourself with a real warrior.

Do not make easy relaxation. What happens on the game field should always be analyzed. Before choosing a line of behavior, you need to see how the strength on the mini card is located. Very often you can see the following: one, say, TT8 is heading, for example, to the beacon, which is located on the cliff. This flank is at least always suppress, and even to urge. At the same time, the entire remaining team, where, for example, there are several top TT9, wanted to move down, and several low-level cars wanted to go to the central mountain.

When you know where you are, TT8 will beg for help, for example: "One cannot cope, you need help" or "Flang is open, you need to stop the breakthrough." The team always responds to it almost the same - just ignore, and, not believing that even a few tanks are present in the center of the playing field. At times it seems that each player is experiencing only for his skin to have time to knock more frags, and ignores almost everything that happens around the player.

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Good day, dear readers of the portal site! Perhaps the title of the article has already discouraged you, but do not rush to surprise much. In World of Tanks, you can really get tanks, so to speak, for free. Let's figure out how to get free tanks in this is true, or a lie.

If this article is in front of you, then it is true. In the game you can get tanks for "just so." Here are some ways.

1. Official competitions from Wargaming and bloggers games.

It's no secret that premature tanks are often played. This happens by absolute random and its randomizer tool. For example, a page with news on the official website appeared that several premium-tank units will be played soon. You do the necessary actions to participate in the draw, and there already as lucky. The same thing from bloggers. And maybe you are lucky, and you will take free to your hangar free tank for World of Tanks. In addition to such randoms there are contests and shares from the game partners (Burger King to approx. Or from Rostelecom)

2. Referral system.

For those who were not familiar with referrals, a little explanation. The referral program is a program in which you invite other Internet user users to participate in a specific project. In this case, it is WOT. Your task is to invite a new tank in the game and help him pump one level 10 technique. After it happens, you will see an American average tank 8 level in the hangar -. This is another way to get a free tank in World of Tanks.

3. Participation in battles on a global map during special events and campaigns.

3a. Big campaign

It lasts much less time and goes from 10 to 14 days, but also to get 10 levels for it will not work, they distribute special premissions 8 levels, and for the very first event, even 7 levels were given. It passes exclusively at 8 levels, but for the tank will also have to play a lot on the GC. FROM full list Machines already issued on the GC can be found.

4. Personal combat missions and marathons.

Personal combat missions (LBZ) enjoy quite in great demand. After all, this is a good way not only to test your skills, performing tasks, but also get some good tanks of different levels. At this stage of the game, you can get tanks for the LBZ :, But do not forget about marathons. Most recently passed one such a receipt premium tank 8 levels (and this, on a second minimum of 7,500 gold savings). The task was to perform different combat missions within 14 days, which were many under power. We continue.

5. Bonus codes and invite codes.

More recently, we have an article about invite codes on our site, and we mentioned it, which can be obtained after its input to the appropriate window. That's right, tanks. This rule is valid for the codes bonus. Such codes can be lit in books from WG, in board games (namely, they can get a heavy German tank 4 level), on the sites of partners, in chat rooms of popular streamers. Good way Get free tank in here.

6. Gaming activity on big holidays

Already traditionally, for the New Year holidays, wargaming Company Putted under the Christmas tree a free tank for World of Tanks. Yes, they are not perfect. Sometimes very terrible, but free. Even if they do not like them, you can sell them and get a minimum of 150,000 silver. But were I. good tanks. For example, the same. This is free, only faster. Agree that in comparison, it is not bad.

At the moment, it's all, really adequate ways to obtain freebies. We are confident that several new new ones will appear. But these will remain as the main. We hope that the question "how to get free tanks in World of Tanks" you received your answer. Thanks for attention.

What to do to defeat and survive in the fight World of Tanks? Consider the basic principles of a successful strategy of the statists that have large percentage victories.

Many people know that often the statists are engaged in "roughing". They do it intentionally, not risking their own strength points. There are scolded players who prefer a more aggressive type of battle. But since for this you need much more knowledge and skills are not so much. Often the tactics develop them to the statement - you go quiet, you will go further, which is also justified.

First, we define the World of Tanks server, which is better to play. Some argue that one or another server is better than others. This is a very popular misconception. Do not listen to such advice. The hypothesis, that it is necessary to change the server if the game more truthful did not go on it. If she brings success to someone, then it works. But, most likely, this is a good coincidence. There is no miracle server on which everything will be smooth for you.

To finally convince you of the same servers and the availability on all of them the same number of ordinary players, "cancer" and the statists will give a simple and visual example. A long time ago there was a single WOT server. After entering the second, many stars tried to go to it. They were based on the opinion that there are many noubs and you can raise statistics on them. As a result, it turned out that everyone was lying there and very tense battles began to pass, between the statists themselves. Soon everything fell into place, and the balance of the players was leveled.

Therefore, approach the selection of the server only in the ping indicator. The smallest value will allow comfortable to play, without lags and braking.

Another common myth is associated with schoolchildren. In particular, with school holidays. It is believed that at this time their number increases and playing in random becomes unbearable. An impression is enhanced if inexplicable plums begin at this time. Rather, it looks like more on bias to the younger generation than the truth. People often seek excuses by their actions. Everything is to blame, just not they. First, not only schoolchildren in the world of tanks can play badly. Secondly, children, sometimes very good players with excellent statistics that are able to "shut up for the belt" adult uncle.

But there are advantages in the current situation. The worse the opponents and allies play, the more opportunities you have to show yourself on the battlefield. Accordingly, the indicators of the efficiency will grow, and this is already success.

The battle boot began and first of all it is necessary to estimate the information of the XVM Olemethra about both teams. Try to highlight good players and bad and determine possible chances of winning.

If it turned out that inexperienced allies play for you, do not specify them, how to act. Maybe you will be right, but most likely you will not listen to you. More, will begin to act in advance to the Council. And especially talked personalities, they also write; "What do you command here?". In general, in advance the ineffective way to send allies to the right place.

The next stage is the journey of allied tanks. To guess the behavior of the team is impossible. They can break off herd on one direction, throwing everything. Often there is a situation when one part of the players goes to one flank, and the other remains on the basis. In this case, it is necessary for your actions to initiate an attack on the flank, or stay on the opposite flank, but closer to its own base. The main thing, never climb on the Rogger, especially without support. It is impossible to predict and simulate all the development options. The impact of the balance, card and random on the battle development line is too large.

Take the option for the point the option when the team shares approximately equally. Consider actions that will help bring the battle to the victorious end. These rules must be performed in any battle, then it will be in the habit. And when the actions are developed before automatism, play more pleasant and victories more.

1. Try to live as long as possible. Premature death increases the possibility of defeat.

It is necessary to lead a shooting from distances, outside the opponent's visibility zone. With the slightest threat, try to leave with a dangerous position. Do not risk your own strength points. Change positions to catch the enemy from an unexpected side.

2. Especially do not hope allies, it is better to count on your own strength.

It is not known who plays on the tank, even if he is a statist. Situations are different, the player may not justify your hopes.

3. Be focused, always follow the ministry.

Monitor the situation is not only ahead of you, but also throughout the map. Constantly examine around the car to know what is happening there. The greater information you own, the more effective your actions will be. Remember the last places of lighting enemy tanks, do not allow the rear of the Svellov. It is better to include in the settings of the game smart minima or download the appropriate mod.

4. Do not pay attention to insults in the chat and do not expose on provocations.

Do not be distracted by a flood in a combat chat, respond to insults. This reduces the concentration of the battle and take advantage of precious seconds. All team players will not explain the whole point of the game for one fight. Of course, the necessary messages about the battle are slipped in the chat. They should take into account.

5. Contact chat only respectful.

If you need to direct allies, for example, on the base of the base, do it in a soft form.

6. Do not forget about your database.

The lion's fraction of plots occurs as a result of the capture of the base of the opponent. To prevent this from staying near it. Consider the dynamics of your tank, in case a sharp need to return.

7. Use your inexperienced allies.

When you stay in the company of inexperienced players, use them as light. Try not to be with them next, it is better to change the position and shoot on the side. The enemies will begin to put pressure, and you can shoot them on them. But do not forget that staying alone, the chances to drag the battle is much less.

8. Never give up.

Even with one HP, try to extract the maximum benefit from the situation. Gift VBR-A can play a certain role in the final outcome of the battle. Accordingly, you must first finally achieve opponents with a small margin of strength.

The multifaceted situations in battle does not make it possible to give more accurate instructions. But if you always comply with these rules, it will be enough to gradually increase the number of victories and develop your skills.

An example from the life of the World of Tanks: Playing, the usual, as it seemed to be almost a victorious battle, which unexpectedly turned out to be defeated, I stayed alone with a good PP. The enemies remained two shoes, and their statistics were much worse than mine. The battle time was approached by completion, and I decided to go to the capture. Only I got up to the database, the capture of my base with two tanks began. At that moment I understood - they beat me. How did it happen? They cooperated on the overall result, and voila - success.

What do we end up? It is impossible to underestimate the enemy, even if its statistics looks terrible. Having insufficient foxandnikov, cover them from enemy fire. Try to shoot one tank. Do not be fooled by various requests: "Let the warrior", "Give the invader." By this you raise their statistics, and not yours. Exceptions can only be in the game in a platoon. Today you helped, tomorrow will help you. Tanks, though the team game, but showing weakness, you can lose victory, but you wish to get it in the end?

Losing time at one time, many "recruits" World of Tanks want to understand the reason for their losers. In part, the actions of the allies are to blame. But the player's initiative and behavior on the battlefield depends a lot. Let's try to figure out how to fight.

Be brave - it is harmful
At the beginning of the battle, the following picture is often observed. Most of the players chooses one direction. A couple of brands move otherwise, taking off from the rest. Why they do that, it is not clear. But in most cases, these loners are running on superior enemy forces. And with the result that safely "merge". Not loans earned, not experience. Support such allies is more expensive. Do not want such a fate? So you need to follow most. The advantage of such tactics is obvious. The numerous group is easy to deal with single enemies. And faster breaks down to his base. And here you already need to act in circumstances. Either get up on the capture, or to make further destruction of the enemy. If it happened that two powerful groupings met, it would be a wonderful fight, in which you can cast, earning experience and silver World of Tanks.
How to behave in a fight?
In any way, you should put your tank so that it is constantly under the cover of the allies. So that your team players covered flanks and rear. To do this, you can use the game chat to ask your comrades about help. Either constantly maneuver and move so that the ally be between you and the enemy.
Bear in a platoon
During the battle, it is not always possible to find a common language with the allies, and to fight alone is very difficult. To solve this problem, you can create a platoon and invite others to it. players world Of Tanks. The benefit is obvious. At the beginning of the battle, you can decide together than you will do. To blame the flank on the "heavy", make a workshop on the station or guard the flank on Petshkach.
Why do you need Fugas?
Sometimes the base captures the tank, punch the armor of which your instrument is not able. Siren sounds, the capture indicator slowly approaches 100 percent, and nothing can be done. It remains reckless to go to the ram. So that this does not happen, you need to carry fugasic shells in the amusing. When shooting, they will apply a small damage. But this is enough to bring down the capture. And this is the most important thing.
On the "light bulb" nadya, and not bad
The sixth sense is considered a very useful skill of the game "World of Tanks". Not even seeing the enemy, the player receives a signal that he is spotted by the enemy. But completely relying on the "light bulb" is not worth it. The fact is that it lights up when the enemy sees your technique for 2-3 seconds. So, when the alarm earned, the "suitcase" from "Art" can already fly into your direction.
Remkomplekt - our all
Some players prefer to go into battle without repair kit, aid kits, fire extinguisher. And they do it completely in vain. The tank baked in battle becomes easy prey for the enemy, the enemy tries to destroy the faulty car as soon as possible. And if you fight without means of extinguishing a fire, then the technique will just burn. And the wounded tanker will fight much worse than healthy. Any of these options will adversely affect the result of the fight. So that this does not happen, take this equipment simply necessary.
Extra equipment and equipment in WOT
Choosing a tank in the hangar, you can see 6 free slots on the sides of the shells. Why do they and what to put there? On the left there are 3 slots for additional equipment, and on the right - 3 slots for equipment. Many novice players make a mistake without loading these slots that help survive in battle, and still improve the characteristics of the tank. Additional equipment in WOT Losing in a wide variety of additional equipment, you can make a lot of mistakes. We will analyze several sets for different types of tanks.
  • Enlightened optics.
  • Tire rate.
This is a standard set for the average tank of any level in WOT. However, at low levels, the stabilizer is not available, it can be replaced with reinforced placement actuators. Why is the stabilizer better than drives? The stabilizer will reduce the scatter on the go and when turning the tower, that for the middle tank is very useful. And the reinforced drive drives increase the speed of information only after the full tank stop. Optics are needed in order to increase the review. It is ultimately not recommended to put a stereotrub, since the average tank must move, and not stand still. Optics works in motion, and stereotrub only after 3 seconds after stopping.
  • Improved ventilation.
  • Stabilizer vertical tip.
  • Strengthened entry actuators.
Many will be surprised why there is no instrument rate in this set. Everything is very simple - this is a set for a tank with a drum drum. For this type of technology, there is no possibility to set the rate. Included ventilation can be replaced by optics if you play on the fast cassette. But the ventilation helps in detail, it significantly reduces the rehabilitation rate of the drum.
  • Stabilizer vertical tip.
  • Strengthened drives.
  • Tire rate.
Standard set for heavy tank. Do not put an anti-skid piping, it is not effective on most tanks in the game. Its use is justified only on Mouse or E100. In this set, the actuators can be replaced by ventilation if you have gone out the skill "Combat fraternity". These are the main sets for tanks in WOT, combine different equipment. However, remember that the examples given here are optimal for various types of techniques, other modules will not give such an increase to the overall tank efficiency. Equipment Having understood with additional equipment, we turn to the equipment. Everything is much easier here. The main set of equipment is almost for any tank is a fire extinguisher, a small rem kit and a small first aid kit. The fire extinguisher is recommended to install automatic. It lowers the likelihood of a fire, instantly extinguishes the resulting fire. Since you will not have to burn in every battle, it will not be very expensive. However, if you do not have any problems with loans, put the opera, or the second Gold Rem set. For tanks with low mobility, gasoline can be put. Soviet tanks have the opportunity to put a twisted revolver regulator that you buy 1 time. It is not spent on every fight, unlike the dpart and gasoline.
How to play in a platoon in WOT
It is sometimes annoying to play, I want adequate help at least 1-2 allies. There are friends and a platoon mode in WOT come to the rescue. In this article we will talk about how to create a platoon correctly, choose the technique and how to act in battle. If you first went to the platoon mode, then you have a lot of questions, namely:
  • What technique is better to choose?
  • How will it be balancing in battle?
  • What do you need to do together or threesome in battle?
  • What are the actions from compassion?
Selection of platform equipment in WOT You can take any technique to the platoon, however, it is necessary to remember that the most complex and practically unsuitable for a welcoming game are light tanks and artillery. The easiest way to play in a platoon on TT or Art. Choose tanks with approximately the same speed. If you are on the same machines, it will be best. Balancing platoon As we know, each equipment in WOT has 2 indicators for balancing it into battle. The first is a balance sheet weight. It may differ from different tanks on the same level, even if they have one class. The second is the level of battles. If the level of technology does not change in a platoon, then 20% is added to the balanced weight due to the platoon. This means that the technique in the platoon will more often throw down the list. Take the tanks of the same level, however, remember that there are cars with a preferential level of battles, such as E25, IS-6, FCM 50T, kV-5 and several others. This technique has a low level of fighting, so it is necessary to take either preferential technique for the game with them in the platoon, but for one level below, since ordinary tanks fall into two levels above, and the preferential only one. Behavior of the platoon in battle Always occupy positions next to each other so that in case of needing it was possible to help the compassionate. Do not lag and keep close to each other, with the exception of such moments when at the end of the battle may have to be divided. Try to attack the enemy together, so it will have two times less time for the attack. Combine additional equipment, for example, if your compassionate with enlightened optics, then you can take ventilation, etc. So one will highlight, and then apply damage. Major receptions games in platoon There are several simple rules that need to be observed to effectively play in a platoon in Wot: Do not reflect the matching, do not interfere with each other shoot.
  • Speak compatible about the location of the enemy, for example, if the enemy was shot on you without lighting, then it is worth saying its approximate location.
  • Consider the shells of cassette tanks together, say about their recharge to each other. Also worth voicing the recharge of artillery. Especially in cases where you are far from each other.
  • Shoot for one purpose, taking the trunk. Such tactics are always more efficient to runaway fire.
  • Distribute life glasses. If one of the platoon with a small stock of strength points, cover it, accept Damag if you have strength points. Remember the importance of its fire support. It is better to stay threesome shoes, but survive than to merge one by one.

Try yourself as a tanker and warrior who can defeat the whole company combat vehicles, everyone can today using the famous World of Tanks game. It is unprecedented by the scale of the fighting, where everyone who is ready to take part can take part in the scales. So, for example, register, download and install the client - the task is absolutely for everyone. Those who love just spend their free time, enjoying a quiet and peaceful fight, just ride and kill enemies. They are not looking for tricky and secret ways in the game, but someone is now ready to kill the ally of your team, just using a much more skilled method of struggle.

Do there be in the game world of Tanks secretswhich not everyone knows about? Is it possible to use tricks for quick earnings? How and what secrets work in famous game WORLD OF TANKS?

To win the victory, you need to have a strategy

By itself, the game is distinguished by a special type of victory: you can either capture the database of the enemy, or to twist every enemy who wishes to be on the way. If the second option is more suitable for active participants, then the first type to get a victory can be considered tactical.

The main secret of success with the rapid seizure of the base is to use small tanks in your destination. They are easily moving, go from firing and hiding. If you study the secrets of the game in the World of Tanks, then use light tank To capture the base - this is what you need to pay special attention. In this case, you need a faithful ally who can take a blow to its powerful armor and resist up to 100 seconds. In this case, the trick is correct: one way should be some kind of natural protection (stone), and the other is a heavy tank with excellent armor.

What world of world of tanks secrets of fast victories?

The main trick of the game is the technique itself. Only that player will be able to break through the tank, which at least he studied his armor, looking at the roller, which describes in detail about the weak and strong parts of the combat vehicle. For example, many "tankers" decide that the position on the mountain is the most profitable. Of course, on the one hand, all the players who took this position are right - find an enemy from the top point easily and quickly, but the problem is another. If the gamer sees a tank, which is just the rest with a big mountain, then one trick works - you need to shoot in weaknesses, that is, in the lower armor, and then after breaking, you can immobilize the technique and quickly destroy it, having received cherished glasses for the accuracy.

Secrets of large income. How to quickly accumulate on expensive acquisition

When in World of Tanks, the secrets become known to everyone, they cease to act "on the player", but play against everyone. So, for example, a little-known trick to obtain a large income lies in the 5th level tanks. The fact is that it is on the combat vehicles of this level that there is a maximum income limit. That is, the details and innovations are not so expensive, and expenses can easily justify a couple of battles. If many people think that this is not so, then you can check, taking, for example, the tank of the eighth or ninth level. The costs of its update and pumping more than income, and a player, having a possession of such a car, simply goes into minus, if it does not shine the accuracy.

You can save on many things to know what

Secrets of the game in the World of Tanks are characterized by the fact that they are legal and laid by the developers themselves. For example, another popular cunning trick is considered to be the crew. As you know, hire a new crew for just a purchased tank - the pleasure is not cheap, but it is on this gamemer who can easily save most of the funds if simply disappoints the old crew. In addition, a pleasant bonus will be that such a team will continue part of the experience from the previous work.

Savings and earnings: how to spend money productive

Waving secrets and tricks of savings in the game world of tanks, you can stumble upon a completely banal thing. So, for example, one chance to minimize costs can be considered special bonus codes that appear on holidays. To get a "bun" from the developers, you only need to enter a code word that comes to the mailbox after some of the actions in the Personal Account. This code player enters a special column and receives his prize. Whatever popular is this action, it becomes unknown for many, and therefore secret.

Unravel all in World of Tanks Secrets - Reality or Myth?

When players, thirsting to get more than they deserve, begin to search for "left" ways to obtain experience and silver, they sometimes fall on scammers who need only money from such trusting persons. If the gamer is looking for cheats for World of Tanks, then, most likely, it will be very upset when it does not find anything about this. It's all about a special "physics" of the game. The pumped tank can defeat the same combat machine, having only more solid armor. Because at what angle, the projectile turns out to be in the enemy's tank, will depend on the result: a ricochet, breaking or tank will be destroyed.

In World of Tanks, secrets and tricks lie in ordinary things. So, for example, increasing the performance of your client, the player can fully control the situation of the battle, and even only due to the fact that the picture does not freeze, and the ping does not jump. To increase the quality of the game in accordance with the client's version, you should regularly update modes for World of Tanks. From their presence and quality will depend on the resolution of the transmitted image, the response rate to the actions and various "prompses", which may affect the speed of the enemy's detection even under the masking grid.

Tricks and secrets: Using them to fully, you can quickly win

As already mentioned wORLD game Of Tanks is designed in such a way that cheat codes cannot be used to enhance experience, silver or gold. Only an impressive number of victories can bring success to the player. Fashion for World of Tanks is a great way to keep everything under control, set the latest updates from developers and be a little better than all other tanks in the game. But to win, not enough to use bonus codes, activate them or apply the most powerful armor for your combat vehicle. To snatch a victory, we need a strategy, thoughtful tactics, which will become a secret weapon for the whole team. It is for this that a common chat is working where the allies can write about their ideas and offensive suggestions, how to quickly capture the enemy base. Many players are forced to turn off the chat as unnecessary, simply consider that it is easier to work alone. This is a deep misconception, since the only cunning in the game is called exactly the planned strategy of fighting or the capture of the base.


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