Collective work Zimushka winter. Collective applique in the middle group on the topic: Winter

Collective work Zimushka winter. Collective applique in the middle group on the topic: Winter

Elena Gavrilova

Every time of year is beautiful in its own way. Many writers and poets chant them in their works. Artists write pictures. My guys, too, decided to be a little artists. That's what came out of it.

At first we painted a sheet in blue and gave him to dry.

Simple pencil made outline of vegetation (trees, shrubs, spruce). And proceeded by K. work. The first was birch. Her trunk we painted white and left to dry the paint.

Then we proceeded to staining ate.

When a juicy green spruce was ready, moved to the next tree.

Having finished with the tree, we returned to the birch again to draw her black specks with branches.

We still have untouched bush. Draw it.

Now add some bird traces on a blue background.

Almost done. Strong strokes remained. Draw them. The picture is written. Rate!

Publications on the topic:

Material for work: Snowflakes cut from cardboard, plasticine, blue colored paper For background. The procedure for performing work: 1. Prepare.

The coldest time of the year is winter, the time of blizzards and burning frosts. At the same time, winter for the majority is a beloved sometimes of the year. After all, winter.

I present to your attention one of the products of the project activities "Zimushka-Winter" - collective work on appliqués with children of elders.

After conversation with children on the topic "Do you believe in magic and miracles?" Children told that they believe in magic and in miracles. Many dreams to see.

Hello dear colleagues! I want to present to your attention the collective work "Winter Forest" goals: teach children to work with napkins.

Collective work "Winter Forest". Lesson with older children using alternative technology "Stamping" Joint visual educational activities "Winter Forest" using non-traditional techniques in the senior group of preschool.

Abstract Classes "Winter Landscape" Topic: "Winter landscape" View Node: Manual Labor (circle) Age group: Average goal: Cause interest in children to the image of the winter landscape.

Natalia Grishin

In our children's garden Collective work is held on the topic: "Hello Winter-Winter!". I present to your attention to our children. In our kindergarten, there are 10 groups. All took part in this competition, from kids to senior children. Winners are not yet selected. Educators who work in our kindergarten "Nadezhda", creative, talented teachers. Everyone has done a great job with children, while he created his masterpiece, was able to realize his idea, organize creative collaboration with children.

the first youngest group№8, Educators Yarmoluk Natalia Grigorievna and Mitrofanova Oksana Sergeevna

Collective work performed by children medium group number 6. and educator Fedunenkova Olga Ilinichny

Collective work performed by children senior group№4 and the educator of sturgeon Irina Anatolev

Collective work was carried out by children of the Central Group No. 7 and the educators of the Ushakova Svetlana Anatolyevna and Vyurkova Tatyana Gennadevaya

Collective work performed by children the second youngest group number 9and teacher Colik Alla Vladimirovna

Collective work performed by children the second youngest group №2 and educators of Brodskaya Tatyana Yuryevna and Zagolikova Ekaterina Valentinovna

The collective work of children of the preparatory group No. 3 and the teachers of Kaluk Larisa Vladimirovna and Golovak Olga Sergeyevna

Collective work of children of preparatory group No. 5 and educators Alexandrovich Marina Semenovna and Protorova Tatiana Yuryevna

Collective work of children of older group number 10 and the teacher of Gorunova Love narrationain

Collective work of children of the first younger group and the educator of Shapovalova Olga Ivanovna

Galina Gramsman

I present to your attention collective work on the topic of winter"And from our window. ".

Winter In verses of Russian poets, manitis with its beauty and splendor.

Frost and sun; Wonderful day!

You still do not sleep, a lovely friend -

It's time for beautiful, wake up:

Open a bonor closer

Towards the North Aurora,

Star of the North, come! A. S. Pushkin.

purpose: Develop the ability to see the beauty of the surrounding nature in children, to cultivate a caring attitude towards the wintering birds, develop creative abilities.

Watman's sheet was taken as the basis, we betrayed the view of the window. And what can be seen in the winter outside the window? Of course, large snow and snowflakes that fly to Earth. Children walk in the yard and together with adults sculpts snowmen. Each courtyard is dressing the New Year tree. Trees and shrubs are covered with a snow blanket. Poultry flew to rowan, which feed on the berries of this tree.

From work Children got great pleasure!

Publications on the topic:

Collective work - the collage "Winter in the Forest" was carried out by the guys of our group from the works - origami, made during the passage of those.

Collective applique from natural material. The topic "Listopad" (middle group) Purpose: Teach children to create a collective composition of.

I invite the observation from the window and I want to know your opinion! In the morning fled in the dark to work and dreamed of faster it was light. Why?.

We present you our collective work "newspaper city". With the guys, we met with the properties of paper, including newspaper. Found out.

Finally came, winter. Winter is sparkling snow, frosty air, calmness of the soul. Winter is a vast white ocean under legs.

Objectives: to acquaint with signs of winter; Teach to compare winter and autumn, describe seasons. Travel course 1. Organizational moment. Greeting.

Winter is a wonderful time of the year, how do you want to capture your best beauty. Recently tried to start mastering nitkography with the guys.

I work as an educator in a very cozy and nice kindergarten. So the golden autumn reached us. Trees gradually began to dress, in.

The abstract of educational activities in medium group Using non-traditional forms. Collective applique "Winter Tree".

Continue to teach children to use the non-traditional appearance type;
Develop dialogical speech, intensify the dictionary;
Promote the development of cognitive interest;
Bring up accuracy when working with glue;
Development of shallow motility hands of children preschool age Through the use of unconventional form applications.

Material: Slippet. white color, PVA glue, brushes, oilcloth, stand under a bruster, wet napkin, toned sheet of watman, illustration with the image of trees in winter, an interactive table.

Preliminary work: Viewing paintings on the topic "Seasons". Reading stories and poems about winter. Listening to the album "Seasons of the Year." Gudge

Organization and methodology for educational activities.
Educator: Guys, what are we now the time of year? (children's responses).
Educator: Let's remember the basic signs of the winter, and for this I suggest you play the game:
Playing on the interactive table "Seasons": Children choose from the proposed items that suitable for winter season (fixing signs of winter).

Educator: Guys, but do you want, I will tell you a fairy tale about winter? (children's responses).
Educator: Then sat down more comfortably and listen, the fairy tale begins. Children sit on the rug near the tutor.
"Defense, far in the north, where it is always cold, stood an ice castle." It was very beautiful, and the walls and windows were decorated with frosty patterns. In this castle and lived winter.
Guys, how do you think what happens winter? (children's responses).
Educator: You all said correctly, but, despite the fact that winter is cold, she is very concerned. Winter day after day flew around the world and sheltered from frost. Young trees and flowers. But most of all she liked to wrap trees with silvery and snow. Let's look at the window on beautiful snow-covered trees (if there is no snow on this day, just show pictures with the image of trees in winter). Show on the blackboard pictures of trees (remember the structure and names of the trees).
Educator: Guys, do you want to make such a beautiful tree? (children's responses)
Guys, what winter wonders trees? (children's responses)
Educator: But we have no, nor snow nor Inea. What can I do with our winter trees from? (children's responses). If children are hampered with options for answers, I ask them the leading questions.
Educator: Correct guys. Today we will work with napkins. What color do we need napkins? (children's responses)
Educator: But before you start our work, I suggest, you will turn briefly in the White Pooh.
Children get up near their places, and perform their finching gymnastics.
Fingering gymnastics "White Pooh"
White Plealet, Snow Pooh, (Smoothly omit your hands from top to bottom)
Sweet all around. (Drag your hands in different directions)
Pooh on the hats (show on these things)
Pooh on the fur coats, (or alternately bend fingers)
Pooh on the brows
Pooh on sponges.
How Schoeklyo - Wow! Tickle yourself and shake
Who tickles - fluff! Palms in front of them, blow on them
Children are sitting at the tables on which the blanks of napkins are.
Educator: Showing Children Toned Background, with a pre-braced barrel and snowdrifts, children must finish the tree branches by twisting the napkins in the harnesses.

Educator: The trunk at the tree is already there, what is missing? (children's responses)
Educator: Right, now I'll show you how we will make branches. We take a napkin and twist the strip in the harness, it will be a branch for our tree, then twist the balls, of which we will snow.
Then get to work.
Children perform collective appliqué.
Educator: We take a brush in my hands, we score glue on it, we smear our harnesses with glue and glue it to the tree trunk, it turned out a branch. And so as long as the tree is ready. Then twist the balls from the napkins (snow) and glue through the entire perimeter of the sheet. The teacher looks at the work of children, if necessary, provides them with help.
And now I suggest playing again, go to the table and draw "Winter Landscape"
Playing on the online table "Winter landscape": Children in turn create a winter landscape, choosing the necessary items for this, explaining why they are needed in winter, thereby fastening the ideas about winter, winter fun.

Educator: Well done guys, you really tried. Everyone worked together, and you got a very beautiful winter tree.

Elena Upilkova

Before !

According to the psychologist Olga Novikova "The drawing for a child is not an art, but speech. Drawing makes it possible to express that by virtue of age restrictions, he cannot express in words. In the process of drawing, rational goes to the background, repaid prohibitions and restrictions. At that moment The child is absolutely free. "

Non-traditional drawing techniques are very interesting and accessible to a child. A variety of materials are used in productive activities. In our collective work We used knitting threads, beads, wools, cut-out elements from color and white paper.

Unconventional techniques are attractive for children, as they open up the great opportunities for expressing their own fantasies, desires and self-expression in general.

That wonderful picture turned out in children.

Children master artistic techniques and interesting means of knowledge of the surrounding world with a variety of fine material through unobtrusive attraction to the process of creative activity.

For expressiveness of the winter landscape, various shades of blue color were used, which pupils themselves were mixed in the palette. They applied gouache on Watman pieces of foam rubber, and they met with the concept "skyline". This line has divided the sky and ground covered by snow.

Fluffy snow near Christmas tree, helped us to make wool. Taking off the little pieces of wool, the children applied them to the places in advance with the smeared glue. To reflect membos (and at the same time consolidate this new word) Pupils cut a white thread and also glued to the picture.

Interesting became workWhen used beads. He is all the time "Fale" from small fingers but "Returned" And his overflow decorated the winter picture, attached a fabulous mood.

Of the pre-prepared cutting elements, a snowman, Christmas tree and bunnies amounted to a snowman. (Secured the name of the geometric figures)

Decorated landscape with beautiful silvery snowflakes.

His picture called "Before what is good this winter winter Long collective work decorated with a group. The children rejoiced the result of their work and proudly told mothers what and how each of them did. This was decided not to stop, but continue to create further.

Publications on the topic:

During autumn walks, we conduct everyday targeted observations of the changes that occur with trees: coloring leaves.

Research work for children of preschool age "This amazing salt" Hello, my name is Dasha. I'm 6. The theme of my project "This amazing salt". My mom loves to cook very much. I am the first assistant.

Research work in the preparatory group "This amazing salt" Table of Contents Introduction 1. Project Passport 2. Relevance 3. Objectives and objectives of research 4. Hypothesis 5. Methods and techniques for project implementation:.

Dear colleagues, I present to your attention a collective applique from the napkins "Hello, Zimushka-Winter!" My pupils are this work.

To the universal joy of children finally came winter and fell the first snowball. We are trying to meet every season with a new collective.

"Winter winter" Good afternoon, dear colleagues! Happy New Year! I present for your discussion, opinions, our teamwork.


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