Burn out with a dragom - the meaning of phraseology, exodus. Meanings uphill with galms at the great daily tlumach dictionary of Russian language

Burn out with a dragom - the meaning of phraseology, exodus. Meanings uphill with galms at the great daily tlumach dictionary of Russian language

How often do you use idioms in your promotions? Skin day. But few people respect me. Krylatі virazi zryvaetsya from our mouths in passing. Ale hour deakі vzhivayut їх already not before the river. Today we will talk about the phraseology "uphill with guts." Read below for the meaning, the way of living, and the ways of living.

History of the trip

In order to understand the meaning of the phraseological unit “burn out with a dream”, it is necessary to recognize how the phrase appeared. Let's go back to history. As often used, the phraseology is slaving from the kintsa of two dialects. In Ryazan, the legs were called "galma", and the Don Cossacks changed their understanding into "tormani".

Fairs were popular in Russia. These visits were carried out in order for the people to instantly exchange the products of their activity. The fairs are also small in character. At such visits, beats were held, people danced, and sometimes a circus came to visit. І axis if the acrobats were twisting somersaults or throwing themselves, people laughed and said: “Burn down with galms”. Postupovo viraz uzvichaїvsya, language changed and words tezh. And before us, the reworked viraz “burn out with the drig” has already gone.


People vikoristovuyut phraseology both in direct and figurative meanings. What does "burn out the drig" mean? In its direct meaning, the viraz is victorious, if it turns over uphill with its feet. Navkolishni tse commemorate and then tell others. Ale tse will not be crilaty viraz, but a simple statement of fact. Today, in the sense of the meaning of the phraseological unit “burn out with a dredge”, it is practically impossible to understand. Even more rarely, you can almost feel it in the villages.

Another variant of the introduction of winged virazu is more popular. Phraseologism is interpreted as a laziness or a laziness. Moreover, it is victorious as in a direct meaning, for the description of an untidy room, so for a description of the illogicality of thoughts, for example, without a head in the head.

Ways to live

The meaning of phraseology “uphill with galms” becomes clear, if you look at yoga on butts. More often than not, fathers say this phrase to their children. Zranka, on her way to work, mother leaves the booths at the top of the line.

Turning in the evening, out to know chaos. The crockery is unmitigated, the clothes are dirty, the children are zamurzan, and the furniture is thrown into one hut. Irrespective of those who, in fact, nothing was turned upside down by the burn, mother still hangs her emotions with phraseology.

Another way of stowing a catchphrase is in its direct meaning. Batko can grow out of synom and in the process of turning the boy over. Mom, who went into the room, can say: "Drink it, stop turning it over, burn out the shkerebert, it's bad for your health."

Living in Literature

In order to understand, how to win that other phraseology, you can turn to examples of living, written on paper.

L. Platonov writes at his TV “The Tale of Vetlugin”: “I<...>letіv burn out with a dredge from a gіlki. Here the crying phrase wins out in its direct meaning. And the axis of V. Rasputin in the book “Live and Remember” you can marvel at the example of a figurative living in phraseology: “Nastya heard that her father-in-law was growing up, and she thought wistfully: why is it so hard to drive in like a fool, for a long time everyone has been going to burn out with a drag.”

So, as in its indirect meaning, the words are more often used, the same applications can be more used in the literature. On the confirmation of this, one more TV project is directed, “Searchs and hopes”, works by V. Kaverin. The author writes: “Fly, burn out your plan, so everything in the world appears “wrong and wrong.”

Synonyms of phraseology

To describe the camp on the mountain with your feet, you can beat more than one winged phrase. Є the realized version of this phraseology. The phrase "turn it upside down" can be felt a little more often these days.

Phraseologism "vivorit-navivorit" is a synonym for "burn out with the drig". Tsey viraz victorious, if the one who speaks, you want to show that it’s wrong to fight. Especially often zastosovuєtsya, if children take up the work. Even if the deacons have grown up, they sometimes become smarter.

Another synonym for the phraseological unit "uphill shkerebert" - tse viraz "the devil himself to break his leg." It will victoriously, if it is described more strongly without a fret. Moreover, it’s possible that the room is not cleaned up, so the soundness is nasty.

Prospects for development

People love idioms, but that's all, the stench of their own terms of life. So the axis viraz “uphill with my feet” came to natomist “uphill with my feet”. As a phraseologism, you can still feel it, less like the older generation. Juveniles no longer coryste with him.

Today it is fashionable to turn upside down the booths. Such museums are the same as in Moscow, and so are the Pivnichny capital of our fatherland. And young people are happy to come in at the same time to take pictures. Ale museums are called "Budinok burn down." Hotch "Dim burn dryom" sounded no better than an antrohi. Ale, unfortunately, not all people understand the meaning of speech.

Poor chi good, what is changing? It's hard to say. I am confused by the fact that people forget the old Russian language. Ale, from the other side, it is necessary to understand that the trend to forgiveness is always in the future. People do not like folding structures and cumbersome phrases. Therefore, the phraseological unit “burn out with the drigom” is dying, and the days of yoga are respected.

Ale, for the time being, we are synonyms, there is no sensation to sumuvat. Russian language is worth 6 months for the breadth of the world. Millions of people speak new. And you can’t help but be quiet, in a row with skin rock, the Daedals are more turbulent with the problems of the movie. I also agree that in 100 years I want 50% of tired phraseological units not to sink into oblivion.


adv. yakostey.-situate.

Throwing over the head; perekidom.

At the thrown position; burn your feet.

ott. switch Negarazd, like a trace; in total trouble.

Vikoristovuєtsya like an unsustainable appointment.

The great contemporary gloomy dictionary of Russian. 2012

Marvel at the darkness, synonyms, meaning of the word and what is upside down in Russian language in dictionaries, encyclopedias and proverbs:

  • Upside Down in Wiki Quote:
    Data: 2008-09-06 Time: 02:32:07 * - Now I know yoga from the intimate side. - Dear, now we all know yoga...
    uphill …
    uphill …
  • BURN WITH YOUR FEET in the spelling dictionary:
    uphill …
    adv. yakostey.-situate. 1. Shifting over your head; perekidom. ott. switch Completely troubled. 2. Vikoristovuєtsya like a clumsy ...
  • UP in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , name. 1. Directly from the bottom to the top. The sprout is drawn in. Hands v.1 (mandate to the one who can repair the opir). …
  • UP at the vocabulary of Synonyms in Russian:
    uphill, vіra, vispr, uphill, uphill, uphill, ...
  • UP at the New Tlumach-word-work dictionary of Efremova:
  • UP at the Glossary of Russian language Lopatin:
  • UP at the New Russian Spelling Dictionary:
    up, name. (Climb up the hill; uphill with the bottom, uphill with the feet, uphill with the feet), ale istot. eel (a shell having consumed an old old ...
  • UP in the spelling dictionary:
    up, name. (climb uphill; uphill in the day, uphill with feet, uphill with galms), ale istot. eel (the order of pop'yav at the top of the old ...
  • UP at the Glossary of Russian Ozhegov:
    at a straight line from the bottom to the top Rostock stretches about. Art hands! (Instruction to the one who can repair the opir). uphill on the inside…
  • UP at Tlumach's dictionary of Russian Ushakov:
    adv. 1. On high, on a greater high place. 2. Straight to the cob, to the top. Up the river. Burn out the drig...
  • UP in the Tlumach dictionary of Ephraim:
    adv. 1) a) Straight to the top, to something, which is found at the upper part; at the height (protiop.: down). b) Directly ...
  • UP at the New dictionary of Russian Efremova:
    adv. go. month 1. Right up to the top of the chogos; at height. Ant: down ot. Right off the bat, what can be found at the upper part ...
  • UP at the Great Modern Tlumach Dictionary of Russian Language:
    I name. go. month 1. Right up to the top of the chogos; at height. Ant: down ot. Right off the bat, what’s going on in ...
  • UPside Down (SIMPLE) in Dovidnik's Phraseology:
    1) shkerebert, over the head, uphill with feet; 2) uphill, bottomless, completely flat. The etymology is obscured. The word kishenі can be elevated to a dieslov.
  • GALMINI: Uphill GALBAMI at the New Russian Spelling Dictionary:
    guts: uphill ...
    Codes are entered with cursor keys either on the New Game screen or on the Load Game screen. right, up, ...
  • THE BARD'S TALE For the list of Easter eggs and codes to igor:
    Under the hour, press Shift and use the arrows on the keyboard to type: right-handed, left-handed, right-handed, left-handed, uphill, down, uphill, down - indifferent; …
  • PRINCE OF PERSIA: THE TWO THRONES For the list of Easter eggs and codes to igor:
    In order for the code to work, it is necessary to go through the group once. After whom, take some kind of riven, take out a knife (additional ...
  • MARVEL: ULTIMATE ALLIANCE For the list of Easter eggs and codes to igor:
    Daredevil - remove all characters from the party and press left hand, left hand, right hand, right hand, uphill, down...
  • LEGACY OF KAIN: DEFIANCE For the list of Easter eggs and codes to igor:
    In order for the code to work, you may have the original English version of GR installed, patched to version 1.1. Qi code is necessary ...
  • CROC in the Lexicon of Nonclassics, Artistic and Aesthetic Culture of the 20th Century, Bichkov:
    (Chagal) Mark Zakharovich (1887-1985) Russian, then French artist. Born to a wealthy Jewish chornorob near Vitebsk, one of the Jewish peoples.
  • VOLZH SWIMMING POOL OF THE RICHKOVA PORT from the Great Radian Encyclopedia, BSE:
    the pool of the river port, the main water transport centers that organize the transportation of travelers and passengers along the bunk beds. Volzі and її tributaries, scho pov'yazuyut trades districts.
    A) Cordoni and expanse of the empire. Russian Empire, stretching out a goal. rank in latitude, occupying the entire cx. part of Europe and Siberia. part ...
  • KULEMET in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron.
  • ZAKHIDNA DVINA in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    (in a new way. D?na) - The river of the Baltic basin, which flows into the main part of the Rizka inflow. Z. Dvina takes the cob from the small lake Dvina.
  • WAYS in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -nis: burn out with a drig (rozg.) - 1) with a throw, over the head. Fly, fall, burn down with a drig; 2) completely bezladdi, burn down. …
  • FRANCE* in the Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron.

The report was compiled by the editors of the portal "Gramota.ru" for materials such as:

    Birikh A. K., Mokienko V. M., Stepanova L. I. Russian phraseology. Historical and etymological dictionary / For red. V. M. Mokienka. - 3rd species, Vipr. that dod. - M., 2005.

    Dushenko K. V. Dictionary of contemporary quotations. - 4th species., Vipr. that dod. - M., 2006.

    Dushenko K. V. Citations from Russian literature. Dovidnik M., 2005.

    Kochedikov L. G. A short dictionary of non-standard phraseological units. M., 1995.

Babylonian creation (Joke.) - The NATO of people is bezladna, a swindler, a swindler. Viraz blames the biblical story about trying to wake up at Babylon, I know that the sky is too small to reach. If the alarm clocks failed in their work, the anger of God “having changed my language”, the stench ceased to understand one by one and could not continue their everyday life. Church Word stovpotvor means "wake up, watch".

Valaam's donkey - 1) a pokirna, a talkative person, as if protesting uncontrollably, or hanging her thought; 2) (Bran.) Bad woman, screwed up. Vislav descend to the Bible: the prophet Balaam straight on his donkey to the king of Moab, to curse the people of Israel. Unsuccessfully an angel with a bared sword blocked the way of the donkey, and it began to twist sideways. Balaam, why not beat the angel, started to beat the donkey, then she protested in a human voice.

Valtasariv benket (book) - a banquet, fun ahead of the inevitable hardship. Vislav to go to the Bible, de rozpovidaetsya, that in the night of the capture of Babylon by the Persians, the Babylonian king Belshazzar ruled over a food banquet. At the fires of the merry-gods, expensive judges served as table bowls, buried by the Babylonians in the Russian temple, and the Babylonian gods were glorified, a hand placed cryptic words on the wall. The Babylonian sages could not read them and vitlumachiti. Having read the writings of the Jewish sage Danilo, he explained that the writings prophesy the death of the king. The prophecy zbulosya: ієї zhі nights Belshazzar was killed, and his kingdom was the root of Darius.

Fuck fool (disapproved) - 1) pretend to be unreasonable, foolish; fool around, fool around; 2) baidukwati, waste an hour. Viraz po'yazaniy with a child's thunder, fun with a toy-tumbler, which you call Іvanushka-fool (vankoy-vstankoy), which they try to knock down. Zvіdsi spacious option vyslovlyuvannya - play the roly. The meaning of "foolishness" rose under the mindlessness of such an occupation for a grown-up person.

Uphill gatherings, scho lead down - about dii, yakі at first glance spriyat chomus, changing the situation on the better, but in fact it’s less likely to make the camp worse. Tsei vislav - calling the novel by the American writer Bel Kaufman (1911-2014), like a vinyl record from an additional note of the head of the administrative department of the school, deviated the writer: "I trap for breaking the rules: go up the hill, go down."

Burn out with your feet (simple) - 1) shkerebert, over the head, uphill with legs; 2) uphill with the bottom, in the thrown position; 3) in total trouble. The etymology is obscured. Word intestines you can go to hell galmuwati, i.e. "smikati, turn over". Allow so that intestines look like a dialect galma"legs". Zgіdno with another hypothesis, the word intestines tied with a word galmo(Star. brake). galms earlier they called the bays of smuga under the sleigh runner, which were stuck, the sleighs were less roaming. Viraz burn out with your feet could be placed up to the sleigh, which turned over on the ice or on the snow.

Greece has everything (Joke-iron.) we have everything (especially in vipadkah, if there is a special need for someone else, what is for the one who speaks). Vislav - a quote from A. P. Chekhov's vaudeville "Vesilla", one of the heroes - a Greek confectioner - praises like: "Greece has everything".

Let's turn to our sheep - a call to the one who speaks, does not speak to the main topics; stating tim, what to say, yogo approach in those romanship ended and wine turns to the point. Tracing paper from fr. revenons a nos moutons. From the farce "Lawyer P'er Patlen" (circa 1470). Tsimi words judging interrupt the promo of a rich cloth maker. Destroying the right against the shepherd, having pulled off the new sheep, the cloth, forgetting about his posture, suffocating the shepherd’s defender, Patlen’s lawyer, with dokors, who did not pay you for six likt of cloth.

Take on the zugunder (obsolete) - punish; get to the point. Pohodzhennya phraseologism will appear with the hour of the German drill in the Russian army, and zugunder - created zu hundert, what literally means "up to a hundred" (strike) and є an order to punish the one who is guilty. Vtim, є th іnsha version, for which zugunder - created in German zu Hunden(literally "to the dogs", in a lily meaning).

Vitati in the dark - to go into unimaginable dreams, not to mention the superfluous. Staroslov'yansk Dієslovo vitati mav meaning "live, live". In the old Russian language, the meaning was emphasized by the sound of the language vitati s tsіlim next to yoga pokhіdnih. Allow so, scho turnover be in the dark vinic based on virazu stay in empires afterward, replace the inshomonic word with peace.

Voloditi with a pen - write kindly, masterno; Voloditi literary genre. More often than not, it was about the goose feather, as they wrote earlier. In the meantime, scribbling with a pen and all the necessary tools for writing was respected by a great mysticism.

Volodar dum (bookish high.) - a prominent person, who is strong spiritually and intellectually in a rush to get his fellows. Vislav perekuёtsya z vіrshі A. Z. Pushkin "To the Sea", de vin characterizes Byron and Napoleon.

Splash the water out of the water at once and the child (Knizhkovy. or Pub. disapproved) - vydkidayuchi, vydkidayuchi details, spend the essence of what. Viraz is a tracing-paper from the German das Kind mit dem Bade ausschütten, de vin has been gone for a long time, and having been fixed in the literary movement of the yogo living by M. Luther (1483–1546): “Do not follow the child at once from the water to splash from the bath.”

Make your deposit at schos- Zrobiti svіy, let's small, feasible contribution to the bedroom on the right; take a feasible fate from Chomus Korisny. Dzherelo to turn - the Evangelical parable about the poor widow, for example, at the hour of the collection of donations at the temple, she gave everything that is small: two remaining molds. Lipta- drіbna midna coin in Ancient Greece mite deputy euro cent).

There is no truth at the feet (Zhart.) requested system. Іsnuє kіlka versіy pojodzhennya tsієї prikazki. Zgіdno with one of them, pojdnanny pov'yazane z tim, scho in the XV-XVIII Art. in Russia, borzhniks were punished zhorstoko, beaten with cold vines on their bare legs, trying to turn to the borg. However, even the early warning could not have been able to turn the Borg quietly, who did not have a penny. Zvіdsi th vinyl order there is no truth at the feet. According to the other version, the turn of the vineyard at the link with them, that the helper, having revealed the name of the chogos, picking up the villagers and zmushuvav їx stand, call the wine docks. As if the vinny did not recognize after the long standing, then the assistant, having changed his mind, that such a path did not achieve the truth, allowing the villagers to sit and roam them kindly. Zreshtoy, the third version turns us to the first, to the bitter punishment for non-payment of the Borg. Like a borzhnik ryatuvavsya in the presence of a curry, they said that there was no truth at the feet, so it was impossible to knock off the shoes.

Phraseological units are fixed in the language of speech. The stench is reminiscent of the language, roaring її raznomanіshoy.

The meaning of phraseology "uphill shkerebert"

Otzhe, reporter. Phraseologism "uphill with galms" may be sprat tlumachen. Yakih?

The first means that, as a rich person, the people are resting at the position, burn with their feet. Upside down. You can change, fly, fall, or roll over "uphill shkerebert." The meaning of phraseology can be vitlumacheno like "collapse" chogos.

And not all. Changing the way down - the axis is one more meaning for the phraseological unit "mountain shkerebert". That is, if you planned ahead, but it didn’t work out. This idiom also means disorder and chaos.


A glance of the journey of tsієї іdіomi in rіznyh doslednikіv vіdіznyаєtsya. So, like "mountain with galms" - tse phraseological growth, that is fixed everyday, like it is impossible to comprehend and reveal without knowing this history, it is necessary to turn to etymology.

In Russia, "galmashki" is a common word. You can feel it in the dialects of the Meshkants in modern Ryazan and on the Don.

At that time, the word was called legs. In the Ryazan dialect, the word "galma" was used for the recognition of the nig, and in the Don dialect, people called them "tormans".

For the other version, the phraseological unit, having designated an inverted sled, the galma among them were called "galms". This variant is sounding with the word "tormashki".

The first version is the most popular one. “Tormi” and “galma” are closer to “swarm”, lower “galma”.

Until then, at that hour, the picture of the world of people was still dividing "up" and "down". "Up" symbolizes the sun, wind, sky. And in humans - the head. "Niz" with water, and earth, and human feet. The person herself thought to herself in the middle: there - more for water and earth, and lower for the sky.

The top of the association is kind, great, heavenly. Bottom, navpaki, showing dark, evil. The meaning of phraseology "uphill shkerebert" - sіyannya chaos, bezladdya.

uphill drigom... such a word and what does it mean

Feedback from Marina Yakovleva[guru]
Vikoristovuetsya for the purpose of understanding what it is, to fight on the side, over the head, burn out with your feet. The dialect word “tormashka” has been adopted as a dialect word galmuvati, tobto shake, smikati, turn over

Vidpovid vіd Doshch.[guru]
The word "galmashki" in some Russian dialects meant "legs". In this rank, the next sense of phraseological unity, fly down with your feet. (the old form “uphill tormoshki”, perhaps, is explained by the old-fashioned form of the ore gun in one of the types of Russian names: porіvn. “with comrades” with comrades. "Ide n_s burn down", "fly your hands to the sides" and so on. To say more precisely, I can’t say more precisely, the naming tse vіdminok or znahіdny, I can’t: for example, “it’s worth the hand (pіdnyati) uphill” nazivny; uphill, then knowing.) The expressiveness of phraseological units with the word “galmashki” is rich in what is explained by their sound with the dialect word “galmuvati” smikati, smikati (before speech, wine descend to the same Proto-European root, which is Greek tremoo, Latin tremoo, Latin tremo) Why are there “legs” here? Well, first, you can show yourself turned on your back, “burn out with your feet”, a beetle with your feet and a kraz “pull, smack”. galmuvati "dієslovo" galmuvati "(yogo to point at the Phasmer wordlist), what can it mean na ruhati, bring it to ruh. And the axis of the new yakraz is logically established as the name of the “tormashka” as a sign of such a “rush”, like the creatures (and people in that number) have yakraz and є legs. Anna Pentus: Turnover "uphill with feet" can mean "in an inverted, overturned position; turning over, overturning, putting it uphill", and also "uphill with the bottom, near the total lack of ground". "Lititi burn dryom" means "fly, fall head down, shkerebert". Zagalom, the phraseological unit "burn out with your feet" is even close to the turnover "on the mountain with your feet" (like a stench, zvichayno). Tsya podіbnіst transforms into zbіg, if it's z'yasovuєtsya, scho "galmashki" are adopted in the form of the word "halma", "galma", as in some dialects and means "legs"! For example, on the Don, virazi "uphill toroman", "uphill galma", "uphill galma", "uphill torom", and in the Ryazan region say "uphill galma". Є th іnsha versіya pohzhennya tsgogo turnover. The word "tormashki" is induced before the word "galmuvati", tobto "smikati, smikati". Possibly, one of the meanings was “to turn over” and in the light of this meaning the name “tormushka” was established, then vinik viraz “uphill tormoshki”, as if it turned into “uphill entrails”. Adherents of the first version are aware that the words in -ashka are approved in the name of the basis, and not in the form of a fictitious stem, to which the name of the word "galmashki" with the figurative word "galmuvati" is dubious. Olena Spivak: The word “galmashki” in the language “fly, burn down with a drag” means “galmuvannya”, which is followed by the word “galmuvati”. Glossary of Russian S.I. Ozhegov pronounces on the foot: “galmashki: “uphill with galms” (rod.) shkerebert, over the head (fly, lower, etc.)” (Ozhegov, 1975). If you want a dictionary to show the spelling “upside down”, in modern Russian language it is often lived in “handles”, without changing the end of the word. Prote sche in the 19th century it was possible to feel a little “uphill tormoshka”. For example, it is similar to living in Dostoevsky: “But other than them, by God, not lower for you in terms of development, even if you don’t believe it: such endless faiths and nevirs can look at one and the same moment that the right is given only one more hair and fly a man upside down, like the actor Gorbunov. (“Brothers Karamazov”, Part Four, Book Eleven, Chapter IX “Devil. Ivan Fedorovich’s Nightmare”) and “Well, then I didn’t fly up the hill.” (“The Village of Stepanchikovo and Yogo Meshkantsi. From Notes of the Unknown”, part of the Persian). The form of "intestines" also got used. At the creation of the "Duel" Chekhov writes: "Axis of you read everything, touch the abyss of the sea, pick out the weak and the strong, write books and call out at the duel - and everything is left in its own place; and marvel, like a weak old man with a holy spirit, uttered just one word, or from Arabia, riding a horse Mohammed with a saber, and fly


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