Questions on ancient Greek mythology. Quiz "Myths of Ancient Greece

Questions on ancient Greek mythology. Quiz "Myths of Ancient Greece

Fabulous antiquity of Ellala

Competition - Quiz for students

6 classes on the topic "Myths of Ancient Greece. Olympic gods».

Given Alexander Lvovna,

russian teacher and

literature MOU SOSH №40

Novorossiysk 2010.
Competition - quiz

"Myths of ancient Greece. Olympic gods. "

- the formation of interest among schoolchildren to the deep study of literary topics, in particular ancient Greek mythology;
- creating conditions for the implementation of children's creative abilities;
- increase in culture, expansion of the horizons of students.

Form of .
Competition. Teams are participating five people each. Teams are given homework:

- revive the picture or stage myth;

Prepare retelling myths about Hercules;

Know information about the Olympians: what they looked, their attributes, exterior decoration, their distinctive qualities, etc.;

Come up with a team name, choose a patron and raise him praise;

Find out the importance of aphorisms from myths dedicated to the Olympic gods.

Contest's course:

Today, our knowledge of the gods of ancient Greece will be shown by the guys from four classes. They themselves prepared for the quiz, which we called "Fabulous Allada". Why fabulous? After all, myths about the gods are very similar to fairy tales: they are the same colorful, fantastic and interesting. Guys, dear viewers will show how much important and instructive they learned about ancient Greece, her inhabitants: the gods, heroes and people. So, let's begin.

Teams, please go to the scene (team appear on the music on the stage)
-Conquars will judge the jury (submit members of the jury)
-To, our acquaintance is over, let's start the main part - contests. Commands, send in place. Begin.

1 contest

The first task was given to teams in advance: to come up with a name, choose a patron of the Olympic gods and raise them to make a success in the competition teammate. From how successfully the teams picked up a patron, the name will depend on the result of this contest.

Evaluation for this contest - 3 points.

2 contest

"Competition of the Olympic journalists"

From each command is invited to one participant to select the task that is as follows. As you know, journalists are interested in many and can describe any events. You are invited to explain the values \u200b\u200bof the "winged" expressions that appeared thanks to the myths. Commands must advise one minute and answer what this expression means, and from which myth.

Evaluation of this contest - 2 points.
Control sheet.
Augean stables -1) dirty room;

2) Launch.

The expression taken from the myth "Cam's Court

Ariadnina thread - a guide thread that helps to get out of


The expression taken from the myth "Travel Teres

To Crete "
Golden Rain - Wealth, unexpected enrichment.

The expression is taken from the Myth "The Birth of Teres" or

Tantalum flour - Unbearable flour when it is impossible to achieve

goals. The expression is taken from the myth of the same name.

Nectar and ambrosia - 1) an extraordinarily delicious drink, an exquisite dish;

2) Tasty dish.

3) Food of the gods.

The expression taken from the Myth "Gods of Olympus"

Panic fear - Sudden, inexplicable and very strong fear.

The expression is taken from the Myth "Pan and Sirring".

Zeus-Rublzhets - Terrible boss.

The expression taken from the myth of the same name

Pandora's Box - Source of misfortunes and disasters.

The expression is taken from the Myth of Pandora.

3 contest.
- It is a contest " Cognok" For him, the guys will be required, who are willing to recognize the name of the Olympic God, how badly and contradictory information about him would be. There should be signs that determine the name of God, the commanded by the team. They are only seven. It is clear that the first sign is the most rare and complex, for him the guess will receive the highest score - 7. The last sign is the most common, guessing it, the participant gets one point. Competition participants are called one characteristic, 30 seconds are given to thinking. So, the less you need signs to determine the name of God, the higher the score for the answer. (Participants are invited by pairs one of the team).
Maximum rating 7 points.

  1. competition.

He is called the jump " Aidov" Which viewers will remember who called the Aeads? (Aida are an ancient Greek wanderers telling myths, most often this is a blind person who performs myth, like a song). So, our AIDES will tell myths dedicated to Hercules's feats. But first, the teams should be guessing from the proposed list of characters of the heroes of their myth, which took them on the task. It is more common for one person from the team to choose an envelope with the task (the participant is suitable, take the envelopes in which the task is).

The meeting team is allocated for 30 seconds, then they must provide the jury of their card with the name of the myth and the names of this myth chosen to it. For each, the name is the name - one point (only five points).

Then the player who represents the team should be multiple and beautifully tell your myth.

For this part of the response, the maximum rating is 3 points.
Control sheet.

  1. Laine Hydra: Hercules, Iolai, Lern, Eurysfea, Cancer.

  2. Ehrimfsky Kaban: Eriman, Foul, Hercules, Hiron, Eurysfe.

  3. Hercules at Admet: Alcestid, Admet, Tanat, Aid, Hercules.

  4. Tsar Avgiya Corn Yard: Avgy, Peniers, Alfa, Nelva, Periclim.

  5. Belt Ippolites: Ippolita, Hera, Alela, Melanippa, Hercules.

  1. competition.

"Attributes of the Gods"

It is known that the most important god in Olympus - Zeus. He is the most majestic, the most proud, strongest and powerful. He knew everything that was going on on Olympus and on Earth. The symbol of power and unimaginable power were lightning. All those who have entertained in the fight with Zeus - whether the gods or mortals - he broke off his arrow. Our next competition will be associated with the attributes of the gods.

Three players from each team are involved in this competition, two others remain for the next competition, which is carried out simultaneously with this. Representatives of teams, get amphoras, in which there are things belonging to different Olympic gods. You are given five minutes to remember who and what a thing belongs. Write down everything on a sheet of paper and grant the jury. This competition takes into account the correctness of the response, the number of attributes found, as well as what the magic force is named, which one or that thing possessed.
Maximum evaluation of this contest - 1 point for the attribute, on the score for each additional information about him.
Commands perform a task, and the next competition is held on the stage.

  1. competition

- It is called the "Delphic Oracle".

Does any of the audience know who Delphic Oracles are and how did they appear in ancient Greece?

What team is the question asks, any of the players is responsible - the most important thing is a quick response; If the answer is not dan - the first team that wished to respond is responsible.
For the correct answer - 1 point.


  1. How does the Olympic gods differ from people?

  2. What did the gods eat?

  3. Which of the gods made the most acts in the first days of their lives?

  4. Who from the Greek gods invented LIRA, SPIREL?

  5. Who from the Greek gods invented flute?

  6. Who from the Olympic gods and how to avenged his mother for its unworthy behavior?

  7. Whom of the gods zeus extradited from the mother's womb and sewed himself in the thigh?

  8. Which of the gods was the most busy and did not sleep at night?

  9. Which of the gods did physical labor, and how?

  10. Who had a cap - invisible?

  11. Why did the goddess of wisdom of Athena become patronizing artisans?

  12. Why did Aphrodite chose himself to Hephaesta?

1. The Olympic gods are immortal, colorless blood flows in their veins - Ichor.

2. The gods eaten ambrosia and nectar.

3. Hermes were born early in the morning, at noon made a kifaru, learned to play on her, stole bows from Apollo in the evening.

4. Hermes invented LIRA, pulling the strings to the shell shell; Pan carved out of the reed, which turned into Sirring, Spere.

5. Athena invented Fleut, but thrown her, seeing her cheeks unchanged.

6. Hefesta made the throne on which it was possible to sit down, but it was impossible to get up. He presented him with his mother heer.

7. Dionysis.

8. Hermes at night accompanied the souls of people who have left lives in the kingdom of Aida. He was still a messenger of Zeus.

9. Hephest was a blacksmith, Athena of the fault.

10. AID is "invisible."

11. Because Athena invented a pottery circle, a spinning line, burned the first jug.

12. Hephest was endowed with the beauty of the mind and plan, creativity.

  1. competition.

« Live painting»

Teams on the stage show their "picture", and teams must guess that they tried to portray their opponents.
Evaluation for this contest - 5 points Plus 1 point for the correct answer to the question.

(On the stage of the team show passages from myths, ask questions.)

Leading :

Our competition came to the end. While the jury counts points, I offer fans to show your knowledge. For the fast and sure response, the fan can get 1 point for his team.

  1. What does the expression "work Sisyphors" mean?

  2. Where did Hercules meet Kerbera? (in the kingdom of the dead)

  3. Who fought with a jellyfish gorgon? (Perseus)

  4. What did I find in Kolchide Jason? (The Golden Fleece)

  5. Who fought Minotaur? (with the Teshem)

  6. With which mythological story is connected by the tradition of wearing
`Persted on your finger?
For the correct answer - 3 points. Commands can participate. (According to the myth, Prometheus, who gave fire to people was chained to grief. And the rings of the chain held each his finger. When Hercules dismissed Prometheus, he, being very strong, hurried. He snatched the chain, but one ring with a stone, part of the rock, left On a nameless finger. Since then, people, honoring Prometheus, began to wear russis with stones.)
Competition is held, at this time the jury sums up.

So, the jury is ready to announce the results of our contests, call the winners.

Award is held.

Material for competition 5

Quiz for high school students with answers on the topic: mythology

1. What mythological hero killed Medusa Gorgona? (Perseus)

2. What mythological hero killed minotaurus? (Testa or Teze)

3. The mythical ancient Greek monster Sphinx is he he or she? (She is)

4. Who led the campaign of Argonauts in Kolkhid? (Yazon)

5. In the ancient Greek mythology, the goddesses were the paria? (Goddess of fate)

6. What was the name of the boatman-carrier to the country of the dead in Greek mythology? (Charon)

7. What was the name of the cyclopa, whom the cunning won Odysse? (Polyfem)

8. Who, according to Greek mythology, built a minotauria labyrinth? (Dedal)

9. What was the name of the queen of Amazons, whose belt managed to get Hercules? (Ippolitis)

10. What was the name of a woman to which Zeus "rolled up" in the form of a swan? (Leda)

11. Name the name of the goddess, which became the winner of the first in the history of humanity of the beauty contest? (Aphrodite)

12. This titan stole the fire from the gods to give it to people. Who is he? (Prometheus)

13. This hero, literally, fluttered the first Olympic distance. Name his name. (Hercules)

14. Curious Pandora has opened the forbidden box, and the troubles dismissed the troubles of them. What remains at the bottom of the box? (Hope)

15. What was the name of the hero of the "Songs about Nibelungakh", which, by releasing the blood of the Dragon, became invulnerable, however, because of the lime leaf fell on the back small plot His skin remained unprotected? (Siegfried)

16. What is the name of the diploma country, where, according to the Scandinavian myths, the soul falls in the warrior in battle? (Valhalla or Valgal)

17. What kind of God in Slavic mythology was a patron of livestock and wild animals? (Whiter or hair)

18. What was the name of the river oblivion in the kingdom of the dead in the ancient Greeks? (Summer)

19. What was the name of the Indian God of Fire, whose name fell into the name of Indian space rocket? (Agni)

20. In what type of Zeus penetrated Danae, who later born Perseya? (In the form of golden rain)

21. Who was Winnurry from the Olympic gods? (Ganymed)

22. What was the name of the giant - the son of Poseidon and Gay, strangled by Hercules? (Antey)

23. How in Greek mythology was called goddess of aggregation? (ERINI)

24. What were called in the Roman mythology of the goddess of agility? (Furi)

25. How was the priestess in ancient Greece - the propheted temple of Apollo in the city of Delphi? (Pythia)

26. What was the name of mythological food ancient Greek Gods? (Ambrosia)

27. What mythological character won the nightmarish pimphany birds? (Hercules)

28. What mythological figure saved Andromed from the sea monster? (Perseus)

29. What was the name of the Roman goddess of a homely focus? (Vesta)

30. What name was the ancient Greek Goddess of Retribution, Karaser for violation of public and moral norms? (Nemesis)

31. What kind of Roman deity was depicted with two persons? (Janus - God of Time. "Two-Leak Janus")

32. How was the nymphs of trees, inhabitants of forests and groves called in Greek mythology? (DRIADA)

33. Recall the name of the mythological robber who put our guests on a deliberately short bed to cut off the hung legs? (Scroll - "Procrusteo Lodge")

34. How was Athena Pallada born? (From the head of Zeus, who before it swallowed her mother)

35. Once the god of the seas Poseidon and the goddess of the wisdom of Athena led a long argument about who of them own an attic - one of the regions of ancient Ellala. The gods, in order to resolve their dispute, decided to consider the winner who will bring more benefits to the inhabitants. Then Poseidon hit his trident about the Earth, and she immediately scored a fountain of salt water. Athena won this dispute. What did she give the inhabites of attic? (Athena stuck in the ground Spear and it turned into evergreen olive, giving people amazingly useful oil and shadow in which you can hide from the hot rays of the sun)

36. What is the name of the Indian God of Love? (Kama)

37. How to translate the name of the Greek God, the Lord of the Kingdom of the Dead - Aida? (Insubade, unidid, terrible)

38. How did the name "Academy" happen? (Akadem - an ancient Greek hero, buried in the sacred grove to the north-west of the city of Athens. Plato studied in this grove, then his students. Their school received the name "Academy" named Academa)

39. What was the name of the goat, who focused his baby's milk Zeus on the island of Crete? (Amalfoy)

40. The main goddess of the Japanese pantheon of the gods, the ancestor of Japanese imperters. How was her name and what does this name mean? (Amaterasu. Amateras-o-Miki - Great Sacred Goddess Shining in Heaven)

41. How is the Angel word translated? (Bulletin)

42. What was called in Indian mythology a beverage of immortality? (Amrita)

43. What was the name of the ancient Roman goddess of the upcoming New Year and how her name translates? (Anna Penos, translated this means "forever lasting year")

44. What was the name of the ancient Egyptian god, the patron of the dead and in what form did he portray? (Anubis. He was depicted in the form of a black jackal)

45. Who was Anchutka called in Russia? (One of the Russian names of the tentieth)

46. \u200b\u200bName the name of the legendary ancestor of Armenians. (Aram)

47. How did the ancient Armenians named the spirits taking place from the dogs who descended from the sky to lick the wounds of those killed in the battle and resurrect them? (Aralisa)

48. The Giant Argos, the Son of Gay - Goddess of the Earth, had one feature. What was it in? (All his body was covered with eyes)

49. What was the name of the girl who was saved by the theme from the Milotaurus labyrinth? (Ariadne)

50. What was the name of the nymph, which Zeus turned to the Medveditsa to hide from jealous ger? (Callisto)

51. What is Armageddon? (Christians - the battle place on the outcome of the time in which all the kings will participate)

52. How is the name of Artemis translate? (Bear goddess)

53. What are the name of the Vidnight Deity of Love and Fertility, Goddess Warring? (Astarta)

54. What was the name of the mythical Pranodine Aztec? (Astlan - "Country of Herkel")

55. What turns into Pharaoh after his death? (In ah)

56. What is ah? (Ah - "Enlightened, Blessed" - the afterlime embodiment of a person)

57. What kind of God in Kiev Rus worshiped as a patron of all Russia? (Veles in Slavic mythology - God of wealth and livestock)

58. What are the goddess of joy and fun from Egyptians? (Bastet)

59. Who is this boost-net? (Blue Wolf. In the Mythology of Mongolian Peoples - Persecution)

60. Who in Kievan Rus worshiped as a god of squash? (Perun)

61. Guan-Yin is the goddess of mercy, patroness of children. Guan-Yin is in different guides - both in men and women. One myth, she was born in the era of Zhou in the family of some evil ruler. She was very pious and wanted to become a Buddhist monk, but his father was opposed to this and ordered her to kill her. Guan Yin's soul hit the hell, but she transformed this dark abode into a paradise garden in his purity and holiness. The gods of the hell frightened and prayed the Buddha so that he would save them from this attack. Then Buddha resurrected Guan Yin. What did Guan-Yin do for his father? (Soon the father of Guan-yin fell ill and land. The girl gave him his eyes. Touched by this selfless act, the ruler corrected and appealed to good. As soon as it happened, Guan-yin was again transparent)

62. January is named after the Roman God of Janus. What was it for God? (Patron of entrances, exits, doors - Janus - was the god of time. He was portrayed with two persons, he once watched the past and the future at the same time)

63. In honor of which Roman God is named February? (Fabrairiya is the god of the dead. Twenty-eight days went to his share, and also the last 28th day was dedicated to the "dead souls")

64. Which of mythological heroes mother swept, holding a heel, in the sacred waters of the Styx River, who made a person invulnerable? (Achilla. The only vulnerable place was the heel in which the angry God Apollo and sent the Arrow of Paris)

65. Thanks to which myth of the Malina berry became a verbal symbol and emblem of odious, spicy place or event? (In thick thickets of barbed raspberry, through which it is difficult to get from the outside, happened, according to legend, awarding the apple feast - the symbol of perfection and beauty Aphrodite, which in this secluded corner along with Athena and the hero stood naked before Paris so that he could choose who Of these, more beautiful. In Russian, the Malinik is still "Malinik" - this is a junk, "Malina" - a criminal world)

66. On the Palace Square of St. Petersburg over the arch of the building, built for the main headquarters, the six bronze horses are carrying the chariot with ancient Greek goddess. What? (With the goddess of victory - nickname)

67. The head of which Greek God, or the image of His rod, is found on the facades of banks? (Head Hermes in the winner helmet. This is the God of Trade, the patron of merchants, travelers and thieves)

68. What is the deity, according to Greek mythology, were all the gods obey? (Hypnos (sleep personification), son of Nite (Nights) and Brother Tanatos (death))

69. Name the name of the Greek Titanide, the daughter of uranium and gay, which was initially an personification, and then goddess of memory. (Mnemosis)

70. What was the name of the son of the Sleep Holness? (Mornefi - God of dreams)

71. Paris, solved, who to give an apple as a sign of recognition of the most beautiful of women, not only assessed the beauty of the gera, Athens and Aphrodites, but also those gifts that they offered these three goddesses. Gera - power and wealth, Athena - wisdom and military glory. And what did the aphrodite suggested him? (A beautiful woman on earth - Elena is beautiful - in his wife. By the way, we note, Elena was already the wife of the Spartan Tsar Menel)

72. In honor of the ancient Greek gods, such chemical elements were named as uranium (God sky), helium (Helios - the God of the Sun), plutonium (Pluto - the God of the Kingdom of the Dead) and Phosphorus. The word does this mean "light-point" and is one of the nicknames of the planet. What? (Venus)

73. How did Roman mythology called the goddess of revenge and remorse of conscience, punishing a person for the crimes committed? (Furi, which means from Latin - "Furious")

74. What was the name of the Greek goddess of contention, the set and a permanent companion of the god of war Ares, the daughter of Nite (Nights), the mother of disasters, quarrel, hunger and suffering? (Erida)

75. What is the Roman God, according to the beliefs of the ancients, is the creator of a person and everything alive on earth? (God of time is a two-limit Janus. God of entrances and exits. He solved the issues of war and the world. During the world, the door in his temple was closed, during the war they opened)

76. What kind of god in Slavic mythology rushed across the sky on nine horses, with him nine sons - three rattles, three - they sink, three - a zipper mosk? (Perun)

77. What kind of people believed that the lunar hare was on the moon, throwing from the magic mushroom of Ji Elekzier of immortality? (Chinese)

78. God was the most revered and most bloodthought God Aztec Wecylopochtley, who did the blood and hearts of people? (God of the Sun)

79. One - Supreme God in Scandinavian mythology. God what was he? (God of battles and death)

80. Which of the three Supreme gods of Hinduism is called the "destroyer" and are depicted with the third eye in the middle of the forehead? (Shiva. All its destructive energy is drawn to good goalSince all updates are always preceded by destruction)

81. With the name of what Slavic God were connected in Russia Wires and a meeting of spring? (With Beles (Hair) - the pagan God fertility and cattle breeding)

82. For one ancient myth, when God created a man, the devil wanted to repeat the experiment. But instead of man, he got a wolf, who immediately bit his creator. For what place? Justify your answer. (By foot, since then the devil is lame)

83. The servant of God Ares - Alektrion - stood on guard during the meetings of his Mister with Aphrodite - his wife Helios, and had to wake them up before the morning. One day he slept, and Helios found lovers. In punishment, Ares turned Alektrion ... in whom? (In a rooster)

84. In the center of the mammoth skull there is a large hole of the nasal cavity, and small eye holes are almost imperceptible. Some scientists believe that the Mammoth skull found by the ancient Greeks could have the cause of the myth. OK? (About cyclops)

85. At the African Natopolis of Swahili there is a legend telling that the first person went down to Earth from heaven. And what animal helped him do it? (Giraffe)

purpose: Systematization of Knowledge, Strengthening Positive Training Motivation.

Tasks solved:

  • educational: Activating the intellectual activity of students through the use of the form of the game.
  • developing: Development of the ability to logically think and convincingly build their arguments; Development of skill work in creative groups.
  • educational:education of interest in literature.


Tour 1. Representation of teams.

(Name, emblem, motto must match the theme of the game.)

Tour 2. Warming up.

A) Name the works from which the following lines are given:

  1. Immediate, harsh terrain. Never started a man's leg here. This, on the edge of the Earth, led the servants of Zeus Crested Titan to shorten his uncomplicable chains to the top of the cliff. / Prometheus/
  2. He is seriously punished in the afterlife for all the deceit, for all the deceptions that performed on Earth. He is condemned to pump on a high, cool mountain huge stone. Straighten all the forces, he works. Sweat Grave rushes from him from hard work. All closer top; still effort, and it will be completed; But it breaks out of the hands of his stone and rolls down with noise, raising the clouds of dust. He is accepted again for work. / Sisif/
  3. The goddess, daughter of uranium, from a snow-white foam of sea waves was born near the island of the kifer. Easy, causing a breeze brought her to the island of Cyprus. There were surrounded by young direph, the goddess of love came out of the sea waves. /Aphrodite/
  4. Eurysfee was afraid of a mighty hero and did not let him down in Mycenae. All orders he handed over his son Zeus to Tirinf through his herald coopering. / Hercules in the service of Eurisfey /

B) Who says?

  1. ... patronize the heroes of Greece, gives them their full wisdom advice and helps them, unaffected, during the danger. She keeps the city, fortresses and their walls. She gives wisdom and knowledge, teaches people to arts and crafts. /ATHENA/
  2. The God of War is the son of the thunder of Zeus and Gera. He does not love him Zeus. He often says to his son, that he is the most hated to him among the Gods of Olympus. Zeus does not like her son for his bloodthirstiness. / ARES /
  3. One day he made from a shiny white ivory statue of an extraordinary beauty girl. As a living, this statue stood in the artist's workshop. It seemed to be breathing, it seemed that it would move, would go and speak. An artist admired the artist with his work and loved, finally the statue created by him. He gave her a precious necklace, wrists and earrings, put her in luxurious clothes, decorated his head in a wreath of flowers. /Pygmalion/
  4. This was then gradually made him Aphrodite. In amazement, he looks at his reflection in the water, and strong love Mastering them. He looks at her eyes with her eyes in the water, it manites him, calling, stretches his arms to him. /NARCISSUS/
  5. Finally, forgetting everything, he stopped and turned around. Almost next to him, he saw the shadow of Evridika. /ORPHEUS/
  6. The Great Goddess, the wife of an egid-containing Zeus, patronate marriage and protects the holiness and irrevocability of the marriage unions. She sends numerous offspring to spouses and blesses the mother during the child's birth. / Gera /

Tour 3.. "Black box".

(Images of objects belonging to the heroes of myths.)

Tour 4. Pick up a couple of the hero of myth.

(From each team to 1 representative.)

Orpheus - Eurydick, Zeus - Gera, Aid - Persephone, Apollo - Daphne, Ares - Aphrodite, Pygmalion - Galatia.

Tour 5. Blitz tournament.

(It is necessary to answer very quickly if the team is delayed with the answer, then the answer to the opponent).

Stage 1.

  1. What is myths? (Myths - legends created by the fantasy of the people, are told about the origin of peace and man, various phenomena of life are explained, it is described about the acts of gods and heroes.)
  2. Who are Ellina? (Ancient Greeks.)
  3. What is the name of the Supreme God? (Zeus - God thunder and zipper.)
  4. What place was the gods chosen for your stay? (Mount Olympus.)
  5. Who are Centaurus? (Mythological beings, receiving, semi lusters.)
  6. What is the difference between the myths from fairy tales? (The myth transfers the presentation of the people about the origin of the world, the phenomena of nature.)

Stage 2. "12 Gerkla's feats."

  1. Who was Hercules? (Son of Zeus and death woman Alcmen.)
  2. What does Hercules mean? (First Hercules were called Alkid. After Hercules killed his own children in a gust of madness, which heed Her, Oracle ordered to wear him Hercules, i.e. "The famous hero" or "thanks hero.")
  3. What was the Hercules service? (12 feats for 10 years.)
  4. What promised gods Hercules for a successful service? (Immortality.)
  5. What was the good skin of a non-game lion? (It was invulnerable for arrows.)
  6. How did Hercules defeat the Nemoy Lion? (Strangled it.)
  7. What kind of marsh moth had to kill Hercules? (LERN HYDER.)
  8. With what kind of gifting Athens Hercules won a victory over the vigorous birds? (Ratchets helped meat the birds.)
  9. Who devastated the forest in the vicinity of the marathon? (Cretan Bull.)
  10. How long has heraks Kerineskaya Lan pursued? (More than a year.)
  11. What was unusual Lan? (She had gold horns and copper hooves.)
  12. Whose belt was to bring Hercules and to whom? (Tsaritsa Amazon Belt Ippolite, Daughter Eurisfie Admet.)
  13. With the help of the phenomenon of nature, Hercules defeated Erimianfsky Vepry? (Hercules drove the vapor into deep snow.)
  14. Name the name of the owner of the horse-cannibal. (Diomed.)
  15. What is the name of the river, near the Hercules rested in the myth about Herion's herd? (River Eridan.)
  16. What are the name of the shepherd, Eastern Herion? (Eurition.)
  17. What does the expression "Augiyev Stables" mean? (This is said about the place in which they did not remove it for a long time and which it became very dirty from this, so it is very difficult to put in order.)
  18. Who established the Olympic Games? (Hercules.)
  19. Who rules the kingdom of the dead? (AID is the God of the Underground Kingdom.)
  20. Who stood on guard Aida? (Terrible Dog Kerber / Cerber.)
  21. What feat was the most difficult? (12th - Apples Geverside.)
  22. When did the Antey get great strength? (When she touched to the ground, because He was the son of the goddess of the Gay Earth.)
  23. What was the name of holding the heavenly arch? (ATL butfrom.)
  24. Who brought Hercules to Herklov Gherrid? (ATL butfrom.)
  25. What was the name of the river oblivion? Name the name of the carrier of the shadows through it. (L. e.that. Carrier Charon.)
  26. Who helped Hercules to make this feat? (Goddess of the wisdom of Athena.)

Tour 6. Captain Competition.

(One who earlier will decide the test).

1 2 3 4 5
The son of the god Poseidon was:
a) Hercules;
b) Perseus;
c) test;
d) Odyssey.
Important property of mythology:
a) incomprehensibility;
b) symbolism;
c) complexity;
d) simplicity.
Argonaut ship called "Argo"
a) such a name had the leader of the Argonauts;
b) so called their city;
c) such a name had the builder of the ship;
d) so called the country where they are
Golden Fleece is:
a) casket with treasures;
b) gold skins
c) work
d) sacred
The wizard, who helped get the golden fleece, was called:
a) Ariadne;
b) Andromeda;
c) Cleopatra;
d) Medea.

Answers: 1) in; 2) b; 3) in; 4) b; 5)

At this time, the teams give explanations to expressions.

  1. What does "panic fear" mean? (Animal fear, blind horror.)
  2. When use the expression "Thread Ariadna"? (In the case when you can get out of the predicament.)
  3. "Achilles' heel"? (The most vulnerable place.)
  4. "Titanic struggle"? (Uncompromising wrestling of huge forces.)
  5. "Olympian calm"? (Absolute calm, characteristic of gods.)
  6. "Tantalum flour"? (Flour, which is impossible to quench, despite the deceptive proximity of the desired.)

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