Vacation in quarters. Vacation in quarters Vacation for 1

Vacation in quarters. Vacation in quarters Vacation for 1

The first year of schooling is the most important stage for every kid, because not only his success in learning, but also his health depends on how successfully the child adapts to the new schedule of life.

Most babies await the holiday of the first bell with trepidation. But, first-graders are looking forward to their first holidays with even greater impatience!

If this year your kid first sits down at the school desk of one of the schools or gymnasiums of the Russian Federation, it's time to find out how the educational process will be with the youngest schoolchildren and on what dates you can plan family vacations and joint travel so as not to disrupt the educational process. We are ready to tell you:

Childhood is a carefree time filled with joy, bright emotions and fascinating knowledge of everything that makes this world interesting for a child. Childhood for little fidgets does not end with the graduation from kindergarten! That is why the main task of the school is to create comfortable conditions and a psychological climate for first graders. And here the balance of workload and rest plays an important role.

SanPiN requirements clearly outline the features of the learning process for first graders:

  • 5-day study week;
  • the duration of a lesson in grade 1 is 35 minutes;
  • the first 2 months in grade 1 should be 3 lessons;
  • from November to the end of the first semester - 4 lessons each;
  • in the second semester - 4 lessons (5 lessons are allowed once a week, one of which is physical education).

To minimize stress and develop interest in the learning process itself, in the first grade, they gave up assessment and homework, and also gave the kids another extra February vacation.

Vacation schedule for schools and gymnasiums in Russia for the 2017-2018 academic year

According to the law, in the period from September 1 to May 28, students must spend at least 34-35 calendar days on vacation. This requirement is fully met by the traditional semester system, according to which children have studied for many years, and the new modular system, proposed relatively recently.

Holidays for the 2017-2018 academic year according to the semester system

If the weather does not make its own adjustments, then in 2017-2018 schoolchildren of junior, middle and senior level traditionally expect four vacation periods, and as many as five first-graders:

  1. Autumn (from October 30 to November 6 inclusive). The postponement of the Day of National Unity from November 4 to 6 will give the fidgets one more extra day off.
  2. Winter (from December 25 to January 9).
  3. Additional (from 19 to 25 February). For first graders only.
  4. Spring (from March 26 to April 1).
  5. Summer, traditionally starting right after the holiday of the Last Call.

Holidays 2017-2018 on a modular system

Studies have shown that by the end of the long quarters, fatigue accumulates, which significantly reduces the attention of students, memory resources and the perception of educational material. In order to unload children and create optimal conditions for effective learning, a modular structure of the academic year was proposed, involving the following vacation periods:

Important! The schedule proposed by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation is of a recommendatory nature. This means that the final decision remains with the administration of schools and gymnasiums, which have every right to make adjustments to the announced dates.

Additional holidays for first graders

Everyone who studied at school knows that the longest and most difficult is the third quarter. This is a period of severe frosts and a peak in the incidence of ARVI. That is why it was decided to spend additional holidays for the youngest schoolchildren in February. 7 days of rest should help babies to regain strength and protect them from seasonal viral infections.

Thus, given that 5 out of 40 weeks of the school year fall on the vacation period, the kids will only have 35 weeks to study!

Holidays are the favorite time for students. And even those who left the walls of the school a long time ago recall the times of rest with a cheerful smile. Both pupils and their parents are waiting for a break in the educational process, but the autumn - the very first ones - are waiting with special impatience.

When will the rest begin

Many students, and their parents as well, notice that in different educational institutions the autumn holidays fall on different times. The reason for this discrepancy is the learning process adopted in each particular school. The academic year can be divided into either four parts - quarters, or three - terms. At the end of each part, a short break must be followed. The 2018-2019 academic year is no exception.

For schools with teaching in quarters

The minimum time allotted for rest in the fall is one week. Schools prefer to start on Monday and end on Sunday, respectively. This facilitates the process of distributing the load, plus it helps schoolchildren to adapt more easily, to get involved in studies after a break.

As a rule, in institutions with a quarterly education system, the first holidays fall in October, most often in the last week of the month. Autumn holidays 2018-2019 will not be an exception - the rest will begin on October 29. But with the start date of the second quarter, some questions may arise.

The fact is that the autumn holidays of the 2018-2019 academic year are the Day of National Unity - an important public holiday, and therefore a general day off. It is celebrated on November 4, Sunday. According to the law on the transfer of holidays, the day off will be the next day after the holiday - Monday 5 November. Thus, the holidays are extended for another day, and instead of seven days, schoolchildren will have a rest for eight. And if we add to this the official days off before the start of the rest - Saturday, October 27 (if the school has five days) and Sunday, October 28, then schoolchildren will have a rest in the fall for nine or even ten days.

Let's summarize:

  • Autumn holidays in 2018-2019 - from October 29 to November 5 inclusive.
  • The last day of school in the first quarter is October 26 or 27. The second quarter will start on November 6.

For schools with trimester instruction

With trimester training, it is somewhat easier to calculate the beginning of the break. In this process, rest time and study time alternate with enviable regularity: four or five weeks of study are replaced by a week off. That is, a short break in the middle of the trimester and rest at the end of the trimester. It may seem to someone that with such a training system there are more days off than with a quarter. In fact, the total rest time in both systems is almost the same - the difference can be literally a couple of days.

Students on the trimester system will be able to rest twice in the fall - in early October and at the end of November.

  • Autumn holidays 2018-2019 in the middle of the trimester - from 8 to 14 October
  • Autumn holidays 2018-2019 at the end of the term - from November 19 to 25.

School plans: study and rest

How is the school year timetable? Why is there a different number of breaks each year? Is it really impossible to prescribe strict dates for the first and last days of rest once and for all in school rules, so as not to ask the question every year when the rest will begin? Let's try to figure it out.

The school administration finally determines the time interval during which there is a break in studies. This right is assigned to educational institutions at the legislative level. The reason is simple: it is not always possible for schools to adhere to the curriculum "from and to", clearly following every letter and every number written in the documents. In fact, sometimes force majeure circumstances happen, because of which plans have to be adjusted already in the learning process. Accidents (for example, a breakthrough of a sewer or a heating pipe), natural disasters (severe frosts or rains that threaten flooding), a state of emergency in the region, outbreaks of diseases (flu quarantine, for example) - there can be many reasons. And so that the educational process does not suffer from force majeure, schools are left with the right to change the schedule - to reduce or postpone the dates of the beginning and end of quarters or trimesters.

Before the start of the school year, the Ministry of Education issues an order indicating the total length of study time and rest time. So, in 2018-2019, at least 30 days are allotted for holidays in total. And regardless of whether training is conducted in terms of trimesters or in quarters, students of all schools in the country will have to rest for at least a month for the whole year (not counting the summer break).

Scenario for 1st grade "Holiday of the first school holidays"

Goal: Building a team of children and parents. Development of creative abilities of students.

Teacher: Dear Guys! Dear guests! Today, for the first time in our class, we celebrate a holiday, which, unfortunately, happens only once in a lifetime.
Here is a cozy hall for the first time
He brought us together for the holiday.
For the holiday of the first school holidays.
Do you know what the word "vacation" means? It's a dog. Yes, yes, in Latin "canis" is a dog. The ancient Romans called the vacation the brightest star in the constellation Canis Major - Sirius. Vacation Sirius appeared annually in the sky in July, at the very height of summer according to our calendar. During the hottest time, pupils and students are exempt from classes. In honor of the star, these days were nicknamed vacation, vacations. Now vacation is called not only summer vacation, but generally a break in learning. But for the holidays to appear, there must be a school with lessons. Really guys?

1 uch... From year to year, six years in a row.
We went to kindergarten
But those days are gone.
Today we are students.

2 account September came and for a lesson
The first bell called us all,
And it will open knowledge to us
A huge world where at the helm
Teachers! Teachers!
And there is no higher rank.

3 account I'm in a hurry, I'm rushing to school.
Hooray! I AM A SCHOOLBOY! I am learning!
And here is my class,
My first class
I will study in it!
I give you my word -
Out of me
A scientist can do it!

4 uch... Wonderful days have come
We go to 1st grade
And many interesting things
We will find out for the first time.

5 uch... We have important concerns
We are schoolchildren now
And we each have
Notebooks and briefcase.

Teacher: Now we will check what each first grader should have in his portfolio. Guess riddles.
1. In this narrow box you will find pencils, pens, pens, paper clips, buttons - anything for your soul. (Pencil case)
2. If you hone it, draw whatever you want!
Sun, sea, mountains, beach - what is it? ... (Pencil)
3. Now I'm in a cage, then in a ruler. Manage to write on me,
you can draw. What am I? ... (Notebook)
4. I carry a new house in my hand,
The door of the house is locked.
Here the tenants are paper
All are terribly important. (Portfolio)

6 account. Here at school they teach us to read,
Write and sing and paint
Learning the roles.
Blackboard and chalk and pencil
And watercolors and gouache
Watch in the corridor.
Teacher: Yes, of course, the guys have new worries, new responsibilities, the first tasks and the first problems, which, of course, help the most dear people: mothers, fathers and grandmothers.


Boy: Today is my first time
I'm going to first grade.
I will try in everything
The best to be a student.
Mom and Dad told
Mom: How to behave at a desk:
For example, you can't lie
The desk is not a bed.
Boy: I intend to sit straight,
As my mother taught me.
I want to ask, say
You just need to raise your hand.
Mom: And you can't talk to anyone,

So as not to disrupt the lessons.
Boy: Thirty-five minutes lesson,
To hold out for the whole period!
Mom: Don't yawn, don't relax.
You have to try the best.
Boy: I will obey my mother,
With her, I will definitely be the first.

SONG __________________________________________________________________

7 uch... Oh, and a difficult task -
Clean, write correctly!
The student has a desire
Tell you about it!

8 account. We are now students.
We have no time for a walk.
Hooks set on the house
First task!
Here we are with mom at the table
We lead down, we lead, we lead -
Round off smoothly!

9 uch... But nasty hooks
With pointed noses
From under my arm
They crawl out by themselves!
We don't watch TV
We don't read fairy tales
We sit for three hours, sit
Round off smoothly.

11 account. We wrote in a row
Many, many lines.
Just to write
A small hook.
Evening. Late. Let's go to sleep
We immediately fall asleep.
And in a dream we lead, we lead,
Round off smoothly.
Game "Collect words"
(The class is divided into 5 teams, each has 5 players. Participants receive an envelope containing 5 cards with letters.
Task: collect the word faster than everyone else, line up and read it in chorus.

Teacher: And why did the word AUTUMN appear among the words on the school theme? (school time starts in autumn)
Something frowns the weather.
The clouds are coming.
Suddenly it got cold.
The rain starts.
SONG ___________________________________________________________________

Teacher: Autumn is a glorious time!
Loves autumn kids.
Plums, pears, grapes
Everything is ripe for the guys.
Autumn is rich in fruits and vegetables. But in our class there is also a harvest of birthday people.
In September were born: Dyachenko Gleb, Ravilova Sofia, Akulova Anastasia, Dolganova Yulia, Pikuleva Anna.
In October, Chugalaeva Guzel has a birthday.
In November - at Galeva Zlata.

For all birthday people the game "Zhelalka". You have to say yes-yes-yes or no-no-no.
Happy Birthday! -Yes Yes Yes!
And, of course, we wish! Yes Yes Yes!
Be beautiful, kind, sweet! Yes Yes Yes!
And loud and pugnacious! No no no!
To make mommy love! -Yes Yes Yes!
With a strap so you can hit it more often No-no-no1
To give gifts! Yes Yes Yes!
And she fed me with sweets! Yes Yes Yes!

Now let's dance. Dance with balloons. Birthday people dance with their mothers. Between them is a balloon, which they are trying to hold while dancing. You can hold it with your shoulders, heads, stomachs, but not with your hands. Whoever lost the ball sits down.
Applause for the best dance couple.

Teacher: Did you have fun dancing? Why? (Mom was nearby). There is a special day in November, which is celebrated on the last Sunday in November. This is Mother's Day, which is already very close.
12 account. I want to tell my mommy
That there is no kinder person in the world:
And caresses, and feeds, and closes -
No one in the world can replace her!

13 school You are for me, dear, best friend,
I'm not afraid of rain or blizzard with you,
And from the bottom of my heart, mommy, I say
That I love you so much!

Teacher: And let's give mothers a song with which we performed at the Battle of Choirs competition
SONG ____________________________________________________

Teacher: Your parents have more worries.
The school brought a lot of trouble.
They have a good useful order,
And our class will try harder!

Parting words from parents

1 parent:
Now the desired hour has come
You are enrolled in grade 1
You friend, listen to us
We will give you an order.

2 parent:
Accustom yourself to order
Don't play hide and seek with things
Treasure every thing.

3 parent:
Dress neatly
To look pleasant
Don't giggle in class
Don't move the chair back and forth.

4 parent:
Don't tease, don't be arrogant
Try to help everyone at school
Don't frown in vain, be brave
And you will find yourself friends.

5 parent:
Dozhzhen know you perfectly well
Not to study is not decent
You learn the program
Don't upset mom.

6 parent:
You are brought up, be polite
Don't forget to say hello.

7 parent:
To be always healthy
Eat porridge, kefir and pilaf
Listen to mom, dad, everyone
And the teachers are the most.

8 parent:
Tell everyone about the school
Treasure the honor of the school
Learn to write, learn to count
To get a five.

Teacher: And now a song for everyone ____________________________________
Our holiday has come to an end. We invite everyone to tea.

Any work should be replaced by a respite, therefore, for pupils and students, several weeks of serene time in the academic year 2016-2017 are provided. Vacation is loved by everyone, without exception, guys. Especially, the youngest schoolchildren are waiting for the first vacation.

This is their first legal rest, which the kids have earned by exemplary study within the walls of the school. Not only children, but also parents are concerned about the issue of school holidays. Knowing the exact schedule of your child's fall, winter, spring and summer vacation will help you better plan your family vacation, in accordance with the choice of place and time for the vacation.

Moms and dads, whose children went to school for the first time in the 2016-2017 academic year, already from September 1 want to know when and what they will be holidays for first graders in 2017... According to the established tradition of the last few years, students of the first grades are provided with additional rest in winter. In what numbers it will be and how long, you will learn from our article.

Such different vacations

Not all schools have the same vacation time. The Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation makes recommendations regarding the start and end dates of school vacations, however, the school administration, headed by the school director, can independently set the terms of vacations for their school curriculum.

If you follow the recommendations of the Ministry of Education of our country, the rest from school begins at the beginning of the week, that is, on Monday. Sometimes this nuance is not taken into account at all and the start of the vacation can be postponed, for example, to Wednesday.

Often, autumn holidays start from the last week of October, winter holidays start from the last week of December, spring holidays start from the last week of March, and three months of hot summer are reserved for summer holidays.

The main difference in the time frame is the school administration's choice of teaching method. As you know, there are two training systems for Russian schools:

  1. By quarters;
  2. By trimester.

If the school has chosen the system of teaching in quarters, then in the academic year 2016-2017 the following vacation schedule will be established:

  • : last week of October - first week of November (9 days);
  • : the last days of December and ten days of January (two weeks of New Year's holidays);
  • additional winter holidays for first grades and for students of correctional classes (7 days);
  • : end of March (7 days);
  • : three months in summer.

If the school administration has chosen a trimester way of teaching, then the vacation schedule for the 2016-2017 academic year will differ significantly from the school vacation schedule, which studies in quarters: children will study for five weeks, and then rest for a week. Thus, all nine academic months will be trained, the only exception will be the winter holidays, which will last two weeks for absolutely all schoolchildren in Russia.

Vacation schedule for first graders for the academic year 2016-2017

For first graders, rest from school is especially important, because this is their first acquaintance with school life. Plus, given the increased workload compared to kindergarten, it becomes clear that kids need a vacation that is somewhat different from a vacation for older children.

So, for first-graders, the main school holidays remain the same as for the rest, but they still go on vacation a little earlier.

In addition, additional holidays have been set for first grade students (as well as for correction classes), implying one week of winter holidays in excess of those that are allowed for children according to the main vacation schedule. This is a kind of bonus in the third, which is considered the longest and most difficult, quarter of the academic year. And since children at this so tender age are still extremely tired from mental and emotional stress, it is better to give them the opportunity to rest for another week. Most often, these holidays begin at the end of February and do not last more than a week.

Vacation schedule for 2016-2017 in quarters for first graders:

  • autumn holidays: from October 31, 2016 to November 6, 2016;
  • additional winter holidays: from February 21, 2017 to February 28, 2017;
  • spring break: from March 27, 2017 to April 2, 2017;

Vacation schedule for 2016-2017 by terms for first graders:

  • autumn vacation:
  1. from October 6, 2016 to October 12, 2016,
  2. from November 17, 2016 to November 24, 2016;
  • winter holidays: from December 26, 2016 to January 10, 2017;
  • additional winter holidays: from February 15, 2017 to February 22, 2017;
  • spring break: from April 5, 2017 to April 11, 2017;
  • summer holidays: from May 26, 2017 to August 31, 2017.

The first year at school is the most exciting and difficult time for the whole family of a first grader. The child is faced with a number of tasks that require the application of intellectual, physical and emotional forces on his part. At the same time, this period is becoming an equally difficult probationary period for parents. In order for children to successfully adapt to learning, the task of the school is to correctly distribute the loads, alternating them with good rest.

In addition to the generally mandatory SanPiN requirements for the organization of an elementary school, the Ministry of Education issues an order annually indicating the total length of the school year and the time of rest. In addition, additional vacations are provided for first graders to minimize overload and stress. When will first-graders have holidays in 2018-2019?

Elementary school vacations

According to the legislation, for classical four-semester education, it is provided that in the period from September 1 to May 28, schoolchildren are allocated at least 30 days for vacations. The final decision on the start and end of the vacation weeks rests with the school administration. All dates and durations in weeks are recorded in the annual chart.

For Russian schools of all types, some educational regulations are also valid, according to which:

  • the date cannot be shifted by more than 2 weeks;
  • students' rest must begin on Monday;
  • between quarters - at least 7 days off;
  • a break in the summer must be at least 2 months;
  • the school year cannot start and end on Sunday.

It should also be borne in mind that the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation makes adjustments a few months before the start of the school year, therefore, it will be possible to find out the exact dates of holidays for first-graders in 2018-2019 not earlier than the spring of the coming year. Although, based on the experience of previous years, an indicative schedule can be drawn up today.

Holidays at a regular school

Educational institutions, which divide the year into 4 quarters, set a break after each. Moreover, in winter it usually lasts 2 weeks, and in summer - 3 months.

Autumn vacation

The first vacation for first graders in 2018-2019 should take place in the last week of October and the first of November. Everyone will have one extra day off due to an important public holiday - National Unity Day, which is celebrated on Sunday 4 November. According to the project to postpone the holidays, it will be moved to Monday. As a result, the primary school will be able to rest from October 29 to November 6.

Plans for New Year's weekend are not yet known, but the timing may differ from the usual 10 days of rest.

Winter holiday

New Year's holidays for first graders in 2018-2019 will take place almost simultaneously with adults, so you can go on a trip together or spend time at home with your family. Usually they last 2 weeks, that is, they should start on Wednesday 26.12.18 and last until 08.01.19 inclusive. But a proposal is already being considered to start the weekend for elementary grades from 24, so the last school day may already be December 21. Due to the fact that the New Year holidays and especially the Nativity of Christ fall on the winter weekend, which should be postponed, then, presumably, all schoolchildren will return to school only on Wednesday, January 9th.

Additional rest for first graders

For first-graders who are just beginning to adapt to school life, the law provides for an additional respite. Most likely, this will be the last week of February - early March. And although the dates 25.02.19-03.03.19 are indicative, 22.02.19 may well become the last school day for 1 grade. This week should help young schoolchildren recuperate.

spring Break

After the most difficult and longest III quarter, a long-awaited spring break is provided. High school students will need to focus on preparing for exams, and for first graders and their parents, this is a great opportunity to learn something interesting and new. Based on the experience of previous years, the spring break is likely to take place from March 25 to March 31, 2019.

Summer vacation

This is the most anticipated respite and usually lasts at least 3 months. But according to the law, the minimum break between academic years can be 2 months. Due to the possibility of force majeure circumstances, the duration of the summer vacation is at the discretion of the school administration. If for a number of good reasons the school was closed, the students study longer. Although in practice this does not happen very often. In 2019, first-graders, as usual, will be the first to go on vacation and, most likely, by the 20th of May they will be able to finish their first year of learning the unknown and the new.

According to the law "On Education of the Russian Federation", each school independently chooses a quarter or trimester education system.

Trimester vacation

For schools with a relatively new teaching methodology for Russia, where the trimester lasts 11 weeks, while the seven-day breaks are repeated cyclically every 5 weeks of study. Although the vacation schedule differs from schools with a traditional educational system, the New Year and summer holidays have the same duration.

In 2018-2019, the holidays for first-graders of educational institutions who have chosen modular training will take place between trimesters as follows:

  • I - October 8-14;
  • II - November 19-25;
  • III - from December 29 to January 9 (New Year's holidays)

  • IV - February 18-24;
  • V - April 8-14;
  • VI - summer break will start from the end of May-1 June to 31 August.

This educational method attracts many parents, as it makes it possible to make plans in advance. At the same time, all conditions are created for children to take a break from an intense schedule and return to school with a new impulse.

Of course, all vacation dates for first graders in 2018-2019. are speculative and based directly on calculating the total length of the school year and planned holidays, so they may be subject to minor adjustments by Knowledge Day.

Deviations from the planned dates

A vacation schedule can be changed for a variety of reasons. So, in winter, when outside temperatures are below 25 ° C, classes for grade 1 are not held. Although if the temperature is higher, but the wind speed is stronger, which increases the frost, the school administration has the right to declare a weekend. A similar situation if the air temperature in the classrooms falls below 18 ° C.

Unplanned weekends may also be declared during peak incidence periods. This usually happens during an epidemic of influenza and acute viral infections. If more than 30% of schoolchildren are sick, then the school must be quarantined.


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