Big paper egg. How to make an Easter egg from paper origami step-by-step for beginners

Big paper egg. How to make an Easter egg from paper origami step-by-step for beginners

By sound, this word resembles some kind of sport, but it is not. Quilling is a technique with which you can make crafts from colored paper with bright drawings and unusual mosaics. It is according to this technique today we will try to make an Easter egg convex formwhich will serve as decoration to the holiday.

The Quilling technique came to us from Japan, because it's no secret that the Japanese is a very smart nation, choose only the best. Surely each of you is familiar with the technique of drawing anime, that is, with the art of Manga. And if the latter is aimed at making high-quality and interesting cartoons, then the "Quilling technique" will help make an Origami-egg for a light and beloved every holiday of Easter. Now consider all the important stages of this process.

We will pay attention not only to how to make an egg from paper, but also on that, queening, than it is noteworthy and what result can be expected from gifts of such an unusual format. If you are interested in this - this article will definitely not leave you indifferent.

Despite the current view that crafts from paper have long been popular, there are a lot of gifts made with their own hands and beneficially different from ordinary stores. It is necessary to remember that when you make a similar souvenir, you try to put the soul into it, give him beauty and grace, and this will accurately appreciate the one who you are going to hand your creation. Even if it is sometimes spent enough a large number of time, however it is worth it. Materials for our today's crafts will need a little, as the time requested to create it. The most important thing is to know how to make an egg from paper. And it is in this that the technique of Quilling will help us.

The first thing we need to craft is a billet in the form of an egg. You can use the usual shell or make the basis using the Papier-Masha technique - the choice is yours. The most important thing is that the workpiece is carefully dried, because glue feels badly on a wet surface. In addition to the workpiece, we will need paper of several colors: yellow, white, pink, salad and dark green; awl; And a small line.

So how to make an egg from paper for Easter?

For those who are not familiar with the "Paper-Masha" technique, tell. You must take the usual cleaned from the inside the shell. In a small bowl, pour warm water mixed with PVA glue, and lower the newspaper sliced \u200b\u200bon the squares. When it wet enough, pull it out and glue into a few layers. The workpiece should dry the night, after which it is possible to break up with a needle and pull out the inner shell, leaving only the paper base.

The next stage of how to make an egg from paper is the manufacture of jewelry. To do this, come up with the pattern and cut colored paper Thin stripes. You can come up with a drawing consisting of sun, herbs and colors, because it is very easy to play.

Sliced \u200b\u200bstrips are spinning with sewing. It is necessary to do this for a long time so that the paper does not turn on the egg. It is worth remembering that the ribbons are twisted in different ways, that is, some stronger, and the other is weaker.

When all ribbons are ready, we apply a little glue on their tips and fastened on the egg according to the planned pattern. We give some time to dry, and patted the missing fragments (butterflies, tucho). Easter egg The technique of queening is ready.

Easter - a great bright holiday. Surely, many since childhood remains associated with him a feeling of something extraordinary, purity and prosperity. And multicolored eggs - an indispensable attribute - not just like food, but rather as a toy-bellish. At all times to give and exchange eggs - wish for good and well-being. Ways, how to make an Easter egg, not one dozen. Many of them are so easy and fascinating that they like the child. The result of joint leisure for creative occupation is a unique souvenir - will please love others, and Easter mood will be transferred to the child.

Important: Only natural dyes and bonding agents are used for painting and decorating boiled chicken eggs. If you need to use glue, paint, then it is impossible to use such an egg in food. In order for it longer to retain its attractiveness as a souvenir and did not deteriorate, recommend using only egg shell. In the egg, you need to pierce two holes (on top and bottom) and pour (blow) content. So that the fragile shell is broken during manipulation over it, it is filled with plaster, mounting foam or simply fall asleep. You can also use ready-made wooden, gypsum, foam eggs.

Easter egg from Papier Masha

Everyone familiar from school lessons of labor with the teacher-mache technique. With it, it creates a variety of crafts, including decorations for Easter.

You will need:
White paper;
Colorful fastener or corrugated paper;
flour or starch;

Operating procedure:
1. Inflate a small ball. You can hang it for a string or use the stand for the convenience of work.
2. All paper must be cut into squares.
3. Make a hubber from flour or starch.
4. Spag every square in the holter, glue on the ball, smoothing the folds. The first layer of strong paper, then a few of the white and final - a strong again.
5. Give craft to dry.
6. Flow the ball and take it out.
7. Draw an oval window and cut it.
8. Decorate the edges of the window with pieces of paper striking in the balls and taped in the celener.
9. Top to secure the tape tied with a bow.
10. Inside, it is possible to put the corrugated green-colored corrugated paper - it's like grass - and put a souvenir or made of chicken threads.

Gentle, air, very cute and simple performed

Another great version of the gift surprise: carefully cut the finished shell, put inside sweets or souvenir. Pack by inserting a thread to open a surprise.

Torn for the rope - surprise!

Easter souvenirs from threads

Using similar techniques, you can make an egg from threads. To do this, you will need: ball, thread, glue and small parts for the decor. Mine thread glue should be wrapped around the ball, give dry, remove the ball and decorate the ready-made frame of beads, ribbons, butchers.

Charming Easter bunnies will decorate the children's

But this method of decorations is far from the only one. Using the foam as a basis (it allows you to stick pin), you can create an egg from threads with a finished openwork window.

It will take:
foam egg;
film (so that the threads are not glued to the base);
Ribbon and decor.

It is necessary to collect such a crawl from two halves - to do the front and rear separately, because it is impossible to pull out the basis. Halves glue together and decorated with a tape on the tone at the place of the joint.

Another interesting filament weaving technique

Crafts from threads - Decoration of any corner in the house

Easter egg bead

Highly popular way Decorations. Such an egg looks very rich, brushing something on the jewelry like famous Faberge. But it is quite difficult to make such an Easter egg, do not master at least elementary blending technique. Special weaving schemes allow you to draw pictures with beads.

Stunning paintings from beads - almost a work of art

However, there is simple options Manufacturing such eggs.

  • Option 1. The workpiece to deceive with glue and carefully dig in the bead. By the way, the same method can be used to prepare edible Easter eggs using a protein instead of glue and sprinkle for confectionery products.

Foodflowing in the role of egg decor

  • Option 2. If there is a reserve of patience to reproduce the drawing, gluing the biserini tweezers of the desired colors. Use better glue "moment"

Beads in the roles of springs and drawings from beads

  • Option 3. Hide beads on a long thin wire, fishing line or thread. Moving along the spirals, glue the rolled beads to the workpiece. If you use the beads of different colors, you can get interesting patterns.

Very original colors

  • Option 4. Another original and simple method for which you will need:

narrow ribbons;
Portnovo pins;
Actually, the egg from the foam.

The essence of the work: to ride a beerink on each pin-carnation, then a sequence and prank to the egg. It is also more convenient to move along the spiral, mounted rows of beads and sequins with rows of ribbons.

Many pins and painstaking work, but the result is worth

Easter eggs with appliqués

Appliques do not require special efforts and skills, and you can make them from anything, creating an infinite number of bright decorative souvenirs. For applications, they use that the hand will come under hand: fabric, napkins, colored paper, thread moulin, and in addition, pasta, cereals and shells of already painted eggs.

Bright appliques from threads and paper

In the course of cereals and pasta

You can decorate the shell ... shell!

You choose the decor, glued to the workpiece arbitrarily or laid the pattern, decorated with sparkles, rhinestones, foil - voila, quickly and easily!

You can apply the decoupage technique. You will additionally need acrylic primer, paint and varnish. Operating procedure:
1. The workpiece is degreasing, process to.
2. Paint acrylic paint in two or three layers using a sponge.
3. Cut parts of the pattern from the decorative napkin.
4. Printed with diluted PVA glue.
5. Give dry.
6. Covered varnish in several layers.

Gentle romantic decoupage

Easter crafts in vintage style

Little, but tasteful, but very unusual Easter eggs: the master class is presented below.

It will take:
PVA glue and "moment";
Buttons, decor;
Coffee and cinnamon as dyes.

Operating procedure:
1. To break the finely newspaper.
2. Stick the mustache with the help of PVA and smooth out the pieces of the newspaper on the workpiece.
3. Damage to dry.
4. From water, PVA glue, coffee and cinnamon make a solution for toning.
5. Apply a brush toning solution.
6. Cove the layer of varnish or PVA glue.
7. Decorate with lace and decorative elements.

Old newspapers are sometimes impressed by the most unusual way.

Easter decorations from ribbons

Such stylish, elegant eggs will become a worthy decoration of the interior - the chest or a fireplace shelf. Satin ribbons give special chic and extravagance such decorative elements. In performed, they are notable and do not require special training: the workpiece, ribbon, bilateral scotch and rhinestones are needed (optional).

Operating procedure:
1. Glit tape from above and below.
2. Attach the ends of ribbons to the scotch.
3. Carefully pulling the ribbons, wrap the workpiece.
4. Fasten the ends with a hairpin.
5. From a separate tape to make a decoration: folded in half, consolidate the angle and shift the tails in turn before the formation of the accordion. Secure the second end.
6. Sew the decoration on the helix.
7. Fix the tails with rhinestones or pebbles.

Also from ribbons you can make bows, flowers, decorate the stand under the souvenir.

Complex at first glance, the work is not so difficult

Impressant stylish result

Unusually beautiful, bright, festive crafts in the crewing technique please gaze, enthusiastically and die. But you should not envy the possessing this technique - it is better to take paper for queening, a special tool (at first there will be awl, toothpick, a big needle) and try to do the paper yourself. All complex patterns in quilling consist of a variety of small standard elements, which are not so difficult to create - a little slightly.

Thin paper strips are screwed into rolls. Rolls are relaxed, the tip is fixed with glue. For sheets and petals Rolls are compressed at the edges. Every detail should be labeled with glue in places of the biggest contact of curls, excess glue to clean.

Ready details are pushed into glue and laid out the pattern based on.

For such a handicraft, there are enough two simple queen elements

The result is excellent!

Crafts and decorations for Easter are an excellent version of family leisure, and finished gifts made by their own hands, with soul and fantasy - a wonderful tribute to the Easter traditions and related values. Try all the charm of creating your own little masterpiece can each!

From our article you will learn how you can make an Easter egg with your own hands.

In our country, Easter loves as New Year And christmas. That is why most people begins to prepare for this bright day prematurely. And the first thing they do, they begin to prepare pleasant surprises for the closest and relatives.

Most people simply go to the nearest shopping center and buy the desired number of Easter souvenirs there. Of course, you can do this and you. But if you want your present to really like your household, then try to make it with your own hands.

Easter egg do it yourself from beads: schemes

Easter egg bead

Scheme number 1.

Scheme number 2.

Scheme number 3.

Some novice needlewomen think that it is impossible to decorate the egg with beads without special skills. In fact, the beads is precisely the decorative material with which he can even handle small child. In case you, in general, you can not imagine what a beading is, then use the most simple method Decoration of Easter egg beads.

To begin with, mix in a small bowl of different beads in a small bowl, and then take a plaster egg pre-lubricated with glue and cutting it as much as possible in bright beads. After they completely cover the entire surface, gently put it dry. After 6 o'clock, the Easter egg can be beautifully packaged and give the sister or close girlfriend.

Master class on pasting eggs thread from beads:

  • To begin with, take a natural or artificial egg (it can be made of wood or gypsum), the most carefully degreased it and let it dry.
  • While it will occur begin to make a thread of beads. Take an ordinary line or a thin wire and start to ride bright beads on it. Since later you will rerupt this billet, you can immediately gain a big length.
  • Next, we take an egg in your hands, lubricate it with the widest part of glue and gently form the first circle of beads. We wait until he grab a little, again lubricate the surface of the Easter egg with glue and get another row on it.
  • We continue such actions while the entire surface of our present will not close the thread from beads. After that, we leave it alone at least 10 hours and only after this time we attach a string for it, for which it can be switched.

If you wish, a simple thread of beads can be replaced with some beautiful pattern. Above, we offered you some interesting schemes that will make your gift for a truly original.

Easter egg do it yourself from paper from origami modules: instruction

Figure No. 1. Figure No. 2.

Figure No. 3.

To make an Easter egg in the technique of modular origami you will need only colored paper, scissors and a little patience. If you wish, you can also additionally miss the fastening parts of the PVA glue, in this case the finished product will be stronger.


  • First of all, take the colored paper and fold it as shown in Figure No. 1. Do not be lazy and make the right amount of blanks immediately. If you want to create an interesting pattern, then make the blanks in 2 or 3 different colors.
  • In the next step you can start connecting ready-made modules with each other. How to do this correctly shown in Figure # 2. Try to do everything as correct as possible, because if at least one model gets wrong, the festive handicraft may not work.
  • After several full-fledged circles are formed from the models, go directly to the creation of an Easter egg. Recommendations for the collection of origami models can be found in Figure No. 3. In order for your workload to acquire the desired form, gradually reduce the number of models that use to create the next row.

Easter egg do it yourself from paper in appliqué technique

Aplikation Easter egg

Template №1 Template number 2. Template number 3.

Since the technique of appliqués does not require any special skills, then such an Easter egg can be done even with a small child.

To create it, you will need:

  • Colored cardboard
  • Colored paper
  • Satin ribbons
  • Scissors
  • The easiest pattern


  • Take the cardboard of suitable color, attach a pattern to it and circle it with a simple pencil
  • Next, take the scissors and carefully cut the drawing according to the resulting contour
  • At the time, set it aside and deal with the manufacture of decor
  • Cut out of colored paper several flowers, green leaves, vendors or small chicken branches
  • The resulting billets are glued to a cardboard egg so that in the end you got an interesting story
  • If you want to decorate the Easter application with small satin bows

Easter egg crochet: scheme, description

Scheme number 1.

Scheme number 2.

Scheme number 3.

A knitted Easter egg to eat, of course, it is impossible, but this souvenir will definitely be a beautiful gift. And if you still try to make it exclusively from the threads and a cotton or synthetic filler, then in the end you will get a pretty cute toy for a child.

Also, such knitted presents can be used to decorate the house. Since they are practically weightless, you can decorate the window with them, just chaotic hacking them on wooden branches.

Process description:

  • So, type the desired number of air loops and connect them to the circle. It will be a wider part of the egg
  • At the next stage, we start with each loop to encourage two
  • Next, knit a number of simple airbags
  • Then they see the row, making the addition through one loop
  • After that, we again knit a number of ordinary viscous
  • Next, we again make the addition on each second loop
  • After that, I have 4-6 rows by an ordinary column
  • If you all did right, then you will get half the eggs
  • Next, start alternating simple rows with rows in which the outflow will be applied in each second loop
  • Continue to knit so while the billet hole closes

Easter egg made of pasta and balloon

Easter egg from Macaron: Recommendations for the manufacture

Easter eggs from pasta are always very beautiful. Such decorative material can be painted by any paint tools available to you, it can be both ordinary paint for drawing and aerosol. Also in this case, you will have the opportunity to choose the size of the future of the Easter Present.

If you wish, you can make it as big as possible. Yes, and if you want to get a very beautiful thing, then use pasta to create pasta in the form of butterflies, feathers, circles, seashells and flowers.

  • First of all, think about what kind you want to get an egg, and then inflate the ball to the desired size (it is desirable that it is oval form).
  • In order for it to be more stable, put it in a porcelain bowl. In the event that you are making an Easter egg in which candy or cookies can be placed, then notice the place the place of the proposed slot.
  • Next, we wat the tassel with glue and wrap it small plot balloon. Gently lay this part by the Macarona and give them a little grab.
  • Continue such actions while all the ball space will not be filled with pasta. At this stage, the blank is simply set down to the side until complete drying.
  • As soon as you see that the glue is completely drying, you can burst the ball and gently get it out of the resulting shell.
  • In principle, if you like, what happened, you can simply paint the egg in the right color and make it a loop.
  • If you want something more original, you can try to decorate an Easter egg with an additional pattern of pasta, ribbons and large beads.

Easter eggs do it yourself from threads

Recommendations for the manufacture

Ideas for needlewoman

The Easter egg from the thread is made on the same principle as the previous hand. In this case, you will also need to inflate the ball to the desired size, and then the threads of the selected color as close as possible. If you want your egg to get more colorful, then you can try to periodically add other color threads.

When you see that the entire surface of the ball is covered with threads, take a brush and with its help a plenty of glue billet. Make everything as carefully as possible, not missing the smallest site. When this process is finished, put the ball in a bowl and wait for the glue to completely dry. As soon as it happens, you will need to burst the ball and carefully get it through some hole.

But still remember that in this case there are nuances of the manufacture of an Easter egg. If you want it to be as easy as possible and openwork, then wrap the ball in such a way that through the lumeges between the threads was well visible its color. In case, as a result, you want to get the product as much as possible on the egg, then try to wind the ball without the slightest lumen.

Easter eggs do it yourself from papier-mache

Bright Easter eggs

Papier-Masha Eggs

With the help of a papier-mache technique, you too can create a non-standard Easter egg, if you wish, you can cut the circle in it of the desired size and your product will be hollow. This will optionally decorate the Easter Deliver also from the inside. As for the form that will be punctured by paper, then in this case you will have a choice.

Depending on what you want to obtain in the end, you can use the same air ball or gypsum blank. You can buy the last one in the store for needlework or make it yourself, just bay a gypsum solution in the mold from the kinder.


  • Bright napkins and white paper in advance.
  • Lubricate the ball with a thick layer of glue and start laying out the first layer of napkins.
  • When you finish, lubricate it with glue and repeat the procedure.
  • Next, we are making the napkins by ordinary white paper, we rinse it with glue, and then put 2-3 layers of napkins again.
  • If you do not do hollow egg, then use white paper optional.
  • In order for the Easter handicraft to withstand an additional decor, you must have at least 8 layers of paper on the ball.
  • Next, we wait until all the layers are dried, take the ball from the received eggs and decorate it with ribbons, beads and waters.

Easter eggs from newspaper tubes

Eggs from newspaper tubes

Scheme for weaving №1

Scheme for weaving №2

Scheme for weaving №3

Scheme for weaving №4

If you really want to surprise your household, then try to make an Easter egg from newspaper tubes. The product is woven enough easily, so if you wish, you can quickly quickly make a large number of different festive presents. In case you do not plan to continue to cry out their paint, then take a newspaper with color drawings for the manufacture of tubes.

Yes, and remember, in order for the egg to be fine, the tubes must have the same size and in no case should not be very thick. For those who will first make a similar craft, we present the attention of an interesting master class.

Easter eggs do it yourself from salted dough

Easter egg made in the first way

Easter eggs made in second way

Start the manufacture of such an Easter craft is necessary from the preparation of the test. In order for it to be correct, you will need to take in equal parts of salt and flour, mix all this with a small amount of ordinary water and knead the steep dough.

So that it is more supplied, you can add 2-3 spoons of PVA glue. As soon as the dough is ready, it will be possible to start forming eggs. They can be done in two ways.

The first way:

  • Roll the dough into a thin layer and with the help of molds cut the desired number of eggs
  • Take a pencil or wand and punch in the workpieces received
  • Come on the billets in the oven, let them cool down, and then draw as you please

The second way:

  • Make out of food foil Blank oval shape
  • Lay it in pre-rolling dough and dry a bit at room temperature
  • After that, send it to the oven for 3-4 hours, and then get it and start decoking

Crafts: Easter egg from tapes in Kanzashi technique: Instructions, photo

Easter egg from tapes in Kanzashi technique


Kanzashi technique suggests use to decorate satin ribbons. And since it will not be able to glue them, then you will fasten them with each other you will be sewing pins. For this reason, it will be better if you buy or make the desired shape of the foam. Since this material has a soft structure, then you will be able to stick the right amount of pins into it without much effort.

For the manufacture of Easter crafts in Kansan's techniques you will need:

  • Quality satin ribbon.
  • Sharp scissors
  • Sewing pins
  • Form from foam
  • Lighter


  • First of all, cut the satin tape into pieces and fall out their edges with a lighter (if you want, you can replace the lighter on the candle).
  • Next, fold each square in such a way that a triangle gets from it, and then bend it the edges to the middle, fit them with a flame and press it well to each other.
  • As a result, you should get blanks, visually reminiscent of small floral petals.
  • Petals prepared in this way, it is necessary to take one by one, apply on the shape of the foam and fix them with a pin.
  • Start the formation of an Easter egg is best with the narrowest part of the craft. Putting the petals should be rows, carefully fixing them with pins.

Crafts: Easter egg from ribbons in artichoke technique: Instructions, photo

Easter egg from ribbons in artichoke technique

Easter egg from ribbons

Egg in artichoke technique

Artichoke technique is something like Kanzansh's technique. In this case, you will also need to use satin ribbons, though they will cut on the longer pieces. They will need to be added in a special way, directly on the foam blank and fasten the sewing pins.


Figure No. 1.
  • First, take the satin ribbon and cut it into pieces. Depending on the magnitude of the finished product, their length can range from 8 to 15 centimeters. After that take a piece satin ribbon Put it on a foam form, bended as shown in Figure # 1 and fix the pin.
Figure No. 2.
  • Having formed the first petal and consolidating it, start doing the next one. To do this, place the tape as close as possible near the first petal and secure it with pins. How this is done correctly shown in Figure 2.
Figure No. 3.
  • Form such petals, lay them with rows until you completely cover the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe workpiece. When you get to the tops, make a petitioner from pieces of satin tape and enter it to the upper petal with ordinary threads (Figure No. 3).

Crafts: Easter egg from tapes in quilling technique

Idea for Easter Qwill

Figure No. 2.

Make an Easter egg in a quilling technique in several ways. The first will be suitable even to those people who have never been involved in a needlework. In this case, you will need to make a multicolored tape of the desired diameter of the circle, and then gently form one half of the egg from the obtained billet. To do this, it will be necessary to press a finger to the center of the circle and gently bother it out.

After that, in the same way, you will need to make a second half of the festive product, and then with the help of glue to bore them together. The second way is more complicated, but the result will turn out more interesting. In this case, you will first need to make a gypsum blank, prepare a bulk paper decor, and then fix it with glue.

Decoupage and decoration of Easter wooden eggs

Pink Easter egg

Easter egg B. vintage style

Rural ornament on Easter egg

Decoupage technique is more suitable for decorating wooden Easter eggs. Due to the fact that the paper is almost instantly glued to the tree, you can quickly create a real masterpiece. But remember, before proceeding directly to decorating, the wooden workpiece must be sabotaged by the smallest sandpaper, and then degrease.

Only in this case can you place the pattern on the surface as smoothly and correctly. As for the decoration of such festive products, then here you will definitely not be limited in choosing. If you wish, you can decorate a ready-made egg by beads, rhinestones, waters, multicolored ribbons, bright ribbons and even dried flowers.

Video: Easter eggs from plastic

Paper Machine technique is widely used for the manufacture of products of different shapes and sizes. Several centuries ago, only dolls were made by this method, and then the scenery for the theater. Finished products are light, so they are still used to decorate the scene. If you want to teach a child to make crafts in paper technician and master the shafts of needlework, try starting with simple forms. Make it easier to do Papier Masha Egg, in which you can even put a beautiful gift.


- balloon;

- PVA glue;

- Tish or napkin paper.

We make an egg in the technique of papier-mâché

If you want to make a beautiful then pick up the paper with a sequence of suitable coloring and cut it into squares. After that, inflate the ball of the appropriate size and lubricate its surface with cream so that then the craft is easy to separate.

Wait for the egg drying and mark in the form of an oval in the center. When the handful will dry out completely, make an incision with sharp scissors, blow and pull out the ball. Correct the shape of the hole. You can land a bird from sisal or paper.

Inside such a craft can be put beads, candy or chicks.

How to make a huge egg from papier-mache

Technique allows you to implement any ideas, so you can make not only small eggs, but also a large size. Form and dimensions of products depend mainly from the initial billet. The easiest way to make a large base for egg is to sew it from the old duvette and fill in some unnecessary things.

After that, wrap the egg food filmTo give it the necessary form. Your basis is ready. Now take the newspaper, rotate them into pieces and glue the surface of the egg.

When the paper dries, you can sharpen it from above to align the surface and paint the newspaper font.

Make a cut line and with the help of a stationery knife cut the egg.

Crafts from Papier Masha can be used as a healthy material for a photo shoot. Little eggs from paper will be the original way to decorate the interior or pack a small gift.

You probably want to get acquainted with easter eggs master class, After all, a bright religious holiday is not around the corner. With the help of Hendmade, you can create remarkable souvenirs for relatives and loved ones, as well as the original home decor. We made for you an excellent selection of master classes with step-by-step photos - we invite you to get acquainted with her.

Easter egg - master class with step-by-step photo

First of all, we bring to your attention, which are made on the basis of threads. If you will master this technique, you can adequately prepare not only for Easter, because such figurines will be useful and on the eve of the New Year. In the photo-collage below you see the step-by-step making of a large Easter basket in the form of an egg - inside the finished product it will be possible to put a variety of sweets, such as chocolate bunnies and small presents.
First of all, prepare the ass, in which the nickname will be performed. Immerse inside the metro station and pour the PVA glue, the strings must be pretty soaked with glue. Then inflate the balloon to the required size, attach the jammed thread near the "tail" and take for wrecking the ball. No need to stick to some particular sequence, the whole charm just will be imprisoned in a chaotic crossing of threads. When the whole ball is wrapped in full, it will need to be placed on the stand and leave for drying. Do not hurry, because the threads must hardly harden in order to be subsequently canceled.

Somewhere a day, the ball is bursting and removed, it is no longer needed. In the openwork shell, ride the hole (follow the photo above). Well, now it remains only inside to put the Donette, it can be cut, for example, from felt, and decorate the finished basket-egg with a beautiful ribbon.

And here is another option to make such a craft. Step-by-step photos We demonstrate to you the same process except for the sizing step. At first, you need to hide the threads on the ball, and only then with the help of the brush, loss with glue.

As a result, it turns out extremely beautifully beautiful!

Decoupage Easter eggs - master class

- This is a very common technique, because for obtaining dried articles, you do not need to have the talent of the artist. Manufacturers of decoupapable napkins took care of everything - you only need to correctly fulfill all stages of the process.

Let's start with the fact that you can decoupage and ordinary eggs, but it is still better to use the basis for this purpose the basis of a suitable form. Such articles will be durable, pleaseing you every spring.

On the step-by-step photos Below is captured the process of making such blanks - you can do them at home without much difficulty.

Several egg shells should be collected in advance. Before cooking omelet, do not break the shell, make a small hole above and release all the contents. From the inside the shell rinse with water, manual with a syringe. Then it should be placed the collected shells in the tray and flooded inside, for example, gypsum. After it freezes, it is necessary to simply clean the shell and you will be ready for magnificent workpieces. Before glipe on them, it is necessary to pre-primed the surface, it is possible to paint white paint.

The photo below the decoupage process itself is captured.

Paper fragment broken from a napkin with a brush "becomes" to the desired place.

But another magnificent option that uses a very original napkin technique. Quickly read photos below!

Deploy a large napkin with a beautiful pattern, for example, it can be flowers. Wrap the egg blank inside, and cut the paper with scissors. Dairy egg blank with glue - as a result of such disadvantage, you will have a festive egg, fully covered with drawings.

The following option is striking by its originality, and it will certainly like all your relatives.

In advance on fine paper, print photos of all members of your family and with the help of decoupage of the Easter eggs, transfer them to the shell. Now you will see, play traditional Easter games with such eggs will be unusually fun!

Decoupage can be combined with other decoration techniques, which quite successfully proves the photo placed below.

The egg shell in this case is not only decorated with a depicting of luxurious roses in the decoupage technique - decorative holes are also drilled in it, then a fancy volumetric ornament is created. You can also combine decoupage with beadwork, easter eggs from beads scheme master class will help you with it.

If you have the talent of the artist, then you can view the photo-manual below, repeat the outlines of the colors.

This is an unusually delicate version.

Easter egg do it yourself - master class

Bright butchers can adequately decorated festive testicles - see for yourself, looking at the photo below.

To create such a wonderful craft, you should be in advance of the foam egg blank in advance (you can find such in stores selling goods for fans of decorative and applied arts). If you wish, you can handle such a foam piece of foam cleaner, flying a knife and sandpaper.

To attach buttons on the foam, you must use the pins - just pierce the hole in the button in the buttonichka and stuck into the foam. Use buttons of different sizes - your task so that the base can be reduced as little as possible. Well, in order for the aircraft to be colorful, you should take butchers of all colors of the rainbow.

The upper part of the foam blank should be left open. There, with the help of the pin, you should consolidate a tape for hanging. The location of the attachment should be disguised as a button.


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