Games for the day of chocolate for children. Entertainment scenario "World Chocolate Day

Games for the day of chocolate for children. Entertainment scenario "World Chocolate Day

Entertainment for children of the senior group "Sweet tooth"

Holiday script for older children

Author: Repina Yulia Anatolyevna, tutor of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Secondary School No. 285 named after V.A.

Entertainment for children of the senior group "Sweet Tooth".

- to acquaint pupils with the history of chocolate;
- talk about the benefits and dangers of chocolate;
- learn to expressively perform poems,
- to please the children.

Preliminary work:
- a conversation with children about the history of the origin of the holiday “Day of Chocolate”.
- selection of literary material.
- learning poems about sweets.

Tell the children that Chocolate Day is celebrated on July 11th. That chocolate was at first a bitter drink. Then sugar was added for the sweetness. For a long time, chocolate was consumed only in liquid form. The usual tiled form appeared much later. Then milk and various fillers were added to the chocolate ...
... The world's first monument to chocolate was opened on July 1, 2009 in the city of Pokrov, Vladimir region
The celebration takes place in the music hall. The hall is decorated with various pictures with sweets, voluminous dummies of sweets are everywhere.

Children enter the hall to the song "Song of the Sweet Tooth".
- Hello guys! Today we will go to the country of Sweet Tooth. Want to? Yes!!! Then guess the riddles.

He lives in his foil
He quickly melts in his hand.
Very tasty, very sweet
Smears the kids' faces. (Chocolate)

We rustle in the pastry shop
Fantasies are bright.
And for the holiday we want
To get to you with gifts. (Candy)

Mom, honey, where are you?
Get out the service soon.
There are gummy candies

They are called "Kis-kis". (Toffee)

Very often they say:
Children love marmalade
Chocolate candies,
Also important signs,
Cakes, puffs and cookies
Cream, homemade jam
And crispy nuts, -
They just have a sweet tooth.

There was a buffet in our house,
It contained five sweets ...
But one day, one day,
The lights went out in our house
And when they turned on the light
There were no more sweets.
Where are these candies now?
If there were children nearby?
There are so many sweets in the world
The guys like these:
"Caramels", "Lollipops"
And with the name "Starlings"
"Bears", "Squirrels", "Toffee",
"Karakum" and "Barbarisks".
Every sweet has a secret
Sweets have it too.
There is a knock at the door.
- Oh, children who are there? We don’t know. Let's ask. Who's there? (in chorus).
Dunno comes out from behind the curtain (crying).
- Hello Dunno, why are you crying?
- How can I not cry? I went to visit my friends and brought them a box of delicious chocolates. I walked for a long time and got hungry. I decided to eat one candy. The candies turned out to be very tasty, and I did not notice how I ate all the candies (shows an empty box). And now I don't know what to do.
- Will the guys help Dunno? Yes! We will help.
- Guys, look, we have two tables here (covered with a tablecloth).
The teacher raises the tablecloth. Children come up and watch. On the table are plasticine, stacks, modeling boards, napkins for hands.
- Let's make candy for Dunno.
The game "Candy".
Children are divided into two teams. There is a table in front of each team. Whoever blinds more sweets faster is the winner.
Children sculpt. Dunno helps.
- Well done boys. Now let's dance.
Dance "Candy".
Children sit on high chairs.
- Dunno, you liked our dance.
- Yes, I liked it. But what about my candy?
- Oh, guys, we played so hard that we forgot about sweets. So we have already blinded the candies (shows a vase of candies). Guys, it seems to me that our sweets are missing something.
Children's answers.
- Correctly, our sweets need to be wrapped in candy wrappers.
Game "Wrap the candy".
Children are divided into two teams. There is a table in front of each team. On the table are a handful of confectionery and a handful of candy wrappers. Sweets need to be quickly, carefully wrapped in candy wrappers. The team that wrap all the candies faster wins.
After the end of the game, the children put all the candies in the box. And they give it to Dunno.
- Guys, thank you very much, you helped me out. And now it's time for me to say goodbye to you. Bye! See you soon!
- Guys, our journey has come to an end. Did you like it? Let's go to the group, a surprise awaits you there.
Tea tables are set in the group room.

Name: World Chocolate Day, 11 July. Scenario of entertaining leisure for preschoolers of the senior group "And we sing about sweets".
Nomination: Kindergarten, Kindergarten, Lesson notes, GCD, game activities, Senior group

Position: educator
Place of work: MADOU MO Krasnodar "Kindergarten No. 196"
Location: Krasnodar st. Named after Tyulyaev, building 31

Scenario of entertaining leisure for preschoolers of the senior group "And we sing about sweets"
(for World Chocolate Day 11 July).

Fill up the time the guys are in kindergarten positive emotions;

To develop in children observation, ingenuity, logical thinking, the ability to guess riddles;

Develop a team spirit, a desire to take an active part in the preparation and conduct of a common holiday.

The course of the event.

The song "I want candy" (words by B. Troitsky) sounds, the Queen Chocolate with Fairy Candy enters

Queen:-Hello guys! I am the queen of the country of Chocoland, and this is my assistant Fairy Candy.

Fairy Candy: Very often said

Children love marmalade

Chocolate candies

Also important signs

Queen: - Today we invite you to go to the Chocolandy country. Want to? Then guess the riddles.

He lives in his foil
He quickly melts in his hand.
Very tasty, very sweet
Smears the kids' faces. (Chocolate)

We rustle in the pastry shop
Fantasies are bright.
And for the holiday we want
To get to you with gifts. (Candy)

Mom, honey, where are you?
Get out the service soon.
There are gummy candies
They are called "Kis-kis". (Toffee)

Well, fairy Candy, let's take the guys on a trip to our sweet country?

Fairy Candy waves a magic wand and casts the spell CHILDREN TURN TO CANDY. The guys wear headband jewelry.

Queen: -Guys, chocolate day is celebrated on July 11th. Chocolate was originally a bitter drink. Much later, man discovered that some plants can produce a sweet product - sugar. Sugar is made from sugar cane; in distant, warm countries from sugar beet. The sugar that we eat comes from sugar beets. And people began to make sweets and chocolate in bars from sugar.The world's first chocolate monument was opened on July 1, 2009 in the city of Pokrov, Vladimir Region
Now let's remember what sweets you know?

Children's answers.

The winners receive medals.

Queen: -Oh, who is this coming to us?

A bear enters to the song of Winnie the Pooh.

Fairy Candy: - This is a sweet tooth

bear I love chocolate

I also eat marmalade!

I would eat honey

A bit of everything!

Guys, can you imagine, I brought you a bag of sweets. Yes, that's the problem! The bag is lost. Let's find it.

Find the bag game

Misha: -And now let's guess how many sweets are in this wonderful bag.

The winners are awarded medals.

Queen: -Misha, thank you for coming to visit us and bring a gift. For this we will sing you a song about candy.

SONG "I want sweets"

Misha: - What a wonderful song! Do you guys want some more candy? Then I suggest you play an interesting game!

Unfold the candy!
There are two plates in front of the children. Candy on one plate. The children are encouraged to take turns unrolling as many candies as possible and placing them on an empty plate.

Misha: - What a sweet tooth you are! We quickly coped with candy wrappers! Now you can eat the candy.

The winners receive medals.

Fairy Candy: -And let's remember the characters from children's works who loved sweets very much and could not even live without it.

Children's answers.

Queen:-Well done boys. Now let's show the Sweet Tooth Bear how we can dance! ... But the dance will not be easy. Everyone has their own candy wrapper, and when the song ends, guys with the same candy wrappers should find each other and become a pair.

Dance game with paper wrappers.

bear: -Oh, what are you talented. And now I want to test your intelligence. There is a quiz ahead.


1. Served during holidays, celebrations. It might have candles (cake)

2. It is eaten all year round, but most often, of course, in summer (ice cream)

3. Large, sometimes with cabbage, apples, mushrooms (pie)

4. Carlson's favorite dessert (jam)

5. Airy delicacy of white or pink color, very tasty, it comes in chocolate.

6. The famous oriental sweet, often made from ground sunflower seeds (halva)

7. Can be glazed, unglazed and with chocolate filling in candy wrappers or boxes (sweets).

8. Winnie the Pooh couldn't live a day without him (honey)

9. Sweet bar (chocolate)

The winners receive medals.

Queen: - What are you guys smart! And now I will offer you the speed relay!

The game "Free the hoop from candy"

Two speed commands along a chain pass candies from one hoop to another.

The winners receive medals and all sweets.

Fairy Candy: - Excellent! Well done! Chocolate Queen, now the girls will compete against the boys?

The game "Beads from sweets".

The team that made the most beautiful delicious beads wins medals.

Misha: - Oh, I'm already tired! Time to eat!

We are in a sweet fairy tale today
This holiday is just for us!
And let's try it all together
Treats now!
Famous sweets, chocolates and gingerbread.
Useful for everyone, only in moderation
Both big and small!


There is also a drawing contest for the most beautiful candy box and a festive disco during the day.

World Chocolate Day is a holiday celebrated annually on 11 July. In addition to it, there is another world day with the same name, which is celebrated on September 13th.

Contained in sections:

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Mustard is not good for me and I run from pepper,
From mustard I can be upset and cry!
I like to chew candy, and halva, and sweet honey,
Anyone who loves this business will understand me well!

How much do children know about chocolate? Only that "you have already eaten two candies today, it is no longer possible." When asked why, children receive a lengthy answer that something will stick together. This explanation leads the sweetheart into indescribable delight and does not stop at all, but, on the contrary, encourages. Shouldn't you combine business with pleasure? We offer to arrange a creative chocolate lesson at home or in kindergarten, where children will learn about beneficial features chocolate, its history, and paint a real chocolate picture.

Preparation for the lesson

Getting to know chocolate doesn't just involve eating candy. Give the little ones homework to ask their parents about the health benefits of chocolate. After the children in kindergarten have voiced them, ask them to come up with a story that demonstrates one of the positive characteristics of chocolate.

Parents will have to participate a little more in the educational process of their children. The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a mini-museum in kindergarten dedicated to chocolate will surely appeal to both adults and children. On one of the stands you can place a collection of candy wrappers that the kids will bring, of course, from home.

For a "chocolate" lesson in kindergarten, it is recommended to watch the cartoon about the Sweet Fairy Tale confectionery factory. The cartoon was created back in Soviet times and was remembered by parents for the adventures of a small and funny Dragon.

In conclusion, you can offer children a role-playing game in a chocolate workshop. The culmination of the game will be a creative task - to come up with your own wrapper for sweets produced at the factory.

"Chocolate" games

Interesting games in kindergarten, which are also suitable for “home use”, will help test children on the knowledge of chocolate and its properties.

The game "It happens, it does not happen"

The teacher voices different actions. Children have to guess what is true and what is not.

For instance,

The cat is cooking porridge.
The butterfly sat on a flower.
Gloves are knitted from chocolate.
The dog barks in the kennel.

The game "How it can be used"

The teacher lays out several objects in front of the children. For example, chocolate, pen, book. Children tell one after another how these items are used.

Game "Taste"

The teacher invites children to guess the taste and describe their feelings: cocoa, chocolate, sugar, condensed milk. The task can be made more difficult by blindfolding the children.

Draw with chocolate

Drawing with chocolate is a popular topic today. In Japan, special chocolate sticks of different colors were even invented, made from mixtures with different amounts of cocoa. These pencils come with a sharpener that you can use to make beautiful and edible shavings for desserts.

Nowadays, master classes in painting with chocolate are also often held. Children like them very much. True, supplies for these classes need to be prepared with interest, because it is so difficult to resist delicious chocolate. Even a napkin is not needed, the extra “paint” is simply eaten up.

The same classes can be held in a kindergarten or a kindergarten, after asking the parents in advance if any of the children are allergic to sweets. Classes can also be arranged at home.

To paint with chocolate you will need:

  • white chocolate,
  • dark chocolate,
  • toothpicks.

The canvas is white chocolate. The contour is applied with a food felt-tip pen or toothpick.

To obtain different shades of chocolate colors, you need to add fat-soluble food coloring to the white chocolate or mix with other food powders.

The drawing is "put" with your finger. The strokes are very easy and pleasant to apply.

It will take some time for the chocolate to harden.

Siranush Kulidzhanyan

Entertainment script

"World Chocolate Day"

Targets and goals:to acquaint children with how chocolate looks and where it "grows", to taste different kinds of chocolate, to develop cognitive interest and desire to learn new things.

Characters: presenter (educator, children.

Leading:Hello dear guys! Do you know why we are gathered here? Do not know? And I'll tell you. Guess the riddle

Drawn into squares

Wrapped in silver

How do you deploy it,

Instantly you will understand

That a sweet treasure was found.

It's delicious. (chocolate)

Correctly! Today is our holiday! Do you know which one? World Chocolate Day! See how many different goodies are on my table? Do you like chocolate? (Children's answers).

Leading: Tell me how you love chocolate!

Poems are recited by children:

How quickly it ends

What starts tasty!

The candy would stretch

From door to buffet!

Such ordinary chocolate -

And how glad the stomach is!

Already in the morning waiting, waiting

How sweet it will melt in your mouth!

If you are in a bad mood

Comes for a couple of days in a row

Will come to the rescue without a doubt

Any chocolate to choose from!

He will be able to please, cheer up,

Give the taste of the holiday and childhood!

Give a surge of energy, charge -

Such is the almighty chocolate!

Who came up with it - thanks to that!

He looks both appetizing and beautiful,

And it smells the most fragrant -

There is nothing tastier in the world!

Leading:Guys, you all love chocolate, but do you know how this delicious product is produced? Where does it come from? What is it made of? Or maybe chocolate bars grow directly on trees? (children's answers)

Leading: For you I have prepared a short story with pictures, shall we see?

Presentation of the presentation "Where does chocolate grow?"

Leading: And now I will check, did you carefully watch and listen? Tell me

1. What is the name of the tree about which we watched the movie?

(chocolate tree)

2. What are the fruits of this tree called? (cocoa beans)

3. Do cocoa beans grow on twigs or on the trunk of a chocolate tree?

(on the trunk)

4. Who first brought chocolate to Europe (Hernando Cortez)

5. Why didn't people like chocolate at first? (he was bitter)

6. Why is chocolate so tasty and sweet now, is it added to something? (sugar)

7. What kind of chocolate is there? (bitter, dark, white, milky, porous, liquid - showing the types of chocolate on the table)

Excellent! You listened carefully, remembered everything, now you know how chocolate is made.

Leading:Now let's play with you. See how many different chocolates are on our table, you want to try (a chocolate tasting is held, each child is given to try different types of chocolate)

Leading: Tasty? Excellent!

And now new game: "Guess the taste"(a child is called, he is blindfolded and given a small piece of one or another chocolate, and the child must guess the type - dark, milky, porous)

And one more game called “Collect sweets in your baskets”.You need sweets, which are scattered on the floor, collect each in its own basket (3-4 players are called, the game is played several times).

Leading:So our chocolate holiday has come to an end! Did you guys like it? (children's answers). Children leave the hall to music


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