Final class hour. III

Final class hour. III

Holiday script
end of grade 7

"Bye, academic year

Purpose: to form a class team.

Take a summary of the past school year.
Develop the creative abilities of students.
3. Develop communication skills in collaboration.
Give a positive attitudes of the student for the summer vacation period

Event flow

- Hello, dear guys, dear parents! Flying school year quickly and unnoticed. Most recently, it seems that the celebration of the beginning of the school year was in the classroom, but the summer is on the threshold. During this year, our girls and boys grew up, became smarter, more carefully, kinder. Behind the experiences remained about marks, test works and dictations, exams. All year we lived one friendly family: shared joy and failures. It's time to summarize the school year!
The holiday begins, guests smile,
And children will try to show today.
Everything we studied, everything went to
Because it is necessary to tell them a lot.
- The word is provided to the 1st creative group.

1 group :

1. Days over the day flew
Flashed like dreams
And no more than a week
Spring remains.

2. So the road passed
Under the name "Class Seventh".
Here is the summer at the threshold -
Waiting for himself, calling with me.

3. Summer is called us somewhere -
Away and from worries ...
That ended, guys,
Sophisticated our academic year.

4. He and joyful and difficult
Was for each of us.
Never borrow
We are you, our friendly class.

5. We will break up today -
But autumn sometimes
Again, back to class back -
But now in the eighth.

6. We will come, come, come
To our school - in the meantime
Together our holiday is noted -
Last call day. ...

Workout. School quiz in mathematics "Tasks - jokes."
Quiz starts
Winners learn.

1. What is lighter than 1 kg of wool or 1 kg of iron?(Same) 2. Goose on one leg weighs 3 kg. How much he will weigh if he gets into two legs? (3)
She went to the old woman to Moscow, and to meet her 3 old man. How many people went to Moscow?(1)
Two came to the river. The shore has a boat that can only accommodate one, but both crossed. How could this happen?(They approached different shores).

5. At one old man asked how old he was? He replied that he was 100 years old, but the birthdays of only 25. How could it be?(Born February 29)
Earth satellite makes one turn in 100 minutes, and another turnover in 1 hour 40 minutes. Why?

(1 hour 40 min. \u003d 100 min.)

7. What two numbers are equal to their work? (2 + 2 \u003d 2 x 2)
The doctor patient prescribed three injections. After half an hour each injection. How many hours all the injections will be made?(After 1 hour).

9. Three of different numbers First, they folded and then move them. The amount and work turned out to be equal. What are these numbers?(1 + 2 + 3 \u003d 6; 1x2x3 \u003d 6)

10. The birds caught 5 cells into a cage, she met 5 student on the way. Each presented through the blue, one bird remained in the cell. How could this happen?

(The last bird bird gave together with the cell).

Competition "Artists - Cubists".
The task.
The whole team in 2 minutes draw a little man with geometric figures. The team wins the collective masterpiece.
- Thank you all for active participation in our contests.
- Our holiday continues the 2nd creative band.

2 group.

"School chastushki."

1. Unnoticed a year passed,
We are glad by ears.
And now for you
School chasto masses.

2. We love we solve problems,
Who quick and who is forward
And the tasks are what -
Professor himself will not understand.

3. We teach English together,
There are successes and progress.
Instead of "yes" now everywhere
We answer the choir "YES".

4. We, of course, love school,
Our school is pretty!
Although dragged into this school
Some power.

5. Who said I am a horn?
Who said I scream?
I am a neighbor Roma
New song learning.

6. What kind of whisper is heard in class?
Who bothers us so much?
It's just someone with someone
Something discusses.

7. We scream, weigh, knock.
In class voltage.
And everything is marina -

High pressure.

8. Stupid does not happen
Neither boys nor girls
Over five guys
Even queue

9. It was suddenly to choke a shirt.
I almost died of fear.
Then I understood: "E-my!
I grew out of it! "

10. In summer you can paint nails
On the hands and on the legs.
We teacher does not scold,
And the boys will say: "Ah!"

11. Oh guys expensive
What do we do, how should we be.
Really tomorrow to school
Do not have to come?

12. We dare you dare
Well, whether it is bad.
And now we will ask you
So that you patted us.

Workout "I believe - I do not believe." School quiz on natural sciences - biology, geography, physics.
- Our warm-up - quiz on school subjects relating to natural sciences. Do you all know or still have something to learn? Assigns to Questions Quiz follows "Yes" or "No", you can explain your answer.
1. If the bee is horrid anyone, will she die? -YES
2 . Is it true that spiders feed on their own web? -YES
3. For the winter, penguins fly to the north. -NOT They do not know how to fly.
4. In the morning you are higher than in the evening. -YES
5. Owls can not rotate through eyes. -NOT
In some countries, firefly beetles are used as lighting devices. -YES
7. Rainbow can be seen at midnight. -NOT
8. Arabs call the Neal "El Bar", what does the "sea" mean? -YES
. The British are called La Mans "the flow of the bay"? -NOT , English channel.
10. Asia is washed by the waters of all four oceansnew? - Yes, the Atlantic Ocean is represented by the Mediterranean Sea.
11. Water couple has the kind of white clubs? - NOT he is invisible this is the fog (condensate) of white.
12. The plane takes off faster if it will accelerate the wind? -NOT . On the contrary, if the aircraft accelerates against the wind, the lifting power of the wing increases.
13. Developers of diesel locomotives tend to reducesew their weight? - NOT. Weight is needed for the bestclutch wheels with rails.
14. For people some professions can benot only seven fridays in the week, but tenfridays in February? -YES. If in this February five fridays according to the calendar, then for a member of the crew of a ship, departing every Thursday from Russia to Alaska, may be ten Fridays in the week, as it crosses the dates change line.

Competition "People with one hand."
As a rule, people on our planet Earth are born with two hands. And on the planet, which is in the constellation Orion, all people with one hand. One-handed people do not even confuse and does not prevent any type of work. Try to show how some tasks would be fulfilled with one hand on a distant planet.
Condition. From each team overlook one representative. They need one hand to remove behind the back, and show the other hand:
1 group.
1. How to clean the boiled egg.
3. How to chop cheese for sandwiches;
3 group.
1. How to split walnut.
2. How to grate carrots on the grater.
4 group.
1. How to smear on a piece of bread butter.
2. How to clean potatoes for soup.
- All are well done. No matter how many hands you have, your main desire to learn, effort and training. Thanks to all.

- His talents and contests represent the 3rd creative band.

3 group.
Everyone today stood early,
The calendar was overflowed
The long-awaited number
On the leaves bloomed.

2. We considered days, weeks,
Well, when will rest?
We will go on vacation?

3. Commas, cavities, points.
None calmly night!
End to all torment!
We waited, finally!

Workout "Inexian"
And we want to check the breadth of your knowledge, including the circle of school items. Feel free to show yourself, actively raise your hand.
1. MATHEMATICAL Sign, who has proven himself from a positive side? /a plus/
2. What is the biggest bird in the world?
/ American Ostrich /
3. What kind of dog wore a clock on the paw? /ARTEMEN /
4. What was the favorite shoes of the beloved dog Edward Uspensky?/ Dog ball - sneakers /
5. The place where smart will not go?
6. Tale of the benefits of collective labor?/ "Repka" /
7. Dance on your fingers?
8. Name the fabulous character of the leather from the skin?
/ "Frog-Tsarevna" /
9. The heroine of which work (name the author) flew through the air in my house? /
Wolves "The Wizard of the Emerald City" /
10. What prince rich on the nut shell? /Guidon from the "Tsar Tsar Saltan" /
Competition "Letters in a row"

Condition. All creative groups are involved. Each group needs to be built in a row by name strictly in alphabetical order. The band is defeated, which will make it faster than others.
- All participants of the competition are great. Many thanks.

Awarding "Circle of Honor"

Today is our last holiday,
Our final finale.
The outcome of different nominations
And the awards of the hour has come!

Let the main comes the results,
The first step is made to the top.
Support and hopes of school
we proudly call you!

1. Nomination " Future russian science »

On a student planet
Newly new constellation.
He was lit by the labor of knowledge
Those who achieved already calling.
On a complex field of science
They are just the stars name!
That pride of the school, school light!
And how, tell me, you called
Those who have already achieved victories?!

2. Nomination "The best of the best"

Who studied diligently

He in his studies distinguished himself.

"5" and "5" - the circle is excellent.

We call the guys of approximate

Having studied in the list of the first.

Awarded excellent students class:

3. Nomination "In one step from the absolute victory"

Look, these children
Know a lot in the world!
In lessons I wonder,
Even no time to miss.
And those guys learned to "4" and "5"!
- Guys are awarded whoall academic year studied well :

4. Nomination "Throwing to Stars".

They tried - the word of honor,
Science is difficult to understand.
But there is a good news - the guys
Quite a bit of triples
The rest are "4" and "5".
- Guys are awarded, which is always over what to work in the process of achieving high results:

5. Nomination "Sports achievements of the year."

Be healthy, strong, dexterous
We will help workout,
Running, warm-up, freezing,
Basketball playground,
Bar, Ball, Racket, Court
And more comrade sports!
- Awarded athletes class:

6. N. sOME "Creative and creative guys"

Who helped us do better
And more merry in class life
Not remained indifferent
And the class raised the prestige!

We welcome creative and responsible guys of our class, those who organized or participated in various creative affairs and competitions of the gymnasium, raising the prestige of the class:

8. N. sOME "The best assistants - expensive parents"

If son is everywhere first,Stars from the sky easily grabs -It's all parental nervesHeaven is elegted to him.

If the daughter grows to others for joy,Clever, sportswoman and artist,So this mother tried -And the mentor was also a close one.

Our parents are our mentors and good friends who are always ready to come to help, support our undertakings or organize wonderful extracurricular activities.
- Awardness:


The country is strong in his people,
And school class strong.
Today summed up
And our cool country.

Was ahead - in labor, study,
Active class is our whole year.
Who spoke a lot of scene
I know the creations of the essence and sport takeoff!

Teacher. Quiz "Magnificent Seven".
- Wonderful. Each creative group has prepared a competition for the class and a gift. My turn came. I called my quiz "Magnificent Seven" not by chance.
- The cult of the number "7" was born in ancient Babylon. The number "7" literally permeates the entire history of the culture of the peoples of the Earth. Seven wonders of the world. Seven days of the week. Seven rainbow colors.
- And yet, why
« 7 "? And most importantly, you graduated from the 7th grade. That is why the speech in the quiz will take about the number of seven.
Condition. All creative groups participate in the quiz. Questions ask them in turn; If the group did not answer - the move goes to another group.

I Question:

More ancient hunters, and then the ancient farmers and herd workers watched the sky. Their attention has long been attracted by the constellation. The image of seven stars of this constellation is often found on the oldest products.What is this constellation? How can I find the direction to the north? (Big Dipper).

II Question:

Many thousand years ago, people noticed that the stars do not change their position relative to other stars. And only seven shining (five small plus sun and the moon) move relative to other stars. These little luminaries got a name meaning "wandering", and began to be considered gods.What are the wandering shining? What gods got their names? (Shining Morning Star Venus, Furious Mercury, Red Mars, Majestic Jupiter and Slow Saturn. Venus was considered from the Romans of the Goddess of Beauty, Mercury - the God of Commerce, Mars - the God of War, Jupiter - God-throat, and Saturn was god sowing. And, of course, The gods were the sun and the moon. Total it turned out seven, associated with the sky, gods).

III Question:

Especially the number 7 was honored in the ancient East. For several millennia ago, Sumerians lived between Tiger and Euphrate. They denoted the number 7 the same sign as the whole universe. Some scientists think that they expressed this number 6 of the main directions, and even the place from which this countdown is.Name or show these directions if the reference point is you. (Up - down, forward - back, left - right).


We are talking about seven rainbow colors. List these colors in a pair with the word with which this color is often used. For example, a black night. (Red cancer,orange orange,yellow lemon,green crocodile,blue railway carriage,blue cornflower,purple ink. Answers can be different).

V question:

With each numerical we use many words, but still there are stable phrases. For example, first love, second breathing. List words that are steadily used with a numerical third, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh.What does the last phrase mean? (Third eye, fourth height, fifth element, sixth sense, seventh sky. The seventh sky is the highest degree of happiness).

VI Question:

List the names of fairy tales and proverbs with a number of seven.

( Tale names: "Wolf and Seven Cats", "Snow White and Seven Dwarfs", "Tale of the dead princess and about seven heroes."

Proverbs: "Seven times death, one time," "Seven troubles is one answer," "Seven One does not expect", "Seven Fridays at the Week", "Seven Nyanyak Child without the eye" and others.)

Thank you all for participating in the quiz. Well done.

4 group. Gift class. Video.

The final word of the teacher.

So it came to the completion of a holiday dedicated to the end of grade 7. We summed up the outgoing academic year. You have left, guys wish:

More bathe allJoke, having funSport and playAnd just rest
Silenk are gaining.

And in September everything is again
You go back to school,
As soon as you call you
Familiar to the whole call.
- Goodbye to new meetings!


    Kocheryova S. N. Big surprise for the "class" company. Holidays in Yaroslavl School: Academy of Development: Academy Holding, 2002

    Voronova E. A. Holiday His Hands. From the Council to the Scenario - Rostov N / D: Phoenix, 2005

    Scenarios of school holidays: extracurricular work. Cost. E. M. Tikhomirova. - M.: Publishing House "Exam", 2006

    Nagibin F.F., Kanin E.S. "Mathematical box", Drop, 2006

    Volin V. "Holiday of the number (entertaining mathematics for children)", Enlightenment, Moscow, 1993.

    Alimova S. "Entertaining Mathematics", M.: Pedagogy-Press, 1993

Scenario of the class hour at 6 A CL. According to the results of the school year, "We celebrate the summer!" May 28, 2016 Compiler: Shavorin Vera Andreevna, Class Leader 6A Class Maouski №21 Kungur

(music sounds)

1 Vedas

Spring-spring, drops of ringing
And birds cheerful twitter!
Spring-Spring, Magic Sleep -
Wonderful paints expectation!

2 Vedas

In you and vigor, and bad!
And every day with delight live!
And at school since very long
Spring every year to train!

1 Vedas

We invite everyone to the holiday light,
Holiday of joy, fun, laughter!
Let break in the windows wind brave,
And the next school of milestick will be done with him!

2 Vedas

We will return again to these walls.
A little matured, but still children
The same Sony, Masha, Dasha, Lisa,
But we will become better, you believe!

1 Vedas

We will be deeper to gnaw granite science,
Smaller will be the children's "frill".
We swear in the lessons do not yawning from boredom,
But it will only be, but while congratulate us!

1 vedas Good day! We are sincerely glad to welcome you on our holiday.

2 Vedas We really want the smiles of happiness on your faces.

1 Ved. . Happiness that ahead of us is waiting for funny summer holidays.

2 Ved. . And happiness that we will meet with you again in three short months.

(music number)

1 Ved. . - And now we invite you to go to us the class teacher Verra Andreevna.

2 Ved. . - Vera Andreevna, allow you to take your interview.

1 Ved. . - You were not very frustrated with us during this year?

2 Vedas - What would you like to see us next year?

1 Vedas - And now we provide you with a word for awarding those guys who distinguished themselves in this school year.

(Awarding excellent students, drummers, activists and athletes)

1 Vedas

They tried - the word of honor!
Science is difficult to peel
And in the diaries wearing home

They are "four", even "five",

Active in class, school,

Athletes, too, where,

And who does not want to be in honor?

You are our pride, gentlemen!

2 Ved. . (appeals to those who did not receive the letter)

My friends, do not hang your nose!
After all, exactly one year later,
You will take this cross
And the people will add to excellent!

(music number)

1 Vedas

Olympus - the mountain of the gods is cool.
Competitions are not easier for this circle!
They are tormented by
Pose into Olympus through the clouds!

Classroom teacher:

In this school year, our guys showed themselves in urban competitions. Let me present the elite of our class:

Zanin Trofim - Diploma of the Intermunicipal Song Competition on foreign language, diploma of the city competition of research work "First Steps", diploma of the city competition of poems readers on english language, Permanent Prizence and winner of various level contests.

Galimova Anastasia - Following all the quarters there are some "fives", enters the school team of intellectuals and is a medalist of the city festival intellectual games Among the 6th grades of the schools of the city of "Vivat, Erudite!", a diploma of the city competition "First Steps".

Bersenev Ilya - shows stable results in studies, this year she took 2 place in all-Russian competition The Marathon of Knowledge, enters the school team of intellectuals and is a medalist of the city festival of intellectual games among the 6th grades of the school of the city of "Vivat, Erudit!".

Hatpnikov Vladimir - shows stable results in studies, enters the school team of intellectuals and is a medalist of the city festival of intellectual games among the 6th grades of the school of the city of "Vivat, Erudit!".

Brojanova Tatiana - shows stable results in studies, is the winner literary competition "Open Curtain", an active participant in contests of different levels.

1 Vedas

Guys, you are not gods -
You will not give wings.
Only hard roads
Again on Olympus you will lead you!

1 Ved. .

They envy both Romans and the Greeks
They are our athletes.
They are conquered by mountains, rivers,
And the eldest and the youngest.

2 Vedas

Sport - no lesson for weak,
But you, friends, strong like lions!
In victory we believe in your glory.
You jump and above your head!

(Awarding athletes)

(Creative Room)

1 Ved. . In this room there are those who are the roads endlessly. Who helps us with the Council and Hope. You are always near and today you are with us.

2 Ved. .

Parents are a native word,
For us there is no closer mother, father.
Your eyes always give joy,
So let the sadness disappears from your face.

1 Vedas

Kindness of parents - what can be more beautiful
And so that everything is fine with us -
Give us the parent advice!

2 Vedas

We invite one of the most active parents of the class - Bersenev Irina Mikhailovna.

(Parents' word)

Cool leader awards active parents

(Creative Room)

1 Vedas

Again the call to the pillage
As if considers the year.
School will meet with a swollen door,
She is always glad to us.

2 Vedas

How many unrest, hopes and alarms
Connected with us with you!
In the world you are big to open the road,
I became native for us.

1 Ved. .

Meetings, lessons, trips and games -

All we had, friends!

Sit more comfortable, and smile,

Seeing yourself!


Final word of the class teacher

Summary of the final class hour on the topic "Open Microphone"

An open microphone is a new communicative technique, the use of which allows you to create a situation to actively communicate.

Cool hour on this scenario is better to spend at the end of the school year. The task of the event is to create a situation of communication in which every child will want and can speak.

The presenter - the class teacher must unobtrusively lead the discussion, not allowing the offense and quarrel.

The behavior of children during the discussion, their statements will give a teacher a large material for thinking about the ratio of forces in the classroom, about the priorities and moral installations of children.

Objectives: determine the degree of satisfaction of students in school life; identify the relationship of students to school, class, teachers, class teacher; Develop in children critical thinking, the ability to evaluate your own and other people's actions; bring up an active social position.

The form: role-playing game.

Preparatory work with children:

a) a week before the class hour, put questions for discussion in the opening microphone mode. Offer all children to prepare speeches on any issue;

b) You can agree with 2 students so that they pre-prepared the performance and first took microphones. One student is preparing a speech on the first question, the second - on the fourth. When the conversation turns into individuals and affects specific names, a lively discussion begins unusually.


Prepare two microphones (you can toy). You can use conventional markers of different colors as microphones.

Class design

On change before class hour Write on the board:

The subject of the class hour;

Questions for discussion (from the text of the script).

Classroom plan

1. Opening word.

2. The game "Open Microphone".

3. Final word.

Classroom time

I. Introductory word

Classroom teacher. Guys, here ended the school year. He was saturated with many events. You learned a lot, learned a lot. You have become smarter, stronger, older. You have become more educated. I think that school and classrooms have played a major role in your development, which we conducted throughout the year.

Each of you all year was in the team. He lived with his joys and sadness. Someone found a friend, someone, on the contrary, lost friends. Someone managed to express everything he thinks about others, and someone did not have enough courage.

But today, everyone who wants to express their opinion, we will provide this opportunity.

II. Open Microphone game

Classroom teacher. Our class hour We will spend in open microphone mode. We prepared microphones (shows the handles that perform the roles of microphones) and put them on the teacher's table. Everyone can raise a hand, take a microphone and freely express your opinion about our team.

Who wants to say something good, thank for work, for an interesting class hour, takes a white microphone who craves critics, takes a black microphone.

At the same time, we comply with the condition: 1 minute is given to the speech.

And the second condition: it is necessary to begin with the words: "I want to express my opinion on such a matter," read the question and then speak.

For discussion, I offer you four questions. They are recorded on the board.

1. In what class events did you participate with pleasure?

2. In what class events did you participate from under the stick?

3. Which classmates deserves gratitude from the team?

4. Who or what prevented to make our cool life interesting?

Let's start with the first question. So, turn on the white microphone. First word - (surname, name).

Children raise hands, go to the board, take microphones and expressed alternately.

The performances initially may not be very active, but when the criticism begins and coincided, the activity of children increases.

III. Final word

Classroom teacher. So the time to turn off our microphones. Not everyone could speak. But the microphones fucked up hot. Today we heard a lot and good and bad. I hope that no one will keep offenses if he heard something unpleasant about himself. Everyone had the opportunity to justify themselves, to answer unfair criticism. Well, if the criticism is valid, then you need to be corrected.

Thanks for all the activity.


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