School tourism day script and contests. How to celebrate tourism day

School tourism day script and contests. How to celebrate tourism day


The holiday begins with a general formation on the sports ground. After a small solemn part, the teams of the formed groups of different ages leave on their routes, having received maps indicating the route of movement and the time of arrival at the competition clearing. Each group moves along its own route.

Tourist relay

It is carried out in the form of an obstacle course in a clearing of tasks. Each group is represented by a team of 6 people: - 4 boys (boys) and 2 girls (girls). Before the start, the teams receive route sheets, in which the judges at each stage make notes on the results of the team's work and the time of the stage.

Relay stages

  1. Tying knots.
  2. Determination of the azimuth on the subject and on the map.
  3. Definition and drawing of topographic signs.
  4. Crossing along parallel ropes.
  5. Determination of the distance to an inaccessible object and the distance on the map.
  6. Descent down the slope.
  7. Climbing the slope.
  8. Crossing a log across a river or ravine.

For the passage of the entire relay, the total control time (TCT) is given. The passage of each stage by the team is also limited by the control time (TC). If the CV is exceeded at this stage, the team stops working and goes further along the route. In case of exceeding the OKV, the team moves to the end of the standings for this type of competition.

The result is determined by the sum of the time the team has passed the distance and the penalty time received at the stages.

Treasure search

Each group puts up a team of 4 people for this type of competition: 2 girls (girls) and 2 boys (boys).

The distance includes four stages. The entire distance is limited by the OKW.

Before the start, each team is given a map of the area with the checkpoints (CP) of the first stage marked on it and the location of the key for passing the second stage. The number of these keys is limited, therefore, at the end of the first stage, several teams are eliminated from the competition and move to the finish line. Their places are determined by the shortest time to complete the first stage and the amount of points received for the KPs found.

After passing the second stage, several more teams are eliminated that did not take the key to the third stage. These teams also move to the finish line. Their places are distributed according to the time of completing two stages, the sum of points received for the found KPs of two stages and points for the taken key.

Two teams go to the third stage. One of them after this stage is eliminated and moves to the finish line. Its place is determined by the time it takes to complete the three stages, the sum of points received for the found KPs of the three stages, and points for the keys taken in the second and third stages.

One team enters the last - fourth - stage, which tries to find the treasure. She becomes the winner. Its result is determined by the number of points for the found checkpoints of all stages, points for the keys of the second, third and fourth stages and for the found treasure.

The number of points awarded for the found commercial offers and keys is not the same at different stages. Their cost increases as you progress through the stages: for example, the CP and the key in the third stage have a higher cost than in the second. Treasure has the highest value

The location of the treasure is located near the competition clearing so that the search process can be seen by all participants.


  • Chef competition. Each class represents one dish prepared and decorated at the competition site.
  • Bivouac competition. The state of the camp and the surrounding area, compliance with the rules of conduct and regime moments of the day are assessed.
  • Amateur art competition. Each class presents 1-2 numbers on tourism topics - songs, scenes, etc.

Theoretical lesson "Getting ready for a hike"

Purpose: The purpose of tourism activities as a means of health promotion, healthy lifestyle and crime prevention is to create conditions for attracting as many children as possible to tourism. This development is designed for younger students, can be used by teachers primary grades, counselors, educators of school and country camps.

Purpose: creating conditions for the development of interest in tourism.
to expand knowledge about tourism; learn to navigate the terrain; familiarize with the basic safety rules; deepen knowledge of the rules of behavior in nature.
develop memory, attention, observation, cognitive interest; ability to analyze and draw conclusions; dialogical speech, the ability to negotiate.
to educate love and respect for all living things; desire to help others; to introduce a healthy lifestyle.
Equipment: Power Point presentation, ball.
Course of the lesson
I. Organizational moment. Emotional attitude
We are in a great mood,
And smiles are commonplace.
Let's wish each other well
It's time for us to start a conversation.
II. Introduction to the topic
1. Work on a crossword puzzle.
Guys, to find out what we are going to talk about today, I suggest you solve the crossword puzzle.
Fill in the names of the items on the tree. Vertically, you can read the topic of our lesson.

II. Work on the topic
1. Storytelling with elements of conversation.
Today we will talk about tourism.
- What does the word "tourism" mean? (Children's answers).
Let's turn to the dictionary.
- Kind of sport - group trips with physical conditioning of the body.
- The type of travel made for recreation and self-education.
Who doesn't like to travel? The thirst for new knowledge is, probably, in each of us.
People have been traveling since ancient times.
Even the ancient tribes, in order to find the best places to live, had to make long transitions and travels.

You can travel in different ways. How? (Children's answers).

For the journey to go well, you need to draw up a route in advance, that is, the planned route.
Find synonyms for travel.
(Way, road, expedition, hike, excursion, cruise, etc.)
To always be healthy
We need to go on a hike,
Relax in nature.
Breathe fresh air.
- Guys, why do people go hiking? (Children's answers).
(To temper the body; develop strength, endurance; get acquainted with the nature of the native land, sights; admire the beauty of nature; cheer yourself up).
2. Work on the riddle.
Guess the riddle. What is the name of the people who go hiking.
He bears the burden on himself,
And if he gets tired, he will throw it down.

Anyone who wants to become a real tourist should know a lot and be able to: how to navigate the terrain, how to set up a tent, make a fire; understand plants and mushrooms; know the habits of animals and birds; environmental safety rules; first aid.
We're on a hike for science
Let's go today.
Attention, wit
Let's take it with us.
3. Group work "What we take with us on the hike."
The journey can be long or it can take several hours. When going on a hike, tourists should know what to take with them.
We are going on a hike
Guess who is coming?
No, not uncles with backpacks
And not aunts with bowlers,
And not an older brother with a mustache ...
No! We go hiking ourselves!
I. Roslova
Imagine that we are going on a hike to the nearest forest, without spending the night. Make a list of what you need to take.
(The guys make lists of necessary things for the trip).
(Discussion of answers)
If you go hiking,
Don't forget to take your backpack
Without him on any trip,
There is no way to do it.

You also need a compass
Mug, spoon, knife, ax,
So that you, by cutting branches,
They could have made a fire.

You can take gear with you.
To catch fish
And also a bigger boiler,
To cook fish soup in it.

You still need a tent
To have a place to sleep
And a hammock to swing
And take a nap in the shade.

And, of course, products
For about six days,
You need to take your mom with you,
Prepare you to eat.

Need a carrying bag
A favorite dog sits in it.
And of course dad,
To carry it all.

And so that happiness is complete
I will give one more advice:
Put it by all means
A bag of candy in my backpack.
I. Butrimova
4. Game "Edible - inedible".
It is important to have a good meal during the hike.
We definitely take food with us, but suddenly the unexpected happens.
You call your friends those who are ready to help. Friends can be not only people, but also plants! They feed and clothe us, help us learn and treat us.
What do you think you can eat if left without food?
The teacher throws the ball to the children, naming the names of edible and inedible berries and mushrooms.
(Strawberries, boletus, fly agaric, rose hips, raspberries, boletus, blueberries, pale toadstool, chanterelles, lingonberries, wolf bast, boletus, porcini mushroom, false mushrooms, blueberries, raven eye, mushroom, russula, satanic mushroom, May lily of the valley, milk mushroom)
Remember dangerous berries and mushrooms.

5. Surprises in a forest glade or "Camping troubles".
Someone can be in misfortune on a hike.
You can lag behind the group and get lost, get hurt, get bitten by an insect or snake.
Game "Tell me a word".
The line has no end
Where are the three points.
Who will invent the end
That will be fine.
Making our way through the bushes
Leave me alone a little.
And to the one in front
Don't go too close.
Otherwise, aptly
Will hit in the eye ... (branch).
Don't drink water from the river
Microbes float in it,
But much worse
Drink from a dirty ... (puddle).

Look at the fellows:
Cheerful and brisk
Drag from all ends
Construction material.
Here one stumbled suddenly
Under a heavy burden
And a friend hurries to help -
The people here are good.
Without work, for the life of me
Can't live ... (ant).

She buzzes everything, buzzes,
Circles over the flower, circles.
She sat down, took the juice from the flower,
Honey prepares us ... (bee).

Flew past your ear
Like a fly, but not a fly.
This fly did not buzz
She guys have a sting!
If it stings - there will be "ay"!
Who is this? Guess!
A fly with a sting? Wonders!
Everyone knows - this is ... (wasp).
There is a gap between the windows
A furry ... (bumblebee) flew into the gap.

The rope crawls along the ground.
Here is the tongue, open mouth,
Bite everyone, I'm ready
For I am ... (the snake).
If something goes wrong, you should be able to provide first aid to yourself or a friend with minor injuries: wounds, burns, bruises, splinters, bites.
Let's remember the rules of first aid.

6. Drawing up a memo "If you get lost."
Hasty path
Keeps his way from afar.
A path winds through the forest
Like a thread from a ball.
You stared at a beautiful butterfly and fell behind the group. What to do?
(Children's answers).
- Don't panic, try to calm down.
- If you have a phone, call.
- Try to remember what prominent places you met along the way. (Power lines, stream, special trees, etc.)
- Try to get attention with a loud cry.
- Don't run through the woods! Stay in one place!
- Be sure they will definitely find you.
So as not to get lost on the way,
Keep up with the group suddenly,
The compass will definitely come in handy.
Know where is north and where is south.
A. Nevzorov
And if there is no compass? Every tourist should be able to navigate the terrain, you need to know the natural signs that will help to do this.

The game "This is me, this is me, these are all my friends." Rules of conduct in nature.
Guys, if you agree with the content of the lines, then you answer amicably “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends”, if not, then we say “This is not me, this is not me, these are not my friends.
Seeing fly agaric, I
Friends pass by.

A chick fell out of the nest,
We cannot touch him.

Who collects lingonberries,
Does a bush pull out with a root?

Who walks along the path
Doesn't step on beetles?

We don't break twigs
When we walk in the forest.

We saw a hedgehog
And they took him home.

We will find the anthill
Let's watch and leave.

We took the tape recorder to the woods
And drowned out the birds' voice.

We will take the dogs to the forest,
The birds will be calmer in it.

Narva lilies of the valley in the forest,
I'll bring it to my mother for the holiday.

We trample and knock down edible mushrooms,
And inedible, we collect in a basket.

You are a human loving nature
Sometimes feel sorry for her:
On pleasure trips
Don't trample her fields.
M. Plyatskovsky
III. Lesson summary. Reflection
Guys, our journey has come to an end.
Well, now the time is up
It's time to go home.
Many impressions
Nature has given us.
N. Machneva
Complete the sentence:
- today I found out ...
- it was interesting…
- I realized that ...
- I wanted…

Scenario of a tourist and local history holiday for schoolchildren of grades 6-8 "Along the native land with a backpack"

- popularization sports tourismas the satisfaction of a person's natural need for direct knowledge of the world around him, his edge;
- formation of skills in tourist equipment;
- study of the basics of tourist life.
- development of active tourist and sports activities of children;
- development of interest in the study of tourism.
- education of a physically healthy, moral personality, loving and knowing their land.
- to acquaint with the concept of "tourism", types of tourism;
- to acquaint with the rules of packing the backpack;
-to teach to put on a safety system;
-to acquaint with the rules for installing the bivouac;
-to give an elementary idea of \u200b\u200bthe types of fire, teach
to lay out bonfires of various types;
-to acquaint with the main responsibilities of the group members.
Equipment: thematic illustrations; rope; skate; hoops; tourist equipment; firewood, personal equipment.

Lesson plan:
1. Introductory stage.
2. The main stage.
2.1 Acquaintance.
2.2. Warm-up "Quiz"
2.3 Relay "Get ready for the hike"

2.4 Get to the place
2.5 Tourist equipment.
2.6. Crossing.
2.7 Installing the bivouac
2.8 light a fire
3.The final

Teacher: Hello guys. Today we have a tourist and local history holiday "Along the native land with a backpack." We will make an exciting journey into the world of tourism. We will find out what they are doing and what tourists will learn during hikes and competitions, as well as what unites these romantic road.
-Who are tourists and what do they do?
- What does the word "tourism" mean? This word comes from the French "travel", and you can travel in different ways. On the territory of our region, you can engage in all types of tourism.
-What types of tourism do you know?
Teacher: Well done boys! But before starting our celebration, I will present the jury today, which will evaluate. (Jury presentation). And our first competition "Quiz".
1. Competition "Quiz" (application)
Teacher: Well done! -So, we're going on the road. Without what important piece of tourist equipment the trip will not take place? (backpack)
-A backpack is a true friend of any tourist. A camping house that is always close by. The tourist has to collect and disassemble it several times a day. Packing a backpack is a whole science. We will try to comprehend some of its basics now.
- The first participant with an empty backpack runs to the hoop in which various objects are scattered. His task: take only one item that can be useful on a hike, put it in a backpack, return to the team and pass the backpack to the next player who performs the same task. Attention, there are extra items in the hoop that we will not need on the hike, show your thinking and ingenuity.
2. Competition "Get ready for a hike"
Teacher: The backpack is assembled, you can go hiking. During the hike, there may be obstacles in our path. And the next contest "Get to the place"
3.Contest "Get to the place" (“Mousetrap” (we build like this: between two gymnastic benches we pull a volleyball net.) Crawling under the net, “crossing” (skate and rope), log, hanging ladder, ascent, traverse, descent (Swedish ladder))

Teacher: The obstacles that you have overcome may come across you on the hike. And you know that in order to overcome them, you need special equipment. In order to overcome obstacles, you need to learn how to use a safety system that will save a person's life in the most difficult situations. And we are starting the next competition "Tourist Equipment"
4. Competition "Tourist Equipment" (putting on the system, gloves, helmets, fastening the carabiners)
Teacher: We continue our trip. All tourists should be able to get out of any situation. Ahead you have a river and a small boat in which the whole team does not fit. And now the task is for the captains who must transport the team to the next shore. In the hands of the team captain there is a hoop, this is the boat. The captain stands in the hoop, in turn he takes one team member into the hoop and runs across to the other side. And so on until the captain transfers the entire team.
5. Competition "Ferry"
Teacher: We, guys, got to the parking lot safely. What needs to be done next? Right. Set up a camp.
6. Competition "Setting up a bivouac" (tent)
Teacher: Well done guys, we have established a camp. But what a hike without a campfire. And behold
Every hour every team will light their own bonfire. Each team player has one piece of wood in his hands. At the signal from the leader, the guys take turns running to the line where they must build a fire, in the form of a well. The last player runs and puts a mock fire inside the fire. Than indicating to the jury that the fire is lit.
7.Contest "Light a fire"
Lecturer: - Our journey has come to an end. Everyone showed their agility, strength, speed. And most importantly, we received a charge of cheerfulness and a lot of positive emotions!
Teacher: Today, guys, you plunged into the multifaceted, interesting, full of impressions world of tourism. Of course, we touched only a thousandth part of this extraordinary hobby. Our holiday is coming to an end. But any trip should end on a good note and now our jury has summed up the results. The floor is yours. (Rewarding)


Look closely at the drawing and answer the questions.
1.How many tourists live in this camp?
Answer: 4 tourists. 4 spoons and plates, list on a tree for 4 people.
2. When did they come here: today or a few days ago?
Answer: a few days ago. Cobweb on the tent.
3.How did they come here?
Answer: sailed by boat. Oars near the tree.
4. Is it far from the camp to the nearest village?
Answer: not far. The picture shows a chicken.
5. Where does the wind blow from: from the north or south?
Answer: from the south. A flag is visible on the tent that indicates the direction of the wind. If you look at the pines, they have shorter branches on the north side. So the wind is blowing from the south.
6. What time of day is it?
Answer: morning. Using the previous answer, you can determine the cardinal points, and looking at the chef's shadow, you can see that the sun is in the east, which means it is morning.
7. Where did Shura go?
Answer: catch butterflies. A landing net is visible behind the bushes.
8. Who was on duty yesterday? (Call by name.)
Answer: Kolya. Today it is not Shura (he catches butterflies), not Kolya (he is at the backpack with the letter "K"), and not Vasya (he is taking pictures, in his backpack with the letter "B" is a tripod). So the person on duty is Petya, and yesterday Kolya was on duty.
9. What is the date of what month?
Answer: August 8th. Today Petya is on duty, which means the 8th. You can see a watermelon, which means it's August.

The holiday of physical education "Day of the young tourist" for students in grades 5-9.
The term "tourism" was first encountered in the 19th century. in English sources and means excursion or travel. As a rule, this is a creative process, because before going on a trip, tourists prepare equipment, study the area of \u200b\u200bthe hike, and develop a route. During the hike, they keep a diary, take pictures or draw, compose songs and sing them near the fire.
Local history and tourism are some of the most interesting areas of work educational institution... This is due to the fact that the students' curiosity is never exhausted, they always want to know what is happening on earth, where they were born and live, what came before them, how people used to live, what was their life, clothes, holidays and everyday life - all colorful palette of life.
The first stage of preparation for multi-day hikes should be excursions and weekend hikes. Weekend hikes for active recreation are organized and carried out at any time of the year. They are conventionally divided into walking, health, training and sports. In addition, they are distinguished by distance, speed of movement, the nature of the path and natural obstacles and the purpose of conducting.

Characteristics of weekend hikes
Going on walking and recreational trips that do not involve a halt with a fire, students take tea or coffee with them in thermos. On day trips, a common table is usually made from sandwiches and fruits taken from home. It is advisable that the weight of the grocery part of the backpack on a one-day trip should not exceed 1.2-1.3 kg per person. In simple multi-day hikes, energy costs are 3000-3500 kcal, the weight of products per person can be up to 1 kg. In more difficult hikes, energy consumption increases to 4000 kcal with a ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates of 1: 1: 4. You should take products that have maximum taste and energy effect with a minimum weight.

In order for the products not to spoil, you need to create conditions for them to cool, remove gases and surround them with a bactericidal space (garlic, onions, black pepper). The most important thing is to keep them dry.

The first trip should be walking or recreational. Routes can be linear or radial. Movement mode is a combination of rhythm and tempo characteristics depending on the route conditions. At the crossings, you can walk for about 35-50 minutes, making stops lasting 5-15 minutes. It is better to arrange the first stop for a short rest 10-15 minutes after leaving, take off excess clothes (so as not to overheat), check shoes, restore breathing, tighten the straps of the backpack, find out how you feel.

The pace of movement depends on the physical fitness of the students. When traveling on a flat path, field or forest road, the pace can be high. On difficult sections with natural obstacles, untrained students who have gained a high pace can quickly get tired due to weak technique. In addition, the pace of travel is influenced by weather conditions, terrain, vegetation patterns, travel experience and ability to anticipate different circumstances and navigate accurately.
One-day and multi-day hikes are carried out in accordance with the "Rules for conducting tourist sports hikes." The main requirement of these rules is the safety of hiking. The rules determine the quantitative composition of the group participating in the weekend hike (no less than 4 and no more than 50 students). If there are more participants, then parallel groups are created.

The group of tourists is led by an experienced leader who has the basic skills of tourist life, as well as familiar with the necessary traffic safety measures. The deputy head is elected from among experienced tourists. The orders and orders of the deputy are binding on all members of the group.
The manager of the campaign is responsible for food and equipment, keeps track of them, distributes food and cargo to backpacks, draws up a menu and appoints those on duty. The group doctor must have a first aid kit with a set of medications necessary for providing first aid for injuries and illnesses.

Preparation and holding of the "Day of the Young Tourist"
The one-day hike takes place after the completion of the first year of training for young tourists in May. Tourists of the senior and junior groups, having arrived at the parking lot, begin to set up the camp. The holiday is held after breakfast.

Event progress
Leading. Dear friends! No one will refuse to go hiking along the forest paths, admiring the wonders of nature, learning something new and interesting every time. What could be better than meeting nature? Space of fields, thickets of forests, blue lakes, observation of the life of animals, bird concerts in the mornings and evenings!
Every year we hold a holiday of dedication to tourists. Before being accepted as a tourist, you need to pass tests. All the knowledge you gained during the lessons will be useful to you today, and you will demonstrate whether you are ready to be tourists. We wish you every success!
(Younger students are divided into groups of 2-4 people. High school students participating in the event diverge in their stages, where they will act as judges.)

1st stage "Orientation"
Each participant is given a compass and the following questions are asked:
1. How to determine the azimuth of an object?
2. How to navigate the forest without a compass?
3. How to navigate by the sun?
4. How to help navigate the terrain
5. How do you navigate in the tree hike? The judges make a corresponding entry in front of the participant's name ("passed", "did not pass").

2nd stage "Topography"
Cards with topographic signs were placed in front of the participants. Each is asked to name 3-4 signs.

3rd stage "First aid"
Participants draw tickets and take turns answering the following questions:
1. What to do if a friend dislocated his leg or arm?
2. What help is needed in case of a fracture?
3. What to do if a friend has lost consciousness?
4. What are your actions in case of first aid in case of a burn.
5. How to help a friend if he gets scratched or bumped?
6. What if a friend rubbed his leg?

4th stage "Folding the backpack"
Various objects lie on the ground in front of the participants. From them you need to choose the ones you need on the hike and put them in your backpack correctly.

5th stage "Do you know mushrooms and medicinal plants?"
1. Name the edible mushrooms.
2. What are the inedible mushrooms?
3. What medicinal properties of mushrooms do you know?
4. What inedible mushrooms are very similar to edible ones?
5. Name medicinal plants known to you.

6th stage "Cooking lunch"
(Distribute the responsibilities of the students in the preparation of lunch, give out products and menus. Under the guidance of older students and the leader of the trip, children prepare lunch, set the "table", invite everyone to try the prepared dishes.)
Leading. Today you cooked your first campfire meal. It will be the most delicious and will definitely be remembered by you along with annoying mistakes (too much salt, not cooked, etc.), which you will remember as the funniest thing that happened to you on the first trip. Bon Appetit!
(After lunch, the students rest for 30-35 minutes, share their impressions, older students tell funny stories from past hikes.
After the rest, the holiday continues. All tourists go to the previously prepared tourist obstacle course. Before starting a safety briefing is given while crossing the obstacle course.
The competitor is only allowed to enter the obstacle course after a careful check of the knots.)

7th stage "Obstacle course"
1. Pendulum
A nylon rope is tied to thick tree branches at a height of 4-6 m, the free end of which does not reach the ground 15-20 cm.
The two lines represent the obstacle that the students must overcome.
2. Suspended ferry
The main rope is pulled between two trees. To cross, the participant is attached to the rope with two carabiners, head first.
He should pull himself with his arms to the opposite side.
3. Crossing the log
A log 6 m long and 15-20 cm in diameter is installed through the ditch. A nylon rope is pulled between two trees parallel to the log.
Participants take turns ferried to the opposite side (chest harness - carbine).
4. Crossing the poles
Light poles 2.5-3 m long are installed on trees.
Participants cross the poles to the opposite bank of the conditional river.
5. Bumps
There are 10-12 "bumps" in random order.
The participant, jumping from "bump" to "bump", must overcome the obstacle without stepping on the ground.
At each stage, there are senior students who help children and monitor safety measures. For a tourist obstacle course, it is advisable to choose a place where the leader could control all the stages.

After overcoming the obstacle course, everyone comes to a large lawn where competitions are held.

1. Lighting a fire
Light a fire using natural materials (foliage, grass, bark, twigs), using as few matches as possible. The winner is the participant who lights the fire with one match, and the flame of the fire burns out the thread stretched between the two supports.

2. Tying knots
Participants are offered to tie 6 knots ("eight", "nine", grasping, counter, simple, bowline). The winner is the participant who tied the knots faster and more correctly.

3. Quiz
Indicative questions:

  1. What can no tourist do without? (No spoon)
  2. Two straps are hanging from me
    There are pockets on the back.
    And you will go on a hike with me -
    I'll hang behind my back.
  3. How long can you go to the forest? (Until you get to the middle of the forest)
  4. What marine animal, acquiring one letter, becomes an insect? (Lobster is a mosquito)
  5. And from the wind and from the heat,
    It will cover you from the rain.
    And how sweet it is to sleep in it!
    What is it? .. (tent)
  6. What is the thinnest thread? (Web)
  7. The arrow swings to and fro,
    Show us north and south without difficulty.
  8. Does the tree grow in winter? (No)
    If a person does not want to go jogging in the morning, nothing can stop him.
    Yogi Berra
  9. Which side of the world is the sunflower head turned at noon? (South)

4. Relay "Who will carry the backpack faster"
Participants are combined into two teams. In each team, the participants are combined into pairs "tourist-backpack". The winner is the team whose "tourists" with "backpacks" will be the first to complete the relay.

5. Outdoor game "Fight of roosters"
A circle with a diameter of 2-3 meters is drawn on the ground. Participants are combined into two teams. One participant from each team is placed in a circle. Each of them raises one leg, puts his hands behind his back. At the signal, the "roosters" begin to push each other out of the circle with their shoulder, trying not to lose balance. The team with the most winners wins.

6. An outdoor game "fishing rod"
The participants in the game stand around the host. He twists a rope to which a sandbag is tied ("fishing rod"). Participants make sure that the bag moving near the ground does not touch their feet and bounce. Whoever is hooked by the rod is out of the game. The last participant wins.

Leading. The tourist day ends, our holiday ends. You have successfully completed the tasks, mastered the primary skills of tourists. Remember that a real tourist is a friend and protector of nature, who considers it his sacred duty to care for it. He will not chop down a living tree for the sake of poles and tent stakes, but will use dead wood. He will not pollute the rivers with garbage and leftovers, he will not forget to diligently extinguish the fire and will not turn his visit to nature into a natural disaster for its inhabitants - animals, birds and plants. Take care and protect nature! Then meeting with her will become a real holiday for you!

Appendix No. 1 Rules of conduct in nature
1. Do not collect bouquets of flowers, do not pluck protected plants.
2. Do not pick mushrooms unnecessarily. Don't touch toadstools. Protect old mushrooms: they contain spores that will give rise to new mushrooms.
3. Do not break the branches of trees and bushes.
4. Observe silence, listen to birdsong, rustle of foliage, perceive beauty with your heart.
5. Do not leave traces of your stay in the forest. Put the remnants of food near the anthill, collect or bury the garbage.
6. Don't take healthy chicks or animals home. If you find a wounded animal, help him.
7. Do not destroy old nests, do not litter tree hollows: birds and animals can live in them.
8. Feed the birds and animals in the winter.

Appendix No. 2 Camping equipment
One of the conditions for a successful hike is the right personal and group equipment. Things are kept in a backpack. In case of rain, you need to have a plastic wrap, which will protect the tourist and the tent in the event of a prolonged downpour.

List of group equipment
1. Tents (depending on the number of participants in the hike).
2. Cooking pots.
3. Axes (2-3 pcs.)
4. Kitchen knives.
5. Frying pan.
6. Ladle.
7. Board for processing products.
8. Matches in waterproof packaging.
9. Lanterns (3-4 pcs.)
10. First aid kit.
11. Equipment repair kit.
12. Camera.
13. Portable radio receiver.
14. Balls, rackets.
15. Batteries for flashlights and radio.

Holiday of the tourist. Hike "Native expanses, native lands"

Author: Anpilogova Lyubov Nikolaevna primary school teacher, MCOU "Lozovskaya primary School - kindergarten"Verkhnemamonsky district of the Voronezh region
Purpose: This event material will be useful for school camps educators, camp leaders, leaders - teachers of street detachments at the place of residence. The event is designed for children 8-10 years old.
Goal: make a fascinating hike through their native spaces, during which the children expand their horizons about the nature and sights of their native land.
Tasks: Formation of spiritual and moral values, foster love for the native land and respect for nature and culture,
teaches to take on and be responsible for a common cause and other people;
teaches the rational use of their time, energy, property.

Holiday progress:

Educator: Guys, today we have an unusual holiday. Holiday of the tourist. In our country, it is celebrated at the end of September. But we will spend it a little early in our small friendly detachment. Today you receive the title of tourist. Who are tourists? Anton will tell us about this.
Poem "Tourists are brave people"
Tourists are brave people
There are no barriers for them
Any roads will be mastered
But still come back.
They are obsessed with a dream
In my soul - a passion for travel.
We wish you great adventures,
So that life is one hundred percent successful!
Educator: We will make a hike through the native expanses of our region.
_ What will we take on the hike? You will find the answer to this question in riddles. Marina will ask us riddles.
He is with you and me
I walked with forest stitches
Hiking friend behind the back
On belts with buckles. (Backpack)
And from the wind and from the heat,
It will cover you from the rain
And how sweet it is to sleep in it.
What is it? (Tent)
Both in the taiga and in the ocean
He will find any way.
Fits in your pocket
And he leads us (Compass)
He is very needed on a campaign,
He is very friendly with bonfires.
You can cook your ear in it,
Boil fragrant tea. (Bowler hat)
Educator: Well done! All riddles were guessed.
Let's listen to the poem.
We are going on a hike
Our teacher goes with us.
She is brave with us,
Will help and prompt.
- What should you take with you on a hike?
- Listen here, people:
Bowler hat, backpack, tent -
And everything will be in order.
We will put things in the backpack:
Two plaids, sweaters,
Socks, pants, shirts
And matches for the fire.
Let's put some more bowls
And mugs for water
And we will not forget the salt
And delicious food.
And now, going on a hike, let's sing a song:
The hike has a beginning
And there is no end to the campaign.
We have passed a lot of roads
But the white light is huge.

You never please
Don't complain about the white light
It is filled with secrets

But you won't take a step
Immediately exhausted
If fortitude and courage
In a difficult way, I did not capture.

We will carry it through the years
Everything that started with the game
Our long hikes
And funny bonfires.

Educator: Guys, let's remember our motto.
All children in chorus:
-Once, two!

Three four!
-Is that who steps in a row?
- Younger schoolchildren detachment.
- Strong, bold, tanned in the sun.
Educator: guys, let's stop near the monument to our fellow villagers who died during the Great Patriotic War.

Let's sing a song in their honor.
The war has passed, the suffering has passed,
But pain appeals to people.
Let's people never
Let's not forget about it!
May the memory of her be true
They store about this flour,
And the children of today's children
And our grandchildren, grandchildren!
Educator: Let us honor the memory of the heroes with a minute of silence.
- Let's go guys further. Determine a compass route. We need to move west, and then walk 3 kilometers south. We must reach the meadow.
We will take a break in the meadow. The boys are gathering wood for the fire.

Three girls are appointed as cooks. We prepare dinner.
We will rest a little and sing a song:
" Potato"
How many times at rest
We baked potatoes
Feasting - feasting
The conversations were

Ah, potatoes, potatoes
In a peel of coal,
Sparks of gold
Blue smoke.

(chorus repeats twice)

A very delicate matter
Even for a connoisseur
Brown skillfully
The potatoes have sides!

From palm to palm
You leave her, leave her!
And salt the potatoes-
Don't let it cool down!

With spring water
We'll drink potatoes
And, of course, with you,
Drinking by the fire

Educator: While the girls are preparing lunch, the rest of the guys learn to put up a tent with our instructor.
Instructor: It is necessary to choose a place for a tent during the day, while it is light, and if you do it for the first time, the time margin should be decent. The first step is to decide where to pitch your tent.
A place for a halt has been chosen. Clean it from foreign objects such as windbreak, stones, bumps, etc. If there is no flat surface, you will have to do it yourself - clean it up, or perhaps dig a small depression.
Choose which side your tent will be the entrance to.

Educator: The tent is set up. You can play. We will hold a checkers competition.

Alexander Goryainov became the winner of the tournament. He is given the right to hold a quiz:
Quiz "Experts of the native land".
1 why ladybirds are not eaten by birds or lizards? (Ladybugs secrete a poisonous liquid to protect themselves from enemies.)
2.Red, sweet, fragrant,
Grows low, close to the ground. (Strawberries.)
3.Poultry housing. (Nest.)
4. Breathes and grows, but cannot walk. (Plant.)
5.Gleams in a clean river
The back is silver. (Fish.)
6. What is the name of our meadow? (Gold)
- Why? (Dandelions bloom in the meadows in spring)
7. Crumbs, grains ate everything. (Sparrows.)
8 .. What color are rowan berries? (Red.)
9.Soft, not fluff,
Green, not grass. (Moss.)
10 where is the grasshopper's ear? (on the foot)
11. The animal that builds a house on the river. (beaver)
12. Why is our river called Belaya? (Originates in the chalk mountains)
Educator: Well done, guys. You answered all the questions correctly. Our dinner is ready.
Everything is delicious on a hike:
Campfire potatoes
A sardine from a can
If it is fresh.
And sprinkle the bread with salt ...
And a fresh cucumber ...
Then we'll have a snack -
And finally you are full.
We took a bowler hat with us
And they cooked kulesh in it -
Such a treat
You won't eat in the apartment.
Oh, how delicious!
Our porridge is good!

Educator: Everyone ate deliciously,
Everyone had a good appetite.
You will rest a little,
Gain more strength.
After rest, friends,
We'll go there
Where is the evening dawn.
(After rest, the children go to the outskirts of the village)

A very old tree grows here. We play the game "Climbers".
The children take turns climbing the tree, naming different tree species with each step. You need to name 10. If someone cannot name, he goes down, naming the bushes.
Further on our way we meet the Don river.
The boy reads a poem:
Where does the Don originate from?
Where the eternal stream is hidden
What's down the river is majestic
Going to distant lands?
Under a low birch tree
Don takes its beginning;
From under the grass of the Moscow earth,
It flows from Ivan Lake ...

Educator: The nature of our region is beautiful.
Children sing a song:
Lyrics of the song "Our Land"
Now a birch, then a mountain ash,
Rakita bush over the river.
A native land, forever beloved,
Where can you find another one!
From seas to high mountains
In the middle of native latitudes
Everybody runs, runs the roads
And they call ahead.
The valleys are flooded with sun
And wherever you look -
A native land, forever beloved,
The whole blooms like a spring garden.
Our golden childhood
Everything is brighter every day!
Under a lucky star
We live in our native land!
Educator: And now we will hold contests:
1st competition: "TOPKOE BOLOTO"
Who will pass the swampy swamp faster, jumping from bump to bump.
The whole team is involved.
2nd competition: "TIE AND UNLINK"
At a distance of 4 m from each team there is a peg to which a ribbon is tied in a knot. At the signal, the first in the team runs to the peg and unties the ribbon, returns and passes the ribbon to the next participant. The second runs to the peg and ties it in a knot, returns and stands at the end of the line, etc. to the last participant.
Assignment: crawl on all fours along the drawn line, bouncing on bumps (shown in a circle), run around the pin and run back to the finish line, passing the backpack to the next one.
Educator: Well done, girls and boys. All are awarded the title of agile, fast and brave guys. Keep it up!
Sometimes trouble can happen on a hike. Everything went well with you, the emergency did not happen. But if someone got hurt. How should one act in such cases?
A mini-quiz "Medicinal plants" is held with children.
-You rubbed your leg on the way, which plant will help relieve pain? (Plantain)
-What swamp berry can replace lemon? (Cranberry.)
-What medicinal properties possesses a mother-and-stepmother? (Cough medicine)
-What kind of grass do cats like? What diseases is it used for? (Valerian. It is used for insomnia and nervous disorders.)
-This plant is believed to help against 99 diseases? What is it? (St. John's wort).
-The name of this plant speaks for itself - it heals many skin diseases... What is it? (Celandine.)
-What plants will help strengthen your hair? (Burdock, nettle.)
-What rules for collecting medicinal plants do you know? (Do not pick plants near roads, pick in dry sunny weather, dry in the shade.)
Educator: Well done, guys. We go home.
We learned everything:
set up a tent, make a fire, cook porridge.
We found out where is north, where is south -
The teacher taught us everything \u003d
Our great friend.


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