Lesson to World Chocolate Day Abstract. Game program "Chocolate Day"

Lesson to World Chocolate Day Abstract. Game program "Chocolate Day"

World Chocolate Day is a holiday celebrated annually on July 11. In addition to him, there is another World Day with the same name, which is celebrated on September 13th.

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Methodical kaya Development

game program

Heads of a circle

"City of masters"

Zhuravleva O.V.

Shnyovova O.V.

Merry music "Surprise" sounds.

Two clown appear: Klepa and Tepa.


Hello, girls!


Hello, boys!

(Children greets)


See, Clochka, and I've greeted it better! Louder! So I am the best clown in the world.


Do not brag about it! And why did you decide that with you greeted louder? Let's believe again! So, girls let's loudly cry the "Girls".


And then the boys shine "boys" even louder!

(Children compete)


Well, I think that still girls need to give way.


Well, I agree! And what are we going here here?


Winner, so today is the World Chocolate Day!


Here's great! I adore chocolate! And you, children, love chocolate candies?

(Children answer)


So, the yellow, miracles happen not only on New Year's Eve. Hot summer holidays can also be magical. Today is the sweetest-so-standing, delicious - wonderful World Chocolate Day! It is celebrated on July 11, in the midst of hot summer.


And who invented this sweet holiday?


And invented this holiday French. And the World Chocolate Day has been celebrated since 1995.


A very young holiday! And I suggest fun today and get chocolate! Do you agree?




Give me a ticket

In a chocolate country

Where milk drive winds

Chocolate wave.


Where swims under the cry of chap

Chocolate steamer

And on the pier meets

Chocolate hippo.


Where they grow on the sight

Chocolate forests.

And falls on a plant

Chocolate dew ...


Where the opera is proud of

Chocolate Cockada,

Chocolate deer

Chocolate caress waiting.


With chocolate eyes

Chocolate Kangaroo

Amuses all jumps

And calls in your game.


I was looking for no stop

And pulled out a ticket:

Chocolate world in the box

Delightful candies!


I suggest starting to celebrate chocolate day with merry Competition!

Two players from each detachment are invited to the scene.

(Children go to the scene and get up in pairs)


And now we will cover all the players of the eyes with scarves. And the audience helps us with applause.

(Presenters help to tie to everyone)


And now the most interesting and delicious part of the competition! One of the players we give candy. You have to deploy a fantasty and try to feed your friend with candy. The main thing is not to miss! Falkers do not throw on the floor, they will use us.


So, I distribute candy, you wait for the team to start the competition. Spectators support their friends with applause! Music! We consider: one, two, three, start.

Competition "Feeding a friend of a candy" - 11 chocolates.


What a delicious contest! Guys are just great! Do you know, tep, who is the first learned to cook chocolate?


No, unfortunately I do not know.


This happened a few millennia ago. And in those distant times it did not look like a tile or candy. Chocolate was a wonderful drink. He appeared in Spain. The Spaniards carefully guarded the drink recipe called "Chocolate". But nevertheless did not save the information and the European countries received a recipe for a wondrous drink.


So interesting! But I propose to go to the next contest! Are you not against guys? And pogromic! And even louder! Two players from each detachment are invited to the scene! Moreover, it should be a girl and a boy!

(Girl and boy from each detachment come out)

And now I will tell the Rules of the Competition. The girl holds a plate, where in the bowels of the flour fell candy. The boy without the help of hands should get a candy from the plate and do not get dirty. Then he should already deploy a candy with the help of hands and feed the girl. The girl should not touch the candy with his hands. Rules must be respected! So, we consider: one, two, three, start.

Competition "Find a candy".


And what only chocolate candies will not meet. Emboss!


And I have seen real chocolate medals and paintings!


And chocolate dances saw?


Dancing? Not.


Well, then look!

Rhythm coil sounds,

The soul jumps into the beat,

And under your feet

And the hands flies like this ...

Dance "Jive"


So great and fun danced guys. I also wanted to dance on cheerful and sweet music. Guys, do you want to dance? I suggest having fun with us! Tepa. We start cheerful dance!

Dance game "Sweetka"



Played a cat on the floor.

Clawed sweat

And Phanta, like a ball, in my corner!

Yes, our cat football player!

I am a fan from an angle

But get up in the gate, pussy,

Now we will continue the game ...


Tepa, with the candy, we will not play football. We are better let's see what crafts from the candy did the guys in their detachments.

Competition "Filki Magic" - presentation of teams with elements of costumes.


And now I suggest to solve riddles - screams! Are you ready loud and all together to guess the riddles?


1.There crisp cookies

And milk chocolate.

Do not want and jam

Only him you will be happy.

Mysterious as Mr. Iks-

Well, of course, it is.... (Twix).

2. He has everything that can

Walking by impossible!

Named in honor of one planet

And we love all the white light!

He support, just class!

Know everything that is…(Mars).

3.And what is it for the thing?

Focus-subtle science.

In milk he will not drown

Gentle, as well as the soul throws!

Printed, Chui quick!

Our favorite... (Malkie-Way)

Sweet and tea riddles

On the holiday, I will come to everyone

I am big and sweet.

There are nuts in me, cream,

Cream, chocolates.(Cake)

He lives in his foil,

He quickly melts in his hand.

Very tasty, very sweet,

Majes fruit guys.(Chocolate)

I'm in a cup, horn,

Delicious and gentle.

Made on milk,

More often - snow-white.

In freezers I live

And at the sun immediately Tay.(Ice cream)

In the stove, he joined was dark,

Like a ram, also round.

This soft beam

Rech for breakfast splashing.(Bagel)

Their granny with sugar

Baked, sweet.

The first came out - as if com

And others are smooth.(Pancakes)

We are raisins, almond

They are baked for Easter.

And sculpt them in the yard

Also anyone.(Cakes)

Maybe it is sandy,

And sometimes with cream.

Sometimes happens with juicy

Appetizing jam.

And meringues happens - crumb,

And in the glaze of the peel

Maybe it is potatoes,

Only not my puree.(Cake)

Mom, sweet, well, where are you?

Have speed more service.

There are drum candy,

Called "kis-kis".(Irisky)

From above - rhombic patterns,

And the filling in them inside.

Fast tea devices

In the kitchen from the shelf take.

We offer them to tea

Grandfather and baby.

And in their honor we call

Often a towel. (Waffles)

Grandma of sweet berries

He welded something.

And it is enough for us for a year

To tea and compote.(Jam)

I look like on jam

Only a trip.

To the tea you take me

And add to the cake. (Jam)

I tremorly tremble in a cup

As if I'm afraid.

For dessert you will be offered

Your pleasant taste. (Jelly)


Well done boys! And now we suggest you to dance again!

Dance "Well, where the handles ... .."


And on the next competition we invite a certain number of participants from each detachment. Be careful:

1.Beshestnik - 11.

2.Muchochka - 10.

3.Citrusovye - 10.

4. Barbaris- 8.

5. Matrushka-8.



8. Lust - 8.

9. BELECK-7.





And the contest conditions are as follows:

It is necessary to fold the name of the candy from the letters received and show the audience. So, one, two, three, start!

Competition "Guess the name of the candy"


In our glade, a miracle grown - a tree! It is not easy, but magic! It matures only one candy per year. But what a delicious!


And what do you suggest to do with it? Eat it?



Do you want one candy divided by 267 children, counselors and educators ???


YES! And you will help me in this!

They go beyond candy and distribute packages with candy children.

Entertainment for children of the senior group "Sweetka"

Holiday script for children of senior group

Author: Repina Yulia Anatolyevna, educator GBOU SOSH №285 named after V. A. Moltrtova Division №3, Moscow

Entertainment for children of the senior group "Sweetka".

- to introduce pupils with chocolate history;
- Share about the benefits and dangers of chocolate;
- learn expressively perform poems,
- To please the children.

Preliminary work:
- Conversation with children about the history of origin of the holiday "Chocolate Day".
- Selection of literary material.
- learning the poems of sweets.

Tell the children that chocolate day is celebrated on July 11. That chocolate was first a bitter drink. Then sugar began to add sweetness. For a long time, chocolate was used only in liquid form. The usual tile form appeared much later. Then in chocolate, milk began to add and various fillers ....
... The world's first chocolate monument opened on July 1, 2009 in the city of Pokrov Vladimir region
The holiday is held in the music hall. The hall is decorated with various pictures with sweets, everywhere weigh the volumetric dusting of candies.

Children enter the song "Song Sweet Song".
- Hello guys! Today we will go to the country of sweet tech. Want to? Yes!!! Then guess the riddles.

He lives in his foil,
He quickly melts in his hand.
Very tasty, very sweet,
Majes fruit guys. (Chocolate)

We are in the pastry shop
Fantiki bright.
And on the holiday we want
To get to you with gifts. (Candy)

Mom, sweet, well, where are you?
Have speed more service.
There are drum candy,

Called "kis-kis". (Irisky)

Very often say:
Children love marmalade
Chocolate candies,
Also important signs,
Cakes, puffs and cookies,
Cream, homemade jam
And crispy nuts -
They are just sweet tooth.

In our house there was a buffet,
In it lay five candies ...
But one day, somehow,
In our house the light went out
And when turned on the light,
There was no more candy.
Where are these candy now?
If there were children nearby?
So many sweets in the world
Guys like these:
"Caramel", "Lollipops"
And with the name "Skvortsy",
"Bears", "Squirrels", "Irisky",
"Karakum" and "Barbarisky".
Each sweet has a secret,
He also has candies.
There is a knock at the door.
- Oh, who are children there? Do not know. And let's ask. Who's there? (chorus).
Dunno (crying) comes from the curtain.
- Hello Dunno, why are you crying?
- How don't I cry? I went to visit my friends and carried it a box of delicious chocolate chocolates. Walking for a long time and hungry. I decided to eat one candy. The candies were very tasty, and I did not notice how I ate all the candies (shows an empty box). And now I do not know what to do.
- Guys help me, do not help? Yes! Let's help.
- Guys, see us here are two tables (covered with a tablecloth).
The tutor raises the tablecloth. Children fit and watch. Plasticine is on the table, stacks, boards for modeling, napkins for hands.
- Let's, blindness for a little candy.
The game is "sweetie".
Children are divided into two teams. Before each team table. Who fastest blinds more candy he won.
Children are pushed. Dunno helps.
- Well done boys. And now let's dance.
Dance "Candies".
Children sit on chairs.
- Dunno you liked our dance.
- Yes, I liked it. Just how are my candies?
- Oh, guys, we played out so that they forgot about candy. So we have already blind sweets (shows a vase with candy). Guys seem to me that our sweets are missing something.
Answers children.
- That's right, our sweets need to be wrapped in a candy.
The game "Requires a candy".
Children are divided into two teams. Before each team table. On the table a handful of blinded candies and a handful of candy candies. Candies need quickly, carefully wrap in the candy. The team wins that the whole candy will be worse.
After the end of the game, children fold all candy in the box. And give minted.
- Thank you guys, you have helped me out. And now I have to say goodbye to you. Bye! See you soon!
- Guys our journey approached the end. Did you like it? Let's go to the group, surprise awaits you there.
The group room covers tables for tea.

great: Good afternoon, dear friends! Which of you does not like sweets? Today we will arrange a holiday, holiday fun and good mood. And let's start with a fun greeting:

Sasha, Kolya and Aleshi

Hands together all raised!

Vladiki all, if, oli

Loudly sneaked!

Alena, Alina and Sergei

All in your hands slack!

Andrei, Misha and Irina-

All legs to keep!

Diana, Mash and Vitaly-

Walked together!

Natasha, Danilles and Oksana

Quickly sat down!

Bones, Dasha and Nastya

Well, pamper!

Game all and maximas

Well, fuck all!

About whom we did not say

And today we knew

Like a single family

Smokingly cry: "This is me!"

Day sweet to delicious time.

They love his adults, loves a defector.

You can eat apples, raisins and grasses

I am for this kids sweet to the call.

Do you know that the word "sweet" in Russian means also nice. And whoever says: What kind of delicacy in Russia was the most beloved? I suggest: according to the slaves of the method, the barns of scrapers (kolobok) it was a festive dish. Previously, people were taught by giving the generous Mother Nature: honey,

birch juice, berries.

So now we have sweet quiz. For each correct answer, classes are obtained by one point. Assess the answers to your teachers.

Autumn in the forest came

Red torch Zazhagla

Many birds will be blown everywhere

Bright berry chew. (Rowan)
Sits next to us

Looking at dark eyes

Black, small, sweet,

All the guys Mila. (Blueberry)

In Senokos Gorky,

And in winter sweet. (Kalina)

Aleshka sees on the grass

In red shubashonka

Who will not pass

All worship. (strawberry)

Beads are red hanging

From the bushes we look at us.

Very love beads these

Children, birds and bears.

And now the question is the last

Answer together to us

What kind of berry is

Striped, big

Weigh a lot of kilograms. (watermelon)

Now play the teams of 10 people. Game "Zhardde".

Who will eat ramp faster. The team that will eat first-trees. Wins the team that ate less. They are not Zhada. Bite once.

Sweets love not only children, and also the heroes of fairy tales. Guess the heroes-sweet bowls.
The biggest amateur jam with a propeller? (Carlson)
Who climb on a tree behind the honey and sang the song "I'm Tuchka, Tuchka, Tuchka, I'm not at all a bear. And as nice to the tuchka to fly. " (Winnie the Pooh)
Who from Chukovsky's poems asked 5-6 tons of chocolate? (Crocodile)
Who wrote such poems: "The cracker under the pillow is a sweet chest?" (Dunno)
Which of the characters of a children's fairy tale dreamed that the wizard will give 500 popsicle on his birthday? (Cheburashka)
What trick invented Masha to return to the grandfather and grandmother? (baked pies)

The game "Ball is a neighbor" -8 people pass the ball neck, without hands.

And now I want to see

Sweet kingdom


Where on every corner

Distribute to everyone halva

Vyazemsky rugs,

Honey pyshki,



In turns of the team refer to the names of candy. The team defeats the word of the latter. Game "Candy".

Everything is clear without questions

All questions in front

Relay water lines

Waterons, come out!

Relay "Not Persis" -3 glass with water to overflow with a spoon in a bucket.

Children love very much

Chill in the package

Chill, chill

Maybe lick you once.

What is it? (ice cream)

Do you know how ice cream appeared? 100 years ago in the east, where it is very hot, mixed fruit juice, ice and snow. So it turned out ice cream. Task: Draw the fruit fairy tale ice cream wrapper. Participate 2 people from class.

At this time, the game with the audience. If the name of the porridge called the product is needed, say "yes", if not needed, "no".


I decided to cook baked,

To feed the kids.

Went to the market

And so that I took:

Pair milk yes,

Chicken egg-no,

Croach manna-no,

Kochan's cabbage is no

Salted cucumber-no,

Meat chokalo-no,

Sugar and salt yes,

White beans-no,

Pipe oil-yes,

Salted fish-no,

Laurel leaf-no,

Chinese rice

Prune and raisin-yes,

Chocolate Lukum-No,

Bulgarian pepper-no,

Tatar sauce is no

Strawberry jam-yes,

Biscuit cookies-no.

And now the crurch. Repeat for me:

The mouse for the cat, a cat for a bug, a bug for granddaughter, granddaughter for the grandmother, grandmother for grandfather-pulling candy. Game "Rack" - Pressing the rope.

Competition for girls "Edible-inedible"

Kefir-marshmallow pot-cake

Marmalade Chocolate Parsley-Rattle


Carpet-Costor True-Lollipops

Sweet Caramel Matryoshka Potato

Pussy-Irisk Pickles-Zucchini

Rotik-cake meadow-friend

Final relay

"Moter" - candy on a thread shake on a pencil.
"Frog" - a participant takes himself for heels and jumps like a frog.
"Caracatia" - running two, clutching behind his hands.
"King" - two carry the third on the clutch hands.
"Goats" - two run, jumping over each other. In the end, grab the teeth with candy from a plate with flour.
"Getting candy" - standing back to the wall, without leaning, getting a candy lying around the heels.

The jury summarizes.

Already the fun ended the hour

And it's time to tell us: "Goodbye!"

But we will meet with you more than once

Thank you all for your attention

And now the whole choir: "Goodbye!"

Bitter, sweet, milk, velvety ... melting in his hands and in a language, forcing the cover of eyes, enjoying this amazing taste ... Oh, the great and incomparable chocolate! Let's give you a hymn and hone sorrow. Moreover, it's time to do this: July 11, the world bathes, enjoys and savoring ... World Chocolate Day.

history of the holiday

Sweet day was born in France. For the first time, he was noted in 1995, and from the country of eternal love was gently fit, he walked throughout the planet.

There were those times when chocolate called "black gold" and he only appeared on the tables of nobility. Today they can enjoy adults and children.

Everything is good in it: it is nutritious, tasty, contains elements that help the body recover and relax. Black chocolate is a storehouse of endorphins (hormones of happiness). Eat a chocolate - and the mood rises. Bold scientists argue that this sweetness slows down the aging process and prevents cancer.

True, in this wonderful product there is a lot of calories, so there is one small minus: a moment of happiness in the mouth - and a kilogram on the waist. But it does not stop the true gourmet lovers. You can always afford small weaknesses. Especially if you do it without fanaticism. After all, chocolate is in itself so many surprises that they should not be neglected.

Interesting facts about chocolate

The cocoa tree grows in the south, where the hot sun is cherished and allows you to slowly ripen fruits. Only for the fifth year of his life, it begins to be fruit and makes it regularly a quarter of a century, although it is measured by him the universe to live about two centuries.

In every fruit - up to fifty beans. And everything from the tree can be collected up to two and a half thousand grains. On average, 1 gram of chocolate uses 1 bob.

Maya tribe - cocoa fans

Chocolate made more ancient Aztec Maya. They worshiped this tree, he learned to each Bob, used him as a barrier coin, brought victims to the gods, deeply convinced that cocoa bob would grow in the heart of the victim.

They called him food of the gods and bitter water and believed that cocoa was a tree from Paradise, which gives wisdom and enlightenment to someone who comes his fruits.

Maja's chocolate was little like that we were accustomed to bite today: pepper, hallucinogenic mushrooms and legged corn were added there. Aztecs.

Cocoa beans served as the Indian equivalent of money. Everybody was bought for them: food, slaves, the love of available women ... The king of chocolate was called 9 Aztec emperor Montesum, which owned, according to legends, billion beans. A kind of squeak-drive was a montesum. However, like the oligarchs of all times and peoples.

The Indian emperors were slightly lighter: they carried part of his precious Skarba with them to the grave: the faithful subjects spent their leaders with honors and put on a long irretrievable road and beans, and chocolate.

Path from Columbus to Chocolate Tile

In Europe, the delicacy fell only after the opening of the Columbus of America. Initially, it appeared in Spain, and then, gradually, began to conquer the rest of the countries and continents.

In the Middle Ages, the church considered him a "demonic drink" associated with magic and witchcraft, so its use was reinforced. However, it only heated a desire to try forbidden fruit.

Initially, chocolate was used as a liquid drink and only in 1842 for the first time they released chocolate tiles.

Inappropriate numbers

On average, a person eats up to five kilos of this sweet miracle all over the world. Fans are the Swiss, which consume chocolate twice as many averages.

The scale of production of cocoa is great, because this sweet dessert is eaten to four million tons and is spent by the Citizens of the Planet to eighty million dollars. Impressive such numbers :).

And how to do without chocolates and sweets, when so many different holidays?

The chocolate is considered, the second honorable place is Halloween, and the third step of the pedestal saddled . Statistics are clearly American, we seem to be in the last place will also be.

To whom it is harmful, and to whom it is useful?

For people, sweet delicacy is sometimes even useful. Scientists believe that if you eat 75 grams of bitter chocolate per month, then life will last for a year. The ritual is important: three times 25 grams in 30 days. Otherwise, we cried the extra years of life.

It is argued that with the help of snacks you can reduce the pressure, clean the vessels, dental tax, increase sexy libido ... The main thing is not to overdo it!

But what is useful to higher primates is strictly prohibited by the brothers to our smaller. Even if our cats and pins like sweets, it does not mean that it is useful. 60 grams - fatal dose for dog weighing five kilograms. Therefore, hold back the generosity of your soul and take care of your pets.

Miracles in chocolate

Chocolate - grateful material. Maybe because sculptures are slaughtered from it, various items are sculpting and even create ... chocolate clothing.

In Germany, for example, produce edible plates. They can be heard, and then eat.

In 2008, the Italian Angelo Feduzzi created an eight-toned miracle: a copy of the English Big Ben in full size. The tower stood in the town of Macerat for a week, after which it broke down and distributed to guests and residents of the Italian town.

The Chinese are consistently suitable. In Shanghai, the holiday of spring, an unusual car appeared on the street. Right as a present, but only chocolate. Five hours have sweated pastry, 37 kilograms of the product were drawn, but they proved to everyone: the Chinese are not flashed!

Ginesov's record holder became a chocolate weighing 5 tons of 792.5 kilograms. Her parameters: four for four meters, and made this giant in England.

Well, how to do without chocolate defile? Everything is as expected: dresses, camsoles, decorations ... even wedding outfit Created from white chocolate. So who has a sweet life ahead 🙂

Do not forget your loved ones and familiar with a sweet day. When, as not on a holiday, pamper yourself? Arrange the triumph of joy, flesh and love! Enjoy the unique taste of gentle, velvet, amazing delicacy!


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