Scenario for the day of lovers in kindergarten. An abstract classes in the preparatory group "Valentine's Day

Scenario for the day of lovers in kindergarten. An abstract classes in the preparatory group "Valentine's Day

Scenario game program For Valentine's Day in children's garden Makarov Elena Vladimirovna prepared, Yekaterinburg, MBDOU kindergarten number 456.

Valentine's Day in kindergarten is an optional holiday. However, this is a great opportunity to talk to children about friendship, partnership, love. In addition to educational purposes, Valentine's Day in kindergarten is also held in order to expand the knowledge of children about the culture and traditions of residents of other countries.

February 14 in senior and preparatory groups can be played a game program. Children gives " homework"- Make home with the parents of Valentine's hearts. In addition, the event will be needed:

  • 8 hearts with inscriptions for the game "Divination",
  • heart balloons,
  • 2 masks horses,
  • 2 bags for jumping,
  • lipstick,
  • napkins,
  • 2 hats with the notes in which the names of children (boys and girls) are indicated,
  • record Cartoon "Crazy Raccoon",
  • 5-6 additional chairs.

Game program for Valentine's Day in kindergarten

Elegant children are seated in the hall to the music.

Leading senior group:

- We came to us a fun holiday,
Music is pouring
We are this holiday today
In the afternoon of lovers, let's call.

- For adults, this is a day of lovers, and for children is a holiday of friendship. For the first time, this holiday began to be celebrated in England. Now this holiday is considered one of the most beloved and popular in many parts of the world and even in Russia. This holiday is for both young and old. This is the day of love, friendship, kindness, sympathy and respect for people to each other.

- Well, what, the holiday is starting. And we will start it .... From fortune telling! Want to know what will happen when you become big? Only boys will play this game. Get out of those who want to know their destiny!

There is a game "Divination".

In the center of the circle, the hearts with the inscription (below) are laid out. The boys get up in a circle and flew around the hearts to the music. At the end, you need to quickly choose any heart. The presenter comes up and reads by everyone, first says: "(the boy's name) marries because ..."

  • In the call of the heart.
  • For love.
  • By calculation.
  • Mom told so.
  • Damn attitude.
  • Because the bride is rich.
  • Love at first sight.
  • Fell in love in the kindergarten.

- And now take these hearts and give your little girl.

The boys give the girl heart, and dance in a pair with her.

- And now I will make you riddles, and you try to answer them:

  • What kind of crap married a prince? (Cinderella).
  • With the help of which Eastern People, the peasant son married Shah's daughter? (Magic lamp of alladina),
  • Who wanted to give a mole of a croce into his wife? (mouse).
  • What kind of pet helped your owner marry the royal daughter? (Puss in Boots).
  • What is the name of the girl who, with the help of love, melted the icy heart of his friend? (Gerda)
  • In what fairy tale the prince woke up the princess for his kiss? (Sleeping Beauty).

- The mood fell,
The case rolling out of the hands.
But not still lost,
If there is a good friend
With the case we will handle together
With relief sigh,
Mood raise
And from dust with ditch!
And now we will dance with good friends!

A comic dance game "Lavata" is held.

Children get up in a circle and say: "We dance together, the tra-ta, the tra-ta-she, the dance of the funny ours is a lavat." And the presenter gives the task to children pause, for example: "My hands are good, and the neighbor is better." Children take hands and move back to the music again.

Tasks can be: "My shoulders are good", "My back is good", "My ears are good," "My knees are good," "My heels are good" and others.

Leading senior group: - Hundreds of years ago in England, children dressed up adults. Children went from home to the house and sang songs about Holy Valentine. And in Finland on February 14, when the day of lovers celebrate in most countries, the tradition of friends is celebrated by tradition. Friends Day for Finns - one of the reasons to think about human relations between friends, sweethearts, close. It is wonderful that the Finns came up with the holiday of friends, because if there is a good friend, then no troubles are scary. And when the children are friendly, then all the affairs are going to. Now we will check what you are friendly.

- Who loves sweet, stand together!
- Who loves to watch TV, lift up your hands together! Lower.
- Who loves to sleep, praise together.
- Who is in love with ice cream, walk together.
- And who loves to play? So we will dance!

The game-dance "Tropinka" is held.

The presenter suggests first playing girls, then boys. So, the team of children is coming. Children get up with each other "the train". They are invited to go for the leading child of the "path".

Then the leading child turns and shows movements, children repeat. At the end of the leading child rises to the end of the snake. The one who became the first continues the game.

The presenter of the preparatory group: - Once people believed that feelings such as love, luck, anger or fears are in the heart. Later they began to assume that only a sense of love is in the heart. So in our time, the heart is a symbol of love and Valentine's Day.

- Now I caught the most bold boys who will not be afraid to drop the heart.

The "knight's tournament" is held.

Two girls and two pairs of player-boys participate in the game: one acts as a horse, the other - in the role of the knight. Konya needs to wear an appropriate mask, "Knight" - to give a ball in the form of a heart into his hands.

At the signal, the knight sits on the horse, which stands on all fours, and goes to the girl, gives her heart and, without stopping, rides back. Who will be faster in place?

Leading senior group:

- How to start candy,
My friends do not read.
And the candy ended -
And there are no friends in mom.
For candy every friend
So tears it from the pour.
Why, why do I need a friendship?
I myself love candy.

- Let's remember the Rules of Friendship ... Help a friend: If you can do something, teach and him; If comrade got into trouble, help him than you can.

- Share with comrades: If you have interesting toys, books, shared with other guys, with those who have no them. Play and work with friends so as not to take all the best.

- Stop the comrade, if he does something bad. If something is wrong with something, tell him about it.

- Do not quarrel with friends. Try to work and play with them together. Do not argue on trifles. Do not come to know if you have something good. Do not envy comrades - it is necessary to enjoy their successes. If I did not feel bad, do not hesitate to admit and correct.

- Tell you take help, tips and comments from other guys.

- Boys, and what words of tenderness we will give today our girls?

Boys say: Beautiful, kind and others.

- Girls, and we, in turn, will call the boys: "The most charming and attractive."

The game "The most charming and attractive" is held.

It is necessary to choose two teams of girls and two boys. Girls paint lips lips. Lead girls in the team give a bag for jumping. At the signal, they begin to jump to boys, kiss them in a cheek and say loudly: "The most charming and attractive!", Run back. Then the next girl runs. The game is carried out until all girls run.

The presenter of the preparatory group: - They accomplished the soul. Do you want to know how to kiss in other countries? (Children answer.)

In different countries of the world kiss differently:

  • In China touch cheeks. (Invites children to try.)
  • Alaska Eskimos rub noses. (Invites children to try.)
  • In Equatorial Africa, a man shook her thumb with a woman three times. (Children repeat.)
  • In the Gambia pressed female palm to her nose. (Children repeat.)
  • In Polynesia, partners teeth pull out each other hair eyebrows.

"But it probably hurts, and we will not experiment, but better check what kind of friendly and clever."

The game "Music Stool".

In the circle, chairs, children for one more are settled. In this game, none of the children leaves. To the music, children run around the chairs, at the end you need to take a chair. Who was not enough - it sits on his knees to anyone. The game continues, one chair is cleaned. The game continues until only two chairs will remain.

The presenter of the preparatory group: - Let's play together and swim together! Get out more in a circle and repeat everything for me!

Children dance dance "Bogi-WGOG".

The presenter of the preparatory group: - By February 14, a variety of valentines greeting cards are produced, from simple with touching images to unfolding. And in previous times there were even postcards decorated with gold and lace. And what words can I write in Valentine? For example:

- How many different valentines
Spinning in the snowfield.
One of them is mine to you.

- I wish to be beautiful to you
I wish you sorrow not to know
I wish to be always happy
And never lose heart.

- Valentine, that is, the postcard, which the in love sends the subject of his sympathy on February 14, appeared in 1415. Its author was the Duke of Orleans, who at the time was imprisoned. In order for him to be bored, he began to compose poems for his wife, and later the fashion for such messages spread throughout Europe.
On Valentine's Day, the girls and young men were going together, wrote names on pieces and threw these leaflets in a jug. Then everyone pulled out one piece of paper and recognized the name of his beloved person.

Leading senior group:

- Guys, the holiday continue
And we will now find out
Who is Valentine? Who is Valentine?
Remove we offer!

- And read the names in the notes that lie in two hats!

The game "Valentin and Valentina" is held.

Alternately, from each hats get notes with the names of girls and boys who were written in advance and decomposed. The formed couples dance to the music.

Leading senior group:

- the game came to the end
Thank you all, we have time.

The presenter of the preparatory group:

- How is it time? Where is it time?
I did not really understand.

Leading senior group:

- How where? On the disco!
See, as the eyes glitter.
All lovers today are wanted to say!

Children dance all together the dance "Bear Gammy".

Leading senior group:

- dance dance, but first
We would not have prevented
That surprise is ready for you
We start our show!

The presenter of the preparatory group:

- You go to chairs
And watch the cartoon soon.

At the end of the gaming program, children watch the cartoon "baby raccoon". Valentine's Day in kindergarten ends - children are returned to groups and exchange hearts.

Interesting Scenario Valentine's Day in kindergarten You will read on this page of our site. The most important thing is that you need to convey to the consciousness of small kids, so it is to explain that love is a clean and good feeling. What you need to love near, do not harm and pain around. In the heart of each child should light up the spark of love, which will warm their soul for years.

Valentine's Day I wonder for children to hold contests, sing songs and tell the rhymes about love.

Scenario Valentine's Day in kindergarten

Interesting scenario for Valentine's Day for children

Host: Good afternoon, dear guys! Today we invited you to a cute, funny, unusual holiday, which adults and children are celebrated from a long time - the feast of the patron of all lovers - Valentine's Valentine. An interesting story of this holiday. The British began to celebrate it from the 15th century. As legend says, Valentina's Christian at the venue of the Roman emperor should have chopped off her head. Before the execution, he fell in love with the blind daughter of the executioner, the girl answered him reciprocity and simply. There are other legends of the origin of this holiday. And we will open our Ball with the traditional "Waltz friendship".

Scenario of Valentine's Day in kindergarten continues ...
Host: We continue the holiday.
Want to pay you?
Who is Valentine, who is Valentine?
We'll learn about this now.
(Game "Princess" In a circle there is a boy blindfolded. Children go in a circle and say words:
Wallenin walked in the forest, forest,
I was looking for my princess, Princess
Once, two, three - you will be the princess.
Which of the girls stopped the finger of the leading, with that he moves away. And so several times.)
Host: In friendship and appreciation, all Valentina invite their Valentin to dance.
Host: And now I offer you a "romantic journey" game. Let's assume that your friend went on some journey. I give your friend a card, and you need to ask with the leading questions: where he, what took with him what he began to do, etc. So, we will sit in a circle on the chairs. And boys get on a card or picture and will tell you, without calling right where they are.
Host: Now I invite you to broken hearts.

Valentine's Day Scenario In kindergarten continues to play for children.
(Game "Broken Heart". 5 hearts, 5 participants. Who will quickly collect "broken" (cut) paper heart?)
Host: Now we will move quickly in pairs in a circle as soon as the music breaks around, you take a pair one of the lying hearts.

Scenario Valentine's Day in kindergarten is the next game.
(Interesting game "Care Heart". In the center of the hall lie somewhat, one less than the number of couples, paper hearts. After stopping the music, the couples are trying to take the hearts. Couple, which failed to take the heart, leaves. Excess heart is cleaned, and the game continues.)
And the scenario of Valentine's Day in kindergarten continues to lead: And now we will play with the boys. We pay on the accuracy of the eye, dexterity of the hands. This will help us the game "Arrows Amur"
(Game "Arrows Amur" The targets are drawn sectors with numbers that mean - as who marries:
5 - in the call of the heart,
4 - by love:
3 - by calculation:
2 - Mom ordered:
1 - damn attitude;
Milk attempt is not torture.
Participants shoot in turn from the toy bow or throw darts for darts.)
Leading. We played with the boys, it's time to play with girls and, of course, wander. Now we will move to the music around this hoop. Music stops, you must grab the ribbon. Who has the shortest, that and faster married.
(Goes the game)
Host: And now dancing for Valentine's Day.
The scenario in kindergarten continues the lead. And now the climax of our evening is the choice of Valentina and Valentine. Fear you cheese and hat. In Chepets, notes with the names of all girls, and in a hat - with the names of the boys.
(Selection of Valentine and Valentine)
Host: We are very glad that you came to the holiday.
Once again I congratulate you all happy Valentine's Day, Happy Valentine's Day!
To new meetings! (Disco)

You read valentine's Day Scenario in kindergarten for children of senior group . If you have your impressions, share with us in the comments.

Scenario Valentine's Day - Stolen Heart

Good evening, dear friends! Today is February 14, and this is not just another day of the week, month and year, this is Valentine's Day. Which is known is the day of all lovers. And today there are people who are in love? There are such? Excellent. And what is a symbol of love? What are you constantly drawing? Proper - hearts. And so we have prepared a surprise for you. This is a big heart! Let's shout and praise. And so meet!

But Baba Yaga comes to the scene instead of a big heart.

Baba Yaga:

Oh, what sketched something? I, though Baba Yaga, but hear is still good. Or are you glad to see me like that?


And who else who? Where is our big heart?

Baba Yaga:

Wow, honey. Do not recognize me? This is me - Baba Yaga!


In fact, we were waiting for our heart, and not this.

Baba Yaga:

There was such a heart. Only it is tired of me, and I broke it.


How did you break? This is our heart. We ordered it in one well-known company.

Baba Yaga:

Yes, I know everything. This is my company. I just became interested - why do you need such a heart. So I broke it.


And where is the logic here: it became interesting and broke?

Baba Yaga:

There are no logic. I just came so, see what happens here.


Yes, nothing happens. There is no heart, so there is no holiday.

Baba Yaga:

Did there have been a holiday? Okay, then I confess - I did not break the heart, I brought him with him. The couriers everything disappeared with me, only the legs left the horns, so I had to drag my heart.


So what will the holiday be?

Baba Yaga:

Will be of course. But only, Chur, with me!


Come on, we agree. And where?

Baba Yaga:

BUT?! My heart will be happy for me so that you will not kill me from your holiday. So to speak as a guarantee. And what is the holiday?


Valentine's Day today.

Baba Yaga:

Blimey! This is my favorite day! I just have contests for the holiday. Well, play?


Where to go to us, of course, play.

Baba Yaga:

That's great. Now your bones will run out. Let's start as soon as possible.


Let's start.

Baba Yaga:

I am a woman though old, but I like to listen to compliments and beautiful words. So let's go out, beat the grandmother.


We invite the participants of the gaming program. They are divided into three teams.

Whose team last will say a compliment Baba Yaga, she wins in the competition. It is impossible to repeat.

    Complements for Baba Yaga.


Well, as, Baba Yaga. How do you have our compliments?

Baba Yaga:

Oh, and well done, I didn't hear such words for a long time, I even got old on a hundred years, fluttered my heart and crumbled on separate pieces.


And we will help you to collect pieces in the whole hearts.

    Collect your heart. Given Baba Yaga

Baba Yaga:

Thank you heartily, remember your kindness will be forever. And now let's check so cohesive, friendly your teams


I invite the next pair to the contest from each team.

    Caught heart. Given Baba Yaga

Baba Yaga:

What are your guests delicious skillful, I think that not all talents have discovered yours. Yes?


You guess Baba Yaga. I invite to the scene one pair from different commands that can draw. A couple that will do it faster, and most importantly they will have a beautiful and correct Valentine wins.

    Drawn heart. Given Baba Yaga


And so that you are Baba Yaga at all doubtedly in our guest, we will show you how they will be able to make a magic heart from small hearts.

    Applique "Magic Heart". Given Baba Yaga.


So it's time for our last competition. Let Yaga declare the rules.

Baba Yaga:

And the rules are very simple. Once today is Valentine's Day, then you can kiss and kiss.


Well, you can always kiss.

Baba Yaga:

This is yes, but today you can kiss at least all night. Therefore, I declare competition


Baba Yaga:

I really enforced me. Anyway. And so we have defeated the team. ... although not, not the team. We have won love!

At this point, a big heart contributes to the scene.


Yes, love won. And with her and we, and those who are in love, and those who are looking for their soul mate. Happy holiday friends. Love and be happy!

Chocolate hearts

We want to give you

This sweet Valentine

Our meeting is complete

Children give hearts made with their own hands.

The scenario of the holiday for Valentine's Day is February 14, which can be held for children in kindergarten or children of junior classes. This scenario is based on the game "Love at first sight", which was popular on TV in the 90s.

So, we need six participants: Three girls and three boys, and everyone else will be the audience.

Gaming space We organize as follows: in the middle there is a leading, right and left of it are placed three tables and stools.

How to estimate: For each task, the participant receives a red cardboard heart. At the end of the game, the number of hearts in the participants is calculated, after which there are a couple of principle: the leader in boys forms a couple with the leader of girls, the second and third are also formed.

Leading: So, friends, today we celebrate a wonderful holiday of Valentine's Day - the day of lovers. On this day, it is customary to give the favorite and expensive flowers, balloons, candy, toys and special postcards - Valentine. Valentine is usually performed in the form of a heart and contain poems, wishes of love and love confessions. It is believed that "if you meet half, give her Valentine."

Why is this holiday called Valentine's Day? The fact is that a long time ago in the third century in the city of Rome, the cruel emperor Claudius, who strictly forbade young soldiers to marry, and the girls marry them to marry them. At the same time, the priest named Valentin lived in the city, who secretly walked in love with hearts. But when this was aware of the emperor, he ordered the soldiers to put him in prison and execute. While Valentin was in prison, he fell in love with Julia - the daughter of a prison caress. And before his execution on February 14, 269, our era, the priest in love wrote his beloved recognition in love - Valentine.

Valentine's Day Contests

Acquaintance - Each participant represents itself: name, surname, age, favorite classes and hobbies.

My light, the mirror, say - Children become a circle, and leading to music begins to show various movements, children at this time must repeat his movement. Then the presenter begins to be confused, saying, for example, "Sat!", And he lifts his hands. You only need to repeat what is shown, and not say.

Sweet couple- The girl behind the edge of Fanita holds candy in his teeth, the boy must pick her up without his help, and then have time to kiss the cheek until she bounced off the gaming zone.

Serenade under the window - All participants, alternating, line up in a circle and begin to transfer the pillow in the form of a heart to the music (a toy with a heart is suitable). The music is interrupted, he performs a song or poems. The winner is chosen by the audience.

Postcard for a holiday - Competition for speed. It is necessary to collect the postcard with a romantic pattern as quickly as possible.

Riddle - Participants are made by riddles with trick. Who coped - gets the ball.

I could choose myself
A pair of verges for ...
(not for feet, and for hands)

Asked Mom Julia
She pour a seagull in ...
(not a saucepan, but in a cup)

I could choose myself
A pair of verges for ...
(not for feet, and for hands)

All scrolls, sneezes Lada:
Ate a lot ...
(not chocolate, but ice cream)

Years, probably two hundred
Putina ...
(not the bride, but a turtle)

Dolls dress, pants
Love to sew always ...
(not boys, and girls)

Requests grandmother Arkashu
From radishes to eat ...
(not porridge, and salad)

Leading:Thank you very much all children for participating in the "Love at first sight" competition. You all such wellmen, very actively performed tasks, and showed what kind of smart, funny, beautiful and clever. Once again we congratulate everyone on the holiday - the day of all lovers!

Number of players: from 6 people

Optional equipment: Microphone for the lead, balloons for decoration hall, cardboard hearts, colored chamomile from paper, mop, old postcards, coins or matches, cushion in the form of a heart, a thematic poster on February 14.

The day of all lovers is a wonderful reason to arrange an interesting entertainment experience for children. Many teachers took advantage of this opportunity to talk to children about friendship, partnership, love, responsiveness to each other. Look at what original surprises they arranged on this day for their wards, what cute characters came up with and were invited to the holiday (for example, the Fairy Friendship - Valentine's feast).

Please note how to unstantarly decorate the interior of Valentine's Day, which musical design of the event to pick up. Use positive ideas from the ready-made holiday scenarios collected in this section.

Inspire children with desire to be friends and create good.

Contained in sections:
  • Valentine's Day. Day of all lovers, February 14

Publications 1-10 of 246 are shown.
All sections | Valentine's Day. Scenarios of holidays

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