Neil Armstrong Singer. "We came with the world on behalf of all mankind

Neil Armstrong Singer. "We came with the world on behalf of all mankind

Legend's legend Nile Olden Armstrong was born in Wapakoneta, in the USA, Ohio, August 5, 1930. Nile's parents got such traits such as modesty and dedication, as well as an explosive mixture of German, Scottish and Irish blood.

Many years later, in 1972, Astronaut visited the land of his ancestors, in the city of Langholm, in Scotland, where he was officially awarded the title of Honorary Citizen, as an outstanding descendant of the Armstrong clan.

The future conqueror of Cosmos had a younger brother and sister: Dean and Jun. While Neil was a child, the family often moved, as his father served as an auditor under the US government. Before settleing in Ohio in 1944, Armstrongs changed 20 cities. In Wapakonteu Neal graduated from high school.

The main hobbies of the boy were aircraft and membership in the Club Boyskautov. In both directions, the schoolboy has achieved significant success: as part of the boycouth movement, the boy received the highest title of Eagle Scout, and the pilot license of the city aviation school is previously the driver's license. Thus, the future astronaut became a professional pilot for 16 years, and from now on his biography was inextricably linked with heaven.

In 1947, the young man entered the university perdy, where he studied aviation equipment and industry. The guy's assessments were average, and their college has paid for a state in exchange for a commitment for three years to serve in the army. After the army, Armstrong returned to the university, where he studied two more years.

The time of calling to the army for Nile Armstrong coincided with the war in Korea. As of 1949, the first flight of the Nile was faced with a reactive aircraft, and during hostilities from 1949 to 1952 he made as many as 78 departures. Then Neil was the pilot of the bomber fighter and in one of the operations was shot down by the forces of the enemy.

For military merit Armstrong was awarded three honorary awards. In 1952, Nile joined the US Navy as a test pilot.


The path of Nile Armstrong from the pilot to Astronaut, who became the hero of all mankind was long and included the following stages:

  • in 1956, Armstrong was transferred to the Station Station of High Speed \u200b\u200bFlights, which was carried out by NASA, where the newest aircraft was experiencing;
  • from June to August 1958, he was tested as an astronaut under the MISS Air Force Program;
  • from October 1958, Armstrong has consisted in a group of pilots who perform experimental flights on Rocketochlane X-15, from 1960 to 1962 he made only 7 flights, but never once reached the border with space;
  • in 1960, Nile Armstrong enrolled in the second group of astronauts, selected NASA from 250 candidates.

Pilot Neil Armstrong

In 1966, being the commander of the ship Gemini 8, Neil Armstrong first visited space. Due to the faults, most flight goals were never achieved, but with the main task, which was a dock with a rocket Agena, astronauts coped.

Flying and landing on the moon

On July 16, 1969, "Apollo-11" was started with Ractemidrome at Cape, under the command of Armstrong. Along with the commander, Michael Collins, the Pilot of the "Columbia" compartment, and Edwinre, also known as the Bazz Oldrin - the Pilot of the Orel module.

After a hundred and three hours of flight in the orbit of the Moon, there was a disconnection of the landing module with Oldrin and Armstrong on board, which soon was successfully lifted in a sea of \u200b\u200bcalm. A freelance situation has occurred before landing on the surface: the pressure growing in the fuel liner almost led to an explosion. After troubleshooting, the astronauts opened the hatch.

The first of the starship came Nile Armstrong, and his colleague took this historical moment to the film. At the same time, the captain "Apollo-11" said the famous phrase that sounded in live air In touch with the land:

"This is one small step for a person, but a gigantic leap for all mankind."

Astronauts stayed on the satellite surface of 2.5 hours, collecting soil samples, leaving a capsule with messages on 74 earthly languages \u200b\u200band installing the US flag. They made a lot of historical photos and video frames, witnessing the fact of the person's stay on the moon.

Subsequently, when listening to and deciphering records made by astronauts, the researchers and scientists have repeatedly arose the question that Nile Armstrong said, when his foot touched the lunar soil? In addition to the famous phrase on the film, you could hear the words: "Good luck, Mr. Gorsky!".

Armstrong was repeatedly asked about this mysterious person in numerous interviews, but he was only chosen. And only after many years, the astronaut said that the mysterious skish was his neighbor when Nile himself was still a boy. Boating behind the ball to the neighboring area, he accidentally overheard the spouses of the spouses of the spouses at an intimate moment. Madame Gorski refused the spouse in one frank request, saying that he would satisfy her, "when a neighbor boy will run around the moon." As a result, her words were prophetic.

The Apollo-11 team launched safely on July 24, 1969, although the departure from the moon did not cost without unpleasant adventure. Returning to the landing module, the astronauts found that the engine start button is damaged. The situation was critical, since assistance from the ground would obviously not come to the Moon during the crew of three days available at the disposal. A miracle engine managed to launch, and the first flight of a person on the moon ended with a complete triumph.

Visit in the USSR

In May 1970, Armstrong visited Leningrad as part of the NASA delegation. On this, the visit of the famous astronaut in the USSR did not end. After the Leningrad Conference, NASA representatives went to Moscow.

According to the memoirs of Armstrong, the meeting with Muscovites went much warmer, but most of all he was remembered for acquaintance with the widows of Soviet cosmonauts: spouses and Vladimir Komarov. During the official meeting with representatives of the leadership of the Nile Armstrong, the chairman of the Council of Ministers, the samples of the lunar soil and the miniature flag of the USSR, who visited the moon.

Fitness: Myth or Reality?

And during the life of Armstrong, and after his death about him and a lot of legends went on the legendary flight to the moon. So, for some time there was a theory that after what the astronaut had seen on the satellite accepted Islam and became Muslim. This legend does not have any reason, with the exception of the similarity of geographical names - Lebanon in the United States and the Muslim Country of the same name.

Hot spores accompanied numerous statements of journalists and "researchers" that Neil Armstrong was not on the moon. Several books and many articles were published, several films were filmed, debunking the myth of the presence of American astronauts on the moon. In one of the versions it was said that the documentary filming about the flight feared the famous, and all the staff were lifted in the pavilion.

As a result, these publications turned out to be falsification, and books and cinema - artistic fiction. Even the Soviet cosmonauts confirmed the fact of the presence of the Apollo team on the moon, noting that some frames could well be made on Earth - for "clarity."

Personal life

The personal life of the astronaut was pretty smooth. Despite regular training and flights, Nile Armstrong was married twice. With the first wife, Janet Sheron Neil met after returning to the university, their wedding took place in 1956. At the same time, Janet was forced to leave her studies and make a household, which she subsequently regretted.

The couple had three children: the sons of Eric and Mark and the daughter of Karen, who deceased at a bilateer from the brain tumor.

In 1994, Neil divorced Janet and married Carol Knight, with which he lived until 2012.


The cause of the death of the famous astronaut, which in 70s quit from NASA, taught at the university and engaged in business, became postoperative complications.

According to the tradition of the US Navy, during the funeral, the Astronaut's funeral was dispelled over the Atlantic Ocean.

Neil Armstrong is a man who made the first steps in the moon. At that time, extraterrestrial surface was seriously investigated, and only really brave and purposeful astronaut could decide on such a journey. His manil is not only space: For his life, Nile tried himself as a space engineer, testes of new devices, a naval pilot, as well as university professors.

Young years

Neil Olden Armstrong was born on August 5, 1930 in the family of Viola and Stephen Armstrong. Parents lived at that time in the city of Wapakoneta, Ohio. He was a senior child in the family, where Jun and Dean appeared a little later - younger children. Father Nile worked as an auditor to the state. Due to the specifics of his work, the family had to move frequently. By changing about 20 different cities, they returned to the city of Wapakoneta in 1944.

By this time, Neal actively participated in the movement of America's boycuts. As a result, he managed to achieve the highest title - Eagle Scout.

Nile always pulled the sky, and after he saw Airshow in Ohio, he firmly decided to associate his life with flights. The future astronaut received a pilot license earlier than graduated from school and passed the examinations for driver's license.


After graduating from high school, in 1944, Nile Armstrong comes from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. But he decides to enter the university Perd. By the way, he becomes the second person in his family who decided to continue learning after school.

For training at the university paid the state. In return, Neil was supposed to serve for 3 years in the army, and after - to continue learning. Receiving education, Armstrong was also listed immediately in two clubs at the university: Phi Delta and Kappa PSI. His academic performance was average, but he never chased good grades.

During Nile's training, the Bachelor of Sciences on Aviation Technique, and later, in 1970, becomes a master of sciences on aerospace technology.

Military service

Before Nile Armstrong stepped on the moon, he managed to visit the army. Astronaut did not like to remember the War years, since his service coincided with the war in Korea. 78 combat departures left heavy memories in the soul of the Nile. But without this experience, he could not fulfill his dream, because only professional military pilots could participate in space departures.

At the time of service, Nile was shot down during military flight and received awards in the form of an aviation medal and two gold stars.

Small steps to great space

After learning, the Nile is arranged in the laboratory of motorities, and then - to the Station Station of High Speed \u200b\u200bFlights NASA.

In 1958, astronauts are selected to the Man in Space SOONEST command, which almost immediately disintegrates due to the closing of the project. In 1960, he became one of the 7 astronauts who joined the secret group. The team was engaged in creating an aircraft for exploration and intercepting other people's ships. After 2 years, Nile Armstrong said that he was disappointed in the project, and left him.

In 1962, after passing the qualifying stage, in which 250 other applicants participated, it is selected in the second composition of astronauts. Neal begins its preparation for flights to space.

The first flight

Neil Armstrong first visited space on board the Gemini 8 apparatus in 1966. The main mission of this three-day journey was to docile with a satellite. In addition, the team needed to perform several other experiments, as well as check the onboard systems of the ship and go into open space.

After the main flight mission was performed and the dusting with the satellite passed without any problems, the ship system gave a failure. And let the Nile and his partner Daid Scott managed to solve this problem, the flight had to interrupt. The remaining objectives of this expedition were not fulfilled.

Flight to the moon

The cold war between two great powers was in full swing. America and the USSR competed not only in the fact of the strongest weapon, but also who has the smartest scientists and the most modern cars. It is not surprising that each of these countries wanted to become the first in the conquest of space.

If it were not for the technical breakdowns that postponed the launch of the rocket in the USSR, maybe Nile would not be the first astronaut that pulled into the moon. But fate ordered differently, and Apollo 11 in 1969 became the first vessel who delivered crew members to the Earth's satellite. The flight itself Nile Armstrong lasted 8 days, from July 16 to July 24.

First steps in the moon

The crew landed on the lunar surface on July 20 not far from the sea of \u200b\u200bcalm. After a short preparation, Armstrong went down to the surface of the satellite. After 15 minutes, the second member of the crew was visited on the moon - Edwin Oldrin.

Neil Armstrong on the Moon spent a total of about 2-3 hours. First of all, he installed the American flag on the satellite surface. The broadcast of these events was conducted worldwide, with the exception of countries such as China and the USSR. After that, a sample of soil was taken for further research.

At the end of his stay, astronauts buried the capsule in which the medals of people who died while trying to get to the Earth's satellite. In addition, in the capsule left the land map and the message that the earthlings came with the world.

The words of John Kennedy about the fact that it was the American citizen who should first visit the moon turned out to be prophetic. The next day, in all newspapers and world magazines, it was possible to observe the photo of Nile Armstrong on the moon.

According to the original plan, the first person descended from the module to the surface of the moon should be Edwin Oldrin. According to the rules, the crew commander can not be the first to leave the ship. But Armstrong was closer to the hatch. Olderina would be very problematic in all its gear to wade through his commander.

As a result, Nile Armstrong became one of three people who are the discovers in astronautics. Before him, Leonov came to open space, and Gagarin became the first astronaut.

Life after a significant event

Soon already known to the whole world, Astronaut left NASA and settled the teacher to the University of Cincinnati. It was here that he worked down until 1979.

By the way, before that, he managed to visit the USSR, where he traveled several cities, met with the great people of that time, participated in the conference and said. And he also met with Valentina Gagarina and Valentina Komarovoy - widows of famous astronauts. There are many photos of Nile Armstrong, located in Moscow.

On 1986, Nile was a member of the National Cosmonautics Committee. In the same year he participated in the study of the death of the Challenger's shuttle.

Former astronaut was a gifted man. For his life, he managed to take part in a variety of television shows, in which he often told a lot of interesting about space. He also led to a very successful business that specialized in electronics.

Personal life

Neil Armstrong married Janet Sheron in 1956. During their collaboration, they had two sons - Mark and Eric. Astronaut also had a daughter of Karen, but at the age of two she died from cancer brain. It was after this tragic event that Nile decided to participate in the competition for the selection of astronauts in NASA. According to him, he tried to return his life into normal course.

Neil and Janet divorced in 1994.

After that, the reservoir of the Moon married the second time - to Carol Held Knight and lived with her until his death.

Neil has always been modest and closed person. All popularity associated with his landing on the moon clearly knocked him out of the gauge. He rarely agreed on an interview and even less often appeared at well-known events.

The most frequent question about what to be the first person who conquered the moon, he answered that it was dangerous exactly as he assumed.

There are several interesting moments in the biography of Armstrong, which cannot be mentioned.

  • Nile Armstrong during service in the army was called "Ice Captain" in connection with its crewing and excerpt.
  • In honor of Nile, one of the craters on the satellite of the Earth, which is not far from landing up the crew "Apollo 11".
  • In one of his interviews, Astronaut said that people associated with space do not die on Saturdays. Armstrong himself died on August 25, on Saturday.
  • It was during the flight "Apollo 11" team was delivered the only prayer. Usually, astronauts are not encouraged to spend a lifestyle, belonging to religion. Only Oldrin decided on this, reading the gospel. After his speech, he bit off her bread and drank a sip of wine. Neil watched all this with respect, but did not accept participation in prayer.
  • After the flight to the Moon Nile often said that he was surprised by the smell on the satellite. According to him, he resembles the smell of wet ash in the fireplace.

The death of famous astronaut

Neil died at the age of 82 years after operating complications. The death of Nile Armstrong became a big tragedy not only for his close relatives, but also for the whole world.

On August 7, 2012, the astronaut was made by the operation of an Aorticoronary world shunting. In connection with complications, on August 25, 2012, Nile died.

September 14, 2012, the ashes of the Great Pilot and Astronaut was scattered in the water of the Atlantic Ocean. This is the long tradition of the US Navy. The ceremony was closed, and only some of the relatives were present on the ship. Of course, there were his sons, a widow, as well as the company of honor guard.

President Barack Obama, having learned about the tragedy, said that Neil was a hero of not only his time, but also all times. This is true, because forever Armstrong will remain the first person who did not scare the uncertainty. It was he, along with Gagarin and Leonov, managed to expand the boundaries outer space.

The whole world was unpleasant surprised, learning that the American hero died so unexpectedly. The family of the deceased was literally littered with flowers and other things, expressing the bitterness of the whole people. The widow had to ask to list all the assistance in numerous funds that Armstrong created.

Neil Armstrong became a hero of unwillingly, because he simply did his job. But his life still inspired many people, taught them not to give up and go to their goal in no matter what.

Born on August 5, 1930 in Wapackontta, Ohio. The Biography of Armstrong is most famous as the history of the first person who has pulled into the moon.

Neil Armstrong was a veteran of aviation: led 78 combat missions in Korea. He then joined NASA (National Agency for Air Space and Space Research), becoming a civil test pilot.

Armstrong was a pilot during the Jami-8 mission, held on March 16, 1966. He then became the commander of the Mission of Apollo-11 1969. Together with the partners Michael Collins, Basz Oldrin, Armstrong flew to the moon. Armstrong and Oldrin landed on the lunar surface on the "Needle" module. Armstrong first stepped on the surface, pronouncing the famous phrase: " Little Step For a person, however, a gigantic leap for all mankind. "

In 1971, Nile Armstrong left NASA. For the next decade, he became a teacher at the University of Cincinnati. The biography of Armstrong "First Man: The Life of Neil A. Armstrong" was written by the inventor from NASA historian James Hansen, published in 2005.

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Neil Olden Armstrong - American Astronaut NASA, Tester-Tester pilot, Space Engineer, Professor of the University, US Naval Penchik, First Man Stating the Moon (July 20, 1969) during the Lunar Expedition of the Apollo-11 ship.

Childhood and youth

Neil Armstrong was born in the city of Wapakoneta, Ohio, in the family of Stephen Armstrong (STEPHEN Koenig Armstrong) and Engel Viol (Eng. Viola Louise Engel). Born on August 5, 1930. He had Scottish Irish and German origin. He had a younger sister and brother: Jun (Eng. June) and Dean (Eng. Dean). Father, Stephen Armstrong, worked as an auditor to the state government, and after the birth of the Nile, the family often moved from the city to the city: they managed to live in twenty different cities before they were finally assieved in Wapakoneta (Ohio) in 1944. By that time, Neal was already an active participant in the movement of America's boycuts (Boy Scouts of America), where he eventually achieved the highest rank of Eagle Scout. As an adult, he also received from them Awards Distinguished Eagle Scout Award and Silver Buffalo Award.

In 1947, Neal began to study the aircraft industry at the University of Pernu, where he joined the student fraternity of Phi Delta Theta and Kappa Kappa PSI. In his family, he became the second person who went to college. He was also taken to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, but the only engineer familiar to him (who studied) was dissuading him from study there, arguing that he was completely optional to go to Massachusetts. The state (Holloway Plan) took advantage of his college training, and instead the Nile was obliged to serve for 3 years in the army after two years of study (the remaining 2 years of study ended after the service). In the first two years, Nile has received average estimates.


In 1947 he graduated from high school in the city of Wapakoneta.

During study in high school engaged in the city aviation school. The first license of the cadet pilot received earlier graduation and earlier than the driver's license.

From 1947 to 1955 (with a break of 1949-1952) he studied at the University of Perd in the city of West Lafayette (English), Indiana, where he received a bachelor of science degree in aircraftics.

In 1970 he received a master's degree from aerospace technology at the University of Southern California.

Military service

He served in the US Navy in the Lewis Research Center by a tester pilot, experienced reactive aircraft, participated in the Korean War, which made 78 combat flights on the GRUMMAN F9F Panther fighter-bomber and was shot down once. Got an aviation medal and two gold stars.

Space preparation

In October 1958, he was enrolled in the group of pilots who were preparing for flights on the experimental rocketoplane North American X-15. In November 1960, he made his first flight on Rocketoplane. Just July 1962 made seven flights on these devices, but never reached the mark of fifty miles, which was considered in the US Air Force by the Border of the Cosmos. At the same time, it was engaged in working out the landing of the designed X-20 DYNA SOAR on specially equipped F-102A and F5D simulators. In July 1962, it was disappointed in RocketOplane and left the project for a year and a half before its full closure. In September 1962, a contest was held from two hundred and fifty applicants, was enrolled in the 2nd set of NASA astronauts and began to prepare for the flight into space.

Space flights

In March 1966 was the commander of the crew of the Jemmi-8 spacecraft. During this flight, he and Astronaut David Scott carried out the first docking of two spacecraft (with an unmanned rocket, "Ajen"). The flight was interrupted early due to a serious malfunction in the work of the engine orientation of the ship, threatening the life of astronauts.

Landing on the moon

In July 1969, he commanded the crew of the Apollo-11 spacecraft, the main task of which was the first landing on the moon. On July 20, he became the first person who pulled on the surface of the moon. Stepping on the surface of the moon, Armstrong said a historical phrase:

"This is one small step for a person, but a gigantic leap for all mankind."

Armstrong and his partner Basz Oldrin made an exit to the surface of the moon lasting 2 hours 31 minutes 40 seconds.

Visit in the USSR

Almost a year after its flight to the moon, in May-June 1970, Neil Armstrong visited the USSR. On May 24, he arrived in Leningrad, where, as part of a delegation from thirty-two leaders and scientific specialists, NASA took part in the XIII Annual Conference of the Space Research Committee (KOSPAR) at the International Science Council, which was held on May 20-29. The conference participants with stormy ovations were welcomed by Armstrong, who made a big report on the first landing of people to the Moon and their impressions from staying and working on the lunar surface. In the days of the forum, the guard has experienced great difficulties, holding back to those who want to express Armstrong their admiration. Agency Associated Press wrote that it was a worrying and unusual admission, which in the Soviet Union is rarely honored by foreign guests. At the same time, there was almost nothing unknown to the general public about the visit of Astronaut. For five days of stay Armstrong in Leningrad, only one local newspaper wrote about him. And only during the visit of the Soviet side, it was decided to extend its extension.

After graduating from the conference, May 30-31, Neil Armstrong, accompanied by Soviet cosmonauts, George Berevia and Konstantin Feoktistov visited Novosibirsk, from where he arrived in Moscow. On June 2, 1970, Armstrong met with Chairman of the USSR Council Alexei Kosygin and presented him with a small container with samples of the lunar soil and the small flag of the USSR, who, together with astronauts and with flags, more than 130 other states visited July 20-21, 1969 on the surface of the Moon. Kosygin said that he will always be preserved this gift as a symbol of great achievement. On June 3, Armstrong performed at the USSR Academy of Sciences. In Moscow, the press on the astronaut was significantly big. Armstrong told correspondents that there were meetings with Valentina Gagarina and Valentina Komarov, widows of the dead Soviet cosmonauts during the whole staying and exciting for him during the entire stay. The visit ended on June 5, 1970.

After NASA

Left work in NASA in 1971, after which until 1979 taught at Cincinnati University. From 1985 to 1986 was a member of the National Cosmonautics Committee. In 1986 he was the Vice-Chairman of the Investigation Commission, who studied the circumstances of the death of the Challenger's shuttle. Engaged in business, headed by Ail Systems, Inc. (Deer Park, N.Y.).

In 1999, took part in the television project "BBC: Planets" as an expert.


N. Armstrong had many awards, the highest of which are:
1969 - Presidential Medal of Freedom
1978 - Congress Space Medal
2009 - Gold Medal of US Congress
Included in the Hall of Fame of Astronauts. The awards include the Washington Prize (1980).

Personal life

He was married to Janet Sheron (Janet Shearon) from 1956 to their divorce in 1994, the sons of Mark and Eric were born in marriage, as well as the daughter of Karen, who was deceased at an early age. After 1994, he married the second time Carol Held Knight and lived with her until his death in 2012. He lived in Ohio. Considered himself a deist.


On August 7, 2012, Armstrong was made by the operation of an Aorticoronary simulator. However, on August 25, due to the complications arising after the operation, he died.

The first person's family who pulled on the moon, made a statement in which, in particular, the saying:

Neil Armstrong was also an American hero of unwittingly, who served his country with pride, as a combat pilot of the navy, a pilot test pilot and astronaut ...

Grief due to loss very good man, at the same time we glorify his wonderful life and hope that for young people all over the world, it will serve as an example of how to work to embody their dreams into reality, how to desire to explore and push the boundaries and selflessly serve the case, more, What is your own life.

To those who may ask how they can give a tribute to the Nile, we have a simple request. Exceit an example of serving, achievements and modesty, which he filed. And the next time, when we quiet in the evening you will go out and see the moon, smiling at you, think about Nile Armstrong and wink to him.

US President Barack Obama Regarding the death of Nile Armstrong, stated that he stands in a number of the greatest American heroes not only of his time, but of all time.

Armstrong colleagues, members of the Apollo-11 crew, expressed their feelings. Basz Oldrin said he was very saddened with the news of the death. "I know," Addrin added, "that Millions mourn together with me about the loss of the real American hero and the best pilot I've ever knew."

And the astronaut Michael Collins, in turn, said very simply: "He was the best, and I would not be enough scared."

Armstrong was allocated among other test pilots with their exclusive excerpt and compulsion, for which he received the nickname "Ice Commander" (English Ice Commander).

The phrase when landed on the moon was compiled in advance (That's one small step for a man, But One Giant Leap for Mankind), but from the excitement of Armstrong missed an indefinite article before the MAN word, which is well audible in the record. Thus, the meaning of the phrase distorted: the word man without article means not a separate person, but a person, as a view, humanity.

According to a friend of childhood Armstrong, the phrase about two different steps was inspired by the children's play Mother May i, in which you need to do large or small steps forward.

In 2011, Armstrong in an interview with Esquire magazine said: "Astronauts do not die on Saturdays. At least, I do not know any case. " Astronaut died in a year on August 25 on Saturday.

Neil Armstrong, together with Walter Cunningham and Harrison Schmitt, was one of the few civil astronauts employed in the Apollo program (and the second civilian in space after Konstantin Feoktistov). Armstrong and Cunningham, in the past Military, at the time of employment in NASA have already left the active service, Schmitt never served in armed Forces USA.

In honor of him, a small crater on the moon is named, which is close to the Apollo-11 landing site, and renamed the 1982 PC asteroid in "(6469) Armstrong (Eng.) Russian."

In cinema

Apollo 11 (dir. Norberto Barba, 1996)
Lived were the discoverers (dir. Albert Baria, 1997)
From the ground to the moon (dir. David Frankel, 1998)
Purpose - Moon (Rev. Richard Dale, 2009)
Keepers (dir. Zack Snyder, 2009)
Quantum Quest: Space Odyssey (Dir. Harry Clur, 2010)
Legends of tomorrow 2 season 15 series (mention and photos)

On July 20, 1969, Astronaut Neil Armstrong became the first person ever stepped onto the surface of the moon. At that moment he uttered his famous phrase: "A small step for a person, but a gigantic leap for all mankind."

Photo report about the first man on the moon.

Neil Olden Armstrong was born on August 5, 1930 in the city of Wapakoneta in the US state of Ohio. (Photo by Nasa Dryden Flight Research Center | Handout):

Most of his life was associated with aircraft. During his studies in high school, Nile visited classes in the Aviashlikol and the pilot license received earlier than the car rights.

In the photo: The crew of the Apollo-11 ship: Astronaut Neil Armstrong (left), who was the commander of this mission, the pilot of the lunar module Edwin Basz Oldrin (right) and Michael Collins, which during the Armstrong landing and Oldrin on the moon piloted the command module on orbit. May 1, 1969. (Photo NASA | Handout | Reuters):

Soon Nile Armstrong entered the service in the US Navy by the pilot test. He felt jet planes and participated in the Korean War, during which 78 combat departures on the GRUMMAN F9F Panther fighter-bombarder and was shot down once. (Photo Nasa Dryden Flight Research Center | Handout | Reuters):

Neil Armstrong stand out among other test pilots with their exceptional excerpt and compulsion, for which he received the nickname "Ice Captain". (Photo NASA | Handout | Reuters):

In 1947, the future astronaut began to study the aircraft industry at the university. In total, during the years, Nile experienced over 200 models of aircraft, helicopters and gliders.

In the photo: Nile Armstrong in the Space Center:

In 1958, Armstrong was enrolled in a group of pilots who were preparing for flights on the experimental rocketoplane North American X-15. Just until July 1962, he made 7 flights on these devices, but never reached a mark of 50 miles (80 km), which was considered in the US Air Force Border of the Cosmos.

In the photo: Neil Armstrong passes workout in the lunar module, which will be used for descent to the surface of the Moon, 1969:

In September 1962, Nile Armstrong passed the contest of 250 applicants and was enrolled in the set of NASA astronauts. From now on, he began to prepare for the flight into space ...

In the photo: Saturn V rocket with the Apollo-11 spacecraft on the launch site at the Kennedy Space Center before the start of the moon, July 1, 1969. (Photo NASA | Handout | Reuters):

In 1966, Nile Armstrong made his first space flight as a commander of the crew of the Jemy-8 spacecraft. During this flight, he and Astronaut David Scott carried out the first docking of two spacecraft. True, this flight was interrupted ahead of time because of a serious failure in the work of the system of vehicle orientation engines.

In the photo: Start Rocket with the Apollo-11 spacecraft, July 16, 1969. The moon mission began. (Photo NASA | Handout | Reuters):

There was a tense cosmic race with Soviet Union. It was the answer of Americans on. On July 20, 1969, the crew of the Apollona-11 ship landed on the Natural Satellite of the Earth - the Moon.

In the photo: Neil Armstrong on the surface of the Moon, July 20, 1969. (Photo NASA | Handout | Reuters):

It was the Nile Armstrong that became the first person who pulled on the surface of the moon, and his phrase "a small step for a person, but a giant jump for all mankind" in a matter of minutes flew around the whole world and entered the history of world cosmonautics.

In the photo: American astronaut Neil Armstrong next to the landing module on the surface of the moon. (Photo Edwin Aldrin-Nasa | Handout | Reuters):

Armstrong and his partner Edwin Oldrin spent 2.5 hours on the moon. They photographed the landscape, installed equipment on the surface of the moon, with the help of which it was measured with high accuracy distance to the Earth, and also collected more than 20 kg of soil samples. July 24, 1969 the crew "Apollo-11" returned to Earth.

In the photo: The pilot of the lunar module Edwin Basz Oldrin sets the equipment on the surface of the moon. The moon module is visible from behind on the frame, July 20, 1969:

On the moon, the landing stage of the lunar module was left with a sign: "Here people from the planet Earth first stepped on the moon. July 1969 of the new era. We came with the world on behalf of all mankind. " The name of Nile Armstrong is called one of the lunar crater.

In the meantime, some researchers call the landing of Americans to the moon of the biggest hoax of the 20th century. In their opinion, there are a number of irrefutable evidence that American astronauts did not fall on the surface of the natural satellite of the Earth at all. On the network on this topic you can find a lot of materials.

In the photo: Astronaut Edwin Basz Oldrin descends from the lunar module to the surface of the Moon, July 20, 1969:

Almost a year after the flight to the moon, in May-June 1970, Nile Armstrong came to us. On May 20-27, 1970, he took part in the Delegation from NASA scientific specialists at the XIIIth Annual Conference of the Space Research Committee in Leningrad. Nile made a big report on the first landing of people to the Moon and his impressions from staying and working on the lunar surface.

In the photo: spending on the surface of the moon of 2.5 hours, Astronauts Nile Armstrong and Edwin Basz Oldrin return on a lunar module on a spacecraft, July 20, 1969:

In the photo: Neil Armstrong inside the lunar module during return from the moon to the spacecraft, July 20, 1969. (Photo NASA | Handout | Reuters):

In the days of the forum in Leningrad, the guard has experienced great difficulties, holding back to those who want to express his admiration for Armstrong. Agency Associated Press wrote that it was a worrying and very unusual reception, which in the Soviet Union is rarely honored by foreign guests. At the same time, there was almost nothing unknown to the general public about the visit of Astronaut ...

Neil Armstrong and Valentina Tereshkova Against the background of Portrait Yuri Gagarin, June 1970:

In 1971, Armstrong left the work in NASA and until 1979 he taught at the University of Cincinnati to engineering faculty. From 1985 to 1986 was a member of the National Cosmonautics Committee.

In the photo: Neil Armstrong in our "Star Town", 1970:

In 1986, Neil became the Vice-Chairman of the Investigative Commission, studied circumstances.

In the photo: Astronauts "Apollona-11" Neil Armstrong, Edwin Basz Oldrin (right) and Michael Collins (left) 30 years later, a historical flight to the moon, July 21, 1999. (Jamal Wilson | Files | Reuters):

Recently, the former astronaut Neil Armstrong lived in the suburb of Cincinnati and led a secluded lifestyle, although from time to time and performed with criticism of the American Space Program.

In the photo: Edwin Basz Oldrin, Michael Collins, Nile Armstrong and US President Barack Obama, July 20, 2009:

In particular, in 2010 he criticized Barack Obama from the "Constellation" program, within which a new space technology and infrastructure should have been created, allowing flights to the Moon and Mars. Then the US President's account This project is too expensive.

In 2011, Armstrong in an interview with Esquire magazine said: "Astronauts do not die on Saturdays. At least, I do not know any case. "

First man on the moon, astronaut Neil Armstrong died on Saturday, August 25, 2012 In the United States aged 82 years due to complications after surgery on the heart, three weeks ago.

"A small step for a person, but a gigantic leap for all mankind." (Photo NASA | Handout | Rueters):


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