How can you spoil the mood. How to cope with your bad mood? What to do if a bad mood is the result of depression

How can you spoil the mood. How to cope with your bad mood? What to do if a bad mood is the result of depression

Does the hairdresser spoiled your haircut? Do not boil. At such moments, it is most important not to let the mood to turn on the inclined and not make circumstances with your own hands even worse.

And if you no longer help the classic "quietly to take up to ten", then right now try one of the ways to raise the mood.

Make yourself massage

According to reflex scientists, many points located on the legs are directly related to certain areas of the brain. So the next time you want to tear your hair, try to throw out shoes instead and make a small massage. Thoroughly scatter fingers on the legs, then massage the skin between them. This will calm your loose nerves. Because of stress, apathy and fatigue occurred? Then the point, which is immediately behind the tuber at the front of the foot to stimulate the production of adrenaline in the body. This will help you raise the mood.

Eat a mint candy

Few people know that the smell of mint acts on the brain as an aromatherapy antidepressant. Some smells affect the part of the brain that is responsible for emotions. The aroma of mint helps to feel the harsh, happy and full strength.

123RF / Stepan Popov

Move the beauty around

One of the most obvious rules of Fenshia says: if your desktop is littered with trash, then your head too. If every working day begins with the type of tables littered with papers, then this one will cause stress - the feeling of "drank", panic appears.

After organizing an office space properly and properly organizing an office space (for this, there are already many devices), you will feel how the mood improves and rest in the shower.

123RF / LightFieldStudios

Turn on pleasant music

It's no secret that your favorite music helps to distract from heavy thoughts and helps raise the mood. However, according to psychologists, not all melodies will help you to distract from the unpleasant events of the day. Overheadless or aggressive music can only worsen the situation, even if she is loved. So choose a melody whose mood is clearly better than yours.

123RF / Ruslan Huzau

Distract something interesting

To stop the "terrible day" in the process of its formation, learn to be completely distracted from all the experiences and hassle associated with it. For 15 minutes, go with your head to any other occupation or at least just take a walk. Even an unexpectedly appeared pleasant smell can give you new sensations that distract you from gloomy thoughts.

Turn your Lights Down Low

Bright electric lighting will not only not help you in work, but can also cause fatigue and headaches. To get rid of the voltage, sometimes enough to turn off the top light and turn on the table lamp instead. And if there is such an opportunity, it is better to use natural sunlight.

Drink milk

Surprisingly, a glass of warm milk will really help you raise the mood even in the most rainy day. According to nutritionists, if milk is heated, then the amino acids are converted to tryptophan - a substance that increases the level of serotonin (the so-called "substance of joy") in the brain and gives a feeling of comfort and relaxation.

Swells and forget

Naturally, if you constantly remember unpleasant events, it will only aggravate the situation. Therefore, psychologists advise in some cases to establish a limit on "recall unpleasant." After any unpleasant event happened, allow yourself to think about it no more than five minutes. Then "Let go". It will make your life much easier for you.

Adjust nature

123RF / Ivan Kruk

So if your workplace from the window does not open a breathtaking view, it will not be superfluous to hang a poster, say, with the views of the fjords of Iceland or African savannah. Or just place the desktop photo from your last holiday on the sea. A couple of minutes of concentration on beautiful scenery will be enough to calm your melting brains.

Buy something

Of course, if every time I'm doing shopping every time, it is possible to scatter. But sometimes shopping therapy is the fastest and an effective way Fix completely spoiled mood. After all, every time I buy yourself something pleasant, you provoke a small emission of endorphins, and he leads you into a state of joyful intoxication.


Look at red

Different colors can affect our mood differently. Scarlet color subconsciously adjusts you to passion, enthusiasm and gives strength.

So if you need to keep a fighting condition, you can wear clothes weathered in the shades of red. If you, on the contrary, you need to remain calm and calm, then it is better to put on something in blue.


Games like Tetris or Solitaire "Kosyanka", on your computer can be a straw, which will not let you drown in the jungle of despondency. The ten-minute break to the game will distract you from heavy thoughts, will give you an emotional discharge and the opportunity to take a fresh look at the difficult situation.

This article wanted to write on the basis of own experience Communication in social networks. I can not say that I feel a special love for this type of communications, but now on the Internet without them anywhere. The choice seems to be big, and where are not allowed, everywhere repeats about the same thing.

It is not necessary to perceive too seriously everything is written below, since the situations are slightly extended, and the interpersonal relationships themselves in social networks themselves - the case is very conditional and without anything that does not bind it. But I want to figure it out somehow. After all, they are hoping that they communicate with real people, and not with some kind of spam robots.

So in order about everything, or about most of what can withdraw me and you, or someone from our relatives from the peaceful equilibrium.

1) First-inquiry it is elementary immune. For example, a person needs something from you (otherwise why it will turn to you) and he boldly and assert in the forehead puts you before the fact. As an example, I can lead such a message: "Dude! If not sturder, they went to all their contacts the following info ... "Let's start with the fact that people who have brought up first, it would be nice and introduce themselves, but it is ideal, of course. Polite people are still wondering how things are at the source. Well, we need to use Slang at all carefully.

2) You can talk about the so-called "letters of happiness" for a long time, it is possible to relate to them in different ways. Here I am like a person from the interlocutor. Well, we need to use Slang at all carefully.

2) You can talk about the so-called "letters of happiness" for a long time, it is possible to relate to them in different ways. Here I just note only one if you wish a good man, good, light, you will never send him a message with the threat of this: "Send a copy of the letter to everyone who can, otherwise your mother will die." Therefore, engage in sending such messages, be sure in advance - this is a sure way to spoil the mood to other people.

3) The annoying is capable of spoiling not only the mood, but also the relationship. There are still persons who require increased attention. They so furiously wish to communicate that they suffer from you long chats literally about anything. You are responsible from politeness, they, it is possible that also from the best motives continue to bother you, and you are already beginning to jerk at this time to jerk. From such mountain interlocutors, it is usually not so easy to get rid. The only way to disconnect or cut into a computer in general, but you can hardly appear on the network again, then be careful, you can again throw on.

4) The desire does not communicate, but mocking. There are also users who become your virtual friends to interfly with you. If your patience is not iron, then in the end you will not stand and answer annoyance on the next lunge into your direction. This is a kind of Internet vampires that enjoy the fact that someone spoiled the mood.

5) Non-activate proposals. You are offered to buy something that you do not need completely. Even your polite failure does not stop the merchant. Here is my personal example: Not so long ago, I am friends with a pretty Avatar of a middle-aged woman. It turned out that it was the Horoscope Affairs of the Master and supposedly for me as a gift, it was a forecast, but to get it, I had to send an SMS with all the ensuing consequences. I politely thanked, but I was again suggested to purchase this horoscope. Then I replied that I do not believe in predictions and the horoscopes are skeptical. I was again offered to get a "gift." Then I sent a ridiculous Internet weight methodology, in the hope that the correspondence would end. Naive! I was again a broken gift. The last my answer contained an invitation to participate in a commercial project. While more gift horoscopes have not been received. I hope that from me behind me ...

6) Invitations of indiscreet. A person met you on a social network and immediately offers (even repeating very unpleasant and indecent) to exchange intimate pictures or shared in front of the webcam. This is of course out of a series of outgoing rudeness, but it takes place, and it is very often found.

7) Evil jokes or bullying. People are very offended by pods, photomontages with their personal photographs, even just joking phrases, like: "Want to lose weight? Do not ask me how. " Not all the pictures motivators can be correctly understood and are regarded.

8) Inattention to your person. Elementary nonreighting on your attempt to establish contact is also able to worsen your mood. This is equivalent to how, in response to the hand, someone will demonstantly come out of the room for a handshake.

9) appearance Avatars can also cause unpleasant emotions. Is it possible to seriously perceive the interlocutor if he is instead of a person organs who usually brought up people cover clothes? Or a portrait is available, but some terrible, repulsive, crazy ... Even puppies and kittens can sometimes look inappropriate for friendship and communication, but it can be understood: a person is simply encrypted.

In general, between us, girls speaking, you should not make your mood to deteriorate because of all the little things. The virtual world is similar to Chaos and lives in its laws where there are no special rules. Communication is art, as well as luxury, if you believe the words of A. Exupery. And you need to be slightly indulgent, because no one is immune from the mistakes.

And finally, I offer a small test that helped add friends to the social network:

How to deal with the removal from the list of friends?
1) sigh lightweight,
2) offended
3) revenge,
4) to distract with something nice
5) Send a letter with gratitude?
There are more ideas? Just necessarily, to start on the letter 'O'!

Friends suggested:

6) to refresh

7) to disappear

8) Dream and not meet,

9) definitely do nothing :)

What is there to add?

Marina Dudnichenko

How often have to hear: " spoiled mood... "," nerves wind ... "," he (she) poisoning my life... ". And after all, if you think about it, we are talking about events and things of insignificant attention - Nahamili in transport, they were checked in the store, something "not" was told at work.

There are real misfortunes and tragedies in life - death and illness, treason and betrayal, natural disasters and disasters.

But, thank God, such tests fall out to the share of the average inhabitant of the planet Earth quite rarely. Why not be happy all the rest of the time, why do we allow trifles to spoil your life?

Cardie problems

The problem is that many of us take the various unpleasant manifestations of the outside world too close to the heart. The ancients were considered (and modern esoterics they invade them) that in a person, in addition to the visible physical body, there is invisible and imperceptible - spiritual.

Biopol, aura, soul - call as you want. It is impossible to touch this spiritual body twice to touch physically, but it may be sensitive to the impact on the spiritual level, at the level of emotions.

The spiritual body consists of several layers, the focus of which is the heart. No wonder because the words "heart" and "middle" related, and not only in Russian. Impact on a deeper layer causes a stronger response, a more sensitive change in the emotional background.

The impact on the midst - the heart rod of the spiritual body causes such a strong reaction that it can, how to raise a person to the top of happiness, and reset it in the abyss of despair. That is why it is so important to strengthen the external spiritual layers, and take care of the heart from emotional arrows.

You can relate differently to esoteric teachings, it is also important to be a purely practical side. And in practice it is proved that: without increasing powerful emotional armor, about calm and happy life You can forget any knife, petty rudeness, the rude word will bring you out for a long time from the state of spiritual and emotional equilibrium.

Build "armor"

The following tips will help you strengthen spiritual resistance and stabilize emotional background:

  1. Stop worrying for the whole world. Remember, you are not a Messiah, not the Lord God, not the Savior. Not in your power take over the pain of the world, your suffering will not facilitate a fraction of a fate, only add sores to you and related problems with your family. Therefore, from tomorrow ... No, from today, declare a total ban on experiences because of the events that do not directly concern you and affect which not in your power.

It is clear that you have no "switch" in the soul, which could be taken and turn into the "worker" position to the "Do not worry" position (and sorry ...), so we deliver ourselves from reasons for unnecessary suffering:

  • no maritime news views with all their catastrophes, disasters and wars;
  • talk show is an absolute taboo;
  • online - only social networks and pictures with cottonies, no blogs about the unfortunate fate of the streets, abandoned wives and political prisoners; Let you not be an active citizen, but you will be a healthy citizen;
  • several points add "to taste";
  1. You have the full right to absolute emotional sovereignty. You are not obliged to condolesize, sympathize, to compare someone else's unbodes, chants and tragedies. All that you want is to save external decency;
  2. Enlarge yourself by positive everywhere where you can, where you are under power. Let your interlocutors familiar and friends be only friendly bright people. Do not be afraid to get rid of communication, which does not bring you any benefit or pleasure. Remember that you are not obliged to maintain relationships with former classmates, former classmates, with just former, as well as with neighbors and relatives from the "Seventh Water on Kisel" series;
  3. Again, you can not believe in the theory of energy vampires that feed on someone else's energy and "sucking" vitality, but we agreed with us to consider only the practical part of the issue, without focusing on theory.

And with a purely practical point of view, the presence of people (for some reason more often than the female), provoking scandals, diligently spoiling the mood, degrading someone else's dignity and the literally visible pleasure receiving from it is just stupid.

There are such people, there are many of them and this factor must be considered. And the vampires are, fighters for the truth, or just hubalki - the tenth business. I suggest calling their "emotional killers" or a murderer, such a definition, in my opinion, most accurately reflects their activities - the slow killing of people on the emotional and spiritual level.

Faced with an emotional killer and not being ready for such a meeting, it seems easier than simple. And showing Christian humility, and entering into a cross-stop, you start playing the rules of the Slavub. What to do? The best option is to avoid "communication".

If for some reason it is not possible to avoid (for example, in public transport), it will have to be defended. But it is necessary to make it necessary, not by giving a shock to pull yourself into a protracted battle on the emotional front, where you are knowingly weaker.

Therefore, you have Blitzkrieg, Tusk, Shah and Mat in one bottle - calmly, without increasing the voices (in no case can you give the enemy to feel your weakness and bump your energy) send an emotional murderer within walking erotic journey. If you suddenly do not know what kind of cruise is such, ask your husband or boyfriend, he will tell.

To spoil yourself the mood is not such a difficult task, however, to spoil yourself the mood you need to be able to. We have seven ways that will teach you to do it professionally. Suffer with pleasure!

How to spoil yourself mood:

  1. The first way. Workout. If you ever were at the training of team building team building - imagine what qualities you would like to possess. And now think about which of them are to a lesser extent. Ready! Study!
  2. The second way. Calculate all your drawbacks. Write them on the leaflet and read several times, first from beginning to the end, and then on the contrary. You just think about how a lot really is! You are completely imperfect! It is terrible to imagine what opinion about you surrounding, suddenly they all notice! Ready! Study!
  3. Third way. What words do you "cover" yourself when some mission failed?! As you often repeat them, not to forget! And if it does not work forget, then you are angry with yourself, be unhappy with yourself. And in addition to this, remember how you once had a long time ago. Now imagine that you are still the same child. You can repeat to achieve the perfect result! Ready! Study!
  4. Fourth way. Remember non-nice people at all, and now imagine that they can talk and think about you. Imagine that you are also unpleasant to them as they. Considerably agree with their opinion. Feel flawed. Ready! Study!
  5. Fifth way. You are a parent. Ask the kids to do something. Tell your children that they do not do what you ask them about. Strike them in this. Remember the families with whom you are friendly who have children - Angels, love and respect parents, because they do everything from the first time. Now understand that you are worthless, you do not even respect you your own children. Ready! Study!
  6. Sixth way. For a long time you did not pay attention to my husband (wife)! We must certainly do its second half. Recall that you asked to make it, and your half was indifferent to these requests. Note for yourself the desire with whom your second half goes to friends, in clubs, bars, sitting on the Internet. Here is another reason to feel your worthlessness and loneliness. Do not come out of this state in any pretext, even if your second half is stubbornly spinning around you. Ready! Study!
  7. Seventh way. Never tell anyone about what you would like what you need! They are simply obliged to understand this, only looking at your deep and express it. If a person does not understand this at all, then make him various hints: you can wink, smile, or to be offended and talking to him because of this. Remelude pity at yourself to yourself. Pity is needed constant care! Ready! Study!

Poor mood is not a consequence of external reasons. For some reason, people often love to immerse themselves in the oppressive mood. As if trying to find all the problems in this reason. Trying to find sympathizers. Many people think so easier to live. And someone thus just justifies his laziness, low motivation, lack of aspiration.

If you are one of the "suffer" lovers, then you will definitely listen to our advice and the bad mood you are provided! And for a long time!

Method 1. Working.

Think what kind of qualities you must have. Focus on those you have in the smallest degree. Think over all the details of the unattainable ideal.

Method 2. Record all your drawbacks.

Recalculate them first from below, then on top. Imagine how great this figure is. Think what will happen if others know about it. Internally, horrible.

Method of 3. Get on yourself and experience a lot of discontent.

If it does not work, remember how they scolded you in childhood. Forget that you have already grew up and be surely strongly offended by your parents for everything that has not achieved.

Method 4. Imagine people little nice.

After that, immediately try to understand what they think about you. You must agree with them one hundred percent. Feel your worthlessness. Clear (you can climb).

Method 5. Tell the children what they should do.

Repeat it at least five times. Feel your parent powerlessness. After that, with envy, remember the familiar children who "understand the first time".

Method 6. Give your partner.

Remember how indifferently he reacts to your requests. If he is not seen in this, note for yourself enthusiasm with which he does something when you are not together. This is a wonderful reason to feel loneliness. Do not give in to the provocative intentions of close to bring you out of this state. The experience of loneliness should be as clean and gloomy as possible!

Method 7. Never tell others about what you want.

This is their holy duty to guess what you love. Stretchly smile. To consolidate the effect, act with hints: Chmother, do not talk, go with an accident. Your task to grow pity for yourself. Remember that pity needs constant care.

Method 8. Imagine a person who succeeds more than you.

In no case do not console yourself with the fact that his life was in other conditions. The main thing for you is to survive humiliation and hopelessness.

Method 9. Communicating with people for a long time and patiently talk to them.

Do not allow yourself to understand that you are actually experiencing, even if you are frankly neglected. Come to the position, offer assistance. In no case, do not give people the opportunity to solve your problems yourself. What then are you standing if you can easily do without you? If you can't help, immediately disappoint itself. Alternatively, you can also be confused.

Method 10. Focus on the feelings in the body.

Find the most unpleasant and think about what it were? ". Remember several cases in neighbors and acquaintances that ended extremely regrettable. Put yourself a diagnosis. Examine a couple of medical encyclopedias, paying attention to complications. Then, open the recipe directory and read what to treat, paying attention to contraindications. Find your. Now you are ready to feel your fear and despair.

And, of course, the most important way is more negative, comparisons with other and experiences. And more often attend places where you do not like. And fight there for the truth, because it is necessary to tell the rest as wrong and illogical they act! You have a lot of strength and energy, everything is enough.

Everything. Cocktail called "Poor Mood" is ready! Take as you use at least one of the signs.


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