Bans in World of Tanks. Why banned me? Mat, abnormative vocabulary, insult

Bans in World of Tanks. Why banned me? Mat, abnormative vocabulary, insult

Most likely you already know that wargaming after today (October 15), and for sure it will be on Monday on October 17 (since no one works on the weekend) prepares large-scale accounts for using prohibited modifications. We found a few different versions of what is happening: from WORLD OF TANKS warnings, then permanent banners of absolutely all accounts using cheats. Let's figure it out together.

How many times did accounts check for the presence of prohibited mods:

So, the news recently about the Ban of the World of Tanks accounts has become really a lot and the time has come to cut off some fakes, which came up with schoolchildren who came with classes.

A couple of days ago a microde

"On October 11, one of the microvalennels of the game was added to the client informer. In the file Wot_9.16.11312_9.16.11080_client.wgpkg, you can find the ACCOUNT.DEF file. It contains the following information:

Autobahn time. Level of warning. Clana ID for session. Python logs.
So, if you used after the 11th earnings, it means that there will be a ban. If not - remove them until the situation is clearing. "

Janius Fake.

Check for Reading at the entrance to the game

"There is an inside from reliable sources that the system will work for about 5 days. The system is automatic, when entering the client will check the player at a pre-assembled database of cheaters, which was merged.
Today, the patch was oppressed in connection with this, so who is afraid of their Accc - do not come in N days in the game (accurate information when disabled - no) "

most likely Fake.

What do developers talk on this topic?

Comment Foton64rus

Wait for the official announcement, soon, but for now, without comment, do not screw yourself.

Comment by the creator of one of the "chito assemblies"

For the last 3 micropathic, we did not find any files that would follow the players or were looking for something autonomously from the WG side.

European Sources WOT (Germans)

The first wave will affect not everyone will be banned for a term from 14 to 30 days, no more. Yes, it will be a "demonstration performance." Approximate "Circulation" 10-50 thousand.

First wave of bans November 29

Part of the players on November 29, 2016 received a ban at the entrance to the game. Violation: Use of cheats (prohibited mods). Term 1 week.

What if you are banned? Nothing. It remains only to wait and in the future no longer use such modes.

Are still expected banes in WOT? Yes. The following event that will be checked by developers - "". Read the whole truth in a special.

Second Wave Banov January 5, 2017

Developers continued to fight with cheaters in WOT. January 5, 2017 unexpectedly for everyone, cheaters got banges.

How much is banned in the second wave in the RU-region?

  • 1618 people It was barred permanently (forever). These players have already received a warning and ban for 7 days. But they did not stop them and the cheats were reused. Accounts are lost;
  • Warning ban on 7 days received 33 087 Accounts.
What is the statistics of bans in other regions?
  • Na (US) - 479 for 7 days and 19 permanent;
  • EU - 5300 for 7 days and 181 permanent;
  • Asia - 207 for 7 days and 13 permanent.
Because of what mods did you get Ban?
Most likely due to the assembly of mods.

Third Wave Banov March 13, 2017

It became known about the new, third wave of bans in World of Tanks. How many accounts were deprived of life this time?
  • 17,988 player accounts received primary account blocking;
  • 5742 Accounts received permanent blocking for repeated disorders.

Fourth Wave Banov 4 May 2017

  • 18,871 player accounts received primary accounting of the account;
  • 5453 accounts received permanent blocking for repeated disorders;
  • 3 Supersthers also received a ban.
Moderators call on not to violate the rules of the game.

Fifth Wave Banov July 6, 2017

  • 8757 players received a warning;
  • 3579 players are blocked forever.
The players who violate the rules were also punished.

Sixth Wave Banov September 28, 2017

  • 13,124 players received their first and last warning;
  • 3185 accounts There were blocked indefinite
WG promises to continue to follow the violators (this is not the last wave of bans).

Seventh Ban Wave November 29, 2017

  • Warn: 13 391 Account for using SM (prohibited mods);
  • Forever and ever: 2937 For a repeated violation.

Eighth Wave Banov February 28, 2018

Restrictions received 60 226 Accounts for using forbidden programs and forever blocked 5 156 Accounts for re-violation.

Eleventh Ban Wave February 6, 2019

- We conducted an inspection of all players who took part in the "soldiers of good luck", including those who did not get into the "Alley of Glory" (played less than 5 fights).

According to the results of the inspection applied sanctions to 22.643 players (Total players participated: 222.411 - approx. we) used forbidden modifications (sm).
As a result, from the prize zone on the tank was removed 4.563 AccountIn general, the "Alley of Glory" moved at 19.776 positions.

Twelfth wave Banov February 20, 2019

2 weeks ago wargaming banal only clan players, today Banyat and the rest. Everything is as always, warning (blocking) for 7 days or already permanent ban.

What mods are considered forbidden?

The list of prohibited mods is always on the forum.

Recall, we recently published, which used forbidden mods for 8 months in a row and is not experiencing that he will overtake him.

Hi friends, today I would like to talk about the topic of bans in game world. Of Tanks. As you know, the network has information about the fact that developers will block players who used various prohibited customer modifications. Bans for Cheats in WOT In general, the expected solution and tank players are still supporting Vargeiming in this regard. Especially since other large firms are not shy to mercilely chop players. If you look at how the company is blocked at 50,000 - 100,000 cheaters at once in their games. It becomes clear that this is a normal practice in the gaming industry.

What is the topic of bans for cheats in WOT 2016 in October? In various social networks, plums appeared from developers. The fact that they collected a largely large players database using different cheats in World of Tanks. Moreover, it can completely different modifications, ranging from various Aimbot sights, and by pumping cheat modes.

Many players from the world of tanks are familiar with the picture when you're standing at the shelter, and wait for the opponent. He, in turn, rolls out immediately gives a plush and goes back for the house or mound. On the one hand, of course, this can be written off on the enemy skill. But when such tricks turn to say straight weak players on statistics involuntarily think about how? Especially since it is very difficult to make an accurate shot of 150-300 meters, while it is very difficult to sharpen and exactly in the protruding female. And this is no longer speaking that such a focus man can repeat 3-4 times for the fight.

Ban for cheats in World of Tanks himself suggests itself for such a kind of players. After all, if you release the situation, no longer any positions will save the position in the tanks for cheats. And people who use prohibited modifications will feel free in our favorite Wot game.

In turn, our editorial office has not much information about that for example, the cheaters database using warpac.
The Vargeiming company has been collecting for a couple of years :), so people think that everything will come down from their hands.

Account blocking timelines will be completely different as rumors prompted. Of course, people who used forbidden modifications for example 2 weeks, the month most likely to block permanently will not become. But what will be with all the others is not yet clear how the severity will be evaluated remains a mystery.

Initially, information appeared that the books for cheats in World of Tanks will be from October 15, after the name was called on October 20. In general, it is not clear to the end, maybe it will be November, or December, 2016.

Express your opinion about this problem, we would be interested to read your thoughts. How do you see future games after the mass executions of the Chifts in Wot. And how do you look at this campaign from Vargeiming? Perhaps we have thoughts how to effectively deal with such players? How do you relate to the custom customer modifications?
Maybe you have additional Information on this issue? Video with comments? We will be happy to know your opinion!

We will follow the situations and look forward to the junction of what is happening.

Types of locks:

  • Turning on the READ ONLY mode - deprivation of the possibility of sending messages in the game, on the forum and in game channels for a period of one day to permanent (indefinite) blocking.
  • Blocking access to the game, the forum or account as a whole for a period of one day to permanent (indefinite) blocking.

The restriction may be imposed on one day to permanent locking chat or game (i.e. forever).

How to find out for what you banned me?

The restriction is imposed on the account if your actions violate the conditions, the rules of the game and. The blocking message always indicates the section and item of the rules, for the violation of which you are blocked. Examples:

Chat lock:

Account lock:

READ ONLY mode on the forum:

Lock access to the forum:

How to find out what exactly the reason for the ban was:

  1. Open the rules of the game and find the item specified in the Ban report.
  2. Carefully read this point of the rules and try to remember what kind of situations such a violation could take place.
  3. If you are confident that they did not violate the rules on this item, as well as in any other (for example, familiar or family members) there is no access to your account, you can always.

To find out what is included in different types violations, click on the desired item in the list below - it will open detailed description. The list of violations is based on the rules of the game.

Mat, abnormative vocabulary, insult

This applies to this:

  • any insult of another player;
  • any use of abnormative vocabulary (mat);
  • rough, faded and offensive expressions that go beyond the culture of communication.

A strict list of expressions that contradict this item of the game rules is not. The decision to punish the administration of the game, guided by the norms of the generally accepted morality. Most of the insults and mat in the game hides the built-in matfilter.


This applies to this:

  • the mass distribution of the information that the user has not requested, in the receipt of which did not show interest or receipt of which did not give consent (spam);
  • abuse of text transfer (crushing supply for individual words);
  • multiple duplication of the same type of messages;
  • creating messages that do not mean sense;
  • repeated duplication of the results of the battle in the channels of the game;
  • abuse of recruiting - advertising and searching for players, groups of players and tournaments (abuse is considered advertising from one group of players more often than once within five minutes);
  • abuse of writing messages in the upper case;
  • abuse of punctuation marks;
  • abuse of in-game "smiles";
  • placing information that does not correspond to the subject of the corresponding channel.

The official language of communication in the game and fighting chat is Russian. The use of other languages \u200b\u200bis allowed in combat, tournament, clan, platoon channels and personal messages.


We are talking about the messages of the "Give Gold", "Eh, accruem to me a tank!", "Got a hundred rubles through a web wallet, I will return tomorrow."

This type of messages should not be confused with the deferment of personal information (such as login / password) and requests of the type "Let's wait for accounts" for which more stringent punishments are provided.

Account transfer

Insult on any sign

This item echoes a point on the use of abnormative vocabulary, but here we are talking about insulting a group of people. There are in mind classic insults aimed at nationality / religion / race as a whole.

Such a violation is assessed by the administration as more serious than an insult to one user, and is punishable.

Distribution of personal information of third parties

Example: If you play with someone in a platoon and know his real name, then you cannot report his name to someone without the consent of the player himself. Personal information includes information about health, material status, place of residence, phone number, email, etc.


We are talking about messages of the type "Click Alt + F4 to turn on the headlights" (placement of knowingly false information), phrases of the type "Administration only banits and does nothing", "Admins do not care about players" (slander in relation to the administration) and so on .

Lying or extortion

We are talking about messages of the type "Come on your username / password, otherwise I will burn your house", "If you don't tell me your password, I hack your mail", etc.

Remember: The administration will never ask your login or password - this information is needed only by fraudsters.

Pornographic and erotic materials

Any information of a sexual nature is unacceptable in the game due to age limitations.

Propaganda of narcotic substances and alcohol

The mention of alcoholic beverages and drugs, as well as actions that can be carried out with them (as well as the call for such actions), is regarded as the propaganda of the mentioned substances. Example: expressions of the appearance of "Eh, drink beer", "do not drink beer", etc.


We are talking about the messages of the type "I will find you and I'll break your hands", "tell me the address, come, the legs will", "I would find the developers yes on the head they are told" and they are similar to those who carry a direct either indirect threat to what they are addressed in whose address (or nonsense related to the group of people).


  • Any statements are prohibited, in some way relating to modern policies (in particular, to modern political figures).
  • At the same time, the attitude and emotional color of the posts are not important. For example, the phrases "Ivanov - a good president" and "Ivanov - a bad president" equally violate this item of the rules of the game.

Insult administration or moderators

  • This item generally duplicates the point of insulting users, the only difference is that an insult is aimed at the representatives of the administration, so the punishment is tasty.
  • Please note: the discussion of the actions of the administration is also prohibited. If you have any comments on the work of moderators or claims to the administration, you can send them to the user support center.

Unsporting behavior, bot

Types of unsporting behavior:

  • Pushing.
  • Poking.
  • Contain.
  • Locking equipment ally.
  • "Timdamag" and "Timkill" (damage to the technique of allies and damage to the modules or the destruction of the technology of the Allies).

    Timdamag and Timkill are fixed by an automatic system, which imposes a limitation on violators not subject to appeal. There are situations where the teammate player provokes for damage to the allies. In such situations, it is not worth responding with a violation on violation. Do not give in to provocations. Any damage to union technology, regardless of the situation, violates the rules of the game.

  • Contractual battles or similar actions of any kind (with the exception of training rooms). A contractual battle is considered a fight in which a player, or a group of players receives hard-to-top statistical indicators, including implementation and / or assistance in execution of LBZ, by conspicing participants in both teams;
  • "Pumping" accounts of other users, as well as any other unsportsmanship;
  • Blocking or similar to the action for the technique of the player in the user command;
  • Passive (pacifist) behavior in relation to the participants of another team, clan or closer union. Passive pacifist behavior is the intentional unopened fire on enemy tank and coordination with an enemy team.
  • Run more than one copy of the game on one device.
  • Bottomanism is the use of programs that imitate the actions of users in the game (bots), clicker programs, keyboard and mouse control macros, other similar methods of accumulating in-game achievements.

    Bottomanism is fixed by a semi-automatic system.

  • Other forms of unsporting behavior at the discretion of the administration.

Messages related to organizations and people violating legislation

  • nazi statements of various kinds;
  • messages promoting the activities of terrorist organizations and their figures, for example, "For Alcaid!";
  • other types of similar messages at the discretion of the administration.

Causing damage to the game, administration of the game, users

  • The use of cheat programs, bot programs forbidden modes to the game, geodaty bugs (cards), vulnerabilities of the game client, sites, etc.
  • Mention of prohibited modifications, bot programs, bugs, as well as their discussion in chat rooms.

Getting game elements with violation of the rules of the game

Getting game elements, game achievements, as well as in-game currency, premium techniques, premium accounts and other additional features of the game with violation of the rules of the game, user agreement, other rules wargaming companies Or rules of individual shares and competitions.

Dissemination of confidential games about games

You can distribute only the information that was officially announced by the project administration.

Using the game in ways not provided by the user agreement and the rules of the game

Using the game by ways that are not provided for by the user agreement, the rules of the game, other rules of Wargaming, as well as extending beyond the usual gaming process.

Violation of legislation, moral standards

The exact list of statements relating to this item does not exist - such cases are considered individually administration and employees of the user support center.

Use of prohibited names, tags, motto and clans descriptions

About what names, tags, motto and clan descriptions are prohibited, read in the rules of clans. This clan lists all the prohibited options for names, tags, mottos and descriptions of clans and a measure of responsibility for violating this clan rule point.

Using forbidden clan emblems

About what names, tags, motto and clan descriptions are prohibited, read in the rules of clans. This clause lists all the prohibited options for clan emblems and a measure of responsibility for violating the clan rules.

Most likely you already know that wargaming after today (October 15), and for sure it will be on Monday on October 17 (since no one works on the weekend) prepares large-scale accounts for using prohibited modifications. We found a few different versions of what is happening: from WORLD OF TANKS warnings, then permanent banners of absolutely all accounts using cheats. Let's figure it out together.

How many times did accounts check for the presence of prohibited mods:

So, the news recently about the Ban of the World of Tanks accounts has become really a lot and the time has come to cut off some fakes, which came up with schoolchildren who came with classes.

A couple of days ago a microde

"On October 11, one of the microvalennels of the game was added to the client informer. In the file Wot_9.16.11312_9.16.11080_client.wgpkg, you can find the ACCOUNT.DEF file. It contains the following information:

Autobahn time. Level of warning. Clana ID for session. Python logs.
So, if you used after the 11th earnings, it means that there will be a ban. If not - remove them until the situation is clearing. "

Janius Fake.

Check for Reading at the entrance to the game

"There is an inside from reliable sources that the system will work for about 5 days. The system is automatic, when entering the client will check the player at a pre-assembled database of cheaters, which was merged.
Today, the patch was oppressed in connection with this, so who is afraid of their Accc - do not come in N days in the game (accurate information when disabled - no) "

most likely Fake.

What do developers talk on this topic?

Comment Foton64rus

Wait for the official announcement, soon, but for now, without comment, do not screw yourself.

Comment by the creator of one of the "chito assemblies"

For the last 3 micropathic, we did not find any files that would follow the players or were looking for something autonomously from the WG side.

European Sources WOT (Germans)

The first wave will affect not everyone will be banned for a term from 14 to 30 days, no more. Yes, it will be a "demonstration performance." Approximate "Circulation" 10-50 thousand.

First wave of bans November 29

Part of the players on November 29, 2016 received a ban at the entrance to the game. Violation: Use of cheats (prohibited mods). Term 1 week.

What if you are banned? Nothing. It remains only to wait and in the future no longer use such modes.

Are still expected banes in WOT? Yes. The following event that will be checked by developers - "". Read the whole truth in a special.

Second Wave Banov January 5, 2017

Developers continued to fight with cheaters in WOT. January 5, 2017 unexpectedly for everyone, cheaters got banges.

How much is banned in the second wave in the RU-region?

  • 1618 people It was barred permanently (forever). These players have already received a warning and ban for 7 days. But they did not stop them and the cheats were reused. Accounts are lost;
  • Warning ban on 7 days received 33 087 Accounts.
What is the statistics of bans in other regions?
  • Na (US) - 479 for 7 days and 19 permanent;
  • EU - 5300 for 7 days and 181 permanent;
  • Asia - 207 for 7 days and 13 permanent.
Because of what mods did you get Ban?
Most likely due to the assembly of mods.

Third Wave Banov March 13, 2017

It became known about the new, third wave of bans in World of Tanks. How many accounts were deprived of life this time?
  • 17,988 player accounts received primary account blocking;
  • 5742 Accounts received permanent blocking for repeated disorders.

Fourth Wave Banov 4 May 2017

  • 18,871 player accounts received primary accounting of the account;
  • 5453 accounts received permanent blocking for repeated disorders;
  • 3 Supersthers also received a ban.
Moderators call on not to violate the rules of the game.

Fifth Wave Banov July 6, 2017

  • 8757 players received a warning;
  • 3579 players are blocked forever.
The players who violate the rules were also punished.

Sixth Wave Banov September 28, 2017

  • 13,124 players received their first and last warning;
  • 3185 Accounts were blocked indefinitely
WG promises to continue to follow the violators (this is not the last wave of bans).

Seventh Ban Wave November 29, 2017

  • Warn: 13 391 Account for using SM (prohibited mods);
  • Forever and ever: 2937 For a repeated violation.

Eighth Wave Banov February 28, 2018

Restrictions received 60 226 Accounts for using forbidden programs and forever blocked 5 156 Accounts for re-violation.

Eleventh Ban Wave February 6, 2019

- We conducted an inspection of all players who took part in the "soldiers of good luck", including those who did not get into the "Alley of Glory" (played less than 5 fights).

According to the results of the inspection applied sanctions to 22.643 players (Total players participated: 222.411 - approx. we) used forbidden modifications (sm).
As a result, from the prize zone on the tank was removed 4.563 AccountIn general, the "Alley of Glory" moved at 19.776 positions.

Twelfth wave Banov February 20, 2019

2 weeks ago wargaming banal only clan players, today Banyat and the rest. Everything is as always, warning (blocking) for 7 days or already permanent ban.

What mods are considered forbidden?

The list of prohibited mods is always on the forum.

Recall, we recently published, which used forbidden mods for 8 months in a row and is not experiencing that he will overtake him.

Belarusian team of developers from Wargaming For a long time and with persistence, I did not have chet in their game and could not - there are only bots. In this case, a reasonable question appears - and for what then mass banes?


Cheaterism (from the English to cheat - Punish, torment, cheek) - Application of specially created or modified programs or equipment in network games to obtain an indisputable advantage over other players.

And so, the story in the spirit of the best spy militants. For greater understanding, it is better to start with the listing of what is currently known:

  • there is such a creator of prohibited mods (cheats) as Uragan1987;
  • not so long ago, his forces were created excellent modopak, which had a paid version (it cost 300 rubles), where, in addition to other prohibited mods, there was a unique cheat;
  • this mod showed in real time all opponents, even those who did not shine;
  • the other day, many assembly users received a permanent ban, which is surprising, because the struggle wargaming with cheats until recently was only a myth;
  • as a result, users agreed on two versions - either wargaming after Micropathic 25 numbers itself was able to track users of the Modpaka, or the Uragan1987 received enough money from potatoes and merged the developers of all users of its assembly.

Let's deal with!

The new cheat is probably a sign of players who followed the news (they wrote about him). If briefly, the function of tracking the position of union tanks is embedded in popular fashion. This information is transmitted to the modmakers server and if there is such a player in the opposite team, then you will see where the whole technique of enemies is. Cool cheat, completely broke balance, just imagine!

It looks like this

As you can see, there are absolutely all tanks of the enemy team on the minima.

Some time after using the Modpaka, mass banes from developers went. In the subject of support, the modopka begins Rugan and Uragan1987 writes such an answer (click on the picture, a window with a full version will open)

Wargaming enrolled with an unknown grace - in the modpaca files was simply replaced by the IP address and all data merged not on the modmakers server, but sent directly to developers!

But this is just one way of developing events, some users suggest that Uragan1987 has received a sufficient amount of money and merged all buyers of its assembly. This, of course, a blow to reputation, but this option should not be discounted.

By the way, it turned out that other creators of cheats for popular games are engaged in calculating the location of the enemy team. Public screenshots of a fashion that shows the position of technology, regardless of lighting. But so far in free access it is not.


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