Why do you need cufflinks? Why do men's cufflinks need: style guide as a cake looks like.

Why do you need cufflinks? Why do men's cufflinks need: style guide as a cake looks like.

Why do men's cufflinks need, if there are usual and comfortable buttons? The fact is that cufflinks for a man is a way of self-expression. Such a raisin image shows that a man has a taste and a sense of style. Let's talk about cufflinks in more detail!

Cufflinks appeared long before the appearance of buttons. In the XII century, they replaced ribbons and laces and were used only among the nobility. With the advent of buttons about the cuffers forgot and very in vain! This accessory is an indispensable attribute of the image and style of a successful man.

Meet, as you know, by clothes. To create a good impression, you need to think through everything to the smallest details. Therefore, it is important to understand what men's cufflinks are needed for what they happen to how to choose and how to wear this stylish accessory.

Why do you need cufflinks for men?

Cufflinks are used to fasten the shirt cuff. To wear them, it is necessary to acquire shirts with special cuffs, otherwise the crates will not be able to bother. These small clasps are fastened through the loops and fasten on the reverse side.

Men's cufflinks are an integral part of the image of the head and business person, as well as wrist watch. They can be worn at business meetings, official techniques, and just to work. For a man holding a high position, cufflinks are necessary. Any detail is important here, and stylish cufflinks can become an extra point in your favor.

Types of men's convey

There are many types of cufflinks for men. They are classified by the type of fasteners, according to a stylistic solution, by manufacturing material. Let's figure it out.

According to the method of fastening the most popular type of cufflinks is a rotating, bullet or flat pin. Two-sided cufflinks, the design of which is repeated with facial, and from a back side, look aesthetically more attractive. It looks good for cufflinks on a chain. They are not very convenient to use, but are good because with their help you can adjust the cuffs of the shirt (make them freely, if necessary).

The largest division of the cuff refers to symmetry. The accessory can be absolutely the same on both sides or differ - on the one hand, the decorated part, and on the other - the mount. Symmetric cufflinks are less convenient to use, and they are rarely found.

Male cufflinks are performed in various designs. It may be laconic classic cufflinks, thematic (with symbols of kind activities, for example), extravagant (in the form of a soccer ball, inscriptions, etc.), functional (equipped with a compass, miniature clock or thermometer). As a rule, men's cufflinks are easy to distinguish from female. They are more stringent, larger and made in dark colors.

Diverse and machine manufacturing material for men. Depending on personal preferences, the status and events wear gold (585,), silver or steel men's cufflinks. Silver it will be gold or jewelry - to solve you.

How to choose men's cufflinks?

Among such a variety is easy to get confused. How to choose male cufflinks? If this is wrong, you can not improve the image, but make it absolutely tasteless.

First of all, decide what material cufflinks for you is preferable. Remember the "gold" rule - cufflinks must correspond to other accessories of the image. All, without exception, the products are selected from one metal and in one color scheme. Better stops at noble metals. Gold and silver cufflinks look more respectable. The better for men gold, and what are the silver read.

Range of prices for cufflinks for men is quite wide. Some products can cost more than 30,000 rubles. The price of cufflink depends on many factors: manufacturing material, decoring precious stones, design complexities, brand.

It is also worth considering the age and the social status of the one who bought cufflinks. You can pick up bright cufflinks from jewelry with an intricate design. Men older age, as a rule, stop their choice on classic cufflinks without bright parts and extravagance.

How to wear men's cufflinks?

You can wear cufflinks only with shirts of French and Vienna species. The first - calculated only under the use of cufflinks, buttons are not provided. The second is universal. The Viennese shirts have a slot and under the conquer, and under the buttons.

Well, now about how to wear men's cufflinks:

  1. Put the shirt and turn the edges of the cuff back.
  2. Connect the edges of the cuff, while consider the holes must match.
  3. Insert the cufflinks in the slots and secure on the reverse side. If you did everything right, the front side of the cuff will turn out to be on the outside of the cuff.

If you did not wear cuffs before, insert them into the shirt in advance.

Now you know what you need men's cufflinks, what they happen and how to choose them correctly and wear. Remember, the style is created by the details. Do not neglect such an important part of the image like a cufflink!

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Very often, men are extremely wary of various kinds of jewelry, believing that supplement the image of bright expensive parts of the prerogative of exclusively women. By and large, this is true. However, in the men's style there are several standing accessories that are able to emphasize the impeccable taste and make an appearance of elegance. For example, male cufflinks.

The accessory gives the image of solemnity, emphasizes social status and welfare. Suitable for special events or important business meetings. In everyday life, for example, with conventional blazers to wear cufflinks is also not prohibited. Simply select a more modest option, for example, from ordinary tissue. Silver cufflinks look well with a dark blue jacket and a formal shirt.

Competently pick up the cufflinks to other clothes and do not forget about a combination with accessories - a clock, a belt, a tie clamp and so on. Try to invest in expensive and stylish products. Imcribe something interesting and add individuality into the image. Use the decoration yourself or purchase for a gift. Actually, for this cufflink and need.

Nowadays, not every man wears shirts with cufflinks. And they can be understood, despite the fact that it looks very beautiful. But not everyone is able to properly choose accessories, fasten the complex double cuff and look completely at the same way. But those men who managed to master such a difficult art, like cufflinks on a shirt, look more than elegant. In addition, this accessory is allowed to wear not only with dark costumes and starchy shirts. In modern fashion there are many other options.

Classic - always classic

It is believed that the man in a classic ironed shirt looks very stylish and presentable. There is nothing more elegant than a classic robe that is in tandem with fashionable trends for many years. And although the shirt is considered an independent part of the wardrobe, it is still better to add accessories. In addition to ties and special clamps, there are cufflinks on a shirt for them. It is about them that will be discussed in this article.

History of conversations

Cufflinks are specialized fasteners made of simple or jewelry metals inserting into the shirt cuffs. They appeared in the XVII century, however, then it was the ribbons that sleeves were tied.

As time went. Changes occurred. Later began to use glass butchers, then a variety of precious stones and metals. And only about a hundred years ago, in the distant 1924, cufflinks on the shirt (a photo can reflect all the beauty of each of these accessories) became the same as now.

Choose a shirt and cufflinks

To properly use this accessory, you should choose a special shirt, since the usual model in this case does not fit.In the cuffs such a shirt have the corresponding slots. And there are many kinds of cufflinks themselves.

How to wear cufflinks on a shirt and choose them correctly? Let's try to figure out.

According to symmetry there are two types of cufflinks wearing the appropriate names:

  • Symmetric are details that are completely identical on both sides.
  • Asymmetric - decorated only on the one hand, the second is an ordinary clasp.

Also, products are distinguished by stylistic features:

  • Models of the classic plan have a strict look and appropriate form.
  • Cufflinks that have a certain topic can usually reflect some personal qualities of the owner of this thing.

By the gear mechanism, parts of the cufflinks are connected to each other. different ways. A small rotating pin is the most popular. Chains, conventional fasteners, tight clutch mechanisms are much less common.

How to wear cufflinks?

Now consider how to wear cufflinks on the shirt. The accessory itself is made in such a way that it should pass through the holes that there are shirts on the cuff and securely fix it. After such fixation, the cuff will not fall out, even if the man will make active movements with both hands. If the shirt will have a double cuff, then for starters it is necessary to turn it out so that all four slots are combined.

We take one conquer, we draw it through all the slits, ranging from the front side to the wrong one. Then she carefully fastened. If the clasp is made as a rotating pin, then turn it parallel to the leg and put in the slot of the cuff, and then install perpendicular to the leg. The second cufflink is also invested.

After such a detailed explanation it became clear how to wear cufflinks to the shirt. Now it is necessary to figure it out in choosing shirts and fasteners.

From clothes to accessories

First you need to find a suitable definite case of shirt. With cufflinks, you can wear exclusively robes with a double French cuff, because their sleeves are usually a little longer. And this is a big plus in this case.

Cufflinks on a shirt with buttically do not consider and do not acquire. It is more correct that the men have both types of shirts. And then he will be able to wear such a shirt that is suitable for a certain event. Models must be made of cotton as high quality as possible. If you need to save a little, you can contact the Specialized Store Sale Department. It is there that can be purchased with a suitable shirt with large discounts.

Cufflinks on the shirt-holder look canceled in any atmosphere. They just need to choose for different cases. If they are supposed to wear them only for business meetings, then only one pair will be enough. In the usual office, gorgeous copies with inserts from gem, will look somewhat inappropriate. It is better to choose modest patterns of polished metal, platinum or matte gold. They must be a small size, without any kind and not to rush into the eyes.

But for the evening costume, it will be quite by the way, which there are logos of brands, inserts from a pearl or monogram.

Combine but carefully

Nowadays, the cufflinks on the shirt can be worn even in an informal setting. If the shirt is printed or checkered, then accessories, carved from a solid or bone, as well as woven from a silk cord will be quite appropriate. Comic cufflinks are suitable, which will look like miniature chess boards, golf balls, scalp different animals and the like. The main thing is that they will unobtrusively hint at the hobby of their owner or his taste.

If the shirt is supplemented with such cuffs, it can be combined with jeans, a single-breasted jacket and even a monochrome knitted pullover.

How to wear cufflinks on a shirt if she is striped? Now it has already become a classic to fasten the sleeves on such shirts with cufflinks with coins or coats. An image of a gentleman on the rest of the silk cervical handkerchiefs and a club jacket.

But, experimenting with the creation of the image you need carefully. It is necessary to carefully select each element of the wardrobe and accessories to subsequently not look ridiculous.

Learning to wear

Before going into the light in a shirt with cufflinks, you need to learn to wear it easily and easily. Cuffs are allowed to "look out" from the sleeve a little more than the usual shirts that are equipped with buttons. It is not worth pulling the cuffs for all its length, because according to the rules of etiquette, it is allowed that the cufflinks are visible only on the hand, which is bent in the elbow. If a man puts on a shirt with pullover, you can pull his sleeves a little. Thus, he will display cuffs in all their glory. It is only necessary to rehearse in front of the mirror to learn how to look a little careless, but not slightly.

We must not forget about how the neck is decorated. If the setting is business, you will need a tie, which will match the suit in its tone. In the evening, a silk plastron is quite suitable with a pin made of the same material as the cufflinks.

If a sweater is supposed to either a club jacket with a porch without a tie, then you can unzip two upper buttons in it, tie a thin wool or cotton handkerchief on the neck.

Male cufflinks include the number of official accessories for the costume, unlike bracelets and rings. Basic rules for choosing cufflinks. Cufflinks, despite the departure from everyday life, retained relevance and any self-respecting man should have a couple of sets of cuffs.

The history of the appearance of cufflinks.

Who wants a cufflink? Who are Beads?
Whose blood missed his chest?
Thunder hit! Spare, panties!
Who is a grate - come out! Rondalla (Gautier / Efron)

Cufflinks appeared in Europe at the beginning of the XVII century, during the reign of the French king Louis Xiv., also known as the "King Sun". European aristocrats, before the appearance of the cufflinks, were used to trim the lace sleeves of shirts special laces. It was uncomfortable: the shoelaces rushed and tie them on their own was a big problem. So the French cufflinks appeared. They consisted of precious materials connected to each other with a short chain.

According to one of the versions, the cufflinks "invented" a lover caught on the spot, gathering in a hurry, medieval Casanova used to fix lace sleeveless clasp clashes.

French writer Theophile Gautier (Thophile Gautier) argued that the cufflinks are the detail of knight armor. Gauthier appeared in the Grand Opera in the scarlet shirt, the cuffs of which were fastened with silver cufflinks. In one of the letters he told: "And that with the fact that they shocked my kind! But it certainly remembered. A red shirt was on Henry II, when he saw a spear in his eyes ... I managed to find cufflinks, similar to those that were dripping its iron gloves to steel sleeves. "

Anyway, the cufflinks soon became extremely popular among gentlemen, but their distribution into the wide masses of the population limited the decoration price too high. The presence of cufflinks on cuffs issued in those days affiliation to the elite secured society.

On the cufflinks in those days, engravings of generic coats were made or decorated with portraits of ladies of the heart.

In 1882 George Kremenz Received a patent for automating production of cuffs based on the method of making cartridges for rifles. Since then, the cuffs have become available to each dandy.

In 1924 Boyer. Began to use in the mechanism of cufflifts a pin, rotating inside the leg. This design has become so successful that it is used at the present time.

How to wear cufflinks?

For cufflinks need a shirt with appropriate cuffs.

Cuff - End of a shirt sleeve, which is a separate piece of fabric, turning around the hand (wrist) and fixed in this position buttons or a cuff.

Cuffs are Italian, Viennese and French:

  • Italian cuff (sports cuff) is the most common appearance.
  • Viennese Cuff (Combined Cuff) - Used with Frak.
  • The French cuff (double cuff) is a formal cuff formal, dresses with an ordinary business suit, and to a tuxedo, as the only possible shape of the cuff.

Cufflinks are symmetric and asymmetric, where on one side of the decoration, and on the other mount.

Mechanism of cufflinks:

  • rotating Shtyrek
  • chain
  • clasp
  • hard hitch.

Basic rules for choosing cufflinks.

Do not forget that the cuffs dress up to the appropriate wardrobe.

Tuxedo or even more refined option - Frak.

Under the tuxedo, the cufflinks are selected under the color of shirts (white), worse black, under the color of the jacket. Better metallic, not gold or silver. In combination with cufflinks, it is recommended to use a wrist watch with a leather strap, not a metal bracelet. Cufflinks, preferably, should not be thrown against the background of the wardrobe. Dandy of the past centuries to a white shirt and the phraka added small golden cufflinks.

Classic suit.

The widest choice provides a classic business suit. You can stop on any of possible optionsBut the cufflinks should be combined with some elements of the rest of the wardrobe: clipping for a tie, wringing clock, business card case, belt buckle, portfolio accessories, ring. As, for example, gold, silver, platinum option. If this option is expensive, galvanization methods are now used in the production of cufflinks (the metal is covered with a thin layer of gold or silver), which reduces costs. Colored cufflinks are selected under the color of shirts, a tie or a bad handkerchief, but it should be a little different.

For young people, various combinations of cufflinks are possible, but solid men are recommended to limit them with "noble" species. Silver, gold, platinum is perfect for such purposes. Cutches decorated with precious stones look very well. The business sphere is given preference to male conquers of products of well-known firms and decorations made of precious metals and stones. Some companies use branded cufflinks with their own logo. Do not forget: wearing cuffs unbuttoned - a sign of bad taste.

Cufflinks are a cute, funny accessory. They can be worn with all shirts that have the so-called "French cuff". By the way, we have such a cuff in France "Musketertie". Do you know that according to one of the versions, invented this cuff Napoleon at the request of his soldiers so that they can wip the nose during Russian frosts?

Handsome myth from Dominica Daemy, owner of a french brand of male clothes Dormeuil.

Facts about firms and collections of cufflinks.

Cufflinks firm Piaget. From the collection Tanagra. They have removable stones that can be changed depending on the color of the costume or accessories. When changing the stone holds firmly.

American brands of conclusions Tiffany & Co - Patek Philippe cost about $ 1000.

Collections of the brand Di modolo. They are distinguished by the presence of rare stones, perfection of construction and practical functionality.

Italian company Villa. often referred to as "kings of cufflinks". The history of the jewelry house is 4 generations of jewelers, starting from 1876.

Spanish jewelry house Carrera Y Carrera.When dealing with exquisite jewelry and accessories for men, can be proud of a collection of Circulos de Fuego. Cufflinks are made of black onyx and decorated with gold dragons and cost $ 4500.

German brand Montblanc., founded in 1906 and named so in honor of the highest vertex of Europe, has excellent collections of cufflinks, and is valued by many men.

Founded in 1990 brand Tateossian. Today is widely known in the fashion world. During this time, Robert Tateossyan received three times the British Export Awards for Accessories and received the name "King of Cufflinks".

The most expensive cufflinks in the world belong to Designer Janni Viv Sulman. They are made of 750 samples of gold with inlaid diamonds and cost $ 40,000.

Cufflinks include the number of official accessories for a suit, unlike bracelets and rings. Fashion is constant on them, and it is such pleasant "little things", the appearance of a man is completed, allowing you to look worthily and stylish in the relevant situation.

Wardrobe modern man So diverse that in it there is a place of things of completely different styles and directions. However, almost every representative of the strong floor has a shirt in the closet. There must be several of them, among whom a special place is covered by a cufflink. Most men dress it only for solemn events. And only high-ranking officials and diplomats can wear such a shirt every day.

What is cufflinks?

In the world of fashion, the cufflinks appeared quite a long time ago - in the XVII century and already at that time were very popular among the male population. They served to fasten the sleeveless cuffs and were performed from various materials, including precious metals. Later, the cufflinks for a while they forgotten, and now they returned "in the arena" again and is rightfully considered an indicator of status.

The more expensive the accessory, the elegant there should be a shirt under the cufflinks - this is an unwritten rule for mods. Cufflinks make it possible to create your own individual image, which is different from other prestigidity and weighed.

Types of cuff

Not all shirts are suitable for cufflinks, but only those that are manufactured with special challenges of sleeves. Cufflink cuff can be three different species, among which you can select the following:

  1. Casual, or differently they are called "Vienna". Traditional, for fastening, cufflinks are used instead of ordinary buttons. Such models are dressed not only for events, but also quite acceptable for every day.
  2. French (many of them are called "double") - these are wide, two-layer cuffs. The cufflink shirt with such convictions will be an excellent choice for a solemn event (for example, weddings, anniversary, etc.).
  3. Combined - one can boldly fasten both cufflinks and buttons. More cuffs are called sports. If a man is tired of walking with cufflinks, he can take advantage of buttons and vice versa.

What shirts fit?

The most acceptable option is a cufflink shirt with a double (French) cuff. It will perfectly look at symmetric types of cufflinks. But you can also choose a shirt with a single cuff: buttons are not provided on it. For such an outfit, it is desirable to choose an asymmetrical accessory version.

However, the gentleman will look wintly only if both men's shirts Have sleeves of a certain length: they should slightly look out of the sleeves of the jacket. Cufflinks will be visible only when the hands bended in the elbow - in this and there is the whole "chic", because according to the rules of good tone it is not necessary to put expensive accessories at the bottom. They must be discovered by a brief, accidentally, thereby confirming the elegance of a well-thought-out image.

How to choose a color?

Often, before any triumph, it is difficult to decide on the satellite gamut of the outfit. The color of the shirt must necessarily match the costume color. Fashion experts advise that so close clothes so that the shirt was a couple of tones the lighter jacket, and the tie is darker shirts.

In the perfect version, the most suitable shirts of the relative palette, so do not risk and choose too bright, screaming shades. Also, it is not necessary to choose a shirt of black color to the office - it is better to wear this option at your leisure.

The most advantages are combinations of white and black, white and blue, yellow and, but if there are difficulties with the choice, it is always a good option to be a white shirt under a conquer, which will suit a suit completely any color.

Combination rules

Cufflinks are selected not only under the shirt, but also under the costume, tie, hours, in other words - under the common style. So, if a business image is selected, then cufflinks made from precious metals are perfectly suitable, and even better - embedded with stones. With a tuxedo, pure gold or silver cufflinks will be too highlighted.

If the tie is decorated with any stones, then the cuffs look good with the same inlay. Do not forget about a combination with other accessories, for example, wringing clock. Nowadays, manufacturers apply maximum effort to facilitate the choice, and produce cufflinks complete with a clock. Such a set is also considered the perfect gift for a man for any serious holiday.

How to wear?

Men's shirts with cufflinks are traditionally worn with a strict suit or tuxedo. This option is most appropriate for various solid celebrations, hiking in the theater, etc.

But today the mods prefer to experiment and are looking for other non-standard solutions. So, some manage to combine shirt with cufflinks and classic jeans. But in this case, the blazer is dressed on top of the shirt. Here you should neatly pick up jeans in color: it is appropriate to wear dark blue or calm brown. At the same time, the shirt is chosen in the tone so that it harmonies also with the color of the eyes, hair. The cake must be chosen so that it does not attract unnecessary attention. For example, an accessory can be made of blue or brown enamels, as close as possible to jeans or blazers.

Modern style provides for creating your own unique image. In this case, some are trying to combine a shirt with cufflinks and ordinary jeans, even using a jacket or blazer. But such experiments should be careful not to look ridiculous in the eyes of others.


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