How to wear men's cufflinks properly: detailed instructions. Shirt under the cufflinks: how to choose? What do you need cufflinks for men

How to wear men's cufflinks properly: detailed instructions. Shirt under the cufflinks: how to choose? What do you need cufflinks for men

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  • Cufflink on a cuff

    Cocks - clashes, invested in the loop cuffs (sleeves) of the male shirt. Many cufflinks are jewelry.


    In order to wear cufflinks, you need a shirt with the "French" (double) cuff or with special slots for cufflinks (combined). In the first embodiment, the cuff provides for cuffs exclusively.


    Cufflinks appeared in Europe at the beginning of the XVII century. Initially, the sleeves were synthesized with laces or ribbons. During the reign of the French king, Louis XIV, the use of a pair of identical glass buttons connected by a short chain is included.

    By 1715, this simple decoration is replaced by more exquisite, decorated with precious stones (usually diamonds) with a gold chain.

    At that time, the cufflinks were expensive in production and were not widespread. The invention of the electroplating process made it possible to cover cufflinks made from a cheap metal, a thin film of precious metal. But finally, the cufflinks have become available for most only the invention of the American George Kremets. Observations made at the production of cartridges for rifles when the sleeve was formed from one sheet of metal, helped him shifting this experience to the production of cufflinks. Having received a patent, in 1882, he created a car that made it very cheap to produce cufflinks and significantly reduced the cost of production.

    In 1924, a new fastener mechanism was invented. The company "Boyer" began using a pin, freely rotating over the entire length of the leg. This system has become so popular that it is used to this day in most conquers.

    Types of conclusions


    • asymmetric (facial side - decoration, revolt - clasp);
    • symmetric (both halves are the same).

    By coupling mechanisms:

    • rotating pin
    • chains
    • clashes,
    • hard hooks.

    According to the concept of execution:

    • classic (strict shapes and colors)
    • thematic (reflect a profession or hobby wearing)
    • unusual (in the form of a skull or female figure)
    • men's (large, usually strict, inappropriate colors)
    • women's (usually bright, can be decorated with crystals)
    • functional (in the form of existing items - hours,

    Despite the fact that the cufflinks were in fashion relatively recently, they became a symbol of male elegance. Jewelry in the wardrobe men are not so often. An elegant man stands out hours, pen or cufflinks.

    Traditionally, cufflinks are called decorative fasteners, which fastens a cuff and sleeves of shirt or blouses. Today it takes on the role of a button on a french cuff. In contrast to the usual one-sided cuffs, the French cuff turns away itself and has a hole on each side.

    Currently, the French cuff is not separated from the sleeve shirt. Cufflinks again attract interest as an exclusive accessory as a male and female wardrobe.

    Cufflinks belong to the group of accessories, the impact of which is inversely proportional to their value, because, despite its tiny size, they can add a lot into a common appearance, so they are taken to tone to a porch or tie.

    Nowadays, the cufflinks are used everywhere, not only as an attribute of evening clothing, but also as a casual accessory.

    The cuff consists of two items that are bonded with each other on the cuff using buttons, latches, screws or a small chain, and designed in such a way as to easily pass through the loops on the cuffs and do not fall out of them with an awkward motion.

    There are two main varieties of cufflinks: symmetrical and asymmetrical. The first two halves are the same. Such cufflinks are very convenient and practical. The second front side is a decoration, and the reverse is a clasp. However, one of the cufflinks can be easily lost, therefore, before buying them, you need to check how the locks are functioning, and if there are no locks, whether the cuff will fall out from the loop on your cuff.

    The last modity of the fashion is bilateral cufflinks. They are made so that the bottom item in shape repeated the main, only in the reduced version.

    As you know, the shirt cuff must necessarily perform from under the sleeve of the jacket, but not more than a few centimeters. Therefore, small cufflinks will be clearly visible only when their winner will raise or bend.

    The form of cuff can also be any, for example, in the form of playing bones, or tiny gold images of any animals. You can order an individual cufflink from a designer with any pattern and symbol,

    Cufflinks that are customary to wear in the world of business can be divided into two categories: expensive gilded bijouterie of well-known firms and jewelry made of precious metals and stones.

    How to choose a cufflink

    Cufflinks are usually chosen on the basis of such wardrobe items like a shirt and tie. But it is not necessary, the selection of cufflinks is possible depending on the bracelet worn on the hand, the strap from the clock.

    If there is a tuxedo to put on a solemn event, it should be remembered that the cufflinks must be seamless under the color of shirts (white, metal), or, less preferably, under the color of the jacket (black). It should be avoided to wear cufflinks with a tuxedo, fully consisting of silver or gold, since they are strongly striking. With a tuxedo, it is not customary to wear gold, silver or metal wristwatches with a bracelet. Much more elegant in this situation will look at the clock on the black leather strap.

    An ordinary evening suit implies the use of dark tones. This makes accessible various options Cufflinks that may include gold, silver, precious and semi-precious stones, and even crystals.

    Picking up the cufflinks under the clock It is worth remembering that if there is a clock with a silver strap on the hand, then it is not recommended to wear cufflinks from gold, as in the case of a tuxedo and gold cufflinks - the reason for this is "Cut-offs". They must complement the appearance, but not moreover, to be part of the image, but do not form an image.

    For a wedding suit, the choice in favor of a gold or metal shade depends on the color of the wedding ring or clock. It is quite suitable for classic, oval-shaped cufflinks from good yellow gold: they are combined with almost all shirts and costumes.

    Colored cufflinks are selected under the color of shirts, a tie or a bad handkerchief.

    Solid, expensive cufflinks from well-known manufacturers, such as Tiffany & Co or Patek-Philippe, a good gift for connoisseurs of this accessory. Tanagra collection of Piaget collection of the Piaget collection - in the middle round insert in the form of precious or semi gemstone. S.T.DUPONT is known for its inexpensive, but equally elegant products.

    Very often, men are extremely wary of various kinds of jewelry, believing that supplement the image of bright expensive parts of the prerogative of exclusively women. By and large, this is true. However, B. male style There are several standing accessories that are able to emphasize the impeccable taste and make an appearance of elegance. For example, male cufflinks.

    The accessory gives the image of solemnity, emphasizes social status and welfare. Suitable for special events or important business meetings. In everyday life, for example, with conventional blazers to wear cufflinks is also not prohibited. Simply select a more modest option, for example, from ordinary tissue. Silver cufflinks look well with a dark blue jacket and a formal shirt.

    Competently pick up the cufflinks to other clothes and do not forget about a combination with accessories - a clock, a belt, a tie clamp and so on. Try to invest in expensive and stylish products. Imcribe something interesting and add individuality into the image. Use the decoration yourself or purchase for a gift. Actually, for this cufflink and need.

    Nowadays, not every man wears shirts with cufflinks. And they can be understood, despite the fact that it looks very beautiful. But not everyone is able to properly choose accessories, fasten the complex double cuff and look completely at the same way. But those men who managed to master such a difficult art, like cufflinks on a shirt, look more than elegant. In addition, this accessory is allowed to wear not only with dark costumes and starchy shirts. In modern fashion there are many other options.

    Classic - always classic

    It is believed that the man in a classic ironed shirt looks very stylish and presentable. There is nothing more elegant than a classic robe that is in tandem with fashionable trends for many years. And although the shirt is considered an independent part of the wardrobe, it is still better to add accessories. In addition to ties and special clamps, there are cufflinks on a shirt for them. It is about them that will be discussed in this article.

    History of conversations

    Cufflinks are specialized fasteners made of simple or jewelry metals inserting into the shirt cuffs. They appeared in the XVII century, however, then it was the ribbons that sleeves were tied.

    As time went. Changes occurred. Later began to use glass butchers, then a variety of precious stones and metals. And only about a hundred years ago, in the distant 1924, cufflinks on the shirt (a photo can reflect all the beauty of each of these accessories) became the same as now.

    Choose a shirt and cufflinks

    To properly use this accessory, you should choose a special shirt, since the usual model in this case does not fit.In the cuffs such a shirt have the corresponding slots. And there are many kinds of cufflinks themselves.

    How to wear cufflinks on a shirt and choose them correctly? Let's try to figure out.

    According to symmetry there are two types of cufflinks wearing the appropriate names:

    • Symmetric are details that are completely identical on both sides.
    • Asymmetric - decorated only on the one hand, the second is an ordinary clasp.

    Also, products are distinguished by stylistic features:

    • Models of the classic plan have a strict look and appropriate form.
    • Cufflinks that have a certain topic can usually reflect some personal qualities of the owner of this thing.

    By the gear mechanism, parts of the cufflinks are connected to each other. different ways. A small rotating pin is the most popular. Chains, conventional fasteners, tight clutch mechanisms are much less common.

    How to wear cufflinks?

    Now consider how to wear cufflinks on the shirt. The accessory itself is made in such a way that it should pass through the holes that there are shirts on the cuff and securely fix it. After such fixation, the cuff will not fall out, even if the man will make active movements with both hands. If the shirt will have a double cuff, then for starters it is necessary to turn it out so that all four slots are combined.

    We take one conquer, we draw it through all the slits, ranging from the front side to the wrong one. Then she carefully fastened. If the clasp is made as a rotating pin, then turn it parallel to the leg and put in the slot of the cuff, and then install perpendicular to the leg. The second cufflink is also invested.

    After such a detailed explanation it became clear how to wear cufflinks to the shirt. Now it is necessary to figure it out in choosing shirts and fasteners.

    From clothes to accessories

    First you need to find a suitable definite case of shirt. With cufflinks, you can wear exclusively robes with a double French cuff, because their sleeves are usually a little longer. And this is a big plus in this case.

    Cufflinks on a shirt with buttically do not consider and do not acquire. It is more correct that the men have both types of shirts. And then he will be able to wear such a shirt that is suitable for a certain event. Models must be made of cotton as high quality as possible. If you need to save a little, you can contact the Specialized Store Sale Department. It is there that can be purchased with a suitable shirt with large discounts.

    Cufflinks on the shirt-holder look canceled in any atmosphere. They just need to choose for different cases. If they are supposed to wear them only for business meetings, then only one pair will be enough. In the usual office, gorgeous copies with inserts from gem, will look somewhat inappropriate. It is better to choose modest patterns of polished metal, platinum or matte gold. They must be a small size, without any kind and not to rush into the eyes.

    But for the evening costume, it will be quite by the way, which there are logos of brands, inserts from a pearl or monogram.

    Combine but carefully

    Nowadays, the cufflinks on the shirt can be worn even in an informal setting. If the shirt is printed or checkered, then accessories, carved from a solid or bone, as well as woven from a silk cord will be quite appropriate. Comic cufflinks are suitable, which will look like miniature chess boards, golf balls, scalp different animals and the like. The main thing is that they will unobtrusively hint at the hobby of their owner or his taste.

    If the shirt is supplemented with such cuffs, it can be combined with jeans, a single-breasted jacket and even a monochrome knitted pullover.

    How to wear cufflinks on a shirt if she is striped? Now it has already become a classic to fasten the sleeves on such shirts with cufflinks with coins or coats. An image of a gentleman on the rest of the silk cervical handkerchiefs and a club jacket.

    But, experimenting with the creation of the image you need carefully. It is necessary to carefully select each element of the wardrobe and accessories to subsequently not look ridiculous.

    Learning to wear

    Before going into the light in a shirt with cufflinks, you need to learn to wear it easily and easily. Cuffs are allowed to "look out" from the sleeve a little more than the usual shirts that are equipped with buttons. It is not worth pulling the cuffs for all its length, because according to the rules of etiquette, it is allowed that the cufflinks are visible only on the hand, which is bent in the elbow. If a man puts on a shirt with pullover, you can pull his sleeves a little. Thus, he will display cuffs in all their glory. It is only necessary to rehearse in front of the mirror to learn how to look a little careless, but not slightly.

    We must not forget about how the neck is decorated. If the setting is business, you will need a tie, which will match the suit in its tone. In the evening, a silk plastron is quite suitable with a pin made of the same material as the cufflinks.

    If a sweater is supposed to either a club jacket with a porch without a tie, then you can unzip two upper buttons in it, tie a thin wool or cotton handkerchief on the neck.


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