Trichomonada in women symptoms treatment. Trichomoniaz

Trichomonada in women symptoms treatment. Trichomoniaz

Trichomoniasis is one of the most common venereal diseases, which causes the inflammation of the urinary organs in men and women.

Transmission of trichomoniasis by the household (with sharing with an infected man toilet, bed or underwear, towels, etc.) has not been proven.

Who has a high risk to infect trichomoniasis?

You have an increased risk of trichomoniasis if:

    You had several sexual partners with whom you practiced sex without (the more partners were, the higher the risk of trichomoniasis)

    You early began to lead sexual life (girls who lost under the age of 19, increased the risk of trichomoniasis)

    You have previously already been trichomoniasis or other sexually transmitted diseases (, etc.)

    You had unprotected sex with a man infected with trichomoniasis.

Symptoms of trichomoniasis in women

The incubation period in trichomoniasis ranges from 4 to 28 days. This means that the first symptoms of trichomoniasis may appear within a week after infection. In some women, the disease can pass asymptomatic.

The main signs of trichomoniasis in women is:

  • with an unpleasant rotten smell. Selection with trichomoniasis can be yellow, green, white or transparent color. Sometimes the selection can foam.
  • From the vagina, which can also foam.
  • Itching, discomfort, burning sensation and feeling of dryness in the intimate area.
  • and bloody issues After sex.
  • Pain during urination.
  • Dumb pain at the bottom of the abdomen.

How does chronic trichomoniasis manifest? With a long-term course of the disease (more than 2 months), the symptoms of the disease become practically invisible. A woman can notice scanty discharge from a vagina with an unpleasant smell, periodic itching in the field of genital organs, dryness and pain during sex.

What complications can cause trichomoniasis in women?

As a rule, trichomoniasis successfully treats and almost never causes remote consequences after recovery. Cases of inflammation of the uterus and against the background of trichomoniasis followed by infertility there are quite rare.

It is noted that trichomoniasis increases the risk of viral infections, such as HIV and. In women who have suffered trichomoniasis, the risk of development increases.

Trichomoniasis during pregnancy can lead to and miscarriage, premature childbirth, delay in the development of the fetus and intrauterine infection.

Who needs to pass tests on trichomoniasis?

Gynecologists are recommended to be checked on trichomoniasis and other sexually transmitted infections if you have at least one of the risk factors of trichomoniasis (see above who has a high risk to infect trichomoniasis?)

Diagnosis of trichomoniasis in women

If you have signs of trichomoniasis, or you just want to make sure that you are healthy, contact the gynecologist, which will appoint the necessary surveys. We will consider the most common tests on trichomoniasis, which are used in modern medicine.

Swimoniasis smear in women

Pitomoniasis smear is the most affordable and inexpensive method of diagnosing this disease. Such a smear can be passed in any clinic.

Normally (if a woman is healthy) in the next character entry: T.Vaginalis (or simply "TRICH", "TR") was not detected. If a woman is hurt by trichomoniasis, then in the results it will be written that t.vaginalis ("TRICH", "TR") was found.

Since in some cases, this analysis can give falsely-negative results, if a trichomoniasis is suspected, a gynecologist assigns other, more accurate analyzes.

Sowing trichomoniasis (culture study)

Sowing trichomonads is the most effective method The diagnosis of trichomoniasis, which is used in the entire civilized world. This analysis gives more accurate results than a stroke per trichomoniasis, but requires more time to conduct. A positive result (if there is a trichomoniasis) is usually issued after 2 days, a negative result (if there is no trichomoniasis) - in a week.

PCR on trichomoniasis

Definition of DNA Trichomonas in a vaginal smear or with a cervical neck is the most effective analysis of trichomoniasis, the accuracy of which is close to 100%.

A positive result ("discovered") confirms the diagnosis of trichomoniasis, and the negative ("not detected") indicates that there is no trichomoniasis.

Analysis on antibodies to trichomonas

It is a blood test, which allows to detect special proteins in the blood - antibodies indicating that the immune system met with the pathogen of trichomoniasis. Currently, this analysis is rarely applied, since its results are not always accurate and this analysis cannot be applied to control the effectiveness of treatment.

What if I was detected trichomoniasis?

First of all, do not worry, since modern methods of treatment helps to cure trichomoniasis in almost 100% of cases. Contact your gynecologist, which will make a treatment regimen for you. Do not try to treat trichomoniasis at home, as this can lead to the transition of the disease into a chronic asymptomatic form.

Since trichomoniasis is very often accompanied by other venereal diseases (, HIV infection, etc.), experts recommend to check for all these infections.

Be sure to inform your sexual partner that you are sick trichomoniasis. If you had several sexual partners over the past 3 months, contact everyone. In men, trichomoniasis often proceeds asymptomatic, so your partner may not even guess that he is sick and contagious. Advise your partner to visit the urologist and pass tests on trichomoniasis and other sexually transmitted diseases.

Communicate with former partners and, especially, to report similar news can be very unpleasant, but in this way you will protect this disease and the dangerous consequences of very many people. You can even make it anonymously, send SMS from a new number or writing an email from a new post address.

Treatment of trichomoniasis in women

Before starting to treat trichomoniasis, make sure that you are not pregnant, making it. Some preparations used in the treatment of trichomoniasis can be contraindicated during pregnancy.

A properly selected treatment diagram of trichomoniasis helps to recover in 99% of cases. The most effective preparations in the treatment of trichomoniasis in women is:

  • Metronidazole (trade names: Trichopol, Metrogil, Flagil, Clion, etc.)
  • Tinidazole.

As a rule, these medicines are prescribed in the form of tablets. Nevertheless, your gynecologist can recommend drugs in the form of vaginal candles or gels in combination with tablets. Dosage medication and treatment duration is determined by the attending physician. Do not attempt to engage in self-medication.

During the treatment of trichomoniasis, alcohol is strictly prohibited: in the case of the application of metronidazole (analogues: trichopol, metrogil, flagil, clion, etc.) Alcohol is prohibited during the day after the last adopted dose of medication; In the case of tinidazole, it is necessary to refrain from alcoholic beverages at least 3 days after the last adopted dose of the drug.

How to treat trichomoniasis in pregnant women: in trichomoniasis during pregnancy, as a rule, metronidazole is appointed. The safety of tinidazole use during pregnancy is not proven. Dosage and treatment duration is determined by the attending physician. Do not attempt to engage in self-medication, as it can threaten the health of the future child.

Do I need to be treated with a sexual partner (husband, guy)?

Your sexual partner must be treated at the same time with you. Explain to your partner that if it does not pass with treatment with you, he can re-infect you, even if he has no symptoms.

Is it possible to live sexual life during the treatment of trichomoniasis?

How to check whether treatment helped?

The main indicator of the effectiveness of trichomoniasis is the disappearance of all the symptoms of the disease after treatment. If after the end of the course of treatment, the symptoms are preserved, you need to pass a re-examination and treatment.

If, after treatment, all the symptoms passed, repeated analysis of trichomoniasis is recommended to be passed 3 months after treatment.

Trichomoniasis in women is an infectious defeat gOOD SYSTEMtransmitted by sexual way. Most frequent cause The occurrence of the disease is considered unprotected contact with the patient or carrier of infection, however, this is not the only way of infection. In this article, consider the possible causes of infection and symptoms accompanying the disease.

What is trichomoniasis in women

The development causes pathogenic microorganism - Trichomonada, and they are numbered about fifty species, but not all (3 species) can provoke negative shifts in the human body.

The danger of infection with this pathogen is quite high, according to WHO, 10% of the population are carriers of infection, most of which are not even suspected of its availability. Health care monitoring and periodic surrenders for trichomonad analyzes cannot guarantee the absence of a disease.

Where is trichomoniasis, and who is in the risk to develop a disease:

  • an adult reproductive age man can "purchase" flagella with unprotected sex contact with a carrier;
  • the child is able to infect at birth from the mother. It is important to plan a pregnancy in advance and before it is an offensive to pass the examination, in case of detection of the pathogen, the treatment of both partners will simultaneously eliminate the future child from unwanted consequences. During pregnancy, no random sexual intercourse is allowed.

Important. Ability to get infected household method It is insignificant, which is associated with the low lifetime of the causative agent outside the body, however, it is not completely excluded. The use of individual personal hygiene eliminates the risk of consumer infection.

Trichomoniasis in women - reasons

Infection trichomonade can undergo asymptomatic throughout life and never manifest themselves, even the delivery of an analysis with the carrier of infection does not matter, the pathogen will not be detected in the blood. However, under favorable conditions for flavored carriage, it develops into a disease with a pronounced clinical picture, sometimes even with a long lack of sex contacts. What serves as provoking factors, consider below.

The reasons for the occurrence of trichomoniasis in women, under what conditions the conditions can manifest the symptoms of the disease:

  • change microflora. Acid-alkaline equilibrium of the vagina provided by "useful bacteria" protects the woman from the development of pathogenic flora, with an imbalance in this sphere, there is an uncontrolled growth of pathogenic colonies that cause sexually transmitted diseases. The main reasons for the microflora disorders are: frequent change of sexual partner, violation of personal hygiene rules, in women failure in the vaginal environment is caused by hormonal changes caused by menstruation and pregnancy. Frequently scrutins and love for antiseptic leads to the destruction of normal flora, which can also cause a pH change. When penetrating a weakened microflora, the vagina trichomonade is attached to its mucous membrane, causing symptoms of inflammation;
  • violation of the integrity of the vaginal epithelium. The most common cause of such a state is a medical abortion, given that after the cessation of pregnancy, the reception of antibiotics is required, the microflora changes. The combination of these factors contributes to the activation of "sleeping" infection;
  • reducing the body's immune response. Any disease of chronic or systemic flow leads to a violation in the internal regulation. Against the background of the reduced immunity, trichomonas can be activated during carrier or easy to take root in infection.

In order not to be tormented by the question from where I had a sex infection, it is important to comply with the basic prevention measures. Follow the condition of your health not only the sexual sphere, but also of general well-being. Pass prophylactic inspections, which will allow you to identify pathology in time and correct the work of the body. If possible, lead a healthy lifestyle (eat properly, combine labor and recreation, refuse harmful production factors). Pregnancy is planned in advance: to getting into the child and childbirth to approach with full responsibility. If the listed rules are followed, the question will not arise, from which trichomoniasis appears.


Trichomonosis in women does not depend on the causes of the occurrence of three forms of manifestation:

  • "Fresh" trichomoniasis develops after infection, the period of the disease does not exceed 2 months. May occur in the form of acute, subacute or asymptomatic flow;
  • Chronic infection in the infection of more than 2 months ago, characterized by periods of exacerbation (manifestation of clinical symptoms) and remission (when it does not bother);
  • Carrying. This form is complex in diagnosis due to the absence of clinical manifestations, often detected during preventive inspections.

A particular danger of trichomonade represents the ability to transfer other sex infections. Trichomoniasis in women or men in pure form is observed only in 10% of infectious, in other cases, along the way, a whole "bouquet" of the STD is detected with this pathology. This combination is explained by the fact that trichomonas absorbs the pathogens various diseases And when introducing into the body, "releases" them, therefore, flagellas are carriers of pathological microflora.

Trichomoniasis in women - symptoms

Symptoms of trichomoniasis are manifested 4-10 days from infection. The first signs of a sharp infection are quite pronounced, it is possible to determine the disease on the following manifestations:

  • The first sign of trichomonaceous infection is abundant lesions (discharge) from the vagina of a greenish or yellowish tint of a foaming character;
  • a sharply expressed unpleasant smell (varies depending on the concomitant genital infections transmitted in the Commonwealth with Trichomonas);
  • pain during sexual intercourse;
  • under the damage to the urinary system (penetrates through the urethra), signs of the bladder infection (cutting in urination, frequent urges, an increase in body temperature) are attached;
  • itching and burning vagina;
  • hyperemia and ethnicity of the vagina and vulva;
  • pains at the bottom of the belly character.

Council. The appearance of one or more signs of trichomonosis should not be ignored. The lack of competent treatment leads to the chronization of the process and the emergence of various complications of the sexual sphere.

Symptoms of chronic trichomoniasis

Chronic trichomonosis is observed in men and women who ignoring full-fledged treatment. This form of the disease is characterized by a periodic change of exacerbation and remission of pathology. In the period of exacerbation, patients experience the beauty of the disease, as in acute form. In remission explicit signs No, there is a manifestation of white and discomfort during intimate proximity to the sexual partner

The trigger exacerbation of the chronic process is:

  • absence or impairment of genital hygiene;
  • menstruation in women;
  • sexual contact;
  • accepting alcohol-containing drinks or consumption too sharp, salty or fatty food;
  • overheating or supercooling;
  • violation of the hormonal background;
  • reducing the body's immune response with various therapeutic and surgical diseases.

Possible complications

The consequences of trichomoniasis may have remote manifestations. Beach of female suffering from chronic sexual infections is infertility. The inability to get pregnant and make a healthy child, deprives the chance to experience the happiness of motherhood and leads to various psychological disorders. The difficulty of the occurrence of pregnancy is due to a violation of the patency of the uterine pipes or chronic inflammation of the appendages.

At the occurrence of pregnancy, it is possible to complicate the hatching, accompanied by premature births, underdevelopment of the fetus, and in severe cases and miscarriages or antenatal death. When infected during pregnancy, self-treatment is not allowed, only a specialist will be able to choose the necessary drugs depending on the term of pregnancy, so as not to harm the future kid. After delivery, it is necessary to conduct control for the presence of the causative agent.

Attention. The special danger of infection by trichomonas is for pregnant women. The acute process can provoke miscarriage or premature labor, also infections prevents the normal development of the fetus, which can be reflected in the underdevelopment or birth of a child with pathology or a weak immunity.

Chronic trichomoniasis in women belongs to the risk factor for the development of the oncological process of the cervix.

Trichomoniasis (or trichomonosis) urogenital is a disease of an exclusively human genitourinary system. Trichomyoniasis pathogen is a vaginal (vaginal) trichomonade transmitted by sexually.

Next, consider what kind of disease, what causes the path of transmission and symptoms in adults, and also why it is important to carry out the correct diagnosis and start treating at an early stage so that there are no serious consequences.

What is trichomoniasis?

Trichomoniasis is a sexually transmitted disease caused by human infection with vaginal trichomonas vaginalis.

Trichomoniaz affects the organs of the human urogenital system and is caused by a specific pathogen - vaginal trichomonade. It belongs to the group of protozoal infections and is characterized by the ability to continue to be kept inside the urinary organs even with adverse conditions and the action of various drugs.

Trichomonaceous infection There are 30-70% of the entire female population, and in almost half of the diseases of the characteristic symptoms of the disease are absent or expressed little.

The main way of transmitting trichomoniasis - sexually, the contact-household journey is somehow not considered, although there is a point of view that infection is possible through just used bath accessories, which could remain fresh allocations with trichomoniasis.

  • In men, the pathogens are found in the urethra, prostate gland and seed bubbles, from the selection - in sperm and the secret of prostate.
  • In infected women - in the vagina and bartoline glands, cervical canal, urethra. Often inside Trichomonas find neasery and chlamydia, in these cases gonorrhea and accompany trichomonosis, complicating the diagnosis and treatment of the disease.

Features of the pathogen

Incubation period, that is, from the moment of infection before the appearance of the first symptoms of the disease, ranges from the 1st day to 1 month, on average - from 5 to 15 days.


  • quickly lose viability outside human organism. The presence of moisture is a prerequisite for life, when dried, they quickly die.
  • Not resistant to high temperature (more than 40 ° C), direct solar rays, effects of antiseptic agents.

Forms trichomoniasis:

  1. Fresh - up to two months.
  2. Chronic. It is described, as a rule, a torpid flow of more than two months.
  3. Very trichomonaceous infection. With the laboratory identification of trichomonads there are no clinical symptoms of the disease.

Causes of Trichomonosa

In fact, 90% of the population are carriers of trichomonas, but most people do not show themselves.

How can I get in trichomoniasis?

  • unprotected sexual contact;
  • a large number of sexual partners;
  • early transferred or to the end not cured venereal diseases.

The development of trichomonade in the body contributes hormonal failures, metabolic disorders, reducing the body's immune response. Immunity to trichomoniasis is not produced, so it can be re-infected.

Factors contributing to the development of urogenital trichomoniasis:

  • endocrine system disorders;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • bacterial pollution of the vagina, accompanied by a change in its acidity;
  • menstruation and postagest period.

First signs

Trichomoniasis, like gonorrhea, is practically impossible to recognize independently if not considered frequent allocations from the genitals. Transparent, large sizes of a drop - the only symptom inherent in every trichomoniasis.

Not direct signs of trichomoniasis:

  • pain in the emission of urine (like gonor);
  • strong periodic burning;
  • pain in the lumbar body.

In the acute phase of trichomoniasis, signs begin to manifest quite expressed in the form:

  • temperature growth;
  • increase ESP;
  • development of leukocytosis.

Symptoms of trichomoniasis in adults

Typically, the incubation period of trichomoniasis lasts from 2 days to 2 months. If trichomoniasis proceeds in an erased form, the first symptoms can manifest a few months after infection when the immunity is reduced or the exacerbation of other chronic infections.

Trichomoniasis (depending on the severity of symptoms and durability) can flow in acute, pre-triac, chronic forms, and as trichomonasia.

The beginning of the acute inflammatory process is mainly characterized by the emergence of vaginal discharge, as well as highlights from the urethra. It is the discharge arising from the genital paths that are the main and most common symptom, and such discharges of the procedure in 75% of cases are noted.

The main symptoms of trichomoniasis are allocations from the urethra or vagina, the entrance gate of infection. Among women, this feature is observed about 8 out of 10, in men - half of the cases of trichomonosis.

Among women

In the development of trichomonosis, characteristic complaints appear in women:

  • separation from genital organs (abundant, often serous-purulent, foamy - characteristic precisely for trichomonosis);
  • itching, burning, threading during urination;
  • swelling and hyperemia (red);
  • occurrence in the folds of the mucous membrane;
  • soreness when inspection, when pressed on the urethra - the appearance of selections;
  • macericated leather;

Often, there are pointed condylomas.

If the disease affects the neck of the uterus (endocervicitis), then the swelling of the cervix occurs, accompanied by abundant discharge. Frequently formed erosion.

In men

After the urogenital trichomonade fell into a male organism, its livelihood provokes the development of the so-called trichomonaceous. This infectious-inflammatory disease is accompanied by a number of such clinical symptoms:

  • The feeling of burning during urination or after intimate proximity;
  • Mucous-purulent discharge from the urethral canal, accompanied by discomfort and unpleasant odor;
  • Forming a seal (stricture) in the field of urethra;
  • Signs of inflammatory lesions of the testicles and their appendages, as well as the prostate gland.

Infectious may not suspectthat he is a source of distribution of infection, and transfer to trichomonad to sexual partners or family members.

Therefore, if a man has at least the slightest signs of urogenital infection, you need to turn to the urologist and pass the tests not only for trichomoniasis, but also to other STIs.

As a rule, the symptoms of the acute form of trichomoniasis appear about about 1-2 weeks, after which the manifestation clinic is or subject to reduction, or disappearance, or the transition to the chronic form of the disease.


Complications of trichomoniasis flow:

  • Acute or chronic inflammatory damage to the sexual sphere in women and men: endometritis, salpingooforitis, urethritis, etc.
  • During pregnancy, the risk of non-banking, premature genera, fetal infection, the development of purulent-septic complications of the postpartum period is increased.
  • Male and female infertility.
  • Increased risk of infection with other sexually transmitted infections. It has been proven that the presence of trichomoniasis in women doubles the risk of a second-type herpes viruses and papillomavirus infection, as well.


From laboratory diagnostic methods, apply:

  • microscopic examination of native swabs from the vagina, urethra and cervical cervix (reliable only with fast microscopy of freshly lubricated smears);
  • microscopic study of painted fragments in gram;
  • the culture method (sowing of mucus and the contents of urethra to the nutrient media, but requires 4 to 7 days);
  • PCR (polymerase chain reaction) is the release of DNA trichomonade from the separated urethra or vagina (very expensive analysis).

In most cases, trichomoniasis is accompanied by the following infections:

  • gonorrhea;
  • chlamydia;
  • mycoplasmosis;
  • fungal lesions (thrush in women).

This information is worth considering when appointing an appropriate course of therapy.

Treatment of trichomoniasis

How to treat trichomoniasis? The treatment provides for the need to comply with several basic principles, their number includes the following:

  • treatment of the disease is simultaneously, that is, it implies treatment of both sexual partners;
  • ban on carrying out sexual life during the treatment of the disease;
  • elimination of factors provoking the decrease in the body's resistance, which implies a need for cure on concomitant diseases, hypovitaminosis and other similar varieties;
  • the use of countercotherbonic drugs in a complex with local and common hygienic procedures.

Drugs in Trichomoniase

Before applying any drug, be sure to consult your doctor, because there are contraindications.

Preparations Instruction
Metronidazole (Trichopol) The first day takes 1 tablet 4 times inside, drinking water. The second day on the seventh day is inclusive to take 1 tablet 3 times a day, also inside with watering with water.
Metronidazole. Anti-Parotozoic, antimicrobial drug. Mehanism actions lies in the oppressing effect on the genetic apparatus of bacteria. In this, all the biological processes of the cell and microorganism are gradually ceased. Continuation serves:
  • pregnancy
  • increased sensitivity to the drug.
Tinidazole. One 500 mg tablets once received once. Over 7 days 1/3 tablets for 7 days a day. Contraindications:
  • blood breeding,
  • pregnancy and lactation period
  • increased sensitivity to the drug
Clion - D. The combined drug, which contains equal parts of metronidazole and miconazole (antifungal drug). Associate in the form of vaginal candles on 1 piece for the night for 10 days.

There is an approved diagram of the treatment of chronic trichomoniasis, as well as recurrent and various localizations:

  • one-time reception of 2.0 g of metronidazole 7-10 days or 500 mg 3 times a day throughout the same number of days
  • Tinidazole - 2.0 g once daily for 3 days.
  • Highly efficient with good tolerance and a minor number of possible side effects is ornidazole, or orniceole, in a dose of 0.5 g - 2 times a day for 10 days.

Immunomodulating agents also apply to the suppression of the development of a concomitant infection, for example, fungal - 3 irrigation of the vagina and cervical zone 0.04% hepon preparation in a dose of 5 ml - 1 irrigation with a 2-- 3-day interval.

In addition, to reduce the harmful effects of antimicrobial drugs on the intestinal microflora, it is recommended that medicinal medicines containing bifidobacteria.

After receiving metronidazole, categorically forbidden to use Alcohol for 24 hours.

If the patient takes a tinidazole, then the abstinence of alcohol is at least 72 hours. In case of non-compliance with these restrictions, a person risks to face such side reactions as dizziness, nausea and vomiting.

Trichomoniasis is considered cured when the causative agent is not detected during the diagnosis, and the clinical symptoms are not observed. Sex life during treatment is excluded. It is necessary to inform your sexual partner about the presence of trichomoniasis and other STDs, the need for examination and treatment.

The result of the treatment of trichomoniasis depends on the normalization of microflora of the urogenital system and the body as a whole. For this purpose, women use a vaccine against from inactivated acidophilic lactobacilli. It is possible to appoint immunomodulating drugs.


The prevention of trichomoniasis is reduced to compliance with the rules warning infection with venereal diseases. Basic recommendations:

  • use condoms;
  • take care of the selection of partners;
  • avoid random sexual bonds;
  • do not use common towels, washcloths and other hygienic accessories.

Also, we also note that trichomoniasis is easily transmitted during sexual intercourse, therefore, if there are suspicions on the appearance of infection, it is necessary to be examined immediately by both partners.

This is all about trichomoniase in women and men: what is this disease, its reasons, what are the first symptoms and signs, features of treatment. Do not be ill!

- This is a parasitic disease, known since ancient times, transmitted by sexually and causing inflammation of the mucous membrane of the urinary organs of women and men.
The disease is based on a special type of microorganisms called the simplest. There are many types of simple microorganisms in nature. Some of them live in water, soil, others parasitize in animal and human organisms.

Who are trichomonov such, trichomonad species

Simplest- Unicellular organisms, unlike other single-cell organisms, are capable of moving, due to the presence of flagella and independent existence outside the infected organism. In terms of its structure, the simplests are like ordinary cells, the totality of which is a holistic organism. The difference lies in the fact that the simplest, despite the simplicity of its structure, exist as a separate holistic organism.
The name trichomoniasis comes from the simplest organisms, called trichomonas, which cause specific local pathological phenomena.
Trichomonas, which parasitize in the human body, there are three species:
Tracihomonas Elongat - lives in the oral cavity.
Trichomonas Hominis - inhabited in the intestine of a person, feeds on various bacteria, erythrocytes (blood cells).
Trichomonas Vaginalis- is located in the lower urinary tract:
  • Urethra
  • Vagina
  • Prostate
The first two types (Trichomonas Hominis, Trichomonas Elongata) do not cause any harm to man. Third view, he is the same pathogenic manifests the greatest activity and causes local discomfort, as well as inflammatory processes.

Ways of infection trichomonade

Trichomoniasis is a very common disease. There is no such place on earth where this microorganism would not exist. According to some evidence, trichomoniasis is found in both men and women, young and mature age leading an active sex life. The disease is transmitted mainly by sexually, that is, through unprotected sexual bonds. In detail and understand about trichomoniasis

Trichomonad Colpit (Vaginitis)
Colpit - inflammation of the surface layers of the mucous membrane of the vagina. The term colpit is borrowed from Greek. There is also a second name characterizing inflammation of the mucous membrane, Latin origin - vaginitis.
For acute trichomonaceous collision characteristic:

  • Unbearable itching, burning in the area of \u200b\u200bthe vagina, around the germ lips. Itchy is explained by the annoying effect of trichomonade on the walls of the vagina and foam discharge (secret).
  • Redness and leather massacre in the crotch area, germ lips (large and small). Appear due to itching in these areas.
  • Fencing discharge with a characteristic unpleasant odor. The volume of discharge depends on the phase of the disease. From abundant white (separation) of yellow, with an acute progressive course, to scanty sections of gray, with a chronic sluggish process. The foaminess and abundance of the secret appears due to vital activity in parallel with trichomonas, a special type of bacteria that highlight gas.
With a good high immunity, the disease can occur in a hidden chronic form. In this case, there may be no one or another symptom, or all the symptoms are weakly pronounced or absent. Inflammatory changes are also insignificant. The chronic process can occur periodically. More often this occurs in the period before the start of the new menstrual cycle, a few days before menstruation appears. The aggravation is associated with a decrease in the number of estrogen, which actively participate in the update of the surface cells of the mucous membrane of the vaginal sheath, to all the time they contribute to the acidification of the inner vaginal medium, and trichomonates are powered by glycogen with the help of which, during life, the lactobacilli, the inner medium of the vagina becomes acidic.

Trichomoniasis in the menopausal period.
In women in the climacteric period, the incidence of incidence of trichomoniasis varies widely. The lack of estrogen causes atrophy (reducing the functions, thinning of the walls) of the mucous membrane. Accordingly, the microflora of the inner surface of the vagina is disturbed, local immunity decreases, and favorable conditions are created for growth and development not only trichomonas, but also many pathogenic microorganisms. The main clinical symptoms are expressed in the form:

  • Mucous-purulent discharges, sometimes with streaks of blood
  • Itching in the field of the anticipation of the vagina
  • Rarely small bleeding after sex contacts

Pregnancy and trichomoniasis

As a rule, trichomoniasis causes inflammatory changes at the local level, that is, at the level of the genital organs. Thus, negatively affecting the course and course of pregnancy. It may cause such complications as: spontaneous abortion and premature birth. The essence of pregnancy interruption is that trichomonas cause inflammatory changes in which special substances are ejected into the blood, called prostaglandins. Prostaglandins Increased reductions in the uterine muscles, thereby contributing to the pushing of the fetus from the uterus.

Central disorders nervous system (CNS)
Inflammatory damage to the mucous membrane, the addition of secondary purulent infections and abundant fantastic discharge from the vagina affect the quality of sexual intercourse. Sexual intercourse becomes painful and impossible. A long chronic course of the disease may eventually cause frigidity not only due to pain sensations, but also emotional discomfort, causing in some cases a violation of the psycho-emotional state of the woman.

Microscopic method
For the diagnosis confirming the presence of trichomonads in the genital paths it is necessary to take frauds from the mucous membrane of the vagina. The smears are preferably taken from three different places:
Among women

  • Rear vaginal arch
  • Channel cervix
  • Urethra
Men are exposed to research:
  • Scraping from the urethra
  • Non-fluid
  • Sperm

To take the prostate fluid usually resort to light massage of the prostate gland.
Laboratory studies should be carried out no later than 30 minutes after taking the smears, as Trichomonas are very unstable in the external environment and quickly die.
The material made is placed on the slide glass, the solution of sodium chloride is 0.9%, cover tops with coating glass and installed under a microscope. In some cases, for better detection, trichomonads strokes are pre-stained. Microscopic examination It is the most prompt method of diagnosing trichomoniasis and allows you to diagnose after only 15-20 after taking the source material.

Trichomonad cultivation
As one of the three modern methods for determining the pathological pathogen, has several advantages, such as:

  • Allows you to determine the initial number of trichomonas in the material under study. Indirectly reflects the degree of inflammatory process.
  • Reveals, to what drugs are trichomonas are sensitive, which is very important when appropriate and optimal treatment. Also allows you to adjust the already started treatment.
Cultivation is carried out by sowing the contents of smears from the vagina, urethra on special artificial, nutrient media. At the same time, trichomonas fall into a favorable environment and begin to multiply intensively. Then the grown colonies are microscopic exploration.

PCR method in the diagnosis of trichomoniasis
Very valuable trichomonade detection method. The advantage of this method is that in the chronic flow of the causative agent, it is very difficult to detect conventional microscopic methods. In addition, for the study, any biological fluid of the body is suitable, whether blood, saliva, scraping of urethra or vaginal slope.
The method is based on the fact that in the material under study it is easy to detect DNA trichomonade, that is, genetic material. Analysis accuracy is 100%. The results appear the next day, which makes it possible to start effective treatment in a timely manner.

Treatment of trichomoniasis

To fully cure from trichomoniasis, it is necessary to follow the following conditions:
  1. It is necessary to be treated with both sexual partners at the same time
  2. During the course of treatment, any sexual contacts exclude
  3. Apply special countercotherbon funds (metronidazole, Tinidazole)
  4. In parallel with treatment, hygienic rules for the care of urinary bodies are observed:
  • Daily division of genital organs using antiseptic tools (weak solution of potassium permanganate, a solution of furacin) or detergents, that is, a regular toilet soap.
  • All movements during the arms are carried out in front of the back, that is, from the vagina side to the rear pass. It is necessary in order to avoid driving infection in the urethra.
  • Individual use of toiletries (soap, washcloths, towels).
  • Daily underwear change
  1. Mandatory treatment of other, simultaneously occupying diseases of the urinary organs of infectious inflammatory origin.
Below are several trichomoniasis treatment schemes using countercotherbonate drugs.

Scheme using metronidazole (trichopol)

The first day take 1 tablet 4 times inside, drinking water.
From the second on the seventh day inclusive, take 1 tablet 3 times a day, also inside with water.

Metronidazole. - Antiprotozoic, antimicrobial drug.

Mechanism of action lies in the oppressive effect on the genetic apparatus of bacteria. At the same time, all biological cell processes and microorganism dies are gradually stopped.

Contraindication It serves pregnancy and increased sensitivity to the drug.

Scheme using Tinidazole
4 500mg tablets each one once takes each. Or
For 7 days to 1/3 tablets 2 times a day

The drug from the same group as a metronidazole with a similar mechanism similar to it and side effects.

  • blood breeding
  • pregnancy and lactation period
  • increased sensitivity to the drug
Scheme using clion - d
Clion - D. - Combined drug, which contains equal parts of metronidazole and miconazole (antifungal drug). The drug is very efficient in mixed infections of the urinary apparatus of bacterial and fungal origin.
Assign in the form of vaginal candles 1 piece per night for 10 days.

Control of the effectiveness of treatment The countercotherbonate means are carried out as follows:

  • Over the course of 2-3 months after treatment, take the strokes of the contents of the vagina and urethra for a microscopic study for the presence of vaginal trichomonade
  • Vaults should be taken by 1-3 day after menstruation

Preventive trichomoniasis

Preventive activities imply an integrated approach aimed at protecting against possible infection not only by trichomoniasis, but also of all sexually transmitted diseases, be a gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis and many others.

  • Starting prevention follows from educational activities about a healthy lifestyle, the importance of contraceptive methods, paths of transmission of infections that cause inflammatory sexual diseases. These measures are primarily aimed at preventing the emergence of infectious inflammatory diseases of the urinary bodies to the categories of persons, adolescence. Medical workers, teachers in schools, professors in lyceums and universities, are compulsory conducting educational activities in this direction among high school students, students of universities, professional schools.
  • Categories of people of young and middle age, leading active sex life must be careful in choosing a sexual partner. Unclear sex contacts are not welcome. An ideal option is an intimate connection with one sexual partner. The use of condoms is played by the use of condoms, as a means of preventing the appearance of unwanted pregnancy and transfer trichomonaceous infection, during sexual contact.
  • Preventive control of the gynecologist at least 1 time per year, with taking strokes from the urethra, the rear vessel of the vagina, the cervical channel. The contents of these places are subjected to microscopation, thereby determining the presence of a possible infection and at the same time determine the degree of purity of the vagina.
  • Treatment of related diseases of the urinary organs caused by other types of pathogenic microorganisms that reduce local immunity and increase the risk of perception of trichomonaceous infection.
  • The simultaneous use of toiletries (urine, towel) with two and more faces has an incomparably significant role in the spread of vaginal trichomonas, one of which is sick of trichomoniasis. Therefore, it is necessary to have one person to have its own body care products and use them individually.
  • When preparing for pregnancy, analyzes should be passed, the current presence of the current infection of the urinary tract, both a woman and a man. And also consult about this with your doctor. When planning pregnancy, it is necessary to cure all possible foci of infection in the body of a woman.

What are the possible consequences of trichomoniasis?

Most often, trichomoniasis gives complications during pregnancy:
  • premature childbirth;
  • low weight child at birth;
  • transferring infection to a child when he passes through the birthway.
In addition, there are evidence that trichomoniasis increases the risk of infection with some dangerous infections, in particular the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which causes AIDS.

How to eat when trichomoniase?

Features of nutrition are no longer associated with the disease itself, but with the reception of anti-trimoniase drugs with antibacterial activity. As with the reception of any antibiotics, food must be full, in otherwise Nausea may occur, digestive impairment and other side effects. Breakfast needed tight, better porridge.

Useful during the course of treatment take the preparations of pancreatic enzymes, for example, Mezim Forte. You can also take preparations containing bifidobacteria, as antibiotics are capable of causeing dysbacteriosis. For more detailed advice, contact your doctor.

Cannot take alcohol within 24 hours after admission metronidazole. and within 72 hours after admission tinidazole.. These drugs can cause a reaction to ethyl alcohol as "coding" from alcoholism. There is nausea, vomiting and other unpleasant symptoms.

Is it possible to have sex with trichomoniasis?

During the treatment of trichomoniasis, sex has fully contraindicated for two reasons:
  • Trichomoniasis - sexually transmitted infection. So there is a risk of infecting partner / partner.
  • Sexual contacts reduce the effectiveness of treatment.

Does the condom protect against trichomoniasis?

Condoms are one of the simplest, affordable and effective means of protection against unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections. But they do not protect completely from any other.

Condoms prevent infection by trichomoniasis by only 90%. With permanent contacts with one patient partner, the probability of transmission of infection is even more rising.

Do not forget that during sexual contact, a condom can break, slip from the penis.

Is trichomoniasis transmitted during oral sex?

Theoretically, such an opportunity exists, maybe even develop trichomonionic Angina. In practice, this occurs extremely rarely. But it's still not to risk.

How is trichomoniasis encoded in the ICD?

Trichomoniasis has several codes in the international classification of diseases of the 10th review:

Trichomonada is the simplest unicellular microorganism from the class of buzzial, which is widespread. Trichomonas in women and men causes a disease called Trichomoniasis. Its main symptoms are similar to the signs of such urinary infections, as cystitis, colpit, urethritis is punctures, etc. In general, in the human body there are three varieties of trichomonad: mouth, intestinal and vaginal. The latter of the above species is the largest, active and pathogenic. The mouth and intestinal trichomonas do not pose a danger to human health.

Trichomonas have flagellas that are their means for movement. It is thanks to the flames of microorganisms that have the ability to actively move. Trichomonas do not have sexuality, multiply by longitudinal division. They are able to exist not only in the human body, but also outside it. Although the structure of Trichomonad is very simple, in general, this unicellular presents a separate microorganism.

The size trichomonade varies in length from 13 to 18 microns. Minor sizes and high body plasticity allows trichomonas to penetrate even in the intercellular space.

Trichomonas are anaerobic organisms that do not require oxygen. The oxless wet medium with a temperature of 35-37 ° C is considered to be optimal for these microorganisms. They are attached to the mucous membrane of the urinary tract and provoke the development of the inflammatory process. A person suffers from general intoxication, the immunity of the patient worsens.

Trichomonas are capable of exist not only in human genitals, but also in blood vessels. There they penetrate the lymphatic paths. Trichomonas perfectly adapted to life inside human body. They are capable of disguise for platelets and lymphocytes, can carry other microbes on themselves, thereby not allowing the immune system to destroy their own cells.

Another danger trichomonad is their ability to "hide" other pathogenic microorganisms, including: Gonococci, herpes virus, ureaplasma, etc. With the help of active and movable trichomonodas, other bacteria appears the ability to penetrate the blood vessels and quickly spread over the urinary system. In addition, trichomonas violate the integrity of epithelial covers, thereby speeding up the process of infection with other sexual infections, including.

Although modern venereology has effective drugs to combat trichomonas, the disease is widespread. Trichomoniasis is in the first place among all diagnosed diseases of the urogenital system, and also holds leading positions among all sexually transmitted infections. WHO indicates that about 10% of the total population of the world are carriers of trichomonas. Only every year the official growth of infected is 170 million people.

The disease is mainly susceptible to women aged from 16 to 35 years. It is possible to transfer an infection to a child during childbirth, this happens in 5% of cases. However, children endure the infection easier, and in some cases it is possible to selfish.

Men primarily suffers from urethra, testicles, prostate and seed bubbles. Women are most vulnerable to such bodies as: vagina, urethra, cervical canal (its vaginal part).

One of the leading dangers of trichomonads in women and men is the development and various pathology of pregnancy.

Microorganisms die under the following conditions: drying, heating above 45 ° C, exposure to direct ultraviolet rays. Therefore, to detect them, for example, in public baths, in open water bodies or in places mass accumulation people fail.

Symptoms Trichomonad

Symptoms Trichomonas in men and women will differ, however, the incubation period in all infected can be from 2 days to 2 months. If the disease occurs in a hidden form, the first signs of trichomoniasis can manifest themselves even a few months later. This will happen when it fails. Perhaps prolonged hidden trichomonasiasis, but may also be acute, subacute and chronic infection.

In women, the disease is most often manifested in brighter than men. Therefore, the first symptoms of trichomonads in women may arise after 4 days after infection. Microorganism is able to hit the cervix, the vagina and the urethra

The symptoms will be the following:

    Abundant discharge from the vagina. They are imposed, have an unpleasant smell, yellow or green shade.

    If the curtainline is attached to trichomoniasis, the smell of selection becomes more sharp and resembles the fish smell.

    During intercourse, a woman may experience painful sensations.

    During the process of emptying the bladder, pain is joined, a feeling of burning. A woman is experiencing frequent urge to urinate. Rise and pain indicate the development of urethritis.

    Vulva becomes edema and hyperemic. In 100% of cases there is a burning sensation and itching in the vagina region.

    Painful feelings at the bottom of the belly for trichomoniasis are not characteristic, although such complaints from patients sometimes come.

    The crotch skin can be covered with small yazens and abrasions. This is due to the annoying effect of white to the dermis. The development of dermatitis of the inner surface of the thighs is not excluded.

    During the gynecological inspection on the mirrors, the doctor visualizes the blushing and edema mucosa of the vagina. It is covered with abundant foam, the cervix is \u200b\u200bsoft, with insignificant contact with mirrors, blood can come. If you bring the uterus mucosa, then multiple small capillary hemorrhages can be found on it (Petechia).

Before the next menstruation, the symptoms trichomonas in women are enhanced. If the girl is infected with a girl who is infected with a domestic path from a patient, then in childhood, trichomoniasis proceeds by type of vulvovaginitis with periodic exacerbations. During the acute stage, the symptoms of trichomoniasis in girls are similar to the symptoms of trichomoniasis in adult women.

As for the chronic form of the disease, it comes in the absence of adequate treatment. This happens two months later from the moment of infection. Also possible trichomonasiasis. Chronic disease for years does not produce itself, the symptoms of infection if they appear, they are very scanty. Approximately 4% of patients complain about periodically arising symptoms of disuria, and 5% of patients experience certain sex disorders. However, it is the broken forms of the disease that are especially dangerous not only by their complications, but also have of great importance in terms of the spread of infection.

The symptoms of trichomonads in men can be allocated as follows:

    The emergence of a feeling of burning and cutting during urination.

    Nonal pains are possible during the emptying of the bladder.

    The urinary cue becomes more frequent, it is especially noticeable in the morning hours. Sometimes these calls are false.

    In some cases, scarce discharge from the urethra is observed. Options have the character of the mucus.

    Immediately after sexual intercourse there is a pronounced tooth and burning.

    Rare symptoms include the inflammation of the middle seam and the appearance of erosions on the mucous membrane of the penis head.

    Another rare symptom Trichomonad in men is the release of blood from the urethra.

The pronounced symptoms of Trichomonas, which would make a man in emergency to seek medical help, are extremely rare. As the disease progresses, the presence of urethra occurs and urination is disturbed increasingly. Perhaps the defeat of the bladder and kidneys. In 40% of cases, prostatitis is observed, the involvement of the inflammatory process of the prostate gland is not excluded, the appendages of the testicles. It is men most often turn out to be hidden carriers trichomonad.

Trichomonas are transferred sexually. This includes any contact options: anal, oral-vaginal sexual act, etc. The transfer of the microorganism is possible by the household way, but it is observed extremely rarely. The fact is that for several hours Trichomonads can maintain their activity, being, for example, in lumps of mucus or pus on the washcloths, sponges, towels. In this way, small girls are infected, but it also happens very rarely.

Causes of infection by trichomonas in women

It should be understood that prerequisite For the development of the disease is the acidity of the medium in the range from 5.5 to 6.6. Such a pH level in the vaginal content of a woman is observed during menstruation and after its completion.

In addition, the fall in natural immune force may be observed for the following reasons:

    Performance of abortion, child birth.

    Alcohol abuse, smoking.

    Frequent sexual contacts with various partners without the use of a condom.

    Common diseases and chronic diseases that affect the state of immune forces.

    Failure to follow the rules of personal hygiene.

It has been established that as monoinfection trichomoniasis is diagnosed with only 10.5% of cases. In all other situations, patients identify concomitant hidden infections (, etc.).

Causes trichomonad in men

Both women and men in men are the main way of transmission of infection is sexual contact. In this case, the susceptibility of the male to the pathogenic microorganism is very high, but the symptoms of the disease are very scarce.

The diagnosis of trichomonade begins with a patient inspection. However, it is impossible to make a diagnosis exclusively on clinical signs of the disease for the following reasons:

    Symptoms of trichomoniasis may be symptoms of other urogenital diseases, both in women and men.

    Small-point hemorrhages on the mucous membrane of the cervical cervix are a symptom pathognomonic for trichomoniasis in women. However, it is possible to detect it only in 2% of patients.

    Fencing allocations are also observed, but only 12% of women.

Nevertheless, complaints of the patient and clinical signs of trichomoniasis allow you to suspect the presence of infection.

The basis of the diagnosis of the disease is laboratory methods, including:

    Microscopic study of smear from urethra and vagina in women and smear from the urethra in men. Mazkov's study should be carried out no later than 30 minutes from the moment of their fence. The accuracy of the method is from 40 to 60%.

    Immunological method.

    Microbiological method or tank sowing on trichomonas.

    PCR diagnostics. The advantage of this method is that it allows you to diagnose the disease in 100% of cases. For the study, any patient biological fluid can be suitable: blood, saliva, scraping with urethra or vagina. In addition, the result can be obtained the next day.

It should be noted that men have a harder for men than women, which is not only connected with scanty symptoms. Often, in trichomonasia, microorganisms are in an atypical amebow-shaped form.

Treatment Trichomonad - the process is most often not too stretched in time.

However, it requires compliance with certain conditions both by the patient and from the patient, among them:

    Regardless of whether there are symptoms of the disease in the second sex parquer, it must pass full-fledged treatment.

    Intimate life in any manifestations should be under an absolute ban. Sex life should be absent until both partners receive negative trichomoniasis tests. Only in this way can be guaranteed reinfection.

    Reception of specific anti-protocouplen preparations is mandatory conditionGuaranteeing complete recovery.

    If there are other urinary infections, then they are also treated.

    During the passage of therapy, alcohol is prohibited, a gentle diet is shown with a refusal of sharp dishes.

The airlessness of trichomoniasis is unacceptable, all drugs assign only a doctor based on laboratory diagnostics.

Trichomonade treatment is carried out using the reception of the following drugs:

    Metronidazole and metronidazole derivatives: Flagil, Trichopol, Tinidazole, etc.

    Mandatory systemic therapy complement to local treatment. Only in this case can be achieved the desired effect. Therefore, patients prescribe vaginal candles (Clion-D, Betadine, Terezhinn) and gels, for example, the metrged gel is vaginal. Men shown local treatment with rosamet or rosex creams.

    If there is no possibility of oral administration of drugs, the oarscide candles are prescribed, which are destructively affect the enzyme system of pathogenic organisms. Parallel use streptocid, which removes inflammation.

There are several trichomonade treatment schemes, among them:

    Seven-or ten-day trichopol rate of 1 tablet 0.5 g 2 times a day.

    One-time reception of four Tinidazole tablets in a dosage of 0.5 g.

    The seven-day course of receiving phase is 150 mg 2 times a day.

The chronic form Trichomonad is treated almost as well as an acute form. However, with a long-term flow of infection, the human immune system suffers, therefore, standard schemes can be supplemented with intake of immunostimulants, adaptogens and vitamin complexes.

During treatment, certain rules for personal hygiene should be followed. First, it is necessary to wash using antiseptic preparations (a solution of manganese or furatociline). Secondly, underwear is subject to daily replacement. Thirdly, it is allowed to use only individual washcloths, sponges and towels. This will allow to prevent infection of family members, and in particular children.

After passing a full course of treatment, trichomonad needed a three-time test of analyzes, which is carried out once a month. Only thus it will be possible to make sure that trichomonas were removed from the body completely.

It is important to remember that drugs that are destructively acting on trichomonia are incompatible with alcohol, since they all provoke the development of antabodo-like syndrome. Therefore, in order to avoid serious poisoning, you need to abandon the use of any alcohol-containing drinks. An exception to this rule is an ornidazole preparation.

Trichomonad treatment is engaged in gynecologists, urologists and venereologists. After passing the treatment of persistent immunity, the human body is not in a state, so it is quite possible to re-infection.

As for pregnant women, the possibility of conducting therapy is determined by the observing physician. Treatment can be carried out no earlier than 2 trimester.

Sometimes trichomonas are resistant to drugs from a group of 5-nitroimidazoles. As a rule, such resistance is partial and dose correction or reception multiplicity allows you to resolve the existing problem. In order to prevent the development of the stability of microorganisms to drugs, it is necessary to follow the medical instructions in accuracy.

The prevention of the disease is reduced to a reasonable approach in terms of organizing sexual life. This will give the opportunity to protect yourself not only from trichomoniasis, but also from other infections transmitted by sexually.

    Is it possible to have sex during the treatment of trichomonas?Having sex during treatment Trichomonad is strictly prohibited. Moreover, it should be abandoned by intimate life until the results of the therapy are known.

    Is it possible to infect trichomonas through oral sex?You can get across trichomonas through oral sex.

    Is trichomonade transmitted through a kiss?No, the trichomonade kiss is not transmitted.

    Can there be bleeding in trichomonade?Infection by trichomonas does not provoke the development of bleeding. Multiple point hemorrhages of the mucous membrane of the cervical cervix are possible, however, to attribute the appearance of the so-called symptom of the "strawberry cervix" to bleeding is impossible. A very rarely minor amount of blood in women appears after sexual intercourse.

Education: In 2008, a diploma was received in the specialty "Therapeutic case (medical and prophylactic business)" in the Russian research medical University named after N. I. Pirogova. The internship was immediately passed and a degree of the therapist was received.


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