What are the name rockets. Sarmat, Voivod and others: How the names of missiles are created

What are the name rockets. Sarmat, Voivod and others: How the names of missiles are created

Usually few people except militarists military equipment. I heard something about "Armat" or Migi, but not more. However, there are such rockets whose names are all knowing for no accident. One "Satan" is worth.

The hero of the news plots of recent days was developed in the distant 1970s. The only winged rocket in this top performs the functions radically different from the "colleagues". Tomahawk is purely practical and is actively used by the United States.

Tomaagavk used the United States in all significant military conflicts since 1983

Tomahawk is a very accurate and long-range weapon capable of flying at extremely low altitudes and overeat obstacles. The cost of one rocket is 1.45 million dollars. Tomahawk was adopted in 1983.

V-2, or Fow-2, is perhaps the most famous rocket. And this is true. After all, she is the first ballistic missile of long-range action. Designed by the German designer Werner von Brown, adopted by Wehrmacht's armament at the end of the Second World War. The result of 3225 launches - 2700 dead.

Twitting insert: Fow-2 - ineffective "Retribution Weapon"

The first launch took place in 1942, but the first combat only in 1944. Fow-2 called "Radiating Weapons", but, alas, the Germans only slightly scared the British. And this missile was very helped by the United States and the USSR at the very beginning of the cosmic race.

Trident is the most accurate intercontinental ballistic rocket. It starts from submarines and is the basis of the US nuclear forces. The first trident launch, namely, the name of the rocket is translated, was committed in 1987.

Tradent - the most accurate intercontinental ballistic missile

Due to the high accuracy, Trident is able to effectively affect the in-depth bunkers and mining launchers of intercontinental ballistic missiles - enough small goals for other rockets. Maximum rocket range - 11,300 km.

Topol is known for the fact that with enviable regularity on hearing. Once a year, these rockets are the main non-residential participants of the festive parade for the Victory Day. If you wish, you can even buy a T-shirt, pushing the fact that these rockets are not afraid of anyone. You can't argue with this - the rockets are not afraid.

"Topol-M" - the most mobile nuclear threat

"Poplar" - the most mobile missiles in this top. They are easy to remove. Until 2012, it was planned to make them the basis of a nuclear shield, but the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation refused the purchase of "Popoles" in favor of the PC-24 complex "Yar".

The most memorable names are the greats of their enemies. P-36M confirms this. All call this rocket in NATO Satan. This is the most powerful intercontinental ballistic rocket. One rocket carries 1 charge by 8 MT or 10 charges of 0.75 MT.

Satan can deliver 10 nuclear and 40 false warheads in the Western hemisphere. The rocket is able to go on target from the East and West, from the South and North Poles.

One Rocket Division "Satan" is 13 thousand Hirosim

"Satan" is almost invulnerable to about, since its warheads in flight accompany false blocks. The area of \u200b\u200btheir dissipation and plasma traces are fully consistent with real warheads, which confuses the enemy. Satan is able to completely destroy three of these American states like Maryland, Vermond and Rod Island. Since 1999, Satan is launched from Baikonur in the form of the Dnipro launch vehicle.

On March 1, Russian President Vladimir Putin in appeal to the Federal Assembly announced the creation new Systems Strategic weapons presented as an answer to the construction of the United States of the missile defense system.

Putin listed the following:

  • Rocket complex with a heavy intercontinental missile "Sarmat": restrictions on the range "practically no", "is able to attack goals both through the northern and through the South Pole."
  • Winged rocket with nuclear power installation.
  • Unmanned underwater vehicles with intercontinental range at speed, "multiple higher than the speed of the most modern torpedoes."
  • Hypersonic Aviation-Rocket Complex "Dagger". A high-speed aircraft delivers the rocket to the reset point "for counting minutes." The rocket, "exceeding the speed of the sound of ten times," maneuvers on all sections of the flight. The range of more than two thousand kilometers, nuclear and ordinary waters. From December 1 - on pilot duty in the Southern Military District.
  • Perspective rocket complex of strategic appointment with the planning winged block "Avangard". "Goes to the goal as a meteorite": The temperature on the surface of the block reaches 1600-2000 degrees Celsius. Tests have been successfully completed. Serial production began.
  • Laser weapons. "Since last year, combat laser complexes have already come to the troops."

In the US, Putin's statements met with skepticism, tied them with the upcoming presidential elections in Russia. The NBC television company led the opinions of experts and unnamed officials that weapon-called weapons are not a surprise for American specialists and that part of them are not ready for use on the battlefield, in particular, nuclear underwater torpedo. The Pentagon assured the Americans that the US military is fully prepared [to the reflection of such threats].

Unpredictable flight path

"In addition to the modernization of the" Heritage "of Soviet nuclear systems, Russia develops and puts into effect new nuclear warheads and launch means ... Russia also develops at least two new intercontinental systems, a hypersonic glider (Hypersonic glide vehicle), new intercontinental, nuclear and with Nuclear engine underwater autonomous torpedo. "

That is, the review is mentioned at least three types of six-listed weapons listed. Not to the end is understandable, "Dagger" or "Avangard" refers to the name of the hypersonic glider - rather, "Avangard". Laser weapons are not strategic and therefore does not cause special discussions. The underwater torpedo - apparently, the same project "status-6", whose pictures were, as stated by Russian television in the report of Putin's meeting with the military in 2015. Thus, only a winged rocket with a nuclear engine could have a truly surprise. And it was this rocket from everything listed Putin became the subject of the greatest discussion.

This is how the project was described by Putin: a small-sized heavy-duty nuclear power plant was created, which is placed in the crucible rocket type of the newest Russian Rocket X-101 of the Air Basement or American Tomahaw and has a "practically unlimited" flight range - by virtue of this (and thanks " Unpredictable flight path ", as Putin put it) It is able to bypass any front of the interception. At the end of 2017 at the Central Polygon Russian Federation It was held successful start. During the flight, the power installation was released to the specified power, provided the required level of thrust.

As an illustrative material on Putin's speech, a roller was given, on which the rocket envelopes the interception zone in the Atlantic Ocean, envelopes the American continent from the south and goes to the north.

There is some ambiguity: Putin speaks of the installation of a nuclear engine on the X-101 rocket, and this is a airbag rocket. On the video, the launch is made from the ground.

Attempts to create a wilt rocket with a nuclear engine rise to the middle of the last century, in the US, this project "Pluto" / Slam. The compact nuclear reactor is installed on the rocket and during the flight heats the air taken outside, which is then thrown out through the nozzle, creating a craving.

Pluses of this project: No fuel needed, except for nuclear, that is, a combination "nuclear reactor + air as a working body of the engine" has an almost unlimited turn of the stroke - and in this one coincides with the description of the Russian president.

In 1964, the project was finally closed

The cons who forced the Americans to abandon the project: the reactor to be quite compact for the rocket, deprived of protection, cooled by directly flowing air, which becomes radioactive and ejected outwards. Testing a similar rocket is extremely problematic - it radiates a huge amount of heat, makes a very loud sound and covers the territory over which the loop of radioactive precipitation has pasted. If something happens to a rocket, the nuclear reactor without protection can fall in the populated area. (For example, it is difficult to imagine the punch of cruise missiles with nuclear engines, similar to the shocks of Kalibr missiles by goals in Syria, which in 2015 struck Russian ships from the Caspian Sea.)

Nevertheless, the engines created within the project were tested on the stands - they demonstrated high power corresponding to the expected, and the otlip radioactivity was lower than the engineers assumed. However, in 1964, the project was reprehensively closed: he demanded high costs, any rocket air test would be extremely dangerous, and most importantly, there were doubts about the feasibility of winged missiles of this type - by this point it became clear that the basis of the strategic nuclear arsenal was destined to become an intercontinental ballistic missockets. Rockets with nuclear engines in about the same years were developed in the USSR and the UK, but they did not reach the stage of stand tests.

How can a rocket with a nuclear engine

Let's start with sizes. The president mentioned that its parameters are comparable to Tomahawk and X-101 missiles. Tomahawk has a diameter of 0.53 cm, and x-101 (it does not have a round form) the described diameter of 74 cm. For comparison: the diameter of the SLAM rocket should have been more than three meters. Independent Nuclear Technology Expert Valentin Golyov It believes that the parameters of the new Russian development can be somewhere in the middle, and effectively enter the design with a nuclear reactor in a diameter of 50-70 centimeters is very hard and hardly makes sense. According to video tests, given the size of the starting installation, you can estimate that the diameter of the new rocket is about 1.5 meters.


What is inside this pipe? The easiest option is the so-called straight-time jet engine, when the air entering the air intake in the front, passes through the reactor, heats up, expands, and with a larger speed it comes out of the nozzle, creating a reactive traction. In this principle, the SLAM project was founded, however, this scheme is far from the only one. New development can use some kind of variant of the turbojet engine, air heating may occur not directly, but through the heat exchanger, the reactor can produce electricity and feed the electric motor rotating propeller.

Unmanned drone with long wings or corn

No matter how exotic this option sounds, it could work, only one would fly such a rocket at a speed of 500 km / h and externally would be more like a unmanned drone with very long wings or ... for the corn. The fact is that nuclear installation, additionally transforming thermal energy into electrical, will have a very large relative mass at a given power. "Let's say there is a project that is now classified, but until 2016, it was quite widely published - this is a megawatt project (megawatt - useful energy at 4 megawatts of thermal energy) Reactor RUGK and TEM installation (transport and energy module) at its base, it is everywhere Call a nuclear tug of space based. In this project, the weight of the reactor installation plus the energy conversion system is almost seven tons with a power of 1 megawatt. It can be compared with the An-2 aircraft: it has a take-off maximum weight about seven tons and engine power of approximately 1 megawatt. It turns out that if we do not have anything other than the reactor and turbogenerators, then something like An-2 will come out, "says Gadlov. The maximum speed An-2 - 258 km / h, such a rocket is hardly needed by the Russian army.

Another exotic option mentioned in the comments to the Federal News Agency Professor russian Academy Military sciences Sergey Sudakov: "We now offer absolutely new technology - this is very compact engine A completely new generation ... It's all that concerns cold reactions and cold nuclear synthesis. These engines are completely different, and they have nothing to do with the installations that the United States has been developed in the 50s. " The expert, apparently, not believed to the project, explains that Russian engineers managed to create an engine on a "low-enriched uranium", which has a high efficiency, and the nuclear "exhaust" will be minimal. "We made a rocket that flies at low temperatures and with almost minimal pollution," Sudakov said.

If the military suddenly has such an excellent source of energy

Cold Thermonuclear Synthesis, that is, thermonuclear reaction occurring at relatively small starting energies (in the classical thermonuclear reaction, for example, during the thermonuclear explosion, the fuel is initially heated to a very high temperature - for example, a laser or explosion) is a marginal theory. Scientific consensus is that cold thermonuclear synthesis is impossible in principle, the few adepts of this approach occasionally declare loudly, which has achieved success, but their experiments have not yet been repeated. There is also another argument against a cold fusion in a new rocket - it would be much more efficient for other military purposes: "What is the meaning of the numerous projects financed by the state of autonomous nuclear power plants for the Arctic, if the military suddenly has such an excellent source of heat and energy, And then there would be no fuel on the aircraft, as it happens now for diesel engines, "says Gibbias.

But other, more traditional approaches, according to Gibalov, are too complex for the engine, which should work for a very long time and in hard radiation radiation conditions:

- For example, an air jet engine with a turbine requires extremely complex high-precision mechanics, which, if shove it into the conditions of the nuclear reactor, will not work for a long time. It is necessary to sort out all the nodes of such a combined engine and for each node to carry out a large study - what materials it is necessary to replace it, how to improve it. The further we will dive into the details of such a possible more complex option, the clearer it will be that such a development is comparable, if not more, scale to the development of USSR nuclear missile engines for space missiles, and they demanded the construction of several nuclear centers with reactors, stands on Semipalatinsky landfill, where hydrogen was blown through the nuclear reactor. All this was delayed for about 20 years, approximately 25 - working out. And she was very laborious and very resourceful. I think that any other option, except for the direct-flow, is about the same.

Oil is rather complied from the "Formula 1" engine than "Opel"

According to the expert, the new development is most likely to be the continuation of the ideas of the 1960s, first of all, the direct-flow jet engines of the SLAM project. Giblists argue that modern materials, new technologies for the production of thermal elements allow you to make such a rocket much cleaner than 60 years ago:

- All reactors are designed in such a way as to hold fission products, that is, radioactive dirt that is formed during the work. They are sealed in this regard. Here, of course, there is a certain difficulty: the greater the temperature, the more difficult it is to do, that is, the walls begin to flow. But, it seems to me, in principle, this problem is solved. It can be assumed that in the trouble-free version, such a straight-flow reactor is comparable to emissions into air with a closed reactor with heat exchangers and the second circuit.

However, it is unlikely to expect that such a complex and completely new technique will always function normally, especially at the test stage. "The oil is more likely to spoil from the" Formula 1 "engine than the ordinary" Opel "," explains the deaths.


The name for the Russian winged rocket with a nuclear engine was not invented - and even an organized competition, as it is called. However, the military observer Alexei Ramm in Izvestia puts forward a version that we are talking about the product 9m730 OKB "Novator" - one of the developers of Russian winged rockets. At the same time, in the same article, it is mentioned that the "innovator" specializes in terrestrial and marine rockets, and the "airbase products" develops "Rainbow". And the Putin-mentioned Rocket X-101 is precisely air basement.

Products "Novator" under the numbers 9m728 and 9m729 - really winged rockets, one - for the famous "Iskander", the other is the ground analogue of the X-101 mentioned Putin. And indeed, judging by the site of state procurement, the product is in a state of active development. However, no confirmation of the fact that this is the truth-announced Putin rocket, no.

The article provides a description of a rocket with a nuclear engine of the Military Historian Dmitry Boltenkov: "On sides of the rocket are special compartments with powerful and compact heaters working from nuclear power installation." This is somewhat different from the concept that the air flows directly directly, and suggests a certain heat exchange system.

Eccentric types of nuclear weapons

An American expert on Russian weapons Michael Cofman in his blog agrees with the assumption of the Ramma that the rocket with a nuclear engine is 9M730. Cofman believes that this is a reactor without protection, based on the size and weight of the rocket.

He also leads to the statements of the former Minister of Defense Easha Carter in Article 2017: "Russia invests in new submarines with ballistic missiles, heavy bombers, the development of new ICRCs ... But they are also combined with new concepts of using nuclear weapons and some new and even eccentric types of nuclear systems. Arms ", which, according to Kofman, now played in a new world.

Another arms expert, Jeffrey Lewis, in the article for Foreign Policy writes that all the systems made public by Putin were also known to the administration of Barack Obama: "Even the winged rocket, about which, as I understand the rear number, did hints already The time American officials. "

Were there any tests?

CNN and Foxnews reported with reference to unnamed officials that the rocket announced by Putin is only in the development stage and that the United States has previously observed an attempt to launch such a rocket that ended in the Arctic (although it is not fully understood, how to distinguish the successful launch of the rocket from The launch ending with its fall - and in any case, with real tests of the rocket at the end of the flight, the nuclear reactor should cut into the surface of the Earth at high speed).

According to Putin, the tests were held at the central test site. Ramm in Izvestia brings the opinion that it is a landfill in the village of Nenox Arkhangelsk region (State Central Marine Test Polygon Navy). At the same time, the Central Nuclear Polygon of the Russian Federation is on the New Earth archipelago. Cofman also assumes that the launch is performed in the video performed on the new land.

The authors of the Warzone project remember in connection with this incomprehensible emission into the atmosphere of the iodine-131 radioactive substance in February last year, the source of which was the Kola Peninsula in the north of Russia. Iodine-131 emissions, according to them, was recorded - among dozens of other isotopes - and during the tests of the nuclear engine in Nevada in the 60s.

Immediately four iodine isotope and two ruthenium isotop

True, the emission of one iodine isotope without other radionuclides is unlikely to be followed by the test "dirty" rocket with a nuclear engine.

"Most likely, there would be at least two isotopes and even more," explains Ghealthy. - When we are flowing, roughly speaking, from the working reactor, then we see at once four iodine isotop and two isotop of ruthenium ( but this, apparently, does not apply to the leakage of ruthenium in the Urals last year.–​ PC). If we have flowed some kind of iodine through the wall, then all these four isotop travel together. And this is all very well monitored and determined, the method is widely used. My opinion: in the case of real flights, even on a new land with the included nuclear engine, it is flights, and not terrestrial bench tests, the monitoring stations will notice them - however, provided that the reactor "flows".

At regular work, an expert approves, to detect a track from his work it will be quite difficult: "Yes, air activation still occurs. Unfortunately, the most long-lived isotope, which can be detected - it is Argon-41, it has about two hours a period of complete decay. The United States has aircraft that are equipped with detectors of all kinds of activation products, decay products. But, I think, such an airplane can be fixed from the rocket, almost only flying through it for nothing of that big time. " But the absence of leaks from a new nuclear engine, as mentioned above, is extremely unlikely.

Putin in his speech stated that successful tests were held at the end of last year. "Vedomosti" made a strange addition to this information, referring to a source close to the military-industrial complex that radiation safety during the tests of the rocket was ensured, since the "nuclear installation on board represented an electric layout."

Reactor from the point of view of technology - just heater

Is it possible to launch a prototype of a rocket in which instead of a nuclear engine costs its electrical installation? Giblists says that it is not only possible, but it is quite logical:

- The reactor from the point of view of technology is just a heater, it is very easy to replace the fuel elements from the wire, which flows current, ordinary tam. It would be a very reasonable solution for the first flights of the rocket, to understand how correctly aerodynamics, control system is designed. Just throw away, let's say, the future warhead, and replace its half-removal batteries, which give the thermal equivalent of the reactor, may be reduced power. They do it very long, 10, 20, 30 seconds, not more than a minute, but allow you to explore that all without fear of disaster right in the first flight.

In an interview with a journalist NBC, Megan Kelly Putin said that tests of new weapons were well, "you still need to work on some systems, and some have already entered the troops and are on battle duty." At the request to write an answer to the question "Do you have a working intercontinental rocket with a nuclear engine that has successfully passed testing," Putin said: "They all went through it successfully. Simply different systems are at different stages of readiness."

Everything is closed at 100%

Giblists calls the creation of a winged rocket with a nuclear power plant theoretically solved task, given the modern level of technology, but still extremely expensive and resource-intensive. He calls indirect arguments, indicating that in reality the rocket, which Vladimir Putin presented to the Federation Council, may not exist:

- Unlike other new types of weapons, voiced by the president, this design had no trace. For example, the development of "Sarmat" is known for a long time. It is there, then the elements of the design, betting, scientific articles were searched, there was some loop of indirect signs that such development was conducted. You can, of course, the absence of this loop in the case of the winged rocket to explain the fact that the nuts were tightened here truly. For example, according to the development of modern nuclear weapons, it is impossible to find any weapon, which weapons are being developed, which technical principles are used there - this is absolutely closed at 100%. But there is not only the nuclear part, there is still a rocket-winged part. And, as it seems to me and other colleagues, there would be some traces. I think at least this project is at a fairly early stage of development.

Strategic Balance

William Perry, US Defense Minister in the Administration of Bill Clinton and Disarmament Expert, writes in Politico that new weapons, announced by Putin, do not change anything in the balance sheet of nuclear deterrence: Russia does not need to invent new funds to overcome US defense funds, "go from the south ", Because she has all the possibilities for this: a missile defense system, as Washington has repeatedly stated, is not able to confront the massive launch of intercontinental missiles, its goal is separate volleys of the Pari states like North Korea, and Russia and the USA and so Have opportunities to destroy each other. Perry is concerned that the United States can get into this newest race with Russia - who has a "nuclear button" more.

And you are in the mud, and the pig is pleased

Lewis says about the same: "The arms race with Russian is meaningless. Russians lead it with themselves. Race with the Russian military-industrial complex - as a fight with a pig: And you are in the mud, and the pig is pleased. " Cofman does not believe in either Russia needs new weapons to ensure the viability of nuclear deterrence, nor in the fact that they fundamentally change the military balance with the United States. According to the expert, "Russia is not confident in its conventional [military] opportunities in the coming years or ever ever."

The speech of the Russian president contained an explicit message: "There is nothing like that in the world yet," no one essentially wanted to talk with us, no one listened to us. Listen now. " But it is interesting that Putin uses new Russian weapons as a justification only the development of US missile defense, without discussing, for example, the improvement of American ballistic missiles, which, according to experts in the article "As the modernization of the US nuclear forces undermines strategic stability," can change the balance of power Holding, especially given the limitations of the Russian early warning system.

In the same speech, Putin said that "in the updated review of the US nuclear strategy ... the threshold of the application of nuclear weapons is reduced" and that Russia can use nuclear weapons "only in response to the application against it or its allies ... Weapons of mass lesion or in The case of aggression ... when the very existence of the state was put at risk.

However, the United States sees that Russia "Reduced the threshold" in the use of nuclear forces: "Russia's confidence is that, using the first nuclear weapons, including low-power weapons, it is possible to obtain such an advantage, partly based on the representation of Moscow that possession More and variety of non-strategic nuclear products provides superiority in a crisis situation or in a more limited conflict. Recent statements of Russia regarding this emerging doctrine of the use of nuclear weapons can be regarded as a decrease in Moscow "nuclear threshold", crossing which can be the first to apply nuclear weapons ... To force Russia to abandon such illusions - the strategic task of paramount importance ... increase the flexibility and variety of US nuclear potential, Including the possibility of using low power nuclear weapons, it is important to preserve the ability to prevent aggression across the region. This will raise the "nuclear threshold" and will contribute to the fact that potential opponents are aware of the impossibility of obtaining advantage through a limited nuclear escalation, which in turn will reduce the likelihood of nuclear weapons. "

In response to the proposal of the President of Russia to help the Ministry of Defense to come up with a name for the latest weapons systems of Russia, which Vladimir Putin presented during the announcement of his message to the Federal Assembly, the Russians began to announce their options.

At the moment, the nameless remains two new types of strategic weapons of Russia - the winged rocket of the global range with a nuclear power plant and an unmanned underwater apparatus. In addition, the name can be inventing the newest laser weapon.

"For those who are interested military equipmentI would like to suggest, would ask them to offer the name of this new technique, "said the Russian President, representing the new weapons of the Russian Federation, noting that proposals can be left on the sites of the Ministry of Defense.

The Ministry of Defense has already responded, promising in the near future to launch voting.

Assistant Russian President Vladislav Surkov has already suggested that one of the new weapons systems in honor of the killed fighter self-proclaimed DNR Mikhail Tolstoy. "I want to take part [in the contest] on the name of weapons systems. "GIVI"because there is such a hero of Donbass, "Surkov said.

- prof. Preobrazhensky (@Prof_Preobr)

This morning, a small note came across on the website WebDiscover.ru about the original names of the samples of weapons and military equipment of the Russian (Soviet) production. I liked with what humor it is written. Therefore, I decided to publish for universal review - so to speak, to raise the mood at the beginning of the work week.

It seems that our military equipment and weapons and weapons are leaning a little over their foreign colleagues. In the sense of the names of the technique created by them. Here, Germany has a leopard tank, Israel - Mercave (combat chariot). America has an Abrams Tank, France "Leclerk" - both in honor of the famous generals. And we have the T-72B "Slogaty", in honor of the slingshot. It is not clear why, but it is clear that KVN could only be born from us.

Or, for example, they take the Americans and call their self-propelled Maubitsa "Paladin", and the British are called "Archer" (archer). All by way. Here we are suitable and they say: see here - here are self-propelled muscles 2c1 "carnation", 2C3 "Acacia", self-propelled mortar 2С4, as well as long-range self-propelled guns 2C5 "Hyacinth" and 2C7 "Peony" capable of shooting nuclear shells. Snow, please bouquet.

Here the Americans are taking and call their anti-tank manageable Rocket "Dragon", and the other is called "Shillala" (Dubinka). Everything is logical. Here we are suitable and they say: but look, here are the anti-tank missiles 9m14m "Baby", 9m123 and the anti-tank missile with a night sight "Mulatto".

And so that you really become incomprehensible and scary, we had another rocket called the "Edge".

And so that you're even more, we called the "Frame" a heavy fighting machine.

And so that you have a bolk, the newest rocket set of coastal defense we called the "ball".

And so that you have an idiotic smile on the repex formed, our most powerful 30-barred self-propelled flamethrower is called TOS-1.

And so that you are directly taken to the madhouse today - our GP-30 grenade launcher has the name "Logging". From the latter, even me, a man is familiar, a little cool ...

And if that, that is, more:
- 82-mm automatic mortar 2B9 "Vasileuk";
- Rotary mortar 2b14 "Tray";
- Mortar 2C12 "Sani";
- Intercontinental ballistic missile "Courier" with a nuclear charge;
- Intercontinental ballistic missile RT-23 Uttk "Well done" with ten nuclear charges;
- atomic project 705 "Lira";
- control system of artillery fire "Capusionnik";
- Container management system for filumboria missiles;
- self-propelled gun "Condenser";
- Complex of weapons "Berezhok" on BTR-80 and "Rostock";
- grenade for a bait grenade launcher 7p24 "Podkin";
- And of course, the well-known RSZO "Katyusha". It seems to me that it is for the demoralization of the enemy. So that the rumor caressed when the ass is burning!

And our valiant police have a sense of humor - so just an outpad! Let's see:


- Electric shock "Lask";
- Rubber batons PUS-1 "Argument", PUS-3 "Surprise";
- Handcuffs - BKS-1 "Tenderness-1", "Fun", "Bouquet".

Masking products
- Cloak-tent overlap "Nakhodka"
- clamshell collapsible "Hope"
- camouflage suit "Shaman"
- Masking Pasta "Fog"
- Device protection against explosion "Fountain"
- Anti-skid blanket "Comfort"

And I am simply silent about such wonderful reliability of the funds, like CS gas cans, Lilac and CN "Cherimukha".

And now everything is quickly experiencing a sense of pride for our funny fatherland! 🙂

/Based on webDiscover.ru. /

In the traditions of domestic rocket, to give the name of the created samples of weapons, and some of the names of rockets at first glance are weakly associated with their external species and purpose. What is the case?

Choose yourself

In his recent speech before the Federal Assembly, Russian President Vladimir Putin offered the audience to help the Ministry of Defense and come up with names for some newest weapons systems that are at the test stage. It was about three types of strategic weapons developed - a rocket of a global range with a nuclear power plant, an unmanned underwater apparatus, as well as a laser complex, the details of which are not disclosed. Suggestions, according to the head of state, can be left on the website of the Ministry of Defense.
Vladimir Vladimirovich did not have time to finish his speech, as the names of the titles fell. So the assistant of the President Vladislav Surkov said that the newest Russian weapons could wear the names of the heroes of the war in the Donbas, for example, "GIVI" (the callsign legendary commander of the DPR battalion "Somalia" Mikhail Tolstoy).
There were proposals to give the names of the weapon in honor of the heroes of children's fairy tales: a combat laser installation to name "Sparkling", a hypersonic missile complex with a guidance system - "Casting", and an unmanned underwater platform - "Goldfish". There were also names for Russian hearing names like "Pescents" or "Kuzkina mother-in-law".

So as not guessed

Does such a practice have been given to the names of the armament of the whole country before? Of course no. It should be immediately noted that it is not a name as such, but about developing cipher, which far from always reflected the specifics of the weapon created. Mandatory conditions for cipher - sonicity, convenience when transferring a voice (which is important in conditions of poor communication) and a slightly remembrance. Accordingly, it is not necessary to see the logic in ciphers (names), although the associativity sometimes takes place.
Colonel-General Victor Esin, expressing about this, noted that the public is trying such names as a "poplar" or "yar" to something to bind, while it is just the names of experimental design work (OCD). The cipher is needed primarily to conceal the meaning of development, while the factory name is already completely different. "All OCRs, which are conducted by the defense and industrial complex, continues Eustin, are reduced to a single registry, and each time the car randomly chooses the name, and then it is approved."
Often the development name is equipped with an additional letter, denoting its version, for example, "e". In the case of the Iskander-E missile complex, the last letter means that this option is exported, and for Popol-E, the approval is true that this is an experimental missile. The letter "K" on the example of "Iskander-K" will mean that this is a winged rocket.


Nevertheless, many of the names of domestic missiles have an associative nature, as in the case of an operational-tactical R-11 missile with a nuclear warhead. For the first time, the name "Shkal" appeared in the classification of NATO under the SS-1C SCUD A sector (C English - "Shkva"). Perhaps giving such a name, the Americans focused on expanding the foundations of the R-11 complex, which could be accommodated not only on land, but also in the sea. The people of the R-11 rocket received a nickname "Kerosinka", since at its start it was used high-boiling components of fuel - kerosene and nitric acid.


Such a harmless name was given to a reactive controlled anti-tank shell 9K11 with a length of only 86 cm and a weighing of 10.9 kg, developed in the KB of Mechanical Engineering Kolomna in 1960. In the meantime, the baby rocket could affect both ground and surface targets at a distance of 3 kilometers.
The rocket complex of the strategic appointment of the RT-2PM2 "Topol-M" did not fit the American name (according to the NATO classification - SS-27 Sickle B, from the English - "Sickle"). With the NATO cipher, everything is clear - the flight trajectory of this ballistic missile really has a sickle form. But the name "Poplar", according to some experts, is associated with the dimensions of the rocket - a dimieter of 1.81 m, the height is 22.7 m, add here and vertical takeoff, which is associated with pyramidal poplars growing in the southern regions. But it is possible here there is a random choice of the name, which General Ensine said. The letter "M" suggests that the launch of this version of the rocket is not made from the mine, but from the mobile installation.


You can only guess the name of the name of the strategic missile complex R-36M2 "Voivode". It is possible that it reflects the status of missiles: after all, the governor is the general name of the military heads and representatives of state power in Russia. In the classification of NATO, the rocket was the designation of SS-18 Mod.1,2,3 Satan - Satan.
The last name was accustomed on a par with the "governor" and apparently symbolized the horror that arose at the mention of this terrible weapon. And there was something to be afraid. By the mid-70s - the beginning of the 80s, it was indeed the most powerful means of delivering a nuclear ammunition that could affect targets over 11 thousand kilometers away. In the head of "Satan" there was a nuclear charge with a capacity of 400 Hirosim!
Moreover, the modernized "warlord" could "roll" on the head of the enemy dozens of highly melanienic and actually invulnerable for the air defense tools. According to experts, the strike of the "Satan" missiles could destroy up to 80% of the US industrial potential and a significant part of the country's population.


9k720 rocket complex received his name in honor of Alexander Macedon, which in the east called "Iskander." Iconography painted the Macedonian-Iskander in a twin helmet - not by chance and the complex itself wore two rockets. Like the Great Commander "Iskander" is actually invulnerable to the enemy: it maneuverates with huge overloads, practically unattainable for the interceptor missile, and the low height of the flight (up to 6 meters) makes this weapon invisible for standard radar means.


In 2001, the Russian defense complex has released a heavy flame retardant system of TOS-1A "Suns", which has become a modification of the Soviet installation "Pinocchio". Another speaking name. The principle of the operation of the "Sun" is to deliver a reactive projectile to the explosive mixture damage zone, which when undermining it turns into a burning cloud, literally burning all living things within a radius of several tens of meters. Given that in the zone of the explosion of such charge, the pressure is about 160 mm mercury post below atmospheric, survive the enemy is not possible there.


This heavy 35-meter rocket with a range of up to 16 thousand km, created on the basis of "Voevoda", at the moment - the apogee of the domestic design thought and the guarantor of retribution. Western experts have already dubbed her "Satan-2". The rocket scares NATO with two characteristics - the ability to pass any frontiers about and a huge devastating force. There is another feature: the rocket can attack the enemy both through the northern and through the South Pole, which is associated with the scale of migration flows of the ancient nomadic people of Sarmatov, in whose honor it was named.

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