Siege and defense combat technique Leonardo da Vinci. Martial inventions Leonardo da Vinci Catapult da Vinci

Siege and defense combat technique Leonardo da Vinci. Martial inventions Leonardo da Vinci Catapult da Vinci

We talked about the inventions of Leonardo da Vinci in the field of aeronautics, construction, architecture, and also considered various water mechanisms and fixtures. In this part, we will talk about weapons, which was invented by the genius, as well as various combat mechanisms, ways to assign the walls and defense of the castles.

See also:

  • Leonardo da Vinci inventions - Part 2

Combat technique and weapons

Leonardo da Vinci invented a lot of simple and effective deviceswhich allowed to drive both offensive and defend, sitting behind the fortress walls. His innovative cars did not have equal in their destructive strength and for their time were truly advanced. Not all of its development and concepts were quite successful, but a number of inventions clearly exceeded his time and produced a small revolution in military affairs.

Underwater Min

The enemy's vessel was supposed to be destroyed with the help of underwater mines that had to be screwed into the bottom of the ship. Ma could screw either diver, or the crew of a submarine. Such mines later were used during the war in the United States of America in the 1960s, but underwater saboteurs appeared only in the era of the Second World War.

Bombard and bombs with a booth

Bombard at the time of Leonardo was a famous combat. The most interesting aspects of this project is the quality of the picture, which clearly represented the bombardment in action, as well as the image of fragmentation shells. Inout the rest, the drawing of a bombard does not contain any innovations or changes. The bombard had a wide and durable basis capable of withstanding a strong return arising from the production of a shot. It is likely that the bombard was additionally attached to the Earth with the help of stakes and ropes.

The bombard had only one degree of freedom, and the gunner could put the guns only at the corner of the place. The direction of firing is entirely dependent on the state of the ground, since the latter necessarily attached to the Earth. Accordingly, the azimuth guidance was very difficult. Apparently, several bombard should be installed in the estimated battle to expand the shelling zone.

The installation of the corner of the site could be significantly accelerated by the use of the handle. When rotating the handle, the gunner had the opportunity to carry out a gun with great accuracy. The handle affected the rod, equipped with a worm screw, the worm was engaged in engagement with the teeth of the semicircular sector and moved the bombard up or down. The accuracy of this operation had a paramount value, because the short barrel of the large diameter itself could not ensure high shooting accuracy, so the error in several degrees led to significant deviations for the range.

Image of the contents of the discontinuous kernel: In addition to small nuclei with a powder charge, iron parts were placed inside, which, due to the shape, fastened the small nuclei inside the large kernel. The method of packaging proposed by Leonardo is not the most optimal, but in that epoch in the absence of tools used in design, it was difficult to submit and portray other solutions.

After assembling internal elements, stitching the cores by connecting the edges of individual elements using the characteristic "convex" seam.

The crosslinking of the nuclei was the work requiring attention and accuracy. The final operation was to reliably fix the elements in two opposite points of the kernel.

After that, the kernel could be charged into the bombard trunk.

Shot of a bombard. According to this image, it is possible to estimate the complexity of the structure of the gun and understand some of the features of its parts of its parts, such as a worm screw, directly related to the mechanism for changing the angle of space, operated using the handle.

Before the shot, the projectile was fitted, after which he pushed into the Morty and fired towards the enemy troops. After that, the shell landed on the ground and then his design came into effect. In the center of the projectile was gunpowder, which, when the explosion, fits small bombs, flashing instantly, as they were wrapped in paper, painted in sulfur. Sometimes the effect of explosions was rather psychological and even superior to the deadly effect, because the enemy army retreated in a panic.

Gun "Crossbow" with the executioner

This is a revolutionary approach to the creation of artillery weapons. There is a separate element in which the kernel is inserted, and powder is poured. He reports the main power of the projecture and is necessary for the smelled. In those days, no one had not yet done.

All his weapon Leonardo tried to make the most efficient and destructive. It is enough to look at the blowing blow, on its removable part and an extended trunk to understand that this gun would shoot a bit further than any other gun at the time. The effectiveness of this gun is also manifested in the fact that it has big wheels. Imagine that you are on the battlefield and the battle is almost lost, and you give you a team to retreat. It is impossible to leave your gun on the battlefield, so Leonardo wanted to make an instrument with light and mannere, so that, retreating, you could pick it up with me.

The trunk of the gun lies on the boat made of wood. The peculiarity of this gun is also in swivel and lifting arcs, so the gun can not only rotate, changing the horizontal range of shooting, but also to increase or decrease the firing range by moving its barrel along the vertical. Also an interesting modification was that the shell into the gun was placed on the back side, so the problem with the loading of the projectile through the gearbox was disappeared.

On the video below you can see how a group of four inventors tries to repeat the Leonardo gun. Whether this gun managed to shoot, you will soon learn.

Steam gun

Leonardo was looking for a replacement for gunpowder. Here he also turned to the development of the previous great inventor - Archhimeda. He studied and copied his concept of a steam gun, which he will call later " architronito."Since her shot will look like thunder strikes.

The principle of weapons was the following. The gun was made of copper (since the copper had a good thermal conductivity), which was strongly heated in the oven. A shell was laid in the Punch itself, but there was a tank between him and the rear end of the gun, which was served water. Later, water was poured into the grunge gun, which immediately began to evaporate and produce huge pair volumes, and with a characteristic sound. As a result, a huge pressure arose in the cannon and the gun shot.

Interestingly, in the 4th season of the 12th series of scientific and popular transmission "Destroyers of the Legend" an attempt attempted to make a large steam gun. True, she tolerates collapse due to constructive and technological problems.

On the video below you can see how the steam gun shoots. True in the video gun of almost tiny sizes:

Centrifuge from Prazt

And this is another interesting invention, which is something like rapid patrity. The basic principle used in the mechanism is a centrifugal force that appears when the winch is promoting on the screw axis. As the entire mechanism is promoting, the capabilities are turned into a horizontal position, after which the shot occurs.

Rapid fire arbalet

Crossbow in the era of Leonardo was a traditional remote weapon on a par with a bow, but it was easier for them than onions. Leonardo decided to improve the strength and fracture of the crossbow, for which he came up with a huge mechanism in the form of a wheel, performing automatic recharge when rotating. In the center of the wheel was a crossbow, who had to be only aimed and shoot. The wheel rotated at the expense of the muscular strength of the legs of two people. According to the idea of \u200b\u200bLeonardo, it made an arbalt for more destructive weapons.

But the reality was not so iris. Contemporaries decided to build a Leonardo car and check it in business. The result was not very impressive, as the rapidity of though it increased, but in general it was no higher than the same three crossbakers shooting from the crossbow, namely, three people drove the car da Vinci. Also, its dimensions were unlikely to be an advantage on the battlefield.

Giant Arbalet

This mechanism can hardly be called browse, it is rather a huge gun, because the picture shows that it significantly exceeds dimensions ordinary person. The rate in this weapon is made on a huge slaughter force, capable of punching entire rows of infantry infantry. The width of this crossbow reached about 24 meters, and the length of the order of 20 meters. When shooting there was a great return, therefore the wheels on the cart on which the crossbow was placed, attached at an angle so that the cart was more stable. On the left on the sketch depicted the trigger. A guide on such an arbalty was tensioned using a special device depicted in the lower right corner.

There are no reliable information that the crossbow was built in the Leonardo era.

Not far from Portsmouth in England there is a museum where a copy of a giant crossbow is built according to the drawings of Leonardo.

Cutting blades for defeat striker

This weapon helped defending to discharge the attackers if they climbed it. These were huge blades that fell into a cabbage who came to them. The blades themselves were driven by the muscular strength of four people.

Improved catapult

The history of the catapult is calculated by centuries and even thousands of years, it goes back to times Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. It would seem that the catapult had to lose the relevance, but nevertheless the transition period lasted quite a long time. In the 15th century, when Leonardo lived, there was still a need for such a device.

Leonardo made the concepts of two fundamentally different catapult mechanisms. One catapult was with one arc, and the second with two arcs. The principle of operation in both catapult was like.

Catapult with one arcconsisted from a flexible shoulder, which was stretched with a winch and gear wheel. The stone for the throw was placed in the bucket, and then the gear was released from the brake (plank-lock) and the curved arc was painted, launching the projectile in the target.

Catapult with two arcs It has several other principles of operation. Both arcs are tensioning also with a gear wheel. The rotation of the gear wheel is carried out using a special handle, which is depicted in the upper right corner and is visible on the sketch of the catapult with two arcs on the left above.

The video show a model-toy with two arcs, but the principle in it is well shown the principles of operation of the catapult with two arcs:

Already known to us naturalists tried to repeat in their show the design of the catapult with two arcs. In general, the design turned out to be a worker. The main weak places were the shoulder and a bowl that broke. After replacing the shoulder to shorter and gluing the bowl of scotch, the situation has changed in best side. The catapult was not long-range (this is the prototype), but it worked well. Video about how they designed a catapult can be viewed below:

Two-chain catapult

Leonardo made this sketch in the 1980s of the 15th century and endowed this catapult with a special property - she knows how to shoot two shells at once.

The height of the catapult is about three human growth, that is, somewhere from 5.5 to 6 meters with reserved shoulder. On the right shows the staircase so that people can lift and laying the stones. One stone is put on the bowl, and the other in the belt.

Below is another video, where enthusiasts from America are trying to repeat the two-chain skating catapult Leonardo. This building came out very large. When designing, they again collided with the fact that the shoulder of the catapult broke. Apparently, on the battlefield, the shoulder breakdown was quite frequent problem, so the inventors of antiquity came up with everything in such a way that the shoulder could be quickly replaced during the battle.

Unfortunately, since the inventors were limited in time, they did not have time to debug the whole car as needed and shoulder when testing again broke. As a result, this attempt to reconstruction can be considered a failure.

Multi-rolled tools (organs)

Sketches of multi-rolled guns

Leonardo tried to exclude the human factor from charging weapons, so he paid a lot of attention to creating automatic multi-vertors. These multi-vertices were named later than the "bodies" in connection with their similarity with this musical instrument. The organs were effective in defense. Mounted before the upcoming army, or mounted on the walls of fortresses, or mobile military forts (Vengenburg), they applied a significant damage. And if you add to this that Leonardo invented modified ammunition, stabilizing bullets in flight, as well as discontinuous shells, then such a weapon turned out to be truly fatal, because the shooting range increased.

The total weight of such structures could reach 300 kilograms. The guns themselves had on the sides (see Figure at the top) axis for wheels. In general, it was necessary for his movement to be a muscular strength of 3-4 people. either a horse. The tilt of vertical tools was adjusted using a special screw installed in a wooden base of a given multi-power gun. The trunks were located in the type of Veter, which increased the radius of the defeat.

Below is a sketch of a weapon, which is mistakenly called leonardo da Vinci machine gun. Of course, this design is no machine gun, but some principles of the machine gun is really anticipated. Leonardo himself called this system of multi-sink rifles "Organ Musket.

Leonardo tried to make the mechanisms performed all the work, as it reduced the likelihood of human error. Leonardo decided that to increase accuracy, it is necessary to construct general System Guidance that sharply increased accuracy (already 10 times). In the time when shooting from food and guns, only 1 of the 15 shots fell into the opponent. Since Leonardo was limited in the technologies of that time, he failed to make this multi-power body (a machine gun) really rapidly, therefore, as in the case of previous guns, but still three consecutive volley did this gun. Below you can watch the video, as happened:

This deadly weapon consisted of 11 barrels located on a special triangular basis forming three racks from guns. The racks were repeatedly rotated, producing a volley. The first rack, shot, went down and cooled while the second shot. After the second rack shot, the first handed over to the artilleryrs, and they could recharge the weapon, and the second was cooled. Then he fired the third and went to cool, and her place was returned the first rack. And so on until all enemies fall NIC before the power of the ingenious invention. Theoretically, the battery of such "machine guns" could provide a continuous shelling of the advancing opponents, which created not only a huge devastating force, but also the psychological effect. The gun also had a special screw, allowed to regulate the shooting of weapons vertically.

The main disadvantage of such a machine gun remained a complex recharge system, which was complicated by combat conditions.

And the next video, where the enthusiasts already known to you will try to realize the Leonardo machine gun in its drawings and sketches. The result is awesome, recommended for viewing!

Cilent cannon nuclei

Leonardo studied the aerodynamics of shells and came to the conclusion that the shroud projectile is not the best form. He decided that the air flows had a negative impact on the trajectory of the nucleus and make it less uniform. Therefore, he invented shells with good aerodynamics and a stabilizer at its end, allowing to shoot more accurately, long distances, and also acquire b aboutweight speed, and consequently destructive power.

This machine is the real mobile meat grinder for infantry. It looks extremely deadly and can cut everything alive that it came across on the way. The purpose of such a chariot of death is clear that not defensive, but offensive. This sketch of the chariot with Koshos is present in his "Treatise on War".

It would seem that such a maniac may come to mind, but Leonardo was not a maniac. It is known that he was a vegetarian and was against the killing of animals. He was so peace-loving that he bought birds in the stores and released them to the will. Yes, he invented deadly murder machines, but it is rather a manifestation of the multi-facetedness of his personality, rather than some tendency to the murder of people. In addition, survive in the Middle Ages on the Peace Inventions was not so simple, and on military adaptations he could always be on life.

Ahead placed braids similar to the blades of the helicopter. They had to cut through their way through enemy infantry. The lower braids were to shorten the tendons of the horses of the enemy and infantry. Inside the chariot itself there is a wheel acting as a gearbox. It is it that leads the front braids-blade. Behind two more braids, which are also rotated due to the internal wheel.

Leonardo left a small description above the sketch:

The system with eight shoulders and a long time of about 5 meters. It is also necessary to be sure that the horses are not embraced by themselves.

It is known that we used similar chariots with braids in ancient times, but they hardly had rotating details, because the Leonardo car is the real car with braids.

The main disadvantage of the whole design was, as you already guessed, horses who were afraid of rotating spicy blades.

Enthusiasts from America again try to repeat the inventions of Leonardo. The only difference was that they did not use horses, replacing them with electric motors with wheels. As a result, they achieved success. Be sure to look at the end, how this machine is working.

Tank Leonardo da Vinci

This is one of the most amazing drawings of Leonardo, because he was ahead of his time for 5 centuries! Only during World War II will be invented tank.

The idea of \u200b\u200ba protected mobile carriage platform, which could be used to attack enemy positions and defense, arose in the Leonardo era and many inventors tried to create such cars and improve them. There was a fundamental problem with how to bring such a car movement: someone offered to use sails, but Leonardo decided that inside people should be inside and force the tank to move.

The main obstacle to the implementation of this ambitious project was a difficult problem associated with the power of the tank to move around the battlefield. Leonardo himself wrote:

I will make protected carts, reliable and impregnable, which, piercing the enemy's ranks with fire of their artillery, destroy it, no matter how much the number of his soldiers. Following the tanks, the infantry can follow, without carrying large losses and without meeting any resistance.

The purpose of the project seems to be the desire to show a miracle and surprise, and not ensure the effectiveness of hostilities. The machine should allegedly move the forces of eight people who, being inside, must move the tank and charge guns.

We are unknown, whether Leonardo built his tank, but the fact that he dreamed of it is a fact.

The tank movement was carried out using handles and gear gears, but the effort required to move the entire structure significantly exceeded human capabilities. For this reason, a method was considered to place horses or bulls inside the tank, but the presence of these animals in a closed and limited space of the tank seems impossible.

The method of movement of the tank was very simple. Crew members rotated in the center of the handle; Following this, the wheels began to rotate. Touching from the place, the tank intended for use on an absolutely level locality, accelerated its movement. The main difficulty, no doubt, was to move the car from the place: lacking forces, there was also a discrepancy between the design and weight of the entire car, which should be quite significant. The tank was so high. That for climbing in the upper tower inside the stairs were to be installed. The tower was intended for observation, maneuver and fire control. The installed cannons guaranteed shelling by 360 degrees.

Although the whole tank was made of wood, but he had a lot of metal parts. The height of the tank reached about 5 meters, and at the top there is a small observation tower. The total number of guns can vary from 30 to 40 in different designs.

Interesting fact. If you try to repeat the blindly design of Leonardo, it seems that it will not go, because inside it is incorrectly placed gears. If you start twist the handle, then the tank will not move from the place, as the wheels will pull it into different directions. It is unlikely that such a genius as Leonardo could allow such a primitive error. Most likely it was a kind of way to protect your invention from thieves (at the time of Leonardo there was no patent bureau) and simply from people whose hands it should not have hit.

Below you can also watch the video where the device and the operation of the tank in the form of 3-D models are shown:

Enthusiasts from America again challenge Leonardo, striving to embody his invention into life. Since the wooden design may not withstand the entire weight of the tank, they decide to use the steel frame. They also used modern metal bearings.

During the experiment, a significant drawback of the tank was also detected - this is the level of noise when shooting, which reached almost 120 decibels, that is, he could make you deaf if during the shooting you were inside this tank.

In general, the tank design was successful, because the tank was moving, shot and defended the soldiers inside the tank.

Military drum

Leonardo was not only an inventor, but also a painter and a musician. It is known that he mastered the lute and played on it.

Music was needed in war. Leonardo came up with an automatic drum system, which would allow the rhythm in the tact of the moving axis of the cart.

Covered cart for attack of enemy fortifications

Leonardo was very interested in the Military Engineering Business - it was one of his main classes. He worked with different commander. When one of them wanted to attack the castle or a fortress, but it was difficult to go to the fortress and enter into contact with the forces of the enemy, the warlord turned to Leonardo, and he made him military assault staircases.

This assault staircase, which could be used for a lifting on the wall of the fortress and deliver people inside the castle. This is actually a mobile pyramid with a large squeezed bridge.

It can be seen that this is a cunning structure on wheels, which can be drunk directly to the edge of the fortress RVA with water, which wars want to cross. They will pass along the stairs and will be held under a pointed roof, which will protect them from archers and copies of the enemy.

Leonardo understood that for the movement of an extremely large car, the force of an animal is needed that the mechanism earned, so inside the buffaloes that helped move the device from the inside. The height of the tower could be different, but on the sketch of Leonardo, it is about 6-7 meters high. The length of the seed bridge is approximately 7.5-9.5 meters. The bridge itself is in a vertical position, and when the tower will drive up to the fortress wall, the bridge falls straight on the wall. The weight of the whole design reached 2-3 tons.

American enthusiasts do not cease to surprise us and decide to repeat this project Leonardo. They had a truly giant military car and everything went successfully. As always in the end, they try the car in business.

Stairs for assault

In the Middle Ages, during the siege, the stairs were used to assault the fortress walls. With the help of stairs, the storms tried to climb on the wall, and then tried to open the gate so that the main part of the troops could go to the deposited castle or the city. Theoretically, it's all, of course, it sounds easily, but in reality everything was much more optimistic, because the precipitated did not sit back and tried to take various measures to prevent the storming even simply install the stairs near their walls. The simplest thing is that in such a situation, people preparing strengthening - increased the height of the walls. Consequently, the storms had to do too long stairs, which increased in their mass, became less stable. Such a staircase was easy enough to push the wall, if you detect it on time.

Leonardo has developed the concepts of various stairs for assault, which allowed the precipitating easy to start the storm of the walls, having risen on them. The variant of his stairs had a greater height, while maintaining its stability and strength, and could bring several storms at once at the same time.

I wonder what Leonardo assumed installation of rope stairs with climbing climbing. He came up with a special screw, which on the principle of Samoreza was screwed into the wall, after which the climbing attached to him and inserted the second screw, and then attached to it, disconnecting from the first, and the first screw was released. And so the climber gradually climbed onto the wall, tightening the rope with the rope staircase. Climbing the top of the walls, he fastened the rope staircase, and the rest of the troops could already be closed.

And on the sketch above, it is shown how the rope staircase was attached if the walls had a wide ditch. Its one part of the climbing climbing on the wall, and the second end was attached on the ground using special pins, after which the troops could climb the wall.

Also in the works of Leonardo, you can find a retractable staircase. Such stairs are now actively used by firefighters. It could be easily shifted from one place to another and collect, because its length was adjusted.

Once Leonardo understood how to take the walls to take the walls, then he, accordingly, understood how these walls were protected from the assault. A sufficiently uncomplicated device Leonardo came up with the repulsion of assault stairs.

Along the walls were placed beams that could pushed out the walls through the effort of two people who put forward them through the lever. In general, here from the drawing becomes clear how they work.

Italy presented the world Leonardo da Vinci - a talented scientist, artist, inventor, writer. It is difficult to list all his talents. The Italians are proud of them, and open museums in many cities dedicated to his activities. One of them is in Rome.

A small museum presents about 50 mechanisms created according to the drawings of the legendary inventor. An interesting excursion will make it possible to plunge into the world of technical wonders of the past centuries and reveal the new verge of the talent of the scientist. Despite his modesty, the Leonardo Da Vinci Museum in Rome knows what to surprise tourists.

Martial inventions

Leonardo da Vinci was a humanist. He also did not use meat and bought birds to produce them to freedom. But it did not prevent him from being a military engineer, creating drawings of brutal cars. Yes, talented people often contradict themselves.


This is one of the most amazing drawings of Leonardo da Vinci. A round tank turtle was to bring horror on enemies and apply colossal losses to them. Yes Vinci believed that eight people should control the weapon. They move the handles, and the wheels are driven. To enhance the destructive effect on the sides of the tank should be placed.


Leonardo catapult is two wooden arcs connected by a rope. With the help of the handle, tension is enhanced. When the handle is released, the catapult is throwing a stone. Moreover, this weapon could throw stones on a very long distance.

Machine gun

In those days, it was necessary to recharge the weapon after each shot. And it was spent long time. The inventor found a solution to the problem: he came up with a multi-weapon. It had 3 platforms of 11 small-caliber guns on each. After the shot, one platform was replaced by another - and you can do the second shot.


Even a reduced machine model looks crazy. The gun was a chariot with rotating long knives, which should have crashed into enemy rows. Judging by the comments to the drawings, the length of each braid was supposed to be 5 meters. The chariot pulled the horse (yes, Leonardo loved horses). Perhaps this is the most terrible drawing of the Italian inventor.

Storm staircase

Thanks to this huge construction on wheels, it is possible to overcome the moat with water and get on the protective wall of the castle. Warriors rise along a high staircase (about 6 meters) and through the closed pointed roof fall into an enemy fortress. The width of the roof was supposed to be about 7.5 meters. Judging by the drawings, the mechanism must be powered by buffaloes.

Conquest air and sea

The scientist has created many drawings that have been ahead of their time. Surprisingly, he himself encrypted his creations, giving another laurels of the "discovers." For these inventions, you should visit the Leonardo da Vinci Museum in Rome.


Leonardo Da Vinci believed that a person could fly, and some of his sketches are devoted to the topic of the subordinates of the sky. It is believed that he belongs to the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a parachute. The essence of the idea is quite simple: the more cargo width, the slower it will go down in the air. The design of the parachute is a wooden base in the form of a pyramid, which is stretched with a linen fabric impregnated with resin.

Flying wing

Who learn to fly, how not to birds? This idea was based on the sketch of the fly wing: if a person comes out from the ground and wipes his hands, artificial wings will help him fly. Of course, the muscular power of a person is not enough for this. But the inventor wanted to solve the problem with the help of auxiliary mechanisms.


Or, as it called his invention, yes Vinci himself, - "Pryony". This exhibit deserves special attention of visitors. The drawing was unfairly forgotten by descendants, but the tests showed that such a deltaplan can fly.


Air is fed through bamboo tubes. Thanks to the sandbag and sand bag, you can adjust the depth of the dive. Copper plate protects the chest from pressure. There is information that this invention was applied at least once, however, for military purposes. Love Leonardo to the sea manifested itself in other inventions: water skiing and hands for hand.

Other inventions

The scientist sought to create comfort for people. Among his works there are drawings of inventions for everyday life. Of course, these are ordinary things for us, but a real breakthrough for the XV century.


The roller bearing was invented in antiquity. But Da Vinci replaced him to the ball, thanks to which the friction was almost joined. Today, this technology is used everywhere, but after all, the inventor lived in the XV century. The first ball bearing was created only a few centuries after his death.


Another mystery of the Atlantic Code. The sketch shows a vehicle with a steering wheel, wheels, flexible chain, stars and pedals. Tourists always impressive this model because it looks almost like a modern bike. An ancient sketch was already attended by the idea of \u200b\u200btransmitting traffic between wheels with a chain.


The famous humanist served with the courts of influential people, and at that time the theater was a favorite entertainment. It pushed the inventor to create a searchlight. Of course, the design was much easier than the modern models. He was a box, inside which the candle was lit. A magnifying glass was installed on one of the walls.

Perfect city

Visitors will be interested in getting acquainted with the main ambitious idea of \u200b\u200bLeonardo da Vinci. This is the layout of the perfect city, which he dreamed of embodying. Vijevano could become such a city if the Duke of the Lodovico Sforgetz agreed to pay the project. And the idea was really ingenious.

After the epidemic of the plague, the inventor seriously thought about preventing such misfortunes in the future. And he developed a project of a three-level city, whose tier was connected by stairs. He wanted to get rid of a typical medieval picture - narrow streets and antisanitaries. The scientist planned to expand the streets and roads, spend water to each building. This would reduce the risk to infected the disease. The city would remindulate the modern megapolis - progressive ideas for that time! But it demanded high costs, and, of course, everything remained on the papers.

What else will surprise the museum? On the walls hang anatomical drawings da Vinci. They are so detailed that he was ahead of time for 300 years. Lovers of anatomy and medicine it will be interesting. Museum workers did not forget about the work of the scientist. Here are represented by the reproductions of some paintings.

Tourists on the note

  • Excursion will take about an hour. Not necessarily to own Italian or English to visit the museum. Description of exhibits is available in Russian.
  • The museum has been working from 10.00 to 19.00 every day.
  • The cost of tickets is 10 €. You can buy tickets on the official website
  • Visitors are allowed to make photos for free. Not every museum provides such an opportunity.
  • The museum is located at Piazza Del Popolo, 12 (People's Square). If you get on the subway, you need to go out at Flaminio station.

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Siege and defense combat equipment

"Inventions Leonardo da Vinci"

Leonardo da Vinci has developed a lot of simple, but at the same time effective combat devices for defense and siege of fortresses.

Storm stairs

After observing the scenes of the military battle, Leonardo created stairs, perfect suitable For storming fortresses. These were mobile Folding and retractable Stairs.

Retractable staircase had tovoto screw mechanismwhich regulated the length of the stairs and lowered or raised it. In addition, it could be easily transferred from one place to another. Nowadays, such a retractable staircase is applied on fire machines.

Constructions for attack of enemy fortress walls

On the Mobile wheel platform Installed Covered staircase. Approaching the fortress wall, it was possible with the help of ropes to lower the bridge, closed by a pointed roof.


With help long rodhidden in a fortress wall and extending outward With the help of the lever, it was possible to repel the detachment enemy stairs from the walls.

Bombard for the protection of serfs

A much greater concession of ingenuity and aesthetic feelings are built into a number of bombards, which simultaneously discarded various Throwing shellson the other side of protected bastions.

Cutting rotating blades for defeating attackers

Unusual, very effective fortress protection system developed by Leonardo. It was applied when the enemy turned out at the top of the walls. Fresh blades dropped the attackers down.

Machine for throwing bombs



Kataput Leonardo had a flexible shoulder, bending back with the help of a manual winch, as well as the bucket, where the stone was placed on the docking stairs. Warms winch opened, freeing the flexible shoulder. It, in turn, beat the bucket that emitted a stone for a considerable distance. A group of such catapults driving around the enemy simultaneously could provide excellent protection.


The centrifuge was represented several randomsuspended around the circumference of the rotating wheels leading in motion Centrifugal force. It arises as a result of spinning winch on the screw axis. The charged patients, quickly rotating, are moving from the vertical to the horizontal position in which the shot occurs.

Combat chariots with rotating braids

Leonardo offered I. battle chariots Equipped with Kosyosfor overrubing foot tendons of enemy horses and soldiers. Similar "mowers" existed in ancient Rome.

Talent Leonardo da Vinci manifested itself in most branches of science and art of that time. And despite the fact that he is considered an adherent of humanism, his work was associated with military engineering. With the help of the ingenious mind of the inventor, a variety of military devices were created, starting with the machine gun and ending with the tank. Unfortunately, most devices reached our time only in the form of drawings. Several inventions of the sculpter, born on April 15, 1492, we will present you in this article.

Corkscrew torpedo

One of the main military inventions da Vinci in modern world Used by no means in the military industry, but in life dough as an ordinary corkscrew. This torpedo on the purpose of the Creator was screwed into the coverage of the ship and rushed it. Such a procedure was exclusively underwater. It makes it possible that in parallel with this, he designed special devices that could allow a person for a long time to be unnoticed under water - the archetype of modern scuba and submarine.


In 1502, Leonardo created a drawing that the surveyors consider a submarine scheme. The secret of the appearance of a submarine in two centuries after the appearance of the drawings lies in human-loving Leonardo. The author's comment is attached to the drawing: "With the help of these devices, people will have the opportunity to be under water for some time ... I do not publish and do not consider my methods because of the evil nature of people who would apply them to harm them the same Killing their crews. "

Leonardo da Vinci has developed a lot of simple, but at the same time effective combat devices for defense and siege of fortresses.

Storm stairs

After observing the scenes of the military battle, Leonardo created stairs, ideally suitable for storming fortresses. These were mobile folding and retractable stairs.

The retractable staircase had a gear screw mechanism that regulated the length of the stairs and lowered or raised it.

In addition, it could be easily transferred from one place to another. Nowadays, such a retractable staircase is applied on fire machines.

Constructions for attack of enemy fortress walls

An indoor staircase was installed on the mobile wheel platform. Approaching the fortress wall, it was possible with the help of ropes to lower the bridge, closed by a pointed roof.


With the help of a long rod hidden in a fortress wall and extending outwards with the lever, it was possible to repel the detachment enemy stairs from the walls.

Bombard for the protection of serfs

A much greater concession of ingenuity and aesthetic feelings are built into a series of bombards, which simultaneously threw various throwing projectiles on the other side of protected bastions.

Cutting rotating blades for defeating attackers

Unusual, very effective fortress protection system developed by Leonardo. It was used when the enemy turned out at the top of the wall. Rotating blades dumped down attackers down

Machine for throwing bombs



Kataput Leonardo had a flexible shoulder, bending back with the help of a manual winch, as well as the bucket, where the stone was placed on the docking stairs. Warms winch opened, freeing the flexible shoulder. It, in turn, beat the bucket that emitted a stone for a considerable distance. A group of such catapults driving around the enemy simultaneously could provide excellent protection.


The centrifuge was several random suspended in the circumference of the rotating wheels, driven by centrifugal force. It arises as a result of spinning winch on the screw axis. The charged patients, quickly rotating, are moving from the vertical to the horizontal position in which the shot occurs.


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