Prayers in their own words to God. "Full our" performance for spiritual music

Prayers in their own words to God. "Full our" performance for spiritual music

Hello, dear reader. Welcome to the reality of yoga.

Speaking O. spiritual path It is not possible to bypass the topic of prayer.

The whole Christian world gives her paramount importance, but the paths of sincere spiritual seekers of other destinations are also not possible without prayer: because prayer is the most natural and effective tool "Reaching out to heaven, reach out." Prayer is a call of a heart, dressed in words and addressed to the highest! And God always hears our prayers. But why the prayers of the saints always work, but prayers ordinary people often remain unrequited? What is needed for effective prayer? How to get an answer from God to our prayers and to increase your happiness?

From this article, you will learn all this.

What is prayer?

Here I just say. What to call your highest nature, you can like you: God, Higher I, Light, Love ... If only it inspired.

Prayer is always an appeal to something to the highest. In yoga, our true nature is called -

To make more effectively tune in to this level, it is very cool, as often as possible in thoughts and feelings to contact this high nature. You can do this in several ways.

Types of prayers.

Canonical prayers.

In every religion or even spiritual course there are already established forms of appeal to the highest.

Such prayers can be called canonical.

In the Christian, the first canonical prayer was the prayer, uttered by Jesus Christ: the Lord of Prayer - Our Father.

Beautiful prayer, as well as all the other canonical, officially approved by the Christian Church of Prayer. Huge power canonical - already ready Prayer is that hundreds of saints prayed on them! And the power of each time pronounced prayer energetically remains with this prayer.

Even if the person never read prayer and he sees this prayer for the first time, even if he is not particularly focused, and does not particularly believe in something, then all the same, already in centuries, well-completed prayer helps, clears, as if connecting a person to The energies of their purity worked out by all previously praying for her.

In a very strong and wise Orthodox book - "Frank stories of a wanderer Father's own spiritual", there is a story when one nobleman could not get rid of drunkenness. The priest gave him the gospel and said that every time the desire to drink to appear read it. The nobleman objected: "But I do not understand anything written!" "Nothing," the priest replied: "You are the main thing about, demons understand everything." Soon this man got rid of drunkenness.

These prayers, and just reading canonical akathists and psalms, very often purified me. The world of average esoterica is now much darker than official Orthodoxy. And to the real yoga, people unfortunately get only already grabbing "knowledge" from isothermal books. Yes, and strongly materialistic oriented masses of the urban population, cleanliness does not strengthen at all.

For me, the main goal of canonical prayers is in purification from preventing striving for the highest energies. It happens that I read the Akathists holy (I love Nikolai's Wonderworker very much) so that my desire was best fully fulfilled. Again, such akathists purify my consciousness and help to lay down with God. When I feel that there is not enough cleanliness, or just need more energy to invest in the right thing - canonical prayers and acafers are ideal!

Also, all canonical prayers affect one or another that, of course, helps to work out. Two prayers are very relevant: the prayer of the optical elders (I give an example full prayer Optina elders), and the so-called "ancient prayer from the cuelic book about. John Peastery "(in fact, is the prayer of St. Francis of Assisi) - here they are:

And of course, after canonical prayers, because at that moment there is an alignment with the highest maximum, it is very cool to turn up in your words, and this is also a prayer.

Prayer in your own words.

The main conditions of effective prayer - a concentrated mind (needed as in any other business) and calm feelings (So \u200b\u200bthat the energies of the senses have been concentrated again). In yoga language, for real, effective prayer is needed good

If the energies are collected in one stream, then any appeal will be heard and taken into account.

Canonical prayers, I also use precisely to strengthen the concentration - Dharan.

And then, if I have some more tasks, in addition, to cleanse and feel the grace of superconscious, I appeal to God in my own words (in general, I often appeal to him :). I most like to contact God as a father, like a mother and as a beloved. Also in purified state and with good concentration, I love to contact the holy, both the Christian world and the Hindu Peace.

For those who have a teacher, Guru, you can no longer contact anyone. As Paramahans Joagnand said: "Guru is a window to Most High."

Of course, I often appeal to my guru. But the Christian saints are as very close to me, and as if having a lot of friends, and while not feeling necessary in the refusal of them, I want to keep your attitude with everyone.

Anyway, if you feel that you want to contact God and the Saint Your words, if the request for help and love is sincerely poured from your heart - such an appeal will always be heard. The more man is sincere and concentrated, the more effective will be his prayer. And contact with the supercount always cleans and bears positive effects.

Life with prayer is the best life.

1. Prayer clarifies consciousness and cleans the subconscious, and, therefore, than a person deeper and sincerely prays the faster the world around him will change for the better.

2. When we really need help, we need to make a situation in reality. Infinite expanses of energy in our superconsciousness, God. And through prayers, laying up with him, we get the right amount of energy (whether health problems, financial difficulties or a complex exam).

3. If you need to help someone, then prayer is also best tool. After all, it is especially until the person does not work, with its help he can harm the soul of the aspecting. And if you pray to God, with the wish, so that everything is in good condition for the unfortunate (not to decide how everything should be formed, but to leave God to decide), then everything will turn out to be the best way.

Terms of effective prayer.

The time of day and location is not particularly important. Yes, in well-naked temples, next to the shrines, the likelihood of effective prayer increases, but this is due to the fact that there are already many bad energies in these places. After all, there they prayed ... these places are already in one degree or another are channels of divine energies.

The same saints, God initially sent himself to places with bad energy - the swamps, fucking to pray there, they neutralized negative.

They had such power and this power, the same concentration aimed at God.

The higher the person's ability to concentrate, the more potentially it can be his prayer. Therefore, it is very cool to pray after, because the mind and feelings are calmed, redirecting energies for superconsciousness. Ideal conditions!

In the right state of consciousness, with a calm, aspiring to God of the mind and the calm, aspiring to God feelings. Prayer will certainly be successful.

As an example of prayer after the meditation of this, you can pray as follows (in this video from the point of view of yoga science, is stunningly interesting explains how this prayer works and why it helps):

The answer from God.

Another important condition for effective prayer is to receive a response after appeal to God, superconscious.

If we really need something, we want to solve a difficult question for themselves, it would be good not just to tell God about your problems, but also listen to his answer.

Very often, people only pray, as if they had a monologue with themselves, God is very delicate, he will never say that we say. So that he spoke to need to calm the restless mind, excited feelings and listen.

This is again the best achieved in meditation. And the answer will not necessarily be thunder from heaven. Rather, it can be a quiet whisper in the heart, or just a feeling. In general, God speaks with us through our intuition intuition is a communication channel with a soul, God. Than channel cleaner. Moreover, he is easier to hear him and the more opportunities for us to live with him. therefore

For those people who have a well-developed are easily achievable.

When you feel a divine response in your heart. It fills you and confidence that everything will be in the best possible way. Live with such confidence is very nice.

Inverted prayer.

In Orthodoxy, there is such an incredible tool for achieving unity with God, as the unceasing Jesus prayer, I also call it a smart prayer:

"Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, have mercy with me."

It is written about it in very detailed in the book "Frank stories of the wanderer Father's father to their spiritual." To the Council to read this book.

Here I will say that for those who really want to gain unity with God, with their highest nature, this technique of unceasing prayer is simply necessary.

The world of yoga is impossible to imagine without such a form of prayer handling as Mantra, I will tell about them separately in another article. Many of the mantras are also used for the incessant repetition, so that the connection with God has intensified constantly and the day and night.

What is best to pray? Prayer for yourself and for others.

The most common case when people pray are a desire to get something. Someone wants health, someone personal life improve, someone living conditions and material level.

I can not say that this approach is very wise. Elecel - Create favorable conditions for your body, feelings and mind - this is generally an unpromising business. God, of course, can fulfill everything, but other needs will appear, and others ... In general, in the long run, such prayers for their own benefits are unsuccessful and even harmful. Very often God does not respond to such prayers because

Masha, always need to keep in mind that God, superconsciousness knows better what is good for us. Therefore, after each such prayer is very cool to add a phrase:

On all the love of God or will be your will.

I love prayer so much:

Lord, strengthen and direct, will be the will of the Voya.

It's not much better to pray for things about things (the fact that with you in the subtle worlds after leaving the body will not take), but about being closer to God, it is good to pray for cleansing from those qualities that prevent you from always to be with God or to date us those qualities that help him be. This is the purpose of life and guarantee of unrealistic happiness. Everything else is not so important. Quality data.

A lot of strength and energy give prayers for others. If we sincerely wish for some kind, well-being, then the huge fertile energy through us goes to this man, at the same time filling us. Moreover, in this case, it goes much more to us than in the case when we just pray for themselves.

But prayer must be sincere. If a person prays for others, with the desire to benefit himself, then the stream of energy will sharply decrease, and therefore the effectiveness of its prayers will be low.

Another condition of the effective prayer is the state of the consciousness of a non-poor beggar, and a solid confident awareness that we are the children of our Heavenly Father, who have the right to all his heritage. At the same time, of course, it is impossible to demand something, but it is important worthy. Humility is necessary, but it is important to humility, and not self-esteem. This humility is an understanding that the divine consciousness is much more wise and loving than all our own opinions and judgments. Readiness to take with trust and any alignment, as the best for us - this is humility. But it is always necessary to pray with dignity, as if by saying:

"Father, you know better, as you should do, I will accept any of your decision. Know what I want (for example, free from concern for the child). I am your child, and I know that you love me. Please perform it. And so it will be on your whole will. "

If you are not at all sure that the execution of your prayer will bring benefit (with respect to external things, such as cars, returning husbands, and even health, it can be that the fulfillment of the desire will not be good - you can specify separately - if, then what I ask really bring Benefit, it will be true. In any case, finish your own, the non-canonical prayers to God are better in words: let it be all your will
and so it will be on all the love of God.

God is always happy to help your children become better and make the world better. And the more often we appeal to him, revealing themselves by his poor energies, the better it will be to us, and the whole world. After all, each setting on its pure energy, brings us to the state of holiness. And who is not saints, being the purest channels of God, bring the world the greatest benefit and arrive in indescribable bliss, their true nature

Through prayer to feel this bliss is quite easy. So pray for yourself, for others and be happy!

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Each of us has prayers - a collection of prayers compiled by the saints. But the relationship of a believer man with God is individual. So maybe it is better to pray to God in your own words? Catherine Stepanova and Alexey Reuthsky asked about this Orthodox priests.

Ieria Boris Levchenko, the cleric of the Moscow temple SVT. Nicholas the Wonderworker in Kuznetsk Sloboda, the Zavorka Paught of the dogmatic theology PSTU: "On the book is better than by heart"

In his "Catechism", the Metropolitan of Moscow Filaret (Drozdov) gives such a definition of prayer: "This is the cause of mind and heart to God, which is a reverent word of a person to God." In other words, this is a special, sublime state of the soul, in which a person glorifies, thanks and asks the Lord about his needs. There is a prayer without words - in this case it is called intelligent or cardiac, but still inner prayer. If, in this state of the soul, you contact God with words, then Metropolitan Philaret calls this prayer "oral" or "outdoor". We need to understand - if a person prays, no matter, according to prayer or in his own words, but without a reverent, attentive feeling for the Lord, then such a prayer is opposed to God, it causes his indignation and anger: "People are approaching their mouths, and honor I have a language, the heart will be far away from me. But in vain the ... "(Matt. 15, 8-9). Now about why it is still better to pray not only in your own words, but also by prayer. For each person, the choice is important: are you together with the church or are you someone? For some reason, it seems to me that the path to God, where you do not break away from the church, more reliable than the one you think of yourself. And for several reasons. When we read the morning or evening prayers on the prayer room, we, as it were, help each other in this prayer appeal to God. Because we are all like humanity, one, we are one. In the same way as in different temples, believers, reading the same prayers, although a little at different times, help each other in God-robbery.

There is still a certain old rule telling that it is advisable to read prayers not for memory, but according to prayer. What is the case here? The holy fathers noticed: With this reading it happens that some word suddenly hurts, and in this case you stop. They explain this by the fact that the guardian angel prays with us and wants to remind you about something, paying our attention to something. And in this regard, reading a prayer for a prayer room is better for us than reading by heart. Oddly enough, the experience shows: I will fade a prayer for heart - and everything, and when you read, you feel this connection with the guardian angel.
Sometimes people ask whether to exclude the words from the prayer that introduce them into embarrassment. For example, in "Our Father" contains a request that God judge us in the same way as we judge others. Convenient this petition? There is no way. Because we ourselves do not really like to forgive them to other sins. And it turns out that in this prayer we ask God to refer to us just as we treat to the sinners against us so that it will not forgive us our sins. Exclude these words from prayer. What will change? In my opinion, in the words "And forgive us our sins" there is some shade, as if saying: "Lord, I can not forgive, but I know that if I am praying for this man, then sooner or later I will have a relation to him And I will have forces to forgive him. " If I exclude these words, then it turns out that I do not want it. And I will have opposition to God.

Lewis has a classification of people into two groups - Some say: "... yes there will be the will of yours," and the other is already God says: "... yes there will be your will." And here - "Let the will of yours will be" and "May Will be mine" - and it runs this opposition. When we strike out something from prayer - it is a matterful. And it turns out that then the whole prayer loses its meaning. Because if we refuse to obey God and we are going to live as we want, "by the will of yours", then we are not entitled to count on his help.

Archpriest Igor Judne, cleric of the Diveyevsky Holy Trinity Ontima of Nizhny Novgorod: "When you die, do not hide behind the church Slavonic words"

In your own words, I think you need to repent of sins. Repentance should be your personal. And Cemely, and in confession. Do not hide behind the church Slavonic words, small and not very shameful, but it is specifically, which has done, and ask for forgiveness from God.
But when we pray in your own words, our prayer is imperfect. After all, our heart is imperfect, it is not purified, mired into sins, in carnal passions and in the worldly bustle. The heart is our stone, it will pull us down, and the prayer will turn out to be proud and vain, and we can miss it yourself, not to notice. And when we pray for the words of the Holy Fathers, we partly get the spiritual fortune in which they were inhabited when they prayed. That is, we stretch to God for them, climb on their prayer up.

Archprises Valerian Krchetov, rector of the Pokrovsky temple in the village of Akulov (Odintsovo district of the Moscow region): "Lord, nice me forty time! Where is it good?! "

Everyone can pray in his own words. But prayers from the prayer was drawn up saints, and their prayers allow us to feel and survive the fact that they themselves felt and worried. Compare your own prayers with the prayers of the saints is still that to compare the music of Chopin and the melody that you composed and feed, Pushkin poems and your poems. At the same time, whether the Lord will hear you depends on the state of the soul of the person himself, from his spiritual level. Somewhere I read that one person (the most ordinary) prayed in his own words literally to the bloody sweat, as the Lord in the Garden Garden. Such strong he had experiences and faith in God. Without a doubt, the Lord heard such a prayer.

Reading the prayer or a psalter, some people are stumbled into frightening expressions that are contained there. In fact, the ancient texts have an ethnographic basis. For example, someone shocks the words "save me from blood" (50th Psalm). Here is meant: to save me from the consequences of my sins. That is, if something is incomprehensible in prayers, especially those who came to us from antiquity, it is necessary to see their interpretation, and not exclude them, reducing their prayer rule. Some people, however, joke: why talk forty time "Lord, Homes" - it's easier to say: "Lord, nice me forty times." It is easier, shorter and clear. So we are, on this principle to live, or what?!

Archpriest Anatoly Efimenkov, Clicks of the Assumption Cathedral of the city of Smolensk, Head of the Department for Interaction with Law Enforcement Agencies, Member of the Pardon Commission under the Governor of the Smolensk Region: "People" - pray in your own words! "

When there is a lot of work, you get up early and run in cases, without having time to open prayers, "in these cases, you definitely pray to God in your own words (do not miss the morning prayer" with self-destruction "), and God will hear you. But at the same time, a person must be led by a diploma, although he knows how to speak in his own language. Moreover, the mother understands his child, even if he speaks badly and is unattended for the rest. But learning to speak competently to him still needed. So with prayer. A person can talk all his life with God only in his own words, but if he wants to strive for this to perfection, he needs to learn from the Holy Fathers. Prayers are an alphabet of prayer.

Igumen Vasily Pasko, the abbot of the church of the Iverk icon of the Mother of the city of Alakira Chuvash Republic: "I do not use my words in prayers"

When we teach children to speak, we use literary texts of famous talented authors, classics. Then, when children grow up, these words they read, they become relatives, clear, strong and help in the formation of thinking and conversation. Also prayers who are in prayer or psaltiri, teach a person to communicate with God.

I do not think that there is a difference for God, when a person prays in his own words or reads prayers for prayer. After all, there is a silent form of prayer, prayer without words that the fathers practiced are Isihasti. But for a person there is a difference, and big. Because the Isichasts were raised and saturated with prayers, psalms, a sacred, the word of God. And we, with all the attention of reading prayers on prayer, learn so to communicate with God. Therefore, charismans are not entitled to blame Orthodox in formalism. After all, Jesus Christ prayed in the synagogue, using words from traditional Jewish services, as well as the apostles. Even in the new form of worships, who gave the Lord Jesus Christ to his disciples (I mean the Eucharist), prayers from the ancient Jewish traditions were used.
I personally do not use my words in prayers, and I read the prayer of Jesus in my own language, and also read prayers from worship in French. But now, after 13 years in Russia, I got used to the Church Slavonic language, I love to read prayers on it, and, despite the fact that I did not study specifically, I understand it.
I can't help but remember the words of St. John the Distiller: "The prudent silence is a mother of prayer ... A fool of silence approaches God and, secretly with him talking, enlightens from him."

Archimandrite Alexy (Polycarpov), the governor of the Moscow Holy Danilova Monastery: "I look at him, and he looks at me, and we are good together!"

Each person has the right to pray in his own words, and the many examples. We see it in church families, when small children, imitating praying adults, raise up the handles, bawrs, can be ineptly, take some books, keep some words. Metropolitan Nestor Kamchatsky in the book "My Kamchatka" remembers how he prayed in childhood: "Lord, save me, dad, mother and my dog \u200b\u200bLANDANKI."

There is a bright example of his own prayer, which was found in the gymnaster of the killed soldier. Red Army Alexander Zaitsev turned to God before heavy fighting and said that he could perish in this battle. And although never knew him, but:
"It's not strange that among the awful hell
I suddenly opened the light, and I squinted you?
And besides, I have nothing to say.
I also want to say that, how do you know,
The battle will be evil;
Perhaps, I'll not do at night to you.
And so, at least I have not been your friend,
Do you allow me to enter when I come? "

We know that the priests pray for their children, their flock at home and in their cells. I know such an example when the priest in the evening, after a working day, puts clean clothes and simply, with his everyday words, in front of the Lord for his flock, saying that someone had a need for someone, someone was hurt, " Lord, help them. "

And of course, I think in all these cases, the Lord hears the prayer of children and adults.
I knew one Magdalin's monk, about which the book "God is all alive", published by Danilov Monastery. In the world, her name was Tatiana, she was a psaller. Under Stalin, she was sentenced to ten years of camps. Even at the stage, she, as a pious person, has deserved universal respect, people came to her for the resolution of spiritual issues. And when they went further after the prival, she raised her hands up and said: "Lord, bless us all!" Tatyana could not reconcile with his term and in prayers asked God to reduce her sentence. She prayed like this: "Lord, we divided my term for four parts: two and a half years - the Mother of God, two and a half - the Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, two and a half - the prophet Ilya, and me - what will remain." All these saints were revered by her: she served in the temple of the Prophet Ilya, read Saint Nicholas. She meant that these saints will help her transfer her conclusion. And it so happened that she was only two and a half years. Her prayer was heard.
Known Prayer of St. Rev. Siluan Athos, who, being an economy in Panteleimmon Monastery, prayed for workers who was in his submission. Other monks were surprised that his workers were listening, and they were not. Saint Siluan explained this as follows: "Dencing the working task, I'm leaving in my cell and pray for each of them. Lord, look at Nicholas - he is so young, he left his village, a nineteen-year-old wife, who just gave birth to him. He works here, because at home he could not feed the family. Remember him, fence against bad thoughts and be a defender. And so I pray for each. And gradually increasing the feeling of God's proximity, and at some point it is so strong that I can not distinguish anything of earth. " In these moments, he appeared in the face of God and already in this love of God saw his suffering workers and prayed for them, and so received God's grace. The case is known when one day a logged log was crushed and could crush a person. The old man Siluan began to pray - and this log stopped.

Prayer may be silent. If we came to such a measure of spiritual life, do not necessarily need words. Metropolitan Anthony Surozhsky leads such an example in his sermons. One peasant was sitting long enough in the church and silently looked at the icon. He had no rosary, his lips did not move. But when the priest asked him what he was doing, the peasant replied: "I look at him, and he looks at me and we are good together." Here is a person of this state reached.

After the death of the father of John the Peasantyankin, his celon book was published. It has prayers that the elder read daily, the prayers of the devotees of faith, the prayers of the saints. And I think there is there and his own prayers. And his spirit, his aspirations to God, too, through these prayers are expressed.

So, prayer with your own words is relevant, but let's look at it on the other side. Suppose a person prays only his own words, what will be his prayer? He will thank God, asks for forgiveness, contact some of his requests. Does he have after that the need for prayer or it turns out that his thoughts and feelings have already been exhausted? Maybe his thoughts of uncleans and bad things, his spiritual life is primitive and shallow.

But when we appeal to God with the prayers of the saints, who survived high conditions, understood their sinfulness and insignificance before God, understood His greatness and holiness, then, of course, we approach as our weak forces to their state. And then the words of their prayers are becoming close to us, and we can pray, primarily in the church, the prayers of these saints.

Therefore, it is not necessary to oppose prayer in your own words prayer for prayer. On the contrary, they complement each other. If we carefully read, trying to get in mind and heart in the meaning of these prayers, they will become our own.

Religious people pray. Pray in the temple, pray at home. Pray in the morning and evening. Before starting and completing your affairs. Prayer is familiar for church people. And yet every time a conversation about prayer arises, there are always many questions, bewilderment. Especially from people of low-co-care or not at all, you can hear: why pray for prayer; Why pray for written prayers when I can pray my words?

The very question of the issue involving the opposition of prayers of "ready-made" and prayers in his own words is initially incorrect. Prayer for prayer and prayer is not mutually exclusive.

That is, if we pray on the prayer, this does not mean that it is impossible or not to pray in your own words, and on the contrary: if you pray in your own words, it does not imply that one should not pray for the prayer.

However, those who ask the question of why to pray on prayer when I can pray my own words, just suggest that the prayers, or, as they often say, ready-made prayers are not needed.

Is it so? Before answering this question, we recall what prayer is. This is written and said so much, but we will pay attention to what is practically in all prayers: please. Let us give an example from Scripture. The only prayer given by the Lord Jesus Christ, "Our Father" contains petitions: about the bread of urgent, about getting rid of temptations and deserted. PS Maxim confessor so determines what prayer is: "Prayer is the requested that God, peculiar to him, usually gives people." As can be seen, the Holy Father characterizes prayer as a scratch, that is, a request.

And what, you ask, you can not ask for something in your own words? Sure you may. Only this is the question: what should ask the Almighty? And how to do it?

The Apostle Paul has such words: "For we do not know what to pray, as it should, but the Spirit itself becomes the rehabilitated" (Rom. 8:26).

So, according to the apostle, it turns out that we do not know what to pray. How to understand these words? After all, we all seem to know what we pray. PS Ephraim Sirin, intense this expression of the apostle, writes that we do not know what to pray, in the sense that we do not know what it is useful for us to ask for prayers. We, closed by passions and everydays, will fill the prayers of those requests that, in essence, do not need to say, "For your father knows, what you have, before your petition," (MF. 6: 7-8 ).

God also knows what we have need in this earthly life, and every time we will ask him health, well-being, etc., our prayers will not differ from the prayers of non-Christians. In some sense, it is natural to pray for a person for a person, but for anyone, even for the heathen.

Lord Jesus Christ before giving students a prayer "Father Our", says: "And praying, do not say too much, as pagans, for they think that they will be heard in Multilip," (MF. 6: 7). SVT. John Zlatoust says that this verbost is nothing but a request for things of this world: wealth, good luck, success, etc.

Let every supporter of what is enough to pray only in his own words, honestly answers the question: what is he praining about his words?

I am sure that the prayer will be reduced to the right of quite earthly, or, more correctly, landed things. But after all it is said: do not be a pagan ... Do not look at your God as a performer of desires. God is not the performer of our desires, but the house-building of our salvation.

I am far from the thought that Christians should not ask for something aftermath, for example, about health, about the world, about well-being. In the end, even in church prayers there are petitions about it.

No, the essence is in another: Christians should pray not so much about it, how much about salvation, about repentance, about changing life. That is the meaning of the Christian prayer, which, according to the word apostolic, should be permanent: "Be constant in prayer" (count 4: 2).

And yet: is it really impossible to pray for salvation in your own words? The shortest answer: Try. Spend an experiment: Pray for salvation in your words in the morning and in the evening at least 10 minutes. And look what is the result. You will quit so praying on the second or third day because for 10 minutes of prayer you do not have enough words, images, expressions. Exactly.

Prayer, of course, not only words. And not even so much. "Pray at all time with the Spirit" (Eph. 6:18), "said the Apostle Paul. SVT. Faoofan The replacement writes: "Prayer is the cause of the mind and heart to God."

Nevertheless, this elevation should begin with something. Why? With the visible side of the prayer, with the words and constancy of the prayer rule.

Written prayers are taught, as and what you need to pray. They are written by the saints who prayed in the deserts and forests for decades and learned how to pray. And this experience is recorded by them in prayers called the dismissive word "ready-made", as if it were about some semi-finished product.

Life experience testifies in favor of the correctness of the recommendation to pray on the prayer. Imagine, something to study at the faculty of journalism and want to learn to write well. Or a lawyer wishes to learn to act in court. Or a student of the literary institution seeks to master the beautiful art style. What will the teacher advise him? Of course, more to read recognized classics in each of these areas! This will provide an opportunity in the learning process to understand and adopt the existing achievements in a particular sphere. And only after that you can start writing speech, performances.

Thus, based on the practice of life, everyone who wants to learn to pray should start with the classics: read prayers written by Saints.

Archimandrite Sylvester (Stop)

Miraculous words: prayer in his words in Orthodoxy in full description from all the sources we found.

I went to the gospel and Baptist church for a long time. Recently adopted baptism in the Orthodox Church. Long to this went. Please tell me whether it is possible to pray to God in your own words, as I did before, or God hears only (what I doubt) those prayers that are written in prayer?

Responsible by Jeromona Job (Gmer):

Prayer is not only a conversation with God, but also a special difficulty in which the mind, feelings, will and body participate. So that the prayer was gracious and brought the fruit, the purity of the heart is needed, the depth of faith, the experience of spiritual life. Saint Ignatius (Bryanchaninov) writes: "The soul, the beginning of God, is immersed in deep ignorance of the whole divine and spiritual, although it would be rich in the wisdom of this world. Because of this, she does not know how much it should pray. To prevent infant soul, the Holy Church set prayer regulations. The prayer rule is a collection of several prayers, composed by the Motion Cathedral Fathers, adapted to the well-known circumstance and time "(word about Cela prayer rule). Even the apostles asked the Lord: "Teach us to pray, like John taught their students" (Lux. 11: 1). The Savior gave students, and through them - all Christians are the most advanced sample of prayer - the prayer "Father our". In addition to the prayer of the Lord, Psalms were generally accepted into the apostolic age (Greek. psallo - "I sing") the Prophet of David and the chants of other brain-affairs of the gymnographs. In Psalms, Slavostovili and thanked the Lord. They were comforting and raised to the god of petitions in all life circumstances. The Psalm plant calls on the apostle Pavel Believers (see: Eph. 5: 19; Kol. 3: 16). However, this was not limited to a prayer life in the primary church. The words of the Apostle Paul: "Incessantly pray" (1 Fez. 5: 17) - contain a call to the compassion of constant inner prayer, which is most often done in their own words. The apostle says about prayer with his own words, spoken by mouth: "In the church, I want five words in the church, to say my mind to and others to instruct, rather than the darkness of the words on the [unfamiliar] language (1 Cor. 14: 19).

In the next century, holy fathers also learn us to pray not only by the prescribed prayers, but also their own: "For this, there is not so much the word, how much thought, not so much the stretch of the hands, how much the tension of the soul, not so much the famous body position, how much is the arrangement of the Spirit" (Saint John Zlatoust). The instructions with his own prayer gives the Rev. John the Distiller: "Do not consume your wisdom of your wisdom, for often a simple and imperious babies of children were pleasing to the Heavenly Father of them" (Pallet. 28: 9); "Do not try to multiply, chatting with God that your mind does not waste for finding words. One word of Mytar was delivered by God, and one saying, fulfilled faith, saved the robber. Multilitudes, with prayer, often entertains the mind and fills it with dreams, and one concerns it usually "(Salzard. 28: 10).

How to pray to your own words? Rev. Nicodemus Svyatogorets writes: "In my prayer, you must combine those four actions about whom the saint Vasily Great writes: First, the Vraslavloslo God, then thanks him for good deeds, you are revealed, then confess him with his sins and the crimes of the commandments and finally ask him Certified to you, the Neak in the save of yours "(invisible brand. Part 1. Ch. 46: About prayer).

Most importantly, the prayer is alive, sincere and warm: "It's good on prayer to say a few of my words breathing with hot faith and love to the Lord ... And as a pleasure happens to the Lord, this our own bowties, emanating directly from the believer, loving and grateful heart, retell It is impossible: It is not necessary to say that the soul with his words to God trembles with joy ... You will say a few words, but bliss we taste so much that you will not get it to such an extent from the longest and touching prayers - foreign prayers, in habit and sincerely pronounced "( Holy Righteous John Kronstadt). The saint Feofan Zavitnik says about this: "If the soul is sluggish and not strong to climb to God, read some prayer for a memory, every word repeating several times to break the soul like a hammer. When the soul herself goes to the Lord, do not read any prayers learned, and they speak to the Lord directly, since Thanksgiving for the grace you yourself, then, and the other that you need to raise. Lord blues! He hit the word from the heart "(letters. Issue 7. Letter 1083).

About prayer.

About the power of prayers of the servants of the church

Prayer in your own words

Brief prayers.

Often asked: how to pray, what words, in what language? Some even say: "I do not pray, because I do not know how, I don't know the prayer." For prayer, no special skill is needed. You can simply talk with God. In worship in the Orthodox Church, we use a special language - Church Slavonic. But in personal prayer when we stay alone with God, there is no need for some special language. We can pray to God on the language, which we speak with. People who think.

Prayer should be very simple. Rev. Isaac Sirin said: "The whole tissue of your prayer will be larger. One word of Mytar saved him, and one word of the robber on the cross made him the heir of the kingdom of heaven. "

Recall the parable of Mytar and Pharisees: "Two people entered the temple to pray: one Pharisee, and another Mytar. Pharisee, becoming, prayed himself like this: "God! Thank you that I am not like other people, robbers, offenders, adulteurs, or like this sootar; Sit down twice a week, I give the tenth of everything that I acquire. " Mytar, standing away, did not even dare even lift the eyes on the sky; But, hitting himself in the chest, said: "God! Be merciful to me, sinful! "" (Lux. 18: 10-13). And this brief prayer saved it. Recall both the robber who was crucified with Jesus and who told him: "Legend me, Lord, when you attain your kingdom" (Lux 23:42). That this was enough to go to heaven.

Prayer may be extremely brief. If you are just starting your prayer path, start with very short prayers - such on which you can focus. God does not need words - he needs a man's heart. The words are secondary, the most paramount value has the feeling, the mood with which we are proceeding to God. Get to go to God without a feeling of reverence or with scattered when, during the prayer, our mind wanders on the side, much more dangerous than saying the wrong word in prayer. Scattered prayer does not make sense nor value. There is a simple law here: if the words of prayer did not reach our heart, they are not achieved and God. As sometimes they say, such a prayer will not rise above the ceiling of the room in which we pray, but it should achieve heaven. Therefore, it is very important that every word of prayer was deeply experienced. If we are not able to focus on the long prayers, which are contained in the books of the Orthodox Church - prayerbooks, try our hand in prayers of the brief: "Lord, Merry," "Lord, Save", "Lord, help me", "God, gracious Budy me , sinful. "

Some devotee said that if we could with all the power of feeling, from the bottom of my heart, to say one only to the prayer for the prayer, "Lord, Homes," - this would be enough to save. But the problem is that, as a rule, we cannot say this from the bottom of my heart, we cannot say that all our lives. Therefore, to be heard by God, we are very verbose.

We will remember that God eager to our heart, and not our words. And if we turn to it from the bottom of my heart, we will certainly get the answer.

Church prayers.

You can pray everywhere - on the road, at home, at work. But the special place of the prayer serves God's temple. On Sundays, as well as on weekdays, if time, we must walk for prayer to the temple, where our brothers and sisters are going in Christ - Christians to pray together, all together. Such prayer is called church.

About the power of prayers of the servants of the Church.

Prayer of the priesthood, who accepted the sacrament of priesthood has a special force.

It would be nice to remember that God will rather hear you (Christians), when the servants of the Church will pray for you and for you. Prayers sent to God servants of the Church are especially holy before Him and are accessible to him. Jaco, some kind of multi-precious beads accept their Lord, as the prisoner, pleasant to him.

We, Christians, know how soon God hears the prayer of the servants of the Church, when they pray to him when committing the holy secrets. When sanctifying, for example, the gifts of bread and wine priest says: and the coordinate of the bread bread, the honest body of your Christ, and this is in the bowl of this, honest blood of Christ Christ, and on the word of his prayer at once the bread is being implemented in the body, and wine in the blood of Christ . And such a powerful power has this prayer only in the lips of the servants of the Church: no one, besides them, has no power to perform holy sacraments.

If so soon and unspoken God hears the servants of the Church when they commit the Holy Tain, then, without a doubt, in all other cases, and at any other time, and in any other place, he will rather hear their prayer.

The prayers of those whom the Lord admits to her holy throne, without a doubt holy and more accessible to him. From whom the Lord always accepts the gifts and sacrifices of spiritual, from those he always listens from those with special love. Yes, the lips of the servants of the Church advantageously attentively hesitates and, according to their mainly prayer, desires grace over, the mercy of God is declared; The predominantly blessing hand of the clergy is served as the blessing of the Lord; Throughout them, it all receives everything from you and everything serves the Lord. Why is it? Where does the servants of the Church have such grace and power? Why are they so holy and accessible to the god of their prayer? Not from their own holiness and strength - they are not the holy of others, although there must be holy. From holiness and grace of whom they imagine when they pray, - the Holy Church, which they serve. And who is the fame of the Holy Church? Lord Jesus Christ, always with her indepressive abiding with his grace. Consequently, the servants of the Church make a prayer, the entire church prayes about that Jesus Christ itself, the one petitioning God and people (1 Tim 2, 6). Jesus Christ promised to always be there with praying, where they are collected two or three in his name (see: MF. 18, 20). Moreover, he happens with the whole church, praying in the face of her servants, and he prays their mouths then, he brings their hands. Yes, when the servants of the Church about you and for you pray with you, it's like Jesus Christ myself with all my church prays about you and for you to my father. Praying the mouth of a priest Jesus Christ himself gives you the mercy of God. This is whose grace pouring from the lips of the church servants, when they commit the prayers of church, and this is whose strength comes from their land, when they bless you are banging in the name of God. So why are the holy and accessible to the god prayer of the servants of the Church: in the face of their son of God, it prays his God. So, Christians pray incessantly, but connect their prayers with the prayers of the servants of the Church; Ask them so that they always pray with you: then you will receive all grace from God, then everything will be performed, you can save your petitions; Not we, the servants of the Church, praying for you and for you, but Christ, the true God of our, the prayers of the Most of his mother and all saints will save and prevent you.

The power of the prayers of the servants of the church is based on the strength of the church itself, on the fact that the church prayer is the true path to salvation, of course, for those who are looking for salvation, seeks to clean their heart. Therefore, you need to believe due to the prayers of the church.

When you are not in the temple during worship services, you mentally stay in it, remember it and the spirit will be in it for the conviction committed, prayer.

Canonical prayers.

Canonical prayers, or so-called "ready-made prayers" for all occasions, you can find in any prayer. Canonical collections of prayers are arranged very convenient: they have morning and evening prayers, prayers to the Lord, the prayers of the Virgin and the prayers of the Holy. In some, expanded, prayer services also contain acafists, paths, boards and magnifies for the holidays of the Lord, the holidays of the Virgin, the Saints and the Icons of the Mother of God. What prayer to choose, depends only on you. At first, it is best to stop the choice on the most simple, small prayer.

How to use prayer? Of course, you can simply find in the table of contents of one or another prayer: as a rule, it is immediately visible from the headers, for what a prayer case is intended ("about living", "about the deceased", "from the ailments", "from fear", etc. d.).

But this is probably the most important thing. If we generalize the entire centuries-old experience of the Orthodox Church, in essence, immediately becomes obvious that you can pray to any holy, before any icon, only your prayer walked from the soul!

In the book "Learn to pray!" Metropolitan Anthony Surozhsky wrote:

We have a rich choice of prayers that were laid out by the devotees of faith and born in them with the Holy Spirit. It is important to find and know their sufficient number to find the appropriate prayers at the right moment. We are talking about learning a sufficient number of significant passages from psalms or saints from prayers for us. Each of us is more sensitive to those or other accelerations. Mark yourself those passages that deeply touch you, which are meaningful for you who express something about sin, or about bliss in God, or about the struggle that you already know experienced. Let's memorize these passages, because on some day when you were so fell in spirit, so deeply desperately, you can't call any personal words in our soul, no personal words, you will find that these excerpts will pop up to the surface and will appear to you, As a gift of God, as the gift of the church, as the gift of holiness, ignite the decline of our forces. Then, we really need prayers that we memorized so that they became part of ourselves.

Unfortunately, too often we poorly catch the meaning of canonical prayers. The person is inexperienced, taking prayers in the hands, as a rule, many words in it do not understand. Well, for example, means the word "creation"? Or the word "imam"? If you have congenital verbal ever, then "translate" incomprehensible words will not be so difficult for you. The word "Cosizhi" is clearly derived from the word "creation", that is, creation, creation; "Cosizhi" means "create, coat". And "Imam" is an old version of the word "I have", and they have one root. Only after you figure out with the meaning of prayer texts, you can proceed directly to prayer, otherwise your appeal to the highest forces will be just a set of incomprehensible words. And the effect of such a request, unfortunately, do not expect.

Prayer in your own words.

Quite often you can hear such a question: is it possible to pray in your own words? Of course, you can! After all, we are all very different. Someone is easier to read "ready-made prayers," and someone is simply not able to fully realize the meaning of canonical prayers, and therefore cannot use them.

This is what the representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church say about prayers in their own words.

Each person has the right to pray in his own words, and the many examples. We see it in church families, when small children, imitating praying adults, raise the handles, bawrs, maybe ineptly, take some books, keep some words. Metropolitan Nestor Kamchatsky in the book "My Kamchatka" recalls how he prayed as a child: "Lord, SPi me, dad, mother and my dog \u200b\u200bLANDANK."

We know that the priests pray for their children, their flock at home and in their cells. I know such an example when the priest in the evening, after a labor day, puts clean clothes and simply, with his everyday words, he is sad before the Lord for his flock, saying that someone had a need for someone, someone hurt someone: " Lord, help them. "

Archimandrite Alexy (Polycarpov), the governor of the Moscow St. Danilova Monastery

Well, sometimes on prayer to say a few words of your who breathing hot faith and love to the Lord. Yes, not all of others in someone else's words to talk with God, not all to be children in faith and hope, but you have to show my mind, - say from the heart and your good word; We are somehow accustomed to the lung words and the reference.

When they are convincing for you, prayer words will be, then they will be convincing for God.

Holy Righteous John Kronstadt

Sometimes, to address God's hot request, no need to resort to words. Prayer may be silent. Metropolitan Anthony Surozhsky leads such an example in his sermons. One peasant was sitting long enough in the church and silently looked at the icon. He had no rosary, his lips did not move. But when the priest asked him what he was doing, the peasant replied: "I look at him, and he looks at me, and we are good together."

Brief prayer call

And throughout the day you can pray with brief prayer calls. First of all, it is Jesus Prayer: "Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, have mercy, sinful." This prayer in Orthodoxy is called "Prayer Sustainability". Why did this name go? The fact is that in Jesus prayer, a person is completely given to the mercy of God, under his cover and intercession. According to the majority of Orthodox devotees, Jesus Prayer in several words summarizes the entire wisdom of the Gospels.

Prettyly effective prayer-appeals for help and protection against the holy whose name you wear. Contact your holy patrons is best just a few times a day. There is also a short prayer for this.

Prayer facing the holy whose name is

The moths of God about me, the holy waters of God (name), Yako Az diligently, resort to you, quick assistant and prayer about my soul.

For the patronage of the Virgin, we appeal in the following prayer:

The Virgin Delo, Rejoice, the fertile mariye, the Lord with you: Blessed you are in my wives and blessed the fruit of your womb, Yako Sava gave birth to our souls.

If it is difficult to remember immediately prayer, you can simply repeat about yourself from time to time:

Most Holy Virgin, save us!

Other popular prayers:

How to pray on commemoration days. Prayers about Usophest

Troparies for the saints by months

Prayer. Panhid. Funerary

Soon. Cooking the deceased to the burial

About prayer: Why do you need to pray when you need to pray, what prayers are

About prayer: brief prayers, church prayers, about the power of prayers of the servants of the Church, canonical prayers, prayer in their own words

To help entering

Canons and prayers for preparing for the sacraments of confession and saint communion

Cum of man and crop prayers

Prayers for the Great Two-Piece Holidays

Prayers with lack of maternal milk

Prayers for the upbringing of children in Christian piety

Prayer before leaving the house

Orthodox prayers for all needs and help

Orthodox informers for sites and blogs All prayers.

Prayer and meditation - the best way to help in any situation

Hello, dear reader. Welcome to the reality of yoga.

Speaking about the spiritual path is not possible to bypass the topic of prayer.

The whole Christian world gives her paramount importance, but the ways of sincere spiritual seekers of other destinations are also not possible

Without prayer: Because prayer is the most natural and effective means to "reach heaven, reach God." Prayer is a call of a heart, dressed in words and addressed to the highest! And God always hears our prayers. But why are the prayers of the saints always work, but the prayers of ordinary people often remain unrequited? What is needed for effective prayer? How to get the answer from the superconsciousness, God for our prayers and to increase your happiness?

From this article, you will learn all this.

What is prayer?

Prayer is an appeal to the highest. God has many names, many definitions, and submissions about him countless. About what should be understood under God. I described in detail in detail in the article - what is yoga? God's place in yoga.

Here I just say. What to call your highest nature, you can, as you like: God, superconsciousness, Higher I, Light, Love ... If only it inspired to strive to become better.

To make more effectively tune in to this level, it is very cool, as often as possible in thoughts and feelings to contact this high nature. You can do this in several ways.

Types of prayers.

Canonical prayers.

In every religion or even spiritual course there are already established forms of appeal to the highest.

Such prayers can be called canonical.

In the Christian, the first canonical prayer was the prayer, uttered by Jesus Christ: the Lord of Prayer - Our Father.

Beautiful prayer, as well as all the other canonical, officially approved by the Christian Church of Prayer. Huge power canonical - already ready prayer is that hundreds of saints prayed on them! And the power of each time pronounced prayer energetically remains with this prayer.

Even if the person never read prayer and he sees this prayer for the first time, even if he is not particularly focused, and does not particularly believe in something, then all the same, already in centuries, well-completed prayer helps, clears, as if connecting a person to The energies of their purity worked out by all previously praying for her.

In a very strong and wise Orthodox book - "Frank stories of a wanderer Father's own spiritual", there is a story when one nobleman could not get rid of drunkenness. The priest gave him the gospel and said that every time the desire to drink to appear read it. The nobleman objected: "But I do not understand anything written!" "Nothing," the priest replied: "You are the main thing about, demons understand everything." Soon this man got rid of drunkenness.

Demons - these are low-frequency energies that bad habitsFormed in the subconscious, prevent a person to become better, cleaner, closer to its true nature. These energies are conscious, they are fed by the energies of those who "sheltered." They do not want to leave a space. But if a person prays, then for thin energy bodies, it is like a wash in clean water, which flushes less or less pure. Then the mind enlightens, and feelings calm and the body recovers.

I say this from my experience. My favorite canonical prayers and psalms here: the strongest prayers.

These prayers, and just reading canonical akathists and psalms, very often purified me. The world of average esoterica is now much darker than official Orthodoxy. And to the real yoga, people unfortunately get only already grabbing "knowledge" from isothermal books. Yes, and strongly materialistic oriented masses of the urban population, cleanliness does not strengthen at all.

For me, the main goal of canonical prayers is in purification from preventing striving for the highest energies. It happens that I read the Akathists holy (I love Nikolai's Wonderworker very much) so that my desire was best fully fulfilled. Again, such akathists purify my consciousness and help to lay down with God. When I feel that there is not enough cleanliness, or just need more energy to invest in the right thing - canonical prayers and acafers are ideal!

Also, all the canonical prayers affect one or another Niyama, that of course helps to work out. Two prayers are very relevant here: the prayer of the optical elders (I give an example of the full prayer of the optical elders), and the so-called "ancient prayer from the cuelic book about. John Peasteankin "(in fact, is the prayer of the Saint Francis of Assisi) - here they are: two prayers.

And of course, after canonical prayers, because at that moment there is an alignment with the highest maximum, it is very cool to turn up in your words, and this is also a prayer.

Prayer in your own words.

The main conditions of effective prayer is a focused mind (you need to be able to concentrate as in any other to be concentrated) and calm feelings

(So \u200b\u200bthat the energies of the senses have been concentrated again). In yoga language, for a real, effective prayer need a good pranoyama, Pratyhara and Dharan.

If the energies are collected in one stream, then any appeal will be heard and taken into account.

Canonical prayers, I also use precisely to strengthen the concentration - Dharan.

And then, if I have some more tasks, in addition, to cleanse and feel the grace of superconscious, I appeal to God in my own words (in general, I often appeal to him :). I most like to contact God as a father, like a mother and as a beloved. Also in purified state and with good concentration, I love to contact the holy, both the Christian world and the Hindu Peace.

For those who have a teacher, Guru, you can no longer contact anyone. As Paramahans Joagnand said: "Guru is a window to Most High."

Of course, I often appeal to my guru. But the Christian saints are as very close to me, and as if having a lot of friends, and while not feeling necessary in the refusal of them, I want to keep your attitude with everyone.

One way or another, if you feel that you want to contact God and the Saints in your own words, if you sincerely pour gratitude from your heart, a request for help and love - such an appeal will always be heard. The more man is sincere and concentrated, the more effective will be his prayer. And contact with the supercount always cleans and bears positive effects.

Life with prayer is the best life.

1. Prayer clarifies consciousness and cleans the subconscious, and all the external reflection of the internal, therefore, than a man deeper and sincerely prays the faster the world around him will change for the better.

2. When we really need help, in reality we need to make more energy into a situation. Infinite expanses of energy in our superconsciousness, God. And through prayers, laying up with him, we get the right amount of energy (whether health problems, financial difficulties or a complex exam).

3. If you need to help someone, the prayer is also the best tool. After all, especially until the intuition of a person does not work, with its help, he can harm the soul of asking. And if you pray to God, with the wish, so that everything is in good condition for the unfortunate (not to decide how everything should be formed, but to leave God to decide), then everything will turn out to be the best way.

Terms of effective prayer.

The time of day and location is not particularly important. Yes, in well-naked temples, next to the shrines, the likelihood of effective prayer increases, but this is due to the fact that there are already many bad energies in these places. After all, there they prayed ... these places are already in one degree or another are channels of divine energies.

The same saints, God initially sent himself to places with bad energy - the swamps, fucking to pray there, they neutralized negative.

They had such power and this power, the same concentration aimed at God.

The higher the person's ability to concentrate, the more potentially it can be his prayer. Therefore, it is very cool to pray after meditation, because there is a calmness of the mind and feelings, the redirection of energies on superconsciousness. Ideal conditions!

In the right state of consciousness, with a calm, aspiring to God of the mind and the calm, aspiring to God feelings. Prayer will certainly be successful.

As an example of prayer after meditation by Paramyanse Yogananda, you can pray as follows (in this video from the point of view of yoga science, is stunningly interestingly explained how this prayer works and why it helps):

The answer from God.

Another important condition for effective prayer is to receive a response after appeal to God, superconscious.

If we really need something, we want to solve a difficult question for themselves, it would be good not just to tell God about your problems, but also listen to his answer.

Very often, people only pray, as if they had a monologue with themselves, God is very delicate, he will never say that we say. So that he spoke to need to calm the restless mind, excited feelings and listen.

This is again the best achieved in meditation. And the answer will not necessarily be thunder from heaven. Rather, it can be a quiet whisper in the heart, or just a feeling. In general, God speaks with us through our intuition intuition is a communication channel with a soul, God. Than channel cleaner. Moreover, he is easier to hear him and the more opportunities for us to live with him. Therefore, the intuition is very important.

For those people who have a well-developed are easily achievable.

When you feel a divine response in your heart. It fills you and confidence that everything will be in the best possible way. Live with such confidence is very nice.

Inverted prayer.

In Orthodoxy, there is such an incredible tool for achieving unity with God, as the unceasing Jesus prayer, I also call it a smart prayer:

"Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, have mercy with me."

It is written about it in very detailed in the book "Frank stories of the wanderer Father's father to their spiritual." To the Council to read this book.

Here I will say that for those who really want to gain unity with God, with their highest nature, this technique of unceasing prayer is simply necessary.

The world of yoga is impossible to imagine without such a form of prayer handling as Mantra, I will tell about them separately in another article. Many of the mantras are also used for the incessant repetition, so that the connection with God has intensified constantly and the day and night.

What is best to pray? Prayer for yourself and for others.

The most common case when people pray are a desire to get something. Someone wants health, someone personal life improve, someone housing conditions and material level.

I can not say that this approach is very wise. Elecel - Create favorable conditions for your body, feelings and mind - this is generally an unpromising business. God, of course, can fulfill everything, but other needs will appear, and others ... In general, in the long run, such prayers for their own benefits are unsuccessful and even harmful. Very often, God does not respond to such prayers because for the soul, the execution of this desire will be disastrous.

Masha, always need to keep in mind that God, superconsciousness knows better what is good for us. Therefore, after each such prayer is very cool to add a phrase:

On all the love of God or will be your will.

I love prayer so much:

Lord, strengthen and direct, will be the will of the Voya.

It's not much better to pray for things about things (the fact that with you in the subtle worlds after leaving the body will not take), but about being closer to God, it is good to pray for cleansing from those qualities that prevent you from always to be with God or to date us those qualities that help him be. This is the purpose of life and guarantee of unrealistic happiness. Everything else is not so important. Quality data is miraculously described in pits Niyamama.

A lot of strength and energy give prayers for others. If we sincerely wish for some kind, well-being, then the huge fertile energy through us goes to this man, at the same time filling us. Moreover, in this case, it goes much more to us than in the case when we just pray for themselves.

But prayer must be sincere. If a person prays for others, with the desire to benefit himself, then the stream of energy will sharply decrease, and therefore the effectiveness of its prayers will be low.

Another condition of the effective prayer is the state of the consciousness of a non-poor beggar, and a solid confident awareness that we are the children of our Heavenly Father, who have the right to all his heritage. At the same time, of course, it is impossible to demand something, but it is important worthy. Humility is necessary, but it is important to humility, and not self-esteem. This humility is an understanding that the divine consciousness is much more wise and loving than all our own opinions and judgments. Readiness to take with trust and gratitude any alignment, as the best for us - this is humility. But it is always necessary to pray with dignity, as if by saying:

"Father, you know better, as you should do, I will accept any of your decision. Know what I want (for example, free from concern for the child). I am your child, and I know that you love me. Please perform it. And so it will be on your whole will. "

If you are not at all sure that the execution of your prayer will bring benefit (with respect to external things, such as cars, returning husbands, and even health, it can be that the fulfillment of the desire will not be good - you can specify separately - if, then what I ask really bring Benefit, it will be true. In any case, finish your own, the non-canonical prayers to God are better in words: let it be all your will

And so it will be on all the love of God.

I went to the gospel and Baptist church for a long time. Recently adopted baptism in the Orthodox Church. Long to this went. Please tell me whether it is possible to pray to God in your own words, as I did before, or God hears only (what I doubt) those prayers that are written in prayer?

Responsible by Jeromona Job (Gmer):

Prayer is not only a conversation with God, but also a special difficulty in which the mind, feelings, will and body participate. So that the prayer was gracious and brought the fruit, the purity of the heart is needed, the depth of faith, the experience of spiritual life.

Saint Ignatius (Bryanchaninov) writes: "The soul, the beginning of God, is immersed in deep ignorance of the whole divine and spiritual, although it would be rich in the wisdom of this world. Because of this, she does not know how much it should pray. To prevent the infant soul, the Holy Church has established prayer rules. The prayer rule is a collection of several prayers, composed by the Correspondence Holy Fathers, adapted to the well-known circumstance and time "(the word about the celon prayer rule).

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Even the apostles asked the Lord: "Teach us to pray, like John taught their students" (Lux. 11: 1). The Savior gave students, and through them - all Christians are the most advanced sample of prayer - the prayer "Father our". In addition to the prayer of the Lord, the Psalms were generally accepted into the Apostolic Age (Greek. Psallo - "I") of the Prophet David and the chants of other brain-affairs of the gymnographers. In Psalms, Slavostovili and thanked the Lord. They were comforting and raised to the god of petitions in all life circumstances. The Psalm plant calls on the apostle Pavel Believers (see: Eph. 5: 19; Kol. 3: 16).

However, this was not limited to a prayer life in the primary church. The words of the Apostle Paul: "Incessantly pray" (1 Fez. 5: 17) - contain a call to the compassion of constant inner prayer, which is most often done in their own words. The apostle says about prayer with his own words, spoken by mouth: "In the church, I want five words in the church, to say my mind to and others to instruct, rather than the darkness of the words on the [unfamiliar] language (1 Cor. 14: 19).

In the next century, holy fathers also learn us to pray not only by the prescribed prayers, but also their own: "For this, there is not so much the word, how much thought, not so much the stretch of the hands, how much the tension of the soul, not so much the famous body position, how much is the arrangement of the Spirit" (Saint John Zlatoust). The instructions with his own prayer gives the Rev. John the Distiller: "Do not consume your wisdom of your wisdom, for often a simple and imperious babies of children were pleasing to the Heavenly Father of them" (Pallet. 28: 9); "Do not try to multiply, chatting with God that your mind does not waste for finding words. One word of Mytar was delivered by God, and one saying, fulfilled faith, saved the robber. Multilitudes, with prayer, often entertains the mind and fills it with dreams, and one concerns it usually "(Salzard. 28: 10).

How to pray to your own words? Rev. Nicodemus Svyatogorets writes: "In my prayer, you must combine those four actions about whom the saint Vasily Great writes: First, the Vraslavloslo God, then thanks him for good deeds, you are revealed, then confess him with his sins and the crimes of the commandments and finally ask him Certified to you, the Neak in the save of yours "(invisible brand. Part 1. Ch. 46: About prayer).

Most importantly, the prayer is alive, sincere and warm: "It's good on prayer to say a few of my words breathing with hot faith and love to the Lord ... And as a pleasure happens to the Lord, this our own bowties, emanating directly from the believer, loving and grateful heart, retell It is impossible: It is not necessary to say that the soul with his words to God trembles with joy ... You will say a few words, but bliss we taste so much that you will not get it to such an extent from the longest and touching prayers - foreign prayers, in habit and sincerely pronounced "( Holy Righteous John Kronstadt). The saint Feofan Zavitnik says about this: "If the soul is sluggish and not strong to climb to God, read some prayer for a memory, every word repeating several times to break the soul like a hammer. When the soul herself goes to the Lord, do not read any prayers learned, and they speak to the Lord directly, since Thanksgiving for the grace you yourself, then, and the other that you need to raise. Lord blues! He hit the word from the heart "(letters. Issue 7. Letter 1083).


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