The draw of the crow value. Crow draw: short description and features

The draw of the crow value. Crow draw: short description and features

God-patron - the striding of the landpashers and the drawing of the crow in the Warring Circle. The striding is the Vyshny God, managing the great changes in the life of the race of the race of the Great and descendants of the kind of heavenly. The person must learn to positively perceive changes and, if necessary, calmly start all over again. The symbol is a trident is the rune designated. In honor of the strides on the day of the winter solstice, there is a celebration, which is called Menari - day of change.

7 Balelet - 29 Baylet

The sacred tree is a larch - the tree of change, because it has a property to change.

God of Kolyada is God who gave birth to those who moved to Western lands: a system of calculating the time calendar (shifts of the gift) and their wisers. The striding is the god-patron of ruining people and priests. The carriage was often depicted with a sword in his hand, and the sword's blade was turned edge to the bottom, and in ancient times, the conservation of wisdom of gods and ancestors, as well as an unshakable follow-up of heavenly laws, as was established by God with Svarog for all the tags of the navigation circle.

The holiday, in honor of the god of the strides, falls on the day of the winter solstice, on the holiday went through the courtyards of a group of men, closed in the skins of various animals (droked), who called the squads of the strides. They sang the hymns, glorifying the strid, and organized special dance around sick people to heal them.

The drawback of the crow gives good-natured, open character, in love and loving, sometimes reaching windy. To 40 years old gives a man wise life experience. After listening to folk songs, you can make sure that they are hidden in their deepest meaning, which has been known for our ancestors to the Slavs. The same song about the raven. Yes, about the one that goes! Now listen to the information that concerns people from the drawback of the crow. You will become much clear to you!

Raven - Bird's Bird, the faithful satellite of God-ruler Varuna. He accompanies the souls of the dead to the gate of the Veria in Great Svarga Million and informs the souls-Nyutnom about what high goals they have achieved in their spiritual and mental development and in the fulfillment of life destinations on Midgard-Earth. If God Varun decides that a person needs to provide the opportunity to complete the initiated act, which he did not have time to finish in connection with a sudden death that he had arrived, then he directs the soul of his assistant his assistant to the soul. Raven is the keeper of living and dead water, gives the soul of the deceased to return to his own body, so that a person, returning to the world of Javi, could complete his unfinished matter. In the world of Javi about such a person they say: "He returned from the world." Varuna, manages the roads of fate human. Only God Varuna can determine the power of the spiritual formation and the completeness of the fulfillment of the life of a life man. If a person cannot be returned to his own body because of his complete destruction, the Heavenly God of Varuna asks the goddess of the carna to find a suitable body for this soul-Navia.

Also Varuna the elements of the elements of the starry sky movement and watching the sacred ways, which connect the gates of intercourse in different paratroopers, the sovereign. Therefore, at his disposal there were earthly and celestial waters, as well as the night sky. For people who put on these paths, the distribution of celestial and earth waters (information flows), in clouds and soil, allowing me to gain the power of the triumphant reason from year to year - the result of the wise plan of the universal mind and the law, whose defender is Varun. So the water and Varuna serve their ancestors - thoughts. Where Vedas and Varuna, there and the world of one who knows this power of thought, and until the world of waters and Varuna will die, and the world installed by the Heavenly Law of the Svarog God for all the tags of the navigation circle will die. Because it is very important to the value of world order and Varuna rules over the waters, obeying its law, and not to his own whims. This is stated persistently. Therefore, people who were born in the crowdle should be reminded again and again about a reasonable device of the universe, which is required to maintain.

Therefore, Varuna is observed by thousands of her assistants for all that happened on Earth: "Who is going, or worth who secretly steals, who is looking for a refuge, or in a hurry from him, what two people talk about, sitting together, and the Vladyka Varuna, who is present as a third. And if I went beyond the limits of the sky, then I still would not leave the Tsar Varuna; From the heavens hurry to his gloomy, overlooking the world with a thousand eyes. "

One of the important tasks of Varuna is to monitor the preservation of the world order and the preservation by people of moral commandments. The greatest sin is an oath. Where the criminal persecutes to get away from the court of people, he interferes with Varuna, he punishes the sinner, satisfied with his illness, misfortune and premature death.

Also in the ancient Indian mythology (Vedic) Varuna, the "Almighty", the omniscient and punishing God-judge, the ruler of the sky, along with Indra, the greatest of the gods of the Vedica Pantheon. Varuna binds to cosmic waters in all their diversity - the world ocean, forming an external frame of creation, which separates space from chaos; Heavenly waters - rain, seas, rivers, streams, the groundwater etc.

As the god of rain, laying the way to flows, Varuna filled the sea with water, followed the flow of rivers, was in the rivers, in the sea; Rivers - His sisters (seven them). He possessed wonderful witchcraft power (Maya) and did not so much by the good of the good, as he watched them, defending against an evil principle, and also opposed injustice, illness, death, witchcraft and even gave a long life. Varuna is the incarnation of world order and truth. He was looking for guilty, punish them and gave sins.

Also satellites of Odin - Crows Khuginn and Municipal; "Thought" and "Memory". They poured the same in the management of nine worlds. They flew all the world every day, returning to one evening. They sat on his shoulders and everyone told what he saw for the day.

Wisdom, verified over the centuries

In fact, the drawback of the crow is the title of people who are endowed with their own very wisdom, so to speak from nature, as well as life experience. It sounds paradoxically, but it is so. As if they had already lived many lives and came to a new one with great luggage knowledge. Raven - the desire to receive for himself (the thief means it is in the OR-Light of receipt), but above the animals of desires, at the level - a person - already in the intention, so the thief in this case has wings and already in heaven (thief), then There is on Earth, it is connected with another measurement system, and therefore judgments and strictly complies with the laws of this system (not the Criminal Code written by people), it is not by chance in the criminal world of such "Thief in Law". In this way, the influence of Varuna, who observing the heavenly laws of Svarog, is reflected in compliance with the laws of a certain revival system, sometimes it comes to the absurdity, but however, who is not without sinner ...

Not all of course choose the "criminal" path of development, there is also a "mystical". In this case, where the concepts of mystic or matter appear, people from the drawback of the crow easily oriented in them at an intuitive level, not even focusing on this issue. The arguments for them do not represent a special problem, and the fact is interesting to arguing "crows" and on the level of logical, and on - mystical. The latter is not less than characteristic of their nature.

The drawback of the crow is generally covered by a secret in its manifestation for the uninitiated. And what is clearly a fact that visible by everyone, then this is philosophy - a kind satellite of personalities from the drawback of the crow. If we talk about the household side of existence, then there is a place to be a tendency to peace, silence, solitude.

It would seem why I needed an overlap with such people who are prone to mysticism, and their life experience in stock from birth, and they are smart? What is the drawback of the crow defense? From what?

The fact is that philosophers, mystics and people who are adherents of the views of certain values \u200b\u200band order often close their eyes on the obvious truths, deepening and adhering to their reflections and beliefs.

In addition to the highest gods and sovereigners, important attention is paid to the reverence of the God's Gods, who manage the elements, the flow of life and many events. There are plenty of gods and therefore we call only those that sooner or later have to meet a person.

God Varuna - God managing the elements of the movement of the starry sky and watching the paths, koi come from the gate of Interchange. He is God managing the roads of fate of human. The God of Varuna defines the power of the spiritual formation and the completeness of the fulfillment of the life destination by a person. Raven - Bird's Bird, the faithful companion Varuna, accompanies the souls of the dead to the gates in Svarga Great and informs them, about their achieved spiritual development and the fulfillment of life destinations.

If Varuna decides that a person needs to provide the opportunity to complete the initiated act, which he did not have time to complete in connection with the death of his death, then he sends to the soul of the deceased man of his assistant - crow.

Voron "The keeper of a living and dead water allows the soul of the deceased to return to his body, so that a person returned to the world of Javi could complete his unfinished matter. In the world of Javi, about such a person they say: he survived clinical death or he returned from the world. Oddly enough, but after the return of the Varuna person to her old life, a person changes his lifestyle, he burns his life in vain and completes the case who did not have time to finish.

Number - God managing the flow of time and the Slavic-Aryanian summer. The number is simultaneously with the Vyshi God and God-helper. In his left hand, he holds a sword directed by the edge down, which symbolizes protection and preservation, and in the right hand in the number of the shield on which the rung-round circuit is drawn. On this round, the church was conducted in all Slavic lands to the violent Christianization and the introduction of a new summer, only the priests of the ancient Russian ingliistic church and the Irish Order of Druidov) are used.

God is a patron of bright thoughts, a pure heart and our shine. Thanks to the energy of heat and light, which gives us all the yaril-sun, and life itself is possible on earth. Therefore, it is always necessary to remember this, and send him your love and thanksgiving.

God Udrzets God-patron of the dead, he is good to good, not good. He is God-judge who judges a man for his actions, after the court of conscience and the court of ancestors and sends a person to the world he achieved his actions, as well as in accordance with the level of human spiritual development. After the court, the Urzetz, God Veles chants a man into the world he deserved.

Already in the old days, many thousands of years ago, our ancestors were very slim and holistic system The worldview, revealing and explaining the principles of the world of the world - the world of living, in constant motion of self-development and self-improvement. And humanity, as the main part of it, too, is not something complete, frozen, and also seeks to upgrade, that is, to the evolution of their consciousness and being.

The basis of this system is the idea of \u200b\u200bthe existence of three spheres - worlds in which all heavenly and earth life each person. These are worlds of Rules, Navi and Javi.

The world of light, good, truth, divine love and beauty is the world of rules. The bright gods live in it and the Svarog is controlled there, the eldest son of the kind of heaven, the creator of all things.

The thinner world or the world of Navi is the scope of the presence of the Creator's consciousness, where the human souls go after staying on Earth, where they live between the previous and subsequent incarnations. Well, finally, our earthly manifested world is the world of the form or world of Javi.

This is an explicit world, where each of the born passes the School of Being, studying in specific life situations to distinguish bad from the good, light from darkness, good from evil. Gives the light of his love through creative creative labor to all other people, society.

Based on the law of compliance, both at the top, both below, both in the sky, and on earth, there is a hierarchy of the world's gods of the Rule, the world of light of truth and formerly divine love. Since ancient times, our grandfathers and the functions of the Slavs are magnificent and glory to high celers. They knew and understood: Nature is a temple, and all that surrounds them - plants, animals, elements of fire, air, earth and water, the mother itself - cheese Earth, planets and stars are under constant divine observation, control and control. And the fates of people are wokering on the Spiritian Goddess Macoshi, depending on the divine destination of each and his direct image of the existence in the world of Javi.

The peculiarity of the Molnia Leli in all its incarnations is youth - as this is the main feature of this goddess. Unlike all the rest of the goddesses and the gods, whose temper is more often seemed by the harsh or serious, the little ones are characteristic of the cheerful temper and playfulness. The exception of the cheerful appearance of Leli are cases of staying in the kingdom of their grandfather, when this goddess acquires a sad image that is initially connected by no means with the situation, but with loneliness, but in the future, with a muster for the deceased spouse.

The same features of Goddess Leli include literally endless love for the human race, because at that time, the other gods and goddesses can and show people for any misconduct, the lolly on the contrary - can only contribute to human whims. A classic example of this feature is love. And if in the views of other cultures, "love evil, love and goat" can sound, then in the Russian tradition everything is explained much easier, since the goddess of Lelia is not "evil", but by contrary - it is ultimately benevolent, for it is responsible for the continuation of the kind, and in This case, all means are good. "Goats" they also command the other gods, and from other cultures, including. Also, the endless love for the human race on the part of Goddess Leli lies in the most simple circumstance - the motherhood of this kind. It was Lelia with his spouse Yarila who are parents of the first person.


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Veleezov Circle includes a bit of BOPONA, full of sacred power. Such it gives the patronage of the deity of fate and the omen Varuna. According to studies of the Soviet archaeologist G. S. Lebedev, the deity refers to the Pantheon of the first Slavic settlements. He was worshiped by ancestors before the formation of clear borders of the territories of Kievan Rus.

  • Varuna wise and all-seeing

    Mentions were lied as one of the deities of Pantheon occurs in the works of Archaeologist-Slavist V. V. Sedov. In the field of interests, academician included liner burials dated 400-100 Gg BC. In the intercourse of Vistula and Oder. The first Praslavyan tribes of this region highly honored Varauna (one of the early names).

    Leningrad Archaeologists D. A. Maachinsky and G. S. Lebedev also described Pantheon Balto-Praslavan VIII-IV centuries. BC e. In which in ceramic and bronze products, an almighty god and his symbol was depicted - a hundred BOPONA.

    In the finds of the culture of the barch ceramics of the period of the early Iron century, the BOPONA has been applied to the items of personal importance. From the collected materials, it is possible to approximately establish the relationship between the submissions about the power of the Varun and its functions.

    The Owned Father was assigned power over the most important phenomena:

    • the gift of foresight;
    • management of fate;
    • countdown by the number of rebirth of the Spirit;
    • preservation of all knowledge of living beings.

    Wearing a particular BOPONA OPGEG Our ancestors believed that Varuna will send them along the roads of destiny without giving a touch. He took the souls prematurely spent from life and returned back. The deity keeps accounting for all human gives, as far as the soul fulfilled its mission.

    According to the archaeological sources of Cheptog BOPONA, it was possible to buy from ceramics, silver. Products were worn personally, worn on the body.

    Crow draw

    • trident is a symbol of trinity and protection;
    • heavenly pane
    • eight-pointed star;
    • kolo - sign of heavenly fire.

    The combination of these signs is associated with the ethnogenesis of the image of Varuna, which in the young Ipostasi has the incarnation of the carriage - the God of the Young Sun.

    You can buy the traditional technologies to buy from traditional technologies to buy a catalog of the Slavic store "Veles".

    Influence on owner

    At the nature of the owner of Cheptog BOPONA has an educational impact:

    • honesty;
    • direct;
    • valor;
    • preferably;
    • passion for labor and achievements;
    • volitional character.

    By purchasing a particular BOPONA OPEPEG under constant wearing should take into account the impact. Both Ipostasis of the Divine-patron prepixes the highest court and do not tolerate double standards. Under their start, the person goes through his destination, getting harsh lessons for incorrect solutions.

    In the Slavic online store "Veles" Cheptog BOPONA to buy accessible from highly metropolitan silver.

    Patronage over the fate of the carrier

    Certain BopoNa Otepeg is the character of a guide star in the destiny of the owner. He opens special opportunities for finding his destination. The sign brings you to a better solution.

    In his search, the person goes to the spiritual area. The material side becomes an inner growth echo. People who are patronized Chept BopoNa running faithful roads do not have cash constraints, receiving a guide from their patron.

    Thanks to the proposals of the Slavic online store Cheptog BOPONA to buy and support a close person available in any region of Russia.

    From the gift to the new way

    Having decided to independently acquire the current owner of BOPONA. The future owner must be aware of the seriousness of choice. And at the same time, for the determination to find his luck and live in agreement with the covenants of the ancestors, a person will overeat the strongest protection.

    The Internet-shop "Veles" provides an opportunity for Cheptog BOPONA to buy at a cost of 3400 rubles. That in combination with the quality of execution and high sampling of silver, the advantages of the acquisition.

- from 7 days of the month White Shine and Peace of Peace / 7 Baylet / or from December 12 - 29 Baylet (January 21)

Baby Crane

God Kolyada - God-patron of the drawing of the crow in the naval circle. The striding is the Vyshny God, managing the great changes in the life of the race of the race of the Great and descendants of the kind of heavenly. Man should learn to be favorable perceive changes And, if necessary, calmly start all over again. The symbol is a trident is the rune designated. In honor of the strides on the day of the Winter Solstice, a holiday is held, which is called Menari - Day of change.

Sacred tree - Larch - Tree of change, because it has a property to change.

God Kolyada - God, who gave birth to those who moved to Western lands: a system for calculating the time calendar (shifts of the gift) and their wisers. The carriage is the god-patron saint of landpashts, routing people and priests. The carriage was often depicted with a sword in his hand, and the sword's blade was turned edge to the bottom, and in ancient times, the conservation of wisdom of gods and ancestors, as well as an unshakable follow-up of heavenly laws, as was established by God with Svarog for all the tags of the navigation circle.

Holiday, in honor of God the strides, falls on the day of the winter solstice (December 22, 2015). On the holiday went through the courtyards of a group of men, closed in the skins of various animals (dressed), who called the squads of the strides. They sang the hymns, glorifying the strid, and organized special dance around sick people to heal them.

The drawback of the crow gives good-natured, open character, in love and loving, sometimes reaching windy. To 40 years old gives a man wise life experience. After listening to folk songs, you can make sure that they are hidden in their deepest meaning, which has been known for our ancestors to the Slavs. The same song about the raven. Yes, about the one that goes! Now listen to the information that concerns people from the drawback of the crow. You will become much clear to you!

Voron - Bird things, faithful satellite God-helper Varuna. He accompanies the souls of the dead to the gate of the Veria in Great Svarga Million and informs the souls-Nyutnom about what high goals they have achieved in their spiritual and mental development and in the fulfillment of life destinations on Midgard-Earth. If God Varun decides that a person needs to provide the opportunity to complete the initiated act, which he did not have time to finish in connection with a sudden death that he had arrived, then he directs the soul of his assistant his assistant to the soul.

Raven is the keeper of living and dead water, gives the soul of the deceased to return to his own body, so that a person, returning to the world of Javi, could complete his unfinished matter. In the world of Javi about such a person they say: "He returned from the world." Varuna, manages the roads of fate human. Only God Varuna can determine the power of the spiritual formation and the completeness of the fulfillment of the life of a life man. If a person cannot be returned to his own body because of his complete destruction, the Heavenly God of Varuna asks the goddess of the carna to find a suitable body for this soul-Navia.

Also Varuna the elements of the elements of the starry sky movement and watching the sacred ways, which connect the gates of intercourse in different paratroopers, the sovereign. Therefore, at his disposal there were earthly and celestial waters, as well as the night sky. For people who put on these paths, the distribution of celestial and earth waters (information flows), in clouds and soil, allowing me to gain the power of the triumphant reason from year to year - the result of the wise plan of the universal mind and the law, whose defender is Varun. So the water and Varuna serve their ancestors - thoughts.
Where Vedas and Varuna, there and the world of one who knows this power of thought, and until the world of waters and Varuna will die, and the world installed by the Heavenly Law of the Svarog God for all the tags of the navigation circle will die. Because it is very important to the value of world order and Varuna rules over the waters, obeying its law, and not to his own whims. This is stated persistently. Therefore, people who were born in the crowdle should be reminded again and again about a reasonable device of the universe, which is required to maintain.

Therefore, Varuna is observed by thousands of her assistants for all that happened on Earth: "Who is going, or worth who secretly steals, who is looking for a refuge, or in a hurry from him, what two people talk about, sitting together, and the Vladyka Varuna, who is present as a third. And if I went beyond the limits of the sky, then I still would not leave the Tsar Varuna; From the heavens hurry to his gloomy, overlooking the world with a thousand eyes. "

One of the important tasks of Varuna is to monitor the preservation of the world order and the preservation by people of moral commandments. The greatest sin is an oath. Where the criminal persecutes to get away from the court of people, he interferes with Varuna, he punishes the sinner, satisfied with his illness, misfortune and premature death.

Also in the ancient Indian mythology (Vedic) Varuna, the "Almighty", the omniscient and punishing God-judge, the ruler of the sky, along with Indra, the greatest of the gods of the Vedica Pantheon. Varuna binds to cosmic waters in all their diversity - the world ocean, forming an external frame of creation, which separates space from chaos; Heavenly waters - rain, sea, rivers, streams, groundwater, etc.

As the god of rain, laying the way to flows, Varuna filled the sea with water, followed the flow of rivers, was in the rivers, in the sea; Rivers - His sisters (seven them). He possessed wonderful witchcraft power (Maya) and did not so much by the good of the good, as he watched them, defending against an evil principle, and also opposed injustice, illness, death, witchcraft and even gave a long life. Varuna is the incarnation of world order and truth. He was looking for guilty, punish them and gave sins.

Also satellites of Odin - Crows Khuginn and Municipal; "Thought" and "Memory". They helped the same in managing nine worlds. They flew all the world every day, returning to one evening. They sat on his shoulders and everyone told what he saw for the day.

Wisdom tested by centuries

In fact, the drawback of the crow is the title of people who are endowed with their own very wisdom, so to speak from nature, as well as life experience. It sounds paradoxically, but it is so. As if they had already lived many lives and came to a new one with great luggage knowledge. Raven - the desire to receive for himself (the thief means it is in the OR-Light of receipt), but above the animals of desires, at the level - a person - already in the intention, so the thief in this case has wings and already in heaven (thief), then There is on Earth, it is connected with another measurement system, and therefore judgments and strictly complies with the laws of this system (not the Criminal Code written by people), it is not by chance in the criminal world of such "Thief in Law". In this way, the influence of Varuna, who observing the heavenly laws of Svarog, is reflected in compliance with the laws of a certain revival system, sometimes it comes to the absurdity, but however, who is not without sinner ...

Not all of course choose the "criminal" path of development, there is also a "mystical". In this case, where the concepts of mystic or matter appear, people from the drawback of the crow easily oriented in them at an intuitive level, not even focusing on this issue. The arguments for them do not represent a special problem, and the fact is interesting to arguing "crows" and on the level of logical, and on - mystical. The latter is not less than characteristic of their nature.

The drawback of the crow is generally covered by a secret in its manifestation for the uninitiated. And what is clearly a fact that visible by everyone, then this is philosophy - a kind satellite of personalities from the drawback of the crow. If we talk about the household side of existence, then there is a place to be a tendency to peace, silence, solitude.

It would seem why I needed an overlap with such people who are prone to mysticism, and their life experience in stock from birth, and they are smart? What is the drawback of the crow defense? From what?

The fact is that philosophers, mystics and people who are adherents of the views of certain values \u200b\u200band order often close their eyes on the obvious truths, deepening and adhering to their reflections and beliefs.

Christmas strides

Zlato-Maya. Born under the star Alpha Virgin in the Epoch of the Virgin (13.200 - 10.900. BC). She became the soul of Atlantis. She was born at noon, the day of the Svarog began to be cloning to the sunset (noon of the Day of Svary - Humanity is openly for space knowledge and the light of this knowledge is dazzling) and Atlantis dies.
Maya (the Cathedral Soul of Atlantis) lay down in a stone coffin left by the Black God in the Caucasian Mountains. The reflection of the death of the Zlatovoloshi Maya in the earthly world is harvesting harvest, gold bumps. Ear of Mais's hair is Maya herself. The stone coffin, in which the goddess was stubbered, corresponds to the barn or the chest where the grain is stored. The constellation of the Virgin is usually a female figure with a spike in his hands. At the attribute zodiac as a column serves a tail of a lion, which Virgo holds in his hand instead of the column. Exactly the same idea is embodied in Figure by A. Durera. On him, Virgo touches the hand of a tassel at the end of the tail of the lion, as if slightly holding it. In this tassel depicted a star. This star is a spice, or, as it was also called, - Kolos Virgin. Colos in the hand of the Virgin is a symbol of the brightest star of this constellation - Speakers. This star of the first magnitude is, by the way, very famous in ancient astronomy - before and was called: Kolos of Virgin.
Dazhbogu with the help of Veles on the day of the linen Savior (August 29) sank into the kingdom of Viya, the magic ring was mined, which was allowed to return life to Maya. On the day of the celebration of Maya, he opened a coffin and put her ring on his finger. Maya woke up from sleeping for life at the order of the genus (the drawback of the crow - 2848-1228 BC. See a yammy culture.) To give birth to a blockage. After the birth of the wheelplaces, she will go to Nava again to rise to a new era: in the spring, on the first day of Beloyar.
More than 5 thousand years ago "Vedas" appeared.
Initially, knowledge given was lost in the ancient era. Then after the millennium, it was restored by the newly appeared by God, the descent of the roof. Cm. .
"... and Svarog - the king of Heaven - heard that Maya had a baby whining - a young god. He sent the firebug of semarlang so that he bowed to him. Here SMARGL came off from the sky, flew to Mount Saratachin. He sees - Zlatogorka is covered in a deep cave. Nine months of bread did not eat and the student water did not drink, and gave birth to a young god, the mlada of God the strid!
And the face of the strides - the sun is clear, and in the head shines a month, and in his forehead - there is a star there. And in the hands of his star, the book is clear, Zlata Book Ved. This Book of Maya decorated with gold frequent stars.
As the Mount of Saratachinsky was gathered, forty-terrible kings with Tsarevich, with them, forty-princes with Knyazovich, also forty morals from all kinds of all kinds.
And everyone saw the firebug - he desired from heaven to the cave, and in the cave saw the sun.
And then SEMARGL SWAREZHICH Mount Sarachinskaya hit. He beat her golden secretion - and the whole mountain was ozot. And then the calaty of the root, the water student expired. And this water drank Zlatogorka, drank the Baby of God, and drank her Zlata book.
And that book taught forty kings, and she also taught forty-princes and taught the Magic Magicians: - In the young God, intell! In a wheelchair - the Most High Roof! He came down from heaven, he will go on the ground and learn will be the faith of the Ved! "
/ Songs about the birth of the strides /

The carriage was born as the son of the Wall-Dazhboga (Indo-Europeans) and Maya (Atlanta) of the saint daughter. The most ancient book of Vedic tradition, containing star knowledge, the Slavs called the "Star Book of the Kolyady" (Volyads of Dar). The Vyshny God Kolyada gave many clauses that moved to Western lands, a system of calculating seasonal time, to conduct field work - a calendar (damages of Dar), as well as their wise vessels, commandments and instructions.

In "" composed by Alexander Assov says:
20/21 December (30 ozine - 1 Colladen). Having big. Christmas strides (Winter Songstrace).
December 21 - 29 (1 - 9 Colladen). . (Songs Vi, 2; "Veda Slavyan", t. I, song XI).

December 21 - Winter Solstice . December 21 and 22 - The shortest days of the year. From December 21-2 December 22 - the longest night.
The longitude of the day on the latitude of Moscow reaches only 6 hours of 56 minutes. At this time, residents of the middle and northern strip of Russia accounted for longer to use artificial lighting, almost, clouds. But this fact favors night observations, when the night is longer and the sky remains dark more than semis. This is the most favorable period for observing various celestial night sky objects, but winter cold and frequent rainy weather (in the middle lane of Russia) do not allow full observations.
During the winter solstice, the sun above the latitude of 66.5 degrees does not go away at all, and the night lasts the clock. Only twilight in these latitudes say that the sun is somewhere under the horizon in the middle of the twilight segment. On the North Pole of the Earth is not visible not only to the sun, but also twilight, so the direction in the sun can be considered only on constellations. From the North Pole, it will be seen in the direction below the constellation of Hercules. On December 21, the Sun crosses 18 hours of meridian and begins to rise up by ecliptic, starting the way to spring equinox when it cross the heavenly equator.
The most bright (literally) sign of the eternal roundstream of life is the movement of the immortal and invincible sun. One of the rolled rites of the sun-fans was an ancient Russian dance. The dance circle personified the visible circular motion of the supreme shone in the sky, reflecting the rotation of the Earth around the Sun. The sun, in addition to the daily, has a one-time movement. This imaginary annual circular path of the Sun among the astronomer stars was called Ecliptic. And in Russia, the dance was also called a bore-house, i.e. Sunny year: "And buzzing for Corrod on the meadows of cheerful dance" (Yesenin).

Kolo - Koro - Coro - identical concepts associated with the observing circumference value as the image of the sun. All solar symbols, i.e. All that reflects the circle is a faith. Magic Circle - Reliable folk remedy Against the Gups: I remembered the philosopher Homa Brut when Christian prayers did not help him.
The Eastern Slavs, the words "Circle", "Kolo" were directly related to annual chores - the "debit of" of the Sun and religious beliefs. The basis of these beliefs was the initial monotheism of the cult of natural elements, the deification of the "shining sky" and the sun. The Supreme Divine has performed for centuries under different names: Svarog, Light, Horse, God, Lady-God, Perun ... We created in the open sky, often on the tops of the hills, the Slavic circular sanctuers had a calendar destination, and the Circle Membership by 2.4 , 8 correct parts with orientation on the sides of the light reflected the division of the year on the solar phases. Such a division has been preserved in the "Megalithic Observatory" IV - III thousand BC. e.
The prophetic Russian language stores traces of the former SunColongity: the word "temple" comes from the "choir" - a circular shuttle. Good - it means sunny. Bury - to take to the sun through the flame of the fire. Cows (loaf) - the image of the sun. Crown is a sunny crown. Chorugwe - stain with the image of a sun disc. Words: Horic, Korberry, Coronus, Bell, Kolyada and many others have "solar" roots. The concept of "chorry", perverted by the clergy, previously meant participation in the solemnly dioment.
The sunshine is also concluded in the symbols of dance ritual playing. The dance has always rotated the embonodents (from left to right), imitating the visible movement of the Sun in the sky. Horovodov Symbol is a way of direct live communications with relatives of light forces and getting a positive charge from them. Scientists people call it "contact with informational bioenergy space fields"; Modern studies have been established for the oncoming energy flow, striving to the Sun.

Ancient Russian dance is the rite of inspiration - obsess spirits. In a closed circular handage of participants there are circular magnetic currents.
To determine the days of solvents and equinels in the North-West of Europe (England, Scotland, Normandy), ancient stone cromlechi was used since an almost deprived of stone, earthy sanctuers were used on the continent of the continent of this purpose, for example, Persian (IX-X centuries) under Novgorod And the Ebrucheskoe (VIII-IX centuries) in the upper reaches of the Dniester. Persian sanctuary: This is a circle with a diameter of 21 m., Surrounded by a width of up to 7 m. And a depth of more than 1 m., Exactly in the center of the circle was a pit from the pillar, and I had "eight arcuate protrusions located correctly and symmetrically. In every lecture At the bottom of the Rib, the ritual fire was burned, and in one of them, East, judging by the number of coal and the calculus of the mainland, burned "non-greasy fire". All other fires were also oriented strictly on the sides of the world. The central pillar allowed the gnomon of the ancient Greeks, to determine At the corner of the fall and the length of the shadow of the sun, the phase of his annual and daytime movement, and the score of the days could be conducted, consistently burn fires. One - the eastern fire was burning constantly, the day, when all the other lights were repaid, was considered first. On the second day he was not In the course of the Sun, the fire, and the first continued to burn, such an alternation lasted for eight days. On the ninth day all eight fires were lit immediately, which symbolically meant And the sacrificial "burnt" of the sky and the very "shining sky" - "Divo" of Slavs.

The most important sacraments of Slavs were the sacraments ("Green Sky") - 21-22 June. The second in value and similar in meaning was the celebration of the winter sun on December 21-22 (winter solstice) - strides ("Winter shints").

The carriage was often depicted with a sword in his hand, and the sword's blade was turned edge to the bottom, and in ancient times, the conservation of wisdom of gods and ancestors, as well as an unshakable follow-up of heavenly laws, as was established by God with Svarog for all the tags of the navigation circle. River Cola gave the name Kolsky Peninsula. In antiquity, the root lexeme "Col" was closely connected with the concept of the winter sun, which in the old days was named - Kolo.

In the "People's Calendar" A. Strizhev Kolyada celebrated in winter shints from December 25 (Turn the Sun for Spring) to January 5-6 .

The young sun is born on December 25, when the winter solstice ended, and the day begins to grow. This is the Christmas strides. Celebrate the Christmas of Sunny God began long before Christianity, back in the 6th century in Germany, the celebration of Christmas was considered pagan and severely pursued.
The striding was celebrated in the so-called winter shirts from December 25 (family, Christmas Eve) on January 6 (Velezov Day). The same time previously coincided with strong frosts (Moro - "Death"), blizzards (Viy) and the most frantic gulbs are unclean. This evening everything is clouded by frosting Castle and seems dead.
Winter shints are the most fun of the Slavic celebrations. On this day, according to Believement, the Sun is dressed in Sarafan and Kokoshnik and goes "on the painted occurrence on the crow" in warm countries (by spring and summer).
Most of the Ukrainian carols are either traces of late Christian alterations, or has nothing to do with Christianity. "... Rejoice, oh rejoice, the earth, it is clear, Svіt nori", is still one of the most popular carols in Ukraine.
The edge of the idol, visible when viewed to the north, corresponds to the stroller. On this face, God does not have any attributes in his hands, only a solar sign on clothes. Solar wheel, symbol of winter solvent, is still present on Christmas holidays in the Carpathians: the wheel is tied with a flammable material, ignite and be allowed from the mountain. Another feature of this face is drawn to: there is no image of the souls of ancestors in the underground world. This is explained by the ideas of another Indo-European. In Iranians, Fravashi - the souls of the dead ancestors (see Fravasha - Guardian Spirits) - for the winter they fly to the Ormazd, and return from the spring; The same view of the souls of the ancestors in the annual cycle can be found in the Slavs. The souls of the ancestors are present next to people from the Verbal Week - shortly before the spring equinox and before the cover, i.e. Soon after the autumn equinox.

In the ancient Slavs on December 25 (a month of jelly) began to turn the sun on the spring. Wheelchair (cf. Cole-Wheel; Circle - Solar Sign Sign) Slavs represented a beautiful baby, which captured the evil witch winter. According to beliefs, it turns it into a wolf (cf. synonyms of the "Wolf" - "Lyuty" with the Praslavyan name name of the most severe month of winter: February - bodies). People believed that only the wolf would be removed from him (sometimes and other animals) of the skin and burned on fire (spring warmth), the carriage will appear in all his beauty glitter.
The Slavs survived a bond as a complex of catalytic rituals. Almost all of these rites came from deep antiquity, when the bolars performed as the perfumes of the ancestors who carry out their descendants and bringing the guarantee of the yield year, wealth, well-being. For the holiday of the young man and the girls dressed in Hari, or Lyarva, and scared. Called in the courtyards, sang carols - songs that glorify the block, giving everyone good. When bonding, they managed yards, sang carols, oats, generosities, grapes with wishes of health and well-being to the owners, later also Christmas carols, glorifying Christ. At Christmas we went with the children, wearing a swirl with me, showing ideas for gospel plots.
COLLIA took place approximately everywhere.
And in the XIX - beginning. XX century, the bonding remained one of the important binding rituals, the deep meaning of which, unfortunately, was already lost.
The next day, after the collage evening, the strides themselves were celebrated - a holiday that was waiting for a whole year. It was taken to celebrate it in a family circle, but since everything was quiet in the village, the whole village celebrated.
After a long post, the rapid food and alcoholic beverages explicitly hinted at a long-term feast, smoothly passing into a vigorous breakfast. From this day they began to walk the flaws - small groups of young people who sang the rank songs, praised the holy evening, and at the same time and the owners. The latter, in turn, tried to give warrant of different goodies so that it was not ashamed of neither neighbors or before the gods. After all, the rite of bonds is directly related to the privacy of victims of the pagan supreme deities. So, in Polesie to our time, the custom has been preserved to attach money that people give in collage days to donate to the local church.
Chants usually accompanied the goat, but not real, but disguised into the casing of mischievous and cheerful young man. The goat was the main acting person (or face).
Slavs believed that the presence of this animal in the yard scares unclean power, brings fertility, good harvest, joy and well-being in the house. The rite of the bonds passed fun, with laughter, dancing and full of charaks, good gifts and a real feeling of the holiday. Hotels that have received young people for ritual songs and dances, walked on a shared table. Musicians were connected to the fun, Vodka, Moonshine, Shkwards were put on the table, sang songs, dizzy. Various games used very popularity. The most famous and fully reached us is the game "Marriage Tereshki". The main action took place at night and necessarily in the largest house. For several days, more precisely, nights, "parents" chose the groom, the bride, swatali, married. All wedding rites were like real. Participants of the fun had to be able to dance, drive away dance-bridges, sing songs. Cooking on theatrical game began in the fall, when all participants were looking forward to these winter collective nights, to laugh and dance.

From December 24-25, Slavs brought victims to God - the Creator of Light:
Svyatiyt - from the Western Slavs and the God of Sunny Fire Dutbogu - in the eastern.
On this holiday, the friction was roasted by a new fire, which was supported by the flame until January 6.



Svyatnit (Svetovit) (Zap. Slav. Svantavit, Szuentevit, Zwantevit (H) in Latin transmission from Slav. Svet - "Holy, Sacred"), in the Western Slavic mythology "God of Gods", referred to by Helmold and Saxon grammar. Lights - the highest God, is associated with war and victories and therefore was considered the deity of war and victory, he was often represented in the image of a rider; His attributes are a sword, a banner, combat badges, including those portrayed eagles, and spears.

Temple of the Holy Arcraft

The Cult Center of Sunita is a four-way temple in the Baltic-Slavic city of Arcona. It is described in numerous chronicles, which say that the sanctuary was stone Temple, painted in red. There was an image of God in the form of a four-year idol. In addition, the Military Attributes of the Svyatnikov was kept in the temple: sword, banner and spear. At the temple there lived a white sacred horse. It was believed that at night God leaves on it to take part in battles with enemies. Since such idols were found in Russia, it should be considered that in the deep antiquity of the Svyatovitis was honored with all Slavic peoples. The symbolic color of the light is red: his temple was crowned with a red roof, in the temple there was a purple curtain, in the chests - many purple clothes. The white sacred horse at the temple of Svyatovit after the night turned out to be covered with mud: believed that at night he went to fight enemies. At fortune telling, the horse was summed up to three rows of copies, and if he stumbled on his left foot, it was considered a bad omen, if the right leg is good. Answers Oracle Svyatovitis were considered the most weighty.


Zbruch idol

The idol of Svyatovit had four heads located on the right, in front and rear (this description is compared with the four-headed zbruch idol), which allows to relate the Svyatnik and its four-pillars with a four-year-old (north-south-west - east) model of the world in Slavic mythology. Four of the Svyatovitis finds numerous parallels in other traditions with four-headed deities or fourth gods, guardians of the countries of the world. The name of Svyatyt (light), obviously, is an epithet. There is reason to think about the deep connection of the holy holy bond with the original thumbnail (see Perun), in which the military function is particularly emphasized (the epithet "Saint" refers, in particular, to the Balt. Perkunas).

Switwit (lights) - a symbol of the eternal relationship between the earth's water and the heavenly fire.
This slavic Obereg Looks like a light, but its axes of a large and small colovering are directed to the other side. Its protective effect is directed both for men and for women, as Svitovitis personifies the relationship between earthly fire and celestial waters.
This connection brings the world new perfect souls, nascent in the highest spheres and subsequently being on Earth. It is he who is recommended to wear any woman planning to become a mother. Our ancestors were expanded by this sign of women's clothing, so that healthy and talented children appear in the family.
The axes of the coated amulet Svitortitis, rotating in different directions, create a solid and invisible protection around its owner. That is why it is recommended to every man whose activity is related to complex conditions. Divers and miners, speleologists and assemblers, sailors and military - just a small list of people who will never hurt the strength of the strength of an ancient sign. The sign enhances physical endurance and spiritual resistance, as well as leads to victory in the war. Svitovid is a sign of a real man who does not forget his original purpose and drawing strength in connection with his native. Ancient wisdom tied this sign of power with one of the main Slavic deities.
Therefore, the powerful egregor has always accumulated for centuries will always come to help in need.

Birthday Zeus, Mithra ..

December 25., the day of increasing sunlight, was noted as the birthday of Zeus - in Greece, Mitra - among Persians.


By killing a bull

Birth of Mithra in Cave

Mitra, born in a cave deep at night at the darkest season, symbolizes the liberation of the sun from the shackles of darkness, the beginning of the new year, the beginning of a new life, the resurrection of the world. Each Adept Mitra, passing through the trials on the way to initiation, was to be aware of the responsibility of the act performed by him. The path of the neophyte to God lay through the victory over the darkness inside his own soul. External attributes and ritual were to fit the idea of \u200b\u200binitiation, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe awakening of the Divine Light in the pitch darkness of the human soul.
Jung interprets initiation in a dark cave as follows: "Anyone who falls into the cave, i.e. A secret place that is located inside each of us, or in the darkness lying for consciousness, detects itself involved in the first unconscious process of transformation. Penetrating into the unconscious, he establishes a connection with its unconsciousness. This may end with an important change in person in a positive or negative sense. Transformation is often interpreted as the extension of the natural life expectancy, or as a genuine immortality ... The feeling of immortality, it seems to me, comes from a specific feeling of expansion in space and in time, and I tend to consider the rituals of deification in mysteries as the projection of the same mental phenomenon. "
The awakening of the highest spiritual nature through initiation symbolizes not only the victory of the world over darkness, but also the victory of the Spirit over the flesh. The Mystery Center itself is a mystical act of Tavroatonia, was called upon to illustrate the celebration of the Spirit above the matter. Bull has always been a symbol of a dark chtonic principle.

Speleta - Cave Temple Mithra

December 25 is noted catholic Christmas of Christ .
The celebration of the Christmas of Christ is December 25 in the ancient Mitraist customs. It was the date of the holiday in Rome, elected by the Roman emperor Aurelian in 274. AD, the birthday of the invincible Sun is Natalis Solis Invicti, which after the winter solstice again began to increase his light. Shortly up to 336 AD The Church in Rome established the celebration of the Nativity of Christ in this date.



Colladnik - Male Slavic Charm. Our ancestors believed that boys from the earliest infancy should wear this sacred sign of a real man.
The collage moves the embonodents (by the Sun), carrying the clever and bad luck, brings victory and update.
The wallabie always symbolizes the victory of goodness over evil and is one of the most important military signs.
Colladnik gives the strength of God the striding. But on the ancient drawings, the sword in the hand of the strides is lowered to the legs as a sign of reconciliation. Sometimes it is important not to bring to bloodshed, and to make the two sides reconcile and find mutual understanding. It is everyday wisdom and survival tactics. For people professionally dealing with diplomatic negotiations, for managers, on which contracts depend, these qualities will not be completely superfluous.
Fight qualities also need an athlete, a speaker and politics, as well as a man who is not going to stop there.
Constructive work has always been a privilege of real men. Such people make our lives more protected and beautiful, and not in vain the great patrons gods give them their grace.
The car beadron is sometimes allowed to wear and weak sex. In the days when determination and durability is required, or when the routine of Genesis will require striking changes - put on the range! This Russian woman has always been distinguished by a persistent character, as well as suspended solutions.
The energy of the Sun fills this ancient symbol with a bright light of positive being. We live for joy and harmony. If we are correctly distributed to your strength and we are looking for wisdom instead of speaking solutions - the award will be a good result and the taste of victory.
A person cannot live without change. Sometimes it lacks quite a bit so that the wheel of fate straight from the place and rolled to the new one. The car beads transforms your desires in the ability.
Slavic warriors who want to achieve victory by all means, often combined the strength of two faces - the beaddiction and the ladies.
Ladiline and the card book create a very powerful energy whirlwind, called a fiery chariot, bringing everything in its path. You can not constantly wear such a symbiosis of two secret forces, otherwise you risk becoming turned into a buffalo, recklessly reaching for a long time. But sometimes there is a persistent need for this, and then you can combine the power of these two faces to make a real breakthrough. You can even, in front of a landmark event in your destiny, hang from the head of the bed these signs on the night so that in the morning to get full strength and ready for accomplishments.
Slavs believed his kind on the men's line. And that is why the upbringing of boys they paid great importance. The boy could not be chlipping and insecure, weak and stupid. Knowledge of the genus and the strength of the kind was to multiply, and not to melt. Signs, helping the initiation of the boy, accompanied him throughout his life. A carwdnik, as a sign of the most courageous, meets most often.
Now, many are concerned about the change in the male essence, the spread of homosexuality, the absence of the young men of noble goals and forces for self-realization. The oldest skewers, as well as the revival of the ancestors culture can change these degenerative changes.
Wasygg the range - the movement of your life!


Cole-wheel, gate - gate, spoke, turn.
Talisman Kolovrat reflects the symbol, revered not only by the ancient Slavs, but also by other peoples. He is an eternity symbol, a symbol of eternal life. The cosmology of India attributes to Kovovrat several development cycles:
And then everything is repeated again. Live creatures are reborn and move to the upper or lower world. To where to go - depends on the karmic work. Matter moves and reincarnates on all hierarchical levels, from the smallest neuron to human destiny. In ancient Russia, Kolovrat painted on the walls of the house, so that westing and happiness reigned there. He was drawn on his hands to attract good.
The last king of Russia even ordered to produce cash bills on which Kolovrat was depicted together with a double-headed eagle. The one who is constantly wearing Kolovrat feels the growth of self-confidence. Under this sign, any ideas are well implemented. This sign also attracts goodness and cash flows to their owner.
Unfortunately, they knew like-minded Hitler. They tried to force the sacred power of an oldest symbol to serve their low goals. The majestic meaning of the swastika was raised by criminals - fascists. What happened from this - reflected in history.
Now it's time to revive the true meaning of this sign and give him due. The symbol of eternal life is a very strong talisman. It costs to constantly wear soldiers and businessmen.
In addition, you should pay attention to the metal from which your personal sign will be manufactured. As mentioned above, Kolovrat is a swastika, i.e. Solar (sunny) sign. Gold in many nations is considered to be the metal elected. In the sun, scientists detected special spectral lines indicating a high content of gold. Solar symbol and gold - a single whole and the best choice. No need to experiment with the material from which it will be manufactured, in which the deep meaning is initially laid.
Kolovrat-turn the wheel of fate for itself.

God-patron - the striding of the landpashers and the drawing of the crow in the Warring Circle. The striding is the Vyshny God, managing the great changes in the life of the race of the race of the Great and descendants of the kind of heavenly. The person must learn to positively perceive changes and, if necessary, calmly start all over again. The symbol is a trident is the rune designated. In honor of the strides on the day of the winter solstice, there is a celebration, which is called Menari - day of change.

7 Balelet - 29 Baylet

Sacred Tree - Larch - Tree of change, because it has a property to change.

God of Kolyada is God who gave birth to those who moved to Western lands: a system of calculating the time calendar (shifts of the gift) and their wisers.

The drawback of the crow gives good-natured, open character, in love and loving, sometimes reaching windy. To 40 years old gives a man wise life experience. After listening to folk songs, you can make sure that they are hidden in their deepest meaning, which has been known for our ancestors to the Slavs. The same song about the raven. Yes, about the one that goes! Now listen to the information that concerns people from the drawback of the crow. You will become much clear to you!

Raven - Bird's Bird, the faithful satellite of God-ruler Varuna. He accompanies the souls of the dead to the gate of the Veria in Great Svarga Million and informs the souls-Nyutnom about what high goals they have achieved in their spiritual and mental development and in the fulfillment of life destinations on Midgard-Earth. If God Varun decides that a person needs to provide the opportunity to complete the initiated act, which he did not have time to finish in connection with a sudden death that he had arrived, then he directs the soul of his assistant his assistant to the soul. Raven is the keeper of living and dead water, gives the soul of the deceased to return to his own body, so that a person, returning to the world of Javi, could complete his unfinished matter. In the world of Javi about such a person they say: "He returned from the world." Varuna, manages the roads of fate human. Only God Varuna can determine the power of the spiritual formation and the completeness of the fulfillment of the life of a life man. If a person cannot be returned to his own body because of his complete destruction, the Heavenly God of Varuna asks the goddess of the carna to find a suitable body for this soul-Navia.

Raven Bird Bird

Also Varuna the elements of the elements of the starry sky movement and watching the sacred ways, which connect the gates of intercourse in different paratroopers, the sovereign. Therefore, at his disposal there were earthly and celestial waters, as well as the night sky. For people who put on these paths, the distribution of celestial and earth waters (information flows), in clouds and soil, allowing me to gain the power of the triumphant reason from year to year - the result of the wise plan of the universal mind and the law, whose defender is Varun. So the water and Varuna serve their ancestors - thoughts. Where Vedas and Varuna, there and the world of one who knows this power of thought, and until the world of waters and Varuna will die, and the world installed by the Heavenly Law of the Svarog God for all the tags of the navigation circle will die. Because it is very important to the value of world order and Varuna rules over the waters, obeying its law, and not to his own whims. This is stated persistently. Therefore, people who were born in the crowdle should be reminded again and again about a reasonable device of the universe, which is required to maintain.
Therefore, Varuna is observed by thousands of her assistants for all that happened on Earth: "Who is going, or worth who secretly steals, who is looking for a refuge, or in a hurry from him, what two people talk about, sitting together, and the Vladyka Varuna, who is present as a third. And if I went beyond the limits of the sky, then I still would not leave the Tsar Varuna; From the heavens hurry to his gloomy, overlooking the world with a thousand eyes. "

One of the important tasks of Varuna is to monitor the preservation of the world order and the preservation by people of moral commandments. The greatest sin is an oath. Where the criminal persecutes to get away from the court of people, he interferes with Varuna, he punishes the sinner, satisfied with his illness, misfortune and premature death.
Also in the ancient Indian mythology (Vedic) Varuna, the "Almighty", the omniscient and punishing God-judge, the ruler of the sky, along with Indra, the greatest of the gods of the Vedica Pantheon. Varuna binds to cosmic waters in all their diversity - the world ocean, forming an external frame of creation, which separates space from chaos; Heavenly waters - rain, sea, rivers, streams, groundwater, etc.
As the god of rain, laying the way to flows, Varuna filled the sea with water, followed the flow of rivers, was in the rivers, in the sea; Rivers - His sisters (seven them). He possessed wonderful witchcraft power (Maya) and did not so much by the good of the good, as he watched them, defending against an evil principle, and also opposed injustice, illness, death, witchcraft and even gave a long life. Varuna is the incarnation of world order and truth. He was looking for guilty, punish them and gave sins.
Also satellites of Odin - Crows Khuginn and Municipal; "Thought" and "Memory". They poured the same in the management of nine worlds. They flew all the world every day, returning to one evening. They sat on his shoulders and everyone told what he saw for the day.

The drawback of the crow is the title of people who are endowed with their own wisdom since their birth, so to speak from nature, as well as life experience. It sounds paradoxically, but it is so. As if they had already lived many lives and came to a new one with great luggage knowledge.
Raven - the desire to receive for himself (the thief means it is in the OR-Light of receipt), but above the animals of desires, at the level - a person - already in the intention, so the thief in this case has wings and already in heaven (thief), then There is on Earth, it is connected with another measurement system, and therefore judgments and strictly complies with the laws of this system (not the Criminal Code written by people), it is not by chance in the criminal world of such "Thief in Law". In this way, the influence of Varuna, who observing the heavenly laws of Svarog, is reflected in compliance with the laws of a certain revival system, sometimes it comes to the absurdity, but however, who is not without sinner ...
Not all of course choose the "criminal" path of development, there is also a "mystical". In this case, where the concepts of mystic or matter appear, people from the drawback of the crow easily oriented in them at an intuitive level, not even focusing on this issue. The arguments for them do not represent a special problem, and the fact is interesting to arguing "crows" and on the level of logical, and on - mystical. The latter is not less than characteristic of their nature.

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