Water objects of groundwater. Water objects and their types

Water objects of groundwater. Water objects and their types

Subject of hydrology, communication with other sciences

Hydrology (literally - the science of water) is engaged in the study of natural waters, phenomena and processes, in them flowing, as well as determining the spread of water ground surface And in the thicker of soil soils, regularities for which these phenomena and processes are developing.

Hydrology refers to a complex of sciences studying the physical properties of the Earth, in particular, its hydrosphere. The subject of study of hydrology Are water bodies: oceans, sea, rivers, lakes and reservoirs, swamps and accumulation of moisture in the form of snow cover, glaciers, soil and groundwater.

A comprehensive study of hydrological processes should be provided, on the one hand, the study of water as an element of the geographic landscape, and on the other - the establishment of physical patterns that are subject to hydrological processes. Water surface of the earth (oceans, seas, rivers, lakes, swamps, glaciers), its air shell (atmosphere) and in the earth's crust are closely related to each other. Therefore, a number of issues relating to the activities of water on the globe are simultaneously considered by hydrology, meteorology, geology, soil science, geomorphology, geography and other sciences studying the atmosphere and lithosphere. In hydrological studies, phones, hydraulics and hydrodynamics are widely used. Since the processes committed in the seas and oceans differ significantly from the processes occurring in rivers, lakes and swamps, this determines the difference in the methods of their research and allows you to allocate sea hydrology and sushi hydrology. The hydrology of the sea is more often called oceanology or oceanography, while maintaining the term "hydrology" for sushi hydrology. Depending on the objectsresearch can be distinguished:

1) hydrology of rivers;

2) hydrology lakes;

3) swamp hydrology;

4) underground hydrology;

5) Hydrology of glaciers.

According to methodsislasting, sushi hydrology includes:

1) hydrography giving general description water objects (geographical position, dimensions, regime, local conditions);

2) hydrometry studying methods for determining and measuring the characteristics of water bodies;

3) general hydrology studying the physical essence and patterns of hydrological phenomena;

4) Engineering hydrology that develops methods of hydrological forecasts and calculations of the characteristics of the hydrological regime.

Engineering hydrology - section of hydrology:

Engaged in methods of calculation and forecast of hydrological regimes; and

Connected with practical application Hydrology in solving engineering tasks.

From the history of hydrology

The name of the science of water is hydrology - formed from two Greek words: "Hydro" - water and "Logos" - knowledge, science.

The first root of hydrology appeared at the dawn of the history of mankind, about 6,000 years ago, in Ancient Egypt. While on the territory of modern Finland and Karelia, perhaps, in some places, the remnants of the last period of glaciation still melted, the Egyptian priests were the simplest hydrological observations - noted on the rocks 400 km above the aswan water levels during the periods of the annual spills of the Nile. Later in ancient Egypt, a whole network was created (about 30) "hydrological" posts in the lower Nile, the so-called nomer. Some nometers were rich architectural structures: marble wells in the river bed with a beautifully decorated stone column in the midst, on which the height of the flood was noted. The largest hydrological observation series in the world has been preserved - for 1250 years - one of such nomers located on the island of the genus near Cairo. In the height of the water level during the flood of the Nile, the priests were determined by the future harvest and appointed taxes in advance.

However, it took several millennia to ensure that the hydrology, which began with observations for the flooding Nile, has become an independent scientific discipline. An important border in the history of the development of hydrology was the end of the XVII century. French scientist P. Perso, and after him E. Mariott, measuring the size of precipitation and flow in the upper hay basin, established the quantitative relations of the main elements of the water balance of the river basin - precipitation and dragging, refuted by the fantastic ideas about the origin of rivers, sources and sources at the time groundwater. In the same period, English Astronomer E. Galley, on the basis of experiments on the measurement of evaporation, showed on the example of the Mediterranean, that evaporation from the surface of the sea significantly exceeds the flow of river water into it, and thereby "closed" the circuit of the water cycle on the globe.

The United Nations on issues, education, science and culture (UNESCO) noted in 1974 at the International Hydrological Conference in Paris, the three hundredth anniversary of scientific hydrology, timed to this anniversary to the three-year anniversary of the publishing book P. Perro "On the origin of sources" (Paris, 1674), in which the author leads the results of its water balance counts.

Water role in nature

Water is a universal substance, without which life is impossible, this is an indispensable component of the whole alive. The plants contain up to 90% of water, and in the body of an adult - about 70%. Biologists sometimes joke that the water "invented" man as a means of movement.

Almost all biochemical reactions in each living cell are reactions in aqueous solutions. Most technological processes at the enterprises of the chemical industry, in the production of drugs and food products, occur in solutions (mainly aquatic). And in metallurgy, the water is extremely important, and not only for cooling. It is not by chance that hydrometallurgy - extracting metals from ores and concentrates with solutions of various reagents - has become an important industry.

Water forms oceans, seas, rivers and lakes. Many water is in gaseous condition in the form of vapors in the atmosphere; in the form of huge masses of snow and ice she lies round year At the tops of high mountains and in polar countries. Hardwater - Snow and ice - covered 20% sushi. In the depths of the Earth also contains water, impregnating the soil and rocks. The total reserves of water on Earth make up 14,54.3 million cubic meters. km (of which less than 2% refers to fresh waters, and are available for use 0.3%). The climate of the planet depends on the water. Geophysics argue that the earth would have cooled and turned into a lifeless piece of stone if not water. She has a very big heat capacity.

Heating, it absorbs heat; Cooling, gives it. Ground water absorbs, and returns a lot of heat and thereby "aligns" climate. And from the cosmic cold protects the earth those water molecules that scattered in the atmosphere - in the clouds and in the form of vapors.

Natural water is not completely clean. The most pure is rainwater, but it contains minor quantities of different impurities that captures air. The number of impurities in fresh waters usually lies in the range from 0.01 to 0.1% (mass.). Sea water contains 3.5% (mass.) Missal substances, the main mass of which is sodium chloride (soda salt).

Surface water is mainly concentrated in the ocean, content of 1 billion 375 million cubic meters. km - about 98% of all the water on Earth. The surface of the ocean (water area) is 361 million square meters. km. It approximately 2.4 times the area of \u200b\u200bthe land area, occupying 149 million square meters. km.

Water objects and their types

Water object - Natural or artificial reservoir, watercourses or other object in which water constantly or temporarily concentrated.

That is, an aqueous object is a natural or man-made formation with a constant or time cluster of water. Water accumulation can be both in the form of relief and in the depths.

Reservoirs - clusters of water in the decreases of the earth's surface. The basin and its filling water is the only natural complex for which the slow motion of water is characteristic. This group of water bodies includes oceans, seas, lakes, reservoirs, ponds, swamps.

Vodotoki. - clusters of water in relatively narrow and small deepening of the surface of the earth with the progressive movement of water in the direction of the slope of this recess. This group of water bodies includes rivers, streams, channels. They can be permanent (with the flow of all year round) and temporary (drying, moving).

Special water bodies - glaciers (moving natural clusters of ice) and the groundwater .

Water on the ground is in a liquid, solid and vapor state; It is included in the aquifers and artesian pools.

Water objects have catchment - Part of the earth's surface or strata of soils and rocks, from where water comes from a specific water object. The boundary between adjacent catchments is called watershed . In the nature of the watersheds usually distinguish the sushi water objects, mostly river systems.

Each water object relating to one or another group is characterized by its own characteristics of natural conditions. They change in space and in time under the influence of physico-geographical, primarily climatic factors. Pasteless changes in the state of water objects forming a totality of the hydrosphere, to some extent reflected on it.

Distinguish surface water objects consisting of surface waters and lands covered with them within the coastline and underground water bodies .

There are also natural transitional education, which do not have signs of a water facility, but having a "possibility" of harmful effects. An example of such education is, in particular, "breathing" lakes. The essence of the phenomenon lies in an unexpected and fast (sometimes one night) the appearance and disappearance of "big water" in the depressions of the relief, swampy and meadow lowlands (sometimes with an area of \u200b\u200b20 km 2).

The "breathable" lakes are observed in the Leningrad Region, Prion, in Novgorod, Arkhangelsk Region, in Vologda, in Dagestan. Suddenly arising near the settlements and various communications of the lake float them.

Surface water bodies include: seas, rivers, streams, canals, lakes, flooded careers, ponds, reservoirs, swamps, glaciers, snowflakes, springs, geysers.

Underground water bodies include groundwater pools, aquifers.

Water objects are divided into types:

General use - publicly available surface water bodies located in state or municipal property (Art. 6 VC of the Russian Federation).

Especially protected - water bodies (or parts of them) having a special environmental, scientific, cultural, as well as aesthetic, recreational and improving importance. Their list is determined by the legislation on specially protected natural territories (Article 66 of the Russian Federation).


    FZ "On the inner marine waters and territorial seas of the Russian Federation"

    FZ "On the exceptional economic zone of the Russian Federation"

    Water Code

    The Law of the Sverdlovsk region "On the regulation of water relations".

Water- This is a chemical compound of hydrogen and oxygen, existing in a liquid, solid and gaseous state.

All water within the biosphere at every given moment is divided into 3 parts:

1) Water in the environment and not concentrated in water bodies (for example: water in the tissues of living organisms (including humans), in the soil, in atmospheric air)

Relationships on the use and protection of this water are not regulated by water legislation, they can be governed by land legislation, on the protection of atmospheric air, sanitary, civil, administrative and other legislation.

2) water separated from ambient and located in utility household systems, tanks, vessels (for example, water in pipes)

Relationships about this water are not regulated by water and environmental legislation, civil legislation is applied here.

3) Water concentrated in water bodies

Relationships about this water are governed by water and environmental legislation and are called "water relations".

Water object - This is the concentration of water on the surface of the sushi in the forms of its relief, as well as in the depths, having borders, the volume and features of the water regime (i.e., change the volume and water level of this object during a certain period of time).

The water object is a material object.

This definition of the water object contains hydrorematic signs.

Legal signs of the water site:

1) The presence of a none name (for example: swamp, pond, stream, river, etc.)

2) The largest water objects have their own name.

3) The water object is subject to state registration in the state water cadastre (that is, information about the water object is contained in the cadastre).

Classification of water bodies

depending on physical and geographical, hydrorem and other signs:

1) Surface water objects:

    surface watercourses (for example, rivers)

(water in them is in a state of continuous movement)

    surface reservoirs (for example, ponds, swamps, lakes)

(water in them is in a state of slow motion)

    in solid state (glaciers moving snow clusters)

2) Domestic marine waters (for example: bays, bays, waterproofing ports)

3) Territorial Sea

The inner boundary of the territorial sea is the outer boundary of the inner sea water. The length of the territorial sea is up to 12 nautical miles.

4) Underground water bodies (aquifer).

The basis for the acquisition of the right to use water objects:

1) The decision of the Russian government

2) Decision of the executive authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation

3) License (issued specially authorized water fund authority)

4) The contract for using the water object.

The type of contract by the Water Code is not determined. The rules of civil law are applied as a lease agreement (unless otherwise established by law).

Water Code requires mandatory state registration of a license and a contract, which is made by a specially authorized water fund authority ( with the exception of Cases when the object of use is a separate water object (real estate), the rights to which are registered in accordance with the legislation on the state registration of rights to immovable property and transactions with it).

Types of contracts depend on the deadlines to which the contracts are concluded.

For terms, contracts are divided into:

1) long-term agreement (up to 20 years)

2) agreement of short-term use (up to 3 years).

A special type of contract is also allocated - agreement of private servitude. This contract is concluded in accordance with civil law. The peculiarity of this contract is that this agreement limits the right to use not the owner of the water object, but the primary user (that is, the person to whom the water object was transferred to the separate use). A private servitude agreement is in writing on the basis of a license.

Grounds Termination of the right to use water bodies:

1) Death of the Water Support Citizen

2) Liquidation of the Water Supervisor Legal

3) Refusal of use

4) Natural or artificial disappearance of the water object.

Founding of forced termination of the right to use water bodies (The list is exhaustive):

1) Non-use of the water object for 3 years

2) use not by intended purpose

3) seizure for state or municipal needs

4) Failure to comply with the conditions and requirements of the license and the contract

5) Not use for 1 year of water bodies intended for water supply, provided that limited water resources

6) Prohibition of the use of water bodies (for example, Article 88 of the Russian Federation).

Subjects of water use are only citizens (any individual) and legal entities (any, including foreign).

The object of water use is the object Water object as a whole or part of it.

Types of water use rights:

1) by term: long-term water use

water use When the term is determined by short-term water use

no longer limit

(for example, when a servitude is installed)

2) For use:

The list of purposes is not exhaustive. About 12 species. For example:

    water use for drinking and household water supply purposes

This is a priority view. If it is established that the water object corresponds to this goal, it is used exclusively in this capacity. For other purposes, it can be used only if they do not contradict this goal.

    for the purpose of agriculture

    for forest goals

    for health purposes

    for industry purposes, transport, etc.

One water object can be used by one water users immediately for several purposes, as well as one water object can be provided immediately to several water users.

Features of the use of water objects in accordance with the objectives are established in the special part of the VK of the Russian Federation.

3) According to methods of use and order of occurrence:

general water use right

the right of special water use

It is carried out without the use of hydraulic devices and structures (an example of the simplest hydraulic device is a pump, the shoulder do not belong here)

Is carried out using hydraulic devices and structures

Carried out in a prison without a special permission

It is carried out in a permit (on the basis of the decision of the authorized body, licenses and a prisoner)

Subjects of general water use can be both citizens and legal entities

Subjects of the right of special water use can be both citizens and legal entities.

Water use can be carried out with the withdrawal of water from the water object, and without that.

4) Significance:

VK RF as a separate type allocates high water use rights - for federal needs, for the needs of the subject of the Russian Federation or municipal needs.

Clusters of natural waters on the surface of the earth, as well as in the upper layer are called water objects. They have a hydrological regime and participate in the hydrosphere of the planet consists mainly of them.


Building, hydrological features and environmental conditions divide water objects into three groups: reservoirs, watercourses and water structures of a special type. The watercourses are streams, that is, water in the deepening of the surface of the earth, where the movement is progressive, under the slope. The reservoirs are where the earth's surface decreases and the movement of water compared to the drains of the slow motion. It is swamps, ponds, reservoirs, lakes, sea, oceans.

Special water bodies are mountain and coating glaciers, as well as all underground water (artesian pools, aquifer soil horizons). Water and drainage can be temporary (drying) and constant. In most water bodies have a catchment - this is the part of the thickness of the soil, rocks and soils that give the water, sea, lake or river contained in them. Along the boundary of adjacent catchments, a watershed is determined, which may be underground or superficial (orographic).

Hydrographic network

Watercourses and reservoirs in aggregate prisonered within a particular territory are a hydrographic network. However, most often the glaciers located here are not taken into account, and it is incorrect. It is necessary to consider the hydrographic network with an absolutely entire list of water bodies that are on the earth's surface of this territory.

Rivers, streams, channels, being part of the hydrographic network, that is, by watercourses, are called a partable network. If only large, i.e. rivers are present from the watercourses, this part of the hydrographic network will also be called a river network.


The hydrosphere is formed by all the natural waters of the Earth. Neither the concept nor its border is not yet defined. According to tradition, the intermittent aqueous wrapper of the globe is most often understood, which is located within the earth's crust, including its thicker, representing the totality of the seas and oceans, groundwater and the objects of the sushi water resources: glaciers, snow cover, swamp, lakes and rivers . Not included in the concept of hydrosphere, only atmospheric moisture and water contained in living organisms.

The concept of hydrosphere is interpreted both wide and more narrowly. The latter is when, under the concept of hydrosphere, only those located between the atmosphere and the lithosphere, and in the first case all participants of the global cycle are included: the natural waters of the planet, and the underground, the upper part of the earth's crust, and atmospheric moisture, and water in living organisms. It is closer to the concept of "geosphere", where there is quite a few studied problem of interpenetration of different geopap (atmosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere) - the borders of the biosphere, in Vernadsky.

Water resources of land

Water objects of the world contain approximately 1,388 million cubic kilometers of water, a huge amount distributed through water bodies of all types. The world ocean and the sea, which are connected with it - is the main part of the water belonging to the hydrosphere, 96.4 percent of the total. In second place, glaciers and snowflashs: here is 1.86 percent of all waters of the planet. The remaining water bodies got 1.78%, and this is a huge number of rivers, lakes, swamps.

The most valuable waters are fresh, but there are quite small on the planet: 36,769 thousand cubic kilometers, that is, only 2.65 percent of all planetary water. And most, glaciers and snowballs, where more than seventy percent of the whole fresh water on the ground. Fresh lakes have 91 thousand cubic kilometers of water, a quarter of a percent, fresh groundwater: 10,530 thousand cubic kilometers (28.6%), on rivers and reservoirs there are hundredths and thousands of percentages. In the swamps of water a little, but their area on the planet is huge - 2,682 million square kilometers, that is, more than lakes, and especially reservoirs.

Hydrological cycle

Absolutely all objects of water biological resources With each other are connected indirectly or directly, since they are combined by the water cycle on the planet (global hydrological cycle). The main component of the cycle is the river stock, closing the links of the mainland and oceanic cycles. The greatest river stock has the greatest world river - Amazon, its water flow is 18% of the drain of all earth rivers, that is, 7,280 cubic kilometers per year.

With the last forty-fifty years of the mass of water in the global hydrosphere, the number of contents of individual aquatic objects is often changed, since water is redistributed. With global climate warming, melting and coating, and mountain glaciers, the Eternal Merzlot takes place, the World Ocean level increased noticeably. Greenland glaciers, Antarctica, the Arctic Islands are gradually melting. Water - natural resourcewhich is able to resume, because it constantly comes with atmospheric precipitation, which flows through the water injections in lakes and rivers, form underground reserves that are main sources that allow the use of water bodies.


The same water is usually used, many times and different users. For example, at first it participates in any technological process, after which the other user comes into the same water. But despite the fact that the water is a source being replenished and applied again, the use of water objects does not occur in sufficient volume, since there is no needed amount of fresh water on the planet.

A special deficit of water resources occurs, for example, during drought or other natural phenomena. The amount of precipitation decreases, and they are the main source of resumption of this natural resource. Also reset wastewater Polluts the reservoirs, due to the construction of dams, dams and other structures, the hydrological regime changes, and human needs always exceed the permissible fence of fresh water. Therefore, the protection of water objects is a primary business.

Legal aspect

World waters, of course, the useful natural resource of essential environmental and economic significance. Unlike any mineral resources, water for the vital activity of humanity is absolutely necessary. therefore special meaning It has legal regulation relatively water property, use of water bodies, their parts, as well as distribution and protection issues. Therefore, "water" and "water" - legally different concepts.

Water is nothing more than compound oxygen and hydrogen, which exists in liquid, gaseous and solid state. Waters are absolutely all the water, which is located in all water bodies, that is, in its natural state and on the surface of the sushi, and in depths, and in any form of terrestrial crust. The use of water objects is regulated by civil law. There is special water legislation that regulates the use of waters in the natural environment and water bodies - water use. Not separated and not individualized only water in the atmosphere and falling into since is part of the soil composition.


Security on water bodies in the winter period provides complete compliance with the relevant rules. Autumnal ice is extremely defined until resistant frosts appear. In the evening and at night, he can withstand some load, and the day quickly heats up from melt water, which seeps deep into, making a lot of porous and weak, despite the thickness. During this period, he is the cause of injuries and even the death of people.

The reservoirs freeze very unevenly, first off the coast, in the shallow water, then in the middle. Lakes, ponds, where the water is standing, and especially if the streams do not fall into the water, there are no river bed or underwater keys in it, freeze faster. The current always holds back the formation of ice. The safe thickness for a lonely person is seven centimeters, for a rink - at least twelve centimeters, for walking crossings - from fifteen centimeters, for cars - at least thirty. If a person still fell through the ice, then at a temperature of 24 degrees Celsius, he may be in water up to nine watches without harm to health, but the ice at such a temperature is a big rarity. It is usually from five to fifteen degrees. In such a situation, a person can survive for four hours. If the temperature is up to three degrees, death comes in fifteen minutes.

Rules of behavior

  1. In the dark time, it is impossible to go out on the ice, as well as with poor visibility: in the snowfall, fog, rain.
  2. I can not beat your legs by checking it on strength. If at least a little water appeared under his feet, you need to immediately move back to your trace by sliding steps, distributing the load on the large area (legs on the width of the shoulders).
  3. Go on the fare.
  4. A group of people should cross the water, observing the distance of 5 meters at a minimum.
  5. It is necessary to have a twenty-meter durable cord with a deaf loop and a cargo (the cargo is needed to throw the cord failed, and the loop so that he has done it under the mouse).
  6. Parents should not allow children without supervision of reservoirs: neither fishing, nor on the rink.
  7. In alcoholic intoxication, it is better not to approach the reservoirs, since people in this state react to danger inadequately.

Fishermen on a note

  1. It is necessary to know well a reservoir designed for fishing: deep and small places to keep safety on water bodies.
  2. Distinguish signs thin iceTo know which water objects are dangerous, observe precautions.
  3. Route to determine from the shore.
  4. Be careful when descending on the ice: often it is not very tightly connected to the land, there are cracks and air under the ice.
  5. You can not go to dark areas of ice that warmed up in the sun.
  6. Observe the distance between the ice running on the ice is not five meters.
  7. A backpack or a drawer with tarnings and supplies is better in a rope in two or three meters from the back.
  8. To check each step, the fisherman should have a walk, which you need to face the ice is not right in front of yourself, and on the side.
  9. Other fishermen cannot be approached by three meters.
  10. It is forbidden to approach areas where there are algae or squigs in ice.
  11. It is impossible to do well on the crossings (on paths), and also prohibits the creation of several wells around themselves.
  12. To save, it is necessary to have a cord with a cargo, a long barbell or a wide board, something sharp (Baggore, knife, hook) so that you can get clinging for the ice.

Water objects are capable of shaking and enrich the life of a person and take it away - it must be remembered about it.

Water objects - natural or artificial reservoir, watercourses, or other object, permanent or temporal focus of water in which has characteristic forms and signs of water regime; where under the water regime is a change in time levels, consumption and volume of water in the water facility (Water Code of the Russian Federation). Water Code of the Russian Federation 2006 changed the definition of V.O. Compared to the 1995 Water Code, previously under the water facility was understood "the concentration of waters on the surface of the sushi in the form of its relief either in the depths, having the boundaries, the volume and features of the water regime." On the one hand, according to the signs contained in the new definition, VO can be distinguished from the swimming pool or from seasonal snow cover, and on the other hand, the concept of V.O. It has widespread content and theoretically allows to recognize any accumulation of water to the water, including small and short-term (see: Mazurov A.V. Commentary on the water code Russian Federation and federal law "On the enactment of the Water Code of the Russian Federation" (article) // Private law. M., 2006).

Classified VO. Depending on the characteristics of their regime, physico-geographical, morphometric and other features. Despite the fact that the grounds for the classification of VO Naturally scientific, the classification itself has an important legal value, since it is from the concept and type of V.O. Its legal fate depends, in addition, one of the principles of water legislation is the regulation of water relations, depending on the characteristics of the regime of water objects, their physico-geographical, morphometric and other features. In. divided into surface and underground. To superficial V.O. : 1) seas or their individual parts (straits, bays, including bays, limans, etc.). According to the generally accepted definition of the sea, part of the world ocean, more or less separated by land or elevations of the underwater terrain and differing from the open part of the ocean with a hydrological regime. In the Water Code of the Russian Federation, under the "sea", the legislator understands the internal marine waters and the territorial seas of the Russian Federation, and only by this V.O. Got legal interpretation. The internal marine waters of the Russian Federation are water located in the direction of the coast from the source lines, which are measured by the width of the territorial sea of \u200b\u200bthe Russian Federation. Domestic marine waters are an integral part of the territory of the Russian Federation. The territorial Sea of \u200b\u200bthe Russian Federation is adjacent to the land area or to the inner sea waters a seaside width of 12 marine miles ( the federal law dated July 31, 1998 N 155-FZ "On internal sea waters, territorial sea and adjacent zone of the Russian Federation"); 2) watercourses are characterized by a constant or time movement of water in line in the direction of the general slope - rivers, streams, channels; 3) reservoirs (lakes, ponds, water-powered careers, reservoirs) are characterized by a state of slow water exchange; 4) the swamps - the excessly moistened section of the Earth, at which there is an accumulation of an indecomposed organic matter that turns into a peat further into the peat; 5) natural yields of groundwater (springs, geysers); 6) Glaciers, Snezhniki. Underground water bodies include: groundwater pools and aquifers.

the water object is natural or artificial water, watercourses, or another object, permanent or temporary concentration of water in which has characteristic forms and signs of water mode.

1. Water objects depending on the characteristics of their regime, physico-geographical, morphometric and other features are divided into:

1) surface water objects;

2) Underground water bodies.

2. To surface water bodies include:

1) seas or their individual parts (sheds, bays, including bays, limans and others);

2) watercourses (rivers, streams, channels);

3) reservoirs (lakes, ponds, flooded careers, reservoirs);

4) swamps;

5) natural yields of groundwater (springs, geysers);

6) Glaciers, Snezhniki.

3. Surface water objects consist of surface waters and lands covered with them within the coastline.

4. Coastline (The border of the water object) is determined for:

1) the sea - according to the constant water level, and in the case of a periodic change in the water level - along the line of maximum popular;

2) rivers, streams, canals, lakes, waterproof career - in the average year of water in the period when they are not covered with ice;

3) Pond, reservoir - according to a normal retaining water level;

4) Swamp - along the border of the peat deposits on the zero depth.

5. Underground water bodies include: 1) groundwater pools;

2) aquifer horizons.

6. The boundaries of underground water objects are determined in accordance with the legislation on the depths.

Article 6. Water objects common use

1. Surface water facilities that are in state or municipal property are water bodies, that is, publicly available water bodies, unless otherwise provided by this Code.

2. Every citizen has the right to access water utilities and free to use them for personal and domestic needs, unless otherwise provided by this Code, other federal laws.

3. The use of public art facilities is carried out in accordance with the rules for the protection of people's life on water bodies approved in the manner determined by the authorized federal executive body, as well as on the basis of the rules of use of water bodies established by local self-government authorities for personal and domestic needs.

4. On the water bodies of common use, the fence (withdrawal) of water resources may be prohibited for the purposes of drinking and household water supply, bathing, use of small vessels, water bikes and other technical meansdesigned to relax on water bodies, water, as well as other prohibitions in cases stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

5. Information on the restriction of water use in public areas is provided by citizens of local self-government through the media and through special information signs installed along the shores of water bodies. Other ways to provide such information can also be used.

6. The lane of the Earth along the coastline of the Water Object (coastline) is intended for general use. The width of the coastline of the general use of public objects is twenty meters, with the exception of the coastline of the channels, as well as rivers and streams, the length of which from the source to the mouth is nothing more than ten kilometers. The width of the coastline of the canals, as well as rivers and streams, the length of which from the source to the mouth is no more than ten kilometers, is five meters.

7. Coastline Swamps, glaciers, snowfliers, natural yields of groundwater (springs, geysers) and other water objects provided by federal laws are not determined.

8. Each citizen has the right to use (without the use of mechanical vehicles) by the coastal strip of public areas for moving and staying near them, including for the implementation of amateur and sports fisheries and mooring floating funds.


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