Slavic signs runes are charging. Slavic Runes and Runic Alphabet

Slavic signs runes are charging. Slavic Runes and Runic Alphabet

Slavic runes Allow only to open the sacrament of the heritage of the ancient nation, which was used not only as a letter symbol, but also for communication with the gods.
What force and the importance of the symbols of the ancient runes of Slavs

What force and the significance of the symbols of the ancient runes of Slavs?

Such an incomprehensible and to the end of the unknown magic world of runes, uniting a separate sector of the universe in several dozen characters, interests many modern people. And not only science figures are interested in deciphering signs and rune magic. Simple people also wish to know what is behind certain symbols, because, according to the ancient legends of our ancestors, they can radically change their lives. Many people with constant interest are learning the Slavic runes and their meanings, know the knowledge that is only part of the great heritage of our progenitors. And in this article you can find answers to the most relevant questions about the ancient symbols that came to us since the times of paganism.

Runic records and magic characters, which are a kind of memos of history about primitive humanity, became the main theme To discuss many writers and famous cultural figures. Based on historical information and all sorts of tips, some of them were able to publish quite interesting publications, which later became the basis for the course on the sacred traditions of the ancient Slavs.

Such editions include one of the books of the Iggwod (A.V. Plates, known in certain circles, writer and activist of the pagan movement "Revival") - "Runic Magic", published in 1994, it carries reliable data about many rune signs and their meaning. Starting with the basics of sacred teaching ancient nation of Slavs and ending with documented information (drawings of rock painting, photo, video), it allows you to understand the deeper meaning of heritage. In the future, it helps a person interested in the development of Runic magic more accurately apply the runes symbols in achieving their goals.

Definition and Basic Concepts

First of all, it is worth noting that the runes are a kind of recording, hieroglyphs denoting magic faithful attributes. According to the representatives of the ancient Slavic nation themselves, the runes presented them as a gift the Supreme God of Veles. The use of these peculiar "patterns" allowed a person to defend himself from the troubles, unfortunate, the evil eye and other likh. The ancient runes could be individual amules, and magical universal tools for the protection of housing, family, a whole kind. Therefore, they were applied in ancient times almost on any surface. Most often there were Slavic Runic Inscriptions on clothes, ammunitions Vary, clothes and medallions, coulters. Often, runes and symbols of Slavic ancestors were applied to protect the house household subjects And the walls of the house.
But not only the protective value carry an old signs in the form of runes. Some time ago, various fortune-telling on the runes were very popular. They were distributed practically throughout the territory of Central Europe, which is closer to the end of the VIII Art. settled the Slavs. This could be explained by the accuracy of the results obtained during prediction on the combinations of runes.

Few people know, but the runes are also considered by the letters of our progenitors. This is mentioned by A.V. Fees in their edition, as about the pre-Christian alphabet of the ancient Slavs. Used to preserve the messages, runes have become a base for the alphabets that have appeared significantly later.

IN modern world Runic lettering is called a specific iconic system. Those who have not previously encountered this topic in general, feel the sacrament and a kind of sacred mysticism of ancient hieroglyphs. And it is not surprising, because the meaning of Slavic ruins are deeper than others known for today's signs of ancient humanity. For example, the basis for the interpretation of Rune was the reflection of the trinity of the divine force, which appeared in the worldview of representatives of the Slavic people in the form of opposites:

What is the designations?

Depending on which rune will be applied by a person, it can be understood how much he believes in the Divine, or what purpose he pursues. In addition, the translation of some Runic writing could say about belonging to it relative to a certain kind.

Protective symbols, as previously mentioned, could be transferred to the Slavs on a wide variety of things:

  • houseware;

  • decorations (decor or accessories);

  • pews;

  • belt;

  • cult elements and more.

In the mantic (technique of ancient divination), the runes were used as a main tool that gave the interpretation possible events in the future for the combinations during the combinations. In this case, the characters are applied to special dies. The ancient Slavs were usually made of wood either carved on pebbles. For such divination there is a certain system of interaction of signs.

The author's align during divination on the runes allowed us to judge the events possible in the near future. Starting towards prediction rituals, Slavs usually set an invisible energy connection with the gods. Such an entry helped to get a more reliable tip from unearthfor the strength and increase the importance of certain runic signs:

What exactly means each of them, as well as other runic symbols, you can find out by reading the article further.

Runic images with their decoding

As the memory of the genus Slavic, the runes of small forthcomes are still closer to many of us "in spirit". The system consisting of ancient signs contains 18 runes, each of which carries an individual value. What kind of meaning they are endowed, and how to read and depict, demonstrated in the photo.

    • The first rune, depicted in the photo above, is read like a world. She personifies the universe, as Slavs seen him. Also, this symbol transfers the essence of the tree of the world. In some other interpretations, this sign is the way the inner "I" of each person, thirsting to overcome chaos and the aspirating person to order in the world. In general, such a value of the rune world can be considered true. They both are considered to be a reliable translation of an ancient hieroglyph, which A.V.Platov mentioned in his book. In the world of magic, where such symbolic designs are increasingly used for the predictions of the future, the rune world is protection. The one who fell a dice with her image will be under the auspices of the gods.

    • The second in the photo shows the rune of Chernobog. She, as opposed to the first symbol, personifies the forces that seek to disorder, chaos. In prophecies, this sign indicates a gap, destruction, completion, etc. Depending on which a combination, a dice with such an inshanction falls, a person can expect either the destruction of unnecessary connections, or the long-awaited exit from the "closed circle".

    • The next rune in the photo is Alatyr, meaning the center of all the universe. Its essence is all of the beginning and until the end of the universe. This is a center around which there is always a movement. It is about him that he is mentioned as a stone that lies at the foundation of the world and around which constantly the forces of chaos and order, staying in constant struggle. The sacred meaning of this sign is the altar that serves as a place of offerings to the victim. In other sources, Alatyr - the personification of the law on equilibrium.

    • Rainbow, the fourth rune in the image above, means the road. However, this is not the road that may arise in the understanding of a person. Rainbow is a special path that is determined by the struggle and simultaneous unity of opposites (chaos and order, fire and water, etc.). Runa road-rainbow on a raid, it is not even movement of a person, but its purpose, a condition that does not like anything else. The person's equilibrium, which gives a man beginning and has a concrete result, in magic, this rune means stabilization, favorable completion of cases, assistance to travelers.

    • In the photo, the next rune is read as a need. This symbol is related to God Navi, whom Slavs attributed to the Lower World. The need (or Rune Viya) means fate, a set of events intended for man. In direct understanding, this is a drawing - the final result, which not to avoid anyone (death). In magic and fortune telling, it is considered a warning. Seeing a cry with such a sign, a person needs to think about the adoption of a specific decision, radically changing his life.

    • Another symbol is the rune of the Krand, symbolizing the sacrificial fire. It is also a prototype of the desire, embodiment and realization of the conceived. At the same time, this sign carries the value of the opening, exposure. This is due to the fact that the conceived, in the process of its implementation, becomes clear, visible to the world. In the world of magic, the Craft is cleansing.

    • The seventh rune in the photo - Treka, is the sign of the warrior of the Spirit. It bears the importance of sacrifice for intent. If we consider that everything in the world is interrelated, it can be assumed that for the implementation of your intention to a person on the road you need to donate something to get the desired one. And this is not the sacrifice that you need to carry the gods for the task. It is rather a symbol of self-sacrifice, the ability to deny themselves to achieve the goals. The same value of the rune is transferred to the world of magic, divination.

    • Rune force is the property of a warrior. It means changes, and not only in the world, but also in itself in relation to the world. This is a symbol, as a confirmation of the results, intended to go on the road, and the strength he gets, if he sacrifice for the sake of release from the Okov of Consciousness. For the prophecy, the dice with an inscription will mean clarification of an unresolved situation.

    • Ruhnu Spirit is the wind, the next sign in the photo. She symbolizes the road ascent to the top. Associated with elements of air, this cry is a prototype of spiritual will, forces. Deciphering it in prophecies - inspiration, breakthrough in creativity.

    • Bereginina - Female start, mother's image and maternity symbol, which is also associated with protection. Its Slavs belong to the goddess of Mother Beregini, who seems the fate of all the world's living in the world, fertility, well-being. Since it concerns the life of the existing on Earth, this rune is considered to be a symbol of life, death and fate.

    • Another runtic symbol is a traditional designation of male dignity. In general, this is a sign of fertility, love and passion. Slavs perceived such a symbol as the force capable of fertilizing the void of the universe and generate life.

    • Lelia is a representative of the water element, a rune associated with living water. Ancient Slavs believed that it was this water that flowed in all natural sources. Magic such a symbol is perceived as intuition, higher knowledge, joy, as well as a kind of awakening.

    • Rule Non-Overweighted Spirit can be called the following hieroglyph - rock. This is the exact definition of the beginning of the whole and its end. A mysterious symbol in the magic world is perceived as dedication to the unrecognizable.

    • The foundations of the universe is related to the following rune - support. Carrying an explicit connection with the gods, it represents a tree (support) that connects heaven and land and opens the path to give answers to questions.

    • Rune Dazhibog, which is a direct symbol of good, gifts of gods. With such a drawing, the crystrine carries the importance of well-being in any sphere (wealth, love, happiness, luck). Prophecy for a person with Ruju Dazhbog will mean a good acquisition, an increase in something or adding, new bonds, etc.

    • Perun, the sign of God-throat. This rune protects people from chaos, the world of gods - from the dark forces. At the same time, it symbolizes vitality and power. Endowed with protective properties, in prophecies, it will mean the patronage of the gods.

    • The rune is a symbol of life, being with its variable variables. This is a sign of constant motion, updates, change, growth. She is the fact that it makes all the living grow, improve, live.

    • Rule ice is the last symbol in the photo - source. Given that the ice is a special state of strength and movement alone, the source will mean stagnation in those cases that are rapidly developing. The potential force inherent in this sign and symbolizing the rune of the source will result in motion.

    The deep meaning of sacred being, consisting in Slavic ancient rune-drawn, allows you to open the curtain of the mysterious heritage of the Great Nation, which has taken a lot of documentary videos. Awareness in the possible values \u200b\u200bof each rune and the ability to correctly interpret it in building predictions will allow more clearly to see the picture of the near future. This once again confirms the explanation why the use of Runes is so popular and very versatile.

    Runes and their meaning photo

In this article:

Ancient Slavs perfectly understood in esoteric matters, they used these knowledge in all spheres of their livelihoods. In the overwhelming majority they used protective magical amules or talismans. For the manufacture of fauces, the History of the Wannes was used, they were made by special magic properties that could implement various vital tasks.

Talismans were used to increase wealth, to make a successful trading deal, to become a member of some favorable enterprise, to attract to their side of nature. So, our ancestors knew how to attract rains in a summer drought period to increase yields, as well as overclock the rain clouds when the rains were undesirable.

The overalls performed a protective function - helped to preserve the integrity of the family, the health of all its members, the love between spouses, contributed to the birth of healthy children, guarded the house and property. Our Slavic ancestors treated nature very tremendously, knew a lot about her power and strength, knew how to use them at the right time.

Hosted by the secrets of interaction between nature and man, they believed in the highest strength, revered many gods, each of which they endowed a specific set of character traits, elements and strength for its management. Mystical halo rites, runes, magic amulets and rounic symbols of champions are important elements of the Vine Slavic culture, which played a key role in the development of this unique and powerful (at that time) civilization.

Slavic runes - what is it?

This concept itself means a certain combination of special signs / symbols, which are simultaneously a magical instrument and an ancient alphabet of peoples living in Northern Europe. The word "Rune" itself (from "RUN") means "secret" or "mystery". Later, an ancient rune writing was displaced with Latin's writing, but did not disappear, but passed into a new quality - it began to use it for fortune telling, magic rituals, creating faiths and amulets, talismans.

There are several options for Runic writing, the oldest German and Slavic runes received the greatest prevalence. It is known that at the disposal of the ancient Slavs there was much more runes, only eighteen of them knows the modern society. You can interpret their value only if you:

  • we understand the ranking of the Slavic gods;
  • you know by name each deity, as well as the element, for which each of the gods is responsible;
  • we understand the "Language of Rune";
  • own methods (magical Slavic rites) of interaction with the gods;
  • capable to manage nature by the runes.

What are the most powerful runes?

We can safely say that they cannot be divided into "strong" and "weak", because each of them, having unique properties, performs a specific task. Each rune can be used separately or in combination with other runes folding in combination with their defined quantities. What number of runes you intend to use depends on the complexity of the task that your charms must fulfill and your desire to solve it most effectively.

The best practice is the manufacture of runes with your own hands

Based on this, it can be noted that the Vine Slavic Runic Symbols are designed to solve various tasks. The confrontation of darkness (chaos) and light (good) underlies the Slavic culture, our ancestors believed in this, so in priority there were guarding orders. With their help, the Slavic tribes tried to confront the forces of the evil and the negative energy of natural origin or specially directed by unkind people. Such a powerful protective force possess, for example, Runes of Dazhibog, Perun, Peace.

Such runes, as need and blacks belong to the elements of chaos. However, the runic symbols with the power of chaos should not be attributed to the category of unconditional evil, since together with the forces of light they are fundamental to the existence of the entire living and non-living in the world. Without them there would be no spiritual world. Their main purpose is the destruction and destruction of something unnecessary, patient and who has learned so that in his place it was possible to build something new. Destruction always underlies the creation of anything new.

Selection of material for making runes

Our ancestors for the manufacture of Slavic runic symbols were used by a fir-tree material - wood, skin, bone, paper, stone, fabric, clay signs, etc. To begin with, they made the foundation from the selected material - small elements of arbitrary shape (more often they were round, rectangular or Square) H was applied to their surface Runic Symbols.

Our ancestors in priority were silver - metal, closely related to a blessing, which has antiseptic properties and pronounced healing effect on living organisms. Oak tree, cedar, ate, birches were widely used. Nowadays, many people also prefer to produce runic protective symbols on their own, rightly believing that such chambers will have a special force and fully comply with their destination. Popular protective protective products from silver (sometimes gold) are also popular, made in the form of original and beautiful jewelry.

Modern person is not devoid of opportunity through the magic Slavic runes:

  • adjust your own destiny;
  • receive help and protect the highest strength in their creative development;
  • count on their patronage in career questions;
  • expect to promote them in matters of interaction and understanding between people;
  • acquire a powerful incentive to self-development, etc.

In any field of human life, characterized by some regression or stagnation, you can apply the magic of Slavic runes to eliminate the negative aspects and acquiring powerful positive energy.

Features of Slavic Runes

The emergence of a prototype of modern writing in Russia Our society is obliged to the works of the first-satellites of Methodius and Kirill, who invented the Old Slavonic language of the verbs and Cyrillic. Before that, our ancestors used not alphabet, but Rounic.

In addition to the signs of writing, the runes were endowed with a secret magical meaning, where each symbol was given a certain meaning for divination and witchcraft actions.

Designation of Slavic Runes

Slavic magicians and sorcerers widely used Rounic signs in their practice, providing ordinary people with magical assistance to solve a variety of problems.

Protective charms in the form of runes charged with positive and powerful energy, from such masters were considered very effective and effective. In addition, Runic Vych was applied to various household items, "woven" into the fabric, decorated with their clothes.

Silver was read as a noble magic metal, so the rootings from it were very valuable and in the first silver guard with the rune signs tried to acquire for children to protect them from various misfortunes. The runes of gold was customary to wear when a person had a decline of forces, a breaking in the farm, pursued failures.

Features of Slavic symbolism

The art of use, as well as the production of runes, requires a master of knowledge of the Slavic culture, understanding the religious features of the Version of the Old Society, the ownership of the skills of conducting certain Slavic rites and magical acts.

Runes are the keys to the information portals, the gift of the gods, projecting their strength and will, designed to strengthen the divine order of the universe on our planet. Proof of this may be a more thorough study of each rune.

Picture Symbol The keyword Description Value
Order, born Belobog, the tree of the world, the Divine "I" in the human essence. Belobog - a complex Slavic symbol that correlates with the essence of a person, his inner "I," is depicted in the form of a tree or a person whose hands are raised to the sky. Means society, community, Rod. In fortune, means the success of any case or event.

Magic value is the patronage of the highest strength, the protection of light forces.

Picture Symbol The keyword Description Value
Chaos, destroying, fall. Chernobogo, darkness, darkness, shadow. The inverted tree of the world, the Rune Antagonist world and the whole Divine. Visually looks like a rune world in an outstanding form. In magic means the collapse of the old order. The talked will be destroyed, the fact that it will take place, will become stronger. In the gadania - death (case, feelings, unions, moral / physical death of a person). Binds the magician with the devastating forces that break through the magic circle, any closed system.
Picture Symbol The keyword Description Value
The center of the Universe, the altar and the subject of the struggle between the Belobogo and the Chernobogo. The peak of the world, the beginning, Aza, greatness. Sacred value: Stone-Alatyr. Alatyr is the keeper of the origins of existing roads and rivers on Earth. Rune has all the start and end. This is a stone embedded in the foundation of the world, a steady center of the cycle of events in the struggle between the forces of order and chaos. In magic - the primacy, superiority, priority. Altar for sacrifices. In fortune, he advises to do according to God's law. Rune is powerful faith for kids.
Picture Symbol The keyword Description Value
Traffic. The road connecting two worlds (order and chaos). Joy, road, pleasant journey. Figure Runes visually resembles the English Lateur "R". The harmonious course, when everything happens by itself and is solved in the right direction. In magic means the right direction, the correct actions, the probability of overcome the obstacles.

In the forties - experience for business people. Talisman for travelers.

Picture Symbol The keyword Description Value
Fate, inevitability. Visually, this rune is similar to the drawing with the runa of Alatyr, but the short "foot" is deployed to another (right) side. The need to stop with the subsequent reincarnation through the pain of magic is stiffness, the impossibility of acting and move forward, poverty is zero efforts.

In desperation means the need to abandon the planned plans.

Talisman for those who are looking for their own way in life.

Picture Symbol The keyword Description Value
Fire (sacrificial), cleansing fire. Truth, fire, verb. Visually reminiscent of Alatyr ruined up. This is a rune of the implementation of plans, the accuracy of the dreams, the implementation of plans in its pure form - without applied tinsel burning in cleansing fire. Only sincere intentions come true, the true reasons for which it is worth expecting the corresponding result. Open all the secret, cunning, false. Fire cleansing will be satisfied with everything that lies and unnaturally imposed. Claim, the idea will be embodied in a new form and implemented. In magic - hidden life. In the gadania - a person will achieve the desired, but the true plans for him and thoughts will open to everyone.
Picture Symbol The keyword Description Value
Spirit warrior, (running along the road). Victim, road, courage, warrior, perseverance, spirituality of the spirit. Visually looks like an arrow directed up. Read more than getting anything, you need to sacrifice anything valuable. Under the victim on the way to dedication and strength, the victim himself is meant. Sacred essence - the road to the altar and the embodiment, obtaining the desired through the sacrifice; Slavic magicians interpret this rune as a fair remuneration after losing. In the gadania marks not a good event, fee for the mistakes of the past. Talisman for people associated with crime in conclusion.
Picture Symbol The keyword Description Value
Power, omnipotence, domain power warrior. Integrity, knowledge, strength. Visually, the figure resembles the Russian letter "and" with shifted up and down side sides or an inverted lightning symbol. Overcoming any obstacles (internal / external). In magic - directs to the right path, helps to clearly see the goal, gives power, gives victory.

In the gadania means triumph, ambulance and complete victory.

Talisman for those who are busy in a competitive struggle.

Favored athletes.

Picture Symbol The keyword Description Value
Divine creativity and the beginning, wisdom of the gods, the spirit of Vedov. Veles, wind, top, led. Visually, the rune resembles a hollow arrow directed upwards. To lead about the divine, act by the will of the gods. In fortune, means the possibility of self-realization.

In magic - a powerful wind power associated with air element that fills the internal magic circle.

Slavic talismans with this symbolism are suitable for those who need good luck.

Picture Symbol The keyword Description Value
Mother defending her child. Labor, born all living things. Female start.

Rune strength.

Mother, Makos, Earth, Fate, Birch. Visually drawing it reminds the overtook and crossed (like a seven) unit. Rune fertility, power, abundance. Boots with its symbolism are highly recommended for mothers and pregnant women.

In magic - patronage and support.
In the forties - the Divine gift, a gift of fate.


Picture Symbol The keyword Description Value
Eros Fire Force (Greek) or Yar (Glory). Male start.

Creator, creator.

Yarovit, Youth, Yar, Fire, Love. Visually, this rune resembles a twisted number four with a beveled "bucket". The personification of passion, creative impulse, fertilization of the void of chaos, the opposites. In the fortune telling means the update. In magic - life, the power of incarnation, the male start.

Excellent talisman for every Slavic man. Women are charging with such symbols help get rid of infertility, attract the cavaliers.

Picture Symbol The keyword Description Value
Living water, spring, moisture (giving life), manifestation of life, harmony. Lel, water, love, attraction. Visually, the picture resembles the number "one", drawn up to the other side. Life force, youth, movement, passion, love. In the forties - beautiful young features, the beginning of the case, new perspectives. In magic - power, led by entry, intuition, in any interest.

Talisman for a young couple in love.

Slavic protective amulets with this symbolism protected from the evil eye.

Picture Symbol The keyword Description Value
Unknown, higher, hidden, secret, intimate. Rock, Spirit,

Incomprehensible, unknown.

The drawing visually resembles the Russian letter "F". Roca, which should be taken on a situation as it is. Something unknown, frightening in its manifestation, not amenable to mind and strength. In fortune, the influence of rock, the highest uncontrolled forces with the situation that cannot be predicted.

In magic - dedication to the unknown.

Picture Symbol The keyword Description Value
God and the tree of life, the highest essence of all, the foundation (supports) of the universe. Bell, A visually symbol looks like a straight line crossed in the middle by two parallel screenshots. Sacred connection with the ancestors and their powerful support. In magic - a powerful power of ancestors, the tree of the genus.

In the gadania - divine patronage, reverence and assistance of the gods.

Slavs are charging with this symbolism protect a person from negative emotions and evil eye.

Picture Symbol The keyword Description Value
Good, gifts of gods, luck, happiness. Fertility, gift, Visually, the symbol resembles the right triangle lying on the side (top to the right), with the line of the base leaving behind its vertices. Slavs has a symbol of good, a period of abundance and wealth, serene existence. In fortune telling: good news, new acquaintances, acquisition, condescension, success, praise, good luck, profit. For women - pregnancy. In the quality of the talisman, the house has been protected from the misfortune and the family from negative influences from the outside.
Picture Symbol The keyword Description Value
Infinite power, power Power, protection, coating. In the drawing, the symbol resembles the Russian letter "P". The most powerful energy, a militant and despotic symbol.

Male start.

The protection of the world from chaos, maintaining a divine order on the ground. In court destination - overcoming obstacles (if applies to the client), in otherwise Rune promises failures, a difficult period that should be waited (any actions in counterweight will be intended).

In magic - the patronage of the gods. As a talisman is recommended by military and staff of power structures.

Picture Symbol The keyword Description Value
Divine Spirit, Life, Grass (Growing), Blood (young, "boiling"), the sun. Movement, life, nature. Visually almost similar to the rune "Beregina", but directed to the other side and its upper chestnochka does not cross the vertical line. Right forces. Slavs means all new, full strength and talents. Helps to gain joy in life, understand the language of nature, appreciate life. In magic

In gadania, the pregnancy and birth of children, development, positive perspective, can be foresown.

Mascot for people of a creative warehouse.

Picture Symbol The keyword Description Value
Lode, stiffness, glass. Base, ice,

Stop, stagnation.

The drawing visually is a straight vertical line. Slavic symbol, which indicates an external embossing in reinforced internal work (preparation for anything, accumulation of forces and knowledge, opportunities, searching for solutions, etc.). In the forties - stop all cases, cooling of feelings, distance.

In magic - a tool for the ritual of the oscold.

We reviewed only the most general concepts in the interpretation of Slavic runes and reliable faiths. Their deeper importance is known to those people who study them for a long time and use their knowledge in practice. Connoisseurs of road signs and today it is believed that the mystery of the runes is not fully disclosed and the possibilities of these ancient characters are endless.

To interpret the value of runes is a very difficult matter, requiring certain skills and understanding the language of their magic signs. If you are lost in choosing what runic Oberegov You most needed, proceed from the problem itself. Choose a sign that is more accurate to reflect your expectations and reality around you.

With the help of runes - unique Slavic magic tools, you can infinite the world And himself, to achieve intended goals, defend against negative influences. They can open the veins of the past, open the window to the future, help determine the present. The separation of the runes on the "Black / White" principle is impossible, because in each individual defold the result of the same rune will depend on a number of factors:

  • man himself;
  • his worldview, attitude to the world;
  • vector of direction (+/-) of its energy;
  • characteristics of the goal;
  • the degree of decisiveness and readiness on the way to its achievement, etc.

The thin world, as well as the world material, is characteristic of the presence of causal relationships. Harmony with the world and himself reaches only if referring to magic, a person has a good goal.

The arch of ancient knowledge is hidden in the secretions of Slavic runes. The practice of the traditions of pagans and today is used to achieve certain purposes. Alers with different runic signs perform various functionsThey predict, defend, help, warn. You should never forget that Rune is only a conductor to magical sacraments and a tool that allows them to use them, the final result of the desired depends entirely on the person himself.

Amateuric lovers today discover the features of the pagan culture: leutleys, Scythians, Trees and other nations. Slavic runes are part of this culture. At one time, these runes were very revered and used not only as the symbols of the alphabet, but also as protection.

A bit of history

Historians never have one general opinion regarding the time of the emergence of the Runic letter from Slavs. But they agree that this letter is as ancient as Celtic, and Etruscian characters.

One famous German chronicle of Titmar Merzeburgsky, who lived at the end of the X - early XI century, mentioned when describing the Slavic Temple in the lands of the Luthich idols with some incomprehensible signs on them. Most likely, he could learn Scandinavian or German runes.

These images were also described by the Arabic writer Ibn Al Nedim, who lived in the same period. He mentioned this ancient Docyrillic writing, which was discovered on the grave stones of Slavic burials.

Based on these facts, it is safe to say that the oldest alphabet of our ancestors were precisely Old Slavic runes.

Archaeological finds indicate thatThe ancient masters put the rune signs even on their home utensils. This is evidenced by the military, on Dnieper, a clay pot, which contains the inscription from 12 words, to write 6 characters for writing. Three characters belonged to Scandinavian runes. This suggests that cultures of these peoples crossed.

The same runic symbols were found on the cult subjects. ancient Temple Radagasta, who was destroyed in the XI century. The temple earlier belonged to Polandsky Slavs. However, one should not perceive Old Slavonic runes exclusively as letter signs. They also have a great influence on the life of the ancient pagans. The runes were applied to the following:

  • Body.
  • Stones.
  • Domestic cattle.
  • Dishes.
  • Idols and other items important and beliefs.

As mentioned earlierThis writing has Celtic and Etruscan roots, since these nations live literally next to the Slavs. Runic symbols were used not only for the letter also existed the cult, according to which these characters were considered sacred. It was believed that the runes were given to the people of the gods. Different signs with symbols, for example, laid in burials, and stones on which marks were applied, served as chambers.

These magical symbols were used not only in times of paganism, but also after the adoption of the Slavs of Christianity. For example, in the temporal rings it was customary to depict the rune Algiz, as it is considered strong protection from the evil eye and someone else's witchcraft. To increase its power Often used multiple image of this symbol.

At present, 18 Runes are known:

Old Slavonic runesAlso, the overalls on which these characters are applied, carry a certain value and have a supreme.

Symbols of good

Slavs, like most of the ancient peoples, believed that the evil and good forces were driven by the whole world. Among their goddesses and gods there are those who help people, as well as take care of them. There were also such deities that inspired horror people. Old Slavonic runes also did not escape such a fate. Therefore, among them are found as kinds of goodand protection signs. These runes include the following:

Runes of the genus and their meaning in the life of ancient pagans It is an extremely interesting topic. These symbols in ancient times played a big role in the life of Slavic peoples.

Runes of death

Regardless of the level of development of civilization and faith of people, all nations were afraid of death. The unknown, which lies for death, leads every person just horrified. The ancient Slavic peoples existed their myths about the afterlime world, and some minds are associated with death or with fate, from which even gods cannot be defended.

To Staroslavyansky Runesthat are associated with death or evil include the following:

The Old Slavic peoples conventionally divided the runes on weak and strong, depending on the situation could increase their impact by the method of repeated repetition.

Modern connoisseurs of Slavic Runes do not fully understand all the meanings and nuances, as it was characteristic of Old Slavonic Walking and Shamans. In those years, faith, by virtue of Rounic symbols, was very high in the people, so heragues with runenic signs were particularly popular.

They were made of stones, tree, silver or gold, the rune symbols were also made to embroider on the shoes, women embroidered them on the ribbons, which after stupid into the braids. The most popular was the chambers, which were depicted by Old Slavic runes, associated with the well-being, wealth, the storage of family hearth and health. The strongest of them were considered:

To some extent, modern descendants of the Old Slavic peoples adopted the traditions of their ancestors to use the Runic Symbols to protect against various problems, as well as to attract love, wealth and success in their lives. Some of these people make tattoos, and someone uses charms.

Protection of family, home and property

Something the ancient Slavs relative to this question are similar to the Chinese, who understood the importance of the distribution of the energy of Qi and aimed at the direction. Slavic runes charged correctly, had a magical property to combine internal and external spaces. Some of them were used to preserve the home the hearth, the birth of healthy and beautiful children, guard welfare in the family, as well as the possibility of continuing the kind. These runes include the following:

From the evil eye and damage

Mages could not use Russian runes to create protective faucenes and amulets, but also to be spent on their basis. Superval people at all times were afraid of damage, someone else's envy and the evil eye. Properly made charm It will be able to neutralize the negative sent per person, as well as to give its owner with protective functions. The protective runes include the following:

The Old Slavic peoples sincerely believed that their ancestors had the ability to defend them and help in a long time. The combination of several powerful characters at once in one drawing increased the charge.

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Unfortunately, due to the persecution of pagan culture after the baptism of Russia, Slavic runes, meaning, description and their interpretation (by date of birth, including) were lost. However, in 2001, the book Anton Platov was published, in which he talks about the runes and ways to interpret.

Pagan heritage: Slavic runes and their use

He himself claims that the book is not the truth in the last instance, but the boards carried out great work on the study of both the history of Slavs and the legacy of the heritage in the form of artifacts.

In addition, unlike Slavic, Scandinavian (North German), or still known as Futark, the runes have been preserved perfectly.

They are largely consonant and their interpretation in some places coincides.

Total to us came 18 RoIs:


Belobog, or the rune of the inside, also matters the world, the tree of the world.
Speaks about the human essence, that he is hidden in a particular person, his inner power.

Also matters of desire for order in everything.
Used as a human protection mascot with bright gods.
Futarke partially corresponds to the runes of Algiz and Mannaz.


Chernobog. Notes as an inverted previous rune. Gray, shadow.
The desire for absolute mess, chaos. Means human unconsciously, intuition. Can be associated with those who stand behind the left shoulder and pushes to madness.

Means the rupture of templates, wrecking well. Exit from any ordered closed system.
Futarks partially carry the same values \u200b\u200bof the runes of Hagalase and Perth.

Do not think that the first rune means the absolute good, and the second is an absolute evil. These are rather two components of the necessary world equilibrium.


Alatyr. The center of the world, mountain on the island of Buyan. The place where everything originates.
Altar, where they sacrificed.

In different magical formulas, the Alatyr stone, under which all global forces are hidden. This is the meaning of this Slavic rune.
There are no analogues of even partial in the founder. Only a little intersects with the yer.

Rainbow, Rune Path

Road leading to Stone Alatyry. The path that appeared in the struggle of opposites, mighty whiteobogo and a black womb.

Means successful travel, help on the road, generally good outcome, especially complex cases.
In Futarke fully corresponds to the rune of Raid.

Need, or the rune of fate, inevitability

Fire devouring everything in its path, blocking the path.

In a magical sense, this is a complete ban on the continuation of any actions.

There is no such rune in the founder, but in other German runic traditions there is a naud with the same meaning.

Craft, sacrificial fire. Runa Truth.

Means the desire, execution of intentions.

Cleansing thoughts, finding true desires.

Futarke correlates with Gebo and Kano.

Treka, Runa Warrior

N. there is a meaning of the hardness of the spirit and sacrifice. Find the strength to sacrifice something for the achievement of more. So won in chess: sacrificing a pawn, put the mat. But Rune Treka implies the victim of the part of himself, the rejection of the dark for the sake of the true goal, the victory of the conscious over the unconscious.
In Futarke, this is the rune Teivaz.

As you can see, Slavic runes, meaning, description and their interpretation (by date of birth in this context is not considered) Very often, as it were, a supplement and continuation of each other. But the runes of the older Futark are rather individual in their meaning.


The name speaks for itself.

This is the rune of power and knowledge. Determining the path leading to victory.

Similar to the rune of Soulu.

Wind, rune top

The inner power of a person means the presence of a rod and strong beliefs. Inspiration.

Work on yourself.
There is no analogue in other rune practices.

Beregin. Rune Mother, Earth

Contradictive runes. A symbol for taking life to accomplish anything and deprivation of it with the arrival of the term.

Power of earthly power.

Fertility. True feminine. Means the arrival of some benefits, wealth.
She corresponds to Berkan in Futark.

UD, Runa Love and Youth

Continuation of the kind. Personifies love not only to man, but also to life itself. Power of youth, love fire.

Powerful force capable of filling the void of chaos through the opposite connection, fertilization.
In the founder it is a Uruz.

Lelia, Live Water Rune

It is alive - streams, rivers. Running water, not noticeing obstacles. Awakening from sleep.

Appeal to force is not reason, but intuition.

Laguz and Woney in Futarke.

Rock, Rune Unknown

Means the presence of higher forces, unpredictability of the situation. The development is unpredictable, because all the threads are in the hands of fate, rock.

Partly corresponds to Perth, Evaz, Hagalaz. But most of all the rune of one, which is used in several rune practices as 25 Runa of the Senior Futark.

Opportal, Rune Motherland

Indicates the acquisition of support, some pillars in life, from which the power will be shattered. Also may indicate the help of the gods.

Partially coincides with Ansus.

God god, rune gift

In gdeania means a gift for fate or gods. The case, which is asked, will end unexpectedly successfully. Wealth and not only in material, but also in the spiritual plan.

Ingus, Gebo and Dagaz from Senior Futark.

Perun, Rune Power

Unexpected help. A powerful patron who can help even in hopeless business.

Replenishment of vital energy.

Partly coincides with Ruju Tourisis.

There is a rune of life, movement

Infinite movement, because the stop is like death.

Finding the strength to continue anything.

Non-stop growth.
Evaz and Berkan.

Source, rune stagnation, ice

Peace, stop all processes. Need to wait. Life arose from ice, so the break in motion is not eternal. Ice melts, and life to continue.
In Futarke, this is a rune Isa.

Due to the fact that for a long time, all pagan traditions were persecuted, Slavic runes, their meaning, description, interpretation, including in accordance with the date of birth, were lost. Therefore, choose yourself, for example, the talisman is not so simple. It is first to first calculate your panel (and only 16 in the Slavic tradition), then define your patron from the pagan gods. And only then you can determine - which rune symbol is suitable for the talisman.

Ancient Slavs used charms and amulets in all spheres of their lives. They were used to increase wealth, attract the strength of nature to their side, make a successful trade transaction. In the creation of the fauces, in rituals, fortune tells and other magical purposes often used runes. But unlike all the well-known Western runes, these were the original Slavic, Russian runes. The value, description and their interpretation was different from the Runic writing of Scandinavians and other peoples.

History of appearance

Historians have no consensus about the time of the appearance of Slavic Runic writing. However, they all converge in one thing that it is the same ancient as Etruscan and Celtic characters.

The German famous chronicle of Titmar Merzeburgsky, when describing the Slavic Temple in the Luntish land (beginning of the XI century), mentions pagan idols with incomprehensible signs on them. If these were Scandinavian or German runes - he most likely recognized them.

Similar images described Ibn by El-Nedim - Arabic writer of the same years. He mentions the pre-Christian writing found on the gravestones of Slavs.

Based on this, it can be argued that the Old Slavic symbols were the most ancient alphabet of distant ancestors. Archaeological finds indicate that the oldest masters draw symbols-runes at home utensils. For example, a clay pot discovered from the village of the military on the Dnieper, decorated with an inscription from 12 words consisting of six characters. Three of them look like Scandinavian runic signs. It was believed that this is the alphabet of the deities, with which you can communicate with them.

Russian (Slavic) runes depicted on the overalls and tattoo resembled Germanic. Therefore, some researchers believe that Slavic runes are source, and Germanic - already borrowed. Significant sources and evidence does not exist, but it is likely that those and others came out of the Praari language, the simplified form of which today is presented in the form of runes.

Today, they, along with the runes of the Odin, are used as charging, amulets, as well as for fortune.

Each rune carries a certain energy and has its meaning. These Vedic Knowledge can be useful in various cases.

To achieve the desired result, you can apply a temporary tattoo with a rune on the body or make an overlap (considering its designation) and additionally charge yourself.

Selecting the rune, you have to be very attentive and careful. Having studied her decoding, you should not rely only on the description. First you need to try to displacing the charm and listen to what the sensations will be.

All the ancient peoples believed that the world was ruled evil and good forces. Old Russian runes are also kind and evil. Protection symbols include such runes.

Symbols of evil

People, regardless of the belief and the level of development of civilization, have always been afraid of death. The unknown hiding behind her leads a person to horror. Ancient Slavs had their own myths associated with the afterlife.

To runes associated with death or rock, from which it is impossible to leave, are the following.

Alerts with runes

Today, Rune's experts do not fully own knowledge about the values \u200b\u200bof the runic symbols, as was characteristic of dragging and shamans. At that time, faith in their power was extremely high. Especially popular were chambers in the form of runes, which were made of silver, stone, gold and wood. Also, signs embroidered on shirts and ribbons that women woven in braids. The strongest of them were such.

  • Dazhibogog. - The symbol of the good, in the form of a horn of abundance in the hands of the gatheringbog. Rune generously gives people health, wealth, happiness, luck and success.
  • Lelia associated with the element of water. The symbol means awakening again and again. In the beliefs of the ancient Slavs, the goddess Lelya was a symbol of spring, daughter of Beregini. The rune was used when they wanted to disclose intuition and gain knowledge.
  • Support Means the axis of the universe, the help of the gods. Its symbols are a circle, a slimming tree of life and count. This rune is one of the strongest, as it is believed that it has a connection at once with all the gods.
  • Rock It has many values. On the one hand, she has a definitely negative interpretation. However, it is important to take into account its position (inverted or direct) and position in the scenario.

Protection of family, home and property

Ancient Slavs gave great importance to reveal the memory of ancestors and knowing a kind. To protect newborns and resting the departed, people used natural energies.

Properly charged Old Slavonic runes possessed magic properties. They harmonized the inner and external space. Some were used to protect family well-being, others - to protect the homely focus, the possibility of continuing the kind, birth of healthy and beautiful children. Here are their description:

  1. Rune UD is interpreted as: power, fire, male start. She is connected with God Yarovitis and harmonizes male energy. To a woman who wore such a symbol, he attracted the grooms and helped get rid of infertility.
  2. Bereginina is a symbol that helps pregnant. It was used to protect themselves and fetus to protect themselves.
  3. Rune Dazhibogo favorably affects the health of a woman. She is the sign of all the most expensive and light.
  4. Alatyr symbolizes the existence in each start and end business.

From damage and evil

The Old Slavic magicians used runes not only to create champs, but also to protect against damage and evil eye. Properly made charm, can neutralize the negative sent per person. Such runes were used to protect:

Slavic runes have a dense energy. The vital energy of humanity is based on the constant balance of good and evil. The display of this can be found in runes. It is very important before you use them, study the meaning and influence of each to not harm yourself.

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