Pokrokov's instruction on how to apply make-up on the eyes. How to make a make-up with black shadows? How to properly fill with black shades

Pokrokov's instruction on how to apply make-up on the eyes. How to make a make-up with black shadows? How to properly fill with black shades

One of the important warehouse image, that needs to be given special respect. No wonder it seems that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. Make-up with black shadows - this is a special kind of mastery, shards will require that accuracy. One nevirniy or nedbaliy stroke - and the image will be irrevocably sealed.

Wild make-up, or smoky eyes, like before, actual. More than that, it is not enough for the help of shadows of black eyes. At the same time, the trend has a wild make-up, vikonaniya for additional color shades. The main rule is no clear lines, but for switching off, you can add arrows to the black color.

Mlosna elegance

Too many girls will be afraid to experiment with black colors, voluminous yogo vulgar or overly shocking. I darma. This color scheme of the building is to give a gloomy, enigmatic, elegant, it is necessary just to cover the make-up with shadows. For the right accents, a dark make-up can be one of the evening looks, as well as a casual option. Vin, however, is good for the girls, be it the color of her eyes and her hair.

In addition, make-up with black shadows is an ideal solution for a themed gothic party or for a Halloween witch look.

What is needed for a dark make-up?

For dark make-up you need:

  • Dark black, dark gray and white colors. Most often, pickers show a set of shadows for make-up in the style of smok eyz, in the presence of the color of the color.
  • Black olive for the eyes.
  • Eyeliner for the eyes of black color.
  • Mascara for whites with a 3D effect.

Shadows can be as matte as well as with glitter. They can be professional grade in one big palette, or they can be packed in an okreme box. In the meantime, you will find for yourself the ones that suit you perfectly. With a dark make-up, you can win the variant with glitters at once.

Why start

In order for the dark make-up to look effective, it is necessary to add respect to the eyes and properly prepare the skin around them. On the right, in that the black color of the building is not less than an advantage, but not enough, but itself:

  • chervoninnya;
  • swelling;
  • too thin.

In order to get rid of negative consequences, it is necessary to correctly prepare the skin of the face, adding special respect to the region to the eyes.

Makeup preparation

Bruises and swelling are best used by a cold compress. For this, cover the collars with ogirkovy whirls and do not take 10-15 strands of yarn with them. Then sweat with cold water and gently wipe the face with an ice cube, carefully spend it under your eyes. Drops for the eyes of the type "Vizina" to put in the chervoninnya. Remember, in order to overcome negative reactions before the doctors, whether it be medical care, it is necessary to consult with a doctor.

Then we will apply the base of the make-up on the skin and powder a little. Small defects and shkiri will help you to attach something like a concealer or a highlighter. Now you are ready to put on your make-up with black shadows.

So that the shadows did not move and were worn out more, apply a foundation for the make-up of the eyes and lightly powder. So the shadows lie more evenly and do not snuggle.

Makeup photo tutorial for black girls

Raise your eyebrows on the back. The make-up with black shadows turns respect to the eyes, so the eyebrows may be stupid. If the shape of your brіv fills the beauty of the best, but you don’t know how to correctly cut it, then it’s better to turn back to fahіvtsya in the beauty salon. The master of knowledge can give your eyebrows a shape, so you don't have to lose your way to create an image.

For a classic smoky make-up, apply black tint to the outer fold of the frizzy shank and shade it, drawing a thin line along the upper edge of the shank with a pencil straight up to the inner fold of the eye. Spread under the eyebrow and cover the inner fold of the eye with the brightest shades of your palette. Apply a shade of dark gray color on the ruhlivu povіku and with light ruhs mix on the cordon with black shadows.

For the introduction of an olive of black color, designate the line of growth of the viy. For a daytime make-up, it’s better to blend with olive and shade it with yogo, shards transfer lines. For an evening image, it’s more beautiful than the day before, so the arrow will look sharp, and the eyes will become sharp.

Turn it over and cover it with ink of black color. For an evening option, two balls of mascara can be applied.

Everyday makeup in dark colors

It’s rich enough to allow for some kindness, that black and dark colors in makeup can be spiced up only for an evening look. Tse not so. You can really wear a make-up with black shadows every day, you just need to trim the darkness.

For a casual look, matte shades are the best choice. You can apply and tint them both with special pen-sponges, and with the help of wet fingers.

Then, apply a shade of dark gray or black color on the entire ruffled coat and shade it, slightly moving between the ruffled ruffles. For the help of these shadows, lift the lower back, shade it. Remember that clear contours are not the fault of buti, zvіdsi and naming a wild make-up. The inner tuft is easily seen with a light tint, the best light to apply under the eyebrow.

With a soft olive of black or dark gray color, add a line of growth to the upper and lower folds, lightly shade, shading the olive from the shadows. Turn them on and apply mascara on them.

For the daytime option, it’s better to vikoristovuvat lipstick of nude or pastel shades.

Image for the evening

For an evening make-up, use a vicarious collection of shadows, a little eyeliner and a volume of ink of black color. Cover the entire ruffled hem with black shadows and shade it, bring the lower hem with a thin line and also shade it. The area under the eyebrow and the inner fold of the eye were seen with shades of light color. Draw an arrow to the bottom of the black color. Then let's spin it and cover it with ink of black color for two balls. Smack the extra shadows with fluff.

The wild make-up in black shades is kind, so you can make a lipstick with it practically whether it is of a certain color and texture, it’s a choice depending on whether you create a daytime or evening image, and also on your special likeness. And if you see victorious tints, then it’s better to choose matte lipstick, so as not to look vulgar. Then, at the manicure, bliskitok can not be unique.

Image for a thematic party

If you've been asked for a themed costumed party, try creating a demonic one for help in the shadows of dark colors. Here you can go a little overboard with color and between shadows. Hurry up to rare occasions to paint kabalistic signs or other marks. To complete the image with a crooked-red lipstick and a Gostrokintsev kapelyukh.

Make-up with black shadows is an option that is suitable for the eyes of a fatal companion. Vin continues to be popular, regardless of the wind of natural make-up, even though yoga mіts and reveals sexuality, it does not cease to bring out the mind of the strong half of the people.


Make-up for the participation of shadows of black color to finish - an unusual variety, it’s not a skin girl’s fault. As a result, the color of the appearance can be pronounced blіdіst, and the wardrobe is a marriage of bright speeches, in the form of a similar make-up, it’s more likely to look out, giving more weight to calm pastel tones.

In addition, to wind up the eyelids of the shkiri to go up to the black shadows for the povik, if the eyelids of the large intestines are not applied correctly, you can take away the small eyes of the pandy. The nuance here is at the sight of the bright tone of the inner fold of eyes and the thickening of a few shades of shadows - in a gray to black tone.

And yet the whole image is full of good cosmetics. For the best solutions, here you can add a professional series. So make sure to apply well and shade. For the rest of the procedure, stock up on pens of different widths with a beveled edge.

Obviously, it’s important to understand what type of make-up I’m going to create for you. Possibly, it will be a classic smoky eyes or an evening version with sparkles, complemented by a juicy gamut of colors. The options here can be rich, which means that there are a lot of stylish experiments with black shadows already checking for modern fashionistas.

For women of a frail age, with all the bazhanni, it is better to surround the vikoristanya of dark eyes for the eyes.

On the right, in the fact that women are the most vivacious, as if they were laying a century threshold for 40 years, they can draw mimic wrinkles in their guise. Goose paws and shriveling squirrels of authority roztashovuvatisya around the eyes. The black color at the same time only sees similar century-old changes, hammering and running into them. The only possible option here is to see the old little bit of the century with a dark palette.

Yaku vibrati cosmetics?

Make-up in black tones can turn into reality in a beauty salon, but it’s not possible to see it. For the sake of creating a stylish make-up, it is important for home minds to acquire the right cosmetics.

Also, for a fashionable look, you will need a small set of cosmetics, such as:

  • contour olive of black color;
  • rozsipchastі black tinі;
  • shades of light tones (fallow depending on the color of the eyes and the type of make-up);
  • gleaming light shades with a shimmer;
  • carcasses

Like tools, you need a set of brushes.


Varto memory, the skin element of the set is to blame for the mother's high characteristics of durability.

The shadows and the carcasses, which are suffocating, stoop under the eyes, creating an inaccurate image of a tired woman. Vikoristovuvaty and bathing shadows for highlights with glints is necessary even more seriously, even if the glints sip significantly more often and more, lower matte shades.

To smooth the black and smooth transition, add brown shades. You can go up to the tone of the pistil, or play on orange notes. For the inner fold of the eye, light shades of beige and brown are used.

How do you make your eyes look like a garno?

To see the eyes for the help of black shadows, it is important not to deprive the posture of respect for their colors and colors, even if you choose the shadows of the “rozridzhuvachiv” of the black variety. Also, black eyes miraculously look at a purely black viconan, as well as at the same time with shades of gray, purple, blue and brown. The beauty of green eyes will become brighter on aphids of graphite, plum and dark green tones. Seriously, the eyes become filled with magnetism when there are dark parts and dark blue colors. For brown eyes, there are red shades in a chocolate palette, which especially reveal the depths of the dark lakes of the soul, as well as a black and white solution for the image of a fatal companion.

One of the key points of the entire makeup algorithm is the shape of the eye. Viko can hang over the eye or the mother has the correct shape. It is much easier to make the eyes of the correct form, even to apply and shade the shade as necessary according to the already existing warehouse. The technique of application for the overhanging century is in a piece of folding folds over a rough eye. The depression between the overhanging wind is darkened in stages (with the help of brown shadows or a sculptor for disguise), the daedals are more buried when victorious in a dark to light tone.

An easy way to increase your points is to draw arrows. Soft and deshcho razmitiy effect wiyde, like the head of a black olive and shading yoga. "Kotyachi" eyes will become more accurate with black water, as they are applied to the crumbly povіku and trochs are removed from between the areas of the eyes. Another option could be a “shidny” make-up with arrows, painted not only on the fluffy, but on the lower capital.

Even though there is a way to apply, the key factor is the preparation of the individual before the make-up. Tonal basis, primer for povіk or rozsipchasta powder allow shadows to lie more quickly and look presentable for a long time. The area under the eye can be densely covered with powder, even with dark shadows sagging, it is easy to see particles of the black palette from such a surface.

Pokrokov ceramics

Makeup with black shadows is not so simple, as it turns out, even if you turn off any stage, you can irrevocably wear small eyes to yourself. When applying shadows in the home minds, it is important to stock up on patience and a sufficient amount of time to finish the distant skin crumb.

From the same, it is important to prepare a face before cosmetic procedures. Cleansing and illuminating cream masks all peeling, creating an ideal base for applying foundation. More make-up artists for the sake of victorious matte tonal use and powder in tandem with black make-up, prote for the evening pidide interspersed with drab shining particles of the base. After the tonal task, which zbіgaєtsya with the tone of disguise, the procedure is carried out by the proofreader, adding a dark cola to the eye. Since there is no such peculiarity, the point can be omitted. The stage is important, even if on a black tone, the darkening is even brighter.

The top coat can be supplemented with a primer or light matte shadows. Then the next step was seeing the eyes of a black olive. Їm is brought like the upper one, so the lower one. Apply yoga as close as possible to the eyes. An alternative to the soft black olive can be dark shades in tandem with a flat penzlik. Zovnіshnі kutochki pіdvodka be-yakim z pererahovanіh vіdnimayutsya troch uphill.

Let's step on the rok є retelne raztushuvannya kordonіv. On the upper capital, strokes are drawn from straight brows. Rukhliva povіka far away covered with dark shadows, as we are talking about the classic smoky eyes. Relatively one can see a depression (otherwise it is overlooked, near the overhanging centuries). Ledve vische rukhomogo stolіttya under the depression is applied promіzhny vіdtinok - for example, brown or gray. Light or mother-of-pearl tones cover the brows in the eyebrows to the trough.

Let's conclude that the most important cut is the shading of all the tones on the sticks. Skin transition can be smooth. After reaching the result, further respect is attached to the veins and їх retal coating of the carcass at the sprat of balls. For urochistas it is dotsilno to speed up with overhead windings.

Apply makeup

Modern make-up artists create faceless makeup options with black shadows, however, The most popular, like before, is smoky eyes. The classic yoga variant can be used only for the help of olives and black shadows, supplemented by an intermediate light. Vіn go not the skin form of the eyes, but podkoryuє its insane depths and contrasts.

Make-up in black tones, which throws a call to the skin, is called avant-garde. This particularity is felt in a deep application of black shadows on the eyelids, reaching for an hour to the line of the brows. Shkira at the same time looked like a matte porcelain. Make-up with such a name can become a special feature of a thematic image.

Black shades - all charm and elegance. It’s not a skin girl who dares to work her own make-up with black shadows, even if the stench can be on the verge of a scary and shocking image. It is important to correct them correctly, which requires training and knowledge of the technique to visualize, otherwise the black shadows look vulgar and sloppy.

How to fill the eyes with black shadows, to take away the bright, elegant make-up? In the first place, black shadows do not go. As your soundness is low, light, and you didn’t sound the black clothes, but the bright words - the black shadows don’t go. Likewise, black tint is necessary for clothes to vibrate yakіsnі, bazhan professionally - the stench does not roam, sip, miraculously fade and lie on the povikah will be beautiful and neat.

Choose black and white shades for evening make-up. In the daytime, give priority to the color shades, to that in the evening the color is no longer accepted and to see and beautifully lift the roses of the eyes to suit monochrome shades. It’s better for him to get black shadows in the evening, or go to the tracts.

In makeup with black shadows, the emphasis is on the eyes, so choose a lipstick that is not bright and neutral shades.

Before that, how to work such a make-up of obov'yazkovo it is necessary to arrange the shkir. All the dried morsels, chickweeds and roughness need to be prihovat under foundation cream and powder. Black shadows miraculously look only in the marriage with the ideal tone of the coat.

Povіki that shkіru pіd ochima need good powder, You can easily get scared with a penzlik. Well, the skin will be naked, and it will simply be smudged, and without a special tool for removing make-up, you can’t do it here.

How to fill eyes with black shadows: Pokrokove photo


  • makeup pencils,
  • black shades, brown shades, light shades (elephant brush),
  • black olive

Krok 1-2 Apply black tint to everything with a pencil, troch up to the tip of the eyebrow. See that the shadows do not sag. apply them more often with rukhs, to splash. Let's pick up brown shades on the brush and apply shading with them - apply between black shades. Blend the edge of the brown shadows with a clean pencil, apply a shade of ivory brush color under the eyebrow. Mustaches between colors are due to good shading and smoothly pass one into one.

Krok 3-4 With a small flat pencil, bring the lower edge to the middle of the chin, and blend with a soft pencil.

Krok 5-6 Now the waterline (the line above the lower lines) has been lost to the black olive. The upper bandage behind the contour of the vіy is also led by a black olive and zapovnyuyemo between the vіyami. If your wife is not so old, you can speed up with consignment notes. Dobre farbuєmo black ink upper and lower veins. І make-up with black shadows ready! Mlyaviy, privablivy look so and beckon at the vir.

Another option, how can you fill it with black shades:

Needed for make-up:

  • Tіnі bodily color
  • Black matte shades
  • Black olive
  • Light shining shades with shimmer
  • Black carcass and behind the bazhanniy invoices vії
  • Pencils for make-up

Krok 1 Cover the tops with a primer, do not forget about the proofreader under the eyes. Apply a light beige shade to the entire ruffled coat and under the brow.

Krok 2 With a soft black olive, bring the upper eyelid, starting in the inner fold of the eye, lead it into a small arrow

Krok 3 Cast on a penzlik black tone, strewy zayve (so the tone will not swell under the eyes) and apply on the upper lining, as shown in the photo: a thin line at the inner fold and progressively expanding to the outer one, leading beyond the contour of the eye and robbing the other arrow.

Krok 4 We bring the lower edge with a black olive, starting from the middle, going back with shadows on the upper capital. Softly shade the olive, so that there is no clear boundary.

Krok 5 With a soft penzle of the troch, shade the black shades on the upper capital, bringing the little arrow up and down the hill.

Krok 6 Put on a brush a light shade with a shimmer (with sparkles or mother of pearl) and apply it on the inner fold of the eye (top and bottom), on the lower eyelid to the middle, under the brow. Respect, how your eyes once flickered!

Krok 7 Draw a line over the lower lines to the middle of the line.

Krok 8 Densely farbuєmo with black ink or gluing overlays. Makeup ready!

The third version of the make-up with black shadows:

Needed for make-up:

  • Black olive, black shade
  • Beige or peach shades
  • Black introduction

Krok 1 - Apply a primer and cover the edges with shadows of a body color. With neat strokes, paint a black olive line from a zagin, like in the first photo.

Krok 2 - The line under the lower winds is also led by a black olive, reaching to the middle of the century.

Krok 3 - The area behind the arcuate black line, yak mi painted on the upper capital, cover with black shadows, repeating the shape of the line. The cordon is relatively rotting. You can vicorate brown shades. The darkest place will be in a little box and step by step go straight ahead until you are transferred. Trochs of shadows are put on the lower back and softly shaded.

Krok 3 - Apply a light peach shade on the inner fold of the eye to the black line.

Krok 4 - I lost the top lining with a rare black topcoat and stuffed with a black ink. Makeup ready!

Dark make-up of the eyes is the trend of the season. To apply the make-up, vicorist tints, olives and mascaras, close to black. To create an effective image, you can vicorate blush and lipstick in red color.

Makeup options with black shadows

When applying make-up with dark shades of warto, remember one smut rule - do not add more black color. Vin is guilty of hanging out with dekilkom with colors, so that your eyes will sink, like a pandy. Makeup for black eyes is most often applied by a technician.

Makeup in the style of smokey ice let me look at the viraznіst, the truth for a day's walk chi campaign pratsyuvati appear inconsistent. Apply black and thin lines on the povіku, going to the evening, evening party, otherwise it is holy. Classic smokey can be diluted glitters slivering chi golden color. When choosing a glitter, remember that girls with brown eyes get more gold, and those who have a bright color of eyes - get it.

Now let's look at the cover of the make-up in the Smoke Ice technique with black shadows, aje mi, remember, that this option allows you to win the tint, whether it be some kind of vіdtіnkіv, if you want something rich, I want to associate with the technique itself. Andje you can paint smokey, like with bright farbs, so with practical nude colors, smut - to finish the make-up steps.

Smokey ice with dark shadows: Pokrokovo

Krok 1. Virіvnyuvannya tone shkіri. The tonal base is applied to the person of that pov_ki. Vaughn progressively rozpodіlyaetsya. For whom you can beat the brush or wet fingers, though in this way you can not touch the smooth surface.

Krok 2. Promalovuvannya eye. On the wiki, apply the base for shadows. Won zbіshuє stіykіst makіyazhu and polegshuє shading. For the help of the olive, a line of growth of the lower veins and mucous membranes is introduced. Rukhliva povіka zafarbouєtsya in black color. On the fold of the century, brown shades and shades are applied.

Krok 3. Application of light shadows. At the final stage of designing the make-up in the “smoky ice” technique, light shades of shades — white or cream — are applied under the eyebrow.

Krok 4. Mascara application. Perevaga hopes for a black color. Вії are farbuyutsya in kіlka balls.

Smokey ice makeup for karo-eye endings! When choosing colors for a sackcloth of such a color of eyes, it is recommended to use gold, brown, olive and violet colors. The very stink to reinforce the vibrancy of the eyes and give the image of a woman a birthmark.

Makeup with dark shadows for blue eyes

Krok 1. The tone of the shkiri is emphasized. Apply the tonal base and virіvnyuєmo kolіr vlichchya pіd kolіr shiї (the stench is not guilty of smelling colors). You can speed up the color corrector.

Krok 2. Lifting the eyes and shading the painted lines. The application of makeup in the style of smoke ice begins with the contour of the eyes. You can work with soft olive and dark shadows. It is not recommended to win a rare occasion. The stuffed line expands to the golden fold of the eye and rises at the bik skroni. At the inner fold, it looks thinner.

Krok 3. Application of shadows. The notes pick up the harmonies. When creating a smoky make-up of the eyes between the colors of shadows, the transitions can be smooth. The palette is applied to the top coat and starts from the darkest shade. Tіn_ rostushovayutsya from the ovn_shny fold of the eye to the inside. The intensity of the color changes step by step. Then the shades are applied to the lower hem. The vibrations are applied to the outer corner of the eye and are shaded to the inside.

Krok 4. Application of light shadows. After rozfarbovuvannya povіku in the main tone, pastel colors of shadows are applied.

When applying make-up with dark shadows, it is carefully put before the selection of lipstick and blush. Become the best choice nude lip glosses. In order to achieve a successful and effective image, you can speed up with matte lipstick, or we can see with glare.

What a woman wants to create avant-garde style image, That miraculously pіdіyde lipstick vіdtinkah hot chocolate. Under such an image, red blush and raspberry color are applied.

Do not forget to shade them, so that the stench was worn out with a mustache make-up and was not very visible. Dark make-up looks luxurious and effective, do not overdo it with a palette of colors.

Everyday make-up is practical creations for schoolchildren, you can’t do it like that, but you want to. Therefore, cosmetics can be blatantly beautiful, but they can be left untouched.

If you want black tints for more po'yazanі z vechirnіmi and inspire fatal images, you can really stick to a simple casual make-up. The smut of the nobility of the world: as soon as you victorious paint active black tints, rather, use eyeliner and thick black mascara. And then it’s more beautiful to use ubik and bright lipstick, because the accent in makeup can be one.

Sob make-up without looking empty, take a gray carcass, so as to strengthen it, but not to destroy the image of the pompous zayve, and also the body or put on a hygienic lipstick.

Still, you want to put a color on your lips, get inspired to hygiene with colors, for example, a series of electriks like baby lips. A thin ball of such a way to give the lips a light warm breath.

Pokrokovy process

Take a black shade and a garn with a thick shading brush. Looks like it’s stale, so you’ve got a really neat make-up.

Keep your eyes open for the help of black shadows, with which you can easily make-up without a slight folding.

    Apply black shades on the growth line of your hair, right between the hairs and blend. Shar Koshti can easily go beyond the cordon to grow on a loose povka. Let it be practical prozory serpanok.

    Make your own vії.

Everyday make-up of the eyes is ready.

M'yaka, nizhna, ale dosit active to the strong black color.

Business make-up

A smart make-up can be obvious, lower casual, but all the same it is guilty of being left with an accessory. If the make-up becomes the basis of the working image, then the enemy is created, so you try to cover up your incompetence or weakness behind it. To that, put a closer brush for shading. Your make-up is to be folded with smooth color transitions and less like your appearance.

Rather, look at the mother-of-pearl glare. Wealthy girls are given, that I create vologous glare and give freshness. Indeed, the mother-of-pearl is greater than the pre-river one in the evening din, which is why it is so necessary to imitate the laid shkir.

For a business make-up in a pair to dark shadows, it is better to take gray mascara and one more, ale light beige matte shades. Do not bіlі, more obvious contrast to create a nasty accent. Chi is not bliskuchі, schob not podkreslit zmorshki on povіkah and do not give a vіku. Ale light beige, close to natural skin tone.

Pokrokovy process

    Pick up a light shade on the brush and apply to the entire frizzy brow, gently shading them straight up to the lower edge of the eyebrow.

    Let's take black shades, apply them along the line of growth of the vіy, rostushovuyuchi at the bik zvnіshny fold of the eye.

    Continue the line to the outer edge of the eyebrow and shade it until the middle of the century.

    Top up your makeup with dark lipstick. It is to blame but a little dark and rich for your natural color of lips.

    Don't forget to brighten up your eyes with dark blush.

The make-up looks contrasting, slightly harsh, ale natural, so you will report maximum improvement at the stage of shading cosmetics.

Evening image

Most often, the girls bathe in black shades, marveling at the effective smoke from the red path, or at films with fatal beauty. In life, z tsim vinikaє kіlka obvious problems:

    Put the black tint neatly so that at the singing part of the century the stinks were strong, and in the other part they lay like a soft sickle. Most often, the effect of smeared soot comes out, otherwise it is not washed out in the evenings for mascara.

    It turns out that for smokey you need not only black shades, but also a good base, so that the stench does not move, and also light shades and creaks. І talent before shading.

    Black carcasses, as if you sounded a vigilantly subdued look, raptly begin to conflict with black smoke (especially, as it is even stronger and filthy shading). There is a greater emphasis on the eyes, through which it looks like "expensive-rich", and not "luxurious and comfortable."

In the evening make-up, there are no pre-river mother-of-pearl lights and colors. Take, for example, a golden zasib іz a slight glare for an addition to black shadows. Also, I won’t have a black carcass, but without the effect of overlays, so as not to change the make-up. І neutral lipstick, bergamot light, with a lot of bodily shades.

Pokrokovy process

    Apply mother-of-pearl shades on the inner corner of the eye and blend right up to the middle of the dry eyelid.

    Apply black darkness along the line of growth in the middle of the century to the outermost corner of the eye.

    Shade the line straight up to the tip of the eyebrow.

    Add a few more dark shadows to the outer corner of the eye and shade until the middle of the century.

Such a make-up will be instantly bright, troch magical through the glare, scarlet and modest.

Even though you still feel free to master smokey in your country, we teach a few simple lessons, with which kind of make-up you will definitely be on the shoulder.

VIDEO. 10 steps to perfect smokey:

VIDEO. Anglomovne video with smoky eyes:

VIDEO. A super-simple lesson as a girl, but not a blogger, not a make-up artist:

Makeup for a photo session

Obviously, for a photo shoot, you can twist a classic makeup scheme, just put it on with a big ball. The camera yak bi "z'їdaє" part of the cosmetics in the photographs. And now the shards of ours already looked at the classic schemes, which gave them ideas of creative make-up.

Black shades give great scope for creativity.

    You can create an image in the style of rock-n-roll or inspire metal music, like applying cosmetics with a monolithic ball to the entire body.

    You can decorate coquettish arrows with shadows, and not with olives, as if to speed up with a watery beveled penzle.

    With black shadows, you can, with water, paint with vise.

And you can build a cicavi image for the help of a net.

Just fix the openwork like a mask on the eyes and clearly cover the skin with black shadows. If you carefully know the merrily, there will be a clear little one under him.

Remember that decorative cosmetics dry the skin, before applying it, after removing the make-up, it is necessary to brush it with a healthy cream.

Don’t buy invisible cosmetics, so make sure you look at it otherwise. Don't be afraid to try non-primary schemes and alternatives, if you want at the walls of the photo studio.

What do you have dark shadows? For what kind of make-up do you vicorist? Share tips about online lessons and how well you create your look from manicure to eye make-up!


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