Religions of different lands of the world. Religions of the world

Religions of different lands of the world. Religions of the world

Main religions of the world

Us svіtovі rіgії, kіm buddhizm, іz vіdnosno small kulk of the planet, roztashovannym іzh desolate shores of the Middle Earth, Chervonogo і Caspian seas. Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Zoroastrianism appear, which none of them may have known.

Christianity. The most widely spread of religious religions is Christianity, whose followers are 1.6 billion religions. Christianity takes the greatest religious positions in the lands of Europe, America and Australia.
Christianity appeared on the cob of ours as a development of biblical wisdom, which was created during the last 2000 years. Bibles to teach intelligence and zdiyasnyuvati sensual life. The biblical thought is of vital importance for the nourishment of life and death, the end of the world.
Jesus Christ preaching the ideas of brotherhood, practicality, rudeness and peacefulness. It was condemned to serve wealth, and it was voted out the priority of spiritual values ​​over material ones.

First Ecumenical Council, which was chosen 325 r. at Nice, laying down the dogmatic foundations of the One Holy Catholic Apostolic Church to richly advance.
Christianity has adopted a look about “inseparable and inseparable” creation in Jesus Christ of two natures - divine and human. V Art. Archbishop Nestor’s followers were condemned, as they recognized the basic human nature of Christ (with the year of the Nestorian Christians), and the successors of Archimandrite Euthychius, a kind of stverdzhuvav, that in Jesus Christ there is only one divine nature. The pribіchniks of the same nature of Jesus Christ began to be called monophysists. Adherents of monophyzism to become a common part of modern Orthodox Christians.
At 1054 p. the head split of the Christian church on Shіdna (the Orthodox center near Constantinople (nine Istanbul) and Zakhіdna (Catholic) with the center near the Vatican), which led to pass through the entire world of history.

Pravoslavia was established more importantly among the peoples of Northern Europe and the Close Descent. The largest adherents of Orthodoxy are Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Greeks, Romanians, Serbs, Macedonians, Moldavians, Georgians, Karelians, Komi, Volga peoples (Mari, Mordovians, Udmurts, Chuvashs). The roots of Orthodoxy are found in the USA, Canada, the lower lands of Western Europe.

In the history of Russian Orthodoxy, a tragic split occurred, which caused the appearance of the Old Believers. The coils of the rozkol encroach on the fate of the adoption of Christianity in Russia. In those hours, two statues close to one to one were fired at Byzantium, after which the rite of worship followed. At the descent of Byzantium, the largest statute of the Rusalimsky, and at the entrance, surpassing the Studijsky (Constantinople) statute. The rest, having become the basis of the Russian statute, just as in Byzantium, the statute of Rusalim (St. Savi) was more important. Sometimes before the Rusalim Statute, these and other innovations were introduced, and the wine became known as Novogreetsky.
Russian church until the middle of the 17th century. led the ceremony for the archaic Studite statute to two-toed christenings, saving Orthodoxy from the highest purity. A lot of Orthodox people marveled at Moscow, as if at a spiritual center.

Beyond the borders of the Russian state, among those in Ukraine, church rites were adopted for the New Greek sign. U zvyazku zі z'єdnannyam Ukraine and Russia in 1654 p. Kiev begins to slap a majestic infusion on the spiritual life of Moscow. Under this flood, Moscow begins to turn aside the old times, adopts a new way of life, more welcoming to Kiev. Patriarch Nikon inaugurates new orders and rites. Icons are refurbished for Kyiv and Lviv icons. Patriarch Nikon to carry out the editing of Church Slavonic liturgical books from the New Greek languages ​​of the Italian language.
In 1658 p. Nikon slayed the New Rusalim man’s monastery under Moscow and the place of New Jerusalem, by his idea, the future capital of the Christian world.
As a result of Nikon's reforms, the canons were introduced six great innovations. The two-faced flag of the banner was replaced by a triple one, the deputy “Jesus” was punished to write and chant “Jesus”, at the hour of the ceremony, the temple was ordered to work against the sun.
The introduction of a non-Orthodox shanuvannya of the tsar put him more behind a religious spiritual panuvannya. It lowered the role of the church in the state, reduced to the camp of the Church mandate (mandate, the ministry of its kind in Russia for quiet hours). A lot of believers sprung Nikon's reforms like a deep tragedy, secretly followed the old faith, went to torment on it, spat on themselves, went to foxes, swamps. Fatal 1666 inoculation to a catastrophic split of the Russian people on yaki adopted a new rite and celebrated yoga. For the rest, the name "Old Believers" was saved.

Catholicismє іnshoy main gіlkoyu christianity. Vіn extensions in Pvnіchnіy and Pivdennіy America. Katolikіv, Portugaltsі, іspansі, portugaltzі, partina French, B_lsha Partina Belgіjvіv, part of Avtіjtsіv Ta Nіmtsіv (Pivdennі Earth FRN), Poleki, Litovtsі, Croati, Slovensky, Velika, partina UGORTSIV, IRTERTSI, Actor UKRAYNTSIV (Virginia Unitary ABO Catholic) . The great center of Catholicism in Asia and the Philippines (influx of the Spanish colonization). A lot of Catholics near the lands of Africa, Australia, Oceania.
The Western Catholic Church boldly foresaw the old and foresaw new rites to stand closer to the spirit before the Europeans and their manifestations of the world like space, which call to the roots. The expansionism and prosperity of the church were dogmatically grounded. The speeches of non-Catholics and heretics were suffocated with zhorstoko. The result was uninterrupted warfare, mass repressions of the Inquisition and lowering the authority of the Catholic Church.

In the XIV-XV centuries. in Europe, the ideas of humanism and rebirth were vindicated. The result of the Reformation of the XVI century. Protestantism was cremated under Catholicism. Viniclius in Nimechi, Protestantism was formed as a number of independent currents, the most important of which were Anglicanism (closest to Catholicism), Lutheranism and Calvinism. From the Protestant churches, new trends were established, scho small sectarian character, their number of ninth outweighed 250. So, from Anglicanism, Methodism was introduced, and before Methodism, it was closely organized in the military way "The Army of the Poryatunku". Baptism is genetically related to Calvinism. From Baptism, the Pentecostal sects were seen, and the sect of the witnesses of Yegovih was recreated. Mormons of non-Christian conscience occupy a special place among the Protestant middle class.

Support for Protestantism is Pivnichna and Central Europe. Protestants make up about 64% of the population. A great group of American Protestants are the Baptists, followed by Methodists, Lutherans, Presbyterians. Nearly half of the population is formed by Protestants in Canada. There were few adherents to Protestantism in Nigeria. Protestantism prevails in Australia and the greater part of Oceania. Okremі forms tsієї gіlki khristianstva (especially Baptism and Adventism) expanded in Russia and in Ukraine.
The founder of Protestantism, the Catholic chenets M. Luther, having acted as a proxy for the obedience of the supra-world power of the church, with calls to pragmatism and charitableness. Vodnocha vіn stverdzhuvav, scho the salvation of the soul of the human being, that vilnennia in the presence of sin is brought about by God himself, and not by the forces of man. The Calvinist Reformation went further. After Calvin, God calmly took some people to salvation, and others to death, regardless of their will. Years of ideas have turned into a revision of Christian dogmas. Calvinism was manifested by the anti-Christian obstructed asceticism and the practice of putting on a cult of the natural person. Protestantism has become the ideal of capitalism, devotion to progress, the fetishization of pennies and comrades. In Protestantism, like in any other religion, the dogma of the root of nature, adopted by Marxism, has been strengthened.

Islam the youngest religious religion. Islam vede literacy from 622 r. n. e., if the prophet Muhammad with his followers moved from Mecca to Medina and before that the Bedouin tribes of the Arabs began to adjoin.
At the vchenni Mohammed, one can trace the traces of Christianity and Judaism. Islam recognizes the prophets of Moses and Jesus Christ as the best prophet, but put them lower for Muhammad.

In a private life, Mohammed, having hindered pork, drank alcohol and gambling. Vіyni Islam do not come out and make you want to, like the stench to lead the faith (holy war jihad).
Mustaches and rules of the Muslim religion are found in the Qur'an. Explanations of those obscure passages of the Koran, broken by Muhammad, were written down by close people and Muslim theologians and put together a collection of retellings, calling them Sunnah. Later, Muslims who recognised the Qur'an and the Sunnah began to be called Sunitas, and Muslims who recognized only one Koran, so that the sunnis were no longer divided, based on the authority of the relatives of the prophet, they took away the name Shiiti. Tsei podіl іsnuє і until now.
Religious dogma formed the basis of Muslim Sharia law - the totality of legal and religious norms based on the Koran.

Suniti become close to 90% of Muslims. Shiism prevails in Iran and Pivdenny Iraq. In Bahrain, Yemeni, Azerbaijan and Nagir Tajikistan, half of the population is Shiti.
Sunism and Shiism gave low sects. From Sunnism Viyshov Wahhabism, which pans in Saudi Arabia, which expands among the Chechens and other peoples of Dagestan. The main Shit sects were Zaydism and Ismailism, which recognized atheism and Buddhism in a splash.
In Oman, there has been a widening of the third straight line to Islam, ibaditism, the followers of which are called ibadits.

Buddhism. The oldest world religion is Buddhism, which was founded in the middle of the 1st yew. to the sound e. in India. After more than 15 centuries of panuvannya in India, Buddhism gave way to Hinduism. Prote Buddhism expanded widely through the borders of Pivdenno-Skhidnaya Asia, penetrated Sri Lanka, China, Korea, Japan, Tibet, and Mongolia. The number of followers of Buddhism is estimated at about 500 million people.

In Buddhism, all the social and moral dogmas of Hinduism are preserved, but the powers of caste and asceticism are weakened. Buddhism gives more respect to life.
On the cob of the first thousand, Buddhism broke up into two of the largest needles. First їх - Theravada, chi Hinayana, - vimagaє in vіrd vіruyuchih obov'yazykovy prozhennja blackness. Theravadinis live in Myanmi, Laos, Cambodia and Thailand (about 90% of the population of these lands), as well as in Sri-Lanzi (about 60%).

Another milestone for Buddhism - Mahayana - allowances that lay people can turn around. The followers of the Mahayani are in the midst of China (Zokrema in Tibet), Japan, Korea, Nepal. There is a large number of Buddhists in Pakistan, India, as well as among Chinese and Japanese immigrants in Pivnichniy and Pivdenniy America.

Judaism. Before secular religions, Judaism can be attributed to a singing frequent intelligence. This is the national religion of the Jews, which vinified Palestine in the 1st century. to the sound e. Most of the hoarders are in Israel (the official religion of the state), the USA, the lands of Europe and Russia.

Judaism took the idea of ​​brotherhood and mutual assistance, from the Egyptian religion with the idea of ​​righteousness and sinfulness, that baked paradise. New dogmas led to the formation of the Jewish tribes and the promotion of their warlikeness. Dzherela's faith in religion - the Old Testament (of knowledge and past Christianity) and the Talmud ("commentaries" to the Old Testament books).

National religions. The most widespread national religions are the religions of India. Primіtna іntrovettnist іndіyskiy Relіgіy, Ivnonest ї to such an internal and mental ієєдднанна, Yak Vіdkrivaє wide Mozhvyosti Self-Konkonnynennya, Satisfying Vіdchuttya Freedom, Bliss, Smrennya, Samovіddachi, Saspoko, a residential faith, soulsi.

Religion China formed from a few parts. The most early є vіruvannya, po'yazanі іz arable farming, mastered from VIV yew. BC They respected that there is nothing more for those in whom to know the calm and beauty of a strong people. Close to 3.5 thousand. The fates of this number of viruvannia were supplemented by the cult of the great ancestors - wise men and heroes. Qi cults succumbed to Confucianism, formulated by the philosopher Confucius, or Kungfu-ji (551-479 BC).
The ideal of Confucianism was a thoroughly human being - modest, ruthless, that Volodya feels goodness and love for people. The social order is presented by Confucianism in such a way that it is the skin of the people in the sphere, represented by the great family. The meta of skin confucianism is morally self-development, shanobly vova to the elders, shanuvannya batkіv and family traditions.
In due course, Brahminism and Buddhism penetrated China. On the basis of Brahminism, mayzhe at once s Confucianism viniklo vchennya Taoism. From Taoism internally, Chan-Buddhism is connected, which, having expanded in Japan, under the name of Zen Buddhism. Together with Taoism and Confucianism, the Chinese religions were folded into a light-intelligible, head-rhything kind of worship to the family (ancestors, landscaping, home nest) that is poetic for the sake of nature, the practice of life for that beauty (S. Myagkov, 2002, p. 9 Kormin) .

Religion of Japan Approximately from the 5th century. not. the Japanese learned the wisdom of India and China, adopted the Buddhist-Taoist stature to the world, as if it didn’t superchill their calm faith, Shintoism, faith in those who are all spiritual, gods (set), and that they deserve to be reverent. The main feature of the Japanese Shintoism, transformed under the Chinese infusion, was those who win, like Taoism, do not do good and do not vikrivaє evil, more “tangled in a ball of thread happiness and don’t split apart.” Vikorinna evil will inevitably break through such a raging undergrowth, about yak and without suspecting a light device. The Japanese take the Fatherland as a sacred banner of the nation, which peresbuє during the hour of the timchas pіkluvannya to live broadcasts to the naschadki. The sprats of Shintoism are millions of Japanese people (T. Grigor'eva, 1994).

Zoroastrianism extensions are important in India (Parsi), in Iran (Gebri) and Pakistan.
We will surround the main religions in the world with dozens of traditional religions, the leading rank in the form of fetishism, animism and shamanism. They are especially rich in Africa, and in front of Guinea-Bissau, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Côte d'Ivoire, Burkina Faso, Togo, Benin.
In Asia, the followers of tribal cults outweigh only the Hidden Timor, but also the islands of the Western part of the Oceania and the middle peoples of Pivnochi Russia (shamanism).
Dzherelo -

(Not light, but all).

Holy religion religion, as if it had expanded among the peoples of different lands all over the world. Empowerment of religious religions in the form of national and national-sovereign religions in that, in the rest of the religious ties between people, it is zbіgaє zі ethnіchny zv'yazk (pohodzhennya vіruyuchih) or political. Holy religions are also called supranational, stinks of stench unite different peoples of different continents. History of religious religions forever closely connected with the overrun of the history of human civilization. List of religious religions small. Religious scholars get on three world religions, as we briefly review.


Buddhism- ancient religious religion, as a vineyard in the VI century BC on the territory of modern India. At the moment, according to the estimates of recent reports, there are from 800 million to 1.3 billion people.

Buddhism does not have a creator god, like Christianity. Buddha means enlightenment. At the center of the religion of the wedding of the Indian prince Gautami, who, having thrown his life in luxury, becoming a hermit and an ascetic, thinking about the share of people and the sense of life.

Buddhism also has no theory about the creation of the world (having not created anything, and no one controls it), there is no understanding of the eternal soul, there is no confusion of sins (replacement of which is positive and negative karma), there is no such rich-component organization of the Christian Church, yakristitserva. Buddhism does not care about believing absolute authority and belief in other religions. It sounds funny, but Buddhism can be called the most democratic religion. Let's hope that the Buddha is similar to the analogue of Christ, but with the help of wine, he is not respected by either God or the son of God.

The essence of the philosophy of Buddhism- Pragnennya to nirvani, self-knowledge, self-gaze, that spiritual self-development along the path of self-exchange and meditation.


Christianity viniklo in the 1st century of our yeri in Palestine (Mizhrichchya) on the basis of the life of Jesus Christ, which was described by the teachings (apostles) in the New Testament. Christianity is the largest religion of the world in geographical terms (it is present in all countries of the world) and for the number of believers (about 2.3 billion, and maybe a third of the population of the Earth).

In the 11th century, Christianity split into Catholicism and Orthodoxy, and in the 16th century, Protestantism split into Catholicism. At once, the stink of becoming the three largest streams of Christianity. There are more than a thousand others (tech, sects).

Christianity is monotheistic, wanting yoga monotheism trohi non-standard: God has three equals (three hypostases) - Father, Sin, Holy Spirit. Jews, for example, who cannot be taken; for them God is one, and you cannot be two or three. In Christianity, faith in God is of paramount importance, serving God and living a righteous life.

The main helper of Christians is the Bible, which is compiled from the Old and New Testaments.

As Orthodox, so Catholics recognize the sacraments of Christianity (baptism, communion, repentance, chrismation, shlyub, consecration, priesthood). Main details:

  • the Orthodox do not have a Papi (a single division);
  • there is no understanding of "purgatory" (only heaven and hell);
  • priests do not give an abode to bezshlyubnosti;
  • insignificant difference in rituals;
  • vіdminnіst dates sv.

Among the Protestants, be it possible to propagate the number of sacraments and the importance of the rites of the stars to a minimum. Protestantism, in essence, is the least successful overcoming of Christianity.


V Islam so one god. In translation from Arabic it means “sub-root”, “sub-order”. God is Allah, the prophet is Mohammed (Mohammed, Mohammed). Islam sits in another place for the number of believers - up to 1.5 billion Muslims, that is maybe a quarter of the population of the Earth. Islam vinik at the 7th century on the Arabian Pivostrov.

The Qur'an is the holy book of Muslims - a selection of the names of Muhammad (propagations) and were compiled after the death of the prophet. Chimale meaning may also be the Sunnah - a collection of parables about Muhammad, and Shariah - a set of rules of conduct for Muslims. In Islam, the first meaning of the rituals is:

  • shodenna fivefold prayer (prayer);
  • dotrimannya fasting in Ramadan (9th month of the Muslim calendar);
  • distribution of alms to the married women;
  • hajj (prochan to Mecca);
  • pronunciation of the head formula of Islam (there is no God, the crim of Allah, and Mohammed is the prophet of yoga).

Previously, before the religious religions included Hinduismі Judaism. None of these data are considered old.

On the vіdmіnu vіd buddhism, christianity and іslam pov'yazanі one with one. I that, th іnsha rіgіnії vіdnosjatsya to аvraamіchnіh rіgіgіy.

In literature, that cinema sometimes sounds so clear, like “one all-world”. Heroes of different creations live in the same world and can meet once, like, for example, the Zalіzna lyudina and Captain America. The Diya of Christianity and Islam is seen in "one omniscience". Jesus Christ, Moses, the Bible are written in the Qur'an, moreover, Jesus and Moses are the prophets. Adam and Hava - the first people on the Earth zgіdno with the Koran. Muslims in some biblical texts also mention the prophecy of the appearance of Muhammad. In this aspect of the cіkavim, there is caution, that especially zhorstkі religious conflicts have been caused by the very same, close one to one, religions (and not with Buddhists and Hindus); Ale tse nutrition is too much for psychologists and religious scholars.

Religions of the world

Religion is the mindfulness of people in the presence of a majestic, unknown, strong, mighty, wise and just force, as if foresight, created this world and ceremonies - from the life and death of a skin person to the manifestations of nature and the passage of history

Cause blame god

Fear of life. From old, long ago, in the face of the evil forces of nature and a small share, having seen a man’s deed, lack of protection and inferiority. Vira gave you hope for wanting to help me in the struggle for a foundation
Fear of death. People, in principle, be as if they were annihilation, they will do it, be as if they were overstepping, virishuvati be as if they were a task. Only the death of youmu is inevitable. Life, hot bi yak vazhke vono bulo, good. Death is terrible. Religion allowed people to spodіvatis on the inexcusable foundation of the soul of the body, not in this world, so in the other world
The need for the establishment of laws. The law is the framework, in such a bag is a person. Vіdsutnіst framework or vihіd for mezhі threaten people's death. Ale, a person - the truth is not finished, to that law, invented by a person, less authoritative for her, lower than God. If human laws can be navitly broken, then God’s commandments are not possible

“Only how, I feed, after that person? Without God and without future life? Aje tse now everything is allowed, everything can be robiti?(Dostoevsky "The Brothers Karamazov")

Holy religions

  • Buddhism
  • Judaism
  • Christianity
  • Islam

Buddhism. Short

: over 2.5 thousand years.
: India.
- Prince Siddhartha Guatama (VI century BC), who became a Buddha - "enlightened".
. “Tipitaka” (“three koshiki” of palm leaves, on which the confessions of Buddhi were written on the cob):

  • Vinaya-pitaka - rules of conduct for Buddhist chants,
  • Sutta-pitaka - talk and preach Buddhi,
  • Abidhamma-pitaka - three treatises that systematize the provisions of Buddhism

: peoples of Sri Lanka, Myanmi (Birmi), Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Korea, Mongolia, China, Japan, Tibet, Buryatia, Kalmiki, Tuva.
: a person can become happy, only having spared us bazhan
: Lhasa (Tibet, China)
: Wheel of law (Dharmachakra)

Judaism. Short

: over 3.5 thousand years
: Land of Israel (Close Departure).
Moses, the leader of the Jewish people, the organizer of the Jewish Exodus from Egypt (XVI-XII centuries BC)
. Tanakh:

  • P'yatiknizhzhya Moiseevo (Torah) - Buttya (Beresheet), Vihid (Shemot), Levit (Vaikra), Numbers (Bemidbar), Repetition of the Law (Two);
  • Neviim (Prophets) - 6 books of senior prophets, 15 books of young prophets;
  • Ketuvim (Writing) - 13 books

: Israel.
: not giving people what you don’t want yourself
: Yerusalim.
: temple lamp (menorah)

Christianity. Short

: close to 2 thousand years
: Land to Israel.
: Jesus Christ is the son of God, who descended to earth for the sake of taking on suffering for the confusion of people in the form of original sin, who resurrected after death and ascended back to heaven (12-4 pp. BC - 26-36 AD) e.). )
: Bible (Holy writings)

  • Old Testament (Tanakh)
  • New Testament - Gospel; Dean of the Apostles; 21 messengers of the apostles;
    Apocalypse, or Confessions of John the Theologian

: peoples of Europe, Pivnichnoy and Pivdennoy America, Australia.
: light to rule love, mercy is that forgiveness

  • Catholicism
  • Pravoslavia
  • Greek Catholicism

: Jerusalem, Rome.
: cross, (on whom Jesus Christ was sung)

Islam. Short

: close to 1.5 thousand years
: Arabian Pivostrіv (at the peninsula entrance of Asia)
: Muhammad ibn Abdallah, messenger of God and prophet (bl. 570-632 r. e.)

  • Koran
  • The sunnah of the Messenger of Allah - stories about the instigation of that wislovlyuvannya of Muhammad

: peoples of Pivnіchnoy Africa, Indonesia, Close and Middle Descent, Pakistan, Bangladesh.
: bow to Allah, which is eternal and the only building, evaluate the behavior of a person for її destined to paradise

It is unlikely that a person has grown up, as if he had not thought about his place in life, a role, as if preparing a share for him, about recognizing his appearance in this world. Regardless of whether a person prays or considers himself an atheist, he should believe. The very faith signifies the riven of religion. Zvіdsi ask for visnovok: people are religious. And the axis of religion in an okremo people can be your own, in others - unique. Beastly respect, like the religion of the world.


Viniklo among Palestinian Jews at the 1st century of our yeri. The name resembles the Greek "christ", which means the anointed one. Jesus is called Christ, who is alive in the 1st century of our land. In the hour of її zasnuvannya began a new era. The largest religion of the world. There are 2.1 billion followers.

Jesus Christ is the founder of Christianity. God is looking at the people, in which the whole day of Christianity is laid. Vіn zіyshov on the earth, schob to protect people from the power of sin, heal human nature to their Sundays after the strata. For this very reason, the resurrection of Jesus Christ is the central dogma of Christianity.

There are three main ones - Orthodoxy, Protestantism and Catholicism. Dzherelo Verification - Bible. Peculiarities: the order of the soul at the spirits of the sinful world, contrasting sinful vtikhs with severe asceticism, vidmova in the mind of the mindfulness and marnoslavism on the melancholy of submissiveness and humility. I became a vineyard of life after the Kingdom of God came to earth. Vchit, scho on vіdmіnu іnshih rіgіgіy christianity is given by God, and not created by people.


What are the holy religions of the warriors? Nasampered is Islam. Translated from Arabic, as if "to submit to Allah." The followers of Allah (God) call themselves Muslim (“hide Allah” in the Arabic translation). In Russian, the word was interpreted by Muslim.

Vinik Islam on the cob of the 7th century near the western part of the Arabian Pivostrov, where the place of Mecca and Yasrib flourished (the year of renaming to Madinat - "the place of the prophet"). The name of the place is abbreviated - Medina. Territory of modern Saudi Arabia.

Muslims accept Islam as a way of life. The most important moment is the role of law - sharia, which is more true, to the point, regulating the life of a Muslim. Islam to set a high ideal of specialness, as a method of salvation, for the help of the intellectual, physical and spiritual self-development, and the main task is the obedience to God.

Moral values: the role of a person, a senior for a century and a camp, a community and a family, is special. Islam promotes the theory of people's jealousy before God and transfers more importantly to the people "writing" - Christians and Jews.

Islam is the religion of the ignorant, but the religion of the conquerors and the victors. An ideal basis for a centralized state to wage an unreconciled struggle against opponents of Islam. A statement was filed to the zhorstka about the political organization and power in the court. Punishment for good - with good, for evil - with evil. Learn generosity and help the poor.


Since 1996, the world has had 360 to 500 thousand rubles. Followers of Buddhism. Buddhism - a religion of old for many others - was born in India in the 6th century BC. Yogo is the patron saint of the maw chotiri name, and this year vikoristovuyut im'ya Buddi - the find of the midst of the Gods. Starting from the 1st century of our eri, Buddhism is divided into two streams (hinayana and mahayana) through those who are not familiar with the food of those who have a good meal with the greatest paradise - nirvana.

Buddha - "awakenings". Not my specialty, but the camp of reason. Buddha is an all-worldly teacher, who explains some noble truths, which we all want to achieve enlightenment. This noble truth is suffering, the gentry is the truth of the cause of suffering, the gentry is the truth of suffering, that gentry is the truth of the path that leads to suffering.

Vishcha meta - the reach of nirvana - eternal peace and bliss, freedom in the face of various zabrudnen, zokrema and moral. The order of a man is in the hands of the man himself, and the Buddha cannot betray anyone. Love is that mercy to all, without a trace of living іstot.

Judaism is a long time religion

The most recent religion has been expanded mainly among the Jews. Take your cob from the 10th century BC. Yaskravy butt of unity of religion and sovereignty. The remembrance of Jesus Christ and the coming of another ruler, who is called the Antichrist in Christianity, caused a sovereign and spiritual catastrophe for the Jews in the past, which brought them to a rise in the whole world. Like a modern religion, it was formed on the basis of the first - on the cob of another century of our eri. The main principle is the knowledge of the one God.

With the advent of Christianity and Islam, they are actively in conflict with them, looking at these two religions as their creation. Christians and Muslims did not show any particular sympathy, and they persecuted the Jews for their recognition of their religion.

The international report "Religion of the world" points to those who had 20 million Jews in the world in 1993. However, these data may be inaccurate; in 1996, the oscills in 1996, otherwise, suggested figures of about 14 million people. 40% of all Jews live in the USA, 30% - in Israel.


Formed at the 1st century of our land. It is not like a quiet life, like religions are founded in the world. We are in front of them, that we do not have the right to believe in the creations in the process of synthesis of some religious beliefs. Vin do not have sacred writings. Tse appeared in the psychological warehouse of the Hindu. It’s unacceptable to get sick to the point of reconciliation with unprincipled behavior, the need to reach social status and zazdrіst to quiet, hto zumіv tsgogo reach. Hinduism does not have a single authority among religious authorities.


Ethico-political vchennya, founded by the thinker of Ancient China, Confucius. Vidpovidno until vchennya, an important synergy of goiter and tales about your fathers by stretching a mustache life. Fathers should serve and wait, for the sake of their good, but we are preparing to everything, and, shanuvati їx, regardless of the situation. In addition, the vchennya called out to the high-moral person, as she would be honest and broad, small-mindedness and fearlessness, modesty and justice. Streamliness, love for people, goodness and bezkorislivist can embellish such a person.


Religion, which has adopted the concept of karma and the fortification of the way - nirvani, to all Indian religions. Chi does not know the gods. Respect the soul of the imperishable person, and the world - calm. Body shell is given to the soul for the results of many lives. The soul can inexorably improve and reach omnipotence and eternal bliss.

Universally look at nutrition, in some lands such as religions, in one article it is even more problematic, even in the world of religions and religious names are impersonal. But the main major directives are presented in general.

And also their classification. Religious knowledge has adopted a vision of offensive types: tribal, national and religious religions.


- The ancient religion of the world. Won Vinykla VI Art. to the sound e. in India, and in the present time it is expanded in the lands of Pivdenny, Pivdenno-Skhidnoy, Central Asia and the Far Gathering and there are close to 800 million followers. The tradition of vindication of Buddhism is named after Prince Siddhartha Gautami. The father, having taken care of the filthy Gautami, that one lives with the luxury, having made friends with the kohan maiden, like she gave birth to you son. Chotiri zustrіchi served as a postal service to a spiritual upheaval for the prince, as a sign of a reprimand. Having drunk the old old one, we suffer for leprosy and the funeral process. So Gautama knew about old age, sickness and death - the share of all people. Let's drink the wine of the pacified zhenk of the mandriving man, for whom nothing was needed in life. The mustache shocked the prince, it made him think about the lot of people. Vіn taєmno leaving the palace of that family, at 29 rokіv vіn becoming a hermit and trying to know. After deep reflections at 35 rokiv wines, becoming a Buddha - enlightened, awakened. 45 Rocks Buddha, having preached his vchennya, as briefly as possible, you can lead up to the upcoming main ideas.

Life for the suffering, the reason for this is the passion of people. In order to spare the suffering, it is necessary to take care of earthly passions and bazhan. Whom can be reached, as if to follow the path of salvation, we will show the Buddha.

After death, be-yak, life is alive, including people, reborn again, but at the sight of a new living nature, the life of such a person is recognized as one’s own behavior, and the behavior of one’s “victims”.

Need to practice nirvani so that impartiality and calmness, as if they reach the waters of the earthly likeness.

On the vіdmіnu vіd khristiyanstva i іslаmu Buddhism has the idea of ​​God as the creator of the world of that yogo ruler. The essence of cultivating Buddhism is to call to the skin of a person on the path to the search for inner freedom, full zvilnennya in the wake of kaydaniv, like carrying life.


Viniclo in 1 tbsp. n. i.e. in the lower part of the Roman Empire - Palestine - like, brutalized to all humiliation, like practicing justice. It is based on the idea of ​​mesianism - hope for the Divine Ryativnik of the world like the filthy one that is on earth. Jesus Christ suffered for the sins of people, whose name in translation with Greek means the Messiah, the Savior. Tsim іm'yam Іsus poov'yazuetsya zі old covenant orders about the coming to the land of Israel of the prophet, monsieur, who will bring the people into suffering and establish a righteous life - God's kingdom. Christians respect that the coming of God to Earth will be accompanied by the Last Judgment, if you will judge the living and the dead, direct them to heaven and bake.

Basic Christian ideas:

  • Faith, that God is one, but Vіn є Triytsya, that God has three “individuals”: ​​the Father, Sin and the Holy Spirit, as they make the one God, who created the All-Light.
  • Faith at the quiet sacrifice of Jesus Christ - a friend of the person of the Trinity, God Sin - tse i є Jesus Christ. Vіn maє at once two natures: Divine and human.
  • Faith in Divine grace - I hide the power, as God sends for the healing of people from sin.
  • Faith in the posthumous payment and the cost of life.
  • Faith in the foundation of good spirits - angels and evil spirits - together with their volodar Satan.

Holy Book of Christians Bible which in Greek translation means "book". The Bible is composed of two parts: the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Old Testament is the most recent part of the Bible. New Testament (do good Christian work) including: chotiri evangelism (Luke, Mark, John and Matthew); the work of the holy apostles; the message of that Announcement of John the Theologian.

IV Art. n. e. Emperor Kostyantyn voicing Christianity as the sovereign religion of the Roman Empire. Christianity is not united. It broke into three streams. At 1054 p. Christianity was divided into Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches. At the XVI century. in Europe, the Reformation rose - an anti-Catholic movement. As a result, Protestantism is blamed.

I recognize sim christian mysteries: baptism, chrismation, repentance, communion, shlyub, the priesthood of that holy consecration. Dzherelom Verification of the Bible. Vіdminnostі polagayut more importantly in the offensive. Orthodoxy does not have a single division, it is said about purgatory as a place of the temporal abode of souls of the dead, the priesthood does not give a home without a hatred, like in Catholicism. On the top of the Catholic Church stands the Pope, who is used to do it, the center of the Roman Catholic Church is the Vatican - a power that borrows a few quarters from Rome.

There are three main flows: Anglicanism, Calvinismі Lutheranism. Protestants respect the intellectual salvation of a Christian without formally pre-trial rites, as if I were giving special faith in the quiet sacrifice of Jesus Christ. The principle of sacral priesthood has been voiced by their navchanni, which means that a skin layman can preach. Mayzhe all Protestant denominations reduced the number of rites to a minimum.


Vinick at VII Art. n. e. among the Arab tribes of the Arabian Pivostrova Tse is the youngest among the world. Followers of Islam get sick more than 1 billion people.

The founder of Islam is a historical specialty. Vіn was born 570 р. in the metro station Mezzi, which is a great place for that hour to finish with a great place on the peretina of trade routes. At Mezzi, a shrine was raised, as it was respected by the majority of Arab-pagans - the Kaaba. Mohammed's mother died when six years passed to you, the father died before the birth of his son. Mohammed wiggled in sіm'ї dіda, sіm'ї noble, ale zbіdnіloї. At 25 rokіv vіn becoming a cheruyuchimu dominion at the wealthy widow Khadija and befriended her without a hitch. At the 40th anniversary, Muhammad acted as a religious preacher. Vin declaring that God (Allah) has made him a prophet. The preaching was not worthy of the rulers of Mecca, and Mohammed happened to move to Yasrib before 622, after renaming to Medina. 622 is respected by the ear of the Muslim literal number for the monthly calendar, and Mecca is the center of the Muslim religion.

The sacred book of the Muslims is the completed records of Muhammad's sermons. For the life of Muhammad Yogo, the words were accepted as a direct mova of Allah and were transmitted orally. A decade after the death of Muhammad, the stench was written down in the warehouse of the Koran.

The faith of Muslims has a great role to play Sunnah - a selection of commemorative rhymes about the life of Mohammed that Sharia - zvedennya principles and rules of conduct, obov'yazkovyh for Muslims. The most serious ipexa.Mii among Muslims are vvazhayutsya recklessness, drunkenness, gambling and friendly innocence.

The place of worship of Muslims is called a mosque. Islam fences depict people and living things, empty mosques are embellished with more than an ornament. In Islam, there is no clear line on the clergy and laity. A mullah (priest) can become a Muslim, who knows the Koran well, the Muslim laws and the rules of worship.

Ritual is of great importance in Islam. You may not know the subtleties of the faith, but you should follow the savory rites of the head rites, the titles of the five steps of Islam:

  • the voice of the formula of the confession of faith: “No God, the Crimea of ​​Allah, and Mohammed is the prophet of yoga”;
  • initiation of a fivefold prayer (prayer);
  • fasting for the month of Ramadan;
  • distribution of alms to the poor;
  • pilgrimage to Mecca (hajj).

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