Eating with cystitis: what can you eat, and what can not? What are the products that prevent cystitis in women.

Eating with cystitis: what can you eat, and what can not? What are the products that prevent cystitis in women.

Dietary eating with cystitis allows streaming the development of illness. Diet in case of cystitis in women and people is an important storehouse for the whole plan of the patient’s well-being, shards of dotrimanny eating rules give the possibility of reaching remission of illness.

Diet for cystitis in women and people

The diet for cystitis in women is directed to the supply of vitamins and microelements to the body, like veins in the process of the ignition process. Tse aktiviziruet zahisnі forces of the organism and spray yaknaishvidshmu dzhannu with cystitis. Eating with cystitis and pyelonephritis in women and people helps to treat such nutrition:

  • change in manifestations of intoxication - it is necessary to increase the number of vegetarian days, increase the amount of boiled rind, gradually eat more;
  • zupinyaєtsya multiplication of microbes - for which it is necessary to take berries, rich in hippuric and benzoic acid;
  • the teasing of the mucous membrane of the sich michur is taken into account - with this, all the products of eating are used, building viklikati razdratuvannya of the sich michur;
  • changes in the rate of dropping of crystals - fallow in the acidity of the section of the diet can save the dropping of stones in the singing warehouse;
  • there is a rise in the effectiveness of antibacterial preparations - when tinned, for example, on the basis of sulfanamide preparations, they increase their activity.

What can not be eaten with cystitis

It is not possible with cystitis in women, products, yakі dratuvatimut mucus membrane of sich mіkhur. Among the vegetables and fruits are products that call for an unbearable reaction from the side of the sectarian system. Living with cystitis in women includes such products: bananas, avocados, plums, apples. It is not recommended to drink juices, as well as compotes, as well as dry fruits. You can't eat beans and asparagus. Pomіdori pіd hour cystitis is also fenced.

Eating products, which are not recommended for cystitis, are licorice dairy products. Among fermented milk products, it is impossible to eat too much or too much milk. Can't eat with acute cystitis licorice products that salt salt їzhu. These are the products of the grub industry - tsukerki, tistechka, honey, cakes. It is better to replace with natural malt - you can use quince, apricots and other fruits. Also, a tsukrozaminnik enters the warehouse of the fenced products.

The list of what you can not eat with cystitis is continued by citrus fruits. It is not possible with pyelonephritis to have too much orange, tangerine, grapefruit, so it is necessary to forget about juices, which include citrus fruits. Best seen in tea with lemon, shards of wine can provoke an undesirable reaction. Be it a product with spices fenced, it’s also a non-food fast food. You can't eat that drink with cystitis those products, which are rich in preservatives - soda, crackers, chips, peas.

Living with cystitis in women

Diet for cystitis and pyelonephritis in women and people are concerned about the stages. It is even more important to follow up on recommendations, so as not to provoke a controversy. Diet for acute cystitis in women donate at least two liters of water per day. These can include and vіdvari z flournitsa, corn rolls, nirkovі collections, juices, fruit drinks. We recommend that you include as many fresh vegetables as possible. After a few days, rib and meat are allowed in the cooked and stewed look.

The diet for chronic cystitis in women is given by the introduction of vegetables and fruits from the sechoginal effect - kavuni, pears, dino. All guests are switched off. For the cultivation of the robotic herbal system, cabbage, carrots, pasta, cereals are allowed. On melancholy go be-like products, rich on cellular tissue.

Menu for cystitis in women

Diet in case of cystitis in women is fed as a minimum of chotirirazovye eating, and best of all, I eat for five or six times. For snacks, you can take one of the proponated herbs - milk porridge with cereals, sir, sik, drink a bottle of kefir with a bun. You can have vegetable puree and scrambled eggs. It is not cool for a lot of patients to give priority to eggs - stench is also positively added to etching and does not provoke acute cystitis.

Offended can be taken with cystitis vegetable soup chi soup with cereals. Permissions light beet, borscht. On the other, you can put a piece of boiled meat or meatballs. Ribka and a steam cutlet will be boiled with coris. As a dessert of a diet for cystitis in people and women, it allows patients to take mus, drink sour, sik or compote with a blueberry cake.

At noon diet menu for cystitis in women I’ll pass the baked potatoes in an acres of butter, you can drink kefir or eat fruit. Like a big supper, you can have vinaigrette, mlintsi, buns, macaroni with cheese, sirn casserole.

What can you eat with cystitis

Irrespective of those who eat with cystitis in people and women may have a lot of harvested products, even if it is allowed, it is recommended for ailments from the inflammation of the mucous membrane of the sich mіkhur. For the extermination of pathogenic microorganisms, and also, as it is necessary to eat those products, in order to activate metabolism and induce pathogenic microorganisms. Eating with pyelonephritis and cystitis allows garmelon, zucchini, dino. Kavun with cystitis will become a miraculous helper for the removal of toxins from the venom to its sechoginous effect.

Diet for cystitis in children give the crane to the little ones - this berry will avenge the natural components that help to drive in the pathogenic microflora. The only thing to keep in mind is that it is possible to stop the crane for less than these patients. yakі not zahvoryuvan sludge and twelve-fingered intestines.

If patients have constipation when they are ill, or if they can give a great one, then the brown plums, prunes, carrots or carrots, sour milk, baked apples will be brown. You can add frills and whole grain bread at the hedgehog.

With a good tolerance of dairy products, milk is allowed in the case of a smaller amount of milk - kefir with a low content of fats, yogurt, sourdough. Korisnim will be sir sir. Diet for interstitial cystitis is guilty of dorimuvatisya postiyno, not varto rizikuvati included new products.

Diet and eating with cystitis

Playlist video about cystitis (select video in the upper right fold)

Cystitis is an igniter of sich michur, which is often blamed on women. Pathology accompanies the lower abdomen, the liver during the sechoparesis. In especially difficult situations near the sich, blood and rot can be seen.

Treatment of cystitis can be complex. That the patient is guilty not only of taking the preparations, recognized by her as a doctor, but also of taking bed rest, the diet is guilty of forgiveness, and drinking a sufficient amount of water. Chi is needed for a diet with cystitis, patients need to cough. Dietary eating in case of pathologies of the secovidial system is shown obov'yazkovo.

Diet for acute cystitis

The stagnant flaming process in the slash mihuri, a special or purulent form of illness, is always accompanied by a pronounced pain syndrome, movement. Slashing the inflamed mucous membrane, which will provoke the liver and that part of the call.

If the patient continues to grow aggressive and irritable products, then the pain syndrome will worsen. For the most visible wearer, it is necessary to take care of diet in case of cystitis.

Diet for acute cystitis, like in children, and in adults, it is difficult to live such products:

  • all hostry, salty herbs, spices;
  • smoked, lubricated and fat;
  • produce, yakі mіstjat a lot of ethereal speeches, for example, tsibula and chasnik, mushrooms, selera, parsley.

The number of contraindications for cystitis is alcohol, be it how many and how many. Alcoholic drugs have a negative effect on the process of blood flow in the body, as well as teasing sich mihur. In addition, when cystitis is often prescribed, it is not recommended to eat alcohol.

Cream for changing the pain syndrome, diet can take the clothes off. For which product is shown, how to avenge a large number of vitamins and minerals. Also, doctors recommend eating easily digestible foods, so that the body does not expend its energy on etching an important vegetable, but actively fights against infection.

The diet of a patient with acute cystitis due to guilt includes the following food products:

  • vegetables and fruits, fresh, baked and stewed looking;
  • eggs;
  • cereals, whole grain bread;
  • peas in a small quantity, berries;
  • fermented milk products in a small quantity.

Bagatiokh zdivuє vіdsutnіst m'yasa in the transfer of brown products. M'yaso is not recommended to live in the first days of acute pathology of the sechostatic system, zocrema and cystitis. Such products increase the demand for nirks, which inspire the body to effectively fight infection. Therefore, in the most severe period, eating can be vegan.

If the acute pain passes, the patient feels better, then you can introduce poultry and meat into the diet. But it is also important to choose natural products. M'yaso may be fresh, do not take the revenge of everyday shkidlivih additives.

In case of women and people, it is important to keep up the dietary regimen. Doctors recommend drinking more rindine, so that pathogenic micro-organisms were mimicked with urine from sich mikhura. Drinking recommend clean water without gas, as well as sechoginnі vodvari, cranes and lingonberry juice.

Diet for chronic cystitis

Diet in the period of remission of chronic cystitis, the troch is irritated in the diet at the hour of acute illness. If the woman is not turbulent, then it is not necessary to circumvent yourself, for the most part, including the products.

Diet in chronic cystitis can be balanced, brown and savory. It is fenced over to go hungry. Physicians recommend eating in a fast food, such as fast food, chips, products with a large amount of fat and zucru, or to live them in the first half of the day.

In order to reduce the possibility of acute cystitis, it is necessary to eat products that will heal the immune system. Tse nasampered vegetables, fruits, berries and peas. Also, the patient's diet includes folded carbohydrates in looking like cereals, brown proteins in looking like low-fat meat, fermented milk products, as well as growing fat, for example, llana and olive oil.

Like a hostile period of illness, so at the beginning of the remіsії it is recommended to take up the regimen of eating. Take 5-6 times a day in small portions. Processing methods are better to choose such that you do not need to add oil, so that zapikannya, quenching, cooking, grilling.

A woman with chronic cystitis is guilty of obov'yazkovo obtezhitsya at the urologist, to assess the state of the sichovovidnoy system. Often skladnyuєetsya skupchennyam salts, scho can be brought to the stone settling at the cut mіkhurі and nirkah. The diet in such a time is stale, considering that the concentration of such speeches in the section is elevated.

With an increase in the number of urates, it is necessary to eat less meat and ribi, eat legumes and sour products. Introduce a large amount of fruits, eggs, dairy products into the diet. If the patient has a rise in phosphate in the section and out of the pool, then, on the contrary, it is necessary to reduce the storage of dairy products and there is enough meat and ribi.

Menu for cystitis

Regardless of all conditions, the menu for cystitis can be done differently. An example of a menu for a meal:

  • Snidanok. Vіvsyanа porridge with fried olії.
  • Another snidanok. Baked apple.
  • Reply. Shchi on vegetable broth with sour cream, whole grain bread.
  • Noon. Kefir, I harvest gorikhiv.
  • Supper. Vegetable stew, scrambled eggs with tomatoes.
  • Afternoon supper. Yogurt with berries.

At breaks between meals, it is necessary to drink enough water, as well as crane or lingonberry juice.


Doctor of Medical Sciences, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation and Honorary Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Anton Vasiliev:

“I am engaged in exhilarating the disease of the sechostate system of rich fates. According to the statistics of the Ministry of Health, cystitis in 60% of cases passes into a chronic form.

The main pardon is tightening! The sooner you rozpochat likuvannya cystitis, the sooner. Є zasіb, which is recommended for self-sufficiency and prevention of cystitis at home, the shards of a lot of ailments do not seek help through marriage for an hour or so. Tse - Ureferon. Wine is the most versatile. There are no synthetic components in the new one, it is different in the new soft, but it is obvious after the first day I receive it. Vіn znіmaє inflamed, zmіtsnyuє walls of sich mіkhur, yogo mucilaginous membrane, invigorating zagalny imunitet. Wine is suitable for women and men. For people in the future, the welcome bonus is a strengthening of potential. »

Menu for diet for chronic cystitis:

  • Snidanok. Be like porridge on milk with olive oil.
  • Another snidanok. Banana.
  • Reply. Chicken cutlet, porridge or pasta, fresh vegetables.
  • Noon. Fruit salad, dressings with yogurt and nasіnyam.
  • Supper. Steamed fish, vegetable stew.
  • Afternoon supper. Kefir or yogurt.

Such a diet helps to nurture the body with brown tongues, and the risk of acute cystitis is reduced in its own.


Diet for cystitis is an important addition to the main treatment. But it is necessary to understand, that having eaten less than eating, it is impossible to face acute cystitis. Therefore, all jubilant visits are carried out in a complex and under the control of a urologist.

If you heal a disease, then the cream of medicinal preparations needs to be asked about the diet, what to spare, as well as about the products, which you can or cannot live at the right time. Vіdpovіdі on naychisnіshі nutrition schodo produktіv i napoїv.

Qi is possible with cystitis? About products

  • Can you eat kavun with cystitis?

Very rich in consumption of products, they have a lot of metals, but not enough vitamins. The main effect of the introduction of kavuniv, din and other bashtannyh crops is poled in their sechoginous field. If you want you can say that tsukor (glucose and sucrose), which is hidden in them, is also corisnia for a weakened immune system and the body as a whole.

Chi is possible with cystitis kavun? Surely so! You cleanse the body of slags and toxins, recharge your batteries, take satisfaction from the process of eating. The only thing that can cause discomfort is that it is more often to see the eye, and it is not possible to endure with cystitis.

  • What about tomatoes?

There is a great number of chemically active speeches in the tomato meat, and so on, like a blow, like undercuts, on the mucus membrane of the sich michur and the sich-breeding paths, they can zmushuvat progress, whether it’s a kind of flaming progress.

Definitely no. Also, with cystitis, it is impossible to live in all the bad tomatoes: ketchup, tomato sauce and pasta, sik (there is more of a sill).

  • Can you honey?

There is no clear answer. Here smut - tse іndivіdualne bdzhіlnitstva. Through those that honey can be antiseptic, antiseptic and soothing, it is recommended for cystitis even more medically. Prote, milking the great vіdsotok vіpadkіv vzhivanie honey suprovodzhuєtsya constipation and diffi cult sechovipkannyam, scho by itself є contraindications to zastosuvannya.

It is important to give an unambiguous opinion. It’s better for everything (that and right) to be happy with the doctor and z’yasuvati, for the cob, you don’t have allergies to health products.

  • All doctors recommend fresh fruits and vegetables, but if you have cystitis, is it possible?

The fence on deyakі vidi fruktіv has been corrected with a splash on the sechostate system. Can you eat lemon for cystitis? Citrus fruits, although they want to avenge the greatness of vitamin C, the mucus membranes are strongly damaged. The stench is full of acids, which are very necessary for the body, and only not during the period of infection with cystitis. The acid of the rose is not only mucus, but the inflamed cavity, as it grows. Sik, among that number, is fresh, building-like to provoke the ruh of stones and piska with cut-off ailments, which, on aphids cystitis, is even more unbearable.

Can you eat an orange? Vidpovid vishcha.

Exotic fruits are also on the list. On the right, it is not in what is avenged in them, but in what is not. The bottom line is that no one knows how a particular organism reacts to a reception, as they have not tried it before.

What can you eat with cystitis of apples, bananas, pears? You may need it. As much as possible urinate your diet (at the borders of the reasonable) and do not get hung up on chomus alone.

Strengthen your immunity, live your life, and don’t let the disease run, for it’s easy to turn on the cob and it’s impossible to start it.

  • Do you want raspberries?

You can be in any kind of moods, but only for the minds of the mind, the guard is low. Stinks pov'yazanі z tim, scho:

  • Raspberries are already strongly rozіgіvaє organіzm, so if you take it, you can not spend it on a stretch and go out into the street, even if the weather is not warmer. Tse mozhe potentiate the ignition process, potentiate yogo chi to give an aggravation;
  • the berry is a very strong allergen, so it is not recommended to live for singing minds.

Vіdpovіd - sooner so, but at the right likuvannya cystitis raspberry is practically marna.

  • Under the fence

Chi is possible with cystitis grapes, chocolate, licorice? Unfortunately, it’s not possible, like zdobu, zukerki, condensed milk. And the axis of freezing for cystitis is possible.

What about the cibula, the watchmaker? Hi! Qi products under a categorical fence through a drativlivu diyu.

  • Chi can eggplant with cystitis
  • I want to eat sauerkraut

At the same time, in the case of subcutaneous disease, chronic constipation is manifested.

  • Today

Be kind, lubricate the dormouse is not contraindicated.

  • Can you eat ginger for cystitis?

Vzhivannja іmbiru at inflammation of sich mіkhur, zavdyaks to its antispasmodic and anti-spasmodic powers, giving garni results. At the warehouse, ginger is vicorous as a sechoginny, anti-spasm and painful zasib. recommend for acute and chronic inflammation.

  • Chi can rice?

It's possible, it's possible. Especially steamed preparations - savory and korisno.

What to do and not to drink with cystitis

Yakі napoї sled unikati and why, and yakі, navpaki, try to get used to the great number.

  • Can you be relieved from looking at beer and cavi with cystitis?

Cystitis is not an illness, and it is more effective for treatment of pre-trial orders of a doctor, taking prescribing medicinal preparations and pre-treatment diets. Alcohol and mіtsna kava are contraindications, and like kava - it simply provokes a relapse, or to make it easier to get over the illness, then alcohol neutralizes some of the deuce liks, and s bagatma from them vіn vzagalі insane.

Sounds like nothing. An organism that fights against cystitis does not need such gifts. It is not possible to feed the drive of homemade and non-alcoholic beer - that is, because it is a friendly medium for the reproduction of disease-causing bacteria, which calls for cystitis, like an illness.

  • Milk and kefir are friends with cystitis or enemies?

Literally all dairy products and sour milk products are correct for cystitis, but in reasonable quantities and not too fat. Tobto є homemade sour cream with 70% fat content is not recommended. Even better yoghurts, sir and sour milk, and with syr you need to be careful: melting has a side effect - fixing the steel, and hard and sour - normalize pickling.

For women who suffer from cystitis, fakhivtsi-narodniks recommend goat's cheese, as well as other varieties of mild seaweed, for example, brinzi.

Can you drink milk and kefir with cystitis? Zagalom - so, it is possible to get accustomed to dairy products and sour-milk products, even if you look at the intake of their moisture by the body.

Can you have yogurt for cystitis? So, it is possible, and it is necessary.

  • How about some tea?

Tea in case of illness, especially in the acute phase, under the fence. Replace with tea with lemon, milk, nirk or brown grass.

Can you drink greens? You can only not mіtsny and without tsukru.

  • Can you drink mineral water with cystitis?

It's possible, it's possible. Give priority to weak mineral water, as you cope with the greatest sechoginal effect. The best water with calcium bicarbonate ions.

Do not stop the mineral water, as it is damaged in the vivi lniy building, and also in the case of puddle reaction.

  • Can you drink soda?

It is possible to recommend at the first signs of vipivati ​​1 tbsp. a spoonful of soda in warm water in small sips of 15 strands. Such a puddle of water will reduce pain, so that the liver and roaring white will become dull.

  • Shipshina with cystitis

Dzhe korisny tea from herbs, tinctures and vodvari, moreover, not only fruits, but the root. Roslin may have antibacterial and sechogenetic power, improve immunity. Vykoristovuetsya th at the jubilant collections.

- a scheme of living was specially selected, which is based on the use of fire from the soft fabrics of the sich mihur. It is based on the introduction of light food products and pre-trial dietary regimen.

In order to achieve the maximum jubilant effect, it is important when folding a dietary meal, following these principles:

    Products and napoї owing to the mother of the sechoginny effect;

    Strength should be taken from the diet maximum;

    Be a hostess hedgehog will be under the fence;

    Fat next turn off;

    Zukor and be-like yoga substitutes must be taken away from the menu;

    Diet is not guilty of becoming the cause;

    Processing of all products can be minimal, oiled, smoked, canned under the fence.

Diet for acute phase of cystitis

Zagostrennya ailments for any form, accompanied by pronounced pains and partial positivity until the burnt organ is empty. Most of the time, it’s no more than a week, so at the right time, the diet can be especially strict. It is important to ensure the maximum washing of the sichways, so that we can accept the adoption of any kind of wake-up caller.

Therefore, the living scheme can be inspired by the advancing rules:

    The Motherland, which is being drunk, is not guilty of less than 2000 ml. Bazhano bring її dobovy volume to 2500 ml. Tse maє buti is not less spicy, but it is chloride-calcium mineral water. In addition, brown fruit compote without adding zucru, vegetable juices. Vidminny sechoginny effect may. Take out the fire to help yagidnі morsi on the basis of that.

    The menu does not include dairy products. This is crazy because they have a high content of calcium and fat. It is allowed to take a small portion of syrah, natural yogurt, low-fat and non-salted syrah or milk for a drink.

    Under the hour of the manifestation of the ailment, the varto is removed from the meat products and ribi. Let's proceed with the introductions. Perevaghu next to low-fat varieties of meat and river rib.

    Prevention of constipation can be the introduction of vegetables. Korisna, moreover, be-yakі її sorts. It is possible to introduce into the diet visivki, porridge, prepared from whole grain cereals.

    It is allowed to dress salads with rosemary or olive oil. Once you can harvest cedar peas for harvest.

What are the products under the fence?

Sob not to provoke a sickness, it is important to unify the singing products of eating and drinking. Vzhivat pid hour ailments fenced:

    Estimate and all stravi, what to avenge. Instill fading ailments, you can provoke її zagostrennya. Therefore, yoga is not recommended to live after a new dress, especially for people who are weak to relapse.

    Various sauces, the most popular of which are mayonnaise, soy sauce and ketchup. The stench is contraindicated through a high dose of fat and salt. In addition, before the mayonnaise warehouse enter the egg and ocet, as if the hour of the disease is rebuked under the fence.

    Zukor in a pure look is the product that avenges Yogo in a great number. This is due to the fact that the organisms begin to eat microbacteria. Їx multiplication is increasing, in parallel, the dose of toxins that are seen is increasing. The stench, at their own house, will show up the symptoms of an ailment and change their clothes.

    Be it canned goods, they are not guilty, but they are present on the table of an ailment for people with cystitis. Prices for smoked meats, cowbass, bacon.

    Drink alcohol. Whether there is any alcohol to bring home from the body, what to produce until the end of the day. The cutting is gaining a great concentration and is stronger fighting inflammation of the body.

    Kava and mitzny tea. Drinking drink is similar to drinking alcohol. For the next hour, varto is brewed with cocoa.

    Be like licorice and gassy drinks, tomato juice, energy drinks.

    Under the fence, deyaki vegetables are consumed. Slid to look into the situation. Do not add varto to zhu radish, sorrel,. All vegetables are sprinkled with the additional teasing of the scorched sich mikhur.

Daily menu

Looking back at the main recommendations of doctors, you can independently put together a menu, so as not to hurt the sick. Vranci can be eaten like cereals. At the same time, vegetable soups, salads are prepared with dressing with olive oil and steamed meat. The Supper can be easy and fold, more importantly, from what is allowed before the vegetables are planted.

The menu for one day can be composed of the following items:

    For snacks, you can cook porridge with water, a sandwich with non-salted cheese. Like a drunk pidide herbal tea based on lingonberry leaves.

    As a snack, you can beat up a baked pear.

    Beet soup is prepared for dinner, steamed cutlets from pike perch. As a garnish, you can beat the stew with broccoli. Napіy - crane juice.

    At noon, you can eat baked garmelon, drink a bottle of green tea.

    For the evening, vinaigrette, pasta and low-fat meat are prepared.

It is important not to forget about the regular diet, with the use of mineral water.

Lighting: Diploma of RDMU im. N. I. Pirogov for the specialty "Likuvalna on the Right" (2004). Residency at the Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry, diploma for the specialty "Endocrinology" (2006).

Photo: imagepointfr/

Treatment of cystitis is not limited by the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, it is important to take a special diet during this period. Deyakі products less potentiate the symptoms, provoke the development of illness.

What can't you eat and drink with cystitis

The diet for cystitis is not too strict, but there is a change in food products, so it is necessary to leave or turn off.


Forget about oranges, tangerines, grapefruit, lemons. And you can’t get used to juices, fresh juices and other drinks, in any presence of citrus fruits. Drink after tea, salad with lime, symptoms of cystitis can become aggravated.


Kava, tea, cola and other drinks, in some є caffeine, rather do not drink. It is better to replace it with a herbal tea, as it helps to relieve inflammation.


Everything that avenges saccharin should be turned off. It is worth drinking vitamins, food products, drinks. Before speech, faces, in such a way, this ingredient is not accepted.


Try to get used to alcohol for some time. It is reserved to bring a glass of wine or a glass of cognac.


Vіd gostroї, brightly smeared with seasonings and spices їzhi become less hot. Through the pepper, it can be inflamed, and the infection is more likely to spread through the borders of the sich mihur.

Vegetables and fruits

The first on the list of harvested products are dino, apples, plums, peaches, grapes, bananas, avocados. Those same succumb to juices, crushed vegetables and fruits. With home-made compotes, you should also be careful.

Ketchup and mayonnaise

Barvniki, stabilizers, emulsifiers, flavorings, various additives are not needed by the body during the fight against infection.

Dairy products

You still love siri, yogurt, sour cream and other dairy products, so you can say goodbye to it. When it comes to fresh milk, everything will fall into place in the form of your analysis. In the period of congestion, with chronic cystitis, the appearance of a new varto is utrimatisya.


Zdoba, chocolate, tsukerki, condensed milk, varennya also perebuvayut under the fence. If you really want licorice, then fruits are allowed, moreover, both fresh and dried. І honey is also allowed.


We are ill recommended to get used to the otstu. Possibly, marinade and salads with it will be savory, then the sickness will not hurt yourself for a long time. Before the speech, through the new one, the chronic form of illness can be blamed.

Allowed products for cystitis

Give respect: a diet for cystitis is balanced and all the eating that is made up of products, which may be especially eating food for a person.


Chicken, low-fat pork, yalovich meat can be eaten as in a cooked one, as well as in a baked one. Golovne - do not vicorate marinades, spices, sauces and other additives. Guess the fillet was soft? Give me a couple of chills|minutes| in a new piece of kіvi. Tse zrobit m'yaso piquant and lower.


Everything, cream of tomatoes, asparagus, beans, sick with cystitis is allowed. And yet, after more than that, your body will get worse, pain will begin, and the symptoms of illness will appear, more often than not, the product will turn off.


Tim, who has a bread pot, you can get fresh bread, ale in small quantities (2-3 pieces per doba). Store products are better not to buy. At the extreme weather, buy rice and wheat bread. It is categorically impossible to live a life of greatness.

Gostry cystitis: what is the hour of illness

In the period of congestion, it is necessary to put a guardian before the food products, so as not to injure the burning of the wall of the sich mikhura. In this state of affairs, the diet is due to the formation of zhzhі, as a stimulus for the washing of sichway paths. This is necessary in order to reduce the number of bacteria, and then we will get rid of the infection.

For the same, with acute cystitis, it is necessary to drink a lot of water - not less than 1.5 liters of water per day. To keep the temperature elevated, it is necessary to drink at least 2.5 liters per day.

Not everything can be drunk. Morsi, juices from permitted products, lingonberry and crane compote (not licorice), mineral water (without gas), tea (from pharmaceutical herbs, not store products) are allowed. In small doses, you can drink and great German black or green tea, only tsukru is not guilty of them.

Good to eat fruit, scho mayut sekhogіnі vlastivostі. It is worth drinking fresh ogirkiv, kavuniv, zucchini. If the period of confinement passes, you can carefully introduce dairy and fermented milk products into the diet: low-fat syrah, kefir, ryazhenka, fresh sir.

How to eat with chronic cystitis

Chronic cystitis is characterized by the burning of the walls of the sich mikhura. At this uragen, the maids can be strongly swollen, they are virazki. All this is accompanied by pains in the lower abdomen, discomfort during the session, tingling in the organs. For this reason, the symptoms of that inflammation of the walls will be necessary, and then the infection will be eliminated.

To nurture the sickness of the organism with vitamins, it is recommended to grow yakomoga more than vegetable and fruit herbs.

Garbuzi, pears, licorice apples, kavuni, morsi, fruit compote - all the same can stand on your table today. And don't forget about the juicy brews made from herbs.

Respect: with chronic gastritis, it is impossible to eat soups cooked on mushroom, meat and fish broths. It’s better to cook raw vegetable zhu. First things first, be sure to keep your diet.

The main help before dietary eating in cystitis

In case of cystitis, it is important to take a normal diet of eating, in which there will be 3 main meals and a couple of small snacks. Oskilki sechovidilna system of people is most actively practiced in the first half of the day;

At the evening and night hours, the body should be rozvantazhit, that evening can be made up exclusively of light products.

Under the pre-trial regime of livelihood, the need for nirki will be minimal, which is important for swedish clothing. All hedgehogs that get used to the hour of ailment, may be natural adventures.

After dressing for the acute form of cystitis, you can step by step turn to your usual meal. And the axis is a chronic form of a trivial dormant diet, even if a product-similar can cause a new illness. In this way, a dietary meal can accompany you through the river after the rest of the sickness.

Zrazkova diet for cystitis

  • mashed potatoes;
  • stewed zucchini;
  • scrambled eggs or eggs, uncooked;
  • porridge on milk;
  • cheese with small pieces of licorice berries;
  • sour-milk drinks;
  • German green tea with honey;
  • licorice juices.
  • soup, boiled in water;
  • pasta casseroles;
  • cooked riba and meat;
  • steam cutlets;
  • vegetable stew (without adding tomato paste to the juice);
  • baked potatoes;
  • cereal grains;
  • salads with ogirkiv and zucchini;
  • mushi;
  • jelly;
  • compote;
  • licorice fruit.
  • casserole from syrah;
  • sour-milk drinks;
  • pasta with seafood and fresh cheese;
  • baked with folzy riba;
  • a sprat of bread from visivok;
  • herbal tea with honey.

As if you didn’t want to, don’t wink at the prepared herbs products from the category of fences, don’t season with ketchup, mayonnaise and other hospitable sauces, depending on the spices.

Drink stilki rіdini, stilki nebhіdno, shchob sich mіkhur instantly sporozhnyuvatisya through the skin 2 years. Correct diet in the next few steps, directing to fight against chronic cystitis, allow the disease to be reversed.


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