How to spoil, to give birth to a girl. Useful methods for successful conception of a daughter

How to spoil, to give birth to a girl. Useful methods for successful conception of a daughter


If a person and a woman are thinking about the people of a child and planning to conceive, sometimes they discuss who they want - a boy or a girl. It is especially important, as the stink of a child can smell sprat. For example, the elder son and the fathers want another donka.

In current literature, one can find a naming amount of various information, which allows one to predict becoming a planned child. The books describe impersonal methods, from folk to exclusively scientific ones, to help any family couples. By itself, the task is not foldable, for the mind of the correct approach.

The scientific method of planning a child's life

It is clear to science that those who will become in the future child will lie down in the spermatozoa, having occluded the egg, the X-chromosome. This is the kіlkіst zavzhd less and the stench is less rotten, but the trivality of their life is less. Otzhe, smut zavdannya, schob zavagіt d_vchinkoy, shob, schob to ova squandered the X-chromosome itself.

For whom it is possible to change the amount of sperm, as you can see, and create the most acidic medium in the pen. In this case, sexual contact between future fathers is to be blamed for a day or two before ovulation on the cob, so that the spermatozoa with the X chromosome reach the egg, and the larger Y-chromosome collapses.

Days of maximum ovulation can be counted by decalculation in the following ways: test for ovulation detection, ultrasound follow-up, control of basal body temperature. The most pleasant period is a few days before ovulation. It is also important that the sexual contact of the bet for the attainment of the desired result is to blame for the quickness of the forward caress, with which the woman is not guilty of experiencing an orgasm.

Conceiving a girl by blood

In order to try to predict the conception of a child and a woman's status for the method of blood renewal, it is necessary to know a few nuances. First, a person's blood is renewed once every four years, and a woman's blood is renewed once every three years. In another way, as if one of my friends had an operation with sufficient blood loss, it was necessary to carry out this period. Thirdly, the child will be born in the same state, whose blood from the fathers has been renewed.

  1. The number of fates of the future should be divided by mothers into 3 and remember the number that is left out of the excess.
  2. It is necessary to divide the number of fates of the future tat into 4 and remember the surpluses.
  3. Pair two numbers between yourself, and then split the excess. Which figure is less, such a state of children is varto ochіkuvati.

Another way to recognize the future of becoming a child by blood is the method of determining the Rh factor. A girl with a greater ymovirnistyu will be born to the fathers, whose Rhesus factors are avoided. And even if the stench is proliferant, then you will find a varto to clean up the lad’s people. It’s true, I don’t explain this method, as some of the fathers themselves have different children in a songful interval of an hour, even if the Rh factor is a sign that doesn’t change over time.

Ways to conceive a girl behind tables

Fahіvtsі rozroblіch impersonal tables, behind which one can rozrohuvat become a future child and predict the conception of a girl. Zgіdno with these tables you can recognize the month in which the baby was conceived, the girl was born. For example:

Ancient Chinese tables. The wise Chinese have created an algorithm, for which it is necessary to win every month, for which it is planned to conceive. At the extreme left stovptsі roztashovuetsya for the future mami, but trying to know yours, it is necessary to add to the new one. This is why, in China, people are respected from the moment of conception, so at the same time from the period of pregnancy. At the top horizontal row, the months of the year are written, if you can conceive. How to draw two perpendicular lines, on the second line, change the letter “m” or “g”. The letter itself is designated to become a child of the future. Behind the table, you can choose the optimal month, if you conceive a girl yourself more quickly.

Ancient Japanese tables. Tsya table of trochs looks like the Chinese methodology. At the top row, the months of the people of the man are arranged, and the months of the people of the woman are reshuffled in the vertical column. There is a number on the crossbar of two perpendicular lines. Then we need to go to another table. For example, your number was 11. In the table, you need to know the number 11, as well as the month of conception. This person has a great ability to conceive a baby in a linden.

Diet, which helps to conceive a girl

Fakhіvtsі stverdzhuyut, scho, dorimuyuchis singing diet, the future mother can slip into the bed of a child. It is necessary to specially select a variety of products, so that it is necessary to live in, so that a girl was born:

Few food products are created in the organism of a woman with a friendly mind for the activity of spermatozoa in the X-chromosome itself. To that, in order to reach a child, you can increase the chances of conceiving a girl.

Folk tips for conceiving a girl

Folk "fakhivtsi" also developed a sprinkling of childish methods, zastosovuchi as it is possible to predict the people in this girl. Axis of action from them:

  • five days before the statute act, the woman may drink a bottle of apple and plum juice before going to bed;
  • under the hour of the statutory act in lieu, or if there is a new guilt, but also women's belongings, or you can have a mirror, a cosmetic bag and that іn;
  • to conceive a girl, sex can be on Wednesday, Friday or a week;
  • for the promotion of imovirnosti the conception of a child and a woman’s status of a future mother, varto tie the right little finger on her hands with a wonderful thread;
  • if a man and a woman take care of the cohans under the bushes of a young birch - it guarantees the conception of a girl.

Use more methods to promote the ability to conceive a child and a woman’s status, like a varto look around. Before them lie such methods.

To finish often family bets, like planning a child, wanting and planning to become. Vcheni that dosvіdchenі likarі stverdzhuyut, scho no way, scho describe how to conceive a girl 100 vіdsotkіv. However, there are methods that can be used in the other world for the need of the article. Deyakі navit can give a guarantee of the people of the future baby of the planned status. Let's look at all these methods.

EKZ method

Perhaps, in the most convenient way, how to conceive a girl 100 hundred, is the method of piece filling. However, non-skin steam may be associated with it. The budget sees the cost for such manipulations only for the obviousness of the testimony.

Seems so. Women prescribe the necessary preparations that stimulate the development of a number of follicles. After the maturation of the doctor, we take away the pregnancy rate from the woman's ovary and kill the partner's sperm in the most friendly minds. The stench of the embryo will last for a few more days, after which it will be transferred to the woman's uterus. Already at this stage, there can be carried out deeds of follow-up, as if to signify the birth of a child. In this way, in a woman's body, only the germs of a woman's status can be transferred.

How to conceive a girl 100 years by ovulation?

Another way that can increase the chances of a woman's life is through direct contact for a few days before ovulation. Varto report more bratty with whom food.

Human cells, which are found in sperm, are divided into two varieties: spermatozoa, which avenge X and Y chromosomes. X - tse female dial, Y - human.

Spermatozoa, which replace X chromosomes, are less friable, lower Y. Larger volume is added to them. However, the trivality of one's life in pikhvi can become up to one day.

Spermatozoa with the Y chromosome spritnishi and shvidshi, proteo and do not live in a woman's body for more than three days.

In this way, if you make contact for three or more days before ovulation, then the human cells, in order to avenge the Y chromosome, die, just like the spermatozoa with the X chromosome, the eggs are deposited in their hour.

The best way, how to conceive a girl by ovulation, is not officially recognized, but a lot of fahivtsiv believe youma. If you see the rules that describe more, then, better for everything, you will have a girl.

Another way to conceive a daughter: diet

Tsej sposіb not tell you about those, how to conceive a girl 100 vіdsotkіv. Advice can be delivered superbly. Some families argue that this method works, sizing other wines is not true.

In order to promote the dynamism of the people, the child of the woman’s status, it is necessary to improve the singing diet. Zhіntsi slid to live the products of eating, yakі avenge the great amount of calcium and magnesium. The very zavdyaki їm at the pihvu utvoruetsya puddle middle, as it is more harmful for spermatozoa with a human set of chromosomes.

Varto zovsіm turn on the diet, because the stench may linger on the woman's bed and the inner core.

Before that, how to conceive a girl, 100 thousand of your diet for at least one month, become such products:

  1. Usi vidi gorіkhіv (especially cashews) and legumes.
  2. Green vegetables (sir or thermally processed) and (parsley, spinach, krip, sorrel).
  3. Sour-milk products (sour cream, yogurt, kefir) and wheatgrass.

Try to uniquely sip fish and meat products, bakery products and potatoes, as well as licorice products, marmalade and chocolate. Treat yourself to the vzhivannya of kawi, as you may have a negative impact on the conception.

How to conceive a girl with 100 thousand blood?

It is also possible to conceive a child of the necessary status, splicing on the blood type of a person and a woman. For whom you need to rebuild the blood cells for renewal.

As if in a river, at which a woman was conceived, a woman’s blood was made, then a girl would be born for everything. As if there was a change in human blood, be ready before your son is born.

On the renewal of the blood cells, no more than the people of the people are poured in, and the operations carried out, the great blood loss, obviously, the transfusion of blood plasma.

Start according to the table

Even more often obstetrician-gynecologists smell the nutrition of their patients: “How to conceive a girl 100 years old? Is the pidlog table true? I want to say which method has the right to be based. Most vipadkіv planuvannya state children for the Chinese table to bring success to fathers.

In order to properly respect the tribute and become rich, it is necessary to know for sure the mother and the month, for whom the child was conceived. Warto guard that in the month of the people, a woman may not be successful in the planned state. So it is, like a flood between two months.

Good poses

Those who have conceived a girl of 100 hundred years, in some cases, can lie in the position chosen by the partners.

Іnuє statistics, for which there were those state contacts, if the penetration of the state member was more deep, and the partner experienced an orgasm.

Oskіlki you need the people of a child and a woman's status, then give priority to a calm statutory act.

Parne and unparne

This method is not reliable, it is only possible. In order to help you calculate to become a future child, you need to know the birth date of the future mother and the month of conception.

Add up the current numbers, after which you subtract the original number. Like a guy out there, then є ymovіrnist, that you will become the fathers of the donka. If the number is unmatched, then the boy’s ability to live will be greater.

When conceived, the main role in the designated state of the future child is played by human spermatozoa, so it’s not safe to put it to this method.

Erikson method

The final way to describe how to conceive a girl is the method of Dr. Erikson. Our hour of practitioners at this gallery is not enough, so in order to speed up by this method, you will have to know a competent specialist.

The essence of the method lies in the fact that the laboratory assistant takes the human sperm and viroblya її filtration. As it was guessed more, the spermatozoa, which avenge the human chromosomes, are collapsing significantly faster. For the help of special stinks, the stench is turned off from the sperm. As a result, human cells, rich in female chromosomes, are injected into the pineapple of the patient.


Three of the most popular and most accessible ways are:

  1. The method, which I explain, is how to conceive a girl by ovulation.
  2. Starting at the table.
  3. EKZ method.

On top of the first two, the rest is carried out either for singing indications (often because of the impossibility to conceive a child on your own), or for a big bet, or for paying a high payment.

For the greatest brilliance of conceiving a child, you need to grow up in as many ways as possible. For example, calculate the required months according to the Chinese table and select the method of conception by ovulation. Good luck with your difficult diet!

Lyudina called to plan her future, ale є factories, like zovsіm not to lie in front of us. The people of the child of singing status are one of such zbіgіv conditions. Protecholoviki and women do not give up and try to find out, like giving birth to a girl or a boy. About the ways of conceiving a child, there are more and more. You know how it is right and as accurately as possible to work out the planning of the girl's pregnancy.

Zachattya that vagіtnіst

Before that, how to grow up to become a child of the future, it is necessary to recognize a sprinkling of facts about the flood. It is less likely to be conceived for the fate of a person and a woman. Once per cycle in a representative of a weak state, a follicle and a viable gamete are revealed. Clitina breaks into an empty skull and scatters the stars to the fallopian tubes. The very thing here is most often seen zustrіch іz spermatozoid.

After an angry clitin, a set of chromosomes is sent to an empty reproductive organ, depleted in the next nine months. Varto indicate that the female gamete has less than X-chromosome. Human spermatozoa can be composed of different components. Ce ix-i player chromosomes. As soon as it became a flood with a client with an X-set, then we see a girl. With the addition of a gamete player, you will have a boy.

How to give birth to a girl?

Really, at the same time, there are impersonal ways, like the future fathers koristuyutsya when the baby is growing up. Prote medicine does not recognize them officially. Isnuє great imovirnіst pohibki.

If you want to conceive a woman’s life, then you will have to speed up with dekilkom methods. Only at that moment will there be a great success of successful planning. Try to grow up, like giving birth to a girl.

First method: ovulation rose

How to razrahuvat the future to become a child? Everything is simple. You already know what to deposit in the human body. What set of chromosomes is born with an egg, a child is born. It would have been better, in view of the future father’s house, nothing could be left behind. However, it is not so.

Medicine has long known that women with X-chromosomes are viable, but less active. So, qi clitiny can be left in the mother and fallopian tubes of a woman with a stretch of one tyzhnya. Same human chromosomes have long since disappeared. If there is a lot of Greek chromosomes, then the stench of shvidshi. In this rank, when sim'yaviporskuvannі stinks reach their mark significantly more for gametes, like avenging their female recruitment.

From the very beginning, you can introduce a simple way, how to open up the future to become a child. If you get pregnant as close as possible to the moment of ovulation, then you will have a boy. Correct is that opposite hardness. To conceive a girl, it is necessary for the mother to have contact for a few days before the release of the egg from the ovary.

Another way: dotremannya diet

How to give birth to a girl? A lot of steam is stverzhuyut, which helped them to eat. Vykoristovuyuchi sevni products, you can indirectly intervene on the level of hormones in the body. What do you need to know, for a girl to be born?

Eat natural meat: yalovichin, veal or lamb. At the same hour, turn off whether it’s kovbasnі virobi, sausages and smoked meats. Get used to milk, syrup and sour cream, but keep yourself calm in the presence of syrup and frost. You can cook whether it's grits, cream of corn. From vegetables varto їsti potatoes, zucchini, carrots, fresh peas, beans. Vіdmovitysya varto vіd tomatoes, cabbage, mushrooms, and whether or not conservation.

Drink less natural drinks: plain water, tea, juice made in the wet, jelly and fruit drinks. Treat yourself to the introduction of Coca-Cola, licorice, caviar, and even gas-filled homelands.

Third way: Chinese rosrahunok

Іsnuє pevna table of vacancy. A lad, a girl, are recognized as a lien in the name of her mother. For the rozrahunka, you need to know exactly the month, in which case that date of the birth of the woman was conceived.

The table of vacancy "Boy-girl" is composed of rows and columns. To know the date of the woman's date of that month, who had a statutory act. Let him draw the lines and know the graph of the peretina. You can cheer for whomever you have born.

It's a good bet to talk about the validity of this method. Doctors of yoga categorically do not recognize. You already know how to become a child and lie only like a person. From whom they take to respect, including women's data. Vagіtnіst dіvchinkoy, yak came after this way rozrahunka, є, shvidshe, vіzіnnyam, nizh zakonіrnіstyu.

Fourth way: quotation of folk prikmets

How to give birth to a girl? Deyakі podruzhnі bet to say that folk methods helped them. To conceive a child of a woman's status, it is necessary to cultivate such simple minds:

  • zaplіdnennya may be at Friday, week Wednesday;
  • mother is guilty of trimming under the pillow of a woman’s object: a small luster, a thin comb;
  • conceived girls are more likely to take a bribe, lower the snail like a mount;
  • in the cycle of planning for the future, mother is guilty of living one bottle of natural apple juice for nothing.

Fifth way: genetic rozrahunok

What if you already had a vagіtnіst, lad, chi girl will be born at the result? It is possible to create rozrahunok with the help of some genetic data. For the cob, take an arkush paper and a pen. List the closest relatives of a person. After whom to raise rozrahunok, who was more popular in this one.

If the fortune fell on a woman for the night, then, better for everything, a girl will be born among you. This way is not reliable. Vikoristovuvati yogo is possible, sooner, for rozvaga, lower for a serious rozrahunka of the state of a baby.

Sixth way: Japanese table

The cream of the Chinese way of rozrahunka is also Japanese. In this way, the table is also victorious, it is your duty to know the songs of the tribute. It is necessary for you to know exactly the date of the birth of the mother and the father does not know, as well as the month of conception.

Find out the hour of the people's people from the count. A wife will appear at the judge's stovptsі, the month will appear. Let him draw the lines and find the point of crossing. In each area you will know the digital meaning, it is necessary to remember it.

In the other part of the table, it is necessary to know your meaning and the spivv_dnes of yoga from the month of conception. As a result, you can become a future baby.

Somy way: piece filling

In some vipadkah, the nation is born to a child of singing status, not a great bastard. Buvayut sіm'ї, in which the appearance of the world of lads threatens the great imovirnіst of innate ailments. In this way, the woman conceived a girl absolutely primed. How to make someone have a vipadka? What is the way to rozrahunka, which allows you to be 100% inspired by someone who is born without a woman’s status?

It is possible to reliably recognize becoming a possible baby with a piece of zaplіdnіnі. In this case, a woman should take a sprat of eggs, and a man - spermatozoa. The zaplіdnennya is carried out only with selected human gametes. For the conception of a girl, only cells are selected to avenge the X-chromosomes. Later, for a few days, the laboratory assistant will collect the oocytes. In the uterus of the future, mothers give less than that, as if in a year to become an embryo of a woman's status.

Warto say that this way is reliable and accurate in the planning of the singing state of the future child. However, wine and dosit expensive. One piece of zaplіdnennya will cost between 100 and 300 thousand rubles. If so, the guarantee that the embryo will take root becomes less than 60%.


Otzhe, now you know how the pregnancy is planned. Prikmeti (boy chi girl to be born) can be different. Kozhen vikoristovuє his own methods of vyznachennya. Prote, do not trust them 100%. In vikoristany, whether there is any way, there is a great ability to cheat. Doctors are not happy to trust these rozrakhunkas, for a little bit of a piece of cake.

Remember that it is only in the other half of pregnancy that it is possible to signify to become a future child. With whom you can win a pardon. However, even if a little bit of ultrasonic obstezhen was shown by those who will have a girl, then it’s better for everything so and see.

Let your plans come true, and that little one, whom you check, will be born!

Appearing in the world of a dovgooochіkuvannogo that bagan baby - great joy for all the motherland. If it is the first child in the family, then what kind of wine will be, in principle, there is no difference. However, there are a lot of steam, looming one or two children, wanting an advancing child of singing status. I have nothing to worry about. It’s better to put food in advance about those, with which rank you can get it, and conceive a child of your stature, which you wanted in the very couple. It’s better if you want a son, but someone else can talk to the people of Donka. Іsnuє impersonal options and systems of pidrakhunkiv, methods, calendars and table In this article, there are about those how to conceive a girl behind the table. A table of such is also a sprat. Learn Chinese, Japanese tables of ovulation. However, it is necessary to understand that each of these methods does not give a 100% guarantee that you will have a girl yourself. But all the same, there are great chances to win a good result.

How to conceive a girl at the table

The use of impersonal methods, invented by ordinary people, leaks of a reliable stench - it's unbelievable. Use three main tables for conception. This table of ovulation, as well as Chinese and Japanese. Schob vodpovisti on nutrition about those, how to conceive a girl at the table, it is necessary to signify, why is it different and to go into it yourself.

Ovulation table

This method is to obtain reliable and additional information on nutrition about those how to conceive a girl. The ovulation table is additionally available, if the woman has an appearance. Tsya theory is based on scientific facts. Everyone knows that the ovulation period is to blame for the woman. Without whom, one cannot conceive anyone. However, for the conception of a girl herself, it is not enough just to spend that day. And finally, you need to have sex for a few days before ovulation. It is explained that human spermatozoa divide on the X-chromosome, yak vypovіdat for the nationality of a child of a woman's status, and Y-chromosomes, yakі, vidpovіdno, vypovіdat for the nationality of a boy. So the axis, the Y-chromosomes collapse to their richness, and the egg is laid earlier. However, the stench lives approximately doby, and the X-chromosomes can live the term life approximately 3 doby, but when stench is important, it collapses more. Looking back at everything, you can sprout visnovok about those who are supposed to have sex at the hour of ovulation itself, then, better for everything, a boy will be born. In order for a girl to become a girl, it is necessary to know if you are ovulating, and try to conceive a child 3 days before her, so before this hour all the Y chromosomes will perish and only the X chromosome will be lost. And here there is a great chance to make the girl herself. In order for everything to go as efficiently as possible, it is necessary to start an ovulation calendar and independently compile a table every year. Obviously, for whom it is necessary to have a sprig of months, but for a bagan, the result is better than a kidney.

How do you know when ovulation occurs?

The best way to promote ovulation is to control the basal temperature. It is necessary to overcome it by stretching out a few cycles, so that we can then compile a table and help, if you yourself have the whole process. Measure the temperature with a high-quality thermometer, near the rectum. Robity is necessary for a skin day without a blame, at once, immediately after waking up (before which it is not necessary to get up from a bed). Bazhano rose to last on the cob of the cycle, which means that it is the first day of menstruation. The cycle is divided into two phases: before ovulation and after. The indicators of temperature will help to increase if you have ovulated yourself.

In the first phase, the temperature may be lower, lower in the other. The closer "Day X" is, the more it will decrease, then there will be a sharp haircut uphill (there will be ovulation), then the temperature will rise and at times the vagity is not to blame for falling. In order to recognize, if you can conceive a girl, the table is guilty, but it is folded correctly.

Japanese table

Tsei method of breaking apart by Japanese beliefs. In order to recognize, how to conceive a girl, the table of 2014 was also compiled by them. For otrimannya vіdpovіdі on tse pitannі need only to know the month of the people of the future father and mother.

The table is even simpler and understandable, in the column "date of birth by mothers" it is necessary to select your month, it is worthwhile and graphs for tat. There will be a figure on the pereline of that row, as it is necessary to remember that in another table to know її. There you can sing, in which month you can conceive a child and chi іnshої statі. That food about those, how to conceive a girl behind a table, broken up in Japan, is not worth it. Everything is already clear.

Chinese table

month of conception
V_k mother sich. fierce. berezen quit. grass worm lime tree sickle. sept. Zhovt. sheet. chest
18 dmdmmmmmmmmm
19 mdmdmmmmmdmd
20 dmdmmmmmmdmm
21 mddddddddddd
22 dmmdmddmdddd
23 mmdmmdmdmmmd
24 mdmmdmmddddd
25 dmmddmdmmmmm
26 mdmddmdmdddd
27 dmddddmmmmmm
28 mdmdddmmmddd
29 dmdmmmdddmdm
30 mddddddddmdd
31 mdmddddddmmm
32 mdmdddddddmm
33 dmdddddmdddm
34 ddmddddddddm
35 mmdmdddmdddm
36 dmmdmdddmdmm
37 mdmmdmdmdmmm
38 dmdmmdmdmmdm
39 mdmmmmdmddmd
40 dmdmdmmdmddd
41 mdmdmdmmdmdm
42 dmdmdmdmmdmd
43 mdmdmdmdmmmm
44 mmdmmmdmdmdd
45 dmmdddmdmdmm

Another suggestion for food about how to conceive a girl is the Chinese table, which helps people achieve the desired result for thousands of years. This is one of the most ancient methods for determining the status of a future child. The authoritative method was confirmed to be 98% accurate. It is possible to become a child even if you are pregnant, or you can plan far ahead. The Chinese vvazhayut, scho to become a child only lie down in the mother, and pidrakhunki are carried out with urakhuvannya only a girl's age and the month of conception. Prote rozrahunok vіku dіvchini z thogo method vіdіznyаєtsya vіd zvіchny. It is necessary to add one more day to the actual age, to that in China the age is celebrated not from the day of birth, but from the day when a person was conceived. І child, yak was born into the world, already May 10 months. This is an important moment, it is necessary to respectfully celebrate your age, otherwise the results will not be accurate. Another very important moment is the beginning of the first month of fate. Vіn zmіnyuєtsya in zalezhnostі vіd dati chinese new roku. The date is short. In 2013, the rotation will be 10 February, in 2014 - 31 September, and in 2015 it will be 19 February. The table has 2 columns: horizontal and vertical. The horizontal one has numbers that mean the months of the Chinese calendar, and the vertical one - the age of the girl at the moment of conception. І on the edge of the tsikh meaning - middles with quotas, which means to become a child. The whole method is even simpler, as it is developed according to the calendar and the century. In this rank, you can bobachit if she conceives a girl. The table, advice about the yak instills confidence, can effectively help someone.

Other methods of rozrahunku stati

Krіm tsikh table, є sche kіlka methodsіv and possibilities to think over far, if you can get the girl.

Blood renewal

It has been brought to light that the blood of a human being can be renewed at the singing hour. People have the same term of life. In a person, the blood is renewed again on the skin 4 roki. Vіdlіk starts from the people, prote as a protracted life, there were operations or injuries, which were accompanied by great blood loss, then it was necessary to heal from that moment. Zhіnok tsezh stosuetsya, krіm operations and injuries, canopies and abortions are also accompanied by bloodshed, obviously, as if the stench was small, it was necessary to rehabilitate from that period. It is important that in the women's state the blood is renewed every 3 years. The sense of this theory lies in the fact that someone from the future fathers will have the blood of the young and strong. There is a thought that if the blood of the mother is young, then she will be a girl, and if the father is a boy.

monthly calendar

This method also has its own pribіchnіv. Deyakі people vvazhayut, scho narodzhennya child pov'yazane z monthly phases, and conception - no blame. You can conceive a girl if you pass the month through the woman's sign. Tse vіdbuvaєtsya approximately through the skin 2.5 dobi.

If you have any kind of attitude, you didn’t choose any bi method, spodіvatisya for 100% the result is not varto, so that the boy’s nationality won’t be embarrassed. The people of the child are the most and most happy in life, to those who would not have been born with you, the lower bottom, or the male son, a smut, so that the little one is healthy.

At the same time, it is already fashionable to plan to become a child for the help of a dietary meal, folk examples, poses and so on. Based on the results of their research, the products can be divided into 2 categories - the one to conceive a girl.

Nasampered, as if the children weren’t afraid of the people, the body should be prepared. 3 months before the conception of a child, both fathers should take the following products / preparations:

  1. Fresh vegetables, greens and fruits, especially those, yaki. Vіn cleanse the body of the fathers, energize, add zusil.
  2. Folic acid tablets (). Folic acid is an important element in the planning of pregnancy, it will prevent the development of the congenital vasculature of the neural tube, ensuring the correct formation of the placenta. Vyvayte products rich in folic acid - milk, meat, greens and green vegetables.
  3. The drug, which is to be avenged, is often used as Iodomarin, and walnut peas, as if to serve as an iodine dzherel. Deficiency of iodine can cause a weekend in early terms, negatively impact on the rosy vitality of a child.

Women should be encouraged to normalize their vagus, lose weight. It has been brought to light that it is easier to make a girl look like a woman of a string, or a thin one. Before the speech, women, as if they were sitting on a low-calorie strict diet, girls are often more common.

What to conceive a girl

The vegetable salad without adding salt far away supplemented the diet of the woman, as a way to make the girl look good.

In order for the ovum to acquire a spermatozoon with the X chromosome, it is necessary to eat bagat zhu, uniquely salty. It will be just wonderful, as you will switch to a milk-and-egg meal with additional cooked meat, fresh vegetables, and obov'yazkovo malty desserts.

  • Lasunis are vaping like girls. Give respect to the fact that most of your lasun girlfriends are people of girls. To that chocolate, tsukerki, marmalade - all at once pіde on melancholy.
  • Yak Bulo written more - dairy diet. Tse means that milk can be present at the warehouse of cereals and mashed potatoes, supplemented in hot drinks (tea, kava, cocoa), you can just drink milk with a stove. Before pancakes and mlintsiv, choose the filling from syrah and syrah, serve it with sour cream. To bake yourself and your loved one with glazed sirks, yoghurts and sirks.
  • . Obov'yazkovo cook stravi s eggs - egg-fried eggs, soufflé, scrambled eggs. Add the eggs to the dough for mlintsiv, vipіchki, dumplings, etc.
  • Bread is that vipichka. In my diet, bakery breads are hovering happily. If you bake on your own, then add milk and eggs to the dough, and don’t cook.
  • Almost everything is possible from vegetables - eggplant, bell pepper, green peas, kvassola, cibulya, lettuce and other greens. Vegetables are better for an orphan or boiled looking, pickled vegetables avenge a large amount of salt.
  • From fruits, give preference to apples, pears, grapes, citrus fruits, you can eat berries - raspberries, cherries, midnight.
  • To give a drink of respect to calcined waters and to drink on the basis of milk, milky milkweed.
  • For fathers, if they want to give birth to a girl, it is better to take dried fruits and peas (cashews, almonds, peanuts, hazelnuts) with dried fruits. Bagatі on magnіy harbuzov nasіnnya, sesame and visіvki.

Why is it not necessary to say that you want to give birth to a girl

Strength and all salty products. Sodium cream, which transfers the conception of a fetus to a woman’s state, strong transfers to the intake of calcium, which is necessary for a girl.

The fat of the creature's journey is all bacon, fat meat, and to bring oil from the great kilkost.

From dairy products: salted siri, salted vershkov butter, dewy-vershkovy spread.

Ready meat products made from mixed salt - smoked, smoked cowbass, shank, meat rolls, pates, canned meat.

Rіdshe need to eat fish. Look at dried red ribi, whether there are any kinds of salted, smoked or dried ribi. Fish is preserved under the suvor fence.

Vegetables: do not cook marinated vegetables, next to surround a small amount of potatoes and watermelon. Don't eat mushrooms. Well, if you really want to, then cook fresh lightly salted bakery.

Fruits and berries: surround the implantation of stone fruits (apricots, cherries, zlivu, peach, nectarine), bananas, avocados, pineapples and dino.

Meat. Of course, you need meat, but not more than a proper supplementary norm, so that 220 g for two a day will be enough. It is better to eat lightly salted cooked meat or steam it.

Fish. Better fish is not often 1-2 times a day, but rather replace it with shrimp, squid, crabs and caviar.

Surround yourself with the following products, which encourage you to drink calcium: carbonated drinks (especially Coca-Cola), black tea and kava, drink calcium and oxalic acid for sorrel, and spinach.

After conceived a diet of varto, get rid of everything you want, until toxicosis sets in, which, with the girl’s pregnancy, becomes more frequent and richer, lower with the wine of the boy. The woman’s body is to blame for those that didn’t come to you during the early hours of the diet, call out those products, yak were choked, and drink licorice and milk for the sake of fish and cowbass with a piece of bread and a tomato.

Remember that children do not give a hundred hundred guarantees, but they allow you to come close to the sacred world.


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