Behavior of similar women. Secrets of similar women

Behavior of similar women. Secrets of similar women

Skhіdnі zhіnki vzhdі vzhdіv vzhіlіmi beauties. Thicker, lustrous hair, matte skin, dark eyes like eyes. Help of the poet's dream! І the subject of zadroshchiv for other women, for whom nature has not given the flooring generously. At once I want to calm all blondes, they don’t give peace to the ease of similar women - it’s no gain. Nature, obviously, also put her hand to the creation of a woman's beauty, but the brand - the most beautiful state to look after herself. Therefore, you can also become like that. It’s enough to know the secrets of the beauty of similar women, so that you can bring out the minds of foreign people (otherwise you yourself want them).

Zhіnki Zakhodu i skhodu: jokingly 10 vіdmіnnosti

Let's hurry up to sort out the good half of the readers. For similar women, wear beautiful shoes. Mayzhe all do not work and take less time to tidy up in the booth, prepare the supper and see the man. That's why the stench can spin around all day long, trying new recipes for scrubs and really suggesting make-up. So all those who work on the run at one o'clock, who are left out of work, stink stably, for a long time and with great satisfaction. You won't believe it, but you can tell the difference between a woman of the second half, a lower-ranking Russian girl. І on the right is not in the one with tієї, the other, the hair is longer. Just hurry up a little bit. And you see, sing-song, where are you going to sleep? Whom has all the difference.

What is work? Shukati man at the meeting? In principle, you can. Are you ready to wear the veil? І without a care to hear a person? Upevnenі, scho deyakі vіdpovіl bіd pogodoy (more bak, stink, singly, just got tired of taking decisions on their own and quickly apply make-up). So say: why are you sitting idle at home? And forget about short gatherings with friends at the cafe behind the horn? Hi, cafe on Skhodі є. That girlfriend will be. Ale, you will be friends with these people, with whom your person will be allowed to talk. And in a cafe. Tudi vie, mabut, don’t spend it soon. Hiba scho іz cholovіkom is holy. And then in the veil. And in nіy nі їsti, nі drink unhandled. So let's better master the secrets of similar women and get free! Zreshtoyu, the scrub can be applied before going to bed.

Secrets of similar women


Skhidny girls do not like chemical barns. The very same hair is thicker and glimmering, which you can’t say about the ever-changing pasta of girls’ words. Would you like to brush your hair? Get henna. The very natural barvnik is dbaily and neatly zafarbovuє natural color of hair, giving a bright ryzhinka. Don't want a booty similar to Oleg Popov? Koristaytes bezbarvnoy henna. To the point, for the sake of embellishment, the beauty of the hair is shriveled not with new-fangled balms and masks, but with the greatest kefir. Have you chosen to shake your head? Apply a little kefir to the hair, let it get in, if you can continue the procedure.

Shkira, nothing

The matte shkir of modern Scheherazade is the result of a warm sleep, a well-thought-out eating of green tea. The very drink to inject antioxidants into the body, which literally fills our body. And a healthy sleep is the beginning of the core and for the people, and for the women. Just don't forget to lie down in a lightly aired room before it. І more: daily computers near the room. I, tim more, cholovіka, like a graє in "shooters". The other half can be entrusted to you. Tse are the secrets of the beauty of similar women.

You have already adopted all the cunning privablities of dark-haired supergirls, and you have enough nails, for the sake of making a salt bath. For whom to dissolve sea salt in warm water, rub it in your hands. Stars at the Skhodі sea force, do you sleep? We can confirm. Imports and exports in the colder lands are not worse than in cold Russia. Do you see bananas? So why can't shidnі zhіnki zmіtsnyuvat nіgti sea sіllu?

White teeth

As you can see, it is impossible to go to the dentist without the help of a person. Let's sweat it, we'll put the burqa on. How to restore the natural whiteness of enamel? Everything is simple. Hidden women gnashed their teeth for additional thick sour cream. For this stink, they soaked a dry brush in a dairy product, rubbed it with enamel and left it for a deaky hour (you can’t eat sour cream, buff your teeth, then eat). The procedure must be repeated 3-5 times a day. In the current interpretation of the recipe, sour cream is replaced with milk powder and natural yogurt without adding zucru. If we want to know how to go around with a mouth, refilling with sour cream, it’s easier to make an appointment with the dentist. We were allowed by a person not needed. That veil is dumb (thank God).

smooth body

Don’t despise the poor woman with bread, let them take a steam bath in the hammam and pamper the body with a scrub (and what else can you do with a body in a beaked man?) For this stench, natural kava is steamed, let it brew. For each girl, add olive oil to the future scrub in a proportion of 1: 3 (oil can be less) and enrich the sum with different essential oils. Different types and range of stock oils should be deposited exclusively in particular types of similarity. Do you like the smell of lavender? Otzhe, add її extract to steamed kawi. Do you want to smell like a Trojan? A pair of drops of ethereal olії troyand vikonaє your bajan.

To the point, skhіdnі zhіnki already love the olive oil. The stench is rubbed on the body for an hour of vagity (so that the stretch marks disappear) and povіki before going to bed (so that there is no wrinkle). That scho is there! A lot of girls rush in with olive oil, so that they don’t grow old earlier. And first of all, repeat their feat, vrahuyte, that the camp of the shkir of a similar woman and typical words of a woman already breathe among themselves. To that, for one person - a panacea in the form of a zmorshok, then for another - a dzherelo vugrovy visipka and a supra-worldly shkir.

What do you want to say about the results? Don't make yourself look like someone else. Who knows, maybe, these women would like to live like one day of that life, what kind of life you live? Therefore, love yourself as you are. And who knows, maybe a French cream for the skin around the eyes is 1000 times shorter, lower olive oil?

Zhіnka Right off the bat was a pleasant riddle for our people. Vaughn beckoned with her natural beauty, generously bolstered with natural cosmetics, with a clear and discerning body, and ... with patience and pokirnistyu. The very pokіrnіst vіdrіznyає our business and іnоdіrіnоіr аnоdоrіr active couchasnіk vіd lunоlіkі krasun. Itself in the meantime, it’s very pleasant to all of you with your own person, crying out to our other halves for quiet hello to padishahs and sheikhs. Yaka won, woman Right off the bat?

In order to become the right Scheherazade, it is important not only to have a mother with a long hair, a beautiful and lower coat, but a mother and other things, far from being so easily accessible, like a beautiful beauty. Inner strengths, often attached to third-party eyes, the axis of those that we, the women of the 21st century, do not see.


Hidden woman with love, that joyfully sees all the blessings of a person. I next signify that the whims of a person do not get rid of access to the body of the squad for 24 years in the booty. Cholovik bazhaє foot massage - be kind, love! Let's talk about the 3rd anniversary of the night about the lack of a normal skin woman - so, my love, I didn’t think about it. What is the enemy, the women Immediately such a respect for the sake of it, and these people do not need to be rich.

If the Europeans behave like this, then it’s more likely to marvel at you for everything, wide-eyed to the eye. We don’t let people go like that. Our women fought for a long time for equal rights among men, so that I would become servants again. Such a share, let’s say, may a skin pannochka, do not bother even a rabin.


The shidna woman herself takes care of all the work around the house, the person is not guilty of whom to take the fate. Cholovik is the year-old man of the motherland. To that vin is strongly indulged - chi vin is a shepherd, chi is a sheikh - and at the same time it is not necessary to stick to the new one with bad bastards, for example, blame the smittya or propyl sucking. To whom the rule is rational grain - women do not work at the Gathering, to dedicate that same house to yourself - the most logical thing that you can work.

The modern woman of Europe cannot afford to be engaged exclusively in domestic rule. Mi pratsyuєmo stіlki w an hour for production, sіlki our halves, and zaroblyаєmo so itself (and more). This order of speech is not new. I especially know a lot of families, where a person is engaged in statehood, and a squad is a health worker. The same discomfort with tsoma, neither wine, nor won is not felt.

turbota about children

To the most important recognitions of the lost woman, the task of the people of the son. For the very sake of the people of the person-prodovzhuvach of the family, those dreams are born. Mother takes care of watching the little one until the trinity age, after which the father swears, as if the lad would be smitten. The girls do not chirp the head of the family, and the stench is overwhelmed by the mother, the docks do not make friends. Have a fluffy attitude, vimagati like a person, weather a child, remember his diaper, or just zahitnut in the colossus - the height of impudence and non-government.

It’s a pity, a lot of our people, cultivating the traditions of similar padishahs, can’t understand, as if looking at their new people sons. For them, the little one will become a cub, if you can play football with him, otherwise you can say “human beings” at least. Ale, for good luck, є і daddies, which are not scary to be left with a child for a couple of years. It seems that unique fathers are trapping themselves, like navitsya with children, letting mother in, that she was tired, to her friends, or to the beauty salon.


Hidden woman, walking on the street, diligently hove her beauty, so as not to calm other people's people. Vaughn belong exclusively to people, so the respect of others is afraid, like fire. At home, the squad is dressed in a garni, dressed up, and chiseled a man with a radiant smile.

Unfortunately, we forget about this rule. Well, obviously, I don’t advocate going to work in a veil! Let's think about it, why do we look so beautiful at home, like on a robot? As one old woman said: "Now I need to calm other people's people, is there a person in my house?" It is possible, we are tired for the whole day of the wedding, we are dressed up in office suits and cloth, and we need to clean up a ball of cosmetics and give you a little bit more. But still you don’t have to walk around the house in curlers, dressing gowns, or, even worse, in an old tracksuit!


The skin of an important skhіdny cholovik spends three hours on a favorite occupation. Yogo squad is guilty of hoarding kohanim, praise Yogo vminnya ride horses, play football, or shoot monsters on the computer. Natyakati, scho chotiri for a year slept on hobi, and not on the kohan squad too much. Such respect, better for everything, lead to separation. And the separation at the Skhodі is thin on the right. The people to do it three shout on the square “You are no longer a squad” and the beauty can go on all sides, moreover, in the one that is on it.

I don’t know how other squads cope, but I especially endure the eternal nirvana of the Internet, in which a person periodically gets bored, not in a dream. I want to have my own, crim love work, є hobi, and not alone. I don’t try to marvel without worrying about those, like the only one who turns on for a few years, forgetting about sleep, I eat that other needs, don’t go out of anything reasonable. I repent, I scream and I bark.

What is the result? In a melodious way, its own skin. If your image has an enterprising, masterful character, then it does not matter to become a similar lagid beauty. Ale, as your kohana is a soft-hearted person, led and widowed constant currying, then, better for everything, їy Scheherazade does not go.

The gleaming curls of the similar beautiful ones call out to be choked up that zadrіst. Here it is, hair growth is given to them in the sight of nature, but don’t try hard, you won’t achieve the same result. Ale, don’t hurry with the frills: with the right eye, the burnt skeins turn into a beautiful hair. Tsі secrets of sackbags of India and the Close Descent will help to remove an enviable copy of the hair.

Hidden women from childhood watch hair

Cultivate Indian schoolchildren, savage respect on their neat scythes, covered with shiny olives. It's a childish thing to know that a turbota is about hair - a ritual of obedience, something that cannot be unscrupulous. In similar lands, the secrets of the right look after oneself are passed on from generation to generation - children know their mothers and grandmothers.

In these regions, it is believed that beauty is due to natural and natural: women wear long curls and do not furnish their hair in outrageous colors, building a structure.

Healthy hair to lie down in the food

In similar lands, love vegetables, fruits, greens and spices - products that stimulate hair growth and make you healthy. Fresh fruits and peas are always on the tables, and national recipes include eggplant, saffron, pomegranate, turmeric and chickpeas.

With such a meal, the necessary vitamins, minerals, acids and antioxidants of the body can be taken away from zhzhi and pro liquor balms can be forgotten.

Golovna zbroya skhіdnih krasun - organic ol_ya cold vіdzhimu

In Russia, it is customary to look at the hair like that, as if behind a skin of disguise: we have victoriously expensive air conditioners, splendidly that zahisnі zasobi. Remembering that the hair became dry after the sony discharge or the cherd farbovannya, we are stingy with newfangled elixirs and support them to help.

Qi products of health care replace yakisnu roslinna oliya, yak є in the arsenal of Indian skin women. It will paint the structure of the hair, zapobіgaє їх brittleness and thick curls with brown elements.

For Indian women, looking after the hair is a traditional reception ceremony. Every day, bagels of the edge of spices are combed with a comb with drops of natural olive oil (for example, coconut), and a sprat once a day is rubbed into the skin of the head. Indian women do not forget about brown masks, as if they are preparing themselves from handicrafts, - the stench of robbing the hair with elastic, reviving it and helping to hide the kinchiks that are sifting.

You can independently make a mask with fatty yogurt, adding a drop of jasmine oil to a new sprat, as it doesn’t smell just good, but it’s about head skin.

Sonyashnikova oliya - replacement for exotic elixirs

Wanting vibir mastil in similar lands is richer, lower in Russia, at the leather store they sell sonyashnikov oliya cold vіdzhim, as they do not compromise on coconut chi argan. It protects the hair from the sloppy influx of the navkolishny middle and protects it from the bitterness.

Ісnuє stereotype that the type of hair oils becomes sebaceous and mundane. Ale is not so: as a rule, the skin of the head sees more fat, if it is overdried from frequent mitt. After the oil, remember that the curls have become clean, strong and alive.

Beauty products for hair - natural

To keep an eye on the hair, women pluck natural organic food, and one of them is known to us as henna. In Russia, the powder of vicorist is like a barvnik, and at the gathering - like an air conditioner or a mask, since the curls are filled with hair, do not stray and swell a luxurious glare.

In the country of spices, cider is widely widened, not the one that the French make, but the powder from the leaves of the jujube plant. Vіn nadaє volossyu syyva i zmіtsnyuє yogo structure. Preparing a mask with cider is not easy: dilute it with water until it becomes a porridge, apply it on your head, try 20 quills, and then wash the sum with shampoo.

Another corny zasib, which came to us from the mysterious India, is amla, or mystic agr. Tsya roslina is an absolute record holder for vitamin C: there is ten times more yoga here, lower in juice oranges. In Almі there are speeches that are ahead of oncology. The mask for almi is prepared just like a mask from cider, ale trimati її it is necessary for at least a year.

Do not forget about one of the most expensive spices in the world - saffron. Seasoning, rich in vitamins, antioxidants and minerals, add homemade masks to the spicy Iran, to make your hair thicker and save your breath.

Hot shower and healthy hair

Hair can be troublesome to induce at first glance the procedure, as if we were following the zvichkoy, without worrying about the legacy. One of the main enemies of healthy hair is a relaxing hot shower. Heated water dangling curls, to rob them thin and brittle - they won’t help to instill invigorating health, as you victoriously celebrated the hour of the mitt. Women from India and the Close One immediately take a warm shower and rinse their hair with a jet of water to seal the cuticle.

As if your place has less water supply with houses and chemicals, after washing your head, wash your hair with filtered or bottled water - all the elements will be snaked out and your hair will be dry for you.

The image of a similar woman is associated with us with mystery and strimanity, and also with beautiful dark hair, velvety skin and nails.

Beauty secrets of similar women

At the heart of the beauty in a similar way lie old recipes, the relevance of which is not weak: wise old women knew all the best about the sound of a thousand more years!

Zrozumіlo, in the past there will be different olії and natural products, spicy aromas and, of course, bath culture.

Arganova Oliya

Tsіnne argan tree oil - zasіb number one for the beauty of Arab women. We have been koristuvalis from ancient hours, but do not take our positions.

Girls vikoristovuyut yogo in a clean look without cosmetic additives and not only for hair (by the same way mi all chuli), ale and yak zasib for disguise and body. Arganova oliya is rubbed on the skin not only for smoothness and springiness, but also for the sake of the aroma: it may well have a pleasant spicy smell.

amli extract

Amla, or Indian Agrus, is known for great popularity at the Close Descent and in India, like a miraculous zasib for hair. Amli extract can be in powder or look like olії (before speech, in Russia it can be known): the product is simply applied like a mask.

Particularly good amla on the scalp, it is possible, the similar beauty has such a thick hair, not only the veins of genetics, but through the correct sight!

As for amli powder, it can be added to shampoo and balm to enhance the effect.

Rozheva water

Rozheva water is an excellent tonic for disguise with an aroma that enchants. Previously, women victoriously її as the main guess, but today you can replace your micellar water.

In addition, erysipelatous water may have a calming effect, removing blackheads and burning. And one more secret of hideous beauty - the best trimming of the erysipelas by the refrigerator, so that you can freshen up your skin even more.


Masks with turmeric powder are rooted in Indian and Pakistani traditions as part of the ritual of preparing the bride for the wedding. Fortunately, you can buy turmeric on any market, which means that without any problems, you can make a mask of an Indian name at home yourself!

For this you need 2 tablespoons of borosna, a pinch of turmeric, 2 tablespoons of horny water and a glass of milk. All the ingredients need to be mixed and applied to the face 15-20 quills, then washed with warm water. The axis is such a secret to the beauty of similar women in the eyes of the guise.


About the bars of power powder hni ty, sing-song, chula and, it is possible, tried it on your own knowledge. For example, mehendi, henna tattoos, have long gone beyond the framework of the Close Gathering, India and Africa.

On the vіdmіnu vіd shtuchnyh barvnikіv, henna is absolutely non-shkidliva and navit korisna. We don’t call farbovati hair (vtim, bezbarvna henna pidide like a zmіtsnyucha mask) or work a tattoo, but the axis like a farb for brіv henna is just perfect!


Citric acid is the only natural remedy for shkir, which is also freshening. We are mostly pragnemo zasmagi, and the axis of the girls, on the other hand, are smearing their skin of strength, rubbing their faces with lemon juice.

Yes, life is unfair! Before speech, one more extension of the beauty-priyom of the beauty of similar women: the soft side of the skin of a lemon can become a scrub, to wipe it off.

Oliya nasіnnya girchitsi

History with the oil of the present girchitsa to make spirna: until 2012, in India, on the Close Skhodі on the tsіy olії, they cooked hedgehog, and then it was harvested in the grub product through the high vmіst shkіdlyvoї erucic acid. Ale hairy - tse zovsіm іnsha on the right!

Quietly, the girls rubbed the oil on the mustard for growth, conditioning that bliss. I won't do it right! If you want to have a wider “braid to the waist”, then you will need a zasib.

Natural whisk Halawa

The temple of Halawa is incredibly popular in other countries. Wine is made up of a sum of natural oils, paraffin and bjolin wax, and smells of sandalwood.

This zasіb is universal: for example, you can rub it into your nails, so that the stench is mild and glossy, or you can victorious like a deodorant!

So, so, about those who can then fight on their own in this way, the girls immediately figured out a long time ago. What is more, natural whiskey is beginning to gain popularity in other lands, which makes our products known to us.


It is important to reveal a similar culture without a hammam chi, as they call it, Turkish lazne. It’s true that hammams look like Roman baths and expanded dossi on the territory of the Close Skhod.

Physicians are convinced that the health care facilities are well suited for health, and the beauty does not spend a lot of time getting steamy.

Zavdyaki tsomu s organism through the pores go the whole zayviy "ford", vibach for directness, and the skin becomes ideally smooth. In addition, always take a natural body scrub with you to the spa, so you can’t go about any kind of cellulite!

natural perfumery

Understandably, Arab women have access to all perfumes, the most expensive, but natural perfumery, based on ethereal olias, with clearly pronounced similar spicy aromas, they do not take their positions.

Jasmine, musk, vanilla, trojan, sandalwood - well, how else can you enchant the prince, if not with such a flair? Arabic perfumery is created on an olive basis without victoria alcohol, that's all it takes.

A geisha - a Japanese priestess of a kohanna - is a professional in everything that needs a calm person and an increase in yoga respect. Vaughn with the most recent methods of enchantment and calmness, like a mindless blow on a person's psychology.

The translation of the word "geisha" means "a person of mysticism." In this Japanese priestess, everything is ranked in the rank of unpretentious mastery of that science. Vaughn - finished woman, ideal, in such a beauty, intelligence, sexuality and passion to unite with the caress of that woman.

The priestess of the kohannya in Japan is more respected, but the priest is shunned. Ale, at any time, do not stray її with a woman of easy behavior. There is the master of the evening, the manager of the її welcome the guests, so that their interest does not go to hell. A geisha is that kind of woman, for being like a person, you see yourself as a right person. Tsya shidna sleazy know, like with one turn of the head, it’s less than a glance to turn respect to yourself and intimidate anyone. Ale її zavdannya - do not squabble and squabble, but be rooted.

It’s not easy to become a geisha, it’s necessary to study this craft for a long time. Dekilka once a day Maiko (a geisha student) has lessons in singing, dancing, painting, playing musical instruments.

І skin Mayko knows: the furor of devouring people is found in 5 secrets, the skin of them all attracts people.

First secret. Anxious and whimpering dotiki.

Masazh to love us without blame - we know the stress and give a lot of positive feelings and emotions. Alec massage can become a sexual foreplay, stimulating the erogenous zone for the help of breasts, tongue, lips.

Similar mystic loves without any repercussions of professionals of erotic massage. We don’t need to varto nekhtuvati tsim calm down in a loving way.

Dim the light, stock up on aromatic oils and light the candles. Apply a softening cream or oil on your hands and start working on your back, changing the pressure and tempo with this force. Crim hands vikoristovyte dotik with the body, do not forget about the chest. Cherguyte stroking the person's goodness with the other bodies of the body (sheep, breasts, nig). Roblyachi massage, you hang out and wake up a large number of organs, feel the smell of smells. To help you wake up, effectively close your partners' eyes. Leather dotik pulling yoga zbudzhene body, like a string, even if a person doesn’t know, how and where yoga is guilty, the priestess will hit an offensive time.

A wonderful effect gives a call to cold and heat - this procedure stimulates blood flow, the skin becomes sensitive and responsive to dots. It is necessary to start with heat, and the massage itself is from the lower part of the body. Do not forget about addictive hot kisses and dotik breasts. The next stage will be a walk with a solid piece of ice.

Another rule. Calm down and please.
Hidden geishas know exactly what is true, they stink the basics of cooking, and wield special ingredients - aphrodisiacs. The stench mayut the charm of power - positively pour into the intimate sphere, sexuality, increase the tone of the body. Foods that are rich in aphrodisiacs, viroblative statins of atractants (hormones that addictive people). Cream of a classic dish with oysters and champagne, aphrodisiacs: avocado, eggs, banana, almond, honey, seafood, olive oil. Pose of competition spices and spices: cari, ginger, coriander, cloves, vanilla. One of the most "sexy" aphrodisiacs is cardamom, which gives a stronger potency and piquancy to the girls in the bedroom. Add a pinch to the marvelously season the kohanoma in the grass - the effect will not hurt yourself for a long time!

Third rule - Japanese sex.
From the very beginning of school to occupy students of geisha learn one more important subject - the art of volodymy and intimate slander. It does help to help you control your satisfaction and make your partner happy. Tse vminnya is called wumbilding and means the training of pohvovyh m'yazyv. A person with a statutory act will take away a richly bright and more trivaly orgasm. The advantages of such training are: it increases the blood circulation of tissues, preserves healthy organs, improves microflora, develops sensitivity and more head orgasmicity, it’s so strong that you can’t dream of such strength.

Right Kegel. Qi to the right can be dealt with be-de and be-if.

1. Tension and relaxation of the m'yazi (10 relaxation / 10 soon).
2. Gently squeeze and squeeze the m'yazi for 5 seconds. After that, interrupt the tension of the m'yaz for 20-30 seconds.
3. Now slightly m'yazi, fix for 5 seconds, then increase the tension - fix, incrementally more. Zrobi such a path itself until the relaxation of m'yazіv pіhvi.
4. Right "vishtovhuvannya" - pushing down, like when lifting an important one, or like at the canopies.

Rule four. Love in the air of a geisha.
Hvilyuyucha moves, charisma, easy chuckle, pacification and calm - the axis of such a post is the priestess of the kohanny in front of the person. A geisha to calm down a person's vanity, to overcome that lowness, to swear at your weaknesses, you won't pout, you won't be scandalous. The axis of її zbroya is not arrogance and strength, but weakness and sensibility. The geisha is in the course of the most manipulative positions in sex, she is constantly resting in the bed of greed and awakening. Caressing a partner, she plays with him, shows her fantasy and enjoys this thunder. All my emotions seem to hang out with hands, not words. Until the speech, on the love lodge of the priestess, always mourn. In Japanese culture, peculiarity (stogin and words) is a sign of dislike for a partner.

P'yate rule. Erotic meditation.
Geishas are especially important for erotic meditations and spiritual practices. Everything helps to achieve peace, harmony, and reveal sexuality. Meditating, like a geisha, she allows herself to be squeezed and littered with stinginess, as if they respect the attainment of satisfaction, and bring people to the malt. It helps to accept your body and as a single whole, to develop sensitivity. In this rank, the geisha nalashtova herself that her own body in an intimate party. The stench wriggles feelings, chuyni and erogenous zones that month on its own body. They show the body like a garden, de-skinning a lot of flowers, grass, trees. In order to build on the need for thoughts of that kind, women sometimes warmed up their spontaneity, so that the warmth between them called out languor and gave rise to especially sexual feelings.


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