We cook savory borscht with chicken. Savory chicken borscht: chicken meat borscht recipe

We cook savory borscht with chicken. Savory chicken borscht: chicken meat borscht recipe

Borscht is the main strain of Ukrainian cuisine, and once in a lifetime, the leather gentleman cooked Ukrainian borscht. There is no such classic recipe for borscht, the shards of the gentleman's skin should be made with his own corrections. Who wants to cook borscht with beetroot, and who wants it without it. Borscht can be seasoned with tomato, or you can use tomato paste, cook the broth on yalovichin, pork or chicken, or you can cook borsch. without broth, with mushrooms and kvass. All fall in the form of gastronomic likenesses, and I’m sure that borscht. regardless of the method of preparation of those ingredients, it is always saturated with borscht - savoryly savory, and no less fragrant first grass.

Also, borscht, in its essence, is darker, even with the main ingredients of grass and vegetables, as if to avenge the greatness of vitamins and minerals, as it is necessary for the human body for normal functioning. Ukrainian borscht is a miracle solution for a family offense, if the whole family gathers at the same table, please your relatives and loved ones with a special and even savory herb.

For the preparation of Ukrainian borscht, we need 90 khvilin. We have six servings.


  1. Chicken wings - 6 pieces;
  2. Potatoes - 4 pieces;
  3. Cabbage - 0.5 fork of medium rosemary;
  4. Buryak - 1 piece;
  5. Carrot - 1 piece;
  6. Cibulya - 1 piece;
  7. Chasnik - 3 cloves;
  8. Tomato paste - 100 g;
  9. Creep - 15 grams;
  10. Roslinna oliya - 60 ml;
  11. Strength for relish;
  12. Chorny chalking pepper - to relish.

Borscht with chicken: a classic recipe from Pokrokovo's photo

For the cob, we need to boil the broth. For the broth, I chose chicken krillts, poured them with water and boiled 60 strands. If you want your borscht to be browned, then the cock can be homemade, you won’t have a store-bought special coriste, but here you have your own troubles - they’ll get ready for swidko and meat at her lower, lower at her bird’s .

Otzhe, the broth is ready. We clean the potatoes, cut them into cubes.

We put the potatoes near the broth and put them on the stove on a medium fire.

We clean the cibulus and cut it with quarters.

We give beetroot to cibuli and carrots and pidsmazhuemo.

We clean the hourly worker, for the help of the press, we see yoga in a frying pan with tsibulei, carrots and beets.

We add the dressing to the steaming of the radiny, we add the dressing to the borscht. We give strength. pepper and greens.

From everything, our miraculous Ukrainian borsch іz chicken ready. Call to the table of your relatives and loved ones, to your appetite)!

And on the other you can cook goulash from chicken. take away a light, savory, not expensive insult. You can cook everything with one small chicken and make a family cook for 5-6 osib.


Pokrokovi recipes with photos

Wow, like frost came to our Central Federal District. There is no snow, but over 20 degrees below zero, they have become an unacceptable inconsistency. In such weather, the soul will require a hot one. Otzhe, this year, we grieve with borscht. I will give you the recipe for the classic borscht, the same one.

Hot hour of preparation: 1 year, 20 minutes.

  • - beetroot (2 pcs.);
  • - chicken stegenets (2 pcs.);
  • - carrot (1-2 pieces);
  • - cabbage (0.5 small head);
  • - potatoes (4-5 pieces);
  • - tomato paste (2 tablespoons);
  • - hourglass (2 cloves);
  • - ocet (1 tablespoon);
  • - bay leaf, strong for relish;
  • - Greenery;
  • - roslinna oliya.

In bagats, when preparing borscht, there is a problem with color: instead of black red borscht, it comes out pale and erysipelas. I’m going to stop and it was so buzzing in me. Below, I will reveal a couple of secrets about how to cook borscht in such a way that vin buv is brightly chervonim.

Cooking broth with chicken stegenets (it is written about it here). While the broth is being cooked, we prepare the vegetable dressing.

Three carrots in a grater.

If the broth is practically ready, put in a new cabbage and cook 10 quills. It is important to cook cabbage without beetroots, otherwise the color of borscht will not be so beautifully chervonim.

Morkvina tezh can be put in borscht.

Tim will take care of the beet for an hour. Three її on a large grater.

We put it on a frying pan, add tomato paste and stew on olive oil 10. Important: add one spoonful of otstu (if necessary, dilute it with water at the same time, as it is written on the packaging). It is also necessary, so that our classic borscht has a dark red color. Ocet can be replaced with citric acid.

Add to soup. Here I'll potatoes. Cook 10 chills.

We add dried greens, a teaspoon, if necessary, salt. Znіmaєmo z gnyu that zalishaєmo sche khvilin for 15-20.

Our savory savory and beautiful borscht is ready! Savory.


Borsch recipe with chicken pokrokovy s photo

Recipe for cooking stravi with photo divas.

Today we have on the menu the classic Russian and Ukrainian cuisines rich red borscht with beetroot. Taste the same! The master's skin has its own secret of preparing delicious borscht. I have described all the subtle processes of preparing borscht, so we can’t forget about it. But my lyrical introductory and detailed photographs can embellish the reading process

The recipe for savory borscht is easy to make, but here it’s its own thinness, without any additional soup, obviously, we’ll see it as a whole, but not so savory! The recipe for borscht is hot and simple, but the cooking process is laborious. More shortly, as in the kitchen, you can help a cohan man or a child, a sister, a brother, a girlfriend or a friend

So, you can cook borscht on various broth bases, pork or yalovichi ribs, cock, be it a soup-set. Ale, I will cook borscht from soup chicken (do not stray with chicken broiler!) Call soup chicken rich less meaty, lower broiler chicken, then the broth from such chickens will come out miraculous! Subtle preparation of the broth will be described below. And the axis and the set of products necessary for borscht:

  • ½ soup chicken (it’s the same chicken, not chicken broiler) or the back of the broth;
  • white cabbage, about a third of the middle head;
  • potatoes, 3-5 medium pieces;
  • cibula ripchasta 1 head;
  • 1 medium rosemary carrot and the same beetroot;
  • a couple of tomatoes or tomato paste (2 tablespoons);
  • oliya for obsmazhuvannya;
  • 2-3 cloves of the teaspoon, strong and spicy for relish.

Varimo golden broth

We need to boil the broth before us. So, how to cook yoga will be from soup chickens, and if you want to milk hard meat, then cook it until the meat is softened. Approximately 1.5 years. I will freeze and cool the trigger under the tap. At a 4.5-liter pot, put half the trigger and fill it with cold water. We put on fire. Just like water in a saucepan, to deprive 5 quills, we make fire. We lift the pan from the stove and lay the trigger. And now, respect, the first secret of savory borscht: water is poured from the pan, we won’t need it anymore. Suddenly we wash the trigger and put it in a saucepan.

We fill it again with cold water and set it to maximum fire. If the water suddenly boils, the fire can be changed. Now we have lost the ability to cook our cock for about a year on a fair fire. A year later, the fire will fade away. Vilovlyuєmo cock and fold it into an okrema plate. If there is a little bit of oholone, the meat needs to be cremated in the form of brushes and cut into pieces. Ready broth is passed through a fine sieve. Do not lie that the process of boiling the broth is so long. The result will please you! Golden and rich broth! In this rank, you can cook broth from any kind of meat.

Preparation of vegetables

Now, if the broth is ready, you can roast the vegetables. And here I need help from my beloved helpers. Verify yourself to whom to delegate the vital mission of shaking cabbage and peeling potatoes. Let's sweat potatoes with big shmachikas. At the broth, put cabbage on the cob and put the pan on the maximum fire.

My mother, when preparing borscht, put in a bunch of potatoes, and then we’ll sweat cabbage. I know how rich someone is to rob like that. Tse already to whom it suits. I'm savoring borscht like this, so that the potatoes were not too boiled, and the cabbage was still m'yakshoy. Marvel at yourself, sho put on the cob, potato and cabbage

As soon as the broth with cabbage is boiled, the fire is changed to medium, and it is laid on the potatoes.

Prepare zamazhka for savory borscht

Independently, but with the hands of the helpless helpers, we cut the cibula in a rough manner. We put a frying pan with olive oil on a full fire, put a cibula. For the time being, the cibula is smeared until it is golden, and we will take care of the carrots. It is necessary to clean the skin and rub it on the great third. We add carrots to a troch of golden cibules.

Buryak yak and carrots are spared skins and trimmed. You can rub the beetroot on the terts, you can cut it into thin straws. We add beetroot to carrots with tsibulya.

One of the main components of savory borscht is tomato paste chi tomato. If it’s summer outside, then it’s a sin not to pick fresh tomatoes. If it’s far from summer after the end, then I will put natural tomato paste in borscht (without starch and other chemical additives, prepared according to GOST). Add a couple of tablespoons of tomato paste to the pan until the vegetables are greased.

And now, respect, another secret of savory borscht: borscht wiyshov with a bright red color, it is necessary to add a teaspoon of 6% octic acid or a tablespoon of lemon juice to the pan with beetroot and other vegetables. The acid will prevent the red pigments of beetroots and tomatoes from fluffing up in high temperatures.

The last stage of cooking delicious borscht

We add our lubrication from the frying pan and chopped chicken meat to the softened and quietly boiling vegetables near the saucepan (like it was cremated from the chicken after preparing the broth).

Let's all store up the borscht, boil at once, whilin drink and win the fire. Now we can salt our borscht and add spices to taste. I’ll put in a sum of dry, ground, white, zapashny and paprika peppers. And now, respect, the third secret of savory borscht: we give you a finely chopped hourly dish at the very beginning of the process of cooking borscht. Let's change, take a sample and close the lid.

I give borscht a sound and seep out with a chasnikovy aroma of 20-30 quills under a closed lid. According to the time schedule, you can serve the style and click on the helpers at home until the evening or an offense. Serve savory borsch with fresh strong sour cream! Savory rich red borscht can not be deprive anyone of Baiduzhim! Good appetite, dear readers

And if your appetite is not satisfied with just one borscht, then on the other, the miraculous grass of the classic Russian cuisine, lower homemade chicken cutlets. baked in the oven with vegetables for garnish Reception gusto guaranteed!

Usіm tsіkava your thought!

Other savory recipes

On the back of the head, it is necessary to take the meat and cut it with small pieces. 5 komentarіv to tsgogo kroku M'yaso porіzane, and you can add krok, de it should be cooked for the broth - and then someone else.

Chicken soup with lokshina is even more popular among the whole world. Brazil, Jamaica, China, Korea, Australia, Russia, Pivdenna Africa all countries prepare chicken soups for their recipes. In Russia.

The basic recipe for chicken soup with dumplings and yoga variations. Tsey soup is a classic. The lower prozory broth, fragrant meat and small, well-cooked small pieces of dough - delicious! Chicken soup with

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Borscht classic


Borscht classic from photo.

Peel the potatoes and cut them into cubes. After 5 quills, how to boil cabbage, put potato cubes into the grass, cook all at once on a weak fire 15 quills.

Now it is necessary to prepare the dressing.

Peel and rub the carrots, put the vegetable in the frying pan with the chibula, mix and sauté the vegetables at once.

After that, add the tomato paste to the carrots with the cibulae, then pour in the broth and stew the vegetables and the sprat.

Then we will transfer the dressing to borscht, salt and pepper the grass and cook three more hvilini. Os and that's it, season the grass with fragrant fresh greenery and ask everyone to the table, the classic borscht is ready!

Video recipe Borscht classic

Classic Ukrainian borscht

And we encourage you to cook the classic Ukrainian borscht. Getting ready for the grass is easy and simple!

m'yaso - 300 g;

potatoes - 3 pieces;

beet - 1 piece;

cabbage - 200 g;

carrot - 1 piece;

hourglass - 2 teeth;

tomato paste - 3 tablespoons;

bay leaf - 3 pieces;

parsley, krip - for your taste;

strong, black chalking pepper - for your taste.

Let's get to work now:

Let's start with the broth. Pour water into the pot, put it on the fire and boil the country.

Wash the good meat and rightly put it in boiling water. Give here a bay leaf, strength, black pepper, and a teaspoon of cuts in small pieces. Boil a meat product for a year.

If the meat is ready, remove it, move it to a clean plate and cool it down. Let's sweat the meat product, having reached it, add small pieces. M'yasnі shmatochki vіdpravte znovu in the broth.

Let's shake up the cabbage.

Potatoes with cabbage are put into meat broth and boiled together.

Now it is necessary to clean the carrots with beetroot and cibula. Grate the carrot and beetroot, and cut the cibula at the sight of the clumps.

Now next put the frying pan on the fire and burn the oil. Grate the vegetables and cibulin rinds into a frying pan with oil, season with black pepper, simmer 5 quills at once.

I'm ready to refuel in the future with borscht. Here, add tomato paste, salt, pepper the grass and cook another 10 khvilin.

Treat crepe with parsley, sip green borscht and turn on the fire. Axis and that's it, such borscht is served with sour cream and black bread rolls!


Borscht is a long-standing first tradition of a modern word'an adventure. The recipe for the preparation of this soup is rich. So, the recipe for borscht with a cock, which is popular with this article, is rooted in the singing popularity. More rozpovіmo report about those, how the whole dish appeared and how yogo prepares more cooks and culinary specialists.

What is borscht like vin when you show up?

Otzhe, how did such a dish appear, like borscht? About the fatherland, yoga superchki to sharpen and today. Ukrainians are aware that they themselves stink of the classic red soup, but think so for themselves and Romanians, and Poles and many other words of the Yang people. Those who have their own special recipe: some people cook borscht with beetroot, cabbage, tomatoes and chicken, and others have vicarious ingredients, for example, kvass, turnip and apple. І leather recipe may have the right to be based on the popularity of this chi and other people.

I would like to delve a little into the history of such a soup. In Poland, they sensed something new in the 18th century, and this grass was called the same borscht. And the axis in Ukraine borscht was introduced earlier, in the 14th-15th centuries. Such a fear has fallen to the soul of everyone, irrespective of the status in the support that I will become. So, Empress Katerina loved the red soup of her friend, often їv yogo Gogol, honoring such grass and Oleksandr the other.

Now troch about the choice of the word. Philologists are aware that yoga can be divided into two parts: “boron” and “u”. The first part is one of the word forms of the Old Slavonic “chervony”, “storms”. Through tse one of his names he took off the beet. At their hour they called "beet". Tse gave the perch part of the name borscht. The other part is "u". Tse shchi. Itself so was called earlier (that dosi tezh) soup from cabbage on meat broth.

Borscht cooking technology

Skin herb has its own special technology of preparation, which is the classic and basic recipe. So, there are a lot of options: borscht with lamb, chicken, lard and so on. Ale yakas base є. We can list the main principles on which all recipes are based.

Be it borscht prepared on the basis of rich broth. Yak yogo basis can be vikoristovuvatisya mayzhe be-yake m'yaso: lamb, yalovichina, pork. You can cook borscht from brisket and fat, or you can make this soup from chicken, gander and pitching. If the broth is ready, you can go further. With this m'yaso, you can vinnyat, then smash and then turn into soup. And sometimes for brewing broth, vicory is not called water, but kvass-syrovets.

To prepare borscht, it is necessary to cook the vegetables in the front, and the beets themselves. On the right, in that, which is far from being processed її thermally, it won’t boil, but be left with a zhorstka.

As a processing method, you can choose quenching, smearing, boiling in the oven and steam cooking. And if so, the beetroot saves its own colors, especially cunning and intelligent culinary specialists vicorist acid (ocet or lemon juice). Tsey ovoch zavzhdi get ready to see others. Cabbage does not need to be processed, it's just a matter of shredding. And the axis of the cybula with carrots is saved for trochs on the olive, then the stench will turn out to be a beautiful golden flower.

After that, as the broth is prepared, you can start it in a new vegetable. Ring in the first line to launch potatoes, cook trochs more for other vegetables, yak and kvass. Then you can add shredded cabbage and everything else (beetroot and cibulya with carrots).

If the vegetables are already ready, you can add chopped meat, on the basis of which the broth is brewed. And then we can launch greens with seasonings. Mayzhe naprikintsі soup should be salted.

Borscht from chicken: how to cook yoga?

Otzhe, how to prepare savory, rich and fragrant borscht from chicken? For which you need deakі іngredієnti and revіrenі recipe. List of essentials:

  • 400 grams of chicken fillet,
  • 1 beet,
  • 2 carrots
  • 5 cards,
  • 1 cibulina,
  • 70 ml rosemary oli,
  • ½ head of cabbage
  • 50 grams of tomato paste,
  • strength for taste,
  • pepper for relish
  • greens crop and parsley,
  • 2 cloves of the watchmaker.

Now you can reverse the cooking process. It is necessary for us to cut the chicken fillet into cubes and put it into a saucepan with water (you can already stand on the fire). Tim will take an hour to prepare the vegetables. It is necessary to clean the potatoes and cut them into cubes or straws. Grate carrots and beetroot on a great third. Cabbage is finely cut, yak and cibulya (do not forget to clean the yogo).

After 10 minutes from the moment of boiling the broth, potatoes can be started. While everything is boiling in a saucepan, heat the olive oil in a pan, and then put carrots with beetroot in there. If the vegetables become soft, add the cibula. Sprinkle tomato paste with dill (add yogo trocha). The qibulya can become golden. Add tomato paste and brush all the way through 3-5 strands. The roast is ready. From the moment it is added to the potato broth, it is not enough to go through about 10 minutes. It's time to add the cabbage. And after 5 quills, you can add lubrication. While the borscht is cooking, clean and trim the bowl (on a blender or a bowl vice), add yogo to the saucepan to the other ingredients.

If the borscht is already ready, it is necessary to add finely chopped greens, then pepper. For example, salt everything, mix it up, check more plumage and make fire. Cover with a lid with a lid and leave the soup at such a place for a year, so that the borscht from the chicken is infused. Ready!

Secrets of making delicious borscht

How to cook borscht? It is possible to call such a person only in that state of mind, in order to reach certain rules.

  1. It will be easier to cook rich borscht with chicken on a fat broth, so it’s better to beat not the breast, but the other part, for example, krilltsya or stegensya, the stench will give a small and fat fat.
  2. In order for the beetroot to save its color, you can sprinkle yogo with lemon juice before cooking. And you can add a little bit of octu in the process of obsmazhuvannya (1 teaspoon will be enough).
  3. Potatoes before adding to the pan can be lightly smeared or baked in the oven, otherwise they won’t boil and won’t boil in the cooking process, but the borscht will be rich and savory.
  4. Classical borscht has a specific golden color, which reaches the veggies of sautéed vegetables on olives, as a result, it is called a dressing. Someone who can do without it is rich, but there is a special relish, color and aroma of straw.
  5. For bazhannya to borscht, you can add your favorite spices or spices. Stink to give piquancy to the finished borscht. Neobov'yazkovo obezzhuvatisya only with pepper and greens. Fit into any recipe for basil, oregano and other herbs.
  6. As a result, the Viysh borscht is not so savory, as you would like to, you can add it to the new Buryakov nasty. To prepare yogo, grate beetroot, pour dill (or hot broth from a saucepan with borscht), add trochs to otstu, bring to a boil, leave it on the pіvgodini, prosіdіt and pour this stock into the soup.
  7. For example, the recipe should not be avenged by such information, all the same varto all the ingredients add less to boiling water (or broth), otherwise the taste will suffer, and part of the brown speeches will evaporate.
  8. From that moment, as soon as the cabbage was added to the borscht, the crucible of the casserole is not cooked, otherwise the dish will smell unacceptably when it is ready.
  9. So that the relish and color of the borscht were more rich, it was better to coat the vegetables and add them at the very beginning of the cooking process.

It’s too much to add, that the preparation of borscht is mystical, but it can be more accessible to the skin of an honorable gentleman. To finish the recipe for cієї stravita and cunning її cooking.

How deliciously to cook borscht from a chicken, you know, gentleman. Ale, there are a lot of options, absolutely dissimilar and not less than the same ones. Let's try to prepare something new and appetizing.

Classic borscht from kurka

For borscht, you need a three-liter saucepan, the products indicated in the recipe, and that troch of food.


  • trigger - 200-300 g;
  • potatoes (peeled) - 250 g;
  • beetroot - 200 g;
  • carrot - 150 g;
  • cibulya - 150 g;
  • krip - 50 g;
  • cabbage - 500 g;
  • lemon juice - 1 dess. l.;
  • tomato paste - 70 g;
  • sil ta tsukor - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • clove for a watchmaker - 1 pc.;
  • spices - 1 dec. l.;
  • laurel sheet - 1 pc.;
  • oliya pisna - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 2.5 liters.

Process description:

  1. Cook the broth on the cob by pouring 2 liters of cold water over the bird. Add 1 bay leaf for flavor. If the water boils, change the heating in order to preserve the pleasant aroma of meat.
  2. Roast the fry from the cibula, carrots and beetroots, laying the grated vegetables at the designation of the chergovost at the hot roslinna oliya. For relish, season 1 tbsp. l. tsukru, a pinch of salt, spices added to borscht. For example, add tomato paste, a quarter of a bottle of water and 1 des. l. lemon juice.
  3. If the cock is ready (after about 15 quills), add chopped potatoes by the broth. After 10 quills, put shredded cabbage and dressing.
  4. To bring borscht to taste - put paprika, dried krip, black chalking pepper, seasoning for borscht, sil. Having turned the heat on, throw a clove at the pot to the watchmaker, roses from the sill.

Serve fragrant borscht with sour cream and greens.

Get ready at the multicooker

For borscht with chicken, multicookers need the same ingredients, as for a classic recipe, the technology of cooking is changed.


  • trigger - 200-300 g;
  • potatoes (peeled) - 250 g;
  • beetroot - 200 g;
  • carrot - 150 g;
  • Bulgarian pepper - 50 g;
  • cibulya - 150 g;
  • krip - 50 g;
  • cabbage - 500 g;
  • oliya pisna - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • tomato paste - 70 g;
  • laurel sheet - 1 pc.;
  • sil ta tsukor - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • watchmaker - 1 tooth;
  • lemon juice - 1 dess. l.;
  • okrip - 2.5 liters.

Description of preparation:

  1. Pour 3 tablespoons of olive oil into the multicooker bowl. Put the chicken, the beast hangs the cut tsibula, Bulgarian pepper, grated carrots and beetroot. Set the extinguishing mode for 1 year. 20 min.
  2. After 20 minutes, open the lid of the multicooker, mix it up. Add shredded cabbage, cut potatoes, tomato paste, bay leaf, 1 tbsp. l. salt, hot water.
  3. In a year the grass is ready. After a signal about the completion of the process, you can add a chasnik to the borscht, trim the greens and adjust the taste for acid, salt and malt.

You can vicorate for the broth, whether it be parts of a bird: homils, krilltsya or fillets.

Diet recipe from breasts

This recipe for borscht with chicken is not to be avenged by potatoes, so yoga can be called dietary.


  • qibulya - 1 pc.;
  • fillet - 200-300 g;
  • carrot - 1 pc.;
  • beet - 1 pc.;
  • cabbage - 750 g;
  • greens and spices - for relish;
  • sil ta tsukor - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • tomato puree - 300 g;
  • oliya - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • wine ocet 6% - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 2.5 liters.

Description of preparation:

  1. From chicken fillet and 2 liters of water to boil the broth. After boiling, the heating changes, they know the kick. The cooking process is responsible for the slight heating.
  2. In a frying pan, they cover cibula, carrots, beetroot with tomato puree, a pinch of zucru and salt. Put spices to taste. Stitch, so that the dressing does not burn, if necessary, add a little water to the vegetables.
  3. If the chicken fillet is cooked until ready, put the cabbage in the broth until it is ready, then zamazhka. Add strength to borscht, wine assessment, spices for relish. Boil 5 more chills and flicker heating.

Ready fragrant borsch is served with greens and chasnikov buns.

With sauerkraut

Such borscht is cooked without beetroots, and is called wine cabbage soup. Tse spokonvichno Russian dish.


  • trigger - 800 g;
  • cibulya - 150 g;
  • greens - 50 g;
  • watchmaker - 1 tooth;
  • sіl - for relish;
  • sauerkraut - 800 g;
  • tomato paste - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • borosno - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • sheet paper - 1 pack;
  • sesame - 1 dess. l.;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • oliya - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 2.5 liters.

Description of preparation:

  1. At a high frying pan on olive oil, they smear the cut qibula. Add sauerkraut, tomato paste to the new one, fill it with water, leave it to stew for about a year.
  2. From the triggers, cook aromatic rich broth, taking 2 liters of water.
  3. If the birds are ready, remove the yogo from the broth and put the stewed cabbage.
  4. Rob the dressing with a boroshna with water, introduce її into boiling borscht at once with chopped chicken meat.
  5. Taste the broth, salt for relish.
  6. Ready to pour out among the miners, to add greenery to the narizan from the watchmaker.
  7. The miner's skin is covered with leafy dough, smeared on the bottom with a beaten egg.
  8. Sprinkle with sesame seeds, put borscht in the oven, heated to 200 ° C.

If it's reddened, hot borscht is served and served right in the miners to the table.

Green borsch on chicken broth

To prepare borscht with chicken for this recipe, you need a large bunch of fresh sorrel and boiled eggs.


  • trigger - 800 g;
  • potatoes (peeled) - 350 g;
  • carrot - 150 g;
  • cibulya - 150 g;
  • boiled eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • krip - 50 g;
  • sorrel - 300 g;
  • oliya - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • sil - 30 g;
  • water - 2.5 l;
  • sour cream and mayonnaise - for dressing.

Description of preparation:

  1. Cook the chicken until ready with 2 liters of water. Season the broth with 1 tbsp. l. salt.
  2. While the broth is being cooked, make the dressing with cibules and carrots with olives.
  3. Slice the potatoes and straighten them by the broth, pulling the trigger forward.
  4. After 10 khvilin, put chopped greens, crop, sorrel, eggs and dressing.
  5. If the borscht is boiled, yogo is taken out of the fire.

Fragrant green borscht is served with sour cream or mayonnaise and boiled chicken pieces.

It is not easy to try all the described recipes. The stench avenges the available collection of products and rejoices in the simplicity of vikonannya. The result of culinary experiments will please not only you, but also your loved ones.

Borscht from kurka - sitna, ale is light first grass for all the motherland. Chicken meat, like pork, it is easier to conquer and cook better. Such borscht can be prepared for 40 khvilin. Remember that all processes are carried out in parallel. It won’t take a lot of time to cook beetroot with carrots and cibulae, cook chicken broth and cook in new potatoes. As a result, we have a clear vision for those who love to eat at home.


  • water - 4 l;
  • trigger - 300 g;
  • beet - 2 pcs.;
  • carrot - 1 pc.;
  • potatoes - 4 pcs.;
  • ketchup - 1 tbsp. l4
  • strength, spices - for relish;
  • oliya roslinna - 30 ml;
  • krip - 20 g.


Chicken meat pіdіyde be-yak: breast, quilt, gomіlka. You can cut yogo from the brushes, or you can cook the broth with a whole lot of shmochki, and then pull it out and sort it into fibers.

The breast is manually pierced by 2-3 centimeters.

M'yaso vіdpravlyaєmo in a saucepan with cold water and cook after boiling 20 hvilin. As a result, meat broth and boiled chicken are taken.

We clean and wash the sheep.

We put potatoes in the broth and vkaєmo medium fire. Curve with a lid. Cook 20 quills.

At this hour, three on the third are carrots, beetroots, and rіzhemo tsibula.

In a frying pan with olive oil, cook the vegetables, put them on the stove. Turn on the fire and grease 15 quills, help. Then we add tomato paste, mix, salt and season with spices.

When the dressing is ready, we transfer it to a saucepan with a trigger and potatoes. Cook 10 khvilin, salted and seasoned with spices. Have the process try out what happened. Aje and the dressing were salted. It’s important for him to guess with seasonings and don’t overdo it.

Ready-to-eat borscht with a cocked crook, sipping fresh or frozen chopped greens.

We fill 10 quills.

Borscht is a long-standing first tradition of a modern word'an adventure. The recipe for the preparation of this soup is rich. So, the recipe for borscht with a cock, which is popular with this article, is rooted in the singing popularity. More rozpovіmo report about those, how the whole dish appeared and how yogo prepares more cooks and culinary specialists.
Turn to hell

What is borscht like vin when you show up?

Otzhe, how did such a dish appear, like borscht? About the fatherland, yoga superchki to sharpen and today. Ukrainians are aware that they themselves stink of the classic red soup, but think so for themselves and Romanians, and Poles and many other words of the Yang people. Those who have their own special recipe: some people cook borscht with beetroot, cabbage, tomatoes and chicken, and others have vicarious ingredients, for example, kvass, turnip and apple. І leather recipe may have the right to be based on the popularity of this chi and other people.

I would like to delve a little into the history of such a soup. In Poland, they sensed something new in the 18th century, and this grass was called the same borscht. And the axis in Ukraine borscht was introduced earlier, in the 14th-15th centuries. Such a fear has fallen to the soul of everyone, irrespective of the status in the support that I will become. So, Empress Katerina loved the red soup of her friend, often їv yogo Gogol, honoring such grass and Oleksandr the other.

Now troch about the choice of the word. Philologists are aware that yoga can be divided into two parts: “boron” and “u”. The first part is one of the word forms of the Old Slavonic “chervony”, “storms”. Through tse one of his names he took off the beet. At their hour they called "beet". Tse gave the perch part of the name borscht. The other part is "u". Tse shchi. Itself so was called earlier (that dosi tezh) soup from cabbage on meat broth.

Turn to hell

Borscht cooking technology

Skin herb has its own special technology of preparation, which is the classic and basic recipe. So, there are a lot of options: borscht with lamb, chicken, lard and so on. Ale yakas base є. We can list the main principles on which all recipes are based.

Be it borscht prepared on the basis of rich broth. Yak yogo basis can be vikoristovuvatisya mayzhe be-yake m'yaso: lamb, yalovichina, pork. You can cook borscht from brisket and fat, or you can make this soup from chicken, gander and pitching. If the broth is ready, you can go further. With this m'yaso, you can vinnyat, then smash and then turn into soup. And sometimes for brewing broth, vicory is not called water, but kvass-syrovets.

To prepare borscht, it is necessary to cook the vegetables in the front, and the beets themselves. On the right, in that, which is far from being processed її thermally, it won’t boil, but be left with a zhorstka.

As a processing method, you can choose quenching, smearing, boiling in the oven and steam cooking. And if so, the beetroot saves its own colors, especially cunning and intelligent culinary specialists vicorist acid (ocet or lemon juice). Tsey ovoch zavzhdi get ready to see others. Cabbage does not need to be processed, it's just a matter of shredding. And the axis of the cybula with carrots is saved for trochs on the olive, then the stench will turn out to be a beautiful golden flower.

After that, as the broth is prepared, you can start it in a new vegetable. Ring in the first line to launch potatoes, cook trochs more for other vegetables, yak and kvass. Then you can add shredded cabbage and everything else (beetroot and cibulya with carrots).

If the vegetables are already ready, you can add chopped meat, on the basis of which the broth is brewed. And then we can launch greens with seasonings. Mayzhe naprikintsі soup should be salted.

Turn to hell

Borscht from chicken: how to cook yoga?

Otzhe, how to prepare savory, rich and fragrant borscht from chicken? For which you need deakі іngredієnti and revіrenі recipe. List of essentials:

  • 400 grams of chicken fillet,
  • 1 beet,
  • 2 carrots
  • 5 cards,
  • 1 cibulina,
  • 70 ml rosemary oli,
  • ½ head of cabbage
  • 50 grams of tomato paste,
  • strength for taste,
  • pepper for relish
  • greens crop and parsley,
  • 2 cloves of the watchmaker.

Now you can reverse the cooking process. It is necessary for us to cut the chicken fillet into cubes and put it into a saucepan with water (you can already stand on the fire). Tim will take an hour to prepare the vegetables. It is necessary to clean the potatoes and cut them into cubes or straws. Grate carrots and beetroot on a great third. Cabbage is finely cut, yak and cibulya (do not forget to clean the yogo).

After 10 minutes from the moment of boiling the broth, potatoes can be started. While everything is boiling in a saucepan, heat the olive oil in a pan, and then put carrots with beetroot in there. If the vegetables become soft, add the cibula. Sprinkle tomato paste with dill (add yogo trocha). The qibulya can become golden. Add tomato paste and brush all the way through 3-5 strands. The roast is ready. From the moment it is added to the potato broth, it is not enough to go through about 10 minutes. It's time to add the cabbage. And after 5 quills, you can add lubrication. While the borscht is cooking, clean and trim the bowl (on a blender or a bowl vice), add yogo to the saucepan to the other ingredients.

If the borscht is already ready, it is necessary to add finely chopped greens, then pepper. For example, salt everything, mix it up, check more plumage and make fire. Cover with a lid with a lid and leave the soup at such a place for a year, so that the borscht from the chicken is infused. Ready!

Turn to hell

Secrets of making delicious borscht

How to cook borscht? It is possible to call such a person only in that state of mind, in order to reach certain rules.

  • It will be easier to cook rich borscht with chicken on a fat broth, so it’s better to beat not the breast, but the other part, for example, krilltsya or stegensya, the stench will give a small and fat fat.
  • In order for the beetroot to save its color, you can sprinkle yogo with lemon juice before cooking. And you can add a little bit of octu in the process of obsmazhuvannya (1 teaspoon will be enough).
  • Potatoes before adding to the pan can be lightly smeared or baked in the oven, otherwise they won’t boil and won’t boil in the cooking process, but the borscht will be rich and savory.
  • Classical borscht has a specific golden color, which reaches the veggies of sautéed vegetables on olives, as a result, it is called a dressing. Someone who can do without it is rich, but there is a special relish, color and aroma of straw.
  • For bazhannya to borscht, you can add your favorite spices or spices. Stink to give piquancy to the finished borscht. Neobov'yazkovo obezzhuvatisya only with pepper and greens. Fit into any recipe for basil, oregano and other herbs.
  • As a result, the Viysh borscht is not so savory, as you would like to, you can add it to the new Buryakov nasty. To prepare yogo, grate beetroot, pour dill (or hot broth from a saucepan with borscht), add trochs to otstu, bring to a boil, leave it on the pіvgodini, prosіdіt and pour this stock into the soup.
  • For example, the recipe should not be avenged by such information, all the same varto all the ingredients add less to boiling water (or broth), otherwise the taste will suffer, and part of the brown speeches will evaporate.
  • From that moment, as soon as the cabbage was added to the borscht, the crucible of the casserole is not cooked, otherwise the dish will smell unacceptably when it is ready.
  • So that the relish and color of the borscht were more rich, it was better to coat the vegetables and add them at the very beginning of the cooking process.
  • It’s too much to add, that the preparation of borscht is mystical, but it can be more accessible to the skin of an honorable gentleman. To finish the recipe for cієї stravita and cunning її cooking.

    2016-04-09T10:20:05+00:00 admin first battle

    What is borscht like and how will you show up? Borscht with triggers: how to cook yogo? Secrets of cooking delicious borscht Borscht is a long-standing tradition of the Russian word-for-word adventure. The recipe for the preparation of this soup is rich. So, the recipe for borscht with a cock, which is popular with this article, is rooted in the singing popularity. More report about...

    volochkova58@mail.ru Administrator Zastilla-online

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