Kefir pie is a simple recipe without. Food pie on kefir at the oven

Kefir pie is a simple recipe without. Food pie on kefir at the oven

The guests are blowing before you, but there is nothing before tea, what did you do with the performance of the pie, but the baker is not among you? Specially in such situations, you will be helped by a recipe for jellied licorice pie on kefir. Vzagali, kefir spicy is famous throughout the world for its accessibility for beginners or for saving time. Ale jellied pirogues of a variant of the pastime in culinary arts - licorice jellied pie on kefir, which is required

The essence of the jellied pie is that the filling in the dough does not burn, but is filled with it. The peculiarity of jellied pirogues is more related to the fact that they can be prepared without an oven. Jellied pies are prepared as well in a frying pan on the stove, and in a slow cooker. Ease of cooking to make a jellied hot pot available for culinary-cooks. Zalivny pie to navit children's performances under the force.

A jellied pie on kefir can only not be found in one day, as if you were victorious with kefir, prepared using modern technology, driving in all sour-milk bacteria cleanly. Such kefir is prepared from sterile milk, which can be stored for months, with dry ferments, which are not natural. Soybean kefir doesn't work that way.
In order to use yogurt on kefir, it’s better to take self-made kefir on milk mushrooms or yogurt, take samokvass - so if you put a piece of wholemeal bread in the milk and leave it in a warm bowl for sourdough. If the milk turns into a sweat, which rises to burn, and the sourwort is seen below, the sour kvass is ready. Not every store milk is suitable for anyone - choose milk with a small term of applicability, it is pasteurized, but alive.

Yaku b vy did not plan the filling for the jellied pie, vin zavzhdi viyde juicy, soft, fragrant and marvelous for relish. Fillings for jellied pie are different - meat, vegetable, fruit, ribn, jam, sirn and others. So the filling itself can be combined buti - an egg with a tsibuley, a fish with rice or a sir with minced meat toshcho.

Prop to prepare licorice filling pie on kefir, below are a sample of various recipes for vibir.

To prepare licorice dough on kefir, you need:

0.5 liters of kefir or sour milk;
1 sire egg;
5 st. a spoonful of succulent pisku;
0.5 tsp salt:
1 teaspoon of tea soda;
4 tbsp. spoons of dewy olives;
flour, skilki take dough.

Licorice pie on kefir. How to cook:

On the spot we mix kefir, vegetable oil, Sil, tsukor and eggs to uniformity. We gave 1 flask of boron mixing from soda. After the first flask, we add flour | borosno | in a doughy portion according to pivsklyanka. A quantity of flour should be deposited in її yakosti. Feel free to doti, if you stop dripping from a spoon and start tearing. Curve it tightly with a polonnetnik or a plіvkoy and take it away in a warm place, and at the same time we will prepare the filling.

For jellied licorice pie on kefir, you can vicorate:

Grate with additional cinnamon and zucru (1 large apple + 2 tablespoons zucru and half a teaspoon of cinnamon);
apple with carrots, vanilin and zukrovim squeak (1 small apple + 1 medium carrot, 1 sachet of vanilin and 2-3 tablespoons of zucru);
apple with mint, zucr and vanilla (one apple and pear each + 1 teaspoon of dry mint + 2 tbsp zukra + 1 sachet of vanilla);
prunes with dried apricots and lemon zest (100 g each of dried, steamed prunes and dried apricots + zest from one lemon);
sir s varennyam (150 gr. syrah + pivsklyanki be-any kind of varennya and 2 tbsp. tsukru);
cherry with apple (100 gr. cherries without a brush + one and 2 tbsp.
raspberries and tsukor (200 gr. raspberries + 1 tbsp. tsukru, instead of raspberries, you can beat currants, sunnitsa, plums or other berries).

Filling options for jellied licorice pie on kefir are impersonal;

You can try the pie on kefir with jealousy or sorrel. Abo s dodavannyam be-any kind of war; gorіkhіv, nasіnnya dormouse or garbuza; add chalking coriander, tarragon, or anise - surround you, maybe your imagination is less powerful.

On a covered vershkov and olive oil, the shape of a troch (less than half a troch) of dough is twisted. Then we pour the stuffing evenly, fill it with leftovers of dough and boil it on the right fire until ready (it’s close to a year, or a little more - to lie in your oven). If the temperature of the preparation is high, then the cake will turn brown, but in the middle it will be gray. The readiness is overturned on a toothpick - just like when the cake was pierced through, the toothpick did not stick to the toothpick, so, prepare the pie.

Licorice jellied pie with jams

If you make a licorice jellied pie with jam, then it’s necessary to add the jam until you have a good time. You have seen a kshtalt biscuit, may a cake. If you want to add more to the day, or gorіhi, then you need to hang them on the bottom of the form in the first black, before it, like you will flood it. If the pie is ready, you simply twist the shape with a spread, with a plate or a flat plate and shake (throw) the pie. Just walk on the back with a knife or with a spatula between the pie and the mold along the whole stake. For now, the peas will be the beast.

When preparing a jellied pie on a stove in a frying pan, it is not the responsibility of the dough to re-render the halves of the form and cook as needed, but with a closed lid, on the right fire.

Have a great appetite!

If I am running out of recipes with a long and long description of the cooking process, I will sigh and turn the side or close the tab. Possibly, if I’m doing a culinary feat, but for the time being, I’ll prepare the will to forgive, so as not to overlook the great Timchas vitrats.

For the purpose of choosing a kefir pie, the recipe for which I got from my mother. Wine is prepared quickly and easily, without the need to beat anything, but rather vimishuvati.


  • be like a brew without brushes - one bottle;
  • kefir - one bottle;
  • eggs - two pieces;
  • borosno-repeated flasks;
  • soda - a teaspoon.


  1. We pour into a deep bowl of boiled water and add soda, we fill the whilin for five - licorice sumish at the whole hour “to kick”. Then let's add kefir, eggs, boar and zucor, mix the dough well for the pie with a wine glass or a seer.
  2. Grease a pie mold with butter (you can grow it, but it’s better to be more robust). Now it’s quiet before her. We adjust the cake for about 20 minutes in the oven, heat up to 190-200 degrees.
  3. Pirіg on kefіrі, the recipe of which you have carefully read, can be served independently, or with sour cream. The wine will be savory like hot, so it will be cold.

Pirіg on kefir with fish

And now we are preparing a fresh pie on kefir. The recipe is so simple that you can cook the varto before cooking the children.


  • borosno - two bottles;
  • eggs - two pieces;
  • half a teaspoon of soda;
  • roslinna oliya - three tablespoons;
  • one can of canned fish (for example, mackerel);


  1. Get ready: pour kefir into a bowl, add soda. We take one more loaf of bread, ask half of the flour there, salt, pour kefir. We add eggs, olive oil and mix it with a crisp wine. Let's keep calm, help each other half a borow. Quite as a result, the consistency can make a little sour cream.
  2. Now it’s time to get busy with the filling. Using a can opener, we open a jar of mackerel near our juice. The whole country is angry, the fish is transferred to a deep plate, and it is crushed with a fork.
  3. Hard syrah and potato syrah are rubbed on the great third and corrected to mackerel. Greens, krip, parsley, cilantro, or be it as it is, we wash it at your discretion and rub it dryly, add it to the filling.
  4. We pour half of the dough into a form smeared with oil, put the filling, the beast - the dough, which is left out. We put the cake into the oven and boil it at 180 degrees, the docks will not appear golden. Os and ready savory pie on kefir.

cherry pie recipe


  • kefir - one bottle;
  • borosno - two bottles;
  • one hundred grams of butter;
  • one bottle of tsukru;
  • half a teaspoon of soda;
  • three hundred grams of cherries without brushes;


  1. The egg is ground with zucr, we add soda, kefir, rosemary topsoil and a pinch of vanilla zucr.
  2. We take a mixer and mix it up to a uniform state. We add cherries and rise with a thick spatula.
  3. We smear the mold for the cake with olive oil, transfer it to it and clean it up in the oven. Cherry gives rich juice, that vipkati pie will be for 200 degrees close to forty hvilin.

Delicious homemade brandy is always given priority, for review in store products. Ale, there are moments when the guests arrived unscheduled without delay, and there is not enough time to prepare the call. Therefore, a pie on kefir without eggs will become an ideal option for such a situation. We will come out savory and savory. And the head of the head get ready quickly. You will need 45 quills for preparation. Such a recipe for a vipіchka can be done by hand. Vin obov'yazkovo vryatu you at the best situation with the guests.

Another advantage of such a pie is those who are prepared with such ingredients, as they are obov'yazkovo found in the refrigerator. So you won't have to go to the store for ingredients.

Kefir pie without chicken eggs at the oven

First, proceed before cooking, it is important to prepare all the necessary ingredients for the pie.

Again, take the following ingredients:

  1. kefir - 0.5 l;
  2. tsukrovy pіsok - 1 fold;
  3. grew up oliya - 3 tbsp. l.;
  4. rozpushuvach chi soda - 1 tsp;
  5. wheat borosnogo gatunka - 3 tbsp.;
  6. apples - 2 pcs.;
  7. parchment and foil.

Pokrokove cooking a pie

Navіt yakshcho you have in the refrigerator nayshlos one egg, do not add yogo to the dough. It’s better to cook yoga simply on kefir, as indicated in the recipe.

  • Kefir is poured into a large bowl. We can keep warm, more precisely for the room temperature. Before speech, yoga can be replaced with homemade sour milk or sour milk.

  • At the bowl, to kefir, add the bloody pisok and oliyu. Everything is resolutely mixed with a wine glass by hand until I become uniform.
  • Let's dodaemo in a warm rozpushuvach. You can take the usual soda, only you will need to repay it with otstom. I know everything is changed. It is important that if you don’t take the breasts, it’s necessary for him to puff up the offal and intensively stir it up. The recipe is simple and simple, but still takes care of yourself, otherwise the cake simply won’t work.

  • Now it is necessary to add flour in small portions. Vaughn can be sifted through a fine sieve. This day is necessary for the fact that the flour was filled with sour bulbs, and it was baked well. By consistency, it will come out thick. It is enough to stick on the spoon.

  • For sipping the pie, take a more round shape. Hocha є vignatik and rectilinear form of a small rose. At the bottom of the form, put a virizane kol іz foil. Then we put parchment on the foil to the animal. This is necessary for the fact that the pie from the bottom is not upside down.

  • Then they carefully brushed the parchment with olive oil.

  • It is poured thinly in the prepared form and left to stand for 10 minutes.

  • While it's quiet zasmuchuёtsya, you can take care of apples. The skin and the core can be seen and cut into pieces of an apple of medium rosemary, so that the stench is well baked.

  • We send apples to the beast for a pie, lightly pressing into the pasture.

  • We correct the pie at the oven 35 hwilin. Vipkaєmo at 180 degrees. It is important that the oven was already warmed up.
  • After the end of the hour, we take the cake out of the oven and give it a little bit to cool down, without shaking it.

  • Potim distantly yogo is carefully transferred from the form to a large plate. On top of the pie, you can sip with tsukrovy powder or with coconut flakes. Zagal scho to know under the hand.

Our pie on kefir without eggs is ready. Yak bachite, the recipe is not foldable. So the skin gentleman easily prepares such a specialty and pleases his family with savory tastes.

Recipe for charlotte on kefir without eggs at multivartsi

For the preparation of vypichka, you can use a multicooker. Tse become an ideal option, because you don’t have time to follow the process of brewing in the oven. The only thing is that the temperature of the cooking there is approximately 150 degrees.

Also, to cook in a multi-cooker, take the following ingredients:

  • apple - 700 g;
  • homemade kefir - 1 sack;
  • borosno vishchogo gatunka - 1 fold;
  • manna groats - 1 cl.;
  • tsukrovy pіsok - 1 fold;
  • roslinna oliya - 0.5 cl.;
  • a drop of salt;
  • vanilla tsukor - 10 g;
  • rozpushuvach - 1 tsp.

Steps of cooking charlotte in multivartsi

  • We are next to harvest an apple. It is necessary to clean the skin, remove the core. Narizati them with small cubes, or with thin particles.
  • At the deep container there is kefir from the bloody squeak and sill. Mix everything up. It is important that the tsukor will be repaired.
  • Let's add vanilla zukor, semolina and oliya to the masa. Mix everything until I become homogeneous.
  • Boroshno zadnati z razpushuvachem for test.
  • In small portions, whisk in the flour | borosno | in the dark, when yoga was followed, it was constantly vimishuvati, so that there were no breasts. For density, it is possible to make thick sour cream.
  • In the end, add the sliced ​​apple and mix it again with a spoon.
  • Grease the saucepan of the multicooker with olive oil and put it into it cleanly.
  • Install VIP mode on 50 hwilin.
  • After the end of the hour, carefully take the pie out of the bowl and sip with the icing powder.

This recipe can also be made simple and everyday folding from it is not guilty of blame. Pirіg go out not only savory, but we will repeat it.

Like bachite, you can taste a delicious pie without eggs. So, if you haven't tasted such a delicious dish yet, write down the recipe and try out such a delicious pie.

Let's have a good tea and a warm mood!

Cook a pie on kefir without eggs according to the video:

Would you like to prepare a lower, fragrant swedish pie on kefir, which will be rum'yanim and cook, tanuti at the mouth? Then my recipes will be exactly the same for you.

It's wonderful, but the recipes presented by me do not count for large vitrates for the purchase of components for a kefir pie. It’s easier to see the lower one, and yogo learners can make new things in the culinary field.

Vipecti pie on kefir can be with whatever filling, experiment, add mushrooms, berries, vegetables, minced meat, zucor, spices to the recipe. As a result, you will see savory pies on kefir, which will be simply impossible to eat.

Pirіg on kefіrі, the recipe from the photo of which will be presented below, does not seem to be the lord of the presence of the great quantity of the free hour. On kefir, you can cook a pie in a pouring way.

Such recipes are especially popular with rich modern gifts, that pie takes a leading position in the TOP of boron varieties, which are ready to be cooked even more quickly.

Perekonaytes, scho pie, boils on fresh kefir, weed, the same as in my photo, blush, and the relish of yogo is unique.

Dough for jellied pie

Components for the ideal test: 3 pcs. chickens. eggs; sublog ch.l. soda, strength for relish, kefir (fat content 1 vdsotok) in a quantity of 500 ml; borosno - 3 and a half st.

Recipes for jellied dough on store-bought kefir are not foldable. Go out quietly behind a texture similar to that of mlints. As a basis, you can take sour-milk products, as if to give you the best softness and tenderness.

For example, a miraculous option would be St. sour cream, sour milk and mayonnaise.

To prepare dough with additional kefir, you need no more than 15 min. UAH 100 product - a maximum of 150 kcal.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I pour soda into the dough. I start the process of extinguishing.
  2. I beat the eggs with a winch. It is necessary to get a kick.
  3. Zmishyu 2 sumish. Boroshno may be prosіyane, only then I will add yoga.
  4. I’ll be vipkati in the oven, but if I don’t beat the pie on fresh low-fat kefir, we won’t beat it more, it’s necessary, it’s not necessary to beat the mass for a long time.

Pirіg with chocolate on a swedish hand

Components for dough for food and licorice pie:

borosno - 265 gr.; 50 gr. grew up olії; 48 gr. cocoa; 5 gr. sodi; 1 PC. chickens. eggs; spices; 10 gr. zukor. powders; 205 ml jam; kefir about 100 ml.

We don’t thicken the brew, the best option is apple and apricot. It’s better not to take cherries or currants. If it is not possible to enter into a reaction with soda, then it will be summed up in a blue color.

Algorithm for making a pie before tea:

  1. I order soda from brews. Come out pink.
  2. Kefir and chickens. I respect the eggs, dodayuchi tsukor, grew. butter and varennya with pink. I put vanilin, orange zest, right there behind your bazhanny. You can put cinnamon, ginger, musk. Gorіh or clove chalk. Dribka spices - enough.
  3. Boroshno introduced into sumish approximately 2 tbsp. I correct the pich at the spirits. Piku approximately 30 min. for 200 gr. If the licorice pie is ready, without regard for those who drink yogurt on kefir, brew yogo tsukor. powder.

It’s even more delicious to go out, prepare a chocolate pie for that raj, until then the kefir pie won’t bring you trouble. But still not all the recipes for simple yogurt, marvel below, I present them at once from the photo.

Potato pie on fresh kefir

Shvidky that simple potato pie, the test basis of which will be mixed with kefir, will become one of the cats in your homeland.

An appetizing sip on kefir is not too late for a rich hour, and if unsatisfactory guests come to the house, then such a recipe will be more ancient.

To make a savory pie for 8 servings, take the following ingredients for the dough, obviously, bake mi yogo again on low-fat kefir:

To prepare the filling for a simple pie, you need: 4 pcs. potatoes; 20 gr. olії; strength and spices.

Algorithm for preparing a pie cooked on fresh kefir:

  1. I beat the eggs for help. At sumish, de already є eggs, I pour in kefir, soda, I sip. It’s too bad to need it, I put skilki as needed.
  2. I carefully introduce it boroughly, zamіshuyu thickly, similar to sour cream for the consistency.
  3. I clean the potatoes and cut them, fill them with khvilini for 2. I cut the cibula, fry it in a pan with additional olives, mix it with potatoes. If you need to put strong and spices, here on the right is the taste of skin.
  4. I take the form, de vipkatima and sweeping її rіst. fat. Only then I fill it with a little bit of silence, but half of the sum. I put potatoes with tsibuleya, watered with dough.
  5. The swedish pie is ready to boil, it’s easy to prepare the base on kefir, as you have changed into something special.

Passion for gourmets pie with minced meat based on kefir

My recipes are more varied, and that will fall to the soul of different categories of people. I once again pronounce to know it, as they prepare for the love of a gourmet pie on kefir.

The recipe will become ideal for the evening, and cook the pie without difficulty, like mixing the base with kefir. As a result, you will be able to pamper your loved ones with juicy, succulent meaty salmons, so that you don’t deprive them of the little ones.

The loan preparation process is close to 60 min. And in 100 UAH. vipіchki will be close to 220 kcal, the one who will be crushed on kefir.

Components: 250 gr. mayonnaise; 2-3 pcs. chickens. eggs; grew up oliya that strength; borosno - 2 tbsp.; 1 tsp soda and zukor. pisok; 4 things. potatoes; 300 UAH finished St. minced meat; kefir about 500 ml; 1 PC. cibula.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I want a dough for a jellied pie. It’s even simpler, to get a child to run into such tasks. Before speech, instead of kefir, you can buy sour milk, rely on your relish. Zmіshuyu mayonnaise, eggs, tsukor, I add strength to relish. Eggs next beat far. I add three soda and kefir to the table. Boroshno add, that the consistency was thick, as if we were ready for pancakes.
  2. For the filling, you need to take minced meat, you can cook yogo yourself. I take yalovichina, but you can take lean pork. I clean the cibula and potatoes, I cut it into pieces of cloth.
  3. On the fire, I make a dressing, I add minced meat and languish for 5 min.
  4. I put potatoes in boiling water for 5 minutes.
  5. Vicorist for brewing a simple frying pan from chavun chi form. I smear rose. fat. I put half of the dough, potatoes, tsibulya and m'yaso, pour another part of the masi.
  6. I drink at the oven at 200 gr. close to 15 min. Raising the temperature of the baking time. A ready-made simple pie comes out “you lick your fingers”, it’s repeated and lower, so that it’s not too rich to look at the transition. Good, lassoshchi on fresh kefir is not too high in calories.

Jellied pie on low-fat store-bought kefir with chicken

Recipes for pies with meat of different sizes on kefir at different times, tse transferring vikoristannya kurki. It’s more like a healthy snack and not a calorie, even in 100 gr. total 263 kcal.

The recipe is simple and will be brown, if it is necessary to prepare for the evening, but there is no time, so that a right culinary masterpiece on kefir will be performed.

If you want chicken pies on low-fat kefir, they will not be less savory and look appetizing. It’s almost a year to cook, but no more.

Just prepare a pie with such a set of components:

borosno - 2 tbsp.; kefir about 500 ml; 300 UAH chickens. fillet; 2 pcs. tsibuli and chickens. eggs; greenery; 1 tsp zukor. pisku that powder for vipіkannya; sil.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I’ll grease the shaky cibula in a frying pan close to the 4th century. I cut the cock into cubes and fry it in cibuli 2 min. I pepper that salt, more necessary for my taste. Add greenfinch and seasonings.
  2. If the filling is ready, I grind it. Mishay strength, eggs and zukor. Boroshno that powder for vypіchki zmіshuєtsya at once, I add that kefіr in sum. It is rather sparse to come out for consistency.
  3. I smear the form with margarine, you can take a test. fat chi sl. butter. I fill the tretinu dough, put the filling, and a half, then I renew the dough - filling - dough. I am correcting the dbati for the 25th century. for 180 gr. Pirіg іz adding yogurt will be ready, the wine will be covered with a golden vіdtinkom, and the mass of the dough will become poіtryanoy.

Rib pie with multivartsi, boiled kefir

For the rest of the fates of the attachments of the multicookers, having appeared practically in the skin booth. It is necessary to know that it is easy to find out, as before, our fathers managed without a miracle machine.

Zavdyaki multicookers can be prepared even more browned. I always pick up the recipes and share with them at the bliss, in order to make it easier for the brewing of fears.

Zalivny savory pie from fish without becoming a wine. It is possible to cook vypіchka in a slow cooker on kefir without special zusil, and the relish of yogo will be nothing hotter, lower from the oven.

The fillings in the pie at the multicooker can be different, experiment and see to create your own unique culinary masterpiece.

I’m waiting for smiling fantasies, but you know what to cook fresh products for cooking varto. The relish of ribi will help you get bored in the summer and guess how miraculously you can see it on the sea coast.

Components: flour - about 8 tablespoons; 1 PC. vermicelli type "Rolton"; 90 gr. tv. sire; 100 UAH cibuli; 1 PC. canned ribs; 150 gr. mayonnaise; 2 pcs. chickens. eggs; 1 tsp powder for vaping; 140 gr. sour cream can be replaced with kefir; 1 st. grew up olії (or rather, take an olive.).

To cook pies, it is necessary to close the second year. Pirіg at the multivariate is not caloric, at the new one it is only 188 Kcal per 100 gr. finished strain on kefir.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I crush canned food with a saw. I cut a cibula and I respect it with a fish. I trim the vermicelli and fix it at the sumish, I let it stand for about 10 min.
  2. Quite prepared with mayonnaise, powder for brewing, rose. olії, I pour in eggs, kefir, then only introduce borosno. I put a part of it in a slow cooker, then I cover it with the filling of the cibula and the cheese behind the far frayed.
  3. I pour a part of the test to a friend. Piku in "Vipichka" mode 60 min. The pie is ready. You can por_zati on the part and serve it on the table before tea.

The multicooker will already simplify the cooking process, so all those people, who have not yet grasped the importance of this addition to the kitchen, are guilty of negligently correcting the pardon.

It is foolish to underestimate those who give us the present hour. Let's kindly arrange the pluses, for the sake of our hour and that strength, let's see how to cook savory pies on the right.

"Ravlik with cherries"

Components for making a cake on kefir

505 gr. St. cherries; 110 gr. zukor; for 10 UAH. van. tsukor and powder for vipіchka; borosno - 510 gr.; kefir in a quantity 195 ml; 200 UAH sl. olії; sil. Eggs are not necessary.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Boroshno need only pros_yane. Let's just sweat the flour in a bowl with powder for brewing. There I am correcting the words. oil, rosemary, but not melted and not hard. I add strength to the sum, van. tsukor, white tsukor st.l.
  2. I pour kefir at the bowl, I mix it up. Vono may be soft and elastic. Rozkochuyu in the layer, about 3 mm. Rіzhu for marriage, close to 8 cm in width and 20 cm at the dovzhin.
  3. I put a cherry in the middle of the husband, I pour zukor to the animal, and I make a long-haired cowbass, pinching on the old one. I put it on the form at the sight of spirals and bake a pie 25 min. in the oven at 190 gr.
  4. The cake needs to be embellished, I’ll use the vicarious tsukor. powder. Recipes not to put singing minds embellish the tops, and decorate your pies with savory tastes, like a soul.

And one more clarification, as I give the recipe: from cherries it is necessary to have a long distance of brushes, so that it would be better to eat, even if there is a great chance to chip a tooth for an hour of living the pie. Everything can be served before tea.

Yagіdno-syrny pie

Did the bazhannya show up a savory dessert? Todi vi stumbled exactly for the address, the rajah turned respect for the whole recipe: a jellied pie with yagidnoy and sulfuric additive.

The relish of yoga without the need for respite is divine. A savory pie is even browner, aje vin on syria berries. Dessert tanutime in roti, wine vіdmіnno pіdіyde on a snack to a cup of cavi or favorite tea, a bottle of milk, in the meantime you can add tsukor for relish.

The curvature of the yagid should not be underestimated, bring the stink of the frozen looking stench to revenge the mass of vitamins and microelements. Take frozen and fresh berries for the filling, spiraling on your own ability that time of year.

A pie with berries is prepared for less than 1 year 10 min. UAH 100 product 310 kcal.

Components for dough: flour - 350 gr.; 100 UAH sl. olії; 2 tsp powder for vaping; 200 UAH zukor ta 2 pcs. chickens. eggs.
Filling components: 4 pcs. chickens. egg; 750 gr. sire; for 150 UAH. grew up olії ta sakh. pisku; 250 ml of milk and vanilla. Kefir in this recipe does not win.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I beat the eggs, adding tsukor. Boroshno add sumish, powder for wine, rast. butter. Zamіshu іsto for the help of a kitchen mixer.
  2. I cover the form with a special paper, I put it down. I cover with cheese, put pekti in the oven for 40 minutes. close to 180 UAH.
  3. I cut my berries into little pieces, put them on a savory pie. You can fill the pies with jelly for the cake, according to the instructions on the packaging, as necessary, I report tsukor.

Poured pies are like rich people. The stench is greeted with gusto, the ringing looks like a ringing call, but it’s awkward to get ready. As I already said, the filling can be like this, and you can create your own unique cake and pamper your loved ones with it.

I have chosen in one step for the sake of helping you to make licorice or salted pies, as your family will pay for offending shocks:

  • It is important to ask, so that the flood would be rare.
  • If it didn’t run out so fast, take a deep form and that problem will be solved.
  • Vykoristovyte powder for vypіkannya, soda, shchob pirіg buv pishnim.
  • The filling should be put in front of it, like putting it in pies, processed in a thermal way. In this rank, you won’t be an orphan, then, bake better at the vipіchtsі.
  • If you start making a delicious pie of kefir, don’t slam the door of the oven, in such a rank, the wine won’t settle.
  • Boroshno on the pie can be only white and high grade. Obov'yazkovo is necessary for the pros_yane of the kіlka razіv borosno, so that the sumish was saturated with sourness.
  • Zukor, strength, spices, pepper may not be suitable for the tastes, but give them to the eye, spiraling on the taste of the water.

My video recipe

Would you like some licorice and more savory, but spend an hour at the cooking time? To make a simple pie on kefir, which can be prepared for the treatment of illness. Obviously, if you happen to bud, until the wine is boiled, then after that you can enjoy the taste of homemade wine.

A simple pie on kefir in the oven "On a swedish hand" - a photo-recipe

One of the options for a delicious pie is baked for an additional recipe. Yogo warehouse is even simpler, which is worthy of rich gospodars, even if you so often want to cook savory savory before tea, and with your hand, just simple ingredients.

Your rating:

Cooking hour: 35 hwilin

Quantity: 6 servings


  • Egg: 1 pc.
  • Kefir: 1 tbsp.
  • Boroshno: 1.5 st.
  • Zukor: 1 tbsp. l.
  • Soda: 1 tbsp. l.
  • Estimated: 1 tbsp. l.

Cooking instructions

    The egg is beaten and beaten.

    Roztirayemo іz tsukrom.

    The soda is extinguished without interruption over the egg mass. Let's add kefir and borosno here.

    Let's move on.

    Pour the dough into the form, smeared with olive oil. We put an oven for 20 quills near the grill. Behind the bajans, the surface is decorated with favorite fruits, jams and homemade jams. Virib rozryzaemo on shmatochki and treat loved ones.

    Even more savory is that swedish pie on kefir with varennyam

    Such a simple, ale, insanely savory dessert will delight your children, as well as guests who came for tea.


  • Favorite brew - 1 tbsp.
  • Kefir - 1 tbsp.
  • Zukor - 1/2 tbsp.
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Soda - 1/2 tsp
  • Boroshno - 2 tbsp.

What work:

  1. Let's take all the components in one mist. Otrimana masa is not the fault of the mother of the breasts and it is hard to make pancakes.
  2. Vilivayemo yogo in the form (front smeared with fat) and put in the oven.
  3. Vip_kaєmo at 180 degrees stretching pіvgodini.
  4. Top can be smeared with jam or jam. Vіd tsogo gusto only be better.

3 apples

The tastiest apple pie will be the perfect addition to any tea party.


  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Boroshno - 1.5 tbsp.
  • Kefir - 1 tbsp.
  • Soda - 1/2 tsp
  • Strength is a pinch.
  • Zukor - 1/2 tbsp.

For filling:

  • Apple - 3-4 pcs.
  • Cinnamon - to taste.
  • Zukor - to the taste.
  • Vanilla zukor - sachet.

How to get ready:

  1. We change all the components of the great capacity.
  2. Peeled apples are cut into small cubes.
  3. At the masked shape, half the dough is twisted, an apple is placed on the new one.
  4. From above we sip cinnamon, vanilla and splendid zukr, and then we fill it with a rack of dough.
  5. We're ready to go for 180 degrees, it's close to spring.
  6. Remove from the oven and sip the top with chives powder.

With chi fruits

Superbly savory vipіchka is suitable not only for a child, but also for an adult.


  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Kefir - 1.5 tbsp.
  • Tsukrovy pisok - 1.5 tbsp.
  • Boroshno - 1.5-2 tbsp.
  • Vanilin - pivbag.
  • Rozpushuvach - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Be like berries or fruits.


  1. We change all components to homogeneity.
  2. The masu is twisted into a smeared topskin olive shape.
  3. Berries and cut fruits are laid out for the beast.
  4. Vipkaєmo pivgodini until ready for a temperature of 180 degrees.

Popular pie "Zebra" on kefir

Tsey dessert є bagatioh, beloved by the sausages. And everything that looks like wine is even more original.


  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Cocoa - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Zukor - 1 tbsp.
  • Soda - 1 year.
  • Kefir - 1 tbsp.
  • Vanilla zukor - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Boroshno - 1.5 tbsp.

What we work:

  1. For the cob, the eggs are beaten with a squeaky squeak, until the masa is succumbing to the cob.
  2. Okremo zmіshuєmo kefіr іz soda and wilvaєmo sumіsh to the egg.
  3. Here, all the vanilla tsukor is boisterously, diligently mixing, so that the breasts are hidden.
  4. Otrimane severly divided into pieces and added cocoa in one part.
  5. Now in the form according to the blue we add 2 tablespoons of this color. Zavdyaki tsomu on the surface of that surface, a garni of swarthy vizerunok comes out.
  6. We bake a pie at a temperature of 180 degrees, close to winter. We re-verify readiness for help of sirnik.

Behind the bajans you can cut the bread into 2-3 cakes, pierce them with your favorite cream and smear them with the beast. Viide right cake.

Recipe for a rare jellied pie on kefir with eggs and green tsibuley - just that shvidko

If the guests are already on the porosi, zavzhda add the recipe for tsієї vypіchki. And everything that її is easy to prepare.


  • Kefir - pivlitra.
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Zukor - 1/2 tsp
  • Strength - 1/2 tsp.
  • Rozpushuvach - 2.5 tbsp. l.
  • Sonyashnikova oliya - 2-3 tbsp. l.
  • Vershkov butter - 50 g.

For filling:

  • Eggs - 6 pieces.
  • Green cibula - 2 bunches.
  • Strength - 1/2 tsp.
  • Chopped pepper.


  1. We cook eggs and cut them into cubes of medium size.
  2. Let's sweat a green cibulus, yak before it, let us see a defective feast and relatively miemo cold water.
  3. Tsibulyu that egg zmіshuєmo, do not forget to salt and pepper the filling.
  4. We mix all the ingredients in the masa, so that the breast does not thicken.
  5. We are preparing a form for vaping. I'm sorry for the olive.
  6. Half filled with dough, we add egg-cibule filling and cover it with too much dough.
  7. We fix it at the oven. Vipkaєmo for 180 degrees 35 whilin.

Kefir pie with cabbage

Tsya vipіchka vryatuє gospodarok, like to love to pamper relatives, but they don’t get an hour. Such a pie, in the same cabbage charlotte, is prepared incredibly easily, but it has a tasteless relish.


  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Kefir - 200 ml.
  • Boroshno - 150-200 rubles.
  • Strength for taste.
  • Rozpushuvach - 1 tsp.
  • Sesame - 3-4 tbsp. l. (on the bazhannu).


  • Cabbage - 1 head (small chi middle).
  • Carrot, cibula (for bajannyam) - 1 pc.
  • Greens - a small bunch.
  • Spices - for gusto.

Covering process:

  1. Let’s start preparing the fillings: it’s necessary to quench the shredded cabbage with vegetables in advance, so that it gets cold again. Then add spices and plant greens.
  2. We mix one egg with a lot of other ingredients. Otrimana sumish may be thick.
  3. Two eggs that are left out are beaten well in an okremіy єmnostі.
  4. In the form, resolutely smeared with olive oil, we add about half of the dough, spread over the new cabbage.
  5. On top we beat the eggs around and curl the dough, which is overflowing.
  6. We attach a small amount of sesame to the bajans.
  7. Cooking ovens at 200 degrees is about pivgodini.
  8. Let's get a little cold and you can enjoy the miraculous relish of fragrant wine.

3 potatoes

A pie with potatoes is not only a beautiful savory taste, but it will please the skin of the master with the simplicity of preparation.


  • Kefir - 230 ml.
  • 1 egg.
  • Boroshno - 170
  • Soda - half tsp
  • Lemon sik abo ocet - for extinguishing soda.


  • Potato - 3 large or 5 medium.
  • Tsibulya - half of tsibulini (not obov'yazkovo).
  • Spices and herbs.

How to get ready:

  1. Potatoes are placed in front of them, not peeling from the skins, we put them to boil.
  2. At the end of the day, all the components for the test will be taken.
  3. I’ll grate potatoes at the same time with a smeared cibulia, add spices.
  4. Half of the dough is laid out in a smeared shape. After that we spread the stuffing and the dough, which is gone.
  5. We put the pie in the oven, as it needs to be heated up to 170 degrees. There you can spend 40 minutes.

3 minced meat

This pie is more than white, and it’s easier to cook yogo.

Main components:

  • Boroshno wheat - 400 g.
  • Strength - 1 year.
  • Kefir - 400 ml.
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Tsukrovy pisok - 1 year.
  • Kitchen soda - 1 tsp
  • Vershkov and Roslin oil - 50 g each.


  • Pork or yalovichi minced meat - pіvkіlograma.
  • Cibulya - 250 g.
  • Creep - a bundle.
  • The watchmaker is a sprat of teeth, behind the bajans.
  • Pepper is strong.
  • Oliya Sonyashnikova.

Yak pekti:

  1. Rіzhemo tsibulyu and obsmazhuєmo її.
  2. At the frying pan add minced meat, add some greens, spices.
  3. Minced meat is actively crushed with a saw, so that you can beat it into the breasts.
  4. Prodovzhuєmo lubricate five quills with a stretch.
  5. Zmіshuєmo eggs, sil, kefir and zukor in one container, and soda with boroshnoy - in another.
  6. Everything is welcome.
  7. A part of the dough is twisted in a smeared shape and the stuffing is spread over the top. You can dodatkovo posipati greenery.
  8. From above, it is curved with too much foundation.
  9. Vipkaєmo for a temperature of 180 degrees with a stretch of 40-50 strands.

Rib pie on kefir or yogo variation with canned food

This pie will become a miraculous addition to the picnic in nature. Get ready to finish the wine, and the miraculous relish of the ribs will tempt you to lay down.


  • Boroshno - 600
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Kefir - 250 ml.
  • Roslinna Oliya - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Zukor - 1 year.
  • Strength - 1 year.
  • Soda - 1/2 tsp
  • Lemon acid - 1 tsp.


  • Ribi abo ribni canned fillet (sardine) - 250 g.
  • Cibulya - 2 small heads.
  • Fine-grained rice - 100 g.
  • Sonyashnikova Oliya - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Specials.

Intercession activities:

  1. Zmіshuєmo eggs, strength, tsukor, soda that borosho.
  2. At the sumish, we pour kefir, add citric acid with olive oil.
  3. Kindness is mixed up to uniformity.
  4. Retelno promition rice is cooked by pulling five quills. Like in rice, a little water has been lost, it is necessary to anger obov'yazkovo.
  5. While the croup is reaching, it is dryly rіzhemo tsibulyu.
  6. Gasimo yogo in roasted oil 5-7 quills, adding spices in front.
  7. Let's get cold again.
  8. Ribou is cooked as much as possible. When vikoristannі preserves, just crush the ribs with a spoon, anger the motherland in advance. Obov'yazkovo is necessary to take away all the guests' brushes.
  9. We smear the mold for baking and weave it in half the dough.
  10. We offer rice, canned ribs or riba and cibula.
  11. Curve the filling with excess dough. Ready for 180 degrees stretching pivgodini.

3 Sirom

Such a blue syrian pie to replace a wonderful evening and pidide as a parting to the guests.


  • Boroshno - 1.5 tbsp.
  • Kefir - 1 tbsp.
  • Soda - tretina tsp
  • Roslinna Oliya - 50-60


  • Sir - 300
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Greens - a bunch.
  • Chasnik - a sprat of teeth (behind the bajan).
  • Vershkov oil - for lubrication of surfaces.

How to get ready:

  1. At kefir, add flour | borosno | and mix it up.
  2. At the middle stage of mixing, soda is introduced.
  3. For example, we pour in trochas of dewy olії.
  4. We give a good test of 20 quills.
  5. Tim an hour three sir on the third.
  6. We add other components.
  7. The basis is rocked with a rocking chair, put on a sheet, equal and put on the shape of a flat cake.
  8. At the center we place a hot filling and we pinch the edges of the shortbread tightly, stretching it out.
  9. Virib is lightly pressed, giving the necessary form.
  10. Vipkaєmo at 220 degrees is close to 25 quills.
  11. The top of the finished cake is resolutely smeared with butter. Served to the table at the hot look.

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