What does the word katya mean. The meaning of the name Katerina

What does the word katya mean. The meaning of the name Katerina

Short form of the name Katerina. Katya, Katyukha, Katyusha, Katena, Katyunya, Katyura, Katyusya, Katyulya, Katyakha, Katyasha, Rina, Katerinka, Katerinka, Kate, Ket, Ketі.
Synonyms of the name Katerina. Katrina, Katerina, Katrin, Katarina, Catalina, Katalіno, Katalіn, Katel, Trine, Kaisa, Ketlin, Kyatlin, Ketevan, Katalіya, Karen.
Pokhodzhennya named after Katerina. Im'ya Katerina Russian, Orthodox, Catholic, Greek.

Im'ya Katerina came to the Russian language from the Greek language, which means pure, immaculate. In rich Western European languages, there are two phonetic variants of the name in parallel: Katerina (Ketrin, Katharina) and Catalina (Ketlin, Katlin, Caitlin - Catlin, Caitlin).

In this hour, a variant of the name Katerina - Catalina has appeared, which is gaining popularity and can be respected as independent names, so we caress the animals to the names of Katerina, Catalina, Katerina and their variations. The analogue of the name Katerina among Georgia was the name Ketevan. In the 1950s and 1960s, the top ten most popular names were added (highlighted by Katherine), and in 1965, the year became one of the most popular names in American girls.

Among Christians, the great martyr Kateryna Oleksandriyska is especially swaying, as she is respected as the patron saint of the naming. And among Catholics, they shanue as a heavenly intercessor for children and women, schoolchildren and students, and also as a patron of such professions as a vikladach, a librarian, a philosopher, a lawyer, a spinner, a knifemaker and a grinder. Also Katerina Oleksandriyska intercedes for the cities of Yekaterinburg, Dnipropetrovsk (Katerinoslav), Krasnodar (Katerinodar), Aalzum (Holland) and the University of Paris.

Katerina is strongly disturbed by the high level of intelligence. In vchinkah, the girl can be transcendently impulsive and proud. It is important to know the superiority of other people. Tse vіdbuvaєtsya that vnutrіshno dіvchina constantly joking nedolіki and suffering because of vigadanі innocence.

Katerina is a true dreamer. Mayuchi rich awake, it's easy to make your own friends and lovers. In the presence of close people, the maiden checks us in front of arrogance and looks at them like a support.

In high school, Katya is smeared with the first class, resolutely chooses her own colloquialism, surrounding it with more than wild lovers. Vaughn is talanovite and generous, to that it is rich to go. And if you don’t go into it, then call Katya to whom Katya might lose his znevaga to the help of the otochyuchy.

Be yakі podії at your life Katerina take it easy. She's always striman and reasonable. In the midst of the soothing views of the house, it’s like vihovana, that tactful girl is kind, the relish of that grandeur is not spared. Katya reveals her intelligence from the first thoughts of intercourse. Although Katya cannot be called sassy, ​​she is even more subjective and often takes the blame. She has a lot of spiritual subtlety and gnuchkost, and the character of a swidshe can be called important.

However, the life of Katerina is the life of the cicave and is richer. Behind the temperament, the girl is a choleric. It’s easy for her to get out of herself, for an hour she realizes that she can protect herself. Vaughn is often spared іntuїtsії ta dіє, spiraling on her mind. Katya is 100% uplifted in her rosy strengths. Її vchinki rich in what to lie down for a variety of reasons. The girl does not have firm moral principles. Zovni Katya is often overwhelmed with baiduzha.

Companion of life Katerina picks up even more relatively, she spends a lot of time on yoga jokes. The girl is not deprived of the respect of her relative status. However, it will not be possible for a long time to choose the s-pomіzh shanuvalnikov of the one who has become a good man. Among the natives, it is strange and awake, but dissatisfaction can turn into aggression and drama. In the presence of Katya, I’ll show my feelings of a boisterous check, but she’ll become a garniable master and retinue. For her, it’s not difficult for her to solve problems, even though the manager of the warehouse can get sick and break up.

Katerina has no pretensions, as if they could claim to be the sensation of life. She loves to watch concerts, go to the cinema, get married, but don’t see it all. The robot also becomes a method. Like a practitioner, Katya is completely diyal, but her visor is not worn out. Among professions, she also has no luck. Most of all, Katerina becomes an advertiser or a journalist. It is quite possible to inspire that the girl has attained commemorative successes in her field.

Sounding. Katerina - dosit dovge im'ya, scho z five warehouses. Greatness is the most important characteristic of yoga. Often they also emphasize strength (91%), beauty (90%) and mystery (83%) of the sound of a name. In some cases, femininity is differentiated to a new one (74%). Names similar to the phonosemantic profile are Viktoriya, Valeriya and Elizaveta.

Birthday Katerini

Vіdomi people z im'yam Katerina

  • Katerina II Velika ((1729-1796) in the name of the people - Sophia Augusta Frederick von Anshal at the development of that vision of the Russian Empire.
  • Katerina Dashkova ((1743 / 1744-1810) born - Vorontsova, zamіzhzhya - Princess Dashkova; friend and associate of Empress Katerina II, participant in the sovereign coup d'etat 1762. , seen in 1840 near London).)
  • Katerina Budanova ((1916-1943) first woman-pilot, Hero of the Russian Federation, vinischuvach pilot)
  • Katerina Maksimova ((1939-2009) Russian and Russian ballerina, choreographer, choreographer, ballet teacher. People's Artist of the USSR (1973). Laureate of the State Prize of the USSR (1981).)
  • Katerina Furtseva ((1910-1974) radian state and party fiend, minister of culture of the USSR from 1960 to 1974)
  • Katarina Vitt ((born 1965) prominent German figure skater, Olympic champion in single skating (1984, 1988), champion of the world (1984, 1985, 1987, 1988), 8-8)
  • Katarina Behm (Swiss film actress)
  • Katerina Vasilyeva ((nar. 1945) Radian and Russian theater and film actress, People's Artist of the RRFSR (1987))
  • Katerina Radzivil ((1858-1941) Polish writer and swindler, representative of the count Rzhevuski family)
  • Katerina Raikina ((born 1938) Russian theater and film actress, Honored Artist of the RRFSR)
  • Katherine Zeta-Jones ((born 1969) English film actress)
  • Katherine Heigl ((born 1978) American film actress)
  • Katerina Semenova ((stage name - Katya Semenova; Russian pop singer, composer and film actress)
  • Katerina Bagration (born - Skavronska; princess, squad of the commander Bagration, who became famous in Europe for her beauty and trouble-free behavior)
  • Katerina Zhulova ((1830-1905) behind the person - Nebolsina; Russian dramatic artist)
  • Katerina Geltser ((1876-1962) Russian Radianskaya ballerina)
  • Kete Kolvits ((1867-1945) German artist and sculptor)
  • Kati Karrenbauer (German partner and film actress)
  • Ketelina (Katalina) Ponor ((born 1987) Romanian gymnast, three-time Olympic champion, champion of the world and Europe)
  • Katerina Gordєєva ((born 1971) Russian and Russian figure skater, she competed in the pair skating. In a pair with Sergієm Grinkov - dvorazov champion of the Olympic Games 1988 and 1994, four-time champion of the world, three-time champion of the European
  • Katerina Vilmont (Russian writer, author of ironic women's prose)
  • Katerina Telesheva (Teleshova, Telesheva) ((1804-1857) Russian ballerina, student of Didlo and E.I. Kolosova was in love)
  • Katerina Avdєєva ((1789-1865) born - Polova; Russian writer, writer of Russian folk tales, author of books on home economics; sister of N.A. Polovoy and K.A. Polovoy)
  • Katherine Bigelow ((born 1951) American film director, who works in the genre of science fiction, action movies and films. "Oscar", as director.)
  • Kate Moss ((born 1974) British supermodel and actress. Seen as one of the most paid models of the 1990s and 2000s.)
  • Katarzyna Skowronska ((born 1983) Polish volleyball player, striker, gravestone of the national team. Two-time European champion (2003 and 2005).)
  • Catherine Medici or Catherine Maria Romola di Lorenzo de Medici ((1519-1589) Queen and Regent of France (1560-1563 and 1574), squad of Henry II, King of France from the Angouleme Line of the Valois Dynasty)
  • Katrina Madsen (Danish jazz singer)
  • Trine Jensen (Danish handball player)
  • Katharina Souri (Finnish fashion model, actress and writer)
  • Kaisa Mäkäräinen (Makarainen) (Finnish biathlete)
  • Karin Alvtegen (Swedish writer, author of detective novels)
  • Catherine Denev ((nar. 1943) pseudonym, born - Catherine Fab'en Dorleac; French actress. The third of four daughters of French actors Maurice Dorleac and Rene Deneuve. at that moment I saw my elder sister Francoise Dorleac (two other sisters - Sylvia and Daniela Dorleac - also actresses.)
  • Kaisa Bergkvist (Swedish sportswoman, champion of the world of the world of stribkiv at the height)
  • Katya Kramarchik ((nar. 1984) nickname before zamіzhzhya - Schulke; German handball player, role - goalkeeper)
  • Katya Miru Pevek ((born 1988) American actress)
  • Katya Kirilova Paskaleva ((1945-2002) Bulgarian actress)
  • Katya Ocean ((nar. 1981) right name - Katerina IVlieva; Belarusian singer, as well as a radio star, actress, composer and author of texts)
  • Katya Galstyan ((born 1993) a lizhnitsa of the time, took part in the 2014 Olympiad)
  • Katya Zaitzinger ((born 1972) a German female athlete, three times became an Olympic champion, a bagatarase champion of other championships)
  • Katya Khankhen Leni Rimann ((born 1963) German actress, also a sleeper)
  • Katya Kapovich ((nar. 1960) outside her name - Katerina; Russian and American poetess, prose writer. Editor of the English poetic magazine Fulcrum.)
  • Katya Klep ((nar. 1993) right name - Katerina Trofimova; Russian video blogger. Knowing sketches, making music videos and musical parodies). Її video projects are among the top 10 best-selling in Russia.)
  • Katya Guerreiro ((nar. 1976) Portuguese spivachka, a fan of the fado genre)
  • Katya Haller ((born 1981) Italian biathlete, rich winner of various championships)
  • Katya Adushkina ((nar. 2003) by name - Katerina; Russian video blogger, popular among the middle audience)
  • Katya Kishchuk ((nar. 1993) Russian couple and fashion model)
  • Katya Ogonyok ((1977-2007) reference name - Kristina Penkhasova, nickname after the zamіzhzhya - Bogdanov; Russian song, genre - chanson)
  • Katya Lel ((nar. 1974) right name - Katerina Chuprinina; Russian couple)

Sounds badass. That’s why many fathers call their donoks like that. Ale, first name your child by name, you need to know more about her. Alright, let's get started:


I'm a choleric, more emotional. Often there are problems with the nervous system. Її easily irritated. Katerina, honoring the name of such a rozburhuy mind rich people, dealing with people's anger, even vibrating in her contacts.

Stan to the body

It will lie in the mind of the psyche. It is necessary to pay special attention to the nervous system.

Katerina quickly gets tired, but renews her strength for a long time. Їy necessary trivial dream.

Sphere of activity

Do not burn bazhannyam chimos korisnym, wanting to look like a dial specialty. Katerina is not very patient. It is not uncommon for a woman to marry two hares at the same time. Zhodna the robot does not privablyuє її. And yet there is a chance to realize yourself in the field of advertising and journalism. Katerina, pozhennya imeni yakoy tsіkavit bagatioh, you can become a kind fakhіvtsem.

family life

Bіlya tsієї dіvchini zavzhdі є є kіlkіst cavalry, cholіvіkі dіzhe befits, аlе sіm'yu create pіzno. The foreigner is ready to fight only for the people, I go to her for the character. Katerina will not be hotter to show her kohannya, but good mother and mother Vaughn can easily cope with the most significant family and other difficulties, but a serious problem may appear without force. Showing respect to all members of the family, but hot feelings, as a rule, she does not blame anyone.

What else can you say about this name?

Im'ya Katerina already accepts that rich richly appropriately.

In the last century, children were so often called. Winickly to name nominal words. For example, lyalok was called katy. Tsikavo, what's wrong? And "assign Katya" meant to beat. Today, tsey vislav already, as a rule, does not win. "Kateriniti" meant riches. Do you know why? Just “kittens” were called one hundred karbovantsiv, which had a portrait of the empress. At that hour it was worth a great sum. On this day, I am sitting for ten months for popularity. It's a whole zadovіlny display. And it's not surprising that there are many who chirp, the stars sound like Katerina, people want to know his history.


Katerina appears to be innocuous, she is easy to strike. There's a dream about the ideal person and spodіvaєєs zstrіti itself such a person, ale rocky go, but the partner does not change. Tsya girl in a right way to love sex. Vaughn is sensitive, that chuyna is accommodating. For the trivality of sex, Katerina becomes anxious, hot and hot. Paradoxically, those who are out of the blue rarely show passion and give their partner a cold one. The most sexual girls are, as a rule, Katerina Eduardivna.

Im'ya Katerina: meaning, adventure

Whose root. The word "katarios" is translated as "innocent, pure." The axis is so sweeter than the meaning of that name. One more word falls on my mind - catharsis. It is shifted like a cleanser.

In Western countries, the first letter "e" is not in the same name, it can be, for example, like Katherine. In Catholic tradition, young boys are called similar names. And yourself, Katherine. Ale, let's turn around until that darkness is gone. Im'ya Katerina means "truthful, immaculate, pure." To sound more penetrating and beautiful, that is why the bearer herself is given a strong and harmonious personality. If you smell it, associations come to your head with loud angry and thunderous grumblings, and there is an impression that you can talk about self-discipline, original nature, which shows the strength of emotions. Katerina, the honor of the name of which you are now known, without question, to a bright specialty.

Katerini's character

The bearer of the name is more often than not, she knows her own price and often cannot reconcile herself with it, that these are people who turn it around in some way. In secret, looking away, you are given yourself a little flawed in certain aspects and try to bring yourself to know what is wrong. The girl loves dreams, she has a miracle mind. What is more worthy of love and friendship, then the most important thing for her is stability, the ability to stand in one’s eyes and gain peace of mind. Katerina is a viable and kind person.

Vaughn is merciful and noble. The story of the journey of the name of Katerina is suddenly guessing. For some reason, the girls її are true. A lot of people, if they smell tse im'ya, they immediately reveal themselves to the empress - that proud ruler. However, it is true, as a rule, that girls do not have such wickedness. The children of Katya are more selfish, they try to read better for everyone and oppose less with leaders. The stench is rich, artistic, economical, but at the same time, don’t harm your friends. Katerinas always rely only on themselves and are guided by the help of close people, although they themselves do not have a strong character, which allows them to independently get into difficulties. Before changes in life, evils or wealth, they should be philosophical, react adequately and calmly. They exalt with intelligence, strimanity, placid kindness, garnish relish and miraculous manners. Katerina opposes the restless ones with her volatility. She looks at subjectivity, often takes on her account those who cannot lie before her. She has to finish, but її life is free of tskavih pods and sparkle with bright farbs. Today is with her, how holy. It can be said that Katerina, the trip to her name is no longer a secret, live to the fullest. Rich someone to tease, and the girl is watching, but she tries not to show it.

Now you know everything about the name Katerina. If everything appeals to you, then you can boldly call your donka that way.

Short and variegated variations: Katya, Katyusha, Katyunya, Katena, Katyasha, Katerinka.

Name analogues in other languages: English Catherine, Kate, Belarusian Katerina, Bulgarian Katerina, Katerina, Spanish Catalina, Italian Caterina, German Katharina, Kathrin, Polish Katarzyna, Ukrainian Katerina, French Catherine, Czech Katerina.

Latin transliteration of the Russian foreign passport - Ekaterina.

Podzhennya named after "Katerina"

Im'ya Katerina in translation from Greek means "pure, immaculate", it looks like the Greek word "katarios". Massive witnesses are strongly associated with the image of Empress Katherine the Great in that era, and all of Katenka’s life is all the life of the Queen’s Trochs – chilkistyu vanity, chi kingdom of manners.

On the 7th of the breast, the Holy Great Martyr Prince Katerina is born, as she lived in the fourth century of our eri. Vaughn accepted the baptism after that, as she danced in the dream of the Mother of God with little Jesus. Vaughn was not afraid in the guise of vikriti the pagan-king for those who had persecuted and tormented the Christians, and then she was beheaded by his order.

From the very childishness of Katerina, it seems that she is a child in her own head. Until then, you won’t love the labor and store it and you don’t want to share what you have taken. Tsukerki, apples and little gifts of grown-ups, the maiden's madness, neatly stacked in the intestines, rarely treat friends.

Among the class, Katya sings a leader, diligently and troch zarazumila, and among friends she chooses the same leaders, as well as strong and smart lads. Growing up, she loves to alienate herself with people, like her cicavi, can bring melancholy. Vitalnya in її budinka becomes the queen’s right hand, instill it in the soul Katya is not at all impressed in herself.

Katerina - call out for her specialty, and if she doesn’t spare her character or with her visible beauty, she’s very worried about her lack of goodness to her powerful name, and she can fall into depression. Zagali intimidate Katerina's vanity not varto, wanting a good fire to get out of the mind and from the satisfaction of pіdtremaє.

It’s important for Katerina to know what others think about her, and it’s important that a lot of thought has been formed about her. Ale woe to the one who suspects Katerina of tsoma - they won’t know it, but they will recognize such a person as a faker. Obraznikov Katerina for a long time you can’t work, and often you can kill an absolutely cold-blooded place.

Katya can be timid, not sung in herself a woman, but looking at her, you will be regal, and you will be regal with anger. It’s easy for her to get out of herself, it’s better, she’s able to take everything on her own account. Katerini has an important character, and her life is more boisterous.

She can extravagantly dress up, behave in a sullen manner, but sound like she is showing inner restlessness, as if she were revisiting Katerina's whole life. Katerina has a rich imagination, so you can shock the public with your knowledge. Pragnuchy know vpevnіst, vdavatsya to non-traditional methods, turn to psychics and fortune-telling.

Katerini can easily cope with any tasks. The stench is not strong enough to any particular kind of activity, but it feels badly in the creaks. Golovna, that her willpower would take Katerina away from her imperiousness and impulsiveness.

Cholovik Katerina chooses among the number of chanuvalniks for a long time diligently. Call out to take fidelity from your partner. The people of Katerina will love them, and they will go far away, if Katya is not the best of the master, they will try to get into the house in a family life far from smut. She often fails to properly teach her children.

Horoscope named "Katerina"

Katerina will want Sagittarius and Leo, and її planets - the Sun and Jupiter. Katerini's totem roslina is a lotus and midnight, as well as cedar, the tree of kings. Її totems - a term and a swan, like Katya is similar to all her life of royalty and coldness to people. Good luck, as if she were wearing a blue and red robe, and Katerini's talisman is chrysolite.

Sense of name

Katerina is the best friend,. And the axis with Viktor, Kiril, Mikola, Philip, Yakov її vodnosini, better for everything, does not add up.

Name the girl Katya maє sens, її according to the father's life Augustivna, Yuliїvna, Yuriivna, Єfremіvna, Adamіvna chi Glibovna.

Katerina and domestic creatures

Katerina, start to love creatures, but it’s rare to get a dog at the booth. You molt with her, she's too busy with her problems. If children are pushing, they choose a great dog: chow-chow, colli, St. Bernard, Newfoundland. At any other time, it is impossible to get a boxer, a great dane or a bull terrier, you won’t run into the wriggling of such a dog, її nervousness, drativity make the dog neurotic, non-crowded.

Katinim vikhovantsy get soft nicknames: Lizzy, Jessica, Dune, Ness, Bonnie, Hamilton, Geofan, Fanny, Mason, Jason, Til.

Popularity and statistics of the name

Im'ya Katerina, like fathers gave daughters at the people, to do it more popular. For 1000 newborn girls, the following were taken off (from the average for periods, Moscow):

  • 1900-1909 years: 63 (4 months)
  • 1924-1932 rocky: (not in ten)
  • 1950-1959 rocky: (not in ten)
  • 1978-1981 rocks: 42 (10 months)
  • 2008 river (8 months)

The most popular can be called the version that The meaning of the name Katerina is "forever pure". Depending on the version, it is important that the name Katerina resembles the Greek name Αικατερίνη (“Haykaterina”) may have the same meaning. Prote varto designate that the version is recounted by deaky fahivtsy. For example, the famous Oxford Dictionary of Names writes that the etymology of the name Αικατερίνη is unknown and does not have its meaning.

Like the most popular names in Russia, the name Katerina came to us from Greece, at the same time from the adopters of Orthodoxy. Ale, it didn’t become popular in Russia. It gained its popularity already in the 17th century. And the name of the day after the reign of Katerina the other Great was extremely popular. Up to 20 of the most popular women's names in Russia can be included on this year's name Katerina.

The meaning of the name Katerina for a girl

In childhood, Katyusha is calm and has a contact girl. Vaughn quickly learn to speak and speak not in a childish kind. Tse attach to her like children, and mature. It's easy to make friends in the garden at the school. One-year-olds are glad, like Katya to come grati. Katya is the leader of children's games and organizes her own resolution herself.

Katerina, to inspire children, marnoslavna. To love first and foremost motive є її on the front of the school. Sufficiently from the early century, he has a memory of commercialism. Love instead of praise, gifts. With one kind word, do not comfort Katerina.

Katerinka can please the fathers, but it is necessary to be careful. She has a weakness to the level of hormonal ashes, and the most difficult period for her is the state of maturation. At this hour, it is necessary to give special respect to health.

Short name of Katerina

Katya, Katyukha, Katyura, Katyakha, Katyasha, Katya, Rina.

Changing colorful names

Katerinka, Katerishka, Katerishka, Katyusha, Katyunya, Katunya, Katyusya, Katusya, Katyulya, Katena.

Im'ya Katerina my English

In the English language, the name Katya (Katerina) is written in several variants - Catherine, Katharine and Katherine.

Im'ya Katerina for a foreign passport– EKATERINA.

Translation of the name Katerina in other languages

Belarusian - Katsyarina
Bulgarian - Katerina, Katerina
Ugrian - Katalin
walnut - Αικατερίνη
Spanish - Catalina, Catarina
Italian - Caterina
Chinese - 叶卡特琳娜
Latin - Catharina
German - Kat (h) arina, Kat (h) rin
Polish - Katarzyna
Slovenian - Katarina
Ukrainian - Katerina
French - Catherine, Cathy
Finnish - Katariina
Czech - Katerina
Japanese - 公平里

Im'ya Katerina according to the church(At the Orthodox faith) it becomes immutable. Katerina - tse church im'ya, like being present at Christmas time.

Characteristics of the name Katerina

Katya is truthful, that kind of person. Vaughn to try the right tricks, she tries to always tell the truth. Such is the characteristic of Katy rice that it is not uncommon to mischief in life, but she does not change her behavior. For her, the right toppings are important for the benefit of the team. With such a correct setting for life, one is pleased with the cheerfulness and lightness of splintering. It is possible to characterize Katya as if I were a sociable girl.

On the robot, Katya is a native speaker. Vaughn is diligent and active. Pragne improve the result, as if you were aware of the power of congestion. Chi is not shy to conflicts and tactful in behavior. Vmіє zgladzhuvati folded moments in stosunkah between colleagues.

With this, Katya is specific. Її the obedience is to blame for the constant її pampering and then the very accommodating. Zamіzh go out for a rozrachunk and not even tse come. You can’t get Katerina out of a penny alone. The very setting up to the princess - tse those who adore her. The children of that person are important to her and become an important part of her life, but you don’t want to take care of them.

Mystery named after Katerina

Mystic Katya can be called її anger and greed. While everything is good, you know and do not know about such secrets. However, as soon as you try to follow these rules, then everything is clear. The people of Katya, who have stopped її pampering, recognize "a lot of new things" about themselves. Tse can be said about the friends of that colleague. As soon as you notice that you can see the blue of the invisible or the most viable option, then you easily open the weary links. So, don’t go to hell with Katerina, well, don’t start them.

Golovni risi of the hairdresser of his name - passion is that power. Katerina is focused on internal growth, proud, sensitive and ambitious.

Im'ya Katerina, in Greek translation, meaning "immaculate".

Pokhodzhennya named after Katerina:

I'm like the ancient Greek word "katarios", which means "cleansing".

Characteristics of that clouding named after Katerina:

Already small, Katerina is in her mind and clearly knows what she wants. Vaughn is cunning and burdensome, taking away the malt and gifts from the father. The navchanni is smart, always clearly stating what she looks for and what is visible to her. Successful one-liners Katerina takes it painfully, for everything else, but first, for children and young companies, it is often the “center” or takes on the formation of an elite for itself. If you don’t win spiritual strength for leadership, don’t waste your time in the company of “significant ones”. From the children it is reasonable, ale drativliva, it is easy to come out of itself. It hurts to endure the collapse of fantasies.

Katerina does not show grace to any specific area of ​​activity, you can choose whether you like. In the face of the unloved monotonous robot, it quickly gets into a rush, becomes irritating and prim. Pratsovita i is ready to go forward. At the car'er, rozrakhovu tіlki on their own strength and pіdsvіdomo zavzhd pragne to change colleagues, buti to the gathering, but more. A strong will will ring out to success, but innocence can boost your strength. Katerina chirps with mysticism, subtly imagining music and instilling in a mature girl does not flood the childish light of her fantasies, she is practically relieved of deep predilections and inner super-accuracies from herself. Until old age, they become shy and distrustful, Katerina's summers are often stupid and noisy.

Katerina's friends are whispering roses, help that podtrimki. Be generous with your loved ones yourself, the soul is in them forever. Deeply depicted Katerina can become drib'yazkovoy, and the falsehood will be left forever in good memory. Impulsivity leads to ill-conceived vchinkiv, and here friends are important for Katerina, like allowing her to pardon. Vaughn is not the most provocative friend and warm spirited, but intelligent and gentry, ready to give a hint.

Katerina rarely can make a non-standard sound, the stench of a garni is simple and bright, “Russian” beauty; To love garno dress up. Nevpevnena in her own way is shy to the point of being hvilyuvannya Katerina can be a trifle extravagant, but nothing supernatural. Katerina is willing to support her achievements, women and women. In people, they value that kindness of soul, whisper caresses and zahistu, razzing to dryness. It is an aesthetic nature to rob Katerina with a sensitive and open in the lizhka. Sexual life implicitly pours into his character, more dissatisfied with robbing him, drastically, unkindly, building up to harm.

Katerini - masters of diligence, but not overthrown. To love children, but often not to succumb, then to pamper, then to be set up to transcendental severity, for an hour you don’t understand your daughters.

Far away will be the union of Katerina with Pavel, Igor, Semyon, Anatoly and Boris, problems can be blamed on the bride with Mikola, Yakov, Viktor and Kiril.

Katerini, who came to the world of vzimka, are guilty and vitoncheni in kohanna, "litnі" - not less biased, ale sorom'yazlivі. "Spring" - ambitious and inconsistent, and the people of autumn - natural companions and coquettes.


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