Specialist hygiene of health. Details about special hygiene

Specialist hygiene of health. Details about special hygiene

A person is grown up and alive in society, it is necessary for him to call on the globally accepted norms. For example, with such rules of conduct, etiquette, hygiene. Dotrimanny norms allow people to live in full, and vikonannya, for example, helps to improve and save your health.

Specialist hygiene - what is it? This is one of the razdіlіv zagalnoї іgієni, vyvchennya kakogo spryamovane on zaberezhennya that zmіtsnennya zdorov'ya people. Vikonannya hygienic procedures nischuu presence of bacteria, which lead to a change in the disease of the disease.

Distributed special hygiene

Specialists of hygiene considered so divided, like hygiene:

  • bodies and shkiri people;
  • empty company;
  • sleep that vіdpochinku - correctly organіzovanіrovanіrovannya dream that svoєchasne yogo cherguvannya z praceyu;
  • life;
  • take that robe.

Hygiene items

Specialist hygiene - what is it? Tse zvedennya rules, dotrimannya yakikh to help save that prodovzhiti zdorov'ya. For carrying out hygienic procedures, it is necessary to use individual items. Before them one can see:

  • towel;
  • nicely;
  • washcloth;
  • Toothbrush;
  • razor;
  • manicure set;
  • comb;
  • a complex of sight-seeing skins: cream, lotion, tonic, scrub, mask;
  • clipper;
  • decorative cosmetics;
  • deodorant, antiperspirant.

The variety of presented objects helps people to easily carry out hygienic procedures, directing them to keep the body clean, which will help them to get rid of possible illnesses.

Vimogi special hygiene

Let's look at the main ambush of the skin directly with special hygiene.

Body hygiene:

  1. Take your soul in time. This procedure needs to be completed daily. The result will be a change in microbes and small microorganisms on the body of a person, which will reduce the risk of illness.
  2. Hands that nіgtі guilty utrimuvatisya in cleanliness. Give special respect to nails, shards under them can accumulate a large number of small microbes.
  3. Trim your feet in purity, mity the day.

Hair hygiene:

  1. Mitya was hairy in the world. In this case, it is not recommended to vicorate hot water, as it is possible to strengthen the vision of the scalp fat, which will lead to a filthy wiping of shampoo from the hair.
  2. Choose cosmetics for hair depending on the type of hair.
  3. For example, rinse your hair in cold water.
  4. Do not use a hair dryer to dry.
  5. If necessary, wear a hair mask.
  6. Mother your comb.
  • A toothbrush is an individual item for skin care.
  • Brush your teeth 2 times a day: before bedtime.
  • Rinse your mouth after a skin wash.
  • See a dentist 1 time per appointment.

Hygiene of the lower bility, clothes, vzatta:

  • trim your clothes and wear them clean;
  • minify the sleep of the day;
  • do not give your special clothes to anyone and do not show off to strangers;
  • dress up speeches visibly to the minds of the weather;
  • choose clothes from yakіsnyh natural fabrics.

Hygiene of the sleeping area:

  • change bedtime at the same time;
  • mother clothes for sleep;
  • the bedroom may be cleaner and fresher;
  • pіdtremuvati optimal water regime;
  • the bedroom space can be comfortable and comfortable.

Hygiene of a child

The special hygiene of the child is laid by the fathers. On the back of the head, all hygienic procedures are done for the little ones themselves, and in the world, the grown-up child begins to work independently.

If the child becomes a faggot, the main principles of hygiene are already guilty of vikonuvaty automatically: rush in, brush your teeth in the evening, pray, trim your robes that vzuttya at cleanliness. However, you need to know what special hygiene is. What is it? Tse principles, what you need to do, to improve your health.

Before them one can see:

  • properly organized employment and activities;
  • full night sleep, at least 9 years old;
  • doing sports;
  • rational eating.

Inspection of hygiene of children in view of hygiene of children

Hygiene of the little ones, the trochs are reborn in the child, the shards in the organism of this century are changing. Boys and girls are growing up, they begin to show human and female signs clearly. To this, the fathers are guilty of adding an hour and explaining to the child, how changes will be with her, and as a result of special hygiene.

In girls, give respect to the appearance of the first menstruation and explain how to properly carry out the hygiene of state organs.

Principles of special hygiene in pidlіtkіv

The child looks at the school, works hard, wins a personal computer. At zv'yazku z tsim it is necessary to take care of the Father's duty to surround the hour for a computer, a tablet, a TV set, to watch for equal illumination for an hour of a busy child.

Oskіlki special hygienist of a person is directed to the preservation of that pіdtrimannya її zdorov'ya, then one of the main warehouses of this directly is the right food. For the responsibility of posterity, the father should be guarded, if he did not live in poor food, with whom to control the presence of full-fledged eating at least three times a day.

You can see the following basic principles of healthy eating food:

  • taking no less than three times a day;
  • wink over fruits and vegetables in your diet;
  • unique snack, vzhivannya chips, fast food, croutons;
  • surround with boroshnyanoe and licorice;
  • to control the norms of content of vitamins, minerals and other brown words for the body.

Dotrimannya special hygiene - obov'yazok skin people. In the transitional period, there are changes in primary hygiene procedures. In this person, the hormonal background is changing, which leads to the appearance of a blackhead on the face like in boys, and in girls. It is the fault of the special hygienist to include the correct look behind the skin of the guise: the choice of lotions, tonics, masks, scrubs and other cosmetic products, which are chosen according to the type of skins individually.

The lads begin to grow hair in their disguise, it is the father's fault to buy a safe razor and learn how to be curly, so as not to harm the shkir of disguise. I would like to give special respect to the hygiene of the organs of boys and girls.


The special hygiene of the people plays a great role in the designated life in the household. In order to achieve success, you need not only a mother of garni knowledge, but also a special hygiene: to trim the body and clothes in cleanliness, to trim the principles of proper eating, the mother of good health and the need to improve health

Specialist hygiene - what is it? Tse zvedennya rules, vikonuyuchi yakі people continue their lives and improve their health. Zovnishnіy vglyad pokazyva, naskіlki kozhen іndivіd dotrimuєє principleіv іgієni. The goodness of the clothes, the sound, the healthy color of the guise, the clean skin, the athletic figure is the guarantee of a successful and trivial life of a person.

The specialty of hygiene is the consistency of hygienic rules for the behavior of a person in the field and at a walk. Vikonanny ruled special hygiene measures to protect and improve the health of people. The rules of special hygiene include the regime of the day, work and repair, rational eating, pickling, physical culture, watch over the skin, hygiene clothes, taking that life.

The specialty of hygiene is the most important element in the formation of healthy skin people and suspіlstva zagal. Without the introduction of simple rules of conduct for our everyday life and activity, it is impossible to save your health, continue to improve the quality of your life, and also prevent the appearance of rich diseases.

The newcomers of the special traditional hygiene, appeared from the hours of the birth of humankind, and they expand with the development of the suspense of the summer. Tse sukupnіst zagalnyh hygienіchnyh vymog that norms for people of any age and kind to take: the correct drawing of rosum and physical practice; busy with physical culture and zagartovannyam; rational eating; watch over the body (empty company, hands, skin, nails, hair); deep sleep; choose a dress, which will tell the minds of the weather; morning at the cleanliness of the life of that working place; the choice of only individual subjects will be pobuted and richly different.

Pershochergovim є dotrimannya cleanliness of the body. Microorganisms settle on the brudniy shkіrі, which cause blockage of the duct and slough, as a result, the activity is destroyed, pustules and fungal infection develop. A particularly rich amount of bacteria accumulates on the veins of the body - the hands and under the nails. Cute - a unique wine of humankind, which allows to destroy up to 93% of microorganisms. In this hour, widen the range of care, which may have a three-fold antibacterial effect. If you don’t forget to put your hands in front of him, in front of the robot with groceries, if you see the toilet, then you have a lot less chance of getting sick with intestinal infections.

Korisno is also doused with cold water in the early evening. It is clumsy and does not require a lot of time for a procedure, like a cream of a hygienic effect, swearing, toning, pouring into the skin.

Shkira is the outer covering of the human body. The surface area of ​​the shkiri has grown to be 1.5-2 m. One of the main functions of the shkiri is its protective function. So, the spring fat padding of the shkіri and її elasticity protect against stretching, the vice and the clogging of the internal organs and m'yazi. The horn ball of the shkiri protects the glibshi balls from hanging. In addition, wine is resistant to various chemical speeches. Pigment melanin protects skin from ultraviolet exposure. The skin protects the body of a person from the penetration of microorganism, pathogenic infections.

An important protective function of the shkiri is the fate of thermoregulation (maintenance of normal body temperature). 80% of the heat transfer to the body is covered by the skin.

Shkira takes part in the regulation of the exchange of speech in the body, especially water, mineral, carbohydrate and protein, takes part in the immune reactions of the body, so watching her is one of the main components in special human hygiene. Saving the shkiri in a healthy state is vital for the constant turbot about the cleanliness and carrying out the procedures for harvesting. The purity of the shkiri is the main thing of the mind for a normal life. The surface ball of the shkir has a large number of sweat veins and hair follicles, in which saws, ford, and bacteria are trimmed. In addition, there are constantly accumulating products of the exchange, which are seen as a sheet (lard, pet, horn stripes). Everything is necessary to systematically sweep from the surface of the shkiri. Mitya shkir is necessary for the improvement of її іndivіdualnyh idiosyncrasies.

So, with normal and oily coats for a mitt, it is dotally vikoristovuvaty neutral toiletry cute, and with dry - cosmetic, glycerin and іn. Baths and showers are recommended to be taken at least once a day by the best minds, but due to the improvement of the environmental situation, due to the daily wandering. Corisno is also good for pouring cold water on the morning and in the evening without naming, like a crimson hygienic effect, to rob a warming, tonic splash on the skin. It’s bad to accustom yourself, whether it’s a mitt of the body, to finish with cold douches with a shower.

Shkіru disguise that shiї it is necessary to take a liege in the evening. Dry skin, sensitive to atmospheric swells (wind, frost and others.), It is often not recommended to mitigate. After washing in or taking water procedures, a life-giving cream can be applied to the skin of the face. About the correctness of the sight behind the skin of the face, it is possible to witness the freshness of that healthy zabarvlennya.

The skin of the hands must be washed with sweet, room-temperature water, as cold water is to dry the skin, and hot water is very unfat. Shkіru nіg bazhano miti this evening, after a working day. When this happens, the mitt is browned with special creams to look after the skin, yak, cream of the life effect, prevent the elimination of cracks on the soles, saturate the prevention of fungal infection of the skin.

Pleasantly pouring on the camp shkіri, they give baths, bathing at the waters of the rivers and іn.

The whiteness and cleanliness of the clothes, as well as the suitability of the season and the climatic minds, are one of the most important criteria for special hygiene. Clothes are vikoristovuetsya people for the protection of the body from the unfriendly factors of the outer environment - low or high temperatures, somnoy radiation, wind, atmospheric fallout, and thereby protect the body from the appearance of colds. Vzuttya also may help to install hygienic helpers. Vaughn is not guilty of clenching her leg, overstepping the natural rush of her feet. Always wear it right, as if it were suitable for the season and the climatic minds of the region of residence.

In special hygiene, the health of the teeth, clear, mucous membrane of the mouth is of great importance. It is important for the normal process of eating, for the prevention of mucosal-intestinal diseases. With insufficient observation behind the empty mouth, tooth ailments can develop, for example, caries. For the sake of such a person, I will be recommended at least two times to visit the dentist. The main function of the teeth is to refine, re-chew the teeth. It was well chewed and leaked with a sludge of a spray of normal robotic organs of etching. Looking after the empty mouth - tse, persh for all the savings in a healthy camp of teeth. With insufficient observation behind the empty mouth, ailments of the teeth can develop. The biggest spread of diseased teeth is caries. The main cause of yogo vindication is the ruination of the microorganism of the dental plaque on the hard tissue of the teeth.

One of the ways to prevent caries is to regularly brush your teeth. The teeth should be cleaned after the day, and especially resolutely (not less than 3 minutes) after the evening. For cleaning teeth, it is recommended to use a brush with piece bristles. In addition, in the intercourse between women and women before going to bed (after brushing teeth) there is a trace of malt and boron herbs. For prophylaxis, I will recommend teething at least twice a day to get to the doctor.

Specialist hygiene includes hair care. Hair - horn-like thread-like shkiri, which make up the hairline - protect the body (head) from mechanical shocks and waste heat. The trivality of life, the intensity of growth, and the power of the hair were injected with a look after them, and also come in to improve the body (normal sleep, rational eating, engaging in physical culture, zagartouvannya).

Nasampered, hair must be kept clean. For oily hair we recommend once a week, for dry and normal hair - once for 10-14 days. For a mitt, the hair is better than vikoristovuvat soft water (I will add salts of calcium, magnesium, salt), as well as wood. Dry hair is recommended with a special shampoo, and for oily hair with a mild shampoo. In addition, to save hair, it is recommended 2-3 years before the mitt (oily hair) to rub into the head skin with scarlet, carrots or cibules. For rinsing oily hair, it is recommended to vicorate nastya from burdock root.

A haircut is also necessary for the mind to look after the hair. Men are recommended to have their hair cut once every 3-4 days, women - if necessary.

The activity of a person is impossible without a complete recovery, for us, for a calm and thriving sleep. It is necessary to finish the hour of sleep at the right time, vrakhovuuchi with which it is possible to take care of all the early and evening hygienic procedures without haste.

Hygiene is a science that is made up of a wealth of divisions, among which special hygiene specialists occupy the most important field. Specialist Hygiene -the consistency of obov'yazkovyh rules of behavior of a person on a robot that at home. Hygiene is of great importance - the body is thin, clothing and household items will be kept clean. Violation of the rules of special hygiene and healthy people can permanently bring yoga and members of this family in harmony. This situation can be blamed, as if one member of this family was ill, ale, being covered with charcoal utensils. The result of the health of the others was given a blow, so that the special hygiene and health are inextricably linked one to one.

Specialist hygiene includes a sprinkling of rules, dotrimuvatisya such goiters of the skin of a person: maintenance of cleanliness of the body, the correct regimen of practice and recovery, physical right, rational eating.


Vaughn covers all the body and is a barrier for the penetration of various ailments. Krim zahisnoї funktsії, shkіra vykonuє kіlka іnshih: dikhalnu, receptor, thermoregulatory ... On nіy є impersonal pіr, through yakі schotizhnya you can see 5-7 l of sweat and 200 g of fat. In order for this most important organ to function correctly, the skin must be cleaned. A good watch over the body can be a ritual ritual.

  • Today you need to take a shower with water at a comfortable temperature. But for people with a dry skin, it is often not recommended to wear a mitt, so as not to disrupt the protective function of the skin. A guise, pakhvi ta groin obov'yazkovo mity today. For these purposes, you can win victorious vodpovidnі zabebi spying - nice, hel. The skin of a person can be selected individually. Hygiene shkiri transferring scrub scrubs to exfoliate parts of the dead epithelium.
  • Not once a day, the procedure can be more priming - at the lazna, sauna, or just at the bath.
  • Today you need to cleanse the face, after which you apply a healing cream.
  • Items of special hygiene - a washcloth, a towel - can be individualized.
  • Bedtime whiteness is necessary to change once a day.

Hands and feet

Hygiene of the hands plays an important role in maintaining health: from many hands to the mouth, they can consume harmful microorganism and vibrate an unbearable reaction. To keep an eye on your hands, you need to regularly brush your feet with manicures and pedicure accessories - brushes, nail files, pumice stone. Nigti relatively clean and gently pip. The feet of the day need to be washed with cold water to change the sweat. And it is necessary for the hands to miti after coming home, before and after cooking, before and after going to the toilet and just because the stench can get wandering. On that slope, as if there are no minds of the hands, it is necessary to mother a servlet with your own help.

Hair hygiene

So that the hair could be looked at, it was necessary to learn how to do the tricky rules.

  1. Mitya's head is required for the need - as if the type of hair is normal, then dosit once a day.
  2. Vybіr sabu for the hair with a well-thought-out approach - at the same time, from the shampoo, you can polish the body into the body without the use of speech.
  3. For a bliss of hair, rinse after the mitt with infusion of sprinkling or chamomile.
  4. It is not recommended to rub your hair with a towel - only get wet.
  5. Drying them with a hair dryer is also not necessary - if you allow an hour, then give them the opportunity to dry on the floor.

Hygiene empty company

In the main rules of special hygiene of shoes, it is necessary to look after the empty mouth.

  • You need to brush your teeth for two days - in the evening, after that, no less than 3 quills. Shchitka bazhana vikoristovuvaty medium softness.
  • To clean the interdental space, you can brush with dental floss or a toothpick.
  • For cleansing it is clear, the cheek and tongue have rich options for scrapers and a spatula, and for the destruction of all microbes in an empty mouth, it is necessary to zastosovuvat opoliskuvach.
  • However, regular cleaning will not be a guarantee that you will not blame caries for another problem. To rozpochat likuvannya at an early stage, it is necessary to look at the dentist.

Women's hygiene rules

You can understand about special hygiene but you know skin people from childhood. Especially important stench for women. Knowing them and calling out from the children of their vikonuvaty, be it a girl, do not boast in any situation.

Intimate inspection is individual for the skin woman and is obliged to include the code of obov'yazykovyh rules.

  1. You need at least two girls for a day. Water can be flowing. Ruhi is due from the front to the back, so that the sight from the anus is not consumed until the pikhvi.
  2. It is necessary to rise only to the bottom, without vikoristannya washcloths.
  3. Towel for intimate hygiene may be special or papery.
  4. A hygienic servlet can also be used for someone else, as it is not possible to speed up with water.
  5. The lower whiteness can skip the air without interruption. It is more comfortable to wear bavovnyan.
  6. The intimate hygiene of a girl’s clothes can be well thought out: it’s impossible for you to beat the shower gel, but it’s nice to make sure that it doesn’t fit individually. The stench can cause irritation or cause illness. That is the best way out - you need to go to the gynecologist and bathe yourself for hygiene for your joy. In extreme weather, it is possible to adjust pH2.5 to 3.5 to eliminate lactic acid, so as not to damage the microflora.
  7. Under the hour of menstruation, it is required up to five times a day, in order to build up the shelter, which is laid out.

Clothes and sweat

In the rules of special hygiene, that healthy people have an important role in playing clothes, so that they are clean.

  • The lower white, including pantyhose, panchos and scarves, needs to change the day, the stench can be fresh.
  • Clothes and vzutya mayut buti іndivіdualnymi and vіdvіdati season.
  • Linings of chobits, laces and shoes, clean the world of zabrudnennya.

Measles for health

Depending on the other points of the rules, eating can be povnotsinnym and rational, safe for the people and the physical activity of the people, revenge enough calories, protein, carbohydrates and fat. The correct mode of eating is also necessary for a consistent rhythm of life: a person eats 5-6 times a day and does not go hungry. Dotrimanny rules of special hygiene in the kitchen will be a guarantee that there will be no intestinal disorder. Father, do not suffer health.

Engaged in sports, that and just physical rights, physical practice, walks on a fresh day, a different active mind - a necessary and reasonable allowance after a working day and at a weekend. Tse allow to increase the exchange of speeches, the tone of the vessels and the heart, to restore the strength of the body.

The importance of special hygiene is important to reevaluate.

Ale, a hygienical letter can be known to people from children and to be vigilantly victorious with them, and even if ailments are bypassed.

Main article: Hygiene

Hygiene Specialist(Іndivіdualna) - rozdіl gіgієni Where Money Does vivchayutsya power zberezhennya that zmіtsnennya Zdorov'ya Lyudin, dotrimannya gіgієnіchnih rules that zahodіv at Yogo NKVD zhittі that dіyalnostі, rozroblyayutsya that come in Conductive gіgієnіchnogo vihovannya, propaganda gіgієnіchnih Knowledge is the healthiest way of Zhittya metoyu pіdvischennya gіgієnіchnoї culture population. Before her enter the nourishment of a hygienic body (shkiri, hair, nails, teeth), taking that robe, life, the rules of rational eating, zagartovuvannya the body and physical culture. With this special care, special hygiene is also involved in sexology (special hygiene of state organs, hygiene of state life) and hygiene of work (special hygiene of workers during labor activities).

To a greater wide mind, special hygiene specialist- this is the behavior of a person, directed to the hygiene of the body (shkiri, hair, nails, teeth), taking that robe, life, garnishing the body. Є nevid'emnoyu part of a healthy way of life.

Significance of special hygiene in life

The mitt of hands is one of the ways to prevent infection with intestinal infections

On the vіdmіnu vіd suspіlnoї hygієni, by the way є є zmіtsnennya zdorov'ya populyatsіy аbo zdorov'ya populiї, special hygiene is directed to the savings of that zmіtsnennya іndivіdualnogo zdorov'ya people.

Be-Yakі smeared Suspієїi Гігієнина не замена и имети і і not zakom zabegesti healthy people, yak nehtuvatima the foundations of individual Gigієni (Dotrmannya Regima Pratska Tu Vіdptochinka, a meal dream, Ratzіonalnna Kharchuvnya, is sufficiently looked at the svіzhoya Poktrіv, Dotrymanny Roti , clothes, employment from zagartovannya and physical culture, the presence of shkidlivyh zvichok, such as smoking and drinking alcohol and other.). Systematically disrespectful setting up to the hygienic minds of life improves one's health and reduces practicality.

In this case, special hygiene is inextricably linked with hygiene in general, including with suspension. So, the lack of special hygiene in everyday life, especially representatives of certain professions, nada unacceptable influx on healthy people (passive smoking, viniknennya that widening of infectious diseases and helminthiasis, debilitating skinny).

Hygiene of the human body

Tupfer that zastosovuetsya like a vibrichka

Hygienic inspection of the body may be carried out every day.

Specialist Hygiene of the Organs

Hearing hygienist

Hygiene of hearing organs

Special Hygiene of the Empty Company

dental floss

Hygiene of an empty mouth is a way to prevent tooth decay, gingivitis, periodontal disease, an unacceptable smell from empty mouth (halitis) and other dental diseases. It includes both a good cleaning, and a professional one, like a doctor-stomatologist (sanitation of an empty company).

A hygienic inspection of an empty company is to be carried out at least 2 times a day (following that evening). It is necessary to use a toothbrush with soft bristles and toothpaste (tooth powder). Brush your teeth over the vertical arms of the brush. It is necessary to wear a shield in the world, but it is not necessary to lower the skin for 3-4 months. Obov'yazkovo is necessary to use dental floss for cleaning the bichny surfaces of the teeth between them. The toothbrush can be individual. Also zastosovuyt іnshі stomatologichіnі zasobi, like polishing for oral emptying, dental servets, toothpicks.

As a prophylaxis for deodorization of an empty mouth, after that, removal of surpluses and normalization of pH, it is possible to stop a chewing gum without a zucru, for a greater effect, dentists recommend stopping medical or functional chewing gums with xylite and functional additives. After skin irritation, it is necessary to rinse your mouth.


Specialist Hygiene Shkіri

The skin of a person sees that skin of fat, zabrudnyuetsya saw. At the norm, on the shkіr_ people live some microorganism, the natural microflora of people. When fermented, the coat loses its own power and on it, pathogenic microorganisms begin to multiply, and lard, spreading out, repair the odors. A large number of microorganisms accumulate under the nails. It is recommended that you take a good hygienic shower, cut your nails short on a regular basis. You can get infected with intestinal infections and helminthiasis through the brood of the hands, so that it is necessary to wash your hands with a sweet hand after turning home from the streets, after going to the toilet, before eating. It is necessary to wash your feet before going to bed with a distant rubbing with a towel.

Mitya's hair grows up no more than 1-2 times a day. For a little hair, that head should be zastosovuyut shampoo. Combs, attached to the lower leg, buti individually.

Also, before the hygienic entrances, there is a need to wear mittens, robes, sweats, creams for the defense of the skins in the opikiv, frostbite, injuries (scratched, sore, slaughtered, rolling pins), aggressive chemical, abrasive and contagious speeches.

Specialist Hygiene of State Organs and Intermediate

Tampon gynecological Woman's urinal

The lack of rules for special hygiene of state organs can lead to such illnesses as urethritis, cystitis, colpitis, bartholinitis, candidiasis - in girls and women, urethritis, balanitis, balanoposthitis - in boys and boys. In connection with the fact that the skin of state organs vibrates smegma and accumulates, it is necessary to regularly feed. Pіdmivannya nemovlyat be carried out after the act of defecation or sechovypuskannya. In order to escape infection with ailments that are transmitted by the state way, it is necessary to coristuate only with individual means of special hygiene (towel, washcloth, razors). After a skin act of defecation, it is necessary to zastosovuvat toilet paper or lift it.

In girls, women

It is necessary to carry out the lifting and lifting of the ovnishnіshnіh organіv of girls, girls and women from the front to the back, in order to avoid the introduction of infection from the anus to the vulva. Drink up every day with warm water. It is not often followed by victories dear, as it is necessary to cause dryness of the mucous membrane of the vulva and damage to the normal microflora of the pihvi, splintering may cause a puddle reaction. In case of impossibility of feeding, follow the stasis of water (hygiene) of the servlet, as well as stasis after the skin act of sechovi- sion . Under the hour of menstruation, there are special hygiene items (hygiene pad, gynecological tampon, menstrual cup, etc.).

Sleep hygiene

It is necessary to take care of the sleep regimen and sleeplessness. The sleepiness of a night's sleep is due to at least 7 years, so that you don't get enough sleep. Obov'yazkovo slid to the regime of work and recovery, work interrupted for recovery by a working day, win short holidays and short days of work.

Hygienic rules of rational eating

  • Dotrimanny to the mode of eating: the frequency of eating (for an adult person - at least 3 times per meal); the correct distribution of the grub diet for an hour by stretching the doby (no more than 50% after 18.00);
  • Balanced eating for a nutritional warehouse with a stretch of doby: sp_v_dnoshnenya of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - 1: 1.2: 4.6;
  • Energetic adequacy of eating: increasing the norms of caloric content during the day in the fallow time due to physical demand, stats, weight and other factors (with a moderate demand for grown-up people - on average, close to 2850 kcal);
  • Dotrimannya could be safe in the food products of eating: mittya fruits and vegetables before living in the hedgehog, dotrimannya terms of saving and attaching food products;
  • Dotrimannya nutritional regimen;
  • Sufficient relief from even vitamins, microelements, essential amino acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Healthy eating

Hygiene of state life

Female condom

It is aimed at preventing the culprit of illnesses that are transmitted by the state, including phthyriasis, the prevention of somatic illnesses of the human reproductive system, and the preservation of sexual health.

Do not allow awkward article contacts. In case of statutory contacts, it is not planned to vaccinate that people of the child, so contraceptives should be installed. In case of different types of sexual contacts, it is necessary to put condoms together, then for drinking, and for women for douching, to use antiseptics (such as miramistin, chlorhexidine and in) with the method of individual prevention of illness, which are passed on. It is recommended to take precautionary measures for syphilis, VIL, hepatitis B, visit a gynecologist (for women) and a urologist/andrologist (for men) for the presence of symptoms, periodic preventive measures.

Specialist Hygiene clothes and vzuttya

The clothes protect people from the cold, snow, wood, superworldly sleepy radiation, protect the skin from various zabrudnen and shkidlivyh pleats. The clothes are to blame for the weather minds, lie down freely to the body, do not encircle the ruhi, do not crush the skin. It is better than fabrics made from natural fibers (bavovnyanі, llanі, vovnіnі, etc.), because the stench is more povіtro-i vapour-permeable, it's easier to absorb pet. When picking it up, it is necessary to protect the width of the foot, the number of feet, the large shards can lead to abrasions, and small ones to frostbite and deformation. Vzuttya may be individual. It is necessary to stitch clothes for cleanliness, especially whites and scarves, at the same time wear or change them.

Hygiene rules for morning living

Living accommodation may be checked less than 1 ten days a day, the cleaning is carried out - less than 1 ten days a day.

Specialist Hygiene of Pratsivnikiv pіd hour of labor activity

Specialist Hygiene of Public Eating and Water Supply

Prior to the introduction of the rule of special hygiene by the farmers of the communal food (distant, cafes, restaurants, grocery stores, enterprises for the production of food, storage, transportation of foodstuffs like ready-made food, so sirovini with alcoholic beverages) that water supply is especially important. It is mindful that underestimation of the rules of special hygiene for the category of practitioners can lead to massive illness among the population.

Mustache individuals, as if they were looking for a job, can pass outside the medical obstezhennya.

Specialist hygiene for medical personnel

Latex mitt

Osoblivostі dotrimannya rules osobistoї gіgієni medichnimi pratsіvnikami obumovlenі tim, scho stink of one side of the weakening bezposeredno kontaktuyut ailing organіzmom patsієntіv, of іnshogo side deyakі patsієnti strazhdayut on іnfektsіynі hvorobi, neobhіdnіst contact of bіologіchnimi rіdinami that vidіlennyami patsієntіv. In this way, the special hygiene of medical practitioners includes broader approaches to prevent infection (abuse, injury) of patients and the prevention of infection with infectious diseases, the addition of other critical factors when working with medical equipment on the medical practitioners themselves.

Specialist Hygiene of Perucars

Specialist Hygiene of Pratsіvnikіv іz shkіdlivym umomov pratsі

Disposable respirator Suits for the zahistu of the ionizing mindfulness

To shkіdlivih minds pratsі can lie virobnichi noise, saws, aerosols, vapors of toxic speeches, microorganism, allergies, low and high temperature, electromagnetic (VHF, laser) and ionizuyuchi vibration and other.

Irrespective of the technicalities, go straight to the hygiene of the normalization of the minds of the practice, it is impossible for an hour to turn off the influx of shky factors on the practitioners of such professions. Therefore, additionally zastosovuyutsya sche іndivіdualnі zasobi zakhistu аnd punished come in shоdo lowering such vplivіv.

So, for an individual protection against a saw (vugіlny, asbestos, budіvelny, etc.), masks and respirators, eyepieces, earplugs, a smart working robe, a mitt in the showers are put in place.

For the sound of noise and vibration, for the individual sound, put on special gum kilimki, mittens, earplugs, earmuffs, sholomophones. It is necessary to trim the regime (reducing the contact time, or the influx of the speed factor).

Specialist Hygiene of the Sick



Ancient statue. Goddess of health Gіgіya, daughter of the god of joy Asclepius Hygiene at the exhibition of the artist Gustav Klimt

Hygiene(Greek hygieinós, health) - divided medicine, which instilled the minds of life and practice on healthy people and expanded come in (sanitary norms and rules), straightened out in advance of illness, ensuring optimal minds of the mind, improving health and the continuation of life ; medical science ( hygiene), that we have added factors of dovkіllya to the health of people, yogo praceszdatnіst and trivality of life, that we expand the standards, help and sanitary come in, direct to the improvement of the population of the city, the minds of life and the viability of people.

As a result, there are two objects of hygiene - factors of the medium and the reaction of the body, and are corroborated by knowledge and methods of physics, chemistry, biology, geography and other. sciences that teach the middle ground, such as medical disciplines, such as physiology, anatomy and pathophysiology, epidemiology, clinical medicine, and also victorious statistical and analytical methods of such sciences as mathematics, sociology.

Officials of the middle class are diverse and share:

Applied distribution of hygiene, directing to the distribution of methods of optimizing and preventing, is called sanitation. Qi come are implemented in the complex: architectural and planning, sanitary and technical, medical and preventive, organizational and planning, sanitary and legislative and other.

The result of the sanitary-legislative directly є іsnuyuchi hygienic standards - the maximum permissible concentration (MPC), the maximum permissible level (MPC) and others. As a matter of fact, the hygiene itself ensures the safety of the individual, zapobigayuchi influx of shkidlivyh factors.


The name "gіgієna" (ὑγίεια - "healthy", other Greek ὑγιεινή - "healthy") resembles the name of the ancient Greek goddess of health Gіgії (іn.-Greek Ὑγιεία, Ὑγεία), daughter of the ancient Greek god.

History of winemaking and development of hygiene

Vislovlyuvannya Cicero "Salus populi suprema lex esto" ("May the good of the people be with the law")
Illustrated on the commemorative medal of the Russian State Service "90 Years of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of Russia"

Great Cloaca - a diagram of a part of the ancient sewage system on the map of Ancient Rome The aqueduct near Segovia is a ground-based branch of the multi-kilometer water supply system of Ancient Rome, I century BC. e. (dovzhina-728 m, elevation-28 m)

Try the creation of the rules of a healthy life from the legislature, the religious orders, and from the names of the big nationalities from time immemorial. And yet, with this hygiene, science was formed not long ago. In the development of hygiene as a science and applied medical discipline, one can see a few periods, on which the social and economical minds of the skin period were poured.

First period ( ancient) - in ancient times (Egypt, Judea, Greece and Rome). Tsіkaviy is less than disparate historical facts. This period is characterized by practical directing of hygiene. The law of Moses already has the rules of individual prevention (the mode of eating, the state of hygiene, the isolation of contagious ailments, etc.), control over the implementation of such rules is dependently on the priests. In Greece, the emphasis was mainly in the field of physical culture, the improvement of physical strength and beauty, which ruled dietetics. Tsey directly the development of hygiene can be seen in the works of Hippocrates (456-356 BC). Thus, the treatise “About wind, water and soil” gives an assessment of the impact of these factors on health. At the same time in Greece, there are rethinks of sanitary visits, yakі є є sposobistї hygієnoy і may on methі revitalization even tsilih groups of the population. For example, sanitary-technical spores were built at the localities for water supply, disposal of sewage. At Rome, more distances have poked their way, these aqueducts for water supply, sewerage ditches for leaving can be considered an engineering diva at that hour. They tried to try to conduct a sanitary inspection of everyday life, grub products, they tried to make arrangements for the planting of sanitary officials. The Slavic tribes also guarded the elements of prevention, so they carried out fumigation with herbs, spat clothes and wake up after the death of ailments, made the hour of epidemics, it was recommended that the population should be in high places, dry, protected from the wind, with sufficient water.

Blokholivka - an invisible element of the wardrobe of the middle class

After that period, in the period of the middle ages, hygiene began to develop its own development. Epidemics and pandemics of plague, natural influenza, typhoid fever, influenza, syphilis devastated the countryside, bringing today a slightly different hygienic reach. The low cost of life and pobutu, social irritability and inexorable wars have sown the development of epidemics and pandemics. Tsomu priyav and vkraiy low rіven sanitary culture and enlightenment. On the edge of a low rіven, I will pobutu leading to a mass development of skin, venereal and ophthalmic ailments. Public sanitation and sanitary-technical spores during the whole period in the places were practical during the day. For example, in the XVIII century, near the center of Berlin, there were vigoni for thinness; in Paris, sewage was poured onto the street, and if in the other half of the 17th century they began to fight against it, then it was marvelous that they fixed it in medals and medals, at palaces and in huge places there were daily closets, washing and towels began to enter into the coop only from the 18th century, that native whiteness was a great blessing. Individual crockery appeared at the 16th century, saws - less at the 17th century.

Prote, during the period of wild winter in Europe, in Asia (Khorezm, Bukhara, Samarkand), science, medicine and medicine developed. So at the ruins of the city, elements of landscaping, water supply and sewerage were revealed. At the practice of Abu Ali Ibn Sini "Canon of Medical Science" there are statements about the hygiene of life, clothing, eating children and people of a frail age, rules for the protection of health and other hygiene recommendations. In Russia in the 10th-11th centuries, respect was given to a good place (water supply and sewerage systems were built in Novgorod in the 11th century, in Moscow in the 17th century), food sanitation and sanitation in the Ukrainians. In the 16th century, for Ivan the Terrible, one sees "Domobud" in the same way, there are instructions about the cleanliness of the life, the mitt of dishes, about the rules of eating. You can see the ABCs, "Svyatoslav's collection" with special hygiene and sickness. In 1581, the Apothecary Chamber was created on the basis of the Apothecary Order. From 1654, after the plague epidemic, the dead were officially healed.

Other period ( current) the development of hygiene begins with the beginning of the 18th century, with the development of craftsmanship and capitalism, the growth of places in Europe. At the same time, the formation of hygiene is like a science, so are sanitary visits. This period can be subdivided into three distinct stages:

  • first stage ( empirical ) characterizes hygiene, like a science, which develops and zastosovuє majestic and administrative character, which are healthy people. Tied indistinctly with the era of "illuminated absolutism." At the same time, the main voice strove for special hygiene. There were achievements in the sphere of dietics. So have pratsyah Ch. Hufeland - "Makrobiotik oder die Kunst das menschliche Leben zu verlangern" already put in vіdminnі vіd lіkuvalіnї medіnіtsіlі: "Give people a rich life", and not only "restore health in times of destruction". J. Frank Have your "System einer vollstandigen medizinischen Polizei" having taken on the development of the sovereign at a glance, the so-called "medical police". Riven the development of the natural sciences at this stage, allowing the work to be less empiric caution and vysnovki. The main methods of practical zastosuvannya hygiene at this stage were especially infused and reconstituted. In Russia, Peter I added a sanitary culture. The Deputy Apothecary order is creating the Medical Office, instructing for the protection of the healthy population and viysk, it was organized to supervise the sanitary regime at the barracks, for food and water supply viysk.
Water-closet - the biggest wine of the 19th century Louis Pasteur (1822-1895)
  • Another stage ( experimental ) are characterized by the development and development of supple hygiene.
Max von Pettenkofer (1818-1901)

The middle of the 19th century is characterized by promiscuous growth, liberalism and democracy. The turbulent development of biological, physical and chemical sciences begins, which gives the possibility of consolidating experimental methods and developing the necessary medium. At this stage of hygiene, already like a scientific discipline, developing the factors of the healthy environment (climate, water, soil, refueling, food, clothes, etc.), their influence on the healthy large groups of the population, promotion of sanitary and technical health. A significant contribution to the development of good hygiene was made by the laboratory investigations of Max Pettenkofer and yoga scientists. They were virobleno low standards of hygienic assessment of the factors of the nautical medium, which are crusted and dosi. The discovery of microorganism, their investigation by Pasteur, Lister, Koch, Mechnikov gave the most important contribution to the development of hygiene.

Matviy Yakovich Mudrov (1776-1831)

Vіdkrittya іnfektsiynykh vobob, priyali zmіtsnennuyu and prosuvannya gigiєnіchnyh and sanitary zahodіv v bortbі z them, nasledom vynіkla nova galuzі іgієni - epіdemіologiya (todі vіdnosilasі іgієni sche). The medical-topographical obstezhennya of mіstsevnosti got in the way of the practice. Having begun to stop statistical analysis and develop statistical methods for linking sickness, mortality with these and other officials of Dovkil. Thus, Quetelet's robots brought to the vindication one more room of hygiene - sanitary (medical) statistics. The change in the development of practical hygiene in the whole period was spawned by new epidemics, like the leaders of serious economic problems.

During the sleep of cholera, which was trapilas in 1854 on the outskirts of Broad Street (nine Broadwick Street) of the London district of Soho, the methodical actions of Dr. John Snow were revealed to be the core of an epidemic - the water from the water intake column was fermented. Snow's research served as a post to the development of epidemiology and thorough water supply and sewerage systems.

So, in England, for the first time, the accumulated scientific achievements of hygiene began to be widely established. The establishment of the causes of the epidemic and the links between these and other factors led to the legislature fixing sanitary entries. During this period, water pipes, water purification, floating sewage, purification and disinfection of drains were installed. This led to a healthy recovery of the population, a decrease in mortality due to intestinal infections in the borders of entire regions and the country. Vinikli new directions of hygiene - hygiene of living, eating, praci. From the same stage, the development of hygiene is characterized by the directness of the health of the population.

Oleksiy Petrovich Dobroslavin (1842-1889) - the first professor of hygiene in Russia

At the same time, chimals have been brought to the development of sciences, to that number of medicine and hygienic knowledge, M. V. Lomonosov has brought, having created the university and having seen his practice “Mirkuvannya about the reproduction and protection of the Russian people.” Nadav znachny infusion and M. Ya. Apply yoga lectures: “About hygiene and ailments, zvichayny in chinnyh vіyskakh, as well as therapy for ailments in camps and hospitals, which are most common”, “About measles and objects of military hygiene, or science, take care of the health of the people, how to save from cholera”. Giving respect to hygienic aspects of medicine and M.I. Pirogov.

“I believe in hygiene. Axis of depolarization of the correct progress of our science. It is possible to rely on foreign medicine. Tsya science bring unparalleled mischief to people "
N. I. Pirogov

Fedir Fedirovich Yerisman (1842-1915)

A.P. Dobroslavin and F.F. Yerisman became the founders of scientific hygiene in Russia. Offended by the teachings of Pettenkofer. Dobroslavin, as a vikladach of the Imperial Viysk Medical Academy, also having adopted the development of Viysk hygiene. In 1883, a hygienic laboratory was opened at the academy. Zavdyaki Yerisman was organized, a laboratory, but then, in 1890, the Institute of Hygiene of the Imperial Moscow University was announced. In 1891, the first city of the sanitary station near Moscow was opened. In the circles, the leaders of the successors and the teachings of Dobroslavin and Yerisman, hygiene education is introduced at all universities of Russia and hygienic laboratories are opened at them. Up to this area of ​​knowledge, where hygiene is concerned, it was added to other disciplines: pharmacology, obstetrics, therapy. And at the same time from ship's medicine, until 1917, the fate of the discipline continued. Hygiene and medical police» ta course « deanery court". On September 15, 1922, the RRFSR RNC adopted the Decree “On the sanitary authorities of the Republic”, which created the sanitary and epidemiological service, established the structure, the main tasks. This day is considered the day of formation of service in Russia. By the Decree, it was ordered to plant sanitary doctors " from global sanitation», « cope with the epidemic» ta « health statistics", as well as planting" sanitary assistant". Settle down" sanitary-epidemichnі pіdvіddіli» ta « sanitary facilities» at the provincial and postal places. The main tasks are: " sanitary protection, drive, check the ground», « sanitary protection of the dwelling», « sanitary protection of food products», « organization of anti-epidemic visits», « organization of struggle against social diseases», « health protection of children”, “sanitary statistics», « sanitary lighting», « the fate of the nurses of the sanitary protection of the practice and the sleeping organization of the likuval-sanitary care”, Punished about the need for preventive directive work and doctors of a likuval profile (reply, zemstvo, military specialists). In 1925, at the Viysk Medical Academy, the Institute of Preventive Knowledge was created at the warehouse of the departments of global, social and military hygiene, bacteriology.

"... an extremely important development of sanitary directives in medicine ..."
"... the doctor is guilty not only of likuvati ailments, but of preventing illness, and that, well, in this way, I believe the ideal side of yoga calling, the most beautiful side of yoga practical activity ... "

(“Healthy accessibility to prevention of sickness and health care” - F. F. Yerisman)

23 Breast 1933 ROCK FROM POSTANOVA SRSR SERSER № 85 / RNA SRSR No. 2740 "About the Organizatsiya Santa Santarino", in the Yaki Krіm Organizkyiy Moment, coming about Obokovyazіv Vicannya Organizatsiyi, Intrained Tu Furovannami on the territory of the SRSR speech , the head sanitary inspectors of the allied republics are entitled to disrupt criminal re-investigation, impose fines and live on entering an administrative charge, attract to the ship’s viability of violators.

The little one of 1939 to the rock, which depicts the ways of getting bacteria, which calls for typhoid fever, near the well
  • Third stage ( social ) characterized by social hygiene
Main article: Social hygiene and organization of health care

Galusi and separated hygiene

Hygiene includes such basic self-contained galuzes and partitions * ]:

  • Healthy hygiene(Gіgієna navkolishnogo seredovischa) - rozdіl gіgієni in yakіy vivchayutsya zagalnі power vplivu faktorіv navkolishnogo seredovischa on Health Protection Lyudin, rozroblyayutsya Metodi їh doslіdzhennya, profіlaktichnі come in proti їh negatively vplivіv on organіzm Lyudin, priymayutsya gіgієnіchnі standards that vimogi conducting profіlaktichnі that come in protiepіdemіchnі .
  • Communal hygiene- a glimpse of hygiene, in which food is delivered to people in the middle of the settlements, preventive and anti-epidemic visits are organized and carried out, hygienic standards are accepted and help to ensure the safety of the population and the friendly minds of life.
  • Hygiene eating(Zastar. kharchova) - Galuzo gіgієni in yakіy vivchayutsya power yakostі that BEZPEKA produktіv harchuvannya that gotovoї їzhі, їh value Ta vplivu on organіzm Lyudin, rozroblyayutsya that conductive profіlaktichnі that protiepіdemіchnі come in that priymayutsya gіgієnіchnі standards that vimogi, rekomendatsії of vigotovlennya, zberіgannya that zastosuvannya nutritive produktіv.
  • Nutritzіologist - Ridgel Gigієni Kharchuvannya, Okayvnya Vivchens їжі, Kharchovnya, Products Hamchuvannya, Kharchovich Rechovin, Taji components at the Warehouse Products, їh Dija TuModіju, їh Software, Lesvozhnnya, Vitranea Ta Vyprilnya z organіzmu, ї ї the development of an ailment. To the sphere of science, the food behavior of a person, the choice of food products, their production and savings, food legislation and other low food are also brought.
  • Dietology (as a sum discipline) is a medical science that changes to the dietary habits of food, nutrition and gastroenterology. an area of ​​knowledge that provides food for eating, including sick people. Dietology is directed to the rationalization and individualization of eating, but nasampered to ensuring the safety of eating. At zv'yazku z tim, scho іndivіdualіlіzаtsіya kharchuvannya zdіysnyuєtsya for suvoro suvoro organizovanіh sistemі karchuvannya - ієt, ієtologiya took away its name.
  • Radiation hygiene- a sign of hygiene, in which the nutritional value and the inflow of ionizing vibration on the body to the staff, which are practiced with the ionizing vibrations of the population, are being developed, and carried out preventive visits and acceptance of the hygiene standards of the radiation.
  • Hygiene(Zastar. professional) - a galuz of hygiene, in which the nutrition of labor processes and factors of the human environment are energized, preventive and anti-epidemic visits are carried out, hygiene standards and standards are accepted for the safety of friendly minds of workers.
  • professional pathologies (professional ailments) - a discipline that stands on the stick of hygiene in work, internal ailments and communal hygiene. With a good assessment of the minds of the workers, the EOM operators pay attention to the ergonomics of the work space, the EM field, the work space and the ambient lighting, the microclimate, the mode of the working day, the morning of the shifty houses in the air.
  • Hygiene of children and children- Galuz Gigієni, in the yaki vive the Patten of the intelligence of the accidents of the Navodnyy midovye, be undlucky, the violas of the dityachy of the pіdlіtkovoy organіzmu, the procession of the vision of that Vikhivanny, logs to the trademark.
  • Viyskova hygiene- Galuz Gigієni TA VIYSKOVOYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYIYA, IN YAKIY VILLAGE PATHENNY ZHEMERNY, PIVEDNOST'S SPECIAL WALLY, ETHER, VOSTEKDENNIY WITTTєDІYALNOSTІ TA ENERGY HOUSE, LOVE TO RESED TO VERYTIPICHNIA TAKE GIGINIKHNI CROS urahuvannyam osoblivosti zhittya that pobutu have Zbroynih Forces. It includes practical all the galleys and the distribution of hygiene, as well as the care of the military servicemen and especially the civil staff. Profіlaktichnі come in schodo vіyskovosluzhbovtsіv scho cherguyut in silos, zachіpayut takі aspects їh service, yak Minds accommodation in zamknenih іzolovanih pіdzemnih sporudah (pratsі, vіdpochinku, harchuvannya, Pitt, іonіzuyuchogo vipromіnyuvannya, couples Components Connection Rocket Fuel type have povіtrі anthropogenic zabrudnen that іn.) and also wash the posture with the service, for their full recovery between the blacking
    • sea ​​and sea hygiene - Razdіl v_yskovoї hygiene, in yakіy vyvchayutsya food, with rahuvannyam osobennosti minds of fialnostі i will be on ships and military-sea bases of Vіyskovo-Navy Fleet.
  • Sports hygiene(Gіgієna fіzichnih to the right is the sport) - Galuzo gіgієni in yakіy vivchayutsya power vplivu minds navkolishnogo seredovischa on ozdorovchy that Sportivnij efekt fіzichnih right rozroblyayutsya rekomendatsії schodo pokraschennya fіzichnogo vihovannya population conducted trenuvan that regime Zhittya sportsmenіv, rozroblyayutsya profіlaktichnі come in that priymayutsya gіgієnіchnі standards that we can help you before the placement, sporudzhennya that matrimonial mission to take physical culture and sports.
  • Transport hygiene- Galuzo gіgієni in yakіy vivchayutsya power vplivu minds pratsі pratsіvnikіv she Minds proїzdu pasazhirіv avіatsіynogo, avtomobіlnogo, water, Zaliznicnovo transport rozroblyayutsya that conductive profіlaktichnі that protiepіdemіchnі come in, priymayutsya gіgієnіchnі standards that vimogi to the transport zasobіv that sporud, spryamovanі on zabezpechennya optimally drain dіyalnostі , preservation of health and practicality of workers, creation of hygienic minds and comfort for passengers.
    • aviation and space hygiene - division of transport hygiene, aviation and space medicine, in which one can see the nutrition of the minds of the pilots on the body of the air warehouse and passengers of aviation transport, the minds of training, benefits, living near the lack of space and the closed space of the astronauts' flights;
    • hygiene - razdіl transport ї hygiene, in yakіy podglyadnya podlivu prіvu minds pratsі pobutu prаtsіvnіkіv zalіznіchіv transport аnd subway, аnd аlѕо muїproїzdі ї ї ї ієні і come іn prіkіlakіtі prіlakіti skіdlivih plіvіv;
    • ship hygiene - divided the transport hygiene, at the same time, the minds of the workers are nourished, and the crews of the sea and river vessels are taken, the minds of the passengers are transferred to them, and they come in to prevent the shkidlivih inflows.
  • Hygiene of the village(Zastar. silska) - Galuzo gіgієni in yakіy vivchayutsya power vplivu minds sіlskogospodarskoї pratsі that pobutu in sіlskih settlements, rozroblyayutsya that conductive profіlaktichnі protiepіdemіchnі that come in, priymayutsya gіgієnіchnі standards that vimogi to sіlskogospodarskogo virobnitstva, be landscaped sanіtarnogo that will sіlskih mіsts population.
  • Hygiene of medicine- the hallucination of hygiene, in which the nutrition of optimal minds for patients at the likuval-prophylactic mortgages and friendly minds of the medical staff are being developed, preventive and anti-epidemic visits are being carried out, hygiene standards and vigilance standards are being accepted.
  • Resort hygiene- the hallow of hygiene, in which the nutrition of friendly minds in the middle of the resorts and recreational areas is being developed, preventive and anti-epidemic visits are being carried out, hygiene standards are being adopted and the ways of protecting natural factors in.
  • Sanitary toxicology.
  • Sanitary microbiology- distributed hygiene and microbiology, in which the sanitary-microbiological camp of the objects of dovkil, food products and drinks, and the sanitary-microbiological standards and methods for the identification of such pathogens in the pathogenic microorganism
  • Psychohygiene- distributed hygiene, dzherelo not specified 970 days] vyvchaє psychіchny dobrobut people.

It is also updated for visits:

Station of special hygiene in the cafeteria, Shanghai, China
  • Hygiene Specialist(Іndivіdualna) - rozdіl gіgієni in yakіy vivchayutsya power zberezhennya that zmіtsnennya Zdorov'ya Lyudin, dotrimannya gіgієnіchnih rules that zahodіv at Yogo NKVD zhittі that dіyalnostі, rozroblyayutsya that come in Conductive gіgієnіchnogo vihovannya, propaganda gіgієnіchnih Knowledge is the healthiest way of Zhittya metoyu pіdvischennya gіgієnіchnoї culture population. Before her enter the nourishment of a hygienic body (shkiri, hair, nails, teeth), taking that robe, life, the rules of rational eating, zagartovuvannya the body and physical culture. In this way, special nutrition of special hygiene, like i, is engaged in sexology (special hygiene of state organs, hygiene of state life) and hygiene in practice (special hygiene of workers during the working hours).
  • Public hygiene- a complex of approaches of medical and non-medical nature, directing to the preservation and improvement of health within groups of people, populations.

Main tasks of hygiene

  • vvchennya vplivu dovkіllya on camp zdorov'ya and pratsezdatnosti people. At the same time, the whole complex of natural, social, butovic, virobnic and other factors should be explored.
  • scientific education and development of hygienic standards, rules and procedures for the improvement of the healthy environment and the adoption of severely debilitating factors;
  • scientific education and development of hygienic standards, rules and approaches to promote the body's opirnosti to the possible high levels of the superfluous medium with the method of improving health and physical development, increasing practicality.
  • promotion of hygienic knowledge of a healthy way of life (for example, such as, rational eating, physical right, zahartouvannya, properly organizing the regimen of practice and recovery, supplementing the rules of special and suspile hygiene).

Hygiene and ecology

Hygiene is closely related to the global ecology and the ecology of the people. Often, hygiene and ecology people are engaged in outdoor food (for example, food demography). Ale є suttєva vіdminnіst - ecology does not develop a healthy individual and does not expand the way of improvement of one's life and health. Varto signify also that Russian environmental standards - MPE and MPC, in the given hour, vihodyachi z hygienic standards - GDK.

Prominent doctors-hygiene

  • Ramadzin, Bernardine(1633-1714) - Italian doctor, the main practice is dedicated to professional illnesses - De Morbis Artificum Diatriba ("Sicknesses of Robotniks")
  • Yerisman Fedir Fedorovich(1842-1915) - Russian-Swiss physician-hygienist, pioneer of hygiene in Russia; creator of the fundamental principles of the hygiene of the population of the city, food hygiene, school and professional hygiene, sanitary statistics
  • Dmitro Petrovich Mikilsky(1855-1918) - a Russian physician, who was the first in the Russian Empire, becoming a lecturer on the course of hygiene and first medical assistance for unfortunate experiences in the field of medicine.
  • Levitsky V'yacheslav Oleksandrovich(1867-1936) - prominent physician-hygienist and organizer of sanitary services, professor, in 1922. having published the work “Reasonable Pratsya That Stomlyuvanist”, and in 1923 p. organizing and editing the journal Hygiene Pratsi.
  • Semashko Mykola Oleksandrovych(1874-1949) - doctor, prominent hygienist, one of the organizers of the health care system in the Soviet Socialist Republic, academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the Soviet Socialist Republic and the Academy of Medical Sciences of the RRFSR, the founder of social hygiene as an independent discipline. He was the first to establish the Department of Social Hygiene in the country. Yak People's Commissar for Health Protection M.A. The author of rich science practices from various razdіlіv іgієni i, zokrema, “Draw from the theory of organization of radyansk health care” .
  • Michelle Levy(1809-1872) - French physician-hygienist, general of the medical service. President of the Paris Medical Academy (1857).
  • Litavet August Andriyovich(1893-1984) - medical hygienist, academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the SRSR. In 1946 (following the vibe of the first nuclear bomb), being the director of the Institute of Hygiene for Occupational Illnesses, organizing a biophysical rehabilitation, I was engaged in the nutrition of radiation hygiene.

The science

Scientific hygienic support in Russia is provided by the system of institutions:

Methods, which are used in case of hygienic follow-up, are combined into two main groups:

  • methods for developing a hygienic camp of factors in dovkil;
  • a method to evaluate the reaction of a person's body to the influx of that chi other external factor

The system of sanitary legislation, control and visual

Sanitary legislation includes the okremі statutes that have reached the Constitution of Ukraine, international legal acts, laws of Ukraine (including the Code of Administrative Offenses and the Criminal Code), sanitary and epidemiological rules (SP), sanitary rules and norms (SanPіN), hygiene standards, (standards), (standards) technical regulations, state standards (GOST), norms of radioactive safety (NRB), standard norms and rules (SNiP) and in. Sovereign control and supervision of the sphere of sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population, social and hygienic monitoring was placed by the Decree of Russia on the Rosspozhivnaglyad. Sovereign sanitary and epidemiological vision in the okremi galuzy of industry with especially careless minds of workers By the Decree of the President of Ukraine, the Federal Medical and Biological Agency (FMBA of Russia) was placed. Sovereign sanitary and epidemiological view of the Defense Forces of the Russian Federation, other military, military moldings, on the objects of defense and defense manufacturing, security and other special recognition of the establishment of the sanitary and epidemiological service.

International spivpratsya

Mіzhnarodne spіvrobіtnitstvo rozvivaєtsya for spriyannya spetsіalіzovanih SET UN of low proektіv Vsesvіtnoї organіzatsії receptionists Health Protection (WHO), Mіzhnarodnoї organіzatsії pratsі (NAM), UNESCO, the "Kindergarten UN Fund" YUNІSEF UN prog of navkolishnogo seredovischa (UNEP), Prodovolchoї that sіlskogospodarskoї organіzatsії UN (FAT)), as well as the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).

Lecture No. 27. Hygiene Specialist

The Specialist Hygiene is one of the most important divisions of hygiene, which develops and develops the principles of saving and improving health in a way to improve hygiene in everyday life and work.

Special hygiene is the basis of a healthy way of life, effective primary and secondary prevention of various illnesses.

Dotreatment of the rules of special hygiene zbіshuє trivality of life in the middle by 7-10 years, nedotrimannya to bring to a decrease in protsézdatnosti, decrease in active dovogolittya, zbіlshennya illness and shortness of trivality of life, you can put pressure on unacceptable people

Elements of special hygiene:

1. hygiene of teeth and empty mouth.

2. hygiene of body and skin.

3. Physical culture

4. Harvesting

5. Hygiene practice and repair

6. Sleep hygiene

7. Hygiene clothes.

8. Hygiene vzuttya.

9. hygiene of individual eating.

10. Forwarding a wheelbarrow.

11. Hygiene of state life.

Hygiene of teeth and empty company.

Teeth are of great physiological, hygienic and aesthetic value. For the prevention of disease of the teeth and the empty company, it is to blame for the hygiene of the empty company.

Protect the hygiene of an empty company:

1. Toothbrushes

2. Toothpicks

4. Teeth.

5. Dental elixirs

6. Deodorant for mouth emptying

8. Bones for teeth extraction, etc.

All tsі zasobi may be neshkidlivimi, apply ob'yazkovіy certification.


Folded from handles and heads. On heads - tufts of bristles. The working surface is 25-30 mm wide, the width is 7.5-11 mm, the height of the bristles is 10-12 mm. The head of the brush is due to the mother's slightly bent shape, which reflects the arcuate tooth growth.

Shields are made from synthetic fibers (nylon, perlon, polyurethane).

Weeding a brush with natural bristles (Kinsk, pig) is pinned, shards are small (for example: it is important to keep the head clean).

Hardness steps:

1. more m'yaka

3. medium hardness

4. Zhorstka

5. zhorstka

More people will require a shield of the middle level of hardness.

Teeth cleaning principles:

1. Start cleaning with one th ієї dentition.

2. Singing succession of cleansing is added.

3. Cleaning can be done at the same pace.

Approximately 300-400 pairs of rubble with a toothbrush along the axis of the tooth in the visible scratching pidmitnyh ruins are guilty of a part of the clear.

Trivality 2.5-3 min.

Most of the authors shy away from thinking about the need to brush their teeth 2 times a day - in the evening and in the evening, but a number of authors think that it is necessary to clean the teeth after a dermal application of a dog, but other authors argue that it is enough to clean the teeth for more than a month.

It is necessary to wash the new shield before the implantation with hot water with sweet, soak it up to the wound. Promiti before living, do not boil.

After cleansing - wash it with water with a sweet, sympathize and kill, or deprive it to an offensive cleansing.

The toothbrush needs to be changed once every 3 months.


For the removal of food surpluses and soft dental plaque from the flanks of the teeth.

1. Wood (disposable)

2. Plastmasovі (bagatorovі)

Obrobka zubіv zdіysnyuєtsya similarly to toothbrushes.

Perevagu is better than wooden toothpicks with a tricot shape.

Flossy (dental floss).

Similar to toothpicks, they remove excesses and pours from important places.

Less traumatic, lower toothpicks.

After skin irritation.


Clean teeth, clear, interdental gaps, tongue, soft dental plaque, mucus, dental plaque often, remove microbial contamination of the oral cavity.

To the warehouse of toothpaste, there are abrasive, soothing, caustic, anti-aging, superficially active speech, preservatives, savory flavors, water, and lycuval-prophylactic elements.

See toothpastes:

1. Hygiene.

Only cleansing and refreshing (deodorizing).

Vikoristovuetsya people with intact teeth and periodontium.

2. Likuvalno-prophylactic.

For the prevention and treatment of diseased teeth, periodontal and mucous membranes of the mouth area.


warehouse: fluorine, calcium, phosphorus.


Extract of liqual roslins, enzymes, vitamins toshcho.

3. Combinations.

Tooth powder.

Chemically overlaid with a crade and a breather.

Just a cleansing day. Nestacha - great abrasiveness. Poured out of toothpaste, not handy, not hygienic, contraindicated in cases of diseased teeth and periodontal disease.

Dental elixir.

To rinse an empty mouth, brush your teeth or go. Cleansing, refreshing, antispasmodic, astringent, tanning, mild analgesic, antiseptic effect.

Warehouse: water-alcohol variety and aromatic oils (menthol, vanillin), antiseptic, may be biologically active preparations.

1. Hygiene (deodorization).

2. likuvalno-prophylactic.



rinsing capacity 2-2.5 min.

Hygiene of body and skin.

The total area of ​​the surface of the roof of a mature person is approximately 15 m2.

Shkira protects people from unfriendly meteorological factors (physical factors), from chemical factors, taking part in gas exchange and heat exchange of the body from the outer medium, removing the products of the exchange of speech, water vapor, pet, lard, seeing the bactericide of speech.

Mustache functions lie down in the cleanliness of the skies.

With a filthy watch, saws, woods accumulate on the shkir, water ducts of sweat and sebaceous deposits curl up, organic speeches are seen through the shkir, spread out, the mouths of the speech appear (a nasty smell of speech) with an unacceptable smell. Mushrooms and bacteria multiply on the skies. The skins are changed by 10-15%. Strongly zabrudnyuєtsya natіlna that postіlna blizna, pogrіrshuyutsya їх hygієnіchnі power. The final result is the sickness of the skies.

When you wash with warm water from the shkiri, brood, pet, fat, dead cells are seen, the vessels expand, the horn ball swells, expands, it becomes easier to see and absorb different speeches, the exchange of speeches improves.

It’s better to wash the vicorist water into the soft water, for the one that zhorstka dries up the skin, to rob it with a shortskin that is sensitive to the point of burning.

For a more effective vision, the zastosovuyutsya cute and suchasnі miyuchi zasobi.


Oderzhuyut obrobkoy creatures and hydrogenated fat meadows.

1. Luzhni

2. Neutral

3. Overweight (overfat).

Toilet cute can be more than 0.05% in the meadow.

Too much meadow can cause low fat shkіri and dryness.

Efficiency of the mitt is nice to lie down in the form of cobs obsyagu pine, the amount of fatty acids, the meadow, sodium chloride. Trivale zberіgannya sweet to produce before the change of pіnoutvochennya, hence, the efficiency of the mitt decreases.

Optimally - an oval shape with a vag 40-150 gr.

Suchasnі miyuchi zasobi.

Warehouse fallow type recognition: barvniki, vіddushka, likuvalno-prophylactic and dezіnfіkuyuchi zasobi.


Health creates a neutral or acidic reaction, which approaches the pH of the skies, which is why it is more likely to mean that the dryness of the skies is low.

Support for the cleanliness of the body is given to the mitts of the body, the serpent's whiteness.

Minimum 4-5 times per season.


1. Steam ("Russian").

The first mode is stoves - stone stoves.

Temperature 65-70 ° С, moisture content 75-80%

Another mode is when submitting a bet from a boiler house.

Temperature 42-45 ° C, moisture content 100%

2. Dry fats (“Finnish saunas”)

Temperature 100 ° C, moisture content 15-20%

Lazni give a positive effect on the whole organism. The skins of the skins, pores are expanding, sweating is increasing, slags are being removed, the rate of bacterial contamination of the skins is decreasing, and bactericidal power is being reduced.

Hypodynamia and її nasledki.

In today's minds, people are freed from active rukhovo activity. The number of professions that require intellectual work has grown, and minds have changed. All I am doing is changing my mind about a small-eyed life - a hypodynamic way of life.


1. M'yazi become lethargic, weak, cardiac m'yaz, with the least stressfulness, is soaked up, minds are created for the growth of non-dial adipose and happy tissue. Rozumova and physical praxis decrease, swede stomlyuvanity is indicated, resistance to the organism decreases, diseases of the heart-vascular, nervous systems, respiratory organs and poisoning are indicated, ridge disease is indicated, speech exchange is damaged.

Active means to compensate for the lack of rukhovo activity - physical rights (different forms of rukhiv).

4 types of physical rights:

1. gymnastics

Systematic occupations with physical culture give a variety of friendly infusions to get healthy and physical development of people of different age and status.

Physical right:

1. To increase the strength of the body (immunity)

2. M'azovі fibers, brought to the dіyalny camp, vytyagyuyut іz bright rush of blood, life of speech and sour energy and utilize them more. The m'yazovі fibers sweat, the m'yazova massa that її strength increases. Heart m'yaz pratsyuє _intensivnіshe. Increased flexibility of the ridge. Improved coordination of movements and spritnist. Positive effect on the body's breath.

3. enlargement of the thoracic cell and VC.

4. Positive injection on the CT, secretory and motor functions of the duct and intestines are moving, the presence of the stomach at the empty stomach is changing.

Physically have the right to influence the nervous regulation of rukhovyh and vegetative functions, speeding up vegetative reactions. In osіb rozumovoї pratsі reduce neuro-psychic stress, stimulate hematopoietic function, increase the number of erythrocytes and hemoglobin, increase praxis, improve self-esteem. Whip the power of will.


The price of increasing the resistance of the body to an unacceptable inflow of low physical chinniki in dovkillya by way of a systematic dosed infusion of these chinniki.


1. Move the body's strength

2. Allows you to quickly and painlessly attach yourself to the minds of the superfluous middle, which are constantly changing.

3. Vihovuє character of a person, viroblyaє will, napoleglivistvo, patience, form a psychological warehouse of specialness.

Harvesting principles:
1. Progress

2. Systematic

3. Complexity

4. Appearance of individual features

5. Self-control.

Sobi zagartovannya:


Sleepy baths increase the exchange of speech, improve the eating of skins, see the sweat and products of the exchange, actually increase the temperature of the body, give a favorable influx on the central nervous system (mood, practice), improve the work of the heart that leg, give a friendly tone to the blood warehouse, drink.

Take a sleepy bath about 9-11 o'clock. (vranci) that 17-19 years. (evening)


Persha sonyachna bath for grown-ups 5-10 min. The next day is extended 5-10 min. The maximum hour of resting on sun in the average for a mature person is 1 year, for healthy young people 1.5-2 years.

For children of the first sleepy procedure 3-5 minutes. Schodenno add 3-5 min., maximum hour 30-40 min.

After the end of the sleepy baths, it is necessary to take a shower and sit in the shade.

Sleepy baths are taken after a light sleep or after 1.5-2 years after going.

With the correct approach to the technique, a garne of self-confidence, improvement in appetite, sleep, progression of practice is indicated.

In case of improper intake of sleepy baths, the blame is blamed for malice, tom, heartbeat, sickness on the shoulders, head, confusion, tedium.

Incorrect use of sleepy baths can cause a decrease in the body's stamina.


Hypertensive disease, atherosclerosis, heart disease and blood tuberculosis, remaining months of vagity, benign and evil swelling.

Water procedures.

At the first moment, the judge's shkiri sound, the blood rushes to the internal organs. Let's sweat the blood with great power to come at the judge's shkirn, the stench expands. Blame the feeling of warmth, freshness, vivacity. In a short interval of an hour, a large amount of blood moves, through which the heart is pumping energy, the supply of tissue with vital speech and sourness is improved, the blood circulation and breath are improved, the tone of the nervous system and immunity is improved, and the exchange of speech is improved.

1. Cold (t

2. Cold (t = 20-33 ° C)

3. baiduzhi (t = 34-35 ° С)

4. Warm (t = 36-40 ° C)

5. Hot (t> 40 ° С)

Water procedures are due to be carried out for the temperature of the repeat not lower than 17-20°C.


1. Wipe.

Pochatkov's water temperature is not lower than 33-34°C. Through the skin 3-4 days the temperature of the water is reduced by 1-2°C, brought to 18-20°C.

It is prescribed for people with weakened health.

Sponge wipe the upper half of the coat, hang, then wipe the bottom half of the coat and hang.

2. Pouring.

Pochatkova temperature = 33-34 ° C, through the skin 3-4 days lower by 1-2 ° C to 15 ° C.

3. Stop washing.

Pochatkov temperature is 26-28°C. Through the skin 3-4 days lower by 1-2°С to 12-15°С.

4. Gargle.

Late and in the evening.

Pochatkov temperature is 23-25 ​​°C. Skin 3-4 days lower by 1-2 ° C, gradually bring to the temperature of tap water.

5. Bathing.

The swimming season starts at water temperatures not lower than 18-20°C and ends at water temperatures of 14-45°C.

Trivality perebuvannya at the water to lie down in the temperature of the water, meteorological minds, the stage of zagartuvannya people.

The first procedure lasts for 4-5 minutes, progressively increases up to 20 minutes.

Strongly pour in sea baths (have a thermal and mechanical infusion at your own place).

Check the baths.

Friendly injection on health, exchange of speech, blood flow, tone of the nervous system, activity of physiological processes.

Improve the heat regulation apparatus, improve the visibility of the building, improve the blood supply.

When inhaled fresh air, the burning of the products of the exchange of speech (zocrema to cholesterol) is increased.

1. Cold (t pov. \u003d 6-14 ° C)

2. Cold (t rep. = 14-20 ° C)

3. baiduzhi (t povit = 20-22 ° С)

4. Warm (t pov. = 22-30 ° C)


1. Open again.

Pochatkov's temperature is again 18-22°C. Trivality of the first procedure 10-15 mins, after 2-3-4 days increase the hour for children for 2-3 mins, for grown-ups for 5-10 mins and gradually bring up to an hour of rebuffing for up to 1 year and > (maximum 2 years ).

Having reached the stars to a cold wind, go to a cold one.

2. Adopted.

The temperature is lowered again, turning the window into a flat.

The temperature is gradually lowered by 1-2°С to 7-15°С.

Trivality 10-20 min.

Zastosovuvati povіtryanі baths more beautifully over lying, and Russian.


Acute feverish illness, acute rheumatism, chronic illness of loam, acute neuritis and myositis.

023. Specialist hygiene - tse:

1. Preservation and improvement of health for the help of dotrimanny norms and rules of hygiene in the everyday life of a person.

2. Dotrimannya ruled to look after the body, tobto. clean shkіri hair, empty company.

3. Dotrimannya of hygienic means to life, a job.

4. Vіdsutnіst shkіdlivih zvichok. 024. "Humus" - tse: 1. Coarse-grained, easily penetrating, non-fermenting soil, which has an optimal mechanical storage and the best water-reinforcement power.

2. It is dark, rich on organic speech of the masa in a folding warehouse, it is laid out in a proper way, it does not rot, it does not see unacceptable odors, it does not avenge pathogenic microorganisms.

3. Natural creation, which is formed after the transformation of the surface spheres of the lithosphere under the water, showing that living organisms.

025. The meaning of the concept "Perfringens-titr Gruntu":

1. Significant number of bacteria in 1 g of soil.

2. Find the amount of soil in grams, for whom you know the intestinal stick.

3. Name the amount of soil in grams, who knows Clostridium perfringens.


1. Ratio in mg of humus to total organic nitrogen per 100 g of absolutely dry soil.

3. The vіdnoshennia vаgi vаgi, scho utrimuєєєєєєєєє ґрнту, up to the vаgy of the very ґruntu, vіrazhene vіdsotkakh.

4. Total number of bacteria in 1 g of soil.

5. Find the amount of soil in grams, for whom you know the intestinal stick.

027. Some contribution to the overall structure of factors that shape health, improve the way of life:

028. As the natural and scientific basis of the ecology of the people, in this hour, V.I.Vernadsky’s statement about:

1. Biosphere. 2. Noosphere.

3. Troposphere

4. Hydrospheres


1. Ratio in mg of nitrogen to humus to all organic nitrogen per 100 g of absolutely dry soil.

2. Vіdnoshennya vіdnoshennya obyagu pіr soil to vіdnoshennia ґruntu as a whole, vіrazhene vіdsotkakh.

3. Significant number of bacteria in 1 g of soil.

4. Rise of the vagary of the lead, which is thinned by the soil, to the vag of the soil itself, which is seen in the vіdsotkakh.

030. "Healthy Grunt" can be buti:

1. Coarse-grained, vologa, high porosity.

2. Coarse-grained, dry, with low porosity.

3. Fine-grained, vologa, with high porosity.

4. Fine-grained, dry, with low porosity.

031. "Healthy Grunt" - tse:

1. Coarse-grained, easily penetrating, non-fermenting soil, which has an optimal mechanical storage and the best water-reinforcement power.

2. Dark, rich on organic speech of the mass of a folding chemical warehouse, it is laid out properly, does not rot, does not see inappropriate odors, does not avenge pathogenic microorganisms.

3. Natural creation, which is formed after the transformation of the surface spheres of the lithosphere under the influence of water, showing that living organisms.


1. The tide is smaller, lower than 20% over the drawstring.

2. The drawstring is not less than 20% lower than the tide.

3. The volume of the tidal wind blows the draft.

033. In an infectious environment, ventilation may:

1. Mechanical tide.

2. Tidal-vityazhnaya with a majestic overflowing tide.

Z. Tidal-drawn with a stretch of the wind, natural naskrіzna.

4. It is possible to be stale in view of the constructive features of life.

034. Permissible indications for microclimate for wards of therapeutic care:

1. The temperature of the surface is 20C, the moisture content is 30-60%, the friability of the surface is 0.2 m/s.

2. The temperature of the surface is 24C, the moisture content is 75%, the ductility of the surface is 0.4 m/s.

3. The temperature of the surface is 25C, the moisture content is 25%, the friability of the surface is 0.5 m/s.

4. The temperature of the surface is 18C, the moisture content is 30%, the friability of the surface is 0.l m/s.

035. Boundary capacity

036. Signs for recognizing heliometeopathic reactions:

1. Zbіg mortification of self-perception of sickness in a change of weather complex, multiplicity of one-hour mortifications of self-perception of illness in one and the same period, repetition of mortification will become ill in similar meteorological situations, great organ damage, stability of scarcity.

2. Improvement of the arterial pressure, change of the clitinous blood type, headache.

3. Anemia, tachycardia, glomerulonephritis, noise in the ear, confusion.

4. Damaged function of the leg, in a rush, bіl in the swamps.


Fundamentals of safety of life
11 grade

Lesson 1
Rules of special hygiene and health

Fundamentals of a healthy way of life

Under a healthy way of life, such a way of life of people is born, which ensures that it is molded, saving and improving health. Mentally, this process can be divided into two directions: active people in the formation and improvement of their health (physical culture, zagartovannya, dotrimanny hygienic rules then) that exercise people go down to these factors, scho to improve health (smoking, drug addiction, drug addiction alcohol intake).

Important warehouses for a healthy way of life- special hygienist, good-natured stosunki in sim'ї and high-moral behavior.

Rules of special hygiene and health

The life of the people from the first days of one's life to pass at the close interdependence with the outer middle. Science, owing to the infusion of a healthy environment on the healthy people of the whole population, as well as the development of hygienic norms, in addition to the rules of preserving health, high practicality and the promotion of active living of people, is called hygiene. It's been a long time, the last one took shape in the right science, one of the direct medical knowledge.

If we are talking about special hygiene, then we can take care of the hygiene of a good person. Vaughn, by his own accord, is important for social hygiene, i.e., the hygiene of welfare in a bad way. The concept of “special hygiene” is even wider and includes the strictures of hygiene rules, including norms aimed at preserving health, practicality, active longevity, prevention of infectious and non-infectious diseases. The hygiene specialist includes a sprat of cuts, including the care of the teeth and the care of the hair.


Mature people may have 32 teeth. However, due to improper eating, that watch over the teeth, injuries, that wisdom teeth have been removed, most mature people are left with three less teeth.

The ball of enamel, which covers the health of a human tooth, is the hardest speech in the human body. However, like other hard objects, teeth can be traumatized and eroded. The most widened form is caries, carious decay, which is called acid, which settles on the teeth due to the presence of bacteria and particles of hedgehogs on them. Acid can step by step in the teeth in a hollow, and you will get sick more often, as a result of which the nerves will be caught in the root.

The symptoms of such a toothache on the cob begin to increase sensitivity to heat, cold or licorice (the tooth starts to hurt). You will gradually succumb (when the floorings can become strong, so you won’t let you fall asleep) until the empty space is filled up, or until the nerves are killed by bacteria (an abscess can be established in someone’s mouth - the dish is burned in the fabrics, rot accumulates). . It becomes more difficult for caries to exult, as you check, until the sickness is in good shape.

Mouth with yoga is warm and watery middle- one of the most important sites in the body for the reproduction of bacteria. If they are allowed to multiply uncontrollably, an infection or an abscess may develop. Bacteria through empty teeth can penetrate into the pulp, from it - into the tooth socket and lead to the abscess until it is settled. Abscesses are most often settled in clear spaces due to the fact that particles of hedgehogs get stuck between the teeth.

Another wider dental disease. stomatitis: the appearance of sore cheeks on the inner surface of the cheek. The reasons for this illness can be food allergies, stress, mechanical injuries and poor hygiene.

Like in the other part of the body, infections in the mouth empty, so do not dissemble, make the trend to widen. Infection in the form of a tooth can expand on the tissue of the face of that shiї, lead to swelling, as if making the stomach ache. If there is a large amount of bacteria to consume in blood circulation, then a person may develop a fever, or develop a camp that is not safe for life. With such a situation, you will need negaine intensive medical assistance and hospitalization.

So that the teeth of that empty company were healthy, it is necessary to trim the offensive rules:

Take care of yourself the types of injuries that most often take part in sporting hours, and in the event of car accidents: if you are engaged in contact sports, take care of such outbuildings, like a sholom, a mask for disguise and an insert that protects a crack; in the car they fasten with a safety belt, which can not only ruin your life, but also your old look, save your teeth;
More like this, like sharp teeth, and clear, and less thin, which leads to weakening (healthy teeth to sprout vegetables, rich in cellular tissue and calcium; apples, carrots and selera, yak need to be thoroughly chewed, not only to give to the robot 'yazam slit, paint the blood supply to the teeth and clear, and clean the surface of the teeth well;
unique fatty, viscous and quenching acid: you can change the middle of the mouth in the empty mouth and pour into the warehouse of the shed in such a rank that the growth of the decay of the teeth and erosion of the enamel increases;
regularly clean the interdental gaps with a special floss or a toothpick, brush with a natural-based toothpaste;
see a dentist 2-3 times on the river: in any case, it is clear to have a disease of the teeth at the same time.

hair care

Behind the starry look, the hair does not guess the skin, even though it looks like a modification of the epidermis.

The hair is folded from the shear and the root. The shearing is found above the surface of the skin, and the root is rotting at її comrade, at the hairball. The extension of the root in yoga is called a hair cibula. With her growth hair.

Hair є mayzhe on all surfaces of the shkir, krіm dolon and foot. Three types of hair are distinguished: dovgі (hair of the head, vusіv, beard); bristly (eyebrows and vії) and fluffy, ruffled on the whole body.

Clitini hairy retard pigment melanin. Vіd yogo kіlkostі to lay the color of the hair. The more pigment, the darker the hair. With age, pigmented cells cease to multiply, and hair grows.

Why do you need hair? The stench miraculously protect the head from the cold that speck, protect the eyes from the smіtinok, do not allow the eyebrows to sweat in the eyes.

The hair is relieved of nerve endings, so you can cut them painlessly. The stinks look out for a resolute watch. Just take a look at the hair - cleaner, brighter, shovkovist, well combed - embellishing your ruler.

It's a pity, sometimes on the head of the head, and near the hair, there are white and yellow stripes. You may not be rich, but sometimes you get it, that the whole head is covered with flour. The hair at the same time may be brudny looking and may be very vipadati. In such a case, they call the appearance a magnifying glass. Medical yoga name seborrhea. Seborrhea is closely associated with impaired exchange of speech in the body. In order to wake up її, it is necessary to include z zhі fat and gostrі stravi, smoked meat and fish, canned food, live malt and syrah. I’ll take a good turn of my hair, play in the fresh air, do sports, take in cereals, especially oatmeal, have a good night’s sleep.

Hair needs to be miti not for the layout, but for the need. Wandered - it means that you need miti. At any good, rinse them with water and otstom, chamomile or sprinkling water. Deep brown head massage. You can robiti yoga before the skin mitt. Don't be lazy about arranging your hair in the evening. Good, like a comb you have of wood or brush: plastic electrifies the hair and splits it with its micro-burrs. It is absolutely unacceptable to become someone else's, to inspire mother's chita, a rower.

Body hygiene

The skin of a person protects the whole organism from the various influxes of the nautical medium. Dotrimanny cleanliness of the shkiri is superimportant, even the cream of its function, there are also such functions: thermoregulatory, metabolic, immune, secretory, receptor, dichal and other functions.

Mite with warm water. Water temperature may be 37-38 degrees, tobto. three times higher than normal body temperature. Through the skin, people can see up to 300 g of fat and up to 7 liters of sweat per day. In order to protect the power of the shkiri did not break, it is necessary to watch regularly. Otherwise, friendly minds are created on the skies for the reproduction of disease-producing microbes, fungi and other microorganism.

It is necessary to take water procedures (bath, shower, spa) from the washing of the washcloth at least once a day.

Follow the cleanliness of hands and nails. Vidkriti dilyanki shkir especially skhilnі to zabrudnennya. Brood, which avenges sick microbes, can be taken from the hands of the mouth through the hedgehog. Dysentery, for example, is called the ailment of the brute hands. Hands must be washed before entering the toilet and after the toilet, before eating and after that, after contact with creatures (both outdoors and home). If you know the road, then it is necessary to wipe your hands with a wet servlet, so that you can eat at least some microbes.

Legs need to be mity today with cold water that sweet. Cold water replaces sweat.

Hygiene of the lower whiteness, clothes and clothes

An important role of special hygiene is occupied by the cleanliness of our clothes. The clothes protect the body of a person from the zabrudnen, mechanical and chemical ears, cooling, hitting the clods thinly.

Natural whiteness needs to be changed after a skin mitt, tobto. skin day.

Scarves, stockings, panchos, tights are changed daily.

Clothes need to be worn regularly.

It is unacceptable to wear someone else's clothes that vzuttya

Clothes that vzuttya may be able to support climatic minds.

Bazhano vіddavati over the clothes from natural fabrics, that one from natural materials.

The crooked clothes are guilty of protecting the anatomical features and the appearance of the people's world.

Reporting information can be found at the article “Hygiene clothes”.

Hygiene of the sleeping area

Leather member of this owe your own towel and your bed.

Bedtime whiteness it is necessary to change the money.

The bedroom space can be comfortable.

Before going to bed, it is necessary to air the guest's bedroom.

Try not to let your creatures get on too easily.

Hygiene of the dwelling

Hygiene of the dwelling not only allow you to keep order at the booth, but save and save and improve your health.

Dotrimannya cleanliness is necessary for the destruction of microbes, flowers and mites, which can cause various illnesses.

Vikonannya low hygienic visits reduce the risk of health, which is one of the main values ​​of a person. Until then, dotrimanny hygienic rules to talk about the high culture of the people.

Healthy lifestyle it is impossible to reveal without turboti about the hygienic camp of the wet life. This is the most important element of hygiene, like a lookout for a damp body, whiteness, clothes, and skinny skinny. Aje in the middle man spends a third of his life with his donkey.

The very same respect for the maintenance of hygiene of life can be given special respect.

For support natural beauty of your booth The best vikoristovuvaty perepirenі folk zasobi, safe for health, yakі can be easily prepared in the home minds.

Let's take a closer look at them:

Universal miyuchy zasib - to prepare yoga, add one liter of warm water to add a tablespoon of fry soda and thoroughly stir;
zasіb for cleaning the stove - pour fresh water with fresh water and soak it up, and after that, like a slab of oholone, wipe it with a sponge;
zasіb for cleaning the drain - sip half a bottle of grub soda near the drain and pour the water bottles into the octu, after five khvilin wash the glass with a sprinkle from the teapot;
zasіb for cleaning the toilet bowl - clean the surface of the clutter to help the paste, prepared from lemon sakura and storms.

Dotrimannya hygienic life allows you to take care of your health and well-being with your family. Particular respect should be given to cleanliness, as if in a booth there is a little child. In order to ensure the comfort and safety of a wet booth, it is necessary to regularly clean up and clean up about the presence of a new sufficient amount of warmth, light and calmness. Do not close the curtains on the day and do not put too many miners with room tickets on the doorway, the shards of the sky do not permeate the sleepy changing at the room.

Regularly check the premises to prevent the deficiency of sour (stains of this marriage call the head of the house and look at it) and freshen up the atmosphere. The temperature in the booth is to blame but not more than plus twenty-two degrees Celsius, which is the most comfortable for the body.

Acts of understanding about the cleansing of the body

For the rest of the decade, there were significant changes in eating people. Lyudina began to get accustomed to rich synthetic and refined products, wanting more of their body to be rotten and conquered. In the case of improper consumption of food products and the intake of rіdin, zabrudnennya and malignancy of the laryngeal intestine, liver, nirok, healthy tissue of the body, as they appear not in the context of sneshkodzhuvati and lead to inappropriate speech and toxins. It is not necessary to bring the legs, nasopharynx, shkiri and other organs to the revantation with slags. Numerous pathogenic microbes, penetrating into the body of a human being, are found in the areas of accumulation of shkidlivyh and inappropriate speeches and ideal minds for reproducing and succumbing to disease.

For the same reason, people are guilty of bati about those, so that their organism is not only clean, but in the middle, so that the wines are noticed a little less and are constantly growing in the presence of toxins and other blasting speeches.

Іsnuє rich methods of cleansing the body. Most of them are carried out before the procedures for cleansing and restoring the functions of the large intestine, liver, fat, sugar and other. It should be carried out using different methods of purification (enemas, starvation, special diets, stosuvannya zhovchoginnyh and sechoginnyh zabiv, vikoristannya heat, vikonannya raznykh ruhiv poses). The success of the procedures can only be reached with a variety of stimulants (tea, kava, tyutyun, alcohol). І carry out their requirements under the certification of the certification of specialists.

Inquiry and task

1. What is a healthy way of life and special hygiene?

2. How can an empty company become ill, so as not to look after one's teeth?

3. What are the rules of hygiene that must be observed so that the teeth and empty mouth are healthy?

4. What are the functions of hair?

5. What kind of hygienic rules do you need to follow, watching your hair?

6. What are the reasons for the need to cleanse the body?

Task 1.

Are all your teeth healthy? When did you see a dentist? As soon as you can’t tell on qi supply, ask the dentist and get your teeth in order.

Task 2.

What are the products to protect healthy teeth? Choose the correct words:

a) confectionery products;
b) vegetables, rich in protein and calcium;
c) fat hedgehog;
d) peanuts and peas.

Task 3.

From the proposed options, choose the one that correctly explains why the hair can be cut painlessly:

a) when shearing, cibulini hairs do not stick;
b) the cells of the hair to clean up the special pigment that protects against pain;
c) hair loss of nerve endings.

Task 4.

Magnifying glass (seborrhea) causes damage to the exchange of speech in the body. And tse means that it is necessary to include fat and gostrі stravi, smoked meat and fish, canned food, living in vegetables and fruits, malt and syrіv.
A pardon was granted to the induced transfer of products. Find out її.


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