Directly wrapped around the planets of the Sonyach system. Planets of the Sonyachnaya system: we are the only one

Directly wrapped around the planets of the Sonyach system. Planets of the Sonyachnaya system: we are the only one

You are in the portal of astronomy site, dedications to our All-World, space, great and small planets, and we will store the star systems. Our portal provides detailed information about all 9 planets, comets, asteroids, meteorites and meteorites. You can find out about the fault of our Sony and Sony system.

The sun at once from the nearest heavenly bodies, as if wrapped around the new one, make up the Sonyach system. 9 planets, 63 satellites, 4 systems of cells near giant planets, over 20 thousand asteroids, a great number of meteorites and millions of comets enter the heavenly bodies. Between them there is a space, in which electrons and protons (parts of a sony wind) are collapsing. Although the astrophysicists have long been engaged in the development of our Sonyach system, all the same, there is still an unfinished mission. For example, most of the planets and those of their satellites have been shown only in large numbers from photographs. We only got one pivkul of Mercury, and we didn’t fill the space probe to Pluto.

Mayzhe, the entire mass of the Sonyachny system is seized by the Sontsі - 99.87%. Rosmir Sontsya so itself transcends the rosemary of other heavenly bodies. Tse zіrka, yak zavdyaki high temperatures on the surface shine independently. Navkolishnі planets shine in the light of the Sun. This process is called albedo. There are nine planets - Mercury, Venus, Mars, Earth, Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter, Pluto and Neptune. Stand near the Sonyachny system and live in the loneliness of the middle part of our planet near the Sun. Yogo is called astronomical unity - 1 a. = 149.6 million km. For example, when the Sun reaches Pluto, it becomes 39 AU, and sometimes the indicator rises to 49 AU.

The planets are wrapped around the Sun in practically circular orbits, as if they lie clearly in one plane. Near the plane of the Earth's orbit, the so-called ecliptic plane is close to the average indicator of the plane of the orbits of other planets. Through the visible paths of the planets, Moon and Sun in the sky lie near the line of the ecliptic. Nahili orbits start their own sight in the plane of the ecliptic. Tі kuti, yakі may nahil less than 90⁰, vіdpovіdat rush against the year's arrow (direct orbital ruh), and kuti, scho 90⁰ - turn ruh.

In the Sonyachny system, all the planets are collapsing in a straight line. The largest healthy orbit is 17 ⁰ near Pluto. Most of the comets are collapsing at the right direction. For example, Halley's comet itself is 162⁰. All orbіti tіl, which are known in our Sonyachnіy system, may be more important the form of elіps. The closest point of the orbit to the Sun is called perihelion, and the farthest point is called aphelion.

Mustaches, calling on the earth guard, divide the planets into two groups. Venus and Mercury, as the planets closest to the Sun, are called internal, and more distantly, outside. The inner planets may be the borderline in the distance from the Sun. If such a planet is far away to the maximum on the shid or on the westward of the Sun, astrologers seem to have it in the greatest shid or west elongations. And how the inner planet is visible in front of the Sun - it is stashed at the bottom one. If beyond the Sun - at the top of the sky. So it goes, like the Moon, the cycles of the planet are chanting the sing phases of the lulling of the synodic period of the hour Ps. The true orbital period of the planets is called sidereal.

If the planet is abandoned for the Sun, then it is out of the way. That one has a vipadku, as if it was stashed at the opposite Sontsyu directly, it seems that it is known at the counter. That planet, which is guarded on the apex of the sky 90⁰ from the Sun, is vvazhayut quadrature. The asteroid belt between the orbits of Jupiter and Mars divide the planetary system into 2 groups. Internally, they reach the planets of the Earth group - Mars, Earth, Venus and Mercury. Change the average thickness to become 3.9 to 5.5 g / cm 3. The stench has spared the village, it is enough to wrap around on the axis and may be a small number of natural companions. Earth is Moon, and Mars is Deimos and Phobos. Behind the belt of asteroids are the giant planets - Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter. The stench is characterized by a great radius, a low span and a deep atmosphere. There are no hard surfaces on such giants. The stinks are already swirling around, sharpened by a great number of companions that may be a ring.

For a long time, people knew the planets, but only those that were visible to the indefinite eye. In 1781 V. Herschel discovered one more planet - Uranus. In 1801, J. Piazzi discovered the first asteroid. Neptune was vibrated by the twins, the upper hand theoretically - by W. Lever'є and J. Adams, and then physically - by I. Halle. Pluto, as the most distant planet, was discovered only in 1930. Galileo in the 17th century saw the moons of Jupiter. From that hour, the numbers of other companions began to appear. All the stinks were taken from the help of telescopes. About those that Saturn is a ring of asteroids, H. Huygens was first recognized. Around Uranus, the Dark Ages were announced in 1977. Other space flights were mainly used by special vehicles and satellites. So, for example, in 1979, people shook the rocks of Jupiter's ringstones on the Voyager 1 probe. And after 10 years Voyager 2 saw the heterogeneous rings of Neptune.

Our portal site provides basic information about the Sonyachnu system, its future and celestial bodies. We present only advanced information, as it is up-to-date at the moment. One of the most important heavenly bodies in our galaxy is the Sun itself.

The sun is located at the center of the Sonyach system. This is a natural single star with a mass of 2 * 1030 kg and a radius of approximately 700,000 km. The temperature of the photosphere - the visible surface of the Sun - 5800K. Porіvnyuyuchi schіlnіst gas photosphere Sontsya іz shіlnіstyu povitrya on our planet it is possible to say that there are a thousand times less. In the middle of the Sun, space, pressure, and temperature increase in fallows in the depths. What is more glib, then the displays are greater.

The high temperature of the Sun's core pours water into helium, and the result shows a large amount of heat. Through a chain of stars, one does not squeeze under the force of gravity. The energy, which is seen from the core, floods the Sun as a vibration of the photosphere. The intensity of the vibration - 3.86 * 1026 W. This process is already taking approximately 4.6 billion years. Approximately 4% have already been converted from water to helium for the healthy pіdrakhunkami. Tsіkavo those that 0.03% of Zirka's masi are turned into such a rank for energy. Looking back at the life pattern of Zirok, one can assume that the Sun today has passed half of its evolution.

Vivchennya Sontsya is a little more vazhka. Everything is connected with the great temperatures itself, but the development of technologies and sciences is the beginning of the development of science, the people are mastering the knowledge. For example, in order to identify instead of chemical elements on the Sun, astronomers show the difference in the spectrum of light and lines of clay. Emision lines (lines of viprominuvannya) are even more clear cuts in the spectrum, as they point to the extraterrestrial nature of photons. The frequency of the spectral line to talk about those, like a molecule or an atom in appearance. Lines of fading are dark gaps in the spectrum. The stench vkazuyut on daily photons tієї chi other frequencies. Otzhe, the stench is tarnished like a chemical element.

Viewing the thin photosphere, astronomers estimate the chemical warehouse of yoga overhead. The outer regions of the sun are mixed with convection, the sleepy spectra may have a high brightness, and the general physical processes can be explained. Due to the lack of tools and technology, only half of the lines of the sony spectrum have been intensified.

The basis of the Sun is to become a water, after a new idea helium. This is an inert gas, which is nasty to enter into the reaction with smaller atoms. So the wine itself is reluctant to show up in the optical range. Only one line is visible. The entire mass of Sun is made up of 71% water and 28% helium. Other elements occupy more than 1% of the troch. Those who are not a single object in a sony system, which may have such a warehouse.

Sleepy patches are areas of the surface of the sky with a great vertical magnetic field. Tse pereshkodzhaє ruhu gas vertically, chim prinіchuє convection. The temperature of this area drops by 1000 K, thus quenching the flame. The central part of the yoga is “shadow”, it is separated by a higher temperature area - “pіvtin”. Behind the dimensions such a flame in the diameter of a troch outweighs the dimensions of the Earth. Yogo life does not exceed the period for a sprat of tyzhniv. There is not a lot of singing quantity of flames on the Sun. In one period, they can be more, in the next - less. Qi period wash wet cycles. At the average їхній pokaznik reaches the badge of 11.5 years. Zhittєzdatnіst plamas lie in the cycle, which is greater, the less іsnuyut plami.

It is not enough to add to the total tension of yoga exercise. For a long time we tried to know the connection between the climate of the Earth and the cycles of the Sonyachny beaches. Zim dormouse pov'yazana pov_yazana - "Minimum Maunder". In the middle of the 17th century, during the 70s, our planet experienced the Little Ice Age. At the same time, I went to the Sontsi and didn’t have a practical life. Dosi exactly like this and do not know what the link is between these two podias.

In total, there are five great water-helium culms in the Sonyachny system, which are constantly wrapped around - Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus and the Sun itself. The middle of these giants can be found in all the speeches of the Sonyach system. It is still impossible to directly see the distant planets, so the majority of ignorant theories are so full of ignorance. Such is the situation itself with the Earth's overdrafts. And yet, people still knew how to make the inner life of our planet even better. It is not good for seismologists to cope with these diets, guarding for seismic shocks. Naturally, scho їх methods of zastosovni tsіlkom to Sontsya. On the view of the seismic terrestrial waves the sun is deafening the seismic noise. Under the converter zone, as it occupies 14% of the Zirka radius, the speech rotates synchronously with a period of 27 dB. The larger convective zone wraps around synchronously with cones of equal latitude.

Not long ago, astronomers tried to develop methods of seismology for the formation of giant planets, but the same results were not forthcoming. On the right, in what you fit, you are stuck in what you have to do, until you can fix the coli.

Above the photosphere there is a thin, hot sphere of atmosphere spreading out. Yogo can be susto suto at the moment of sleepy darkness. Її called the chromosphere through the red color. The chromosphere is about a thousand kilometers long. From the photosphere to the top of the chromosphere, the temperature rises twice. And yet, it is unknown why the energy of the Sun is seen, flooding the chromosphere at the sight of heat. The gas, which is above the chromosphere, heats up to one million K. The Qiu region is also called the crown. According to the radius of the Sun, it extends for one radius and may even have a low gas gap in the middle of itself. Cіkavo are those who, for the low thickness of the gas, the temperature is already high.

Every now and then, in the atmosphere of our luminary, gigantic expansions of light are created - eruptive prominences. Floating the shape of an arch, the stench rises from the photosphere to a greater height, about half the dormouse radius. Behind the warnings of the scientists, it is clear that the shape of the prominences is constructed by lines of force, that they look like a magnetic field.

Another cіkavim that superactively active phenomenon is vvazhayutsya sleepy sleepers. Tse even harder to see the particles and the energy of trivality up to 2 years. Such a flow of photons from the Sun to the Earth can reach the Earth for the highest amount of air, and protons and electrons can reach the Earth for a little bit. Such dreams are created at the places, where the magnetic field changes sharply. The stench chirps with a flurry of speeches from the sleepy patches.


For a long time, people knew less than five planets: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, only a few of them can be seen with an unobstructed eye.
Uranus, Neptune and Pluto were discovered for the help of telescopes in 1781, 1846 and 1930. A trival hour, astronomers saw the planets, guarding them from the Earth. They pointed out that all the planets, the crimson of Pluto, are collapsing in circular orbits in one plane and in one straight line, calculated the worlds of planets and stood in them up to the Sun, formulated their own manifestation about the life of the planets, admitted that Venus and Mars can be similar to Earth and on them, perhaps, іsnuє life.

The launch of automatic space stations to the planets, allowing for a significant expansion, and why look at the announcement about the planet: it became possible to take photographs of the surface, to cover the soil and the atmosphere of the planets.


Mercury is a small planet, three times bigger in a month. Yogo surface is so very littered with craters amidst meteorites. None of the geological processes have erased these dents from his guise. Inside Mercury is cold. On the other hand, the Sons of wines are collapsing more for other planets, but on the other hand, their axis is even more correct. Obіyshovshi dvichi turn around the Sun, Mercury vstigaє only trichі turn around on its own axis. After that, the temperature on the sleepy side of the planet exceeds 300 degrees, and on the unlighted - it is cloudy and fiercely cold. The atmosphere of Mercury is practically non-existent.


It is not easy to reach Venus. Її ogortaє tovstyy ball hmar, and under the tsієyu bezturbo zvnіshnistyu hovaetsya right hell, the vise turns the earth a hundred times, the temperature on the surface is close to 500 degrees, which is caused by the "greenhouse effect". The Radiansk automatic station "Venus - 9" was far away from transmitting to Earth the images of lava-filled and stone-covered surfaces. In the minds of Venus, the apparatus, descents to the surface of the planet, went out of harm's way, so the Americans took data about the relief of the planet in a different way.

The automatic station "Magellan", flying around Venus a lot of times, probed the planet with a radar, as a result, an all-season surface picture was taken. In some places, the relief of Venus is similar to that of the earth, but in the main the landscapes are marvelous: high mountainous round villages, sharpened by mountain ranges 250-300 km across, the entire area of ​​which is occupied by volcanoes; Other volcanoes make cakes with streamlined edges and a flat dome. The surface of the planet is pierced by channels, like lava has laid. You can see the sparkle from the active volcanic activity. The meteor craters on the surface of Venus rose step by step, which means that the surface took shape in one hour. Vcheni cannot explain how it could have happened, Venus boiled and was flooded with lava. There are no signs of volcanic activity on the planet.

The atmosphere of Venus is by no means similar to that of the earth, it is more important that it is made up of carbon dioxide. The tovshchina of the gas shell of Venus, plucked from the earth, is greedily large. Shar Khmar reaches 20 km. The stench revealed the presence of concentrated aqueous sulfuric acid. The sleepy light does not touch the surface of Venus, there are daylights, where the woods are going, the landscape is flawlessly illuminated by flashes of sparkles. High in the atmosphere of the planet, the winds are fierce, like marrying the gloom with majestic swedishness, the upper ball of the Venusian atmosphere to rob the upper wrap around the planet with a stretch of earthly breath. The solid body of Venus, on the other hand, wraps itself around its own axis, even more so in a different direction, lower mustache of the other planet. Venus has no satellites.


In the 20th century, the planet Mars was chosen by writers - science fiction, in the novels of the Martian civilization it was insanely higher than the earthly one. The enigmatic inaccessibility of Mars, having opened up its secrets, if radian and American automatic space vehicles have become straight for this event.

The station "Mariner - 9", wrapping around Mars, took pictures of all the planet's workers, which made it possible to create a report map of the surface relief. The successors revealed traces of active geological processes on the planet: great volcanoes, the largest of them, Olympus, 25 km of winds, and the great rosemation of Martian measles, which, having taken the name of the Marinera Valley, crosses the eighth part of the planet.

Great structures grew up in that same place of millions of rocks, on the edge of the Earth with її drifting continents, the surface of Mars did not collapse. The geological structures of the Earth, similar to the Martian ones, are dwarfs. Do volcanoes blow on Mars at once? Vcheni vvazhayut that geological activity on the planet, perhaps, was lost in the past.

In the midst of the Martian landscapes, red stone empty spaces are transported. Above them, in the erysipelas sky, light gaps of gloom float. The blue sky becomes at sunset. The atmosphere of Mars is already sparse. Once upon a time, on a rocky rock, sawy storms break out, which may suffocate the entire surface of the planet. Doba on Mars is three 24 years 37 hvilin, the axis of the wrapping of Mars to the plane of the orbit may be the same as on the Earth, to that change of feast on Mars, the change of feast of fate on Earth is confirmed. The planet is miserably heated by the Sun, so the temperature of its surface does not exceed 0 degrees during the summer day, and in the winter hour, in the bitter cold weather, carbonic acid froze on the stone, and Polar caps are more importantly formed from it. The everyday traces of life are not far away yet.

From the Earth, Mars is visible with a starry red color, perhaps, to wear the name of the god of war Mars. Two yoga companions took away the names of Phobos and Deimos, which in translation from ancient Greek means "fear" and "zhah". The satellites of Mars are cosmic "stones" of irregular shape. Phobos is 18 km x 22 km, and Deimos is 10 km x 16 km.

The planets are giants.

In 1977, American scientists and engineers launched an automatic interplanetary station near Jupiter as part of the Voyager program. Once every 175 years Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto are roamed in such a way that the Earth is able to launch a spacecraft can cover all the planets for a flight. Vecheni razrahuvali, scho for the singing minds of the space apparatus, pushing up to the planet, dragging to the gravitational sling, the planet itself sends the apparatus farther to the other planet. Rosrakhunki appeared to be the best. Earthlings were able to help distant planets and their satellites of the "eye" of space robots, unique information was transmitted to Earth.


Jupiter is the largest planet in the sony system. Vin does not have a hard surface and is formed mainly by water and helium. Through the great swedishness, the wrapping around its axis of the veins compresses the white of the poles. At Jupiter, a great magnetic field was fixed, the yakbi it became visible, then from the Earth it looked like a wide world from the sleepy disk.

In the photographs, we can see a little more gloom in the atmosphere of the planet, as if they were creating smuga parallel to the equator. Ale stinks collapsed with a majestic sweep, chimerically changing their contours. Numerous whirlwinds, polar clouds and flashes of sparkles were recorded near the gloomy curve of Jupiter. On the planet, the wind speed reaches a hundred kilometers per year. The most significant illumination in the atmosphere of Jupiter is a large red flame with a size of 3 times greater than that of the Earth. Astronomers have been watching yoga since the 17th century. It is possible that this is the top of the Veletensky tornado. Jupiter sees more energy, lower occupies the sun. Vcheni vvazhayut that at the center of the planet the gases are squeezed to the camp of the metal homeland. The core is hotter and it is the power plant that generates the wind and the stale magnetic field.

But let’s go ahead and surprise, let’s create not Jupiter itself, but yoga companions.

Satellites of Jupiter.

See 16 moons of Jupiter. The greatest of їх Іo, Europe, Callisto and Ganimed boulevarded more Galilei, the stench can be seen from strong binoculars. It was important that the satellites of all the planets are similar to the Moon - the stench is cold and inanimate. Ale, the satellites of Jupiter chimed the dosledniks.

Io- rozmіrom z Mіsyats, ale tse celestial body, creme of the Earth, on which volcanoes were revealed, which are blowing. It is heavily covered by volcanoes. Lava flows wash the surface with different colors, volcanoes rise up. But what is the reason for the active volcanic activity of such a small cosmic body? Wrapping around like the majestic Jupiter, It approaches the new one, then it moves away.

Under the influence of either a growing or a falling gravitational force, it either shrinks or expands. The grating forces roasted the inner balls to a great temperature. Volcanic activity is neimovirna, її the surface changes on the eyes. It collapses in the tight magnetic field of Jupiter, to which it accumulates a majestic electric charge, which is charged on Jupiter at the sight of an uninterrupted stream of sparkles, calling storms on the planet.

Europe may be visible smooth surface, practically without relief. It is vkrita with a ball of ice as much as possible, that the ocean is under it. Instead of melting rocks, water oozes out of cracks here. This is an absolutely new type of geological activity.

Ganimed- the largest companion of the sony system. Yogo rozmiri mayzhe so, like Mercury.

Callisto dark and cold, її covered with meteorite craters, the surface did not change billions of rocks.


Saturn, like Jupiter, there are no solid surfaces, - like a gas giant planet. Wine is also made up of water and helium, but wine is colder, so that I myself generate less heat, and take less of the sun. Ale on Saturn with strimkish, lower on Jupiter. In the atmosphere of Saturn, smoky, whirlwinds and other denials, and ale stench are uncommon and irregular.

Zvichainno, the respect of the vchenih bula was directed to the kіltsya, like the equator of the planet would be lost. The stinks were revealed by astronomers as early as the 17th century, from the quiet feast of the century they began to understand what the stinks are. The photographs of the village, handed over to the earth by an automatic space station, cheered the contemporaries. On them, in the distance, one could see hundreds of investments one in another ring, the deacons intertwined one with one, on the rings they showed dark smogs, as if they appeared, they were called knitting needles. Vcheni could make the hoops of Saturn with a close vіdstanі, but they had more power, lower vіdpovіdey.

Okrim kіlets near Saturn collapse 15 satellites. The largest of them is Titan, a troch less than Mercury. The strong atmosphere of Titan is signifi- cantly terrestrial and may be filled with nitrogen, it did not allow the surface of the satellite to float, but it is allowed to admit that the interior of Titan is similar to that of the Earth. The temperature of the white surface is lower than minus 200 degrees.


Uranus wraps around the other planets, which all wraps lie practically in the plane of the th orbit, all the planets are like a jig toy, and Uranus wraps like bi "lying on the side". Voyager barely "looked" in the atmosphere of Uranus, the planet called it appeared to be even one-man. Around Uranus, there are 5 satellites.


Voyager is 12 years away from Neptune. As if zdivatovanі vechenі, if on the outskirts of the sleepy system patted the planet, I’ll go to Earth. Vaughn was full of black color, in the atmosphere near the sides were crumbling white gloom. The winds on Neptune are much stronger, lower on other planets.

There is so little energy on Neptune that the wind can no longer blow. Vcheni have shown the system of circles around Neptune, but the stench is not equal and arcs, there is still no explanation for this. Neptune and Uranus are giant planets, but not gas, but krizhan.

Neptune has 3 satellites. One of them - Triton wraps around straight ahead, directly wrapping Neptune itself. Possibly, the wine was not formed near the gravity zone of Neptune, but it was attracted to the planet, if it was close to it and having spent it to the gravity zone. Triton is the coldest body in the sony system, the temperature of the surface of the troch is over absolute zero (minus 273 degrees). Ale on Tritoni, nitrogen geysers were revealed, which can be said about geological activity.


Now officially Pluto has ceased to be a planet. At the same time, yoga was followed by a "dwarf planet", one out of three in the Sonyachny System. The share of Pluto was assigned in 2006 to the voting members of the International Astronomical Conference in Prague.

In order to escape the swindlers and not to harass the cards of the Sonyach system, the International Astronomical Union ordered to bury the great celestial bodies up to the dwarf planets, as they do not enter up to eight earlier planets. Zocrema, the new status of nabula Pluto, Charon (the largest satellite of Pluto), the asteroid Ceres, which orbits between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, as well as the objects of the so-called Kuiper belt Xena (Xena, object UB313) and Sedna (object 90377 ).

This is a system of planets, in the center of which there is a bright star, a source of energy, warmth and light - the Sun.
For one theory, the Sun disappeared at once from the Sonyach system for about 4.5 billion years, in the aftermath of the vibe of one of the new stars. The sleepy system was gloomy with gas and sawed particles, like in Russia and with a splash of their masi, they made a disk, in which the vinicla new star of the Sun and our entire Sonyachna system.

At the center of the Sonyachny system there is the Sun, in which nine great planets wrap around in orbits. Shards of the Sun are stuck in the center of the planetary orbits, then the cycle of revolution around the Sun of the planet is either approaching or moving beyond their orbits.

Planets of the terrestrial group:і . Planets of a small size with a stony surface, the stench is closer to the Sun.

Giant planets:і . These are the great planets that are formed in the main gas and they are characterized by the presence of a ring, which are formed from a krizhan saw and impersonal skeletal shmatks.

And from do not spend in your own group, because, regardless of your transfer to the Sonyachny system, you are too far away from the Sun and may have a small diameter, a total of 2320 km, which is twice as small as the diameter of Mercury.

Planets of the Sonyach system

Let's get to know the planets of the Sonyachny system for the order of their expansion in the Sun, and also look at their main satellites and other cosmic objects (comets, asteroids, meteorites) in the gigantic expanses of our planetary system.

Kіltsya and satellites of Jupiter: Europe, Io, Ganimed, Callisto and others...
The planet Jupiter is home to a whole family of 16 satellites, and the skins of them have their own, dissimilar to other features.

Kіltsya and satellites of Saturn: Titan, Enceladus and others...
Characteristics of the ring are the planet Saturn, and other giant planets. It is especially clearly seen around Saturn's ring that it is made up of billions of other particles that wrap around the planet, the kіlkoh ring of Saturn has 18 satellites, one of them is Titan, and its diameter is 5000 km, so that it can work with the largest system.

Kіltsya and companions of Uranus: Titania, Oberon and others...
The planet Uranus may have 17 satellites, as well as other giant planets, which encircle the planet with thin rings, which practically do not allow the building to bring in light, which was absolutely not so long ago in 1977.

Rings and satellites of Neptune: Triton, Nereida and others...
From the beginning, before reaching Neptune by the Voyager 2 spacecraft, it was known about two satellites of the planet - Triton and Nerida. It is a fact that the satellite Triton can turn directly into the orbital rush, so marvelous volcanoes were revealed on the satellite, like nitrogen gas, silent geysers, spreading a mass of dark color (from a rare pair) for a lot of kilometers into the atmosphere. Under the hour of its mission, Voyager 2 spotted six more satellites of the planet Neptune.

Closest to the Sun is the smallest planet in the system, totaling 0.055% of the Earth's size. 80% її vaga become the core. The surface is rocky, torn by craters and funnels. The atmosphere is strongly razrіdzhena, it is made up of carbon dioxide. The temperature of the sleepy side should be +500°C, that of the reverse side -120°C. There is no gravitational and magnetic field on Mercury.


Venus has a very strong atmosphere that is made up of carbon dioxide. The surface temperature reaches 450 ° C, which is explained by the permanent greenhouse effect, the pressure is close to 90 atm. The expansion of Venus is equal to 0.815 of the expansion of the Earth. The core of the planet is folded out of the hall. On the surface there is a small amount of water, as well as faceless methane seas. Venus has daily companions.

Planet Earth

There is only one planet for the All-Sveet, on the basis of life. Mayzhe 70% of the surface is covered with water. The atmosphere is made up of a collapsible sum of sour, nitrogen, carbon dioxide and inert gases. The gravity of the planet has an ideal value. As if there was a lesser boulder - kisen was in, as if more - the water would pick up on the surface, and life could not stop.

If you increase the distance from the Earth to the Sun by 1% - the oceans will freeze, if you change by 5% - boil.


Through the great vmіst okisu zalіza in the soil, Mars may have a bright-red color. Yogo rosemir is 10 times smaller, lower than the earth. The atmosphere is made up of carbon dioxide. The surface is covered with craters and smoldering volcanoes, including Olympus, whose height is 21.2 km.


The largest of the planets of the Sonyach system. Larger than the Earth 318 times. It is made up of helium and water. In the middle of Jupiter rose smears, and that is why the atmosphere overcomes the vortex structures. May 65 companions.


The structure of the planet is similar to Jupiter, ale, Saturn is in the heart of the system's ring. Saturn is 95 times larger than the Earth, but it is also the smallest middle of the Sonyach system. Yogo Gustina is equal to Gustina water. May 62 with a companion.


Uranus is 14 times larger than Earth. Unique to its wrappers "on the side". Nahil osі yogo wrapping dorіvnyuє 98о. The core of Uranus is even colder, because everything is warm in space. May 27 companions.


Bigger than the Earth 17 times. Viprominyuє great amount of heat. Showing a low geological activity, geysers are resurfacing from its surface. May 13 companions. The planet is accompanied by the so-called Neptune Trojans, which are the bodies of an asteroid character.

In the atmosphere of Neptune, there is a large amount of methane, which gives it a characteristic blue color.

Features of the planets of the Sonyach system

With the vision of the planets of the Sonyach system, the fact of their wrapping is not only near the Sun, but still along the axis. So are the planets of the greater and lesser world, warm heavenly bodies.


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