Please the astrologers: how to conquer the person of Aquarius? How to take a person of aquarius to yourself.

Please the astrologers: how to conquer the person of Aquarius? How to take a person of aquarius to yourself.

Yakshcho Vi zustrіli vydkritoy and extraordinary man of Aquarius and if you failed to achieve this roztashuvannya, then the axis will please you for the sake of winning the heart of the creative “reinforced” sign. Remember, the more creativity, originality and chimerism you manifest, the more chances you have to stagnate in yourself that willful person. Do not say anything about your brand name and your women's "things" and bait. Your specialty and your creative nature are important to you. These are the people who do not sing the material light. The stench mayut other values ​​in life. You need a woman to respect yourself, as a mother to your own values, look at the speech that Aquarius. If you are like this, then it doesn’t matter to you to seek the love of a Aquarius person.

The man of life is a dreamer. Yogo already brings everything new and unknown. Vіn mrіє stati pershovіdkrivаchem yakoghosya povshcha chi process. Vіn pravdі pragne zrobiti shchos korisne for society. Vіn mriє become a part of the history of mankind. On the other side of this behavior, those who are Aquarius, like a child, endow themselves with inescapable abilities and vitality. And if you don’t go into a new one, you easily fall into a tale. Vin changes in his eyes and becomes a despotic tyrant, both to himself and to the point of restlessness. Be prepared for that, that you will be welded forever. And after welding, you will be able to calm Aquarius for a long time and change it, which is true, original and non-repeated.

If you don’t like such prospects, and you have won the heart of this difficult person, then you should know that Aquarius loves to watch science fiction films and read such literature itself. So, if you want to ask yoga for the first time, then the best option for you is to go to the cinema for the premiere of a sci-fi line. Aquarius evaluate your love for such a genre of cinema, win your mind. Until then, after reviewing the film, you will discuss and philosophize on those future ones.

If you have all the viide, as you have planned, then on the offensive, Aquarius will ask you himself. At the same time, do not think up a joke with him again yourself, or you can call the most volitional representative of the Zodiacal Stake. Leave yourself behind an unrevealed riddle for him, do not let him reach the secret depths of your soul. Intrigue Yogo with your shortcomings and unfamiliar tricks. It is not possible for you to hang on to your neck and see the kohanna again. Tse mozhe give up to Aquarius for freedom, and you need to value your independence. That's why you don't have to put pressure on someone else. It’s better to take a victorious position and spend more than an hour on conquering this difficult person. If you want, if you want to know everything, as it is recommended more, you will win your heart yourself.

Yak and all representatives, Aquarius is also a volitional sign. Like Bliznyuk, he has a lot of friends and acquaintances. Vіn duzhe comradely and balakuchy. Vin easily makes new acquaintances. You should also love to talk to each other and debate on different topics. You love to spend an hour with cheerful and noisy companies. Vіn vmіє create a friendly and unimpressed atmosphere, in such a skin one feels comfortable and natural. To that, if you do not like everything that has been rehabilitated, then you do not have a place in Aquarius. If you see the importance of a more relaxed, calm and stable life, then you have to tell another person. Aquarius will never become a homemaker and a smart Sim.

Aquarius can spend a long time joking about that ideal woman, the image of which wines aroused in his imagination. Win believe that such a woman is. Yomu needs a companion with a sense of wetness, as an understanding of yogo z pivslova and a wide spread of all chimerical ideas of the plan. It is her duty to give it to you to consider it meaningful and to assess it correctly. This woman is not guilty of squeezing, cursing and criticizing Aquarius. Vaughn can create a new atmosphere of trust, independence and rozuminnya. Ale remember, Aquarius, never before whom do you show your right soul to the end. You wouldn’t be such a close person, you’ll always be left feeling unsatisfied and even if it’s a distance. Since you are so independent and volitional yourself, then Aquarius will become an ideal couple for the creation of a miraculous school.

How to know pidhіd to aquarius cholovіkovі

If you understand and accept the main leaps of your Aquarius person, then the sleep of life brings more joy. For example, if you want to discuss seriously the food with your sample, check if Aquarius takes the dream and be adequate. Otherwise, at the shortest time, I thoughtlessly nod my head at the words, at the top of the wine, I would rage and cook with you. Remember, mercifulness is holy for Aquarius, with the help of it, you will relax and improve on your daily routine, this is meditation for yogis. Without letting him die, you spare him life force.

Know what friendship is for which sign is equal. To that, it is important for mothers to have a hobby, to speak to the soul, or just to ply. I, to the point, that the stench without enthusiasm will fit on an official school, it’s better to make friends on another, even if it’s good for us.

Aquarius man rozumіє words literally, flirtatiously, or grati don’t want to blame you. Do not check, that we will entice you to change your decision, to get angry and to get angry alone.

Aquarius man loves experimenting with people. And if you allow you to carry out the investigations over yourself and not look at them, then you will win your love and honor without a hitch. For you are sensible, that you unguardedly trust you

Ten commandments, how to behave with Aquarius

You are guilty of:

  • original and creative;
  • volitional and independent;
  • tolerant and strimano;
  • vykonanoyu pochuttyam vlasnoy gіdnostі;
  • vіddanu that wide.

You cannot:

  • border yoga freedom;
  • put under sumnіv yogo zdіbnostі and originality;
  • be boring and one-man;
  • live with material values;
  • be suvoroy and sovereign.

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Aquarius is a svailny romantic, an open source for intercourse. Yogo namovirna activity and raznobіchny development attract rich friends and acquaintances. Behind the friendly friendliness of this sign, the soul hovers, like a lot of idealistic illusions and selfishness. The inner light of such a boy, like a magnet, attracts women. The charismatic peculiarity of facilitating the truthfulness and unfeigned spontaneity of life. Sob to cherish your heart, the girls need to know, how to win the man of Aquarius.

5 facts about women with Aquarius man

Mysterious and untranslatable representatives of this sign, for all their breadth, are often not happy to raise trivality and virnі stosunki with women. Love stosunki and dovga prihilnіst for them - abstract understanding. Astrologers say that it is easier to appease the representative of this sign, or to conquer it for a long time.

Girls, suffocating at that person, to report chimalo zusil, to stick to your character. Aquarius himself is unlikely to change his names for her. Ale, having gained respect for the lad, take it off in yoga guise as a gift of share.

In order to understand, how much of the cicava splunk with Aquarius, it is sufficient to characterize the positive side of the representative of this non-singular sign with just 5 facts.

High intellect

Alive thought and the natural romanticism of Aquarius will not let the girls bother with him, but in the support of wines they will keep the theme of love. Neumovirna kommunіkabelnіst and dopitlіvіst rob Yogo erudite z rich food buttya.


Aquarius unique conflicts. Normal їхній camp - more neutral setting to podіy, scho vіdbuvayutsya. For the sharpening of the situation in them, there is simply no need for that graceful shukat and arguments that lead nowhere.


Sharpened people will constantly require their participation, they will always strive for their own shelter. Your independence embraces all spheres of life. Maidens, in order to conquer that lost man of Aquarius, it is necessary to be ready in no way to encircle the freedom of your dress.


Romantic for the nature of Aquarius, from one side, to believe in the world of fantasy, but from the other side - the stench of rational and practical nature. A couple with him will always have access to financial and budgetary balance. Vіn ne vіtaє zayvі vitrati: for a woman, yak zv'yazala z such a lad of life, vin will be the voice of reason, which ryatuє її vіd stupid shopping.

Building to calm down

Even though the girl has a nervous character, and she is often turbulent, Aquarius is an ideal partner for her. You can’t get by with two words: all the fights and worries of a friend will be easy and with the humor of a rose. Kokhaniy calm down all the emotional outbursts of his appearance. At this zdіbnosti yogogospravzhnіy chelovіchiy character is manifested - zhіntsi zavzhdі with him comfortably and calmly.

How to sing in yourself the person of Aquarius from the first tooth: 10 commandments

  1. Zack the cotton to the first bite. You can fall asleep in the community of Aquarius-person on the vіdstani for help listing. Sentence about a woman-mystery, how no more to go to the windows, to start. A lad can be choked with eccentricity and a maiden's mind, most sensible for the manner of the sheet.
  2. Faceless and ungrabable girls cannot be screwed up. Aquarius love to look at, zhіnochnyh and sexual beauties. What can you not say about his manner of dressing up: an expensive fashionable robe does not look like a man. Vіn shvidshe ferocious respect for the originality and vlasny style of the woman.
  3. To be worthy of a representative of this sign, you can open it, shira maiden: the edge and false pretense of you are unacceptable - all the same, you can beat the lad once and for all.
  4. Neperebachuvany Vodoliy tsіnuє so same akіst іn а proliferative field, yogo zatsіkavit originality of the maiden, її fantasy that mystetstvo vmіti yogo divuvati.
  5. The first battle is the most important moment of awakening the future stosunkivs. The girl can impress her guiltiness. You can catch a lot of thin women, so that the best ones want to know you closer.
  6. The strength of a person of this sign of that yogo post-yne practice of new knowledge attracts yogo to such a partner: the ability to develop at once and know those things for discussion is the basis for a trivial union with Aquarius.
  7. It is important for a lad not to be accessible to the end, suffocation is guilty of being constantly left in the unknown: chi can win new power over the image. It is necessary to give him an hour to change, that such a marvelous maiden for a family union of wines is no longer common.
  8. Not a trace of a check from a stale streak of roses, in searches of a girlfriend of life, wines are not enough to match. Be-yakі try the girls forsuvati podії can become a good person. Ale, how to make wine from the kimono of the family woman - you don’t know a bigger, more reliable, more beautiful and lower man.
  9. Capricious, whimsical pretensions, manifesting intolerance - an unacceptable behavior, building up to a kokhan. Softly and tactfully, you can reach more richly. Just like that, from this lad you can solve a problem.
  10. It is important that the maiden should become a scoundrel: an independent person, proud, with a rich inner world and powerful hoards. At the vapadka with Aquarius, a couple can ideally fit one to one - two must be halves of one whole.

Women of these signs are ideal for Aquarius?

Aquarius lie with the elements of Povіtrya, it is ideal for him to go to the woman of the element of Fire:

  • Aries;
  • Sagittarius.

The energy of the Sun during the day at the repeated signs, Aquarius suffers from self-satisfaction, hisism and posturing. Qi yakostі zavazhat їhnomu kar'єrny rostannyu. The union of the maiden sign of Leo and Aries harmoniously neutralizes the negative character of the person. The women of these signs were able to capture the sleepy energy of the kokhan - such squads are unremarkable, and even hard-heartedly help the people who are living in life, a lot of which the garn kar'er can reach and grow.

How to win the heart of Aquarius forever?

Aquarius do not like the dictates of women, the best tactics to win the heart of a person - do not impose on you, tolerantly put yourself up to the level of hypertrophied communication, do not try to get a partner in life first, at school, your friendly contacts are swayed, scammed. In the form of a dress, it is necessary to use a lot of money so that you do not get bored with it. Dedicate to yourself the creation of a romantic and mysterious atmosphere in a special connection with Aquarius - all those with which you can forever tie a kohan to yourself.

How can a woman of Aries win a man of Aquarius?

Yaskrava is an individual, with a strong human character, a woman Aries can inflame the sympathy of a lad. Qiu couple share the charisma of their peculiarities, the eccentricity of looking at life, the courage of vchinkiv and a sense of independence. Such a girl’s likeness to support Aquarius, the novel can be blamed without special susil. But such a similarity of the main figures to the character can lead to stosunki tsієї garnoї bet, so that the maiden does not rein in her egoism and does not succumb to her other mission in the leadership of their stosunkіv.

The union of the woman Taurus and Aquarius is small. Tse - two dimensions: the calm and earthy nature of Taurus is not a suitable party for an active and lavish romantic. Nayvirnіsha feast of the maiden Taurus: you can cheer Aquarius down with a quiet calm without hysteria, scenes of jealousy and other outbursts. In addition, you can give some support and help with yoga projects.

How can the women of Bliznyukov conquer Aquarius?

This couple may have a lot of common interests: the stench of insults is drunk, strong-willed, they attract all the new and unknown. Bliznyuk, for the conquest of Aquarius, can win her own victories, add for a new vigor: a garne is more like humor, a light character in a splintering and a more ugly frown will be poked with cіkavim ideas.

A strategy for rooting for a woman.

The folding nature of this union is in the inconsistent and weak character of the girl Cancer. To encourage Aquarius, it is necessary to intrigue him, to become a strong and extravagant woman, built on extraordinary toppings. Knowing the psychology of that person, the wise squad can know the points of dotik at the development of vents.

How to zatsіkaviti Aquarius zhіntsі Leva?

For this ideal union to intrigue the person of Aquarius, the wife of Leo does not become inconsistent. Їy dosit be yourself - behave zuhvalo, show the royal drawings of your sign, carry an invisible crown high on your head. It's easy to confuse a romantic bachelor for the sake of a schizophrenia about everything in the world.

How do you tell the person of the wife of the Divine?

The maiden of the Divi sign has one, ale, a trump card for conquering the fray: you can create a quiet family pobut for him, reveal your best lordly traits and innocently talk about your kokhan. The Hisstical Aquarius will be blessed with the grace of Divi. Zvіlneniy vіd pobutovyh problems chlovіk іz satisfied shift їх on the shoulders of his half.

The gate of the maiden of Terezi's sign can show a soft character, a building for a partner. Like a girl, she is intellectually deranged, a comrade, and to impress her partner with her erudition, her union of abilities. Golovna - why not change your kohan.

How should a woman behave to Scorpio?

Scorpio-women create great magnetism, the stench is mysterious and original. There are legends about the strong character and beauty of representatives of which sign. Often tse - vpevneni in their own individuals with bitchy vadacha. A joy for the maiden of Scorpio is to streak a bitch in yourselves, and at the same time Aquarius will become her easy fortune.

How to conquer Aquarius, the wife of Striltsa?

A pair of Aquarius and women Striltsya is an ideal option. Qi signs of no creation for a long and happy family life. The stench of the flooring organically attracts one to one, so it is not necessary for the girls to think about those how to conquer the nimble man. It’s easy to talk at once, stink to understand, how wild the skin of them is, to die for the sake of living in mutual interests.

Instructions for the Capricorn woman

The differences for the special aspirations of Aquarius and the girl Capricorn coexist violently. Virna that nadіyna maiden can reproach the wrong romantic with poignant and practical rices to character. The person chooses її, as if he knew, that I will always know that I will help that support. The woman of Capricorn can become a yogo mіtsnim til.

What do the women of Aquarius work for?

It is enough for the women of the same sign to mark Aquarius with love and lazy turbots. Having offended miraculously, one alone, the stench is similar in character, and in their interests. Such an alliance will be stable and not create tension among the partners.

How to achieve Aquarius zhіntsі Ribі?

The girls of Ribi are great dreamers and dreams, the stench is not like other women. Tse b_dkoril heart of a man, what a romantic, ale maiden Riba often makes an inner light, closing for all. In order to reach the expansion of Aquarius, it is necessary for him to learn to reveal his own name ideas and fantasies in front of him.

How to tame the man of Aquarius?

The girl can create an atmosphere of friendliness with the sample, the person is drawn to it, the girl feels most comfortable. It is necessary to squawk with the right of a kokhan with great tact, without interfering with the independent nature of Aquarius.

The maidens, suffocating in such an impregnable lad, are not enough to become a riddle for him. Vaughn is guilty of skin grafting buti for the new non-repeated and non-transferred. A romantic dreamer is the ideal of a couple of this sign.

Calm down the kohanogo to come fast, all the time you are guilty of pidkoryuvati, know and win a partner. So, stop wondering yogo, romantic holone and look at all sides more often in the wake of the new Miss Neperedbachuvannosti.

The maiden, as if she had tried to make herself look like a man of an incompetent sign, is not guilty of another time to fall for his freedom. Vіn not skhilny to zrad, vіdsutnіst kokhanoy not turbuvati, but it's necessary to be ready, scho the good hour of Aquarius is consecrated to friends.

How to behave with a person, so that you don’t behave?

It is necessary for a girl to know how to behave with a man Aquarius, so that the wine does not cool to her. The main transitions for the supra union are the same:

  • drunkenness and romanticism - it’s not necessary to choke on one girl;
  • nezalezhnіst i svavіllya - the basis for superechok near the vіdnosynyh;
  • closing for third-party internal light - the total width of the kohanna;
  • the behavior of Aquarius in a lien is not to be told about the yogic order;
  • the intransmissibility of this sign is often caused by the development of close links.

The psychology of the representatives of this sign is the great stake of intercourse, to spend the whole free hour with friends, but you cannot dedicate yourself to one other friend.

This man is a great sorcerer in the intimate right, that in any other time the woman is not guilty of flirting with other people, they are more of a yogo stake. Such a pardon for the maiden I brought to the opening of friendly stature.

Aquarius is not a quiet people, for whom you can get hot. Such a behavior of the maiden of wines is taken painfully and not respected by the admissible. A man, having caught his vanity and pride, he didn’t look like stilki, he’d instilled interest into them to the farthest splintering.

It’s worth pursuing and yoga friends-friends, accepting such wines as they are, such stinks. Yogo girl can take them just like that. The best option for a woman who died near Aquarius, there will be criticism at the address of someone from the yogo cola.

It is impossible for such a person to speak directly about his divine chastity - he is guilty all the hour of being ruined in conjectures: chi vіdchuvaє sympathy until the new, cikavit іn її bolshe, nizh statevy partner, as much as it is strongly tied to the new. For a woman who lies in Aquarius, the riddle can be forever.

People to the zodiac sign Aquarius give women their life of love, ease of mating and self-sufficiency. Charming such a lad is easy, but yogo is not so easy. Tse easy-going young man, who can easily remember his thought and part with a partner. To conquer a person-Aquarius, it is necessary to know the peculiarities of his difficult character. We are in front of the representatives of the sign of important comradeship and the privability of a woman.

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Enchant the person of the Aquarius sign, maybe be cute that cicava at the splintered woman. The representative of this sign of the Zodiac does not want to deprive the beauty of the beauty, to that it is trampled in such a way that you are stunned from two women at the same time. Moreover, offended women do not understand, what status may be cited by women. Really, the Aquarius man in the depths of his soul is afraid of serious feelings and pretentiousness to one and the same, to that I give myself respect to a lot of girls at once.

It is possible to suffocate the person-Aquarius in oneself only if that woman, as if with the help of a woman, rises to the independence of her partner. Zhіnka, yak zberіgatіmе distance from splіkuvannі z chоlovіkom, seriously zasіkavit lad and arouse її from new bazhannya. Like Aquarius, let yourself be robbed, if you want to, I will re-appraise myself, without losing my self-sufficiency. Jealousy, hysteria, and shyness to the control of a partner, mittevoly instill a person in the air, in the yak of wine, strangely sighing.

Kindle the heart of the object of sympathy, if you don’t have a woman, then you will become a friend. If the girl is in vіrtime in cotton-Aquarius, spreading his interests and naturally leads, then let her get close to the man of the world.

To cheer up the heart of a person-Aquarius, varto protect the coming moments:

  1. 1. The woman is guilty of forever getting rich like she is. Falseness, try manipulativeness, blackmail and substandard standards for Aquarius are unpleasant.
  2. 2. The people of the zodiac sign of the zodiac give great significance to the ethereal appearance of the image. The maiden of the world of mind always looks after herself: she dresses beautifully with gusto, wears an ideal make-up, looks at her skin, she has hair.
  3. 3. Aquarius likes to be slaughtered women, as they may have hobbies and the right of all life.
  4. 4. Compliance with listings from these people can, but at times, like a woman, show her high intelligence and erudition. Such lads can for years correspond with those who are hoarsely, for which a woman is worthy, as if she were willing to talk.

Sumy with a similar horoscope

To sway Aquarius in yourself, it is necessary to turn respect for the river, from which a person is born, for the Hidden horoscope:

  1. 1. Patsyuk. Such people are more diyal and energetic, but they are characterized by mistrust. Aquarius, the people of the Shchura River, do not tolerate scandalous and overbearing women.
  2. 2. Bik. Practicing easy splkuvannya and otrimannya new information, what a stink of satisfaction to share with otochyuchimi. Aquarius-Biks are impressed by self-sufficient women, who know what they want in life.
  3. 3. Tiger. People, people on the Tigris River, love extreme rozvagi and warm emotions, but women value arrogance.
  4. 4. Kit. This lad has a calm and melancholy personality with a strong character. It is easy to tame such a person, shards of wine, like a gut, walk by themselves.
  5. 5. Dragon. Yaskrava specialty, like to love to fantasize and to turn the respect of women. Such people value creative and expressive ladies without complexes.
  6. 6. Serpent. Aquarius, the people of the rivers of the Serpent, save a lot of mystery, more of them lie down to yogo namiriv that plans for life. You are an ideal partner - you are a sexy and bright woman, so you have a unique charm and a strong character.
  7. 7. Kin. Young people love the hu- man activity and the big company, to which they joke to themselves in such an honed one.
  8. 8. Goat. Such a man is the sound of being a helper in life, but in women, he wins over modesty and conciseness.
  9. 9. Mavpa. Aquarius, peoples on the river Mavpi, pragmatic harmonies and stable stosunkivs.
  10. 10. Piven. This person is a diplomat who is ready to reconcile everyone. Women value friendliness and readiness to compromise.
  11. 11. Dog. Virniy voєmu cholovіk cholovіk, but yogo roztashuvannya happen to win a long time.
  12. 12. Pig. These young people have good instincts, it is easy to fool them. The girls appreciate the openness and breadth.

Aquarius and other zodiac signs

As a woman may stagnate Aquarius in herself, she should pay attention to the totality of the signs of the Zodiac:

  1. 1. Aries. Partners may be richly sleepy, but women can not be folded through hisism, powerful and human, and women. Pidkoriti Aquarius will help the creativity and penetration of Aries. The girls were respectfully put up to the emotional state of obrance.
  2. 2. Taurus. Women of the zodiac sign to gain stability, home calm and comfort, which befits a person. Ale maiden-Taurus, it is important hour after hour to show creativity and fantasy, like the dream of Aquarius.
  3. 3. Twins. Harmonious couple, both shards love new emotions, dearer that creative activity. Ale zhіntsi not varto vimagati vіd Vodolіya pіdnogo podryadkuvannya.
  4. 4. Cancer. Maiden-Cancer may move in the leading position in the waters, and also in the waters of Aquarius. A deep interest in intrigue and riddles is no longer enough to see the union.
  5. 5. Lev. Levice gracefully reconciles with him, that she will not be the only woman for Aquarius in his life. If the maiden is zakokhana at the lad, that dream of doing this with him, then it is necessary for him to give the same freedom.
  6. 6. Diva. Sovereignty and practicality Devi adds object of sympathy only at the first stages of recognition. In a few hours, the girls will be creative and not easy to follow, which will be appreciated by the partner.
  7. 7. Terezi. Sob to cheer the heart of a man, maidens-Terezi, forget about your own thoughts better, and create this with a sample. In order to suffocate a man in himself, Teresa needs to demonstrate his intellect. But don’t show the girls how smart they are for the trouble.
  8. 8. Scorpio. The categoricalness and jealousy of Scorpio less than made a strong-willed lad. Help your heart to learn to help the softness of that pragnennya to spread your interests.
  9. 9. Archer. Girls-Strelts need to stream their fuse and categoricalness, otherwise a harmonious bet with the lad-Aquarius, which, having been honored, does not see.
  10. 10. Capricorn. Representatives of this sign are inspired by themselves and goals straightened. Under the infusion of a friend, the less-than-living Aquarius became a more sensible and arrogant person.
  11. 11. Aquarius. Having offended partners, they will become leaders in the cities, but it is impossible. If one of them gives up the example, then the union will appear promising.
  12. 12. Ribi. I want to want to fight about the vulnerable and mrіylivu Riba, with this wife, to show my pragnennia to share the interests of the kokhan, and the lad should appreciate it.

Cholovik-Vodoliy - tse cikava speciality, it’s not easy to give heart to someone. If a woman should go to work, then there will be a hopeful friend for a long time.

It is not so easy to get a person-Aquarius, as you think at first glance: you are more vivacious, if you go about choosing a companion of life. Sob to fill the heart of a man-Aquarius, do not varto diyati shvidko. Schemes of "Shvidkoї calm down" zastosovno up to that Saturnian are absolutely ineffective - then it will take a long time and painfully to analyze - whoever calmed down. For example, Aquarius, for all the characteristic parameters, has succumbed to you - to bring chic bouquets on the skin, kiss the hand, write romantic SMS, but it does not mean that you yourself see yourself as a potential other half.

On the right, in the fact that the people of Aquarius in the natives from the opposite statute are subject to the method of trials and pardons. In other words, the vin is simply trying to be a woman with a mustache, like a cry of sympathy from the new one. To that very skin, Aquarius can boast of a decent track record of many girlfriends. If you don’t become one with riches and conquer a person-Aquarius, it’s necessary to take in a different day - accept, you won’t be fooled by the docks, that you definitely won’t go anywhere.

Do not go to extremes and change the style, instead of a chameleon - just add new details to your image. Vodoliy vzagali love yaskravikh, fashionable girls. Pіdsvіdomіy іdеal representative єєєєєєєє іѕ іѕ thе sign іѕ а dіvchina z lining the magazine, аlе krіm ѕоvnіshnої effektnostі vає bіbіlyаchy, turbulent, virnoy ta razumіuchoї. So I want to tweet: “But why don’t you want something, friend, there are no ideal people!”. What vdієsh, cholovik-Aquarius perfectionist (when rice may be always present in the character of Aquarius), to this criterion before the examination, it is necessary.

Vtіm, yogo perfectionist look at the re-verification to dose obmezhenі. Like a little thought about you in the warehouse, like about an effective and stylish woman, then at the next stages you will see a halo of efficiency over you in your eyes forever, so you walk in front of him at home captions and with an orange mask on your face. Golovne - do not strike the first enemy. Man-Aquarius does not like sluts. It’s not enough to love someone, prote for the representative of whose sign neohainist and neohainistness call out giddiness. One burning moment - and that blushing like a wind blowing.

The conquered person-Aquarius can serve well in advance of the selected "dossier" on the new one. Even if you want to be on top, you will be aware of yoga knowledge, having learned about them through the familiar-relative-social networks, you can successfully operate with your knowledge. You can be simpler, look at your corporate photos from the corporate party in cafe N, and then inadvertently tell us what you are planning to celebrate National Day there. Axis and spіlna theme "painted"! At first glance, these are cunningly simple, inspiring children, prote in practice, the simplest paths are the shortest, is it not so?

In dialogues with women, the Aquarius man should take the position of the leader for the best. It is necessary to give the opportunity to show your krasnomovstvo, without interrupting and trying to shine with the power of knowledge. Show your baggage of knowledge and you will grasp. Nayvigidnishe take the position of a thoughtful listener, but do not forget to periodically turn over the thread of conversation. Try to work in such a way that you look in your eyes as a sensible girl, but not even as a smart deck.

Ideally, in the mind of a man-Aquarius, a woman is guilty of a mother for a little bit of humor. That is why you have the ability to show yourself in this sphere - do not miss it. But do not overdo the club, so that your handsome prince does not blame your adequacy for doubts.

And the axis of those who cannot be robbed at any time, as you choose to conquer Aquarius - ceremonial yoga about yoga colossal і, God of the harrow, magnify yourself in front of them. You are a million times better for them - but it is necessary to work so that Aquarius himself understands. It’s also unreasonable to talk about your past novels with him. Like wine provoking you on such an intimate, surrounded by blatant phrases, do not open up to the end. What else is not varto robiti - lies. Sometimes it’s bullshit, but it’s not varto to work as the foundation of your stosunkiv. Like a man-Aquarius, he plays his passion in innocence, navit from a purely sporting interest, to “dig” more, so that he reaches the turns of deceit, and then, from the object of deception, change into an object of education.

To the girls, to the sleepers, to the nurses: how can I still win the man-Aquarius, I confirm - no way! You don’t need to conquer, even if you don’t have a fortress, even if you look like this yourself. You need to understand why?

From the look of astrology, Aquarius is one of the three signs of the future. The element grants Aquarius the breadth of nature and having looked at it, it allows one hour to penetrate the sphere that is relevant to them. It's easy to know common language with people of any age, status, status, nationality, profession and profession. To love buti will take that brown. It is necessary for us to face other people's problems, shukati options to solve, analyze, marvel at the side, posterigati.

It is important that Aquarius is the most important sign of all. Therefore, if you are lucky enough to conquer a person of that sign, then be patient and get ready to ride a serpentine on an unknown swedishness.

How to conquer?

Cholovіka-Aquarius is hard to conquer. It’s easier to do so, so that you yourself become a conqueror. Zatsіkavivsya, vyvchiv, razrobiv tactics, budding ... Once again poking around, catching the moment and winning.

Another option is to be yourself. Aquarius add at once beautiful and sensible, sexy to the world, slightly mysterious, cheerful and life-like. Dosit buti happy and vipprom_nyuvati light. Then Aquarius himself will be attracted by the magnet of his cicada.

If you still chose the tactics of conquering through deceit, then be prepared before the early (better for everything, early) deceit will be revealed, Aquarius will “bite” you, after which you will be deprived forever.

Started to fight - not about anything. Aquarius, hurry up, peaceful warrior. Ale, be prepared before the fact that at various stages of the water can manifest your watery nature in negative images: despotic, hisistic, volitional and divakuvatiy (an hour before Bogeville).

About the woman...

Rich in why the woman-Aquarius is similar to the person of her sign. Vaughn is constantly collapsing, spinning and converging at once through all channels, calling a hundred people. You don’t know it yourself, but wait at the center of the respect of the numerical shanuvalniks.

Like a man-Aquarius, the most in life is to value freedom, which makes it cold and impregnable. Positive, accommodating, erudite, humane, communicative, but at the same time stubborn, categorical that vimogliv. The natives value honesty and hatred.

How to zakohat a person-Aquarius in yourself?

Aquarius rests less of his ideal, he is guessing, growing in his fantasies. You can hardly describe the ideal woman’s dream if you know it, but you can go from a vipadkovo to the framework of the ideal. It’s easier to squirm at Aquarius, lower snuggle yoga at home.

Like such a person, having fallen in love with you - take it as a gift of a share. There are surprises in front of that bright farb of life, hoarse roses and cicadas are on the way, a happy homeland, people have a kohanna and grow up with a turbot child.

How to inspire?

It is clumsy to spend a person, born under the sign of Aquarius, and turning the axis is not an easy task. To that, so as not to get into the situation “how to turn?”, let's say - “how not to spend it”.

The only life important mind for Aquarius is freedom. Freedom of thought, diy, choice. Don’t hesitate to plant Yogo by the cage, tie goiters to friends with those sleeping children. Let's spend an hour with friends, take care of projects, sit at the office for years, do our best. It is not necessary to vimagati, emboss, kvapiti, put experiments and try to make a chain. Aquarius is too balakuch. It's important, they heard them. If you don't care, let me in.

Cholovik, what a pishov, for some reason, you don’t feel too many feelings, to turn around like that. You just live in the same apartment, sometimes you sit in the kitchen, you love children like you did before, but I won’t love you again.

It is not easy to be with a man-Aquarius. A foldable character, a constant hurry to curl up, an ethereal coldness and a deeply instilled inner light are compensated by a great amount of positive, goodness and encouragement from your side in be-yakoy nutrition.

For non-standard women, you will become a miraculous ally, with which you can spare yourself cares and start a new life. Ale for the quiet, who wants to take away a great amount of respect and warmth in their hearts, rather than shukati someone more wise.

The character is visible from the person-Aquarius. Why check?

An important principle of the Aquarius' strategy is: don't "hang" on your neck, walk on the heels and tangle. Aquarius is the most important sign of the zodiac.

In sex, like in a be-yakіy іnshіy region, wines and frills, but only in that mood, like yomu tse tsіkavo. Traplyayetsya, what more satisfaction to Aquarius to bring sweet erotic fantasies and rozmovi on piquant topics.

If you are a girl, you are prejudiced, love experiments and you should be amazed, then experiment and experiment at once. Aquarius is to love.

Natural strimanity at once zі skhilnіstyu before the analysis of the situation helps Aquarius to send friends, known, vipadkovyh spіvrozmovnіvnіv at the right direction. In their arrogance, people know deak enchantment, as they help Aquarius to win over others.

Zrozumіlo, Vodoliї mum and negative vibes: it’s easy to change, entice and destroy from the moon, because the stench themselves don’t want it. They can be despots at stosunkah.

A man-Aquarius does not try to turn a stosunka, like a deyshov a visnovka, which they have no future. Vіn just go. Irrevocably.

The summation of a man-Aquarius with women of other signs.

Let's repeat that Aquarius often create a militant union, incitement to mutual understanding, pragmatic knowledge of the world that is more expensive, love for people. Vіdnosini nadіlenі nіzhnіstyu nagaduyut book novel. It is easy to understand one alone and vibache small weaknesses.

Tsіkavіst vyyavlyaє man-Aquarius to the representatives of the element of fire:, ta . Nayaskravishi stosunki will be from the rest. Here is mutual povaga, readiness for adventures, more hostile to the life. Levs and Aries are the same cіkavo with Aquarius, but the first ones, early in the morning, are more likely to play the frivolous setting of a person up to pennies, and the other ones should follow him with a constant control of that vimoglivistu.

Earth signs:, and they are choked by Aquarius, and yet it’s not hard to fix the “landing” of yoga nature, which is hovering in the gloom. A constant pressure, lowering from heaven to earth, life behind the schedule is swiftly on top of Aquarius.

Between women of water signs ( , i ) and men-Aquarius often blame the yaskravs sleeping on mutual weight. Conservatism and hotness to the stability of Rakiv, unstriking emotions of Scorpions, “quiet vir” Rib and eccentricity of Aquarius can overcome such an alliance. The difference between the elements is responsible for the parts of welding and mutual zakid. These are the novels of sexual diversity and love of all feelings: from love to hate, from tenderness to rudeness.


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