What did the son of Irini bezrukovoї do before his death. The ex-person of Irina Bezrukovskaya rose, like a girl survived the death of her children

What did the son of Irini bezrukovoї do before his death. The ex-person of Irina Bezrukovskaya rose, like a girl survived the death of her children

Igor Livanov revealed the tragic details of his biography. Actor dvіchi having fun with his children, but all the same he believed in a happy future. Narazі artist vyhovuє dvoh sіnіv vіd teteї retinue, i shchodnja їz їkh vtratiti.

Irina Bezrukova from synom

Igor Livanov sound on the screen images of strong and strong people. Youmu often plays the roles of military, police and heroic ones, as they drank at the folding life of the furnishing. Well, Livanov himself repeatedly had to turn himself into a mity. Strike the share of wine again, having spent two children, but all the same you saved the faith from the light of the future.
With the first retinue of Tetyanoy, the artist got to know the cob of the 70s. At once the stench started at the theater institute, and then they worked at the cinema. Colleagues did not get tired of choking on the harmonies of the Livanovs, as they practically did not cook. In 1979, a daughter, Olga, was born in them, and she instantly became the head radio of the big dad.
It was supposed to be happy forever, but in 1987 Tetyana's and Olga's brothers died tragically. Vantage pull, at some one they drove a galma, crashing at the passenger pull, at some one Livanov's relatives were changed. That same actor went through a terrifying trial: the recognition of relatives, funerals and adaptation to a new life.
“We said goodbye at the station, I remember well. Over the years, repeatedly turning to tsikh spogadіv. And in the morning before me, a policeman and a doctor had already gone to the apartment. I remember how the stench blew away and pierced the cry of mami, as if I didn’t know anything else. Vaughn said: there is no more. Let's take a long way to Kamensk for entry. I am guilty of going through this and I am going through. Tse, singsongly, the most terrible, through which a person can go. My friends were instructed by me, they did not leave me, they understood. My neighbors helped. One of them brought me three liter bottles of cognac. I drank them, but nothing happened to me. Alcohol is not taking me. I have understood what is necessary for me, or to end my life, so that I can go to the monastery, or be reborn through children. I needed to shut down the first time, ”Livanov recognized, slowly streaming emotions.

Livanov could not resign himself to the tragedy for a long time
Miraculously rozumіyuchi, scho wines do not run out of grief independently, Igor succumbed to a new sense. Zustrich from another squad, Irina Bezrukova, helped him again to believe in happiness. In 1989, the son of Andriy was born in 1989, and now the boy has become the center of the world for the actor.
The next test of Livanov's check in 2000 roci. Same time, having recognized a serious injury while working on a charcoal project, Irina went the same way to Sergiy Bezrukov. Assuring that you don’t lie to yourself, the artist, having continued to practice richly, and speak out of the blue. “I reproached Andriy, that I don’t say bad things about my mother, and I cherish my word. I remember Prote, like the year 2000 I phoned until blue, but I didn’t answer. Trohi pіznіshe vіn called back and said: Tato, I'm near Volgograd, I live in an apartment. My mom ruled me, Scientology.” I'm a lyuty, hankering, for a 24-year-old son turned home, otherwise I'm going to file an application. They turned Sina, but in the future I realized that I didn’t know yoga, ”the actor rose.
If 2015 the rock of Andriy died unexpectedly, Igor was the most shocked. Arriving at the apartment before the fall, vin pobachiv that the whole apartment is full of photos.
“If I stumbled in the yoga room, then I realized that I was the son of a child. Everywhere there were my signs: you looked at the closet, there was a photograph, on the table, on the bedside tables. And on the table lay less than ten diplomas from Scientology. Vіn knowing, how I will put myself up to this yogo hoarding, without showing anything to me. I don't know my son well. Dosі not razumіyu, what happened to him then, even if you want to know about it, ”the actor recognized.

The third squad of the actor was even closer to yoga son Andriy

Behind the words of Livanov, after the tragedy that had happened, Irina Bezrukova asked for forgiveness from him for everything. Prote Andriy's death was a blow not only for his father, but also for the new squad of Igor Olga, who at that time was vagitnoy. “They have just a name-calling from Lekoyu. Vaughn loved Andria. If Vin died, I really worried about that little one, like Lek to wear. Vaughn bula was simply heartbroken, ”the artist voiced.
The third squad is 25 years younger than Livanova, but they don’t respect their family happiness. The actor knew that the team of that two blues was for him with his own faces in the form of any gir. However, I can tell about the dead children of the day. “I know that the stench didn’t come, the stench is in order. І squad Tanya, і daughter Olya, that syn. Stink my guardian angels, stink at the same time and I believe in you, ”the artist said at the final of the program.

Irina Bezrukova in Tallinn

PHOTO: Konstantin Sednev / PM / Scanpix Baltics / Scanpix

Nearly three years later, Andriy Livanov was buried - the son of Irina Bezrukov and actor Igor Livanov. As the press said, the young man died of acute heart failure. And yet another sister, Nina Livanova, spoke about those that turned out to be true, reminding Pronedra.ru.

Andryusha Mav is already an easy step to diabetes, but without pouring into the life. Vіn nіkoli nіkoli not kolі іnsulіn і not vmіv. I didn’t have syringes at home, and I didn’t know anyone. If you want a date, the opening of the apartment will be rich. Vin called a swede. I didn’t call and I didn’t call, it’s bullshit. І the temperature of the new bull is a maximum of 37.5 (a white thermometer). Everything was on the spot, nothing out of the ordinary, the phone was not in order from the body. Vin just pishov barefoot by the toilet, falling and hitting himself to death on the tiles. Vkray not far away falling. Why - do not know, it is possible, because of the weakness of the head. About rosetin: they took an analysis of his body for alcohol and drugs and so, as if to lie down, but we took rosetin itself for the obviousness of the situation. And I didn’t want to, and the fathers asked him not to work, but the investigators didn’t know that there were no reasons to respect the prohannya. Later, the situation with the police did not call out the daily suspicions. Everything was obvious. Vin fell. Reshta is nonsense and nonsense. The entire Internet is in “heart failure”, “drugs”, “why it didn’t grow, it’s dark on the right” ... and the sun, having not smoked cigarettes for life, can’t stand alcohol.”

“My son buv is clean, beautiful, wise. The new soul has a bula ... It’s like an invisible soul! Even after saying such speeches to the little ones, it suddenly became clear that the wine had an inner haircut, it was already laid down in the new one as an even thinner spiritual essence. Vіn managed to tell me too much. I wrote down yoga phrases in my wallet, don’t forget. If it's too hard for me, I'll re-read them. Andriy saying: “Life is more lethal. Sometimes it’s lethal,” Bezrukova shared.

The actress said that after the death of the son, її was supported by friends of that fan. Irina knew that she did not guess how many unknown people love her and she is worried about her.

“First, majestic thanks to the chanuvals. I myself run Instagram and Facebook, there are a lot of people who fill me with words of encouragement. Navit didn’t know that people before me were sicker. If you feel like it, then it sticks, until you can’t but cook. Ale, even better friends, they passed me hand in hand, so that nothing happened. My son vvazhav, that death does not exist, that there are parallel stories ... I believe that there is no spiritual storehouse. The body is just a biological spacesuit,” Irina said.

Andriy Livanov: biography

The young actor, who gave hope for the vision of musicals and cinema, Andriy Livanov, was born and virіs among these famous artists. In front of the new one, perhaps, a successful card was checked, but the share was ordered otherwise. In the spring of 2015, the fate of Andriy's life tragically ended.


Actor Andriy Livanov was born in 1989, on the 6th of December. Yogo father - Igor Livanov and Irina Bakhtura (she was a student of Igor before). In 2000, when Andriy was 10 years old, the family of Livanov fell apart, and the boy himself lost his life with his mother. Unexpectedly, Irina became a substitute for the actor Sergiy Bezrukov, who became Andriy's witch.

When separated from the father, Andriy Livanov continued to warm up with him. The stinkers liked to spend an hour at once, chanted loudly. In a word, Igor Livanov was trying to be a good father for Andriy and give him a proper care.

Navit if Andriy virіs, stinks, like before, were chosen to go somewhere on the weekends. The offenders also liked to go bowling and shooting.

With the vchim, Sergiy Bezrukov, Andriy also had friendly stature. It can be said that Andriy herself, in certain situations, was with such strength, as she pacified the Bezrukovs at once.


Andriy Livanov created the middle of the world, starting in an elite private installation near Moscow under the name "Golden Peretina". Tsya school vikoristovuє in its program and individual pіdhіd and orient on the zdіbnostі svoїchnіv. Sergiy Bezrukov, having read his stepson's diplomatic career and pronouncing to go to study at the MDIMV, prote Andriy, having taken the better steps to become an actor. The first yoga choice was the Moscow Art Theater School, where I enrolled in a training course.

Later it turned out that the lads were not busy at the courses, and even though they did not go to them. Understanding that he had mercy on his choice, Andriy, having taken away his documents, chose to radically change his profession - once he got to the Institute of Similarity. Ale and here the young man did not get wet more than rock. Zreshtoy Andriy zupinivsya on the linguistic direction and having taken the diploma of the Moscow Sovereign Open University. The actor's father, Igor Livanov, explains Andriy Tim's metaphor that it simply did not add to the naming.

Three years ago, the son of Irina Bezrukov and Igor Livanov died, at that hour there was a lot of talk about the causes of Andriy's death. They talked about heart failure, diabetes, attributed to drugs. Today it became clear, through which the young man nevertheless perished.

What was true

The actress even more importantly endured the death of her beloved son, more so, because they have a deep, spiritual connection. Dosi zhіnka can't talk about those who have become calm. As Irina rose, I dreamed of seeing the Asian country for a long time, to get to know a similar culture, to that the stink of the blue, for a few months before my death, they violated before V'etnam.

Ale, dearly, showed up not far away, the actor caught the unknown virus on the back of his head, and then Andriy looked unimportantly to himself. Sin viklikav for mami doctor, yaky vipisav faces. If Irina became more beautiful, the stench continued to look around at the memory of the memory of the memory.

For proof! After returning to Moscow, mothers and sons forgot about the transfer of intolerance, did not attach any special significance to them, and did not return to the medical doctors.

in the capital

Turning back home, I left my working weekdays. Irina saw a lot of people now, Sergiy Bezrukov on tour to Irkutsk, and Andriy Viyshov on a job. At that hour, the lad hugged the administrator's seat at the Moscow Provincial Theater. The actress guessed that before the trip she took her son's temperature, she showed up a little raised, but the mother did not give any meaning.

Perebovayuschie in the distance, the woman constantly telephoned Andriy and stverdzhuva, that the voice of the son of a bad boy and the trash of self-conscious guilt did not squawk. Everything was good, until one day Bezrukova could not feel yoga on the phone, the lad didn’t respond to SMS.

Having waited close to 12 years, Irina asked her friend to come home to them, if she helped, that no one could fix the door, they were angry. The protégé, as if by rank, penetrated through the window, in front of which the same diligent director of the theater was present.

Andriy was lying on the bed, and there was a small indentation on the head of the new bull. The reason for the death of the son of Irina Bezrukov and Igor Livanov, having become a banal unfortunate depression, maybe, the lad weeped and fell, hitting me. The doctors who arrived at the foot of the earth did not register a sign of a violent death.


After the death of a young man, the Internet became sensitive, about those who were to blame for everything drugs, why Roztin did not rob, what is dark on the right. Prote mother stverzhuє, її sin nikola not smoking and buv baiduzhim to alcohol.

Fact! Roztina was not really hurt, the body was taken away, and drugs were removed for detection, the results showed that nothing else was detected in the body of the young man.

Andriy was suffering from a mild form of diabetes, a whole sum of his life. With the help of insulin, I don’t have any veins, and I didn’t try to take injections of veins myself. Vіdomostі about those, nibito bіlya corpse knew syringes, є bullshit, like a hard actor, and everyday calls at the shvidka did not help.

There was a thermometer lying on the table, which showed 37.5, and the phone was in its place. Possibly, due to his weakness, it was the fault of the mucus cough at the toilet, but the cause of death of the son of Irina Bezrukov and Igor Livanov was a banal head injury.

Andriy, with a fine organization of the soul of a person, from childish rokiv, vyslovlyuvav neimovirno wise thoughts, and mothers wrote down after him. If you become aware of it, Irina will reread the phrases of the son. For example, Andriy once said that there is no death, but just a transition to the next world.

Even though three fates have already passed, it is important for actors to know the sensation of their її іsnuvanni, and it’s not enough to know the strength of life far away.


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Irina Bezrukova revealed that her son Andriy Livanov died through an unfortunate fall. A young man maw gostra heart failure. For everything, the lad's head was spinning, he fell and hit his head on the tile, which caused a lethal end.

In an interview with the program "My Hero", as it is broadcast on TVC, Irina Bezrukova told TV viewers about the cause of death of her son. For її words, Andriy is a healthy way of life, not smoking, not drinking. The lad is ill with diabetes. Deyakі dzherel stverdzhuyut, scho before the death of the wines, he tried to make himself an injection, but he did not go far. Vіn fell and after the blow, eating an unfortunate fall

Igor Livanov son Andriy cause of death: details

Andriy Livanov, son of Igor Livanov and Irina Bezrukov, was found dead at his apartment on 14 February 2015. At that time, the young man was 25 years old. Some people seem to think that the lad was under the influence of drugs like other similar drugs. Others say that this is an unfortunate mood. At the result of yoga, the mother wrote an interview with Tetyana Ustinova's program “My Hero”. Irina is convinced that Andriy is a healthy way of life, not smoking, not drinking. Vіn ailments on tsukrovy diabetes. And after the last trip to V'etnam, the lad became infected with a viral infection, as if fatally spilled onto the body. After that, like a blue-collar day without going to the call, the police were called. After the evil of the apartment, the body of the dead Andriy was known at the bathroom room, syringes lay in order. It’s quite possible that you fell in a link with the filthy self-consciousness of the wine, hitting your head on the tile, which caused a fatal end. Doctors state that the cause of death was heart failure. Andriy Livanov writes from the life of the 25th anniversary.

Igor Livanov son Andriy cause of death: funeral

Andriy Livanov cremation at the crematorium of St. Nicholas Arkhangelsk Tsvintar. Roztin the body was not carried out, there were no shards of sumniv in any unfortunate mood. At the funeral of the son came yoga father, mother and young brother Timofiy. Colleagues from the theater, de pratsyuvav Andriy, also changed at the ceremony. Witch, Sergiy Bezrukov, there were no attendants at the lavas.

The trip to the tropical land became fatal for the 25-year-old stepchild of actor Sergiy Bezrukov. Andriy Livanov, nayimovіrnіshe, pіdhopiv vіvіrіsіnі іnfektsіyne ill. The situation was aggravated by the fact that the young man was suffering from diabetes.

As it became known to "MK", ​​Andriy at once from mother Irina Bezrukova broke the birch on the cob to V'etnam. Bezrukova wrote on the side in the social media of the blue sheet of another, in which she described the overseas expedition. There, zokrema, the lad guessed that Irina fell ill, through which she stumbled more expensively.

One day after returning to Moscow, Irina saw a man on tour to Irkutsk. Andriy stayed at home by himself. Vіn shrugged off his right father Igorev Lіvanov because of the high temperature and the filthy self-feeling. Ale actor vyrishiv, scho synovі treba vіdіspatisya after the transition.

Igor Livanov sings that the trip to V'etnam has brought Sina. Adzhe in this country has a lot of febrile fevers, viral infections.

And doctors do not include that Andriy became a victim of a tropical illness. Tim is bigger, a lad suffering from a severe form of circulatory diabetes, the mother of a special doctor. And people with diabetes have reduced immunity. They are not recommended to travel to the lands of Pvdenno-Skhidnoy Asia, because for them the risk of falling ill for the same lihomania is much greater. Prevention before travel does not help, and the incubation period for the development of the disease is 1 to 7 days. If Andriy had a virus, then it could be helped by additional therapy - urticaria is too thin. I inspire a possible death in someone's mind. Behind the words of the physicians, Andriy could not be taken aback by such lands, but the next thing was to raise the price of Europe, because there were no such ailments and shvidko could give medical help.

Livaniv about the guilty at the death of the son

The actor povidomiv police so that no razumіє, why yogo sina hapili shukati more than once, if it has already become injustice.

“In the rest of the days, the days of the nayimovirnishe zv'azuvavsya only from the mother. I don't know the hour of death yet, but it's important- Quoted by Livanov Super. - Because it didn’t come yesterday at night, but earlier, then you didn’t understand why they beat the bell only yesterday in the evening? I don't know Andriy's closest friends - I'll be the only one. If you come before me, then make friends without friends. Once you start talking about your girlfriends, then stop. Friends, I don't know yoga. I know less than schoolchildren, but it was a long time ago, I definitely didn’t know them. With kim vin talking in the rest of the hour - for me, the information is absolutely closed. If he arrived before me, he spoke with my young blue brother. Tse splkuvannya - everything that was between us. We traveled far and wide and talked on the phone.

The father of the 25-year-old young man, heartbroken with grief, having sharply figured out the version, tied up with drugs, as he began to musuvatisya in the wake of reminding about the death of the young man.

“There were no drugs at all! Sin buv ailing people, yakbi buli drugs, stench would have killed yogo leftovers. I didn’t drink, I didn’t smoke and I didn’t get into drugs, ”- Igor Livanov, furiously furious.

Andriy Livanov, actor: biography

Andriy Igorovich Livanov is a visionary star of the votchizny cinematographer. The artist is referred to as a son of the famous Russian actor Igor Livanov. Andriy prophesied a brilliant career in the cinema, a prote on a young artist was marked by another share. Not long ago, the actor was raptly out of life, and the reasons for the tragic fate are so obscure to the end.

Briefly about the family of Andriy Livanov

The fathers of the young actor are Russian artists Irina Bakhtura and Igor Livanov. If the lads blew ten rokiv, sim'ya fell apart. At that time, Igor povnіstyu privyachichuvav zyomkam at the cinema and endless tours. That's why the lad was left under the guardianship of his mother.

A few hours later, Irina Bakhtura became a foreign friend. The famous actor Sergiy Bezrukov appeared as a model, who became another father for little Andriy. Vodnocha nova s_m'ya regularly rose in price, had fun for an hour. Let's do nothing in order to encourage Andriya and to yearn for yoga in whatever initiatives. Igor Livanov also took an active part in the young lad.

Rostovka kar'yeri

2006 year Andriy, the son of Igor Livanov, having rejected the proposition as a vitch, took part in his autobiographical project under the name "The Irony of Sergius Bezrukov". The documentary was positively received by the audience. However, for what it was, as it became known later, Andriy's career in cinematography was completed. The young artist, turning to theatrical activity, zokrema, regularly engraved on the stage of the Moscow Provincial Theater. There’s a lad right there in the administrator’s settlement.

After the death of Andriy

Andriy Livanova's mother, Irina Bezrukova, with marvelous warmth talks about her dead son and calls him the light of her life and her best friend. Photo by Andriy Livanov, with warm words, she posted it on her side of Instagram. Zhіnka grievously experienced yoga loss and virishila began to live from a clean arkush.

For Sergiy Bezrukov, Andriy, it seems, was the only reason to be deprived of Irina at once. Unexpectedly after the death of the stepson, the actor parted from the retinue. Igor Livanov, whose daughter, before the birth of Andriy, tragically perished, having also grievously survived the loss of his son.

Ex-person of Irina Bezrukovskaya knows at the apartment of her dead son diplomas from Scientology

The actor does not know the cause of death of the recession, but the prote knows that, perhaps, yogo sin is tied from the sect. Livanov rose, who came to his apartment, having produced dozens of diplomas from Scientology there.

“I was telephoned by Olya, Irina's sister, she said that Andria was dumb. I went from a friend to an apartment, de nicola not buv. Near the room, my photographs stood squinted, and on the table lay about ten diplomas of the Church of Scientology. Vіn_koli without talking about tse, knowing that I'm up to tsogo,"- I guessed the actor at the rose with Boris Korchevnikov.

If 2015 the rock of Andriy died unexpectedly, Igor was the most shocked. Arriving at the apartment before the fall, vin pobachiv that the whole apartment is full of photos.


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