Chickpea stew. Chickpeas - nutritional value and recipes for using Chickpeas for cancer recipe armenian doctor

Chickpea stew. Chickpeas - nutritional value and recipes for using Chickpeas for cancer recipe armenian doctor

Common crops are characterized by the fact that their seeds are in pods.

The main legumes edible for humans are: alfalfa (alfalfa), peas, beans (green beans, white beans, red, black beans), chickpeas, lentils, lupins, peanuts, soybeans, carob.

Legumes can be eaten dry or soft (peas and green beans).

In the world, especially in the cuisine of the Mediterranean region, legumes have always been a key product. Man has grown legumes since ancient times. The Egyptians most of all revered lentils, which accompanied the pharaohs at pompous funerals. Meanwhile, beans were underestimated by the Egyptians, Greeks and Romans alike.

Black and red beans were introduced to Europe only after the discovery of America.

Since lentils and chickpeas were first cultivated in Egypt, and then beans imported from the New World, legumes have become a staple in the Mediterranean diet.

Soy was the first legume crop to appear in the books of the Chinese emperor Shen Nung, who lived in 28522737. BC. They describe the five main sacred cultures of China: rice, soybeans, wheat, barley and millet.

What do legumes give us?

1. Proteins. Legumes are rich in proteins (20 to 38%) and contain almost all amino acids, although methionine is the limiting acid in them.

2. Carbohydrates. They are rich in carbohydrates in the form of starches. Most of the starch is found in beans and soybeans; because of their high carbohydrate content, they are the least digestible. Legume carbohydrates are a slow-digesting carbohydrate that improves insulin resistance and prevents peaks of hyperglycemia in diabetics and cancer patients. All legumes have a low glycemic index.

3. Fiber. Legumes include a very important component - fiber, which facilitates digestion, relieves constipation, and participates in the fermentation process in the intestines. Legumes have been found to be able to stimulate healthy bacteria in the colon. The high fiber content is beneficial for slow absorption of carbohydrates without causing an increase in blood sugar. The fiber type of legumes is beta-glucans. Chickpeas are especially rich in beta-glucans (like mushrooms), which protect against cancer and modulate the immune system.

4. Lipids. The fat content of legumes is low, but those that do are good for the heart, linolenic acid above all. The exception is peanuts, which are 46% fat.

5. Vitamins. In addition to proteins, fiber, and carbohydrates, legumes include B vitamins, immune-boosting minerals such as iron and magnesium, and phosphorus and calcium.

6. Phytochemicals. Legumes contain many substances with anti-cancer properties.

Lentils are extremely rich in catechins, like green tea.

Legumes are rich in flavonoids that help regulate estrogen levels and inhibit xanthine oxidase, an enzyme that plays a significant role in the formation of harmful free radicals.

Legumes also contain phytosterols and tocopherols, which are extremely useful in the fight against cancer. These crops include saponins, anti-inflammatory compounds that help the immune system resist cancer. Saponin is also found in large quantities in quinoa.

IMPORTANT! Legumes are excellent antioxidants, but high cooking temperatures reduce antioxidants, and so do the other cancer-fighting substances in legumes. Therefore, when preparing them, it is better to forget about the pressure cooker.

Legumes help slow tumor growth.

Of all the legumes, adzuki beans have the most antiproliferative properties, and are especially effective in digestive and ovarian cancers.

Eating legumes has been associated with a reduced risk of developing cancers such as cancers of the digestive tract (stomach, rectum, and colon), kidney, and bladder.

Are legumes digestible?

Legumes cause gastrointestinal discomfort due to oligosaccharides that do not break down in the intestines, ferment and cause gas. Flatulence can be removed by cooking legumes in the traditional way: soak and simmer for several hours. In this case, long chains of complex carbohydrates "burst" and their absorption improves.

After soaking, pour out the water.

The most digestible of legumes is lentils.


Beans can be stewed, curried, salads, pates. You can also sprout, which is great for salads.

Lentils are the most effective of the legumes for fighting cancer (anti-cancer properties, glycemic index and digestibility).

In second place are the adzuki beans, their use in our kitchen, in contrast to macrobiotic, is not very common.

IMPORTANT! To maintain a healthy body, it is recommended to consume meals with legumes two to three times a week.

Is soy good for cancer?

Soy is one of the most popular foods in the world. Sold in various forms. It can be purchased in the form of grains, soy milk, tofu, sauce, miso, tempeh, flour, and butter.

Soybean oil is widely used in the food industry. Soy is found in many processed foods. Animal feed is mostly soy.

There are opponents and supporters of soybeans. There is controversy surrounding the benefits of soy for cancer patients.

I will try to tell you what is known today about the effect of soy on cancer.

Soy contains isoflavones such as genistein, daidzein and, to a lesser extent, glycitein. These isoflavones have a chemical structure similar to estrogens (hence called phytoestrogens). It is possible that isoflavones, and primarily genistein, have the ability to block some enzymes responsible for the proliferation of hormone-dependent tumor cells.

Hormone-dependent tumors are tumors in which hormones are involved. Prostate cancer in men is influenced by testosterone (male hormone), breast and ovarian cancer in women is influenced by estrogen (female hormones).

The debate about the cancer-preventing and treating properties of soy is ongoing, as research results are quite controversial, especially regarding breast cancer.

Most soy is consumed in eastern countries and vegetarians in western countries. Does this mean that Eastern people suffer less from hormone-dependent cancer?







Source: International Agency for Research on Cancer.

Why is there such a difference between East and West? France has five times more cases of breast cancer than China, and 25 times more prostate cancer. It looks like the difference is in nutrition.


When Chinese women emigrate and adopt an American lifestyle and diet, they are also at risk of cancer as much as American women. Moreover, in China, the number of cancer cases varies between urban and rural populations. In Shanghai or Beijing, the American type of fast food is imposed and the risk of breast cancer increases with it. If this trend continues, China will become one of the countries with the highest number of breast cancer cases by 2021: one hundred cases per hundred thousand inhabitants.

At first, it was thought that the low rate of breast cancer in rural China was due to the consumption of soybeans. And soybeans rose. Vegetarians massively reached for soy products: milk, yoghurts, tofu, etc., and made a cult out of soy. But the craze for soy as a remedy for breast cancer in last years began to decline. Most likely, the low level of disease is influenced by the type of semi-vegetarian diet rich in vegetables and mushrooms, and, of course, the low amount of toxins in environmentwhere the rural population lives.

But it seems that eating soy since childhood, as it does in Asians, does protect against breast cancer. Adults who begin to include 25 g of soy or soy products in their daily food will be able to take advantage of the beneficial effect of isoflavones on cholesterol and, accordingly, on the health of the heart and blood vessels, but will not be able to protect themselves from cancer in the same way as people who regularly consume soy since childhood.

In April 2008, a book was published in which Japanese researchers show the link between soy consumption and breast cancer. Dr. Iwasaki and his staff recruited 24,226 Japanese women, ages forty to sixty-nine, who followed their usual diet, and observed them for ten years. Scientists studied their blood and urine tests for isoflavones. Women with consistently high genistein levels showed the lowest incidence of breast cancer. It turned out that they had been consuming soy since childhood.

IMPORTANT! Consuming soy since childhood not only lowers the risk of breast cancer, but also reduces the risk of recurrence in case of illness.

Soy genistein interferes with tamoxifen and aromatase inhibitors (drugs used after breast cancer treatment to contain blood estrogen levels to prevent cancer from returning). But there is research showing that consumption of soy and soy products can increase the survival rate of women who have breast cancer, whether they received tamoxifen treatment or not.

Since most research suggests that soy consumption interferes with tamoxifen, the American Cancer Association recommends that women with breast cancer not consume soy until after tamoxifen treatment is complete. But, attention, make sure that you do not come across a product in which soy is hidden. Most confectionery and processed foods use soybean oil.

Soy milk and yoghurts contain the least isoflavones, but many other substances, such as sugar. Some people believe that soy milk disrupts the endocrine system, like bisphenol A. It has been noticed that excessive consumption of phytoestrogens in soy products can disrupt the reproductive system, therefore it is very undesirable to replace breast milk with soy milk. Soy cannot also be consumed by people with hypothyroidism, since it takes iodine from the body, and if consumed, then as it is done in the East - along with algae.

Several years ago, doctors prescribed estrogens and progesterone (female hormones) to treat the ailments associated with menopause in women (hot flashes, anxiety, anxiety, osteoporosis). And what was happening? Doctors have stimulated breast and ovarian cancers. When hormones were stopped during menopause, cancer rates in Western countries dropped. Soy isoflavone supplements were then used, which are effective in reducing hot flashes and other symptoms associated with menopause. And again ... This time we were convinced that supplements can cause breast cancer. So we will veto soy supplements.

So we should avoid all isoflavones in our diet? Isoflavones in soy, sesame and legumes account for about a hundredth of the potential of natural female estrogens. So we won't have any problems with whole isoflavones in our diet. We will not increase the risk of breast cancer unless we, like many vegetarians, make soy our staple food: soy milk for breakfast, soy yogurt for noon, tofu with soy sauce for lunch, miso soup for lunch, and soy pate for dinner. ... With a varied, balanced diet, the problem will arise if we take isoflavone supplements consistently and over time.

Too many contradictions? I think it would be wiser to wait for other studies before dissuading women with breast cancer about the benefits of soy.

IMPORTANT! I would advise against taking soy-based supplements to treat menopausal symptoms, especially when the family has had breast cancer. Whether or not you consume soy depends on your tastes. If you like it and are used to it, consume it, but better in fermented foods.


I believe that isoflavones are very helpful in prostate cancer. They also prevent cancer. Soy isoflavones behave as anti-inflammatory substances: they are able to induce suicide of prostate tumor cells. Soy enhances the effects of radiation therapy and reduces side effects. In the case of prostate cancer, as opposed to breast cancer, it is recommended to consume soy and soy products even with hormonal treatment.

For prostate cancer, the best anti-cancer cocktail would be: soy + turmeric + tomato + green tea.

Other types of cancer. Soy and its derivatives have shown no benefit in colon and rectal cancer. In ovarian cancer, it seems to have shown a modest protective effect. Soy protects against lung cancer and makes tumors more susceptible to radiation therapy. Soy consumption by pregnant women can cause leukemia in children.


Soy beans or ground into flour. Soy grains are used for stewing, and flour for rolling food. The notorious green soybeans should not be confused with soybeans as such. This latter refers to mungo beans (mung bean). Soybean grains are yellow and round.

Soy milk. Of all soy products, soy milk and yogurt are the most processed. Soy milk is obtained in the following way: soybeans are soaked, mashed, filtered, boiled for a short time, filtered and the liquid is again subjected to a short boil. If you did the same with other legumes, lentils, or peas, would you like it? Want to try? When we drink soy milk, we consume practically raw legumes, which causes gas, upsets the stomach, leads to diarrhea and flatulence. Soy milk inhibits the absorption and assimilation of foods that we consume with it. In production, during the heat treatment of soy milk, isoflavones change and degrade and soy loses its protective potential against cancer.

Tofu. This is sour soy milk. Sold in plastic bags, like soft curd. A completely tasteless product. It cannot be consumed directly from the bag, as it, like soy milk, is completely indigestible. Therefore, purchased tofu requires cooking. Vegetarians eat it instead of meat, make it on a wire rack, eat it in a sauce, in the form of a paste. There is even a smoked version, which is completely unacceptable because it contains benzopyrenes. Smoked tofu tastes like sausages. There are also so-called "magic" pills, which turn into tofu after soaking. Do you think it's healing? Is it too reworked? I tried them twice, they didn't convince me - too artificial.

Textured soy. Another of the most processed foods that claim to replace meat.

I don't understand why vegetarians are obsessed with finding meat substitutes. If they are vegetarians, then it is implied that they are against meat. Then why look for substitutes like seitan or soy?

Miso. It is a kind of paste made from fermented soybeans with sea salt and some grains. Miso hatcho is simply fermented soy, miso mugi is fermented soy with barley, miso genmai is soy with whole rice. Gives taste to dishes, very nutritious and rich in probiotics, which favor the regeneration of intestinal flora.

It is advisable not to cook miso so that it does not lose its useful properties. Mix a spoonful of miso with a little water, mix well, add to the broth, which is boiled over low heat, and wait a few seconds.

Soy sauce. Another product, liquid in consistency, derived from fermented soy. Like miso, it must be added to the dish at the end of the boil. There are two types of sauce: shoyu, which is made up of wheat, soy and salt; and tamari, which includes only soy and salt. Better to choose tamari sauce. Don't buy soy sauces from supermarkets. Take a look at the label, sauces usually contain sugar, caramel, and other unwanted fillers.

Tempe and NATO. Fermented pre-cooked soy products. I have not personally tasted them, but since they have been fermented, they can be consumed whenever soy is desired.

Fermented foods are better absorbed than other gas-causing soy derivatives.

Soybean oil. It is widely used in the food industry. Typically this oil is modified and hydrogenated, full of unhealthy trans fats. Avoid it.

Conclusion. Research on the benefits of soy for cancer prevention is very controversial and depends on the conditions in which the work was carried out.

Soy has a positive effect on osteoporosis and cholesterol; its effectiveness in the fight against cancer has not been identified, except for prostate cancer, in which case the consumption of soy contributes to the prevention and treatment of the disease.

Soy is not safe, consumption of it in large quantities can affect the functioning of the reproductive system and breast tissue. Soy is able to stimulate the development of breast tumors with a strong hormonal component.

The efficacy and reliability of soy supplements, which many consume for lowering cholesterol and treating menopausal ailments, have yet to be confirmed.

I myself almost never use soy. I don’t like tofu, it seems tasteless to me, too processed, and besides it is packed in plastic. If tofu and soy milk were made at home, I might have eaten them sometimes, but making these foods at home is too troublesome, and since their medicinal effect is doubtful, it is not worth it. True, I do eat tamari and miso sauce from time to time, I love the taste they give to dishes, and besides, they are rich in probiotics. After the Fukushima disaster, I stopped consuming miso and tamari from Japan due to nuclear pollution.

Ecology of consumption: Chickpea is a preventive product and a recommended plant for many diseases. Its regular use will make you forget about heartburn and discomfort in the stomach.

Chickpea beans are short, swollen, oval-elongated, and have a straw-white color. One bean usually contains from one to three pieces of grains. The seed rind is white or brown. The weight of 1000 grains is 250-500 grams.

Eating chickpea seeds is beneficial for furunculosis, eczema, psoriasis and various skin diseases. Eating beans every day, adding them to salads and soups helps to get rid of depressive conditions. Flour is made from seeds, it is added to the dough when baking bread, thereby increasing the properties and biological value of products. Chickpea flour is a component of infant formula and cereals.

Chickpea is a culture of ancient origin. The plant is native to Turkey, India, Thailand and other eastern countries. Nutritious chickpea grains have a light nutty flavor, buttery texture, are hazelnut-like in shape, and are green, black, red, brown and beige in color. Chickpeas contain almost 80 nutrients. The seed is rich in vegetable protein, enriches the human body with selenium, carbohydrates, fats, folic acid.

Chickpea supplies organs and systems with calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, silicon, and iron. The protein of grains contains amino acids, lysine, tryptophan, methionine. The nutritional properties of chickpeas are the same in value as those of bread and meat. It is saturated with magnesium, which is useful for nervous stress and for normal work hearts. The product is easily absorbed by the body.

Calorie chickpea

Chickpeas can be an excellent component of dietary nutrition, as they contain plant fiber. Its usefulness as a low-calorie product is invaluable. In 100 grams of chickpeas - 120 kcal.

Chickpea application

The use of chickpea, which has soluble and insoluble fibers, is very useful for the prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and not only. Soluble fibers in the stomach and intestines form a gel-like liquid that binds all waste products with bile and cholesterol, thus cleansing the intestines from toxins. Insoluble fiber relieves constipation. Chickpea beans will be helpful in treating anemia, lowering hemoglobin. Chickpea flour is useful for treating tumors and getting rid of itching from scabies. Chickpea is used in the prevention and treatment of potency, removes sand from the kidneys, dissolves stones, has a diuretic effect, helping to reduce pressure.

Due to the fact that glucose and fructose are supplied to the blood, patients with diabetes do not need additional insulin administration. Eating chickpea meals twice a week significantly lowers blood sugar levels. Delicate mashed potatoes are indicated to be eaten for stomach and duodenal ulcers, acute colitis. Isoflavones, components of chickpea, inhibit the development of breast cancer, these substances retain all their properties during heat treatment of the product. Amino acids, in particular tryptophan, which is converted into human body into serotonin.

Chickpea helps with depression, anxiety, and improves mood, which is especially necessary in winter. In addition, boiled chickpeas with the addition of herbs and spices warms, gives a feeling of comfort on cold days. You can take a decoction of beans for urolithiasis, it has a beneficial effect on hematopoiesis, stimulates metabolism. Chickpea dishes will make the diet varied and healthy, the plant was created by nature so that a person remains healthy until a ripe old age.

With frequent use of chickpea porridge, an increase in immunity is observed. Vitamin C and carotene also have an effect on preventing the formation of cancer cells, if the disease is already progressing, then these substances inhibit its further development. This is an excellent, environmentally friendly product. The plant does not accumulate nitrates, radionuclides and toxins, which makes its use in food very useful.

Chickpeas are a real storehouse of nutrients. There is more than enough beta-carotene, thiamine, riboflavin, tocopherol, vitamin PP in it. Chickpeas are especially useful for women: it saturates the body with iron, which is consumed during menstruation and is especially necessary during pregnancy and feeding children.

Chickpea is a preventive product and a recommended plant for many diseases. Its regular use will make you forget about heartburn and discomfort in the stomach. When boiled, the beans have a sweetish taste. They contain omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids - very useful substances for the female and male body.

Sprouted chickpea

Chickpea sprouts are beneficial because of their content a large number vitamins A and C, fats, proteins, fiber. Sprouted grains are nutritious and healthy and are the preferred diet of vegetarians. Two of the most essential amino acids - methionine and cysteine \u200b\u200b- are found only in sprouted chickpeas, in addition, ascorbic acid accumulates in amino acids. During germination, the starch is converted to malt sugar. Proteins are converted to amino acids.

Fats become fatty acids. The sprouted seeds contain live energy, the synthesis of vitamins and nutrients occurs. Sprouts help to regulate and restore important processes in the body, increase immunity and metabolism. The use of such healthy food, rich in minerals and trace elements, is an excellent prevention of colds, gastrointestinal diseases, and has a positive effect on heart activity.

Germination of chickpea grains: whole and healthy grains should be placed in a container in a thin layer, filled with water and refilled daily in descending order. In a few days, young shoots will appear. Sprouted chickpeas taste like a raw nut, the air will be filled with the aroma of a rose during the growth of new stems.

The content of antioxidants in sprouted chickpeas increases, so in winter it is the best prevention of colds. With obesity and diabetes mellitus, sprouted chickpeas must be included in a therapeutic diet.

Chickpea decoction: 2 tablespoons of beans must be poured into 1.5 cups of water, brought to a boil and simmered for 10-20 minutes, then strain the broth and take in case of poisoning and constipation.

Chickpea infusion: 1 tablespoon of crushed grains is poured with 200 ml of boiling water, infused for half an hour, filtered and consumed 50 ml 3 times a day before meals. The infusion is taken for atherosclerosis, obesity, constipation, diabetes and kidney stones.

Chickpea treatment

Water from soaking chickpeas is an excellent remedy for hair loss, it is used to treat seborrhea, acne on the skin, to eliminate bleeding gums with periodontal disease. Traditional healers recommend eating chickpeas to prevent cataracts. It helps cleanse the body and normalizes the circulation of intraocular fluid. Its consumption in moderation does not cause intestinal discomfort.

Recipe for cleansing the body: you should soak 1/2 cup of seeds in cold boiled water overnight, drain the water in the morning, chop the chickpeas in a blender or in a meat grinder and eat during the day in small portions raw or add the mixture to different dishes for a week, then take a break for 7 days. Cleansing course - 3 months.

You can use chickpeas to make a medicated stew. It helps with coughs and bronchitis. By seasoning this stew with grated almonds, celery and radish oil, you can get an excellent folk remedy for bladder stones.

Chowder recipe: boil a chowder from one glass of chopped chickpeas and two liters of water (30 minutes), add butter and take all day, dividing it into equal parts.

Chickpea varieties

Chickpea grain comes from Canada and Australia, Central Asia, and the North Caucasus. Nine varieties grow in Russia: "Volgogradsky", "Krasnokutsky", "Yubileiny", "Sovkhozny", "Budzhak", "Rozana", "Memory", "Pegasus", "Triumph". The varieties "Dobrobut" and "Color" are known in Ukraine. All varieties give good yields, are resistant to various diseases, develop well, without requiring special care conditions.

Lamb chickpea

Lamb chickpeas are grown in many countries of the East. In Russia and Ukraine, it appeared in the fields and gardens since the 70s of the 18th century. Nowadays, chickpeas are widely used in traditional medicine, it is used in many countries of the world as an exotic dish. It is ground into flour, eaten fried, or made into soups and purees. The nutritious product is tasty and useful in any form, it has a fortifying effect on the body as a whole, helps in complex therapies for diseases of the genitourinary system, assists in the complex treatment of atherosclerosis, hypertension, hysteria, and digestive problems. It can be used in the complex treatment of rheumatism.

Contraindications to the use of chickpeas

Although the medicinal properties of the plant are highly appreciated, some restrictions must be observed when using it on the menu. Chickpeas are contraindicated in case of peptic ulcer disease, individual intolerance. Before entering it into the menu, it is necessary to consult a doctor, since in the presence of serious problems - for example, joint disease, gout - undesirable consequences are possible.

All legumes, and chickpeas are no exception, cause bloating, flatulence, and stomach discomfort. Therefore, it is necessary to cook chickpeas correctly: with the addition of products (herbs, spices, vegetables) that withstand such troubles. Chickpeas should be used carefully for elderly people and young children, since they contain purine compounds.published

Chickpeas, also called chickpeas or lamb peas, belong to the legume family. Regular consumption of this product provides the body with several key nutrients and helps reduce the risk of several chronic diseases.

Beneficial features

Chickpeas will help protect you from diseases of the heart and digestive system, the beneficial properties of which are determined by the appropriate elemental composition. This product is rich in vitamins and minerals, its regular use in the diet significantly increases the intake of manganese, potassium, etc. In addition, chickpeas serve as a vegetarian source of iron and supply the body with vitamins A, C, B6.


It is worth paying attention to the introduction of chickpeas into the diet as a source of dietary fiber. Rich foods help keep your digestive tract working and fight constipation. It also controls blood sugar levels because fiber slows down food processing, allowing glucose to be slowly released into the bloodstream from the gastrointestinal tract. As a result, you are less prone to a spike in blood sugar after a meal and will not experience the fatigue and irritation of a subsequent drop. A serving of cooked chickpeas provides 12.5 grams of fiber, which is half the daily fiber intake for women or one third of the daily intake for men.

Red blood cells and some hormones important for the functioning and normal growth of cells contain an iron atom. A serving of chickpeas provides about half of the daily requirement for this mineral in men and a quarter of that in women. However, the iron in chickpeas is of a non-heme nature and is more difficult to absorb than from meat. Therefore, in order to increase the amount of iron that the body absorbs from chickpeas, it is important to think ahead about how to cook the chickpeas. Combine it with rich foods.

A serving of chickpeas contains about 94% of the daily manganese requirement for women or 74% of the RDA for men. This mineral supports bone health and aids in wound healing, and also participates in metabolic chemical reactions. In addition, daily consumption of chickpeas provides 71% of the norm of folate (vitamin B9), which promotes the growth of brain cells, participates in DNA synthesis and protects the body from genetic mutations that provoke the development of cancer.

Effect on the body

  • Controls diabetes... Thanks to a diet high in fiber, much of which is provided by chickpeas, type 1 diabetics have lower glucose levels, and people with type 2 diabetes have improved sugar, insulin and lipid concentrations.
  • Supports Bone Health... The rich mineral composition of chickpeas maintains the strength of the bone structure. Manganese is required for the bone matrix, and iron and zinc are involved in the formation of collagen. Vitamin K works with bone proteins to increase calcium absorption and reduce the likelihood of fractures.
  • Regulates digestion... Thanks to insoluble fiber, chickpeas normalize the digestive system and prevent constipation.
  • Reduces blood pressure... Potassium, found in significant quantities in chickpeas, has a vasodilating effect and regulates blood pressure.
  • Supports heart function... Potassium from chickpeas fights coronary heart disease, and fiber helps to reduce total cholesterol, thereby having a positive effect on heart function.
  • Normalizes body weight... Dietary fiber increases satiety, reduces appetite, making you feel fuller longer, thereby reducing your daily calorie intake and promoting weight loss. Ballast substances load the digestive system without excess calories and prevent obesity.

Chickpeas are one of the few foods that naturally contains selenium. This mineral is involved in the work of liver enzymes, helps detoxification and the elimination of carcinogenic substances. In addition, selenium inhibits inflammation and tumor growth. The phytochemicals saponins contained in chickpea inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells and their metastasis. Fiber has been associated with a reduced likelihood of colon cancer, and vitamin C works as an effective antioxidant, protecting cells from the damaging effects of free radicals. Regular consumption of chickpeas suppresses foci of chronic inflammation. The nutrient choline normalizes sleep and memory, supports the formation of nerve impulses in the muscles and the integrity of cell membranes.

How to cook properly?

Chickpeas can be purchased dried or canned. It will add a nutty flavor and interesting texture to most dishes. Experiment with Indian food - many popular dishes use this product as their main ingredient. It also features prominently in Mediterranean cuisine (by the way, we have a Mediterranean diet). The calorie content of chickpeas is 364 calories per 100 g, 19 g for protein, 6 g for fats and 61 g for carbohydrates, of which 17 g is fiber.

Basic cooking recipes

How to cook chickpeas deliciously? To achieve a good taste and optimal consistency, dried peas should be sorted out of debris, washed and soaked in water for 8-10 hours. The chickpeas are ready after soaking if the peas can be easily split with your fingers. Be careful not to overexpose the chickpeas in water - after 12 hours of soaking, they become too soft and bland. Keeping in water reduces the time for further cooking of this product, and also eliminates oligosaccharides, which provoke a disorder of the digestive system.

In chickpea recipes, use it baked or boiled. To boil chickpeas, drain the water in which it was soaked, transfer to a saucepan, add water and put on fire. After boiling, lower the temperature and cook for 40 minutes. Add salt at the end of cooking.

To bake, dry the washed chickpeas with a paper towel, spread them on a baking sheet and drizzle with two spoons. You can also sprinkle with spices. Place in the oven and bake at 175 degrees for 30-40 minutes until golden brown. Use this product as a snack or in salads.

Ideas for using chickpeas in dishes

Combine this product with olive oil, lime juice and to make a salad. Mashed chickpeas can be used instead of mayonnaise for making sandwiches. Here are some tips for using these peas in dishes:

  • Sprinkle vegetable salad a handful of chickpeas to add a light scent to it.
  • Flour made from ground chickpeas will add protein and fiber to baked goods and enrich with some minerals and vitamins.
  • Add whole or grated chickpeas to the soup to increase the protein, fiber and satiety in the first dish.
  • Chickpea puree mixed with, lemon juice, vegetable oil, will make a delicious hummus for seasoning dishes and snacks.
  • Toss chickpeas with spices for a delicious, healthy snack instead of high-calorie chips.

For the traditional Middle Eastern dish, falafel, mash the chickpeas with cumin, coriander, garlic and chili. Make small balls out of this mass and fry them. You can make a nutritious protein salad by combining boiled chickpeas with other legumes - beans - and seasoning with any sauce. To make the protein complete, eat a small amount of salad.

Contraindications and precautions

Vegetarians are advised to use carefully various recipes cooking chickpeas, the benefits and harms of which depend on the composition vegetable protein: it is defective in this product. This means that if you eat chickpeas, not all the amino acids necessary for health are supplied to the body, which is especially critical for people who do not eat meat. Essential amino acids must be supplied with food.

Chickpeas lack the essential amino acid methionine. Combine legumes with whole grains for complete protein. If you are not a vegetarian, make sure you have other sources of protein in your diet, such as nuts, dairy, eggs, or meat, to prevent deficiencies in essential amino acids.

Chickpeas contain oligosaccharides - sugars with a complex structure, they are not digested in the human body, due to the lack of a special enzyme for splitting. Therefore, the consumption of chickpeas can cause discomfort and gas in the intestines. If you experience these symptoms, use small amounts of chickpeas or take additional enzymes to improve digestion. Do not use water that has been soaked in peas to avoid this problem.

Chickpeas are foods with a significant potassium content, so they should be consumed in moderation while taking beta-blockers - drugs that increase the concentration of this element in the blood and are usually prescribed for cardiovascular diseases. Excess potassium is dangerous for people with kidney problems because they cannot filter this element from the blood.

Legumes are added to the diet of a cancer patient to enrich plant protein and for a variety of food. Highly useful properties possess peas, chickpeas, lentils. They contain substances that block tumor growth.

Chickpea, or Turkish nut, as Avicenna wrote, is useful for hot, hard tumors and those that are in the glands, as well as for swelling of the gums and under the ears. It must be said that chickpea flour can be used for malignant ulcers, as well as for scabies. When taken internally, chickpeas improve complexion, relieve back pain, clear voice, nourish the lungs. Chickpea strengthens the walls of the bronchi and lungs, helps to restore the patient's strength; it must be used if there is a tumor in the lungs and bronchi. From chickpeas, you can prepare various dishes in the form of salads, soups, vinaigrettes, that is, it can be used as our domestic peas.

If, when using legumes, gas formation appears, you must abandon them, or reduce their consumption, and at the same time, be sure to add spices such as turmeric and coriander. It is not recommended to consume legumes for bowel disease.

Pistachios suppress nausea

It is advisable to eat pistachios for cancer patients because of their positive effect on the stomach and liver. They have anti-toxic properties, improve liver function by opening blockages in it, and stimulate the stomach, strengthening it. Thanks to this property, pistachios suppress nausea and reduce appetite. They are especially recommended for overweight people.

Nuts \u003d proteins + vitamins

When you refuse meat, nuts make up for the deficiency of protein and B vitamins (especially vitamin B12). Almonds and hazelnuts lower cholesterol and provide healthy omega-3 and omega-6 fats. Even in small amounts, nuts help block the growth of blood vessels through which tumors receive nutrients. All unsalted, unroasted nuts are suitable in the diet of a cancer patient. They have a beneficial effect on the body as a whole and give strength to fight disease. During the day, nuts are best used for afternoon tea and breakfast - as a filler in oatmeal, salads, or as an independent snack. Most of the nuts contain fats, so you should not get carried away with them at night. But the seeds of sunflower, pumpkin and sesame have the same nutritional properties as nuts, but they are lighter. Walnuts are recommended to remove the toxic effects of specific anticancer treatments and to increase the body's resistance throughout the course of treatment.

Nuts and lemons in the diet of a cancer patient

It is especially beneficial for cancer patients to consume a mixture of walnuts and lemons, taken in equal amounts. I will give this recipe for a healing mixture: 0.5 kg of peeled walnuts and 0.5 kg of lemons peeled from the zest and membranes, pass through a meat grinder, mix, put in a glass jar and then refrigerate for 30 minutes - after that the mixture is ready for addicting. Take 3-4 tbsp. spoons once a day, preferably at afternoon tea. The finished mixture is stored in the refrigerator, you can add a little honey. This remedy is not recommended for pancreatic disease.

Pharmacist, hereditary herbalist, member of the Society of Phytotherapists of St. Petersburg Lidia Nikolaevna Dyakonova.


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