Emotional state of man Examples category. Emotional state: species and features of human experiences

Emotional state of man Examples category. Emotional state: species and features of human experiences

Read. With which language means describe the state of nature or person?

Sometimes nature phenomena, condition ambient Or a person is described as independent of any external forces and from ourselves. Such situations have special means of expression in the language.

For example:

  • Freezer firmly. From impending clouds in the room it was getting dark. (I. Bunin)
  • His znobilo and broke. (L. Tolstoy)
  • In Lanes smells Sea. (A. Block)
  • In a pine forest easy breathing. (K. POUST)

The grammatical basis of these proposals consists of one main member - the facility.

314. Glages fabricated in brackets in the form that represents the action or state regardless of the acting person (subject). Remove the proposals first, denoting the state of nature, the environment, then suggestions denoting the state of the person.

In each sentence, emphasize the grammar base and determine what it is expressed.

1. Already at all (to heat) and (start) cold; In the grove sounded the nightingale. 2. On the yard a little (tool). 3. Nowhere is never blunting, but already (occasion) in the east. (I. Turgenev) 4. Towards the Sweet Wind of Summer Night and the Sea. 5. It seems the weather spoils. No matter how (tighten) all the clouds. (I. Bunin) 6. The approach is always (unhealthy). (Proverb) 7. From fatigue (knocking) in whiskeys. 8. So would run. Without a goal, without looking back, only to draw (draw) stronger, so that the breasts (riveted). (M. Saltykov-Shchedrin) 9. I often (remember) now and this river shaded by the Rocky Mountains, and this live light. (V. Korolenko) 10. By night in the weather (to become) very cold and Rosisto. (I. Bunin) 11. I knew that he was in love with me, and I also proudly (to be). (V. Rosov)

The faithful in sentences, characterizing the state of nature or the state of a person, can be expressed by special words forming an independent part of speech, which was called the "state category".

    For example:

      In the sky solemnly and wonderful!
      Sleeps the Earth in the shine blue ...
      What am I so painfully so difficult?
      Waiting for what? I regret what?

(M. Lermontov)

Words of the category of states as well as adverbs do not change. But, unlike them, the state category in the proposal is syntactically independent and can only be combined with verbs to be, to become done or consumed without them: in the morning cold. Day was hot. To me it became ashamed. His it was sad.

The condition can be expressed not only in positive, but also in a comparative degree. For example: yesterday he was unpleasant, and today got better. In the room it became colder than.

Compare deals:

Quiet Residents answered, quietly drove tombo. (N. Rubtsov); Thinly smelled in the clean night air green, it was peacefully in the steppe, quiet In the dark village. (I. Bunin)

Are the general meaning and syntactic role of highlighted words?

In the first sentence, the word quietly denotes a sign of action, does not change, adjoins the verb and is a circumstance. Consequently, the word quiet In the first sentence - adverb. In the second sentence of the word quiet Indicates the state of nature, is a fault in the proposal where there is no subject. Consequently, in the second sentence, the word is quietly not adverb. it category of status.

Applying this rule, reason: To me Today fun. - Word fun Indicates the mental state of a person (what makes me what? What happens to me?); It does not change:

In a proposal with one main member, this word is a surehead (as the subject is experiencing a state fun, and not an active figure). Consequently, the word fun - Status category.

315. Remove the proposals first, in which state category words indicate the state of nature, the environment; Then suggestions in which the words of the category of states denote the mental state of the person. Stress the grammatical foundations. What verbs are combined with the words of the category of state? What additional values \u200b\u200bdo they contribute to the offer?

1. The room was quiet, in the house also did not begin to move the day. 2. Hungry and keen, I return to twilight in the estate, and it becomes so warm and gratifying on the soul, when the lights are waving. 3. By night in the weather it becomes very cold and Rosisto. 4. It was still hot, from clouds gloomy. 5. At night, especially in a thunderstorm, it was scary in the house. 6. Good and carefree to me on the grass, among the birch of green, in a quiet and undue side! (I. Bunin) 7. I will not even try not trying like light and quietly. (B. Pasternak)

316. Continue the ranks of words that can express:

  • nature state - windy, hot, sunny, ...
  • the state of the medium is dirty, raw, dark, ...
  • the physical condition of living beings - hurts, bad, nice, ...
  • the emotional state of a person is fun, sad, scary, ...
  • the intellectual state of a person is interesting, it is clear, understandable ...
  • assessment of any condition, position - easy, early, good, ...

317. Spish, arranging and explaining the missed commas. Emphasize the grammatical basis of proposals in which the main term is expressed by the state category. Determine how the groups are the words of the status categories.

1. Today, it is so light around ... (I. Bunin) 2. And it's boring and sad and some hand to submit a minute of spiritual adversity ... (M. Lermontov) 3. I entered this life to survive it already mentally and I became Bored and gadko. 4. See it is already late cold. (M. Lermontov) 5. Salun froze his finger: he hurts and ridiculous, and his mother threatens him into the window. (A. Pushkin) 6. Pushkin loved this land. He walked through the forest without a furout, in a shirt, often on a boss, in the wind, and rain, and cool and not only when it was quiet and hot. (S. Heichenko) 7. It was clear that the wounded could not live and that the last hour it was close. (A. Pushkin)

318. Read the excerpt from the poem I. Bunin "in the steppes". With the help of which words are the state of nature and man transmitted in it, the assessment of what is happening in nature? What parts of speech do they relate? What punctuation signs are missing? Record the memory poem by inserting missed punctuation marks.

      There are days: the warm wind behaves,
      The sun is brightly illuminating
      And forest and steppe and old estate,
      Priges the leaves wet in the forest,
      You look - and everything chewed again.
      How good, waggery birds,
      Then we have! How fun and sad
      In an empty forest between black branches,
      Between golden leaves birch
      Shines our affectionate sky!

319. Read the passages from the story of Yu. Kazakova "Quiet Morning." What type of speech can be attributed the first one? Prove your thought. Selected words and phrases will help you with this. Write the phrases with the adverbs and words of the category of states from the second and third passages. Briefly retell one of the passages. What ways to compress text will you use?

1. Also, just shouted sleepy roosters, it was still dark In the hut, mother not Daila cows and shepherd not expelled flock in the meadow when woke up Yashka. He sat down for a long time bashed his eyes On the bluish sweaty windows, on a vaguely whitewash furnace. Sweet predawn sleep and head rolls on the pillow and eyes sticking outBut Yashka is overborn yourself. Stumbling, clinging Behind the shops and chairs, began to wander on the hut wanting Old pants and shirt.

2. Volodya brutally suffered. It angry with himself For rude responses with a yashka, angry on yashka and seemed himself At these minutes awkward and pitiful. His it was ashamed his awkwardness, and he thought, fiercely: "Okay, let ... think, great importance barefoot go!" But at the same time he with frank envy and even with admiration I looked at the bosy Yashkina legs, on a canvas bag for fish and paid, suitable on fishing pants and old shirt.

3. Volodya has become unusually funand he is just now selftHow well get out in the morning of the house. how nice and easy in the soul, as you want to run on this soft road, to rush in the whole spirit, bouncing and swinging from delight!

320. Rewrite, exposing the missed commas. What words indicate the state of nature, what are the impressions of the capabilities?

1. In the Meshchersk region, you can see pine bours, where it is solemn and quiet that the bubber of the lost cow is heard away, almost for a kilometer. 2. In the Meshchersk region, you can see forest lakes with dark water. Extensive swamps covered with alder and aspen lonely hollows of the sands of sand juniper heather, shoals of cranes and familiar to us under all the latitudes of the stars. (K. POUST)

This is an independent part of speech, which includes unchangeable words denoting the state of the subject (living beings, nature, environment) and answers the question of how?, What?: You will be a little bored ...
This is about new part of speech. In some textbooks, the words of the category of states are not recognized as an independent part of speech and are considered as a special group of lawlessness - the adverbs of the state. Some scientists belong to them and brief adjectives (glad, I agree, should), and the narer expressions (be alert, be married).

To the words of the category of states include only those words that are the main member of the impersonal proposals (to the beam) or are included in its composition: it is not enough for me to argue with you; Need to hurry; Sin laugh at people.

The general grammatical meaning of the word category states is a state.

Morphemny signs (similarly with adverbs): No specific features, but most of the words of the category of the state has suffix -: boring, fun.

Morphological sign
- immutability (similar to adverbs).

Syntactic function: a failed in a single impersonal offer (in a proposal without subjectable): sad (lean).
In a sentence with the names of the state, the addition (noun and pronomation) is often used in a dutiful case without an excuse: it is sad (cat. Sost. Sad - led, to him - addition, DP);
noun and pronoun in the parent and proposed cases with pretexts: Easy to heart from the song Cheerful; Wonderful in the forest.
To the words of the category of states may be adjusted by an infinitive that is included in the: Bored us sit at home. (Bored sit - lean).
Category categories are used with a bundle to be pointing time: it was stuffy. Sometimes the verbs appear in the role of ligaments to become made, it seems: stuffy; Suddenly there was dark.

Category category words category by origin:
Words on -o, correlated with adverbs and brief forms of adjectives (up to 90% of all words category): Fresh, pleasant, cool, stuffy, hot, fun, comfortable, nice, beautiful, dressely, etc.
Words of the category of states formed from qualitative adjectives, have a reference degree (like adverbs and adjectives). Methods and means of formation of degrees of comparison of the words category of states, adjectives and adverbs usually coincide.

The comparative degree (simple) is formed using suffixes - it (s) and -e (sometimes with the addition of the prefix in-): in the evening it has become more; Merry and more pleasant to go to the river.
An excellent degree (usually composite) is formed with the help of the word of all added to a comparative degree: everything is inapproaching the mother; He is sick of all in captivity.
Words formed from noun: it's time, time, sin, shame, hunting, etc. For example,
I'm too lazy to get up early. Sin laugh. No time to joke. Time to go home.
Unchanging words that do not find correspondences in other parts of speech: it is necessary, it is impossible, no, sorry. For example, you can not be late.

Definitions of words category of states by value.
Qualitative express:
The state of nature: hot, burning, cool, sunny, windy, gloomy, cold, dust and others. It was dry and dusty;
The state of the environment: dirty, raw, dark, Rossisto, dry, light, etc.: Golo and intensely in the forest;
The physical condition of man and animals: hurts, bad, zyabko, piercely, nausea, stuffy, hard, hot, cold, etc.: He became warm.
Soul (emotional) state of a person: fun, sad, hurt, terribly, annoying, bitterly, joyful, funny, sorry, nice, conscientious, fearful, sad, ashamed, easy, hard, boring: Actually, it is disturbing, it hurts the heart.
Words of the category of states denoting the physical and mental state of a person are necessarily associated with a duty case of a person. If there is no dating case, the state acquires a generalized meaning: Ivan has become annoying. Annually, when you do not notice.
The intellectual state of a person: I wonder, it is clear, it is known, it is known, and others: it was clear that we were late for the train;
Modal express:
Assessment of any state, position: Easy, well, beautiful, right, right, difficult, etc.: Good in the forest; It was nice to look at their work.
Temporary relationship: Late, long, early: it is not too late, you need to do something.
Spatial relations: far, close, high, low, narrowly, etc.: I was far from home.
The ability (inability), must, the need, assessment of various situations and states: it is impossible, it is impossible, it is necessary necessary, it is impossible, it is impossible, it should be necessary and others. You can not read other people's letters.

Psychology is studying mental processes, properties and state of personality. First include elementary psyche units that ensure its functioning. Allocate (sensation, perception, memory, thinking, imagination) and attention. The latter is not an independent process, but regulates others, and also rebuilds the psyche in response to changing environmental conditions.


The state of interest is characterized by the interaction of intellectual, emotional and volitional components. The basis of interest is the estimated reflex, but these states are not identical. Oriented in a situation, a person can stop interested in her or, on the contrary, the reflex leaves, and the interest remains.

Interest in the profession, rather, belongs to personal qualities, but the awareness of the importance of their work, the desire to improve the qualifications and concentration on professional problems involve the active participation of intellect.

In order to avoid professional deformation and narrowing of the horizon, professional interest should be combined with the manifestations of curiosity in other areas, intellectual responsiveness to the knowledge gained. This is how the intellectual state of a person is formed. Examples: a preschool educator is actively interested in the theater, the turner acquires the driver skills, the programmer masters the basics of web design, etc.


This state is adjacent to interest. Facts for which curiosity is manifested, capture, contain intrigue, encourage active actions to clarify the situation. Characterize such an intelligent state of a person's word "interesting", "exciting", "curious", etc.

Two varieties of curiosity are distinguished: self-consistency and curiosity. In the first case, the individual seeks to know everything with the purpose of self-esteem, it is interested in affairs and things that have nothing to do. Inquisitive, the desire to obtain systematic knowledge for good goals is peculiar.

Creative inspiration

This condition is the synthesis of emotional and intelligent components. Most often, inspiration is experienced by representatives of creative professions (artists, composers, writers), but something like familiar to each of us. These are the moments for finding a solution of a mathematical problem, the method of correcting the non-working machine, writing the course, etc.

The state of sudden illusion, when suddenly becomes clear how to act, in psychology is called insight. This is an amazing intellectual state of a person. Examples of words coming to mind at such moments: "Eureka!", "Hurray! Found! "," How I have not guessed before! ".

During the insight, an extraordinary surplus of strength is felt, perception is exacerbated, fantasy throws up the original combinations of images, the performance is rapidly, everything seems fine.

In fact, the state of the insight is not at all suddenly. Just all the mental work leading to the achievement of the goal was held at the subconscious level, and at the right moment the consciousness received the right answers.

Monotonia (boredom)

This intellectual state is characterized by a person, devoid of communication with other people or a forced long time to engage in monotonous routine work. Monotony manifestations are more characteristic of the inhabitants of Taiga, the inhabitants of the land for the polar circle, but people who have boredom meet anywhere.

A man suffering to monotonia is not able to establish relationships with other people and organize its activity so as to experience moral satisfaction. Sometimes monotonia arises due to a large amount of free time, which I do not want to occupy anything. Boredom also cause serious trouble, experienced by the mountain, chronic fatigue.

Chronic boredom is one of the problems of modern society. People increasingly turn to specialists about the fact that they do not see incentives for life, do not know how to cheer themselves. Short-term methods of obtaining pleasure (cigarettes, alcohol, random sex, etc.), but they do not get rid of Handra. Reaching the situation helps identifying personality and socially significant motives, ways to give the work performed by the work, search for communication partners.

Intellectual State of Human: Status Category (examples)

All that happens with the individual is denoted by language units that are used in speech. In Russian, there are words denoting the intellectual state of a person: "interesting", etc. In a different way, they are called predicates. Some researchers include indicated lexical units to adverbs.

The vocabulary characterizing the intellectual state of a person (state category) includes words included in the grammatical basis or simply into impersonal proposals. There are no specific morpheme signs. By cases, persons and numbers do not change. Like adverbs, most lexical units denoting the intellectual state of a person has suffix -: "boring", "surprisingly", etc.

In the proposal of the vocabulary of the category of the state consistent with the under consideration ( Ivan became understandable to the condition of the task) or used in summarized sense (It is clear that we will not have time for the aircraft).

Features of mental states

Any intellectual state of a person is holistic, moving and relatively stable. The manifestations of one or another state characterize the psyche as a whole. So, if the individual is confident in his beliefs, he has a knowledge system, no doubt right and exhibits successful practical activities.

The mobility of mental states is that they are even more prolonged than the processes, they still occur in time, have the beginning, development dynamics and completion. Sustainable states over time become personal qualities (concentration, thoughtfulness, etc.).

Mental processes, conditions and properties are closely related. In certain combinations, they form a person's individual appearance.

Any personality gets acquainted and comprehends the surrounding reality thanks to the means of knowledge: attention, sensations, perception, thinking, imagination and memory. Each subject, somehow reacts to the events that occur, feels some emotions, is experiencing feelings to certain objects, people, phenomena. A subjective attitude towards situations, facts, objects, personnel is reflected in the consciousness of the person in the form of experiences. Such relationships experienced in the inner world are referred to as "emotional state". This is a psychophysiological process that motivates a person to perform some actions, regulates his behavior, affects thinking.

In the scientific community there is no universal definition, exactly explaining, which is an emotional phenomenon. Emotional state is a generalizing concept for all the identity of the relationship, which arose during its livelihoods. Satisfying the requirements and requests of a person, as well as the dissatisfaction of the needs of the person, generates a variety of emotional states.

What is cognitive therapy and how does it work?

Experiments on hypnosis: hypnotic phenomena in deep hypnosis (somnambulism). Training hypnosis

Views and characteristics of emotional states

In domestic science, classify emotional processes for individual species, each of which is endowed with its characteristics and features.

The emotional world of personality is represented by five components:

  • emotions;
  • affects;
  • feelings;
  • sentiments;
  • stress.

All the above components of the emotional human sphere are one of the main regulators of the behavior of the subject, are the source of the cognition of reality, express and determine the diversity of interaction between humans. It should be noted that the same emotional process can continue from a few seconds to several hours. In this case, each type of experiences can be expressed with minimal force or be very intense.

Consider all elements of the sphere of emotions and feelings in more detail.


Emotion is the experience of the subject into a particular moment of his life, transmitting a personal assessment of an event that informs about its attitude to the actual situation, to the inner world phenomena and events of the external environment. Human emotions arise instantly and can change very quickly. The most significant characteristic of emotions is their subjectivity.

Like all other mental processes, all types of emotional states act as the result of the active work of the brain. The launch mechanism for the origin of emotions is the changes that are currently a moment occur in the surrounding reality. The more important and significant are for the subject flowing changes, the more sharp and bright will be experienced by emotion.

In case of emotion occurs, a temporary focus of excitation in the cerebral cortex is formed and further in subcortical centers - clusters of nerve cells located under the crust of large hemispheres. It is in these brain segments that the main regulation regulation of the physiological activity of the body is located. That is why the emergence of such a focus of initiation leads to the strengthening of the activities of internal organs and systems. What, in turn, finds a noticeable external reflection.

We illustrate on the examples. From shame we red. We are pale from fear, and we have a heart free. From longing the heart. From excitement, we suffocate, often and dehydramically make breaths and exhalations.

Emotions are also characterized by valence (orientation). They can be a positive or negative color. It should be noted that practically all people in a normal state the number of emotions of the negative tone significantly exceeds the number of experiences of the positive color. During the studies, it was established that the left hemisphere is more importantly the source of positive emotions, and the right hemisphere supports negative experiences anymore.

In all kinds of emotional states, their polarity can be traced, that is, the presence of emotions with a "plus" sign and with the value of "minus". For example: pride - annoyance; Joy - chagrin. There are also neutral emotions, for example: surprise. In this case, it does not mean that two polar emotions are mutually exclusive. In difficult feelings of a person, a combination of contradictory emotions is often detected.

Also, emotions differ in intensity - their strength. For example: anger, anger and rage, in fact, are identical experiences, but they appear with different strengths.

Emotions are also classified into two types: ram (active) and asthenic (passive). Active experiences motivate and encourage a person to perform actions, passive emotions relax and deprive the energy. For example: We are ready to turn the mountains from joy, and from fear we have legged legs.

Another feature of emotions is the fact that although they are recognized by a person as experiences, it is impossible in a state of wakefulness to influence their occurrence. All emotional states are born in the deep repositories of the psyche - subconscious. Access to the resources of the subconscious sphere is possible with a temporary change in consciousness achieved by hypnosis.


The second type of emotional states - affects. This is a short-term state for which the special intensity and expressiveness of experiences are characteristic. The affect is a psychophysiological process, which rapidly seizes the subject and is very expressive. It is characterized by significant changes in consciousness and violation of the personality control over his behavior, the loss of self-control.

Affect is accompanied by severe external manifestations and active functional restructuring of the operation of the internal systems. A feature of this kind of emotional states is a binding to the situation of this. Affect always arises in response to an already existing position of things, that is, it cannot be focused on the future and reflect the experiences of the past.

Affect can develop various reasons. A rapid emotional process can be caused by a single psychotrauming factor, a long-term stressful situation, a serious human disease. Examples of affective states serve the following states. Delight when winning the favorite team tested by a passionate fan. Anger that has arisen when the treason is detected. Panic that swept the man during a fire. Euphoria, which emerged from a scientist during the opening after many years of persistent work.

In its development, the affect passes sequentially several stages for whom their characteristics and experiences are characteristic. In the initial phase, a person reflects exclusively about the subject of his experiences, unwittingly distracted from other more important phenomena. The custom painting of the start of the affective state is represented by energetic and expressive movements. Tears, Icery sobs, loud laughter, ridiculous shouts - specific traits Aging affect.

The pulse and the respiratory function changes from the strong nervous voltage, the motility of movements is disturbed. The intensive effect of incentives exciting cortical structures above their inherent limit of working capacity leads to the development of the proceedable (protective) braking, this phenomenon causes the disorganization of human thinking: the subject is experiencing a stubborn need to succumb to emotion experienced.

At this point, the affective state of any individual can take measures to not lose control over themselves and slow down the development of the cascade of destructive reactions. It is on this phenomenon that the hypnosis is influenced: in a state of hypnotic trance in the subconscious of a person, installations are implanted, allowing the instinctive level to prevent the increase in the affect in the crisis point. That is, as a result of suggestion in hypnosis, a person, not leading that at the conscious level, acquires the required skills to brake development of a negative emotional state.

If nevertheless came the subsequent stage of affect, the subject completely loses the self-control and ability to manage behavior. He makes reckless acts, performs useless actions, says ridiculous phrases. It should be noted that such manifestations of the affective outbreak of the individual in the future recalls with difficulty. This situation arises due to the fact that after excessive excitation of cortical structures, braking occurs, which interrupts the established systems of temporary ties.

However, information about behavior during an affective flash is firmly postponed in the subconscious sphere, reminding itself fuzzy and vague experiences of shame for aching acts. Such unrecognizable completely sensations over time become the perpetrators of depressive states, because a person intuitively feels his guilt, not aware of what he guessed. For recognition of factors displaced in the subconscious during an affective flash, a targeted temporary disabling of consciousness is necessary.

Summing up information, you need to specify: the affect itself is neither bad, and not good. Its tonality and consequences depends on what experiences are experiencing a person - positive or negative, and how much he owns an emotional state.

The difference between hypnosis from other "states"


The third type of emotional states - feelings. These are more stable psycho-emotional states in comparison with emotions and affect. Feelings - manifestations of a subjective personality relationship to real facts or abstract objects, specific things or generalized concepts. In this case, such an assessment is almost always unconscious. The birth and approval of feelings is the process of forming a sustainable human attitude to a matter or phenomenon, which is based on an individual in an individual with an interaction experience with such an object.

Feature feelings - in contrast to emotions, they are more or less permanent character, this is a rooted personality feature. Emotion, at the same time, the fleeting experience of this situation. Let us give an example. Feeling is the love of a person to music. Staying at a good concert with excellent music performance, he experiences active positive emotions - interest and joy. However, when the same person faces the disgusting performance of the work, it feels passive negative emotions - chagrin and disgust.

Feelings are directly related to the feature of the person, they reflect the attitude of a person to life, his worldview, beliefs, glances. The feeling is complex in its structure a variety of emotional states. Let us give an example. The feeling of envy in essence is the experience of a person about the success of another person. Envy is a combination of several emotions, connected together: anger, insults, contempt.

In addition to valence (color), there is another trait of this species - the intensity of feelings. The stronger and deeper the sense of a person, the more pronounced its external (physiological) manifestations, the more significant on its influence on the behavior of the subject.

All negative feelings perform extremely destructive functions, forming painful thinking and leading to non-functional behavior. Such negative emotional states, rooted in a person's subconscious, not only impede the normal interaction of the person in society, but also cause psychopathological disorders.

Consider on the example of envy. The envy turns someone else's success in a complex of inferiority, the happiness of another person in the sense of its own worthlessness and unnecessaryness. Envy is an energy vampire, which forces a person to spend its time, strength, energy to infinite tracking of success and achievements of another person. This feeling causes a person to proceed to the performance of active actions, forcing the gossip, gloom, to build a goat, weave intrigue, and often to use physical strength. As a result, the subject turns out to be a broken trough when he has no strength to act, and there are no friends who can support him. The coming depression in such a situation is a natural step undertaken by the "wise" subconscious, indicating that the subject needs to be stopped, reconsidered its worldview and choose another style of behavior.

In addition to the lunatic feelings that motivate the subject to action, there are asthenic experiences. This is the emotional state that paralyzes the will of a person and deprives him. An example of a passive feeling is desperate, which underlies the basis of depressive states.

Feelings can be called an intermediate link between the intensive emotion, tested with respect to some object or situation, and a neurotic or psychotic disorder. And in order to solve the problem of a person, it is necessary to interrupt this vicious chain. To do this, it is necessary to access the reposnses of the subconscious, which requires the temporary elimination of conscious censorship with hypnosis. Only installing the initial factor that served as a negative feeling, one can eliminate the obvious problem of a person.


The mood is a rather long-term emotional state, painting all the experiences of a person and affecting his behavior. FEATURES OF MODE - Accuracy, insignificance of severity, relative stability. If the mood acquires a significant intensity, it has a significant impact on human mental activity, the productivity of its labor. For example, if the features remain in a dreary mood, it is very difficult for it to focus on the task executing and problematic to bring the work started to the final.

A frequent change of emotional states, called the mood lability, provides reason to assume the presence of affective disorders. The rapid change of the episode of the Handra and the state of mania can be a sign of bipolar depression.

Another feature of this emotional state is the lack of attachment to a particular object.The mood expresses the general attitude of the individual to the established position of things in general.

How is the mood of man formed? This type of emotional state can have very different sources: both recently accomplished events and very remote situations. The main factor affecting the mood of a person is its satisfaction or dissatisfaction with life in general, or by some separate phenomena. Despite the fact that the mood of the personality always depends on certain reasons, the sources of the present emotional state are not always clear and understandable. For example, the person points out that she has a bad mood, she oppresses something and worries. However, it cannot independently establish the relationship between the bad location of the Spirit and the promise not fulfilled by it, this month ago.

To prevent mental anomalies, everyone should be dealt with the reasons for changing his mood. In order to avoid depression and other problems, it is necessary to find out and eliminate objectively existing factors affecting the emotional state of a person. Such a step is convenient and appropriate by applying the hypnosis technician. The peculiarity of hypnosis is its painlessness and comfort: the establishment and correction of any psychological defects occurs in "harmless" mode when the psyche of the subject does not receive unnecessary injuries inherent in psychotherapeutic effects.


The term "stress" is made to designate special experiences of feelings that are similar in their characteristics affect and are similar in their duration of moods. The causes of stress are diverse. Cause a stressful state a single intense extreme impact external factors. Create a long-term monotone situations can lead to stress, in which the individual feels a threat or resentment. For example, a woman due to circumstances is forced to share housing with a spouse-alcoholic, with whom general children are associated, and together "earned" debts. It is impossible to radically change the situation at one point, and the ladies are missing for it. So she pulls her miserable burden, every day I experience a mass of negative emotions. Lack of perspective on improving the situation, the impossibility of restoring the former family relationships Speaken soil for stress.

Feelings and emotions are closely related to our internal qualities, they are simply a reflection of what is happening in our inside. We often worry and deny our own emotions, confuse emotions with feelings, feelings with states.

After spending one consultation, I was convinced that people do not at all realize their emotions. Oh no, they are not insensitive nerds, they continue to experience the whole range of emotions, absolutely not understanding what emotion they are currently experiencing. The easiest and most common question in all trainings and psychological consultations: "What do you feel now?" - puts people in a dead end.

It is absolutely impossible to deal with your problems, if you can't even determine what you feel to a particular person or situation, or about a particular event.

What causes feelings and emotions

Not only our feelings and emotions are not realized by themselves, but their reasons remain for many riddles.

Emotions and feelings are a huge number and the final list of them in neither psychology or physiology. The reason for this is that many emotions and feelings are solely social phenomena. The emergence of new emotions or the acquisition of other importance is due to the development of society. Many emotions and feelings we do not feel at birth, but we learn from our parents, relatives, friends, acquaintances and even at TV and the film industry. All of them combined from early childhood show and tell us that we must feel like in what situations. If you do not experience a certain range of feelings and sensations on some particular occasion, you are considered strange, not from this world or even better - insensitive and selfish.

Congenital emotions of man

In addition to socially determined emotions, there are also congenital. These are emotions that have a baby from birth. Some experts for congenital rank emotions that manifest themselves in a baby shortly after birth, where the social factor and parental training plays, apparently, the minimum role. The list of these emotions is very small and neither scientists nor psychologists have come to a single opinion, which emotions should be included in it. Many agree that joy - contentment, interest - arousal, surprise - fright, anger - anger, disgust, fear - those emotions that are congenital, we have taught us the rest.

It's time to "remove the head of the sand" and figure out that we really feel that it caused this emotion and who "taught us" to feel like that, and not otherwise.

Read and Surprise :-)

Ksenia Golitsyn,
Practitioner psychologist


Azart - Emotional state, which is distinguished by a very strong interest in what is happening and stubborn desire to continue.

Types of excitement:

  • Resource Azart - In this state, the effectiveness of actions is very high.

Excitement when you have a favorite business; Azart entrepreneur; Azart when mastering new knowledge.

  • Azart is destructive - in it self-control, as a rule, is lost.

Azart player in a casino.

Apathy -the condition of complete indifference, disinterest, the absence of emotions and feelings. Personality with apathetic manifestations does not experience any pleasure, no displeasure. Often apathy is considered as a result of a pronounced and long severe stress. It is a product of the protective struggle against the unbearable senses of despair and loneliness or the threat of death. Externally manifestations of apathy are the nature of the alienation - "refusal" from the objective world, but the analysis often identifies the preserved unconscious attachments denied either disavowed protected protection.


Serenity -clear calm condition.

Hopelessness -full despair, no hopes.

Safety -this is a calm and confident state of the Spirit in a person who considers himself protected from threat or danger.

Indifference -the state of complete indifference, disinterest.

Anxiety -emotional state characterized by testing of excitement, anxiety, inconvenience, unpleasant foreboding of bad. There is under the influence of little clear and unknown factors of the external environment or the inner state of the person himself.

Helplessness -the negative state caused by adverse situations that cannot be prevented or overcome.

Impotence -the confusion and strong annoyance in the consciousness of the inability to correct the difficult position of affairs, get out of a dangerous or difficult position.

Rabies -the state of extremely irritation.

Gratitude -the feeling of responsibility, respect and love for another person (in particular, expressed in the relevant actions) for the benefits rendered to them.

Bliss -the state of complete and unperturbed happiness, pleasure, the state of higher satisfaction, ultra-fertile unearthly happiness.

Cheerfulness -the state of high energy, an excess of forces and desire to do anything.

Pain -the feeling reflecting the psycho-physiological state of a person who occurs under the influence of super-silent or destructive stimuli. Independent pain is a specific mental experience that is not associated with organic or functional disorders. Often accompanies depression, mental disorder. More often is long and is associated with the loss of a loved one.

Wheelness -decision, commitment to cleanliness, compliance with hygiene rules (regarding food, clothing, etc.).


Inspiration -the state of lightness, the possibility of creating, the feeling "is forces, everything turns out!", Doing with enthusiasm and pleasure. The presentation of spiritual renewal, new birth, will to creativity, mental lift, internal illusion and passion.

Fun -a carefree-joyful mood, characterized by the desire to laugh, to amused.

Wines -affective condition characterized by manifestation of fear, remorse of conscience and self-refinery, the feeling of its own insignificance, suffering and needs in repentance.

Love -a strong positively painted feeling (or a complex of feelings), the object of which is another person, accompanied by a narrowing of consciousness, the consequence of which there may be a distorted assessment of the object of love. The edge emotional experience, attraction to the sexual choice object. Q. May quickly fade or go to a steady sense of love.

Lust -passionate desire, severe sensual attraction, sexual attraction.

Indignation -extremely discontent, indignation, anger.

Excitement spiritual -the same as physiological affect, a condition that reduces the ability of a person to understand the meaning of their actions or lead them.

Inspiration- Elevated desire to do something. Inspiring is a precessance of inspiration, a little less emotionally bright condition. Inspiration arises and develops from inspiration.

Delight -overflowing joy. What will turn out this overflow of energy - the question is next ...

Delight -the joyful state of loving, radiance from beauty and gratitude for beauty.

Hostility -strong dislike for someone, including hatred, zelation.

High -to measure someone, from the height of its greatness - a contemptuous arrogance. Negative moral quality, which characterizes the disrespectful-contemptuous, arrogant attitude to other people (to individual personalities, specific social layers or people in general), associated with the exaggeration of their own advantages I myself.


Anger - Address aggression through open direct pressure on the partner. World hostile. Anger is usually expressed by an energetic powerful cry.

Pride- Feeling of strength, freedom and position height. Respect for a person who is for his own or someone else's achievements that seem significant.

Pride - This is a curve pride. The confidence of man that he himself is the only reason for his success. "I know for everyone as best for everyone."

Sadness - emotional state when the world It seems gray, strangers, tough and uncomfortable, painted in beautiful transparent gray and minor tones. Often, when sad I want to cry, I want loneliness. The world is not yet hostile to sadness, but no longer friendly: he is only common, inconvenient and someone else's, stuck. Usually the cause of sadness is a difficult event in life: parting with a close man, a loss of a loved one. Sadness is not congenital, but acquired emotion.


Duality- A feeling of division, as a result of opposite internal motives to do something.


Respect - The position of one person in relation to the other, recognition of the merits of the person. A position prescribing not to harm to another: neither physically violence, nor morally judgment.

Confidence - the mental state of the person at which he considers some information the truth. Confidence is the psychological characteristic of the faith and beliefs of man. Confidence can be both the result of their own personality experience and the result of exposure from the outside. For example, confidence may appear in a person besides (and sometimes against) his will and consciousness under the influence of suggestion. A sense of self-confidence can cause self-sustaining (for example, autogenous training).

Hobby (utasive) - one-sided and intensive hobby, occupying an inappropriate place in a person's life having a serious meaning for him, a special meaning. The ability to get involved in something like anything or anyone related to the system of personal values \u200b\u200band ideals. This, for example, sports fanaticism, which may be hidden by a sense of inferiority, or too close attention paid to his appearance, followed by self-satisfaction.

Surprise - This is a short-term, fast passing reaction to a sudden, unexpected event; Mental state, when something seems strange, unusual, unexpected. Surprise arises when there is a dissonance between the imaginary picture of the human world and what is really happening. The stronger dissonance, the stronger surprise.

Satisfaction - The feeling of contentment and joy about the fulfillment of their desires and needs, regarding successfully established conditions, with their actions, etc. Satisfaction, as a rule, comes to achieve the goal. Little children satisfaction can still bring the work itself, the process, and not the results of its execution. Adults due to socialization is harder to get satisfaction from the process.

Pleasure - Feeling, experience, accompanying the satisfaction of the need or interest (the same as pleasure). The pleasure accompanies the decrease in the internal stress (physical and mental), contributes to the restoration of the vital functions of the body. Behind the pleasure there is always a desire, which, ultimately, as an individual desire, society seeks to take control. However, in the process of socialization, the natural installation is restricted for pleasure. Expanding functional contacts with others require a person to control their desire to pleasure, postpone the receipt of pleasure, tolerate displeasure, etc. The principle of pleasure is manifested in confrontation with social requirements and rules and acts as a basis for personal independence: the person itself belongs to himself, released from obligations and in this regard - sovereign.

Adducity - oppressed, painful, tomitious state (from poverty, illness, other adverse circumstances, due to serious failures).

Horror- sudden and strong fear, inner shudder, the highest degree of fear, permeated with despair and hopelessness when colliding with something threatening, unrecognizable and strangers; Dizziness from the premonition of total fiasco. The horror for a person is always forced, is imposed from the outside - and in the case when it comes to mental ignition.

Uming - feeling of deceased, sweet pity, humility, crushing, spiritual welcoming participation, goodwill.

Temple - The condition of full rest, satisfaction.

Humiliation - Individual or group actions aimed at lowering the status of a person usually by some embarrassing or offending man by means. Some common actions considered degrading are offensive words, gestures, television, slap, spitches in his direction, etc. Some experts believe that the key point is that humiliation is determined by the consciousness of the deepened. In order to be humiliated, a person should consider this action degrading. For some people, humiliation is a pleasure and source of excitement (for example, in sexual role-playing games), but for an overwhelming number - a heavy test to which they do not want to undergo. The humiliation is accompanied by an extremely painful emotional shock and affects the most sensitive parts of human self-esteem. If you hit it too much, even a modest person can answer aggression.

Sadness - hopeless sadness, decay of the spirit, loss of hope for achieving desirable or pressing.

Eustice - The state of delight, pleasure, "admiration, delight, moral, spiritual ochmel."

Fatigue - the physical and mental state of fatigue, characterized by the weakening of the reaction, the lethargy of behavior, drowsiness, inattention. Fatigue arises from overload, from strong tension, from the experiences of difficulties, grief, conflicts, from a long session of tedious, routine work. Such a state is the result or a bad organization of labor, or a weak health, but the cause of fatigue in a large number of unresolved interpersonal and internal conflicts, which, as a rule, are not recognized.


Frustration - A condition arising from the experience of the impossibility of achieving the intended goals and the satisfaction of the impulse, collapse of plans and hopes.


Shock (emotional) - Strong emotion, accompanied by physiological shocks. Shock arises as a result of the appearance of a new element in the life, to which the subject is not capable immediately adapt.

Psychologists, distinguish:

  • weak and fleeting shock, at the level of pleasant and unpleasant;
  • shock, causing more or less long inaccessibility (strong emotion, loss of an expensive being);
  • shock, causing long inaccessibility and thereby even leading to madness.


Euphoria - the mental state of joyful arousal and enthusiasm, accompanied by raised mood, excitement, flavoring.

Exaltation - Emotional state of raised liveliness with a shade of unnatural enthusiasm, which seems to be no reason. It manifests itself in the form of a dreamy mood, then inexplicable inspiration.

Ecstasy - The highest degree of delight, enthusiasm, sometimes on the verge of frenzy.

Enthusiasm - Emotional state, which is distinguished by pronounced self-removal. A very resource state that can quickly fade.


Rage - Strong, rapidly manifested anger, frenzy, glowing a strong passion with aggressive behavior, the extreme form of manifestation of anger. Active opposition to what we consider evil, the desire to fight, fight for your idea, rights, freedom, independence or other values. A person who is in a state of rage practically does not control his actions in conflict.


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