Things that should not be done in Belgium. How to dress in Belgium

Things that should not be done in Belgium. How to dress in Belgium

Trying to find facts about the life of Russians in Belgium in the expanses of the World Wide Web, I came across a lot of impartial reviews of both the very existence in the country and Belgian attitude to life, work, children, etc. It is impossible to say that absolutely all Russians share negative information and its overwhelming majority, but I was alarmed that in the negative statements about Belgium, a single thread is traced in various bloggers, which means they are fairly plausible. Just alone - too categorical, in others added "Perchin", and the third in the country is not enough to get used to the new one.

So, about the moments that cause if not shock, then an unpleasant surprise.

Most of the Belgians men are very restrained and independent. Moreover, independence reveals fully after he finds himself an eternal life companion. As one Russian emigrant told, some time was married to a bright representative of the Belgian man, glances on family life Many have completely unacceptable for most Russians. It is not accepted here to spend the evenings together, walking with children, and gather behind the dinner with the whole family - everyone traps at a convenient time for him, at the convenient time goes to bed, not bothering to wait for the spouse to at least say hello to her. Moreover, in rare fleeting dates, it can pass for more than one day, but a whole working week. About the married bed sometimes and speech does not go - each family member necessarily has a separate place to relax, where they spend most of their nights. Belgian spouse is an extremely independent and self-sufficient woman, which only in rare cases takes the surname of her husband, certainly has his own account in the bank and does not ask her husband about those things that are usually discussed in a normal Russian family (like, places and time to go to rest in summer).

Surprises in Belgian women and the fact that they are completely not trying to become more feminine and beautiful. Makeup on a woman can only be seen if there is a particularly solemn event in the restaurant, short skirts and heels - and even less often. By the way, with all this, it is quite surprising that the average Belgian prefers to remain faithful to his wife, and if irreparable and he changed, it would almost certainly be to talk about divorce.

Related links in Belgium - a moment worthy of writing about it. So most of the Belgians may not meet with their parents for half a year, while still upholstered with them literally on the same street and every day passing by their home. Based on this, there is nothing surprising in the fact that the spouse of the Belgian is sometimes not familiar with her husband's parents until a certain day, which can be the birth of a child. True, this is not always the case - a man who loving his wife and considers it a worthy companion of his life, it may well take it to dating mom, as an exception.

There are no reverent attitudes to the Belgians (the Belgians love and respect their parents!) For the most part due to the fact that children to achieve an adult age are literally removing from the house. In addition, that such a practice here is everywhere, parents consider themselves nothing obliged by something and, even being quite important, will not help. To take the money, Belgian will better take a loan, which will be asked for help to parents who can give it the necessary amount, without refusing to itself in ordinary pleasures - this option does not occur any normal Belgian.

Attitude towards their own children is also due to public Policy - In Belgium, as in many other developed countries, there is practically no maternity leave. The time to care for the newborn is only two weeks, after which a woman should look for ways to retreat - like a short vacation, vacation without detention or hiring nanny. Having heard from the Russian woman about how she takes care of the child, some belgiyki express sincere bewilderment - they say, why get up at night to the child, if he pays a little pay and comes to the point that he should sleep at night, independently. Belgiec is an absolute norm that already from three-month-old child is in the manger, where he has to spend all his happy childhood.

According to the same principle, Belgians act in relation to their elderly parents - they spend their last days in the nursing homes. It is impossible to say that children throw old people. Not. They regularly pay for the content and occasionally visit ...

In an interesting feature, local residents are distinguished in terms of relationships with friends. So come to visit without invitation and prior approval will allow yourself not everyone - because you not only may not be happy, but even capable of letting into the house, motivating various reasons. Want to visit - warn in two weeks, and before that it is customary to spend your free time for haircut lawn, watching TV and Internet sites.

Due to the fact that Belgium is divided into three linguistic communities, sometimes in the description of the Belgians should be clarified to which one or another characteristic belongs to.

So the Flemish residents have the limiting clarity of thinking, which makes them be incredible, if you can put it right. They do not even be late if needed to come to five in the morning, do not switch the road outside the pedestrian tracks, even if to go to the nearest three hundred meters, they will not retell each other, while remaining with his own opinion.

The most reverent and special attitude of the Belgians is not at all to their relatives, but to the money. The savings book for many is one of the most important documents, where every month is at least 15% of income.

Like each nation, in Belgians, or rather, Flemis has their own characteristics.

Interestingly, with all his punctuality, Flemandes almost certainly recalls on any holiday (so that they do not think that he is the most hungry) - such a fantasy ...

Most of the Belgians are sufficiently friendly to representatives of Russian emigrants. Today, "ours" love more than, for example, the Turks or Moroccans, which is explained by similar cultural and religious differences: Russians are rarely content with social security provided by the state, and therefore seek to work; They are considered sufficiently educated, and Russian women do not go to the headscarves. And although in his team with open arms immediately, they will immediately be accepted, but will remain cool-polite even if the new employee did not come.

True, there are those who, having heard an obvious accent or Russian speech, at the moment they are transferred to the arrogant tone and the expression of the face is replaced by a contemptuous.

But no matter how well Flemandes did not treat, kind and loyal from him will never work. And the point is not at all that his friend is a representative of another nation, just here there is no such thing as friendship. Good relations are limited to hikes in clubs or other pleasant pastime, but they did not hear about self-sacrifice and such things.

So, for example, if Belgian says "I treat," this means that the next glass must necessarily be at the expense of the interlocutor, in otherwise He will remain smoothing forever. The same applies to "free service" - for such a must have to pay in the future.

If you find in society, it is impossible to talk quietly - otherwise the nearby Belgian will decide that it is at the moment and discussed. Imractiveness is a special quality of local residents. At the same time, they stubbornly avoid open quarrels and only in very serious situations can go to a cry.

If he speaks about the economic side of the life of the Belgians, most of them, about 90%, belong to the middle class with the middle level of living, allowing at least once a year to travel, to have their own home, stitched with high-quality furniture and appliances, a car for each Adult family member.

In general, the Belgian nation is not bad. It is just special, unique, unique ...

Belgian man - for many dots. My poor European experience has five Belgians, one Dutch and the only classic Frenchman. The sample is small, but sufficient to highlight the main qualities and explain why I give your preference to them.

My acquaintance with the Last Belgian soul began with my husband. Then, in the summer, in St. Petersburg, my gaze immediately fell on a high, curly blond, confused by Nevsky in search of food. And here I am, the classic hearty lady, too, by the way, kudaraya, immediately took the "baby" under his wing.

Conservative Patrick has matured his nose from the proposed dumplings, okroshka and pancakes. I had to drive him home and feed there. From now on, our history began.

Standing in the Brussels airport, I peered into the crowd. The men's audience clearly prevail, but what's there! All handsome hands are removed, the giants are young, all the same as on the selection ... I did not immediately and not immediately and notifies my curly in this sympathetic company.

international Airport in Brussels

A moment of demographic statistics: Theoretically, an already 1.5 real Belgian man is supposed to be theoretically for each Belgian Madame. This injustice led to the fact that women believe that in any case they will not remain without a man, and there are no special efforts to acquire attractiveness. The opposite of the floor spends hours in front of the mirror, in the gym and desperately engaged in self-education in order to be at least someone selected.

I also have a picked feminism with milk mother's milk, and you will be sorry for pain, you will have a pity of these pretty giants, and you will threaten in their hugs without thinking.

So happened to me. The proposal of the hand and hearts did to me, lying on the sofa. That is, he lay, and I stood. But such sincere, the combatful words did not run into my inhaled ears for a long time, and I didn't say any special thinking "Yes!"

Statue of lovers in Belgium

In terms of love and romance, by the way, wonders and passions from the Belgians should not be expected. They will not freeze the calculation, like the Dutch, but and Amoro will not strangle as the French. But not particularly spoiled by female beauty, they will be delighted with you even early in the morning! Invaluable advantage, right?

Quite unexpectedly, we realized that we will soon become three. While I sobbed over the old stomach plane, Paropash was shopping, buying a slider, decorated the nursery, went to Holland for diapers (you just read!) And installed on my brutal smartphone an i'm Expecting application on my brutal smartphone.

Each morning, having flown over the toilet, I listened to enthusiastic stories about what stage of development is our Lou Lou. Patrick took all the troubles for himself, moreover, he was with me to the last, and then fought with mother-in-law for the right to change diapers.

Paprikash was not afraid of nor poop, nor unexpected fountains. It was also not to take it with colic and drills. He first introduced his lore, while I ran to the manicure, visually taught the son to crawl, and then I fell asleep in an embrace with our karapuz.

The only thing that Patrick regrets is that his dairy glands were not adapted to lactation.

But then there is an opposite rule: Mom is the same dad. Therefore, during the initiative, you will not pick up a picture of a hammer, be prepared.

Belgium is not attended by many tourists: most often this country is one of the items in the Benilyux sightseeing trip route, which also includes the Netherlands and Luxembourg. It is known that Belgium is famous for its capital, amazing beer, sweets, and, of course, medieval castles and gothic cathedrals.
Kingdom Belgium is in Western Europe And is one of the most populated countries of the world. More than 70% of the population confess Catholicism.
Belgium is divided into two large parts: Dutch-speaking Flanders and French-speaking Walnon.
In Belgium, the traditions of feminism are strong, women there have equal rights with men. In addition, they say that in Belgium it is difficult to meet this beautiful girl Belgike.
The Top 13 most beautiful Belgijk Refutes this statement. This included famous Belgian actresses, singers, models and winners of beauty contests.

13. Claud Lange / Claudie Lange - Belgian actress and model, starred in the Italian movie from 1964 to 1974. Claud Lange played leading roles in genre films "Poliziottesco", horror ribbons, erotic comedies, spy films.

10. Marie Zhillen / Marie Gillain (June 18, 1975 Liege, Belgium) - Belgian actress.

9. INGRID SYNHAYV / INGRID SEYNHAEVE (June 28, 1973, Belgium) - Belgian actress.

7. Veronica de Cok / Veronique de Kock(April 3, 1977 Antwerp, Belgium) - Belgian model and Miss Belgium 1995.

6. Alice Crombez / Elise CROMBEZ (July 24, 1982 Muscron, Belgium) - Belgian supermodel.

5. Brigitta Callens / Brigitta Callens (September 28, 1980) - Belgian model, yoga coach, Miss Belgium-1999.

4. Kilou Annice / Cilou Annys (March 20, 1991 Bruges, Belgium) - Belgian model and Miss Belgium 2010. At the Miss Competition, 2010 entered the top 15 finalist.

2. Anuk Lepere / Anouck LEPERE (February 15, 1979 Antwerp, Flanders) - Belgian model.

1. Ellen Petri / Ellen Petri (May 25, 1982 Antwerp) - Belgian model, Miss Belgium 2004. At the Miss World Competition 2004 won the Top Fashion Designer Award. Also ranked third at the "World" S Top Model contest.

Immigrant Mitya Sandal has been living in Belgium for some time. Funny, but Belgium, which is considered to be the center of Europe, is very different from our concept of Europe, and here much is just wild for our person. The young man decided to compile a list of facts that he was striking most.

1. Belgians are not patriots, many do not know the anthem of Belgium and do not like Belgians from the neighboring areas. Although in our eyes they are all the same, the Belgians themselves can easily understand which area is the person, according to his govor and the sobs. Residents of any of the Belgian regions consider the inhabitants of other regions a little bit of stupid, but unites them all the overall love of mischief over the Dutch.

2. Beer in Belgium is a national religion. Beer does not drink only for breakfast, but from 10 o'clock in the morning they drink constantly. If alcohol, then it is only beer. All that is not Belgian beer, then urine, especially Dutch. The worst beer is Heineken. The most respected duvel.

3. Beer is bottled two sizes: small 0.25 and large 0.33. Paul-liters you will not find almost anywhere, not to mention our national emergency equipment. From the three "big" beings, Belgians are already drunk well.

4. Girls drink beer no less guys. And this is not a movietone.

5. The main national dish is Potato Friend, or Franch Freiz. Here it is called or Belgian Freiz, or just a fryer. Eating her with mayonnaise and everywhere, in the ulles, similar to a bundle of a newspaper, of which we had eaten seeds before. Any Belgian will tell that Americans tried the Potatoes Friend for the first time when they were in Belgium at the end of World War II, and FRENCH FRIES is from the verb to FRENCH (cut) and is not connected with France.

6. Sterility in Belgium - the concept is doubtful: any food will be fed or put on a plate with hands. If you order, for example, shaverm, the meat will put your hands into it, then the same hands will take money.

7. Clothes are very dismissive. It can easily throw a jacket to the ground or walk in a ribbon and dirty.

8. The concepts of style and fashion are very different from ours. Girls do not wear heels and cofters with a neckline, walk in ripped pantyhose and combine such colors that it seems that they are under the LSD.

9. Very strong feminism in society. The girls are absolutely equal to the guys, from which, in my opinion, they themselves suffer. The guys do not know at all how to approach the girls, and instead they look a lot of porn.

10. If you have a girl, then you are cool. Because the girl is a guarantee that you have sex, and it is treated about the same. Sometimes it seems that the relationship in Belgium is just a sex partnership and everything, although, of course, there are exceptions.

11. Belgians are very scary. And those who seem to be not very scary, trying to seem terrible and dress even worse. If you have met a beautiful girl on the street, then she is either Turkish or our.

12. The concept of "gentleman" is missing here. Skip the girl ahead, open the door or help carry the severity - this is something impossible. There is a company of girls and guys, and girls carry a beer drawer - this is the norm.

13. Bike is the main means of movement. Here they go to them: and grandfathers for 80, and children from two years. All large centers and train stations have parking for bicycles, there are thousands of them. If you take off the apartment, it will surely be written if there is a parking for a bike at home.

14. Belgians are a very sporting nation. Popular running, cycling and hockey with a ball. If you say "hockey", everyone thinks about the summer sport on the grass.

15. By the way, about the grass: a picture, when youth sitting in the city center on the waterfront and smokes in a circle of a jamb, absolutely normal. Although drugs are prohibited.

16. Belgians get up very early. On a weekend at 8 am, a turn into a bunny for fresh bread is a normal story.

17. Belgians are very narrowly thinking: if there is a law or tradition, they will follow it, no matter how stupid it is. Creative or non-standard thinking is rare.

18. In general, the Belgians are very polite and welcoming, but sometimes clearly too much. For example, you will never directly send to hell, but will tell about the following: "I will not want to offend you or wander your feelings, but it seems to me that you will be better to go to hell, of course, if you don't want You can not walk. But it seems to me that you will be comfortable there. "

19. Belgians are usually married late, in 30 years. Before that, they consider themselves young people and live quite carelessly.

20. Very love to travel. In a special honor they have Asia.

21. The awareness of Russia is good, but the idea of \u200b\u200bour country is, of course, funny. I was extremely surprised that when I said that I was from Russia, the first reaction was - great, I have long wanted to drive through the Trans-Siberian Highway. And only then - vodka, Putin, communism.

22. The ratio is rather negative: if a man is a gangster, if a girl is easy behavior. And this stereotype is extremely difficult to break.

23. There are a lot of Turks and Arabs in Belgium. To them, the ratio is cool, but if you ask the Belgians, as they treat them, then hear the learned tirade about how they are happy and do not see the difference. But if you come up with the same question to drunk belgians, the answer will be completely different.

24. There are a lot of lesbian and gay in Belgium. And it is in that order. I associate it with not the most courageous men, although, maybe the reason in the other.

25. Belgium is divided into two large parts: Dutch-speaking Flanders (where I live) and French-speaking Vallonia. Flemishmen with disregard belong to Wallians and consider them someone like servants.

26. Most Flemis speak English, Dutch and French. Wallians speak only French, and that, according to Flemis, is bad.

27. All the Belgians will tell you what they are talking on Flemish, and not in Dutch. In fact, this is the same language.

28. Residents of Antwerp are considered the most arrogant snobs.

29. No one ever reserves the windows, even on the first floors you always see what is happening in someone else's apartment.

30. No one removes shoes, even boots. Will sit, sweat, but do not remove.

31. Belgians eat hot ride once a day. Usually lunch or dinner is just a sandwich.
32. Belgium, as well as France, does not use the QWERTY keyboard, instead they are printed on Azerty-layout, must say, an extremely uncomfortable and illogical thing.

33. Miscellaneous is very loud, and in any atmosphere. Sometimes it seems that the shell of the Gaubitz broke next to you, but no, it was unimported a miniature girl.

34. With a sense of humor, there is severe, the concept of sarcasm is absent as a class. Therefore, if a person is joking, he adds a phrase after the humor himself "it was a joke," otherwise, many may not understand.

35. The limits of decency are quite low. Everyone is very simply undress, and everything, absolutely all saunas, spa and indirect pools, and they are forbidden to walk in swimsuits and hide.

36. Planck permitting in humor, too, by our standards, in Belgians are low. In a fairly formal setting, you can easily hear the selected vulgar and Chernukhu.

37. Belgians are very frost-resistant. The girl in minus one in ballet shoes on a bare foot and the guy in shorts is the usual phenomenon.

38. Belgians always have everything according to plan. Each person has a diary, and all meetings are negotiated in about two weeks. Just to rummage drunk at night to a friend is unlikely to succeed.

39. In Belgium, strong trade unions, so strikes are very often held. Over the past two months, public transport, schools and others did not work three times state institutions. Reasons for strikes, according to our standards, just funny.

40. Belgians are a very honest people, and everything is founded here on honest words, receipts, checks, etc. No one gives here.

41. Belgians love a compromise very much, as they fear someone offended. When they say that it is impossible to please everyone, they do not understand this and, most likely, will take, in their opinion, a fair decision. Which really will not arrange anyone.

42. All stores work up to 5-6 pm, after this time you can shoot. If you buy furniture, then the delivery only works from 9 to 17 hours, and only on weekdays. After all, it is unfair that someone will work late, and someone is not.

43. In Belgium, very high taxes, about 45%, the government has repeatedly tried to reduce, but most of the population against it, as the majority of the population in Belgium does not work, but lives on the allowance.

1) Belgians are not patriots, many do not know the anthem of Belgium and do not like Belgians
from the neighboring areas. Although in our eyes they are all the same, the Belgians themselves
maybe with ease to understand what area a person by his govar and the sobs.
Residents of any of the regions of Belgium consider residents of other regions a little
stupid, unites them all the overall love for bearing over the Dutch
2) Beer in Belgium is a national religion. Beer do not drink only for breakfast. but
from 10 o'clock in the morning they drink constantly. If alcohol, then it is only beer. Everything, that
not Belgian beer, then urine, especially Dutch. The worst beer Heiniken.
The most respectful Duvel. The coolest guys drink it
3) Beer is two sizes small 0.25 and large 0.33. Floor liter you
almost anywhere will not find, not to mention our national balas. FROM
three "big" beings are already drunk lovely Belgians.
4) Girls drink beer no less guys. And this is not a movietone.
5) The Main National Dish is Potato Friend or Frenc Freiz. Here
it is called or Belgian Freiz or just a fryer. Eat it with mayonnaise
and everywhere, in the ulles, like a cooler from the newspaper from which earlier
we have spruce seeds. Any Belgian will tell that Americans are the first time.
tried Potatoes, when were in Belgium at the end of World War II
and FRENCH FRIES, it is called the verb to FRENCH-cut, and is not connected with

6) Sterility in Belgium The concept of doubtful any food will be fed or
put on the plate with your hands if you order, for example, shaverm, you
will put in it with your hands, then the same hands will take money and can still
much what to do
7) to things are very dismissive. Can easily throw a jacket on
earth or walk in ripped and dirty.
8) The concept of style and fashion is very different from our. Girls are not worn
heels and cutouts walk in ripped pantyhose and combine such colors that
it seems that they are under LSD.
9) Very strong feminism in society. Girls are absolutely equal with guys, from
what they themselves suffer, guys do not know how to approach girls from what
look a lot porn.

10) If you have a girl, then you are cool. Because the girl is a guarantor.
what do you have sex and is considered approximately the same thing that is wild for us.
Sometimes it seems that relations in Belgium is just a partnership
for sex and everything, although of course there are exceptions.
11) Belgians are very scary. And those who do not seem to be very scary very
trying to seem terrible and dress, even worse. If you met on the street
a beautiful girl, she is either Turkish or our.
12) the concept of a gentleman is missing here. Skip the girl forward, open
door or help carry gravity is something impossible. There is a company from
girls and guys and girls carry beer box - this is the norm.
13) Bike is a normal vehicle. Here they go to all and
grandpa for 80 and children from 2 years old. All large centers and train stations have parking
for bicycles, there are thousands of them. If you take off the apartment, it will definitely be
it is written if there is a parking for a bike at home.

14) Belgians are a very sporting nation. Very popular running, cycling
and hockey with the ball, if you say hockey, then everyone thinks about the summer form
sports on the grass.

15) By the word about the grass, the picture is sitting young people in the city center on the embankment and
smokes in a circle of spikes is absolutely normal. Although, light drugs are prohibited.
16) Belgians get up very early. On weekends at 8 am turn to bakery for
fresh bread-normal history.
17) Belgians are very narrowly thinking if there is a law or tradition, they will be her
follow it no matter how it is stupid. Creative or non-standard thinking
18) In general, the Belgians are very polite and friendly, but sometimes obviously a mustache,
chur. For example, you will never directly send to hell, but will tell about
the following: "I won't want to offend you, or wander yours
feelings, but it seems to me that you will be better to go to hell, of course if you are not
want, you can not go. But it seems to me that you will be comfortable there. "
19) Belgians are usually married late, in 30 years, before that they are for the most part,
consider themselves young and live quite carelessly
20) Very love to travel. In a special honor they have Asia.
21) awareness of Russia, good, but the idea of \u200b\u200bour country,
of course funny. I was extremely amazing what when I said I'm from
Russia, the first reaction was - great, I have long wanted to drive through the Trans-Siberian
highways, and only then vodka, Putin, communism
22) In general, the ratio is rather negative - if a man, then a gangster, if
girl, then easy behavior. And this stereotype is broken in their heads extremely
23) There are a lot of Turks and Arabs in Belgium. The ratio is completely cool,
but if you ask Belgians, how they treat them, then hear the memorated
tirade on how they are happy, and do not see the difference. But if you come up with the same
issues to drunken Belgians, the answer will be completely different.
24) in Belgium a lot of lesbians and gays. And it is in that order. I
i associate it with not the most courageous men, although perhaps the reason in
25) By the way, Prime Minister Belgium also gay

26) Belgium is divided into two large parts of the Handy-talking Flanders (where
i live) and french-speaking Walon. Flemish with disregard
belong to the wovers and consider them, by someone like servants

27) Most Flemis speak English, Dutch and French.
Wallows speak French only, and that, according to Flemandes,
28) All the Belgians will tell you what they are talking on Flemish, and not
in Dutch. In fact, this is the same language.
29) the most arrogant snobs consider the residents of Antwerp
30) no one ever reserves the windows, even on the first floors, you always
see what happens in someone else's apartment
31) No one removes shoes, even boots. Will sit, sweat, but do not remove
32) Belgians eat hot food once a day. Usually lunch or dinner is just
33) Belgium, as well as France, the only countries in the world that are not
use QWERTY keyboard, in this place they are printed on azerty layout,
i must say, an extremely uncomfortable and illogical thing

33) Miscellaneous and in any atmosphere. Sometimes a feeling is created
that next to you broke out a shell of the Gaubitz, but no, it was unimportant
miniature girl.
34) With a sense of humor, there is a hard, the concept of sarcasm is absent, as a class. Therefore,
if a person is joking, he adds after the humor himself, the phrase was
joke, otherwise really many may not understand
35) The limits of decency are quite low. Everyone is very just stripping and all
absolutely all, saunas, spa and relaxation pools related and prohibited
walk in swimsuits and hide. I was in extremely stupid
the situation associated with this.
36) Planck permissions and in humor, according to our standards, Belgians are low. IN
a fairly formal setting, you can easily hear the selected vulgar
and Chernukha
37) Belgians are very frost-resistant. Girl in minus one in ballet shoes on
naked leg and guy in shorts is a daily phenomenon.
38) Belgians everything according to plan. Each person has a diary, and all meetings
proceed about two weeks. Just suck drunk at night
to a friend is unlikely to succeed.
39) In Belgium, very strong trade unions, so there are very frequent strikes. Per
the last two months, the public transport, schools and
other government agencies. Causes for strikes according to our standards,
just funny.
40) Belgians are very honest people and everything here is based on a honest word,
spinning, checks and so on no one gives here.
41) Belgians love consensus very much, as they are afraid of offended by anyone. When
they say that it is impossible to please all, they will not understand this and most likely,
we will accept, in their opinion, a fair solution. Which is really no one will
42) All stores work up to 5-6, after this time you can shoot. If a
you buy furniture, the delivery only works from 9-5 and only on weekdays. After all
unfairly that someone will work late, and someone does not
43) in Belgium very high taxes, about 45%, the government is repeatedly
i tried to lower, but most of the population against it, t to most
the population in Belgium does not work, but lives on the allowance.
But in general. Belgium would be a gorgeous country, if we lived in it,
true, then it would be Russia)


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