Agnosticism in religion with simple words. Agnostic - who are simple words

Agnosticism in religion with simple words. Agnostic - who are simple words

The words "atheist" and "agnostic" cause many different in the imagination Associations and values.

When the existence of God is questioned, the subject of debate itself is not easy and often misunderstood.

No matter what reasons or how they consider this question, agnostics and atheists differ significantly, but at the same time they have a number of common features.

Many people who begin to call themselves agnostic, simultaneously refuse to the concept of "atheist", even if technically applies to them.

Let's understand Differences Meanwhile, which means being an atheist and be agnostic, and leave in the past any biased opinions or incorrect interpretations.
Who is an atheist?

Atheist - a person who does not believe in any gods. This is a very simple concept, but often it is universally misused. For this reason, there are many other methods of definitions.

Atheism - disadvantage or absence of faith in the gods, or doubt in their existence.

The most accurate definition may be like this: an atheist - anyone who does not agree with the judgment "at least one God exists." This statement is not done atheists. Being an atheist does not mean an active or even conscious person. All that is required is not "confirming" the judgment made by others.

Who is the agnostic?

Agnostic - anyone who does not claim that he knows there are any gods or not. This idea is also quite simple, but it may also be incorrectly understood as atheism.

One of the main problems is that atheism and agnosticism concern the same question regarding the existence of gods. It should be taken into account that atheism implies that a person does not believe that God exists, and agnosticism - that a person does not know whether God exists. Faith and knowledge are connected, but, nevertheless, are separate concepts.

There is a simple test to find out if you are an agnostic or not. Do you know for sure that any gods exist? If so, then you are not agnostic, but a theist or believer. Are you sure that the gods do not exist or can not even exist? If so, then you are not agnostic, but an atheist.

If you could not answer "yes" not one of the previous questions, then you are a person who can believe, but may not believe in one or several gods. However, since such people also do not claim that they are confident of their knowledge, they are agnostics. Then the only question is whether they are age-inquiries or agnostic-atheists.

Agnostics-Teisters or Agnostics-Atheists?

Agnostic-atheist does not believe in any gods, while the agnostic-theist believes in the existence of at least one God. However, they both cannot declare that they have some knowledge confirming this faith. Essentially, another question remains open: why they are agnostic.

This fact seems contradictory and difficult, but in fact it is rather light and logical. They believe that the agnostics believe or not, they can safely come together on the fact that they cannot know exactly that the truth is, but what a lie. This rule can be applied relative to other any themes, because faith in anything is not the same as the exact knowledge or truth.

As soon as it becomes clear that atheism is just the absence of faith In any gods, it also clarifies that agnosticism is not the "third way" between atheism and theism, as many have accustomed to thinking. The presence of faith in God and the lack of faith in God does not exhaust all the possibilities.

In agnosticism we are talking not about faith in God, And about knowledge. Initially, this concept was invented to describe the position of a person who could not argue that he knew certainly, there were any gods or not. This term was not intended to describe a person who found an alternative between the presence or absence of some particular faith.

And yet many people develop erroneous impression That agnosticism and atheism are mutually exclusive concepts. But why? There is no such "I don't know," which I would logically excluded "I believe."

On the contrary, not only knowledge and beliefs are compatible, but they are often interconnected, because the ignorance of something often becomes the reason for not to believe.

In most cases, a good idea becomes not recognizing that some judgment is true if you do not have enough evidence that would describe it as knowledge or truth. A good example of the description of such a situation is the court, where the judge makes a verdict of the guilt of the accused on the availability of certain evidence.

It is worth noting that there are double standarts For atheists and agnostics. On the part of believers, the situation is often observed when they are worse to those people who claim that they do not believe in God (that is, atheists), while the agnostics perceive more friendly.

The term itself appeared at the end of the nineteenth century, thanks to Professor Thomas Henry Huxley. This British naturalist and Darwanist used this word in 1876 the meeting of the metaphysical society. In those days, the word "agnostic" had an extremely negative shade and marked, which refused the traditional faith in God, the agnostic, while I was convinced that it was originally unknown because it could not be good.

Today, the agnostic is a person doubting the religion for whom the unconvincing explanation of God itself, who provide him with religious teachings. At the same time, modern agnostic does not deny the possibility of the existence of the Divine beginning, it simply does not accept it as an unconditional concrete reality due to a lack of evidence. For agnostic, the question of whether the Divine Start remains fully open, while he believes that in the future this knowledge will appear.

Than atheists differ from agnostics

There is a fundamental difference between the atheist and the agnostic. Atheist is a believer, just he believes in the absence of God and the materiality of the world. The share of atheists in the world is not too large, in most countries their number does not exceed seven-ten percent of the population, but the agnostics gradually spread the world.

In agnosticism there are two main directions. The Agnosticism Theological separates the mystical component of any faith or religion from the cultural and ethical. The latter from the point of view of theological agnosticism is significant because it acts as a secular scale of moral behavior in society. The mystical side of faith is made to neglect. It should be noted that there is a whole direction of the Christian agnostic, who abandoned the mystical component of the Christian faith, but they took the Christian morality.

Scientific agnosticism assumes that any experience gained in the process is distorted by the subject consciousness, the subject itself in principle cannot comprehend and make a complete picture of the world. Scientific agnosticism indicates the impossibility of complete knowledge of the world and the subjectivity of any knowledge. The agnostics believe that in principle there is no subject that can be understood to the end, since the process of knowledge is associated with subjective personal experience.

from Greek. Agnostos - inaccessible knowledge unknown) - the doctrine of the unrecognizability of true being, objective peace, its essence and patterns. Agnosticism denies metaphysics as a science; Limits the role of science only by the knowledge of phenomena.

Excellent definition

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Greek. A - denial, gnosis - knowledge) - a philosophical installation, according to which it is impossible to uniquely prove the correspondence of the knowledge of reality, and therefore - to build a true comprehensive knowledge system. Grows from ancient skepticism and medieval nominalism. The term is introduced in the middle of the 19th century. The English scientist T. Huxley to designate the unrecognizability of the fact that cannot be detected directly as sensible (the subject of sensual perception), and on this basis of the falsity of the entire intelligent one. (It should be distinguished by A. from ancient skepticism. In the philosophy of skepticism, the true as the subject of thought is denied, i.e. any exement is relatively sensible or intelligent. On this basis, skeptics, adhering to the heraklite position "all flows", offered to use instead "exists" The word "seems". For A. It is characteristic of the understanding of the true as fully sensible being, so it should be doubted only in being intellectual). Tradition A. Takes the beginning in Berkeley's philosophy, believing that a person cannot be out of his experience to resolve the issue of the attitude of this experience to the facts of reality. Following him, the UM protrudes with the consistent denial of true knowledge, starting with the criticism of the fundamental law of knowledge - causality, which, from his point of view, is only an idea characterizing the perception of the world by a person. Human knowledge, from this point of view, is a chain of subjective experiments and assumptions convened to them, and the goal is to reduce the recent to a minimum (ideal - mathematical science). Hume numbered three "series of experience": "impression", "faith in the existence of the subject", "idea". Impressions arise from sensual experience. The repeatability of one impression leads to the faith in the existence of this subject. Ideas are the most vivid impressions. All intelligible, i.e. Purely ideological issues are deprived of meaning. For example, the question of the objective reality of sensiblic items is beyond the limits of sensory experience, therefore, "ask whether there are bodies or not, it is useless." German classical philosophy overcomes the position of Yum, saying not about one, but about two sources of knowledge. So, according to Kant, the knowledgeing subject cannot reach not only abroad, but also beyond the world of intellectual objects (it is impossible to think unthinkable). Therefore, immanent knowledge must be complemented by the knowledge of transcendental. In fact, the work of Kant on the description of the knowledge of how to build the world (phenomena) and avoiding the question of the world in general (the thing) lies in the direction asked by Hume. A significant contribution to the evolution A. made an "discovery" of spheres, the participation of consciousness in which is limited (in particular - will or unconscious, intuition). A. Develops in positivism, neosoportimism and postpositorism as conventionalism - recognition that it is impossible to "check" the concept in practice, it is a function from the community agreement of knowledge, and not from the fact of reality. The tradition of positivism, glowing with metaphysics, continues the line of Yumovsky A. The ideal of true knowledge positivism proclaims the experienced knowledge of natural sciences, denying the gnoseological value of intellectual objects. Pragmatic philosophy and critical realism consider the truth as a work of non-protected faith. The extreme degree of A. reaches in modern philosophy calling for refusing at all on the concept of reality and consider only various modifications of human consciousness and language in their relativity.

The most consistently in the history of philosophy A. was held in the system of the UMU, to-ry believed that all knowledge deals only with experience and fundamentally could not go beyond its limits, and therefore it cannot judge what is the relationship between experience and reality. Putting in the foundation of its theoretical and know. Concepts A sharp distinction of "things in itself" (K-parada is not available to knowledge as such) and "things for us", i.e., actually by accepting the position A., Kant used this distinction as a starting point for analysis internal. The activity of knowing thinking. Showing that purely logic. By it is impossible to establish a correspondence between the objective world and the knowledge system and that the nature of knowledge cannot be disclosed without special. Analysis can know. The capabilities of the subject, Kant - and precisely by virtue of the characteristic A.- actually stopped halfway. Insisting on the existence of the principled border between cognition and reality, he could not explain how knowledge increases the power of humanity in mastering them by nature.

In some directions and schools of postchalnovskaya Bourges. Philosophy Elements A. turn out to be very survivors, especially in the field of social knowledge. This is primarily characteristic of various schools of positivism and neopositism. Still in the beginning. 20 V. V.I. Lenin criticized A. mahism and empiriocriticism. In the present, time is one of the characteristic expressions A. is a gnoseological. position t. n. The conventionalism, according to the reason, the relationship between the fact and the statement relating to it is purely conditionally, since it is possible to describe the same fact in various statements. Hence the conclusion about the arbitrariness of knowledge. Another characteristic of the non-constitutionalism form A. is the refusal to some resolve the issue of the relationship of knowledge to reality under the pretext that this question relates to the number of "metaphysical" and does not allow a "strict" solution.

Position A. Protects both critical realism. One of the challenges Representatives of this area of \u200b\u200bJ. Santyana claims, for example, that knowledge wears fundamentally symbolism. Character, and the belief in the truth of knowledge is rooted ultimately in the properties, a man of animal faith. This form of A. is based on exaggeration off. Parties to the process of knowledge, on ignoring the organic. The relationship of thinking and objective practical. Activities.

Dialectic. Materialism, developing the problem of active nature of knowledge, has subjected. Critica Kantovsky A. In the works of K. Marx, F. Engels and V. I. Lenin it was shown that the effectiveness of thinking cannot be established, remaining at m. contemplate. The approach is that it is necessary to consider the thinking itself as a moment of integer objective feelings. Human activity, and the person himself should be understood as a historically-specific society, subject. Thus, the substantiation of the truth of knowledge, proof of conformity between cognition and decisions was transferred from the sphere of creating the scope of practice. If society.-Historic. Practice allows a person to improve his power over nature, improve societies, relationships, developing methods and means to think, activity, then it means that knowledge more and more adequately reflects reality.

Excellent definition

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All people either believe in God, or do not believe in it. The first are believers, religious people who confess one or another religion. Second - atheists. They do not believe in the existence of Divine Forces. For them, everything that exists in the world can be scientifically proven. An intermediate position between believers and unbelievers occupy agnostic. Who is it simple words?


Who is the agnostic?

Agnostic (from ancient Greek - unrecognizable, unknown) - This is a person who believes that the knowledge of objective reality is impossible through subjective experience. In his opinion, it is impossible to prove or refute any facts using only personal experience. With regard to religion, the agnostic is convinced that the existence, like the non-existence of God, is impossible to prove, since all ideas about it are based only on personal experience and knowledge.

From a philosophical point of view, agnostic is the one who claims that man to know the world cannot because of the limit of his mind and knowledge.

The history of the emergence of agnosticism

The emergence of agnosticism falls at the end of the XVIII century. His ideas were developed in counterweights of metaphysical philosophy, which actively examined the world with the help of subjective understanding of metaphysical ideas, in most people who do not have any objective manifestation or evidence.

Herbert Spencer, Hamilton, George Berkeley, David Yum, and others were engaged in the development of this theory.

The primary origins of agnosticism were traced in ancient philosophy (philosophical views of the protagodore, sophists, ancient skeptics, etc.). But for the first time, this term introduced the scientific appeal to Professor Thomas Henry Huxley at the meeting of the metaphysical society in 1876. Subsequently, agnosticism has become one of the directions philosophical sciencewhich justified the impossibility of knowledge of the surrounding reality through subjective experience.

Important! Agnosticism is directly related to the philosophical skepticism representing the rationale for ideas that a person has a tirelessly the worldHis knowledge of the surrounding reality is expanding, but still there will always be that part of unresolved questions, to get answers to which a person will not be able to possess all their knowledge and abilities.

What is the difference between the agnostic from atheist?

  1. Consciousness of agnostic is open, and atheist is closed. The first can change the point of view throughout his life, today adhere to one fact, and tomorrow is another. It is open to all new and unknown. The second - does not change his conviction that there is no higher strength. He is a mature formed personality that persistently adheres to his atheistic beliefs.
  2. Emotional sensitivity. Agnostics - Humanists and Altruists, Atheists - Egoists. The first belongs to believers believers, the second experience aggression and do not accept their faith.

  3. Relationship to the existence of a human soul. Both consider it impossible to prove its existence. But the agnostics feel her presence within himself. Atheists are completely reversed from their own soul and do not believe in the afterlife.
  4. Attitude towards traditions. Atheist does not recognize religious holidays that impose faith in something specific. Agnostic, although it does not believe in God, but if he loves to celebrate, a number of events (Christmas, Easter), will never give up Christmas gifts or Easter eggs.

Important! Each person is born without faith in God (atheist). That or another faith puts us a society, or a person continues to remain unbelievers. All people on the planet are born with agnostics or atheists. The absence of faith as a born phenomenon is a common feature between the agnostic and an atheist. And the most important and agnostics, and atheists are people thinking, thinking about the origin of a phenomenon.

Attitude to religions

Agnosticism does not mean the denial of the existence of the highest strength, he only claims the inability to know, there is or not God actually explains the unreality of obtaining reliable and accurate information, true knowledge about this fact.

When a person has no sufficient evidence of the existence of God, he takes attempts to find them, put forward hypothesis, conducts research, refuting or proving them, but ultimately concludes that it is impossible to prove the existence or existence of higher strength. The same applies to various cognitive and philosophical reasoning.

Important! The agnostic does not confess "agnosticism", because such religion simply does not exist. Agnosticism is a philosophical direction, teaching, the theory of knowledge.

Agnosticism leads to the fact that he himself is unrecognizable, he is just a means of replenishing and expanding the knowledge, the formation of thoughts, acquisition of experience.

The famous agnostic includes: I.Kant, B.Rasel, F. Hayek, Ch. Darvin, A. Einstein, E. Hardar, etc.

Who can consider itself with agnostic?

Agnosticia The role of science is reduced to the knowledge of the experience, and not the essence of things and phenomena.

Agnostic is the one who will always honestly say: "I don't know, there is God or not. If you can prove his existence, I will believe in it ". The positions of the agnostics adhere to the famous figures of science and art, who are afraid of their categorical about religiousness to harm their image, but at the same time consider the religion of false. Agnostics deny the existence of God, atheists do not believe that it is. But if the second openly exputes their point of view, the first, afraid of critics, entrusted to explain their position in the inability to prove this or that phenomenon.

How much society, system and religion exist, so many people will exist who do not want to adhere to the rules imposed by them. Atheism is also a kind of system that is opposite to a religious system. The agnostic is somewhere between these systems, somewhere next to them, but at the same time anywhere. It is important to remember that we all, believers and unbelievers, you need to be guided in life not only by reason, but also listen to your heart, because only with their union and cooperation is the birth of truth.

Agnosticism - The idealistic philosophical teaching that claims that the human soul is impossible to know both the super-well and objective peace and its patterns, the achievability of the truth and, therefore, impossible to the God (!). Every knowledge, according to agnostics, is acquired only with the means of senses, knowledge of phenomena. Consequently, the subject of human knowledge can be only what is available to these feelings, i.e. One sensual world. The moral principles created by the person and the idea of \u200b\u200ba higher creature, about God, the essence of no more than the result of the same experience and activities of the soul and its natural desire to find an ubiquitous and all-permissive strength, which causes and maintains the world system.
The term "agnosticism" was introduced in 1869 by the English scientist T.Gexley.
The main ideas of agnosticism can be found already in antique philosophy, in particular in sofism and skepticism. The doctrine of agnosticism was created by English philosophers, which are divided into the agnostics "old", or dovocyters (John Stewart Mill), and "new", i.e. Evolutionists (Herbert Spencer). The main difference between them is that the first is seen education in the man of moral principles personal experience, and the second - hereditary experience. Sequential agnosticism is presented in the teachings of John Berkeley and David Yum. Immanuel Kant, putting into the basis of his theoretical and cognitive concept of distinction of "things in itself" and "things for us", actually accepted the position of agnosticism. The positions of agnosticism are typical for various schools of positivism, neopositivism, critical realism. In the 20th century, the perception of agnosticism was somewhat modified, mainly under the influence of his criticism, mainly by socialists and communists who promote the dialectical cognition of the world.

The main ideas of agnosticism are formulated in the works of Berkeley, Yum and Kant.

Agnosticism denies the possibility of knowledge of the material, objective world, the knowledge of truth, rejects objective knowledge.

In relation to God, agnosticism denies the possibility of "god-recognition", i.e. obtaining knowledge (any reliable information) about God and even more so denies even the very possibility of solving the issue of the existence of God.

Features of the development of the science of the XIX century (dialectization of natural science, evolutionary theory C. Darwin, cell theory, the law of preserving and turning energy, the contribution of D.I. Mendeleeva, A.I. Herzen and F. Engels, outstanding discoveries in physics).

The essence of the scientific revolution of the second half of the XVIII - XIX centuries. Compiled the process of natural dialectization of natural science. The work of the German scientist and philosopher Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) was put on this process (1724-1804) "Universal Natural History and Sky Theory." In this work, published in 1755, an attempt was made by a historical explanation of origin Solar system.

Kant's hypothesis argued that the sun, the planets and their satellites arose from some initial, shapeless foggy mass, once evenly filling the world space. Kant tried to explain the process of the solar system by the action of attraction forces that are inherent in particles of matter, which made this huge nebula. The ideas of Cant on the emergence and development of celestial bodies were the undoubted conquest of the science of the middle of the XVIII century. His cosmogonic hypothesis struck the first gap in a metaphysical look at the world.

Geological evolutionism had a considerable impact on further improvement of evolutionary teaching in biology. In 1859, the chief work of Charles Robert Darwin (1809-1882) was published "The origin of species as a result of natural selection". In it, Darwin, relying on a huge natural science material, outlined the facts and causes of biological evolution. He showed that outside self-development the organic world does not exist and therefore organic evolution cannot stop. Development is the condition of the existence of the form, the condition for its environmental adaptation.

Along with the fundamental works that reveal the process of evolution, the development of nature, new natural science discoveries appeared, confirming the existence of universal relations in nature.

These discoveries include a cell theory, created in the 1930s of the XIX century. Its authors were Botanists Mattias Jacob Shleden (1804-1881), which established that all plants consist of cells, I am a professor, biologist Theodore Schwann (1810-1882), who spread this teaching to the animal world.

Even more large-scale unity, the relationship in the material world has been demonstrated due to the discovery of the law of conservation and turning the energy. The primaries of this law are the German doctor Julius Robert Mayer (1814-1878) and English researcher James Prescott Joule (1818-1889). In defending this law and its wide recognition in the scientific world, one of the most famous physicists of the 19th century Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand Gelmgoltz (1821-1894) played a major role. Recognizing the priority of Mayer and Joule in the opening of the law of conservation of energy, Helmholtz went on and threw this law with the principle of impossibility of the eternal engine. Proof of the preservation and turning of energy approved the idea of \u200b\u200bunity, the interconnectedness of the material world. All nature from now on appeared as a continuous process of transformation of the universal movement of matter from one form to another.

Another truly an epoch event in the chemical science, which made a great contribution to the process of dialectization of natural science, was the discovery of the periodic law of chemical elements by an outstanding scientist-Chemist Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev (1834-1907). He found that there is a natural link between the chemical elements, which lies in the fact that the properties of the elements change in periodic dependence on their atomic weights. Having found this regular link, Mendeleev placed elements in the natural system, depending on their kinship.

Of the foregoing, it follows that the fundamental principles of dialectics are the principle of development and the principle of universal relationships - received in the second half of the XVIII and especially in the XIX century. Powerful natural score.

One of the first began to talk about the Union of Philosophy and Natural Science Herzen. He appreciated the laws of Hegel and applied them to the development of nature.

The next representative, the most significant figure was Engels. The famous work "Dialectics of Nature" is the most affordable presentation. Engels considers the development of natural science, starting from 15 V, and claims that if up to 19 in the metaphysical method did not interfere with the development of science, then from 19 to metaphysics begins to slow down the development of natural science. The "dialectic of nature" is given to the definition of dialectics, the 3 law of dialectics on the development of nature is considered, proves that dialectical laws are the laws of nature itself, analyzes the content of the main natural sciences and applies the laws of dialectics to each science. The dialectic nature of Engels considers as the beginning of the history of natural science.

In the middle of 19, new scientific data appear in physics, which completely undermine the mechanistic picture of the world. Opening of the electromagnetic phenomenon of Sh. Culona, \u200b\u200bFrench engineer. Positive and negative charges attract each other. These discoveries proved that the mechanistic picture of the world knew only 1 type of matter - a substance that possesses the mass.

In 19, electric charges began to relate to the number of properties of particles. English Physicist of Faraday introduces the concept of "electromagnetic field" and proves that there is a dialectic connection between electricity and magnet. In natural science, it was proved that in addition to the matter, the matter has a field. Theoretically, this idea was created by Maxwell, mathematically described the effect of this law. So In natural science, dialectical starts were established: common nature, everything is interconnected.

The formation of non-classic science and the new picture of the world of the late XIX-XX centuries. (discoveries in physics, scientific achievements In the study of megamir and organic nature, the teaching of the biosphere and the noosphere)

Opening at the end of the 19th - early 20 centuries begin the 4th scientific revolutionwhich radically changed the picture of physical reality. This is the opening of Becquer, Pierre and Mary Curie, the opening of Thomson's electron - proves that the atoms are divisible, there are no matter and here the depth weapon of the worldview crisis in philosophy, this situation is trying to resolve Lenin "materialism and empiricity", where he explains what happened and proves What disappeared our idea of \u200b\u200bthe world, not matter. Gave the determination of matter - an objective reality that exists independently of us and is given to us in sensations independent of them.

Opening of Rutherford - creating an atom model, like planetary system. This model continues to develop M. Plunk, Borouro offers a quantum theory of the structure of the atom. It proves that in any atom there are several stationary orbits of electrons and moving in these orbits, the electron may not emit energy, and when moving from one state to another can energize.

In 1924 fran. The scientist L.Broy put forward the idea of \u200b\u200bthe wave properties of matter. Soon his ideas were confirmed by American scientists on the basis of the experiment and this theory becomes justified.

One of the representatives of the Yavl. Vernadsky, which puts forward the theory of noospheres as the continuation of the theory of the biosphere. The term biosphere begins to use Zyussen - the area of \u200b\u200bhabitat is limited in time and space. Vernadsky, using this term, proves that a biosphere is an organized shell of the earth's crust that is associated with life, it covers 8 ka deep into the ocean and up to 20 km above the Earth. This shell is inscribed in geographic and geological processes. The biosphere played a certain role in the formation of others. Geospheres. Biosphere - the atmosphere - geosphere - lithosphere. He proves that life in the biosphere existed billions of years, the age of life on the planet is equal to the age of the Earth - 4 billion years. Life eternal and existed always. In order for the simplest organisms to arise from an inanimate nature, it takes a lot of time. The earth on modern data was not so much time for the birth of life. Therefore, it is believed that life always existed on earth. Reflecting on how life originated, Vernadsky put forward 3 possible options:

1) Life originated when forming planets in space;

2) the life is eternal and was to the space stage;

3) Life is not even life, but rooted in favorable conditions, when expanding the universe.

It proves that life occurrence is a natural process. Vernadsky went further and put forward the teachings about the noosphere. I argued that the appearance of a person with his mind is not an accident, this is a natural stage of the evolution of the biosphere. This stage should lead to the fact that the influence of scientific thought and collective work, which is aimed at meeting the needs of all mankind, leads to the fact that the Earth's biosphere will go into a new state - noosphere or the sphere of the mind.

For the first time, this term applied Lerua and his co-author Teyar de Charden. They came to the conclusion that the biosphere should rise to a new state. And this term develops Vernadsky, create your own idea. It believes that noosphere is a higher global concept. Charden believes that this is a collective consciousness, and Vernadsky believes that this is a biosphere, which has been reworked by a scientific thought, and not a short-term logical phenomenon.

In the 70s 20 V, synergetics begins to form, as an interdisciplinary research area. The term itself comes from Greek. "Promotion, complicity." The origins of synergetics are still in Isihasm. Year of birth In 1973, Synergetics explores the joint action of many systems, cooperates the efforts of various scientific disciplines. Synergetics is engaged in the study of open nonlinear systems. Closed systems - physical abstractions, i.e. What is only in mind, because closed systems are in an equilibrium stable state. Open system can exchange with environmental substance, energy and information. Studies of open systems begins in thermodynamics. In the open system sometimes the increase occurs. Systems are linear and nonlinear.

Linear systemswhose properties do not depend on what will affect it. Nonlinear systems whose properties depend on the effects of the external environment.

The processes of self-organization begin to manifest themselves when the system is in a non-equilibrium state and when its properties are dependent on the impact of forces, i.e. Under the influence of various forces, the system can develop in various directions.

Continuation of synergetics in Russia - Prigogin and Novosibirsk Academy of Sciences. Synergetics is a continuation, the development of dialectics. But dialectics is the perfect closed system.

27. Science as a type of cognitive activity.

The science A special type of cognitive activity aimed at developing objective knowledge about the world and their theoretical systematization. Cognition is not limited to the sphere of science (ordinary knowledge, philosophical, artistic, religious and mythological). There are knowledge forms that have a conceptual, symbolic or artistic framework. Science performs in 3 major hypostatas: 1. Activity. Science appears as a special way of activity aimed at actually verified and logically ordered knowledge of objects and processes of surrounding.

2. System or a totality of disciplinary knowledge, Meeting criteria for objectivity, adequacy, truth, scientific knowledge is trying to secure an autonomy zone and be neutral to ideological and political priorities.

3. Social Institute. This understanding of science emphasizes its social nature and objectizes its being as a form of public consciousness. Science as a social institution or a form of public consciousness associated with the production of scientific and theoretical knowledge is a certain system of interrelations between scientific organizations, members of the scientific community, a system of norms and values. But the fact that she is an institution where thousands found a profession - the result of recent development.

Science was and remains primarily a means of formation scientific knowledge, scientific picture of the world. The very existence of science as a specific social InstituteHer increasing role in society is ultimately due to the fact that the science is designed to implement the functions related to the implementation of activities for the formation and development of scientific knowledge, certain norms of cognitive attitude to reality.


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