Interesting information about cosmic bodies. Children on space and cosmonauts

Interesting information about cosmic bodies. Children on space and cosmonauts

Almost all children are fond of space. Someone only for a short time, as long as the world is arranged. And someone - seriously and for a long time, dreaming once to fly to the moon or even further, repeat the feat of Gagarin or open a new star.

In any case, the child will be interested to know about what is hiding behind the clouds. About the moon, about the sun and stars, about spacecraft and rockets, about Gagarine and Queen. Fortunately, there are many books that will help both babies and schoolchildren, and even adults to discover the universe. But several passages from them:

1. Moon

The moon is a satellite of land. So astronomers call her, because she is constantly near the earth. She rotates around our planet and can not go anywhere, because the land of the moon attracts to himself. Both Moon and Earth are heavenly bodies, but the moon is much less than the Earth. Earth - Planet, and the moon is her companion.

Illustration from the book "Fascinating Astronomy"

2. Month

The moon itself does not shine. That glow of the Moon, which we observe at night, is a reflected moonlight of the sun. In different nights, the Sun illuminates the satellite of the Earth in different ways.

Earth, and with her and the moon rotate around the sun. If you take a ball and illuminate it with a flashlight in the dark, then on the one hand it will seem round, because the light of the lantern falls right on it. On the other hand, the ball will be dark because it is between us and the source of light. And if someone looks at the ball on the side, he will see the lit alone part of his surface.

The flashlight is as if the sun, and the ball is the moon. And I look at the moon from the ground in different nights from different points of view. If the sun light falls right on the moon, it seems to us with a complete circle. And when the sun light falls on the moon on the side, we are watching the month.

Illustration from the book "Fascinating Astronomy"

3. New Moon and Full Moon

It happens that the moon in the sky is not visible at all. Then we say that the new moon has come. It happens every 29 days. Next after the new moon night in the sky appears narrow mooner peopics, or, as it is also called, a month. Then the peers begins to grow and gradually turns into a full circle, the moon - comes full moon.

Then the moon decreases again, "falls" until it becomes again per month, and then the month will disappear from the sky - the next new moon will come.

Illustration from the book "Fascinating Astronomy"

4. Lunar jump

Want to know how far could you jump if it were on the moon? Go to the courtyard with chalk and tape measure. Jump as far as possible, grab your result with chalk and measure the tape measure of your jump. And now there are six of the same segments from his mark. These are your lunar jumps! And all because the moon is less gravity. You will be longer in a jump and you can put a cosmic record. Although, of course, the jade will interfere with you jump.

Illustration from the book "Fascinating Astronomy"

5. Universe

About our universe, we probably know only the fact that it is very, very big. The universe arose about 13.7 billion years ago, when a big explosion happened. Its reason to this day remains one of the most important riddles of science!

There was time. The universe expanded in all directions and finally began to gain shape. From the vortex of energy were born tiny particles. Hundreds of thousands of years, they merged and turned into atoms - "bricks", of which everything we see is folded. At the same time, the light arose, which began to move freely in space. But even hundreds of millions of years have needed before atoms united into huge clouds, of which the first generation of stars were born. When these stars were divided into groups, forming the galaxy, the universe began to remind what we see now, looking at the night sky. Now the universe continues to grow and every day only more!

6. Birth of stars

Do you think the stars are visible only at night? And here is not! Our sun is also a star, but we see it day. The sun is not much different from other stars, just the rest of the stars are much further from the ground and therefore seem to us as small.

Stars are formed from the clouds of hydrogen gas, which remained after a large explosion or after the explosions of other stars, older. Gradually, the force of grave connects the hydrogen gas into the clots, where it starts to rotate and warmer. This continues until the gas becomes sufficiently dense and hot, so that the nuclei of hydrogen atoms could merge. As a result of this thermonuclear reaction there is a flash of light, and a star is born.

Illustration from the book "Professor Astrocot and his journey into space"

7. Yuri Gagarin

Gagarin was a fighter pilot in the Polar, then he was taken from hundreds of other military pilots to the cosmonaut detachment. Yuri learned perfectly and perfectly approached growth, weight and physical fitness. April 12, 1961, after the famous 108 minutes of flights in space, Gagarin became one of the most famous people in the world.

Illustration from the book "Cosmos"

8. Solar system

Solar system is a very busy place. Eight planets rotate around the Sun along the elliptical (slightly elongated ring) orbits, including our land. Seven more is Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Venus, Mars and Mercury. The turnover of each of the planets lasts in different ways, from 88 days to 165 years.

How much is space space And how is it arranged? How to calculate the strength of gravity between the celestial bodies and at what speed rotates the Milky Way galaxy? How old is the universe and what will happen if you fall into the black hole? You can find answers to these and a number of other questions in this selection of facts about space.

Swan in the constellation Swan, is a very large star in the famous universe - hypergigant. It is almost a million times more than the sun.

Planet Uranus was opened by William Gershel, who wanted to call the Planet George, in honor of King George III, but ultimately chose Uranus.

The first rockets were made 1000 years ago in China.

Robert Goddard launched the first liquid rocket engine in 1926.

More than 100 artificial satellites are currently launched into space every year. Some of them are cosmic telescopes.

The lower the satellite orbit, the faster it should fly to avoid falling on the ground. Most satellites fly at low orbits - 300 km from the ground.

Hipparch was the first astronomer who tried to figure out the distance to the sun.

The red color of Mars is explained by oxidized (rusty) iron on its surface.

Jupiter has no surface for spacecraft to land on it because it consists mainly of helium and hydrogen. The strength of the severity of Jupiter squeezes hydrogen so much that it turns into a liquid.

The first successful planetary space probe was Mariner 2, which flew past Venus in 1962.

Voyager-2 flew 60,000,000 km and moves from Solar system After passing close to Neptune in 1989.

To save fuel in flights to distant planets, cosmic probes can use the gravity of the adjacent planets to circulate. This is called a slingshot.

The Hubble Law showed that the universe is becoming all. This led to the idea Big bang.

The first astronomer thought that regular pulses from a long-range space could be signals from aliens, and the pulsars were jokingly called LGMS (a reduction from Little Green Men - MZH - small green men).

Pulsary arose, probably as a result of a supernovae explosion - that is why most of them are in the plane of the Milky Way disk.

Interesting facts about space, as a rule, attract a lot of readers around the world. Secrets and riddles of the Universe cannot but excite our imagination. What is hiding there, highly high in the sky? Is there any life on other planets? How long does it need to get to the neighboring galaxy?

Agree, I want answers to these questions to all, regardless of age, gender, or, say, social status. Announcement will tell about the most interesting Facts About space and cosmonauts. Readers learn a lot about what they had never guessed.

Section 1. Tenth Planet Solar System

In 2003, they discovered another one - the tenth - the planet rotating around the Sun. She was called Erid. This was made possible by the development of modern technologies, several decades ago, scientists did not know about such interesting facts about space and planets. Later, it was also possible to determine that the Pluto was and other natural who, by decision of the specialists, together with Pluto and Erida began to call the transpongor.

The interest of scientists to newly open planets is due not only to the desire for space in close proximity (on cosmic standards) to the planet Earth. It is very important to determine if a new planet can take people if necessary. It is also important to evaluate which dangers of a new object to continue life on Earth.

Some cosmos researchers believe that interesting facts about space as a whole and the study of the peculiarities of the tenth planet in particular can help solve mysteries related to unidentified flying objects. ground surface Grand structures, as well as not found a real explanation by gigantic circles in the fields.

Section 2. Mysterious Moon companion

Is it really beautifully familiar to all earthlings moon keeps a lot of secrets? Indeed, the most interesting facts about space indicate that the satellite of the planet Earth pays a lot of mysterious. We will list only some questions, the answers to which do not exist yet.

  • Why does the moon have such large sizes? In the solar system there are no more natural satellites comparable to sizes with the moon - it is only 4 times less than our native planet!
  • How can you explain the fact that the diameter of the moon disk during a complete eclipse perfectly closes the solar disk?
  • Why is the moon rotate almost on perfect circular orbit? It is very difficult to explain, especially if you keep in mind that the orbits of all other well-known science of natural satellites are ellipses.

Section 3. Where is the double of the earth

Scientists argue that the Earth has a double. It turns out that on our native planet is very similar to Titan, who is Saturn's companion. On Titan there are seas, volcanoes and a dense air sheath! Nitrogen in the atmosphere of titanium is exactly the same as percentage, as on Earth - 75%! This is an amazing similarity that undoubtedly requires a scientific explanation.

Section 4. Mystery of the Red Planet

The red planet of the solar system is known to be called Mars. Suitable conditions for life - the composition of the atmosphere, the possibility of reservoir, temperature - all this indicates that the search for living beings on this planet, at least in primitive form, are not aspectable.

It was even confirmed by science that there are lichens and mosses on Mars. This means that the simplest forms of complex organisms exist on this celestial body. However, it is very difficult to advance in his study. Perhaps the main problem factor is large that is a natural obstacle to the direct study of this planet - the flights of cosmonauts are still very limited due to imperfection of technology.

SECTION 5. Why the flights to the moon stopped

Many interesting facts about space flights are associated with our natural companion. Americans landed on the moon, Russian and Eastern specialists are investigated. However, the riddles still remain.

After a successful flight to the moon and disembarking onto her surface (unless, of course, these facts really had a place to be!) The program of studying a natural satellite was practically minimized. Such a turn of events is perplexed. Indeed, what's the matter?

Perhaps some understanding of this problem comes, if we consider the statement of the American who visited the moon, that this is already occupied by such a form of life, in the fight against which humanity has no chance to survive. Unfortunately, practically nothing is known to the general public about what scientists actually know.

Despite the fact that the flights of space ships with astronauts to the moon stopped, the secrets of this extraordinary satellite invariably attract the attention of researchers on Earth. Unknown possesses an attractive force, especially if the object is in the immediate, on cosmic standards, proximity.

Section 6. Space Toilet

Create effectively functioning in the conditions of weightless life support system is a very difficult task. The sewage system should work smoothly, ensuring the storage of biodids and their timely unloading in normal mode.

At the start of the ship and the exit to space, nothing else remains, how to take advantage of special diapers. These funds allow providing temporary, but very tangible comfort.

Interesting facts about the first flight of a person in space indicate that initially the creation of plumbing devices for astronauts was attached very important. Particular attention was paid to the individual anatomical features of the crew members. Currently an approach to equipping sanitary zone The spacecraft became more versatile.

Section 7. Superstition on board

It should be noted that interesting facts about space and cosmonauts cannot but affect such everyday for ordinary life Moments, such as traditions and beliefs.

Many noted that astronauts are very superstitious people. Many have such an approval will cause bewilderment. Is it really true? In fact, astronauts behave in such a way that it seems that they are very clear people. Be sure to fly a twig of wormwood, the smell of which resembles a native land. At the start of Russian spacecraft, they always include the "Land in the Illuminator" song.

Starts on Monday, Sergei Korolev did not like and even transferred the launch to another date, despite conflicts about this. It did not give clear explanations to anyone. When the astronauts still began to start on Monday, a number of accidents occurred in the fatal coincidence (!).

October 24 is a special date associated with tragic events on Baikonur (explosion of a ballistic missile in 1960), therefore, as a rule, on this day, there are no work on the cosmodrome now.

Section 8. Unknown Interesting Facts about Space and Russian Cosmonautics

The history of the development of Russian cosmonautics is a bright series of events. It is wonderful that scientists, designers and engineers managed to succeed. But, unfortunately, there were tragedies. Space development is an extremely complex direction associated with work in extreme conditions.

For those who are very valuable by the history of space development, the expensive information and the meaningful achievements in the development of the space industry, and the seemingly small, and even unrelated facts.

  • Do many people know that a monument to Yuri Gagarina in the star town has one interesting feature - in the right hand of the first astronaut clamped a chamomile?
  • Surprisingly, the first living beings that went to the space journey were turtles, and not a dog at all, as it is considered.
  • To introduce an enemy in error, in the 50s of the 20th century 2 cosmodrome was built - wooden imitation and real construction, the distance between which was 300 km.

Section 9. Funny discoveries and interesting facts about Cosmos Children and Adults

Opening in the space industry, which have become a public domain, sometimes have a funny character, despite the real scientific value.

  • Saturn is a very easy planet. If you imagine that you can experience with its immersion in water, it will be possible to observe how this amazing planet will swim on the surface.
  • Jupiter's size is that inside this planet can "place" all planets that rotate in their orbits around the sun.
  • A little-known fact - the first star catalog amounted to a scientist of Hpaphah in very distant from us 150 BC.
  • Since 1980, the Lunar Embassy sells areas of the lunar surface - by now 7% of the surface of the moon (!).
  • In order to invent a referral to which you could write in weightlessness, American researchers spent millions of dollars (Russian astronauts are used in a spacecraft in flight for a pencil letter, and no problems arise).

10. The most unusual statements of NASA

In the center of NASA, it was repeatedly able to hear statements that were perceived as unusual and causing surprise.

  • Outside the conditions of earthly, astronauts suffer from "cosmic disease", the symptoms of which are pain and nausea due to the distorted functioning of the inner ear.
  • The liquid in the cosmonaut body seeks the head, so there is a blockage of the nose, and the face becomes fined.
  • Human growth in space becomes greater, as the pressure on the spine decreases.
  • The man snoring on earthly conditions in the conditions of weightlessness in a dream does not publish any sounds!

Real sizes of all solar system objects

  • The sun is 300,000 times more than our planet Earth.
  • The sun turns completely around its axis for 25-35 days.
  • Light is needed 8.3 minutes to get from the sun to our land, so if the sun goes out, then we will find out this far from immediately.
  • Earth, Mars, Mercury and Venus are also called "internal planets", as they are closest to the sun.
  • The distance between the Earth and the Sun is defined as an astronomical unit (abbreviated A.E.) and is equal to 149,597,870 kilometers.
  • The sun is the largest object of the solar system.
  • The sun loses up to 1,000,000 tons of their mass every second due to the sunshine.
  • Solar system of about 4.6 billion years. Scientists calculated that she would live about 5,000 million years.


  • Mercury and Venus are unique in that they have no satellites.
  • Mariner 10 was the only spacecraft who ever visited Mercury. He managed to make photos of 45% of its surface.
  • The hottest planet of our solar system is Venus. Many people believe that this should be Mercury, because it is closer to the sun, but since Venus in the atmosphere too much carbon dioxide is a big density, the greenhouse effect is formed on the planet.
  • Day at Mercury is equivalent to 58 Earth days, but at the same time year is equal only 88 days! We will explain that such a difference is due to the fact that Mercury is extremely slowly turning around its axis, but quickly rotates around the Sun.
  • There is no atmosphere on Mercury, which means wind or any other weather.

  • Venus is the only planet that rotates in the opposite direction relative to other planets of the solar system.
  • On Venus volcanoes more than any other planet from our solar system.

Black hole sucks me out of the star (computer graphics)

  • Stars located near black holes can be torn by them.
  • From the point of view of the theory of relativity, in addition to black holes, there should be white holes, although we have not yet found anyone (the existence of black holes is also questioned).

Armstrong footprint on the moon

  • The first person on the moon was from the United States and called His Neal Armstrong.
  • The first trail of Armstrong is still on the moon.
  • All traces and imprints of the moonwalks will remain on the surface of the moon forever, since there is no atmosphere, which means the wind. Although theoretically, all this may disappear due to a meteorite rain or any other bombing facility.
  • Riding and foals on our planet are formed due to the gravity of the sun and the moon.
  • NASA's research satellite (Lcross) found evidence of a large amount of water on the moon.
  • Basz Oldrin became the second person on the moon.
  • Interestingly, Mom Basza Oldrina was called "Moon".
  • Our moon is moving away from Earth for 4 cm per year.
  • The age of our moon is about 4.5 billion years.
  • February 1865 and 1999 were the only months when the full moon was not observed.
  • The mass of the moon is 1/80 by the mass of the earth.
  • Light needed 1.3 seconds to overcome the distance from the moon to the ground.

Mars and Earth

  • The highest mountain, known as Olympus Mons, is located on Mars. The height of the vertex reaches 25 km, which is about 3 times higher than Everest.
  • Mars has a much lower gravitational field, therefore a person weighing 100 kg on Earth will weigh only 38 kg on the surface of Mars.
  • In Martian days 24 hours 39 minutes and 35 seconds.

Jupiter and part of his satellites

  • Scientific calculations suggest the presence of 67 satellites in Jupiter, but so far only 57 of them have been discovered.
  • 4 Solar System Planets are gas giants: Jupiter, Neptune, Saturn and Uranus.
  • Planet, who has the most satellites, is Jupiter with 67 satellites.
  • Jupiter is also known as the dump for the entire solar system (or earth shield), since large percentage Asteroids attracts its gravitational force.

Saturn and his rings

  • Saturn is the second size after Jupiter planet in ours.
  • If you were driving at a speed of 121 km per hour, then you would need 258 days in order to ride one of Saturn's rings.
  • Enseladd is one of Saturn's smallest satellites. This satellite reflects up to 90% of sunlight, which exceeds even the percentage of light reflection from snow!
  • Although Saturn is just the second on the mass of the planet, he is first in brightness!
  • Since Saturn has a low density, then if you put it in the water, then he sails!

  • Satellite Triton gradually gets closer with neptune as it rotates.
  • Calculations of scientists predict that Triton and Neptune will ultimately bring together so much that Triton will be broken into parts, and Neptune will have much more rings, the even now has Saturn
  • Triton is also the only major satellite in the entire solar system, which rotates in the opposite direction relative to the rotation of its planet.
  • Neptune is necessary 60 190 days (almost 165 years) to get around the sun. That is, from the moment of its discovery in 1846, he completed only one rotation cycle!
  • The Koiper area is the area of \u200b\u200bthe Solar System, which is behind Neptune, which is a heap of various garbage, remaining after the creation of the solar system.

  • Uranium has a blue glow due to methane in its atmosphere, as methane does not miss the red light.
  • Uranus has a relatively recently discovered 27 satellites.
  • Uranus has a unique slope, because of which one night lasts on it, just imagine 21 years!
  • Uranus was originally called the star of George.

Pluto less than Russia

List of dwarf planets and other small objects

  • Pluto is even less than the moon!
  • Charon is a Pluto satellite, but at the same time it is not much less than it in size.
  • The day on Plutone lasts 6 days and 9 hours.
  • Pluto (in English Pluto) is named after the Roman God, and not in honor of the dog from Disney, as some believes.
  • In 2006, the International Astronomical Union reclassified Pluto into a dwarf planet.
  • Now in the solar system there are 5 dwarf planets: Ceres, Pluto, Haumet, Erida and Mchameak.

Soviet satellite

  • The first artificial satellite of the Earth was launched by the USSR in 1957 and was called "satellite-1".
  • The first person who visited the space was from Soviet Union And his name was Yuri Gagarin.
  • The second person in space became Hermann Titov. He was a dumble of Yuri Gagarin.
  • The first woman of the cosmonaut became a citizen of the USSR Valentina Tereshkova.
  • Soviet and Russian cosmonaut Sergey Konstantinovich Cricalev is the record holder in time of being in space. His record reaches 803 days, 9 hours and 39 minutes, which is equivalent to 2.2 years!

International Space Station

  • The international space station is the most huge object that humanity has ever launched into space.
  • The International Space Station is bypassing the Earth every 90 minutes.
  • Toy Basza Laater from the famous cartoon "Toy Story" was in the open space! He spent 15 months on board the ISS and returned to Earth on September 11, 2009.

Earth comparison with other space objects

  • The daily rotation of the Earth increases at 0.0001 seconds every year.
  • Stars look flickering at the night sky due to the fact that the light coming from them is destroyed in the Earth's atmosphere.
  • Only 24 people saw our planet from space. But thanks to the project Google Earth, the rest of the people more than 500 million times the land of the Earth from Space.
  • Recently, the movement "For flat land" was activated. And it is already unclear - they joke or seriously reason. Any person with logic can independently carry out many observations and establish that the earth has a spherical shape (more precisely geoid, a little flattened sphere).

Galaxy whirlpool

  • Galaxy whirlpool (M51) was the very first space spiral object.
  • The light year is a distance that light passes in one year. This distance is 95 trillion kilometers!
  • The width of our galaxy Milky Way is about 100,000 light years.
  • The strength of attraction of large objects sometimes breaks the fluttering comets.
  • Any fluid that will be in free movement in space will acquire the form of the sphere due to the forces surface tension. The sphere at the same time will have the smallest of the possible surface area, which will be possible for this liquid.
  • It's funny, but we know about space much more than about the depths of our oceans.

Prospero X-3

  • The only satellite, launched by Britain, is called Prospero X-3.
  • The probability of being killed space garbage equals 1 to 5 billion.
  • In space, three types of galaxies can be distinguished: spiral, elliptic and irregular.
  • Our galaxy Milky Way consists of about 200,000,000 stars.
  • In the northern part of the sky, you can see two galaxies - this is the Andromeda Galaxy (M31) and the triangle galaxy (M33).
  • The nearest Galaxy to us is Andromeda Galaxy.
  • The first supernova star is not from our galaxy, first observed in the Galaxy Andromeda and was called Andromeda S. She flashed in 1885.
  • Andromeda galaxy is visible in heaven as a small spot of light. It is the farthest object that you can observe the unarmed look.
  • If you were shouted in space, no one would hear you, because to spread the sound you need an atmosphere, but it is not in space.
  • Due to the lack of gravity in space, astronauts can grow about 5 cm in height.
  • In total, our solar system has 166 satellites.

R136A1 in comparison with the Sun and Earth

  • The largest of the famous stars is the R136A1 star, the mass of which is 265-320 more than the sun!
  • The most distant galaxy that we managed to detect is called GRB 090423, which is located at a distance of 13.6 billion light years! This means that the light coming from her, began his journey only after 600,000 years after the formation of the Universe!
  • The most massive object known to us is the OJ287 quasar. The predicted mass should exceed the mass of the Sun in 18 billion times.

A snapshot with a Hubble telescope shows some of the most distant galaxies visible using modern technology, each of which consists of billion stars. This is just part of the universe.

  • Asteroids are by-product of the formation of the solar system, which have arisen more than 4 billion years ago.
  • The first mammal, which was in space, was the Soviet dog "Laika". Before her there was a number of unsuccessful fatal launches for animals.
  • The term "astronaut" came straight from Ancient Greece And literally consists of the words "star" (astro) and sailor (NAT), so astronaut means "star sailor".
  • If you summarize all the time that people spent in space, then 30,400 days or 83 will come out!
  • Stars like "Red Dwarf" have the smallest mass and can continuously burn for 10 trillion years.
  • In space there are about 2 * 10 23 stars. Speaking in Russian, this number is equal to 200,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000!
  • Since there is no gravity in space, then the usual handles will not work there!
  • In our night sky, 88 constellations are distinguished, some of which coincides with the names of the zodiac signs.
  • The comet center is called the "nucleus".
  • Even before 240 BC. Chinese astronomers began to document the appearance of the comet of Galilee.

Such a distant and infinitely attractive space! Not every adult fully understands all the completeness of this concept, what to talk about children. Let's try to tell about space to children as clearly as possible and interesting. If we do it, perhaps the child is not just interested in astronomy for a while, and truly loves it and will be able to accomplish some majority in the future scientific discovery. Telling the baby about the space, imagine how he becomes adult, will remember your story with a smile on the face. What to tell your child about space and most importantly?

Cosmos Manil and manits the views and thoughts of a person of all times and peoples. After all, there are so many secrets, so many inexplicable and amazing discoveries and opportunities. Yes, and we are humanity of the planet Earth - although small, but still a particle of space is of this limitless and mounted space.

Just about the main thing

What to tell about space? First of all, learn to watch! If you look at the sky at different times of the day, we will see the sun, the moon and the stars. What is it? All these are space objects. The huge universe consists of billions of space objects. Our planet Earth is also an outer object, it is part of the solar system.

solar system

The system has such a name, because its center is the sun, around which 8 planets are moving: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Uranus. The path along which they move around the Sun is called an orbit.

Planet Earth

The only planet, on which there is a life at the moment - is our land with you. The main difference between the Earth from other planets - the presence of water is a source of life and the atmosphere, thanks to which there are air on Earth that we breathe.

Other planet solar system

The rest of the planets are no less interesting and mounted. The largest planet is the mighty Jupiter. And Saturn is famous for its gigantic rings visible from the ground. Mars - the first planet, who attracted the close attention of man in Ancient Egypt. Because of its fire-red, Mars associated with the ancient people with the God of War. Planet Venus is the only one who has a "female" name. She received him thanks to his brightness. In antiquity, she was considered the brightest planet.

I wish you cosmic discoveries in life!

Yours faithfully,


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