Universities in Kiev. Latest news KNU Kiev State University Him TG Shevchenko

Universities in Kiev. Latest news KNU Kiev State University Him TG Shevchenko

Docent Kazakh National Women'spedagogical University Elkeeva Alima Babanovna, MeterbaevaKulbarschin Meterbaevna I.senior LecturerKariev Adlet Usembevich S. 16 to 18 December 2019held master classesfor students, undergraduates and young teachers departmentpreschool, School Pedagogy and Educational Technologiespedagogical faculty.

December 20, 2019 in Korean Language Study Centerthe International Cooperation Department organized a solemn event on the occasion of the completion of the Korean courses. After the speech of students with speech courses in Korean, director of the Education Center of the Republic of Korea in Bishkek Mr.Kim De Gwan. and the head of the DMS Baktybek Keldibekov were awardedlisteners relevant certificates

Students Friesf learned about the laureate of the Nobel Prize Olga Tokarchuk

On December 20, 2019, students of the Polish branch of the Faculty of Russian and Slavic Philology took part in a literary meeting in honor of the new Nobel laureate of the Republic of Poland Olga Tokarchuk, held in The National Library of the Kyrgyz Republic. A.osmonov.

The presentation of the book dedicated to the memory of C.T.Joldosheva took place in KNU

December 19, 2019 in KNU them. J. Balasagyna on the basis of the Faculty of Russian and Slavic Philology, a presentation of the book "Gori, Gori, My Star, Star of Science and Patience ...", dedicated to the memory of one of the outstanding representatives of the Humanitarian sphere of Kyrgyzstan, the largest specialist in the field of literary studies Cholpon Tokchoroevna Joldosheva (1929 -2016).

In KNU discussed current issues of countering corruption

December 18, 2019 Round table was held in the base of the main corps"Actual issues of opposing corruption in modern conditions." The event with the introductory word opened the director of the PCAskar Akmatov. The participants of the round table welcomed the vice-rector for the state language and the educational work of Sadyk Alakhan (Tillebayev).

Rector of KNU received director of the International University Office of the University of Jungle

December 16, 2019 Rector KNU Kanat Sadykov received the director of the international office of the University of Jungbu Mr. Li Minhi ( The Republic of Korea). The meeting discussed issues of cooperation between the University of the jungle and the Kyrgyz National University.

Forest students report on the results of field practice

December 13, 2019 at the Faculty of Stories and Region Studies held a reporting conference of students on the results of field archaeological and ethnographic practice for 2018-2019 academic year. At the event were present representatives of the Ministry,dean of the Faculty of Turatbek Syrdybayev, PPS Department of Archeology, Ethnology, Sources and Historiography, as well as graduates and graduaters of the faculty.

Kef teachers held trainings for PPS and OSG students

From 11 to 13 December Deputy Dean of the Kyrgyz European Faculty according to international relationsAigerim Bokoeva and the Coordinator of International Programs of the same Faculty of Kanyki Kazakbayev conducted trainings for teachers and students of the Osh State University on the topic "Creative Entrepreneurship", as well as an information day as part of the Creative Spark project from the British Council.

In a professional college opened the office of pre-school education

December 13, 2019 in Professional Collegethe opening of the experimental office took place preschool education. The director of College College Askar Akmatov solemnly relying in such cases a red ribbon. In his speech, he noted that the opening of the CADO is a unique opportunity for students to master practical skills, working with the children of college employees.

The new project "100 days at the university" started on FMOIV

December 13, 2019 in the base of the main building student Senatefaculty of international relations and oriental studies conducted a presentation new, modern cultural and educational, entertainment and reporting project" 100 days at the university ", in whose framework hundredsports and teachers give passage, and students of the 1st yearthey share their expectations and realities of the Faculty and University.

CKF together with Jurfak celebrated the birthday of Ch.T.Aitmatov

On December 12, 2019, the Kyrgyz-Chinese Faculty of Faculty, together with the Law, celebrated the birthday of the Classic Fiction Chicziza Taekovich Aitmatov.In the course of the event, students under the guidance of the teacher R.Zh, Merotbakovashowed wall newspapers with drawings of the characters of the works of Ch.T. Aytmatov, read excerpts from his novels and leads.

Professor KNU G. Tjamankulova was awarded the Gold Medal of MMKV

Professor Ku Jamankulova Gulzhamal N and the days was confirmed by the fact that it was awarded the Gold Medal and the Diploma of the XXXII Moscow International Book Exhibition-Fair, held on September 4-8, 2019 on VDNH in Moscow. Her booksthey entered the annotated catalog of this exhibition.

In a professional college, the evening of the memory of Ch.T.Aitmatov

December 12, 2019 in Professional College in honor of the birthdayChengyza Torokalovich Aitmatova the evening of the great writer's memory was held. During the event, students showedmotiv insignmentsstories and leadsCh.Aitmatova, illustrations for Writer's Works, and Jury memberssummed up competition Wallpaper announced By the day of the great writer.

Information is taken from open sources. If you want to become a moderator of the page

Imperial University of St. Vladimir

Previous names:

bachelor, Specialist, Master, Other

Qualifications level:

calm, day

Form of study:

Diploma of state sample

Finishing document:

Monu series ae No. 285106 dated 06.27.2013. Protocol No. 105


Series of ND - III No. 1149040 dated 30.06.2011. Until 07/01/2021 GD Series - II No. 1154137 dated 25.04.2012 until 06/01/2022, the ND Series - II No. 1154138 dated 25.04.2012 to 01.06 . 2022. Series of ND - II No. 1154139 dated 25.04.2012 until 06/01/2022. Series of ND - II No. 1154140 dated 25.04.2012 until 06/01/2022 G. ND Series - II No. 1154141 dated 25.04.2012 until 06/01/2022 Series of ND - II No. 1154142 dated 25.04.2012 until 06/01/2022


From 12950 to 19820 UAH for the year

Cost of education:

Characteristic of the university

general information

Kiev National University named after Taras Shevchenko Today is the classic research university, a leading modern scientific and educational center of Ukraine. In the context of the development of an independent Ukrainian state, new responsible tasks appeared before the university. Future specialists are celebrated by deep professional knowledge and ability to creatively think, the consciousness of great responsibility for business and readiness for convenient labor. Only a higher education institution with a long history of achievements and success in both pedagogical and success can be cope with such a mission. scientific activity. On April 1, 1994 by the Decree of the President of Ukraine, L. M. Kravchuk No. 176/94, the University was provided with the status of "National", and on November 25, 1999, the new decree of the President of Ukraine L. D. Kuchma No. 1496/99 Autonomous Status of the University was significantly expanded. On May 5, 2008, a decree of the President of Ukraine V. A. Yushchenko No. 412/2008, which provides for the transformation of the university to the chief educational and scientific center of Ukraine for the preparation of scientific and pedagogical and scientific personnel of higher qualifications. July 29, 2009 Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 795, the University was provided with the status of a self-governing (autonomous) research national higher education institution, enhanced financing of university's prospective development programs.

The high status of the classic university of the experimental sample is confirmed by numerous scientific achievements University staff, whose achievements are noted, in particular, by state premiums of Ukraine in the field of science and technology, Prizes of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and sectoral national academies of sciences, orders "for merit", "Saints Cyril and Methodius", honorary titles "Honored Worker of Education of Ukraine "," Honored Lawyer of Ukraine ", prizes of the President of Ukraine for young scientists, the premiums of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine a talented young scientist in the field of fundamental and applied research and scientific and technical developments.

new buildings
The university prepares specialists in educational and qualifying levels "Junior Specialist", Bachelor, Specialist, Magister and Higher Qualifications in graduate school and doctoral studies. Preparation and retraining of specialists is carried out in 12 specialties of the "Junior Specialist", 49 directions of the Bachelor of "Bakwalave", 60 specialties of the "Specialist" and 94 specialties of OKU "Magister". More than 26 thousand students are seized. About 1660 graduate students and about 130 doctoral students receive high qualifications at the university. At the university, more than 350 defects of doctoral and candidate dissertations are held annually. The learning process provides 193 departments. The scientific potential of the University of Kiev today is more than 60 valid members and members of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 640 doctors of science, 1610 candidates of science.

red housing
The university has 15 faculties (geographical, geological, economic, historical, cybernetics, mechanics - Mathematics, sociology, radio physical, psychology, physical, philosophical, chemical, legal, faculty of information technology, faculty of training foreign citizens), 7 educational institutions (military , high technologies, journalism, international relations, postgraduate education, philology, state protection management), 1 Educational center (NSC "Institute of Biology"), 2 colleges (geological exploration technologies and optical - mechanical), Ukrainian physico-thermal lyceum, preparatory Department, Center for Ukrainian Studies, Geological and Zoological Museums, University History Museum, Interfaculty Linguistic Museum, Information Center, Astronomical Observatory, Crimean Astrophysical Observatory, Publishing-Polygraphic Center "Kiev University" and Scientific Library. M. Maksimovich. The general fund of the latter is now 3,362,359 copies of documents.

Student town with comfortable dormitories, computer clubs, sports complex, table, cafes, dance halls have been created for students. For recovery, the university holds a sanatorium - a pretractorium, healthy - sports complexes in the Crimea, on the Black Sea coast and in Kiev, as well as on the banks of the Dnipro River.

red housing
Kiev University supports broad international relations with universities from around the world. To date, the University has bilateral partnership agreements with 214 foreign educational and scientific institutions from 57 countries of the world. For scientific work, participation in conferences, the university's lectures is visited annually about 100 foreign scientists and teachers from 20 countries of the world. Every year, more than 1,000 teachers, scientists, students leave for 52-58 countries of the world. Two thirds of those commoded in 2013 went abroad with a scientific goal (participation in conferences, internships, research).

The university takes an active position to increase the volume of recruitment of foreign citizens. The number of foreign citizens who receive higher education at the university is 800 people. The growth of the set of foreign citizens contributed to the introduction of Russian-speaking and English-language training programs.

In 2013, Kiev University entered the top 500 in the international ranking of the best universities in the world QS WORLD University Rankings (United Kingdom), taking 441-450 place. In 2012, the University was in category 501-550 rating. According to the following basic criteria for this rating, as a reputation in the academic environment, the index of citing the scientific publications of representatives of the university, the ratio of the number of teachers and students, the attitude of employers to graduates, as well as the relative number of foreign teachers and students, Kiev University has demonstrated high results and confirmed its The status of the best university of Ukraine. In the new "ranking of universities in the CIS countries, Georgia, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia", the international information group "Interfax", the university took 4 place among 405 universities.

Our doors are open to all who seek without sorry forces, work for the sake of well-being and prosperity of Ukraine!

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Football in the big KNU named after Taras Shevchenko

Kiev National University. T.G. Shevchenko

Kna Shevchenko

Studuck - 2 release (KNU them. Taras Shevchenka)

1 is


Ін-formatiynie osktnіm resource «Oswita.ua» Folded consolments Rating of the vigorous inaccusions Bedmarkіv Ukraine 2016 Rock.

In yakostі vihіdnih danih for skladannya konsolіdovanogo rated vischih The Teaching zakladіv Ukraine vikoristanі naybіlsh avtoritetnі Sered ekspertіv that zasobіv masovoї Informácie natsіonalnі that mіzhnarodnі ratings vuzіv Ukraine "TOP-200 UKRAINE", "Scopus'" ta "Vebometriks" Kozeny s yakih vikoristovuє rіznі kriterії otsіnyuvannya Watchful internships.

30 The worms of the Faculty of the Faculty of the Faculty of the Organizori Kinoklubu Ta L_Therty Tribute the season was completed by the season with a spiral project for Pezheni Muziki, Town Kino.
V_Dezhsya showing the cult Filma "Barack", dir. Ron Frіku, (1992r.) IZ Ruby Music and Forky Supid.
Authorization picture of whitening Nerbalnі stuck for rosepovіdі about the planet, ї.

30 Chervnya 2016 Roca Vіdbuva Wizard Vipus Studentіv Geographer Faculty. ІЗ Vіtatalov in the word to Studentіv-Vipusnikіv Vіd ІMENІ RECORTOR UNIVERSETTUE ACADEMІKU Leonіdagberuski, the leader of the faculty brought down the dean professor Yaroslav Olіinik. Vipusnikіv Faculty Wheel Vіtali: Desession Lawyer Ukraine, Candidate of Geographic Sciences Olemeschenko VI; Intercessor of the director "Dіpromisto", doctor of geographer sciences Palen Yu.M.; Director of Central Geofіziya Laboratory Kosovo Oh.


Center Komunіkatsiyi

On Skiddannі Vchenoi for the sake of the Issitis of Filologia 30 Chervnya Bulo Vnovno Studentіv, Yaki to deregulatimu in the first semester 2016-2017 N.R.:

Oksana Gumenyuk (3 course, folklorism, Українська мов ілітерова то иосемнна мова) - Schipendіya імені М. S. Grushevsky;

Andriy Olіinik (4th course, the king of the English) - Schipendiya Vchenoi for the sake of UNIVERSITY ІMENІ M. K. Zemov;

Egor Duma (3 Course, Japanese Mova, L_Teatura Tu Tricks) - Schiplandia Pam "Yati Svyatoslav Gorbenka.

Naperedodnі znamennoї in zhittі kursantіv-vipusknikіv podії proyshlo pіdsumkove zasіdannya ekzamenatsіynoї komіsії pid golovuvannyam patron Director of the Department fіnansіv Mіnіsterstva Defense of Ukraine Sergіya Winnick, yaky Visoko otsіniv rіven fahovoї pіdgotovki vipusknikіv 2016 roku, Vislova at tsomu perekonannya scho away pogliblennya spіvpratsі The Teaching mortgage іz zamovnikami slit bіlshe I will prepare the Kantrannya Cadmail to be prepared to Vincannya Zavanan for mapping.

In the sciences of Bіlіotetsі іm. M. Maksimovich, within the framework of the Robotic Bіblencho for the sake of universette, 29 Chervnya Vіdbosya Robochet Sniddanny, In Ikom, the FATER DIRECTOR OF NAUBOVO BIBLIKIOTEKI OLEG SERBIN, KEROVNIK SERVICE OF THE INFORMATING MONITORIING MARINA NAZAROVYY TU UPOVANAYAVII PONE SEVERSIY MAGIVY, SHEY UKIYISHLY UP-10 NATIONAL NATIONAL RATING Unіverstech ІMENІ Taras Shevchenka Shodo Vіdpovіdnostі UKOVAM їkhnya inclusive to the svіtovyisyisy, the on April 29, 2016 r.

For the Bagaturian tradition, the Pershov, the diploma, Vipusnikam, Filosophical Faculty. Tsogorikch z nyochi vigorous, phyomofіv, relaygієzvtsіv, culturalologist, Derzhslugombovtsіv. With especially displaced the Dean of the Faculty of the Faculty of the Faculty of the Faculty of the Faculty of Anatolai Convert. Ї ї was removed 28 Magіstiva TA 32 Bachelor of Destiny, and Torozhe 17 Magіstіv, 7 Bachelor_v І 2 Specіalіsti in absentia in absentia.

In Ukrainian 2016 Rіk Great Movie Movy Vіdpovy to the decree of the President of Ukraine.
KYEVSKY NATIONALNYY UNIVERSETTE ІMENІ Taras Shevchenka Stroodtzzh Seven Mizyatsіv (s 1 Pigeon 2015 ROCK 29 Chervnya 2016 ROCK) Having made Movna Pіd preparation of 540 maintenance services, SPI_V_TOVYY DOWNLOAD SPORE SPERY SPOREKI І ROLOR FOR THE PROGRAM: "Practical course of English Movy".

22 Chervnya 2016 ROCA Representska Delegatskyi China People's Republic of Public Cleanie Pіdkomіsії Z Pouring Nakovko-techware Speed \u200b\u200bDistrib_This Siberian Speed \u200b\u200bUkraine, Tarasa Shevchenka.

The Stardanni Staroni discovered the Materials of the Aid of the Ukrainian Speed \u200b\u200bSpeedtnikov.

Head of China, Pіdkomіsі's part, Mіnіstra Science and Tekhnіki PRC їнь Htzzyun Resusant, Scho Plіdna Spevpratsya Mіzh Fraight Maja Vіdbuvatsya Zokrema y at a direct Jobs Technoparkіv.

ІЗ 19 kvіtnya 30 Travel 2016 Rocus Naukova Bіbleki іm. M. Maksimovich in the intelligence of the ELIBUKR project organizval for university test access to Cambridge Journals Online.

Zgіdny Zi Statistical, revision of the Pisl test access, University knows aware of the ELIBUKR project, Yaki Mali Malivіsti, mean by Mother's resource. Thus, for the star perigod, the cornowvaches at the Laalniy Merezhі UN_VERSTUTUE Bulo is overloaded with 4758 texts of articles (from them 4726 - at the format of the PDF, the format of HTML).

Radі Rididomiti, Shahu's result of Tіsno, Spіvpratsi Scientific Biblіoteki ІМ. M. Maksimovich Z Kompanіu Thomson Reuters, in conserved E-VERUM (Tornado project "), two scoops visited YN_VERSTITUCE SURGS COLDS CATOVAN EMERGING SOURCES CATION INDEX (ESCI), Ready Web of Science Core Collection:" Advances in Astronomy and Space Physics "(Magazine Magazine KNU ІMENІ Taras Shevchenka Sp_Li Zhevnaya Astronomerous Observatory Nan Ukraine) Ta" Visnik Kyivski National University ІMENІ Taras Shevchenka - Geologia "(" Visnyk Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv - Geology ").

Shanovni Aspiranti, that doctorality is universet!
Schipendiya for Cherven 2016 Rock Will 04 - 05 Lipon 2016 Rock. Vibacht for the unfortunate visiting us.

S sopagu -
Head Accountant, Denisenko Valentina Petrіvna
Tel. 239-33-03

Center Komunіkatsiyi

Vіdpovіdno to vimog behest Mіnіstra Defense of Ukraine schodo optimіzatsії that pokraschennya іnformuvannya Osobowa warehouse about suspіlno-polіtichne that sotsіalno-ekonomіchne encampment in kraїnі that for її mezhami, golovnі napryamki rozvitku Zbroynih Forces of Ukraine on Suchasnyj etapі and takozh about zhittєdіyalnіst vіyskovih pіdrozdіlіv, Head Vіyskovogo іnstitutu Major General Vіctor Balabіn Provіv commander Інформувня з исповай исповай коліскововбовстців Ta Pracyіvnikіv Zwrojki Ukraine.

23 Chervnya 2016 Rock Vіdbosya Pіdppishannnya Treaty about Spev_drobtniktvo Mіzh KNU ІMENІ Taras Shevchenka, Ta Tarata, I maintain the service of the Zaistosti (Central Description). Storoni Majut on Meti Spexly Realizovati Projects in the sprinkle of the Zannytiyosti region Fakhivtsіv.

"The problem of verbetty serm is young to reach GOST. Machy on 1 Chervnya 2016 Rock Kilkіst Distripping Intelligent Vіkom up to 35 Rockіv became 158, 9 Tishych Osisb.

Chatter Skiddannya Vchenoi for the sake of the sake of universette to visit 29 Chervnya 2016 ROK O 10:00 at the gym Sailing Vchenoi for the sake of.

Planlary Return Pit:

About heading on the village of Zodіduvachіv Department І Profomnіv pіsl is a contest;

About the head of the Association of Associate Professor, senior Vikladachіv І Vіddіlennya for the Investment of the Iznadnikh Vaddyan pіsl in the competition.

Center Komunіkatsiyi

22 Chervnya in Ukraїnі VіdDanomy day Sweeting І Shesanuvanna Pam "Yati Victims of Vіinny. In Tsei Day 75 Rocky, this was blocked by Vіin, Shaho took the gate Ponada P'yati Milioniv Ukrainian.

At KNU ІMENІ Taras Shevchenka Traditzіino chopped the PAM "Yat Pillya Hour Another of the Opportal Svіtovo, a low yield.

16 Chervnya 2016 ROCK on requested Kerіvnitstva technologist University m. Lodz Delegatsiya KNU ІMENІ Taras Shevchenka at the warehouse of the Vice-teacher of science-teacher's roboty (M_Inzhіv "Glazki) Prof. Beach P.O., V.O. Director ІТТ Prof. Іlchenka V. V. Ta coordinator project VID OUR UNIVERSETTUE, Head. Categories ІТТ Prof. Skrishevsky V.A. Vіdvіdala Poland. Delegatskyi Kyivskiy Un_VERSTITUTUE ZII ZIY SHIPER EFFECT RECORDING UNIVERSTIC M. Lodz Prof. Slawomir Wiak і Heat Privitala Slawoms. Prof.

GROUP єVROPEYSKY EKSPERTIVIA COBLES OF OBSIONSIVENNYA TA An Analizazy Yakostі University Svytnіkh Program Networking Visitive Vіdvіdal Kyivsky National National University ІMENІ Taras Shevchenka.

On the geographer Faculty of KNU Vіdbosy Vіdkritty Mіjdisciplіnar inaccurative course for Magivіv "GeoCologіchni aspects of the staliest jetty."

Z-Vіtalni mobs Vedupeiled Volodir Bugrov, Vice-Rector of Science and Pedagogogo Roboti, Yaroslav Olіinnik, Dean GF, Leonid Rudenko, Director of the Geographic Institute of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Klipiment Mіndjov, Head Department, Registration Ekology Center (Budapest) Ta Laoneid Gorshkov Professor of the Holding Ecologian Academia Pisladyplomnoji Oswesti Mіnprirodi Ukrainian.

Conditions of receipt

Reception rules
To the Kiev National University named after Taras Shevchenko

Exercise educational activities In the Kiev National University named after Taras Shevchenko, on the basis of a license of the Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine, AU number 285106 dated 06.27.2013

Reception rules are developed by the reception office of Kiev national University Taras Shevchenko (hereinafter referred to as the Admission Office) in accordance with the terms of admission to the higher educational institutions of Ukraine in 2014, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine of October 29, 2013 No. 1510 and registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on October 31, 2013 under No. 1855 / 24387.

List of documents that may be needed upon admission to university

  • application in the name of the rector, which indicates the selected direction of preparation or specialty and form of training;
  • certificate and application to it (or copies certified by a notary);
  • certificate (s) of the Ukrainian Center for Education Quality Assessment (VNO);
  • copy of the passport;
  • a copy of the certificate assignment certificate;
  • 6 identical color photographs 3x4 cm sizes;
  • for young men: military ID (tax certificate);
  • medical certificate in form 086 / y;
  • documents that give the right to benefits (if there are such).

Aspirator contacts

Postgraduate studies and doctoral studies are in all specialties.

Kiev National University named after Taras Shevchenko


The graduate school on a competitive basis are accepted by persons who have full higher education in the educational level of a master's or specialist.

Preparation in graduate school university is carried out at the expense:

funds of the state budget of Ukraine - according to state order;
funds of legal I. individuals (under the terms of the contract) - over a state order.

The preparation of foreign citizens and stateless persons is carried out on the basis of:

international treaties of Ukraine;
national programs;
university of Contracts concluded with legal entities and individuals.

Program of entrance exams in graduate school in the specialty

13.00.01 - Total pedagogy and history of pedagogy;
13.00.04 - the theory and methods of vocational education;
13.00.05 - Social pedagogy;
19.00.01 - General psychology, history of psychology;
19.00.03 - Psychology of labor; Engineering psychology;
19.00.04 - Medical psychology;
19.00.05 - Social psychology; psychology of social work;
19.00.07 - Pedagogical and age psychology.

Institute of Philology.

01/10/2010 - Ukrainian literature;
01/10/02 - Russian literature;
01/10/03 - Literature of Slavic peoples;
10.01.04 - Literature of foreign countries;
10.01.05 - comparative literary studies;
01/10/06 - theory of literature;
01/10/07 - folklore;
10.02.01 - Ukrainian;
10.02.02 - Russian;
10.02.03 - Slavic languages;
10.02.04 - Germanic languages;
02/10/05 - Romanesque languages;
02/10/13 - Languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of Asia, Africa, the aboriginal peoples of America and Australia;
02/10/14 - classic languages. Separate Indo-European languages;
02/10/15 - general linguistics;
10.02.16 - Translation;
02/10/17 - comparatively - historical and typological language;
13.00.02 - Theory and methodology of training (foreign languages).

The graduate school on a competitive basis, persons are accepted (in the adjuncture - officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine under 40 years of age, which are at the actual military service and having a complete higher education of the educational level of a master's or specialist). Adjunctive in adjuncture should have experience in practical work in troops in relevant posts of at least two years after the end of the highest educational institution.

  • Studio Arab dance "Mariam"
  • People's ensemble of Ukrainian music "Rocksolania"
  • Folk Folklorno - Ethnographic Ensemble "Vessenka"
  • Theater - Studio of the Indian classical dance "Nobcatra"
  • KNU them. T. Shevchenko - the largest Ukrainian university. It was founded in Kiev in the distant 1834 and was originally called the University of St. Vladimir.

    It has already acquired its current name in Soviet times. It was named after the Ukrainian poet Taras Shevchenko, who worked here in the 40s of the 19th century in the Archaeographic Commission.

    Brief information about the university

    KNU them. T. Shevchenko is the most prestigious in Ukraine, which annually produces highly qualified specialists in different industries. His students at one time were the famous creative and scientific figures of Ukraine and the entire USSR.

    Today, the Kiev National University. T. Shevchenko (KNU) has a broad material and technical base, which includes modern equipment. Students have the opportunity to take practice in their own Astronomical Observatory, Zoological and Geological Museum, Botanical Garden and Sectoral Research Institute.

    At this time, KNU them. T. G. Shevchenko trains more than 25 thousand students from Ukraine and other countries. It employs 14 faculties located in 8 institutes. More than 2 thousand qualified teachers are employees of the university. In addition, KNU them. T. Shevchenko practices close cooperation with universities and scientific institutions abroad.

    and opportunities for students

    KNU them. T. G. Shevchenko offers applicants training both on a budgetary and paid basis. There is a graduate school, a magistracy and the possibility of obtaining postgraduate education. For young men, it works and visitors have the opportunity to settle in the hostel. The buildings are located in different parts of Kiev, but the central "red" is located in the heart of the city on Vladimir Street.

    University students can choose a day, absentee or external training form in order to acquire bachelor's qualifications, a specialist or master.

    In addition, for schoolchildren, applicants who did not work from the first time and others on the basis of the university work training courses. They can be attended by day, in the evenings or on weekends. Also wishing can sign up for foreign languages, which will help to enroll on this or that separation of the university.

    It is necessary to be considered to approach the selection of the faculty and inquire about feedback. Find groups on social networks or chat with those who are already learning there. After all, about different faculties and teachers KNU them. T. Shevchenko Feedback will be completely different.

    For applicants

    If you want to submit documents to enter the KNU. T. Shevchenko, should prepare such a package of documents:

    • statement Rector;
    • certificate issued by the Center for Education Quality Assessment by the required disciplines;
    • medical certificate according to form;
    • photo (6 pieces 3 to 4);
    • passport;
    • military ID.

    Receiving documents for those who want to enter day shape Training is carried out in the summer, in July. Then it is creative competitionAccording to the results of which those who receive the right to study in the university are determined.

    KNU them. T. G. Shevchenko consists of almost 50 directions and more than 80 multidirectional specialties. Therefore, to choose an applicant most suitable for ourselves will not be difficult.

    University structure

    What is the same in KNU them. T. Shevchenko Faculties and institutions? What specialties can students get?

    So, scientific Center Biology prepares specialists - ecologists, biotechnologists, teaches gardening and parking and laboratory activities.

    Institute of Geology will help students master geo information Technology and systems. The Economic Faculty teaches future experts on the theory and practice of this orientation. Future journalists, advertisers, television workers and media receive their education in the Institute of the same name.

    The Geographical Faculty prepares future specialists in tourism, hydrology, geodesy and meteorology.

    Institute of Philology Finishes specialists in Ukrainian, and other languages \u200b\u200bof different groups, as well as translators and folklorists. Also for Humanitarians there is a historical faculty, raising future ethnographers, archaeologists and other specialists in the industry.

    Also works and IPO KNU them. T. Shevchenko, where anyone, regardless of age and the level of education, will be able to get new knowledge and diploma for an additional profession.

    Technical and other specialty

    In KNU them. T. G. Shevchenko present a lot of faculties and directions of technical orientation:

    • institute of High Technologies;
    • cybernetic faculty;
    • mechanical and mathematical;
    • radiophysics, electronics and computers;
    • information Technology;
    • chemistry.

    Of course, we presented far from the entire list of university divisions, some of them we will look at in more detail.

    In addition, the largest university of Ukraine is preparing sociologists, psychologists, lawyers, philosophers and other specialists.

    Institute of International Relations

    This division of the University named after T. Shevchenko should pay separate attention. As in other universities of a similar direction, located outside of Ukraine, students here are mainly the children of diplomats and other wealthy people who are confident that children will work on an international field.

    Reviews about entering this department There are a variety of, many assure that it is quite realistic to enter the daily free compartment even in the absence of rich parents, others write that the "simple mortal" here even do not need to file documents in order not to disappoint.

    Anyway, the Institute of International Relations KNU them. T. Shevchenko refers to the most elite its divisions. Students can get in it such specialty as:

    • right;
    • economic relations between countries;
    • business;
    • country studies and much more.

    Cooperation with foreign partners

    The Institute is a scientific and educational center of a modern sample, which includes 11 departments and a separate division of foreign languages. Quite often in its walls are held international and Ukrainian conferences, round tables and seminars devoted to cooperation with partners from different countries in many areas of activity.

    The leadership of the educational institution practices the organization of meetings of students with high foreign guests: politicians, ambassadors and creative figures. Contacts with other universities both from Ukraine and arranged beyond its limits are constantly expanding and strengthened.

    There are agreements between the KNU them. T. G. Shevchenko and other institutions of both educational and scientific focus. In their framework, the Institute of International Relations cooperates with institutions from Russia, USA, PRC, France, Great Britain, Japan, Korea, Canada, Spain, Greece and other countries.

    On the basis of the Institute, there are MONOGS, collendies, collectors, and scientists who help students defend their doctoral and candidate work are present.

    For military

    For those who wanted to master the "male" professions in the university, too, there is a separate division. This is the Military Institute of the KNU named after T. Shevchenko. Regularly he holds a set of cadet training in military specialties.

    During study, everyone is provided with housing, a special form and full nutrition. All cadets have the right to financial state security, and especially distinguished claims to receive scholarships in an increased amount.

    On the university website, you can find out all information regarding the condition of admission. Its main advantage - he is the only educational institution in Ukraine, who professionally prepares specialists for all the structures of this focus, in particular, the security services of Ukraine, foreign exploration, Ministry of Emergency Situations and others.

    Obtaining secondary special education

    On the basis of 9 and 11 classes takes those who want to receive a qualified work formation of the College of Exploration Technologies to the KNU. T. Shevchenko. He has a rather rich history.

    The institution was created back in 1930 as a Kiev geological exploration and prepared specialists of the respective professions.

    To date, his students can study in such directions as:

    • mineral generation;
    • mining;
    • mechanical engineering;
    • administration and management;
    • design and culture;
    • biotechnology;
    • natural Sciences;
    • communication and radio engineering;
    • finance and economics.

    As you can see, over the years of the establishment, it ceased to be narrow-neighboring and prepares exclusively geologists and professionals of neighboring directions.

    Graduates work far beyond Ukraine and the former USSR. Even in Soviet times, the technical school was actively preparing specialists for Asia countries, Latin America and Africa.

    Infrastructure of the institution

    At this time, the reorganized college acts as a key institution, which forms the sectoral provisions of education in the field of geology and ecology in Ukraine. 14 cyclical structures carry out the development of university specialties.

    Currently, the College is fundamental to the formation of sectoral provisions of higher education of ecological and geological specialization.

    On the territory of Ukraine, college of exploration technologies is the only educational institution where the younger experts of the respective directions are being trained. It has its own buildings, sports facilities, dining room, hostels, workshops, polygons for training, museum, library. A modern laboratory is also operating, which is equipped with modern work equipment.

    On this guide will not stop. The college infrastructure is constantly growing and replenished with new objects, innovative learning technologies are being introduced, and curriculum automation is carried out.

    For schoolchildren

    Physical and mathematical lyceum KNU them. T. Shevchenko refers to the most prestigious secondary educational institutions in Kiev. It is specialized and has an internship of stay.

    Children in the lyceum are actively studying such profile disciplines as:

    • mathematics;
    • physics;
    • chemistry;
    • computer science.

    In addition, much attention is paid to the study of astronomy. According to the ratings of the results of general independent estimation, the lyceum enters the top not only best schools Kiev, but also Ukraine as a whole.

    Training features

    And the lyceum is accepted by children, starting from 8 to grade 11. They attend school six times a week, and the number of lessons per day has from 5 to 7. The main language of teaching is Ukrainian, auxiliary - English.

    Training in a lyceum is carried out on free based. The exception is only charitable contributions and costs for the class and institution as a whole.

    Profile items (mathematics, physics and others, these previously) are studied on an in-depth program, which is approved by the Profile Ministry. The remaining basic school subjects are taught, as in ordinary schools.

    The key disciplines per week deals the following amount of time:

    • physics - 5-6 hours;
    • mathematics - 7-8;
    • computer science - from 2 to 4 hours;
    • chemistry - 2 or 3 hours depending on the direction of the class.

    Regardless of the fundamental orientation of training, chosen by the child and his parents, all of the subjects are equally learned additionally as physical workshops (up to 2 hours per week and information technologies (in the same amount).

    Kiev National University named after Taras Shevchenko (abbreviated KNU) (Ukr. Kyivsky National National University ІMENІ Taras Shevchenka) - The leading and one of the largest universities of Ukraine in Kiev, the National Center for Science and Culture, one of the oldest universities of the country. In 2008-2009, received the status of research and autonomous.

    Encyclopedic YouTube.

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      ✪ Kiev National University named after Taras Shevchenko | Universities: Architectural Chronicle

      ✪ Penz Ukraine: Studentski Vіdguka about KNU IM. T. Shevchenka / Znoua

    • ✪ Kyivsky National National University IM. T. Shevchenka, KNU IM. T. Shevchenka І Sign Characteristics


    Name history

    The training and retraining of specialists in the field of fundamental and applied disciplines for 70 natural and social and humanitarian specialties and 153 specializations are carried out. As of the summer of 2011, the Bachelor, Specialist and Master is held for training on educational and qualifying levels. The university employs over 2000 scientific and pedagogical and 1,000 scientists, and scientific degrees have more than 80% of the teaching staff, and the doctors of science are 24%.

    The university is developing dynamically. So, by decree of the President of Ukraine "On measures to improve the status of the Kiev National University named after Taras Shevchenko" dated May 5, 2008, the university was assigned the status of a research, which reflects recognition high level Scientific research serving the base for 48 scientific schools.


    • Geographical;
    • Biological;
    • Economic;
    • Information technologies (existed since 2013);
    • Historical;
    • Cybernetics;
    • Mechanical and mathematical;
    • Preparatory;
    • Psychology (existed since 2008);
    • Faculty of radiophysics, electronics and computer systems ( former Radiophysical faculty, founded in 1952);
    • Sociology (existed since 2008);
    • Physical (formed in 1940 from the physical and mathematical department established in 1864);
    • Philosophical;
    • Chemical (formed in 1933 from the department established in 1901);
    • Legal.

    Training institutions

    • Military Institute;
    • Kiev Institute of Regional Department, Entrepreneurship, Economics, Management and Tourism (founded in 2005);
    • Institute of Geology
    • Institute of High Technologies;
    • Institute of Journalism;
    • Educational and Scientific Center "Institute of Biology";
    • Institute of Postgraduate Education (founded in 1949);
    • Institute of Philology.


    At the university there are:

    • Information and computing center;
    • Research part;
    • Department of International Scientific and Technical Cooperation and Innovative Technologies;
    • Center of Ukrainian studies;
    • Ukrainian physico-mathematical lyceum;
    • Ukrainian humanitarian lyceum;
    • Primary trade union organization;
    • Primary trade union organization of students;
    • Health and sports complex;
    • Museum of History of the Kyiv University;
    • Zoo museum;
    • Linguistic Museum;
    • Center of underwater archeology;
    • Student Parliament;
    • Department of Physical Education and Sports;
    • Scientific society of students and graduate students;
    • Department of target preparation;
    • Publishing and printing center "Kiev University".

    Institute of International Relations, or Kiev Institute of International Relations, Officially Institute of International Relations of the Kiev National University named after Taras Shevchenko (Ukr. Estitution of Mizi International Vіdnosin Kyivsky National District University ІMENІ Taras Shevchenka) - The structural division of the Kiev National University. In 1995, the institute was determined by the main educational and methodological center for training specialists to work in the field of international relations and foreign Policy Ukraine.

    History of the Institute of International Relations

    Faculty of International Relations and International Law

    On the basis of the order of the NAROMA formation of the Ukrainian SSR dated October 18, 1944, the Faculty of International Relations was opened in Kiev University in order to prepare practical workers of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The faculty was headed in the first postwar years I. A. Vasilenko and M. P. Ovcharenko. Professor Alexander Kasimenko, director became the first head of the department of history of international relations. After him, I was headed by V. A. Zurbokritsky, Vasily Tarasenko - a diplomat, who before that worked in the Soviet embassy in Washington. In 1962, the Branch of International Law was created at the Legal Economic Faculty. To ensure the educational process at the department was called upon the Department of International Law and Foreign Legislation, which was headed by Doctor of Law I. I. Lukashuk.

    Since 1971, the training of international specialists has been renewed at the Restored Faculty of International Relations and International Law. The faculty was structurally included the Department of History of International Relations and Foreign Policy, Department of International Law and Foreign Legislation and the Department of Russian Language for foreigners, which was universitive. Deans of the Faculty At that time were the founders of scientific schools on international relations and international law Professor G. M. Flowers, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Anatoly Chukhno, Associate Professor O. K. Yeremenko, Professor Konstantin Zabigaylo, Anton Filipenko, Vladimir Butkevich.

    In 1972, the faculty discovered the specialty "International Economic Relations". Soon the corresponding department was created - international economic relations (heads of Professor Viktor Budkin and Anton Filipenko). In 1975, on the basis of the faculty, a correspondence department of improving the qualifications of international lecturers with a biennium learning time, which was headed by Associate Professor A. I. Ganussetz. Citizens of Ukraine were credited to the department with higher educationwho were engaged in the lecturer, teaching and research work.

    In 1976, the Department of Foreign Languages \u200b\u200bwas created as a structural division of the faculty, which provided the preparation of domestic students to work as refherergents-translator, taking into account the specialty of international specialists. The first head was the associate professor I. I. Borisenko. For the period of its functioning (until 1990), the Faculty prepared more than 3,500 international specialists (mainly from among foreigners). The graduates of the faculty were the basis of a few (at the time) of the diplomatic corps in Ukraine, laid the foundations of pedagogical and scientific schools in the field of international relations and international law.

    Institute of International Relations

    On May 4, 1988, the faculty of international relations and international law was reorganized to the Institute of International Relations and International Law, which in December 1990 was renamed the Institute of International Relations.

    Corps and campuses

    Red housing

    The main building of the university, located at ul. Vladimirskaya, 60, - the oldest of university buildings. The building was built in the style of Russian classicism by architects V. I. and A. V. Beretti commissioned by Nicholas I and is a monument of architecture of national importance. The body is painted in the colors of the Ordena of St. Vladimir - red and black. On the facade of the corps installed Memorial boards T. G. Shevchenko, whose name is wearing a university, students and teachers who fell in the Great Patriotic War, and the Staff of the Fighter Battalion, formed in the summer of 1941 from teachers and students of Kiev University.

    Yellow housing

    The building of the University's Humanitarian Corps, known as the Yellow Corps, is located at the Shevchenko Boulevard, 14. The building was built in 1850-1852 in the style of classicism on the project of the architect Alexander Beretti for the first Kiev gymnasium. In 1959, the building was transferred to the university.

    Library Maximovich

    Scientific library named after M. Maksimovich. The library building is located next to the University's main building (Vladimirskaya St., 58). Together with the University building and the branch building No. 1 of the National Library of Ukraine named after V. I. Vernadsky (Vladimirskaya St., 62) form a single architectural ensemble.

    Botanical Garden

    Botanical Garden named after Academician A. V. Fomin, is located at ul. Petlyura, 1. was laid in 1939. Currently, the garden area is 22.5 hectares. The garden is located behind the main building of the university.

    Astronomical Observatory

    Observatory is located at ul. Observatory, 3. Founded in 1845. At first, it was planned to place the observatory in the main building of the university, but later they decided that it was necessary for her a separate building, which was built in 1841-1845 on the draft Vikentia Beretti.

    Kanevsky Natural Reserve

    Other divisions

    • Procotist, ul. Vladimirskaya, 64/13.
    • Sports complex, prosp. Academician Glushkov, 2B.
    • Ukrainian physico-mathematical lyceum, prosp. Academician Glushkova, 6.
    • University City

    Ratings and reputation

    According to Webometrics Ranking Of World Universities KNU The only of Ukrainian universities is included in 100 the best universities Central and Eastern Europe (97th place) by the criterion for the number of references to him on the Internet, and also ranked 1613 a place among 6,000 universities in the world on the same criterion.

    In 2008, in the ranking of 228 Ukrainian universities drawn up by charity foundation "Development of Ukraine" Rinat Akhmetova, KNU divided first place with the National Law Academy. Yaroslav Wise.



    The university was founded by Decree Nikolai I 8 November 1833 as Imperial Kiev University of St. Vladimir, on the basis of closed after the Vilensky University and the Kremenetsky lyceum. They were also approved by a temporary charter and staffing. In this charter, the institution submitted not only to the Minister of Folk Education, but also to the trustee of the Kiev educational district. The university council annually elected the deans of faculties, and the Minister argued.

    It was the third university on the territory of modern Ukraine after Lviv and Kharkov Universities, and the sixth of the University of the Russian Empire.

    Initially, one of the main tasks that were placed in front of the university was the struggle between the Kyiv intelligentsia who was persecuted after the defeat of the Polish uprising of the 1830-1831. The appeal to the prince Vladimir I, who kestering Russia on the Eastern rite, was supposed to symbolize exactly the focus of the university's activities.

    The first classes at the university and its solemn discovery took place on July 15 on the day of St. Vladimir. In the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, the Divine Liturgy was served, after which the present returned to the house rented for study on Pechersk.

    According to the Charter, a four-year study was established. Students handed over exams at the end of each course, and before the end of the university, gold and silver medals were particularly capable.

    The most crowded in the XIX century in Kiev University had legal and medical faculties. In 1859, physicians were 540, three times more than lawyers; Since the 60s of the XIX century, the number of lawyers grow rapidly, and the number of physicians falls; in the city of lawyers twice as much as doctors; In the city of almost row, then the number of physicians exceeds the lawyers in almost 5 times (785 and 175). The influx of physicians at that time was so great that the set of 1 course had to install. Despite this, to the city of the physicians was 1014.

    The number of lawyers increased quickly at the end of the XIX century (in 1894 - 932). The number of philologists before the introduction of the charter of 1884 was about 1 ⁄ 9 All students (in 1883 - 162), then quickly began to fall, and in 1894 there were only 69.

    At the Physics and Mathematics of Faculty before 1868 was 1 ⁄ 4 the total number of students, in the city of the number decreased to 1 ⁄ 8 , and in 1894 there were 312 people, that is, about 1 ⁄ 7 , and natural works are 1½ times more than mathematicians, whereas first mathematics prevailed.

    At first, most of the students were the kids of the nobles (88%), but in 1883 the noblemen were already 50%. In the 60-70s of the XIX century. There was a democratization of student. The differences gradually pushed the nobles. The advanced democratic student of the Kiev University actively participated in the revolutionary movement. According to official data, from among those involved in the court for participation in the revolutionary struggle against tsarism in -1877, students and students of the Middle educational institutions accounted for 50 percent.

    Along the same time, the struggle continued: Kiev students took part in the All-Russian Student strike of 1899 in protest against police repression in St. Petersburg University.

    Kiev University in the XX century

    In 1900, students acted as a sign of protest against exclusion from the university of participants of the student rally, as a result of which 183 student gave to soldiers.

    In November 1910, a stormy worker-student demonstrations took place in Kiev in connection with the death of Leo Tolstoy. Among 107 arrested demonstrators are about hundreds of students. In February 1911, the All-Russian Student Student took place again.

    In a very difficult situation, Kiev University of World War Ied. Military command, not wanting to have in the rear of the army of rebellious students [ ], ordered the evacuation of the Kiev University to the "left bank of the Dnieper", ultimately in Saratov. Evacuation significantly worsened the position of students. Due to moves suffered large losses of the laboratory and cabinets, museum collections. In the autumn of 1916, the university returned to Kiev.

    On the eve of the October Revolution of 1917, about 5,300 students studied in Kiev University.

    In 1918, the University was closed and reopened only March 29, 1919. From April 23, 1919, he became officially called the University of Kiev. In 1920, the university was disbanded, and on its basis was created Higher Institute National Education named after Mikhail Petrovich Dragomanova (since 1926 - Kiev Institute of National Education), as well as institutions of social education, vocational education and physico-chemical-mathematical.

    By the decision of the Commissariat of the Education of the Ukrainian SSR dated January 1, 1933, state universities were restored in Ukraine, among whom Kiev State University, which included 7 faculties. In March 1939, by Decree of the Presidium of the USSR, he was given the name of T. Schevchenko (in honor of the 125th anniversary of the birth of the last). The following year, a new educational building was built, which accommodated humanitarian faculties.

    Before the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the CSU was the third largest university in the USSR (after Moscow and Leningrad). During the war, the university was evacuated first in


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